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Asymptotically Near-Optimal Hybrid Beamforming

for mmWave IRS-Aided MIMO Systems

Jeongjae Lee, Student Member, IEEE and Songnam Hong, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Hybrid beamforming is an emerging technology for derived in [4], wherein the analog beamforming focused on
massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems due the array gains to a limited number of multiple paths in
to the advantages of lower complexity, cost, and power con- the RF domain, while the digital beamforming focused on
sumption. Recently, intelligent reflection surface (IRS) has been
proposed as the cost-effective technique for robust millimeter- the multiplexing data streams and the power-allocation in the
arXiv:2403.09083v1 [eess.SP] 14 Mar 2024

wave (mmWave) MIMO systems. Thus, it is required to jointly baseband. Beyond the asymptotic results, a number of practical
optimize a reflection vector and hybrid beamforming matrices constructions of the hybrid beamforming has been proposed
for IRS-aided mmWave MIMO systems. Due to the lack of in [5]–[7] for millimeter-wave (mmWave) SU-MIMO systems.
RF chain in the IRS, it is unavailable to acquire the TX-IRS Exploiting the sparsity of mmWave channels, the optimiza-
and IRS-RX channels separately. Instead, there are efficient
methods to estimate the so-called effective (or cascaded) channel tion problem of the hybrid beamforming was recast as a
in literature. We for the first time derive the near-optimal sparsity-constrained matrix reconstruction problem [5]. Then,
solution of the aforementioned joint optimization only using the it can be efficiently solved via compressed-sensing algorithms
effective channel. Based on our theoretical analysis, we develop (e.g., orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP)). In [6], the analog
the practical reflection vector and hybrid beamforming matrices beamformers was optimized by projecting the optimal fully-
by projecting the asymptotic solution into the modulus constraint.
Via simulations, it is demonstrated that the proposed construction digital beamformers into the modulus constraints, where the
can outperform the state-of-the-art (SOTA) method, where the digital beamformers are simply derived via singular value
latter even requires the knowledge of the TX-IRS ad IRS-RX decomposition (SVD). Also, the manifold optimization (MO)-
channels separately. Furthermore, our construction can provide based method was proposed in [7], where the non-convex
the robustness for channel estimation errors, which is inevitable modulus constraints are tackled via Riemannian submanifold.
for practical massive MIMO systems.
Index Terms—Intelligent reflecting surface, massive MIMO, Recently, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) (a.k.a. reflect-
channel estimation, hybrid beamforming. ing intelligent surface (RIS)) has been proposed as the cost-
effective techniques for robust mmWave MIMO systems [9],
I. I NTRODUCTION [10]. An IRS consists of a uniform array with a massive
number of reflective elements, each of which can control the
Hybrid beamforming is a promising technique for massive
phase and the reflection angle of an incident signal so that
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems due to the
the received power of the intended signal is improved. Thus,
advantages of lower complexity, cost, and power consumption
an IRS-aided hybrid beamforming can be a good candidate to
[1]–[3]. This approach uses the combination of analog beam-
enhance the robustness and the spectral efficiency of mmWave
formers in the RF domain, together with a digital beamforming
MIMO systems [11]. Toward this, it is necessary to jointly
in the baseband, connected to the RF with a smaller number
optimize the reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming,
of up/down-conversion chains (i.e., RF chains). This hybrid
which becomes more challenging than the aforementioned
structure is motivated by the fact that the number of RF chains
optimization of the hybrid beamforming only. In [12], the
is only lower-limited by the number of data streams, whereas
reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming were optimized
the beamforming gain is attained by the number of antenna
using the MO-based two-state algorithm. However, the joint
elements if proper analog beamforming is constructed. There
optimization was not considered, although they influence each
have been many efforts to optimize the hybrid beamforming
other. By overcoming this limitation, the hybrid beamforming
[4]–[8]. Unfortunately, it is quite demanding due to the non-
proposed in [13] can achieve a near-optimal spectral efficiency
convexity which is caused by the modulus constraints on the
in the large-system limit. Despite its superior asymptotic-
analog precoder and combiner. In single-user MIMO (SU-
performance, there is still a room to enhance the performance
MIMO) systems, the asymptotically optimal solution was
in practical (or large but finite size) systems. In addition, to
J. Lee and S. Hong are with the Department of Electronic construct the reflection vector in [13], it requires the channel
Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea (e-mail: {lyjcje7466, state information (CSI) of the TX-IRS and IRS-RX channels
snhong} (i.e., HTI and HIR in Fig. 1) separately. In [14], a dual-link
This work was supported in part by the Technology Innovation Program
(1415178807, Development of Industrial Intelligent Technology for Manufac- pilot transmission method was presented, which can estimate
turing, Process, and Logistics) funded By the Ministry of Trade, Industry the HTI and HIR separately with some approximation. How-
& Energy(MOTIE, Korea) and in part by the Institute of Information & ever, this method is restricted to the single-antenna transmitter
communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) under the artificial
intelligence semiconductor support program to nurture the best talents (IITP- system and an extension to the multiple-antenna case is non-
(2024)-RS-2023-00253914) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT). trivial. To the best of our knowledge, it is generally impractical
to estimate them separately due to the lack of the RF chains
in the IRS.
As investigated in the existing works [15]–[19], there are
efficient methods to estimate the so-called effective (or cas-
caded) channel. Focusing on the SU-MIMO systems with
multiple antennas at the RX, which is the system model
considered in this paper, the effective channels in the literature
are categorized into the two types. In [15], [16], the effective
channel is defined as the Kronecker product of the TX-IRS and
IRS-RX channels. Due to its large-dimension, this effective
channel might not be suitable for the joint optimization of the
reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming. Very recently in
[19], the effective channel is defined in a more compact form Fig. 1. Description of an IRS-aided mmWave MIMO system.
(see Section II for details), thereby being more adequate for
the joint optimization. Also, the channel estimation method,
robust to the channel estimation errors, almost achieving
proposed in [19] by means of a collaborative low-rank approx-
the ideal performances while having a lower training
imation, can yield the best estimation accuracy, while having
overhead. Due to its attractive performance and lower-
a lower training overhead. Motivated by this, we in this paper
complexity, our construction would be good candidate
study the joint optimization for IRS-aided mmWave MIMO
for mmWave MIMO systems.
systems, only using the effective channel in [19]. Toward this,
our major contributions are summarized as follows. The remaining part of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II, we describe the IRS-aided SU-MIMO systems and
• Due to the highly non-convexity, it is intractable to define their wireless channel models. We state the main results
tackle the aforementioned joint optimization directly. We of this paper in Section III, by providing the asymptotically
tackle this challenging problem with the following steps. near-optimal reflection vector and hybrid beamforming matri-
Relaxing the modulus constraint, we define the relaxed ces. Theoretical analysis is conducted in Section IV. Section
optimization problem whose solution can yield the upper- V provides the simulation results and Section VII concludes
bound on the maximum spectral efficiency. Thanks to the the paper.

relaxation, the optimal solution of the relaxed problem Notations. Let [N ] = {1, 2, ..., N } for any positive integer
can be obtained, which includes the relaxed reflection N . We use x and H to denote a column vector and matrix,
vector, the relaxed analog precoder and combiner, and the respectively. Also, ⊗ and ◦ denotes the Kronecker and the
digital precoder and combiner. We theoretically prove that Hadamard products, respectively. Given a M × N matrix H,
in the large-system limit, they become the near-optimal let H(i, :) and H(:, j) denote the i-th row and j-th column of
solution of the original problem by satisfying the modulus H, respectively. Also, given m < M and n < N , let H([m], :)
constraints. and H(:, [n]) denote the submatrices by taking the first m rows
• Specifically, in Lemma 2, it is proved that our relaxed and n columns of H, respectively. Given a vector v, diag(v)
reflection vector, which is simply obtained from the denotes a diagonal matrix whose ℓ-th diagonal element is
singular value decomposition (SVD) of the effective equal to the ℓ-th element of v. We let I and 0 denote the
channel in [19], is the near-optimal solution of the relaxed identity and all-zero matrices, respectively, where the sizes of
problem. Here, the gap from the optimal performance these matrices are easily obtained from the context. Given a
becomes negligible as signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) grows. vector v (resp., a matrix V), P(v) (resp. P(V)) represents
In Lemma 3, it is proved that our relaxed reflection vector, the projection operator taking only the phase of each element
and relaxed analog precoder and combiner can satisfy the of v (resp. V). Without loss of generality, it is assumed that
modulus constraints in the large-system limit. Putting all in the diagonal matrix of SVD (or eigen-decomposition), the
together, we can derive the asymptotically near-optimal diagonal elements (i.e., singular values or eigenvalues) are
reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming matrices sorted in the descending order of their absolute values.
(see Theorem 1).
• Based on our theoretical analysis, we can construct the II. S YSTEM M ODEL
practical reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming We consider a narrowband mmWave MIMO system with a
matrices by projecting the near-optimal ones into the low-cost passive intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), which is
modulus constraints (i.e., just taking the phases of the illustrated in Fig. 1. In this system, the IRS is equipped with
complex values). Via simulations, we demonstrate that M reflective elements to assist the communication between
the proposed method can outperform the SOTA method the TX with Nt antennas and the RX with Nr antennas. For
in [13] for large-but-finite mmWave SU-MIMO systems. the sake of lower complexity, cost, and power consumption
Furthermore, combining with the channel estimation [1], [2], both TX and RX are assumed to employ the hybrid
method in [19], it is shown that the proposed method is beamforming architecture with a limited number of RF chains,
where NtRF ≤ Nt and NrRF ≤ Nr denote the number of RF and P L(di ) is the path loss caused by the distance di between
chains at the TX and the RX, respectively. As shown in Fig. the two associated entities [22]. Here, col(Hi ) and row(Hi )
1, the channel responses from the TX to the IRS (i.e., the denote the number of columns and rows of Hi , respectively.
TX-IRS channel), from the IRS to the RX (i.e., the IRS-RX In the s-th path of Hi , the normalized receiver UPA steering
channel), and from the TX to the RX (i.e., the TX-RC channel) vector is represented as
M ×Nt N ×M
are respectively denoted as HTI ∈ C , HIR ∈ C r ,
and HTR ∈ C
Nr ×Nt
. In the IRS, a reflection vector is defined ar (ϕr[i,s] , θ[i,s]
) (6)
as 1 h 2πd r r r
=√ 1, . . . , ej λ (ih sin(ϕ[i,s] ) sin(θ[i,s] )+iv cos(θ[i,s] )) ,
v = [v1 , v2 , ..., vM ]H with vm = ejϑm , (1) Nr
2πd h r r v r
where ϑm ∈ [0, 2π) is the phase shift of the m-th reflective . . . , ej λ ((Nr −1) sin(ϕ[i,s] ) sin(θ[i,s] )+(Nr −1) cos(θ[i,s] )) ,
element. Including this, the total channel response from the
TX to the RX is defined as where λ is the signal wavelength and d is the spacing between
the antennas or IRS elements. The horizontal and vertical
Htot (v) = HTR + HIR diag(v)HTI . (2)
indices for the receive antennas are respectively denoted by
To optimize the hybrid beamforming from the Htot (v), it is 0 ≤ ih < Nrh and 0 ≤ iv < Nrv , where Nr = Nrh Nrv .
required to estimate the channels HIR and HTI separately. Also, the normalized transmit UPA steering vector of the s-th
Such optimization has been investigated in [13]. However, in path in Hi is defined as at (ϕt[i,s] , θ[i,s]
), which is identically
practice, it is impractical to estimate them separately due to the represented as in (6), by substituting ϕr[i,s] and θ[i,s]
into ϕt[i,s]
lack of RF chains in the IRS. As studied in the existing works and θ[i,s] , respectively.
[15]–[19], there exist low-complexity methods to estimate the
so-called effective channel (or the cascaded channel). Follow- B. Hybrid Beamforming
ing the best-known method in [19], the effective channel is
defined as follows. The total channel response in (2) can be In the IRS-aided MIMO system with hybrid beamforming,
rewritten as the TX sends Ns ≤ min{NtRF , NrRF } data streams to the RX
N RF ×Ns
using the digital precoder FBB ∈ C t and the analog
Htot (v) = HTR + Heff (I ⊗ v), (3) N ×N RF
precoder FRF ∈ C t t . On construction, the total transmit
where the (IRS-aided) effective channel is defined as power constraint is imposed:
∆   N ×M Nt 2
Heff = H[eff,1] · · · H[eff,Nt ] ∈ C r , (4) ∥FRF FBB ∥F ≤ PTX . (7)
N ×M
and H[eff,t] = HIR diag (HTI (:, t)) ∈ C r . Motivated by To recover the data streams, the RX uses the analog combiner
this, we in this paper aim to jointly optimize the reflection N ×N RF N RF ×Ns
WRF ∈ C r r and digital combiner WBB ∈ C r .
vector and the hybrid beamforming matrices, only exploiting Since the analog beamformings WRF and FRF are imple-
the estimated effective channel Heff . Focusing on the joint mented phase shifters only, the so-called constant modulus
optimization, in the following sections, it is assumed that constraint is imposed on each of their elements:
Heff (equivalently, H[eff,t] ’s) is perfectly estimated. In our
simulations, the impact of channel estimation errors will be |WRF (i, j)| = 1/ Nr (8)
investigated (see Section V). p
|FRF (i, j)| = 1/ Nt , (9)
A. IRS-aided mmWave MIMO systems
We describe the wireless channel in the IRS-aided mmWave for ∀(i, j). Then, the processed received signal is represented
MIMO system. It is assumed that the TX, the IRS, and the RX as
are equipped with a uniform planar array (UPA). Applying the y = WBB WRF Htot (v)FRF FBB s + n, (10)
physical propagation model of the wireless channel [20], each N
of the channel responses Hi is given by [21]: where s ∈ C s is the data symbol vector with E[ssH ] = I and
N ×1
n ∈ C r is an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) vec-
X tor whose entries are independently and identically distributed
Hi = α[i,s] ar (ϕr[i,s] , θ[i,s]
)aH t t
t (ϕ[i,s] , θ[i,s] ), (5) (i.i.d) with CN (0, σn2 ). In our simulations, the noise-variance
s=1 σn2 is set by 1 and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is controlled
i by the transmit power PTX .
for i ∈ {TR, IR, TR}, where Npath is the number of the
associated spatial paths. Also, α[i,s] denotes the complex gain
of the s-th spatial path in the Hi , which is independently dis- III. M AIN R ESULTS
tributed with CN (0, γi2 10−0.1P L(di ) ), where the normalization
factor is given as Our goal is to jointly optimize the reflection vector and
q the beamforming matrices with respect to maximizing the
γi = col (Hi ) row (Hi ) /Npath i , achievable spectral efficiency, only exploiting the effective
channel in (4). From the processed received signal in (10), Letting Htot (v) = Utot Σtot Vtot via SVD, the upper-bound
the achievable spectral efficiency is derived as is achieved with equality if
WRF = Utot (:, [NrRF ])
R(WRF , WBB , v, FRF , FBB ) (11)
tot (:, [Nr ])Utot (:, [Ns ])
= log2 det I + R−1 H H
FRF = Vtot (:, [NtRF ])

BB FRF Htot (v) WRF WBB , H
FBB = Vtot (:, [NtRF ])Vtot (:, [Ns ])PWF ,

where Rn = σn2 WBB H H p
WRF WRF WBB . It is extremely chal- where PWF = diag([ P1 , . . . , PNs ]) and Pℓ ’s are given in
lenging to directly solve this optimization due to the non- (14). Namely, these are the optimal solutions of the relaxed
convexity [4]–[8], [13]. Instead of directly tackling it, we problem in (12).
first consider the relaxed optimization problem on the tricky Proof: The proof is provided in Section IV-A.
modulus constraints, defined as From Lemma 1 and by optimizing v, Rupper in (12) can be
achieved, i.e.,

Rupper = max R(WRF , WBB , v, FRF , FBB )
Rupper = max Rmax (Htot (v)). (16)
subject to vH v = M v: vH v=M
WRF WRF = I This optimization is tricky since as shown in (13), the reflec-
tion vector v affects the singular values, which in turn deter-
RF FRF = I mines the optimal power allocations. To handle this challenge,
∥FRF FBB ∥F ≤ PTX . (12) we focus on the case of high-SNRs, which is reasonable in the
IRS-aided massive MIMO system [5]. In this case, it is well-
Obviously, it holds that Rachiev ≤ Rupper . known that equal-power allocation is near-optimal. Based on
The key steps to derive the near-optimal solution to the this, the maximum achievable spectral efficiency in (13) can
original problem in (11) are following: be well-approximated as
• Thanks to the relaxation, we first derive the optimal Ns  
solution of the relaxed problem in the large-system limit Rmax (Htot (v))≈ log2 (Σ tot (ℓ, ℓ))
Ns σn2
(see Lemma 1 and Lemma 2). ℓ=1
• We then prove that they converge to the near-optimal PTX
+ log2 ∥Htot (v)∥2F , (17)

≤ Ns log2 2
solution of the original problem by satisfying the modulus Ns σ n
constraints (see Lemma 3 and Theorem 1). where (a) is due to the Jensen’s inequality. We resort to seeking
• Based on our theoretical analysis, we construct the prac- a near-optimal reflection vector such as
tical reflection vector and hybrid beamforming matrices
with an attractive performance. v⋆ = arg max ∥Htot (v)∥2F . (18)
v: vH v=M
Before stating the main result, we provide the useful defi- Lemma 2: In the case of either large-system limit (i.e.,
nition and derive the key supporting lemmas. Nt , Nr , M → ∞ with some fixed ratios) or no direct-link
Definition 1: Given a total channel response Htot (v), the channel, the near-optimal reflection vector is derived as
maximum (achievable) spectral efficiency is defined as √
v⋆ = M Ueff (:, 1), (19)
Ns   PNt

X Pℓ where H
t=1 H[eff,t] H[eff,t]
= Ueff Λeff Ueff via eigen-
Rmax (Htot (v)) = log2 1 + 2 (Σtot (ℓ, ℓ))2 , (13)
σn decomposition.
Proof: The proof is provided in Section IV-B.
where Htot (v) = Utot Σtot Vtot via SVD and the optimal In the large-system limit, using v⋆ in Lemma 2, Rupper can
power allocations Pℓ ’s are determined by the water-filling: be nearly achieved as

σn2 ∆gap = Rupper − Rmax (Htot (v⋆ )).
1 (20)
Pℓ = max − , 0 , ℓ ∈ [Ns ], (14)
PTX (Σtot (ℓ, ℓ))2 Note that this gap becomes negligible as SNR (or PTX )
PNs increases. From Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, we can construct
with ℓ=1 Pℓ = PTX . It can be achieved using fully-digital the near-optimal solutions of the relaxed problem in (12):
SVD-based MIMO transmission.

■ WRF = U⋆tot (:, [NrRF ])

Lemma 1: For any feasible solution in (12), we have the WBB = U⋆tot (:, [NrRF ]) U⋆tot (:, [Ns ])
F⋆RF = Vtot

(:, [NtRF ])
R(WRF , WBB , v, FRF , FBB ) ≤ Rmax (Htot (v)). (15) F⋆BB = (F⋆RF )H Vtot

(:, [Ns ])P⋆WF , (21)
where Htot (v⋆ ) = U⋆tot Σtot (Vtot
⋆ H
Lemma 3: In the large system limit, the reflection vector In this section, we provide the theoretical analysis of the

v and the hybrid beamforming matrices in (21) satisfy the proposed reflection vector and the hybrid beamforming, by
modulus constraints in (11). In particular, v⋆ in (19) converge providing the proofs of the key lemmas.
to the limit vlimit : A. Upper-Bound: Proof of Lemma 1
vlimit = M aIR
r (ϕ[IR,1] , θ[IR,1] ) ◦ aTI
t (ϕ[TI,1] , θ[TI,1] ). (22) We note that Rmax in Definition 1 is the maximum achiev-
able spectral efficiency when the fully-digital architecture is
Proof: The proof is provided in Section IV-C. considered (i.e., NrRF = Nr and NtRF = Nt ). Definitely,
Based on the key lemmas, we state the main result below: this is the upper-bound as the hybrid beamforming cannot
Theorem 1: In the large-system limit, the reflection vector achieve a higher spectral efficiency than the fully-digital
in Lemma 2 and the hybrid beamforming matrices in (21) can counterpart. We next derive the optimal beamforming matrices
achieve the spectral efficiency Rprop : for the optimization in (12) by achieving the upper-bound
Rmax (Htot (v)).
Rprop = Rachiev − ∆gap . (23) We next prove the equality-part by constructing the optimal
Proof: Combining Lemma 1, Lemma 2, and Lemma 3, beamforming matrices for the relaxed problem in (12). Based
the proof is completed. on the SVD, we have:
Since ∆gap can be negligible as SNR (or PTX ) increases, H
Htot (v) = Utot Σtot Vtot . (28)
the proposed method can guarantee the near-optimality in the
large-system limit. Thus, we can find the optimal beamforming matrices (that
We next focus on the practical RIS-aided MIMO systems, achieve the upper-bound), by solving the equations subject to
in which the asymptotic results in Lemma 3 might not hold. the feasible solutions in (12):
On the basis of our asymptotic results, the reflection vector is Nr ×Ns
WRF WBB = Utot (:, [Ns ]) ∈ C (29)
constructed by only applying the projection operator P(·) to Nt ×Ns
the v⋆ in Lemma 2: FRF FBB = Vtot (:, [Ns ])PWF ∈ C , (30)
√ p
v̂⋆ = P(v⋆ ). (24) where PWF = diag([ P1 , . . . , PNs ]) with the optimal
power allocations Pℓ ’s in (14). To solve these equations, we
Similarly, from (21), the analog beamforming matrices are first choose the analog combiner WRF as
constructed as
WRF = Utot (:, [NrRF ]), (31)

ŴRF = P U⋆tot (:, [NrRF ])H (25) which is the feasible solution because
⋆ ⋆ RF

F̂RF = P Vtot (:, [Nt ]) . (26)
(WRF )H WRF = Utot (:, [NrRF ])H Utot (:, [NrRF ]) = I.
Finally, to satisfy the transmit-power constraint in (11), the
Given the WRF , we derive the digital combiner WBB as the
normalized digital precoder is constructed as
solution of the resulting linear equation in (29):
√ !
⋆ PTX †
WBB = WRF Utot (:, [Ns ])
F̂BB = ⋆ ⋆
× F⋆BB . (27)
∥F̂RF FBB ∥F = Utot (:, [NrRF ])H Utot (:, [Ns ]), (32)
Remark 1: We compare the proposed reflection vector in †
sinceWRF = U⋆tot (:, [NrRF ]). We remark that the least-square
(24) with that in the state-of-the-art (SOTA) method in [13].
solution (using the pseudo-inverse) in (32) gives the exact
In fact, the reflection vector in [13] is identical to our limit
on because the columns of Utot (:, [Ns ]) lie in the column
vlimit in (22). While both method have the identical reflection
space of WRF . Thus, the receive beamforming matrices in
vector in the large-system limit, they are completely different
(31) and (32) are the feasible solutions to satisfy the equations
in practical large-but-finite IRS-aided MIMO systems. Via
in (29). Exactly following the same arguments, we can derive
experiments in Section V, it is demonstrated that the proposed
the transmit beamforming matrices such as
reflection vector can outperform the SOTA in [13], especially
due to the use of better reflection vector. Noticeably, the FRF = Vtot (:, [NtRF ]) (33)
proposed v̂⋆ is indeed practical as it can be constructed only FBB = Vtot (:, [NtRF ])H Vtot (:, [Ns ])PWF . (34)
using the effective channel in (4). In contrast, to construct the
reflection vector in [13] (i.e., vlimit in (22)), the TX-IRS and Definitely, they are the feasible solutions in (12) as the power-
IRS-RX channels should be estimated. More seriously, it is constraint is satisfied, i.e.,
intractable to recover the UPA steering vectors in (22) from ∥FRF FBB ∥2F = ∥Vtot (:, [Ns ])PWF ∥2F
these channel matrices. We for the first time derive the near-
optimal and practical design of the reflection vector and hybrid = ∥PWF ∥2F = PTX .
beamforming for IRS-aided mmWave MIMO systems. This completes the proof of Lemma 1.
B. Optimal Reflection Vector: Proof of Lemma 2 where (a) follows from (41), and (b) is from the definition of
For ease of exposition, we define the receive array response the effective channel in (3) and due to the fact that
matrix Air , the complex gain matrix Gi and the transmit array 2
∥HIR diag(v)HTI ∥F = ∥Heff (I ⊗ v)∥F

response matrix Ait : for i ∈ [IR, TI, TR],   2

h i = H[eff,1] v · · · H[eff,Nt ] v F
r r r
Air = ar (ϕ[i,1] , θ[i,1] ) · · · ar (ϕ[i,Npath
i , θr i ] ) ,
] [i,Npath Nt
= vH HH
[eff,t] H[eff,t] v. (43)
Gi = diag([α[i,1] , . . . , α[i,Npath
i ] ]),
h i t=1
t t t
Ait = at (ϕ[i,1] , θ[i,1] ) · · · at (ϕ[i,Npath , θt i ] ) . PNt H H
Given the t=1 H[eff,t] H[eff,t] = Ueff Λeff Ueff via eigen-
i ] [i,Npath
(35) decomposition, the optimal solution of (42) is simply attained
by taking the scalar multiple of the eigenvector corresponding
Using them, the channel responses in (5) can be rewritten as
to the largest eigenvalue:
H √
Hi = Air Gi Ait , (36) v⋆ = M Ueff (:, 1).
for i ∈ [IR, TI, TR]. Without loss of generality, we assume Thus, in the large system limit (i.e., Nt → ∞), v⋆ is the
that the diagonal elements in Gi is sorted as |α[i,m] | ≥ (relaxed) optimal reflection vector. Obviously, when there is no
|α[i,n] |, ∀m, n ∈ [Npath ] with m < n. direct-link channel, v⋆ is also the (relaxed) optimal reflection
First, we will prove that in the large-system limit, HTR HH
TI vector because the optimization in (42) holds. This completes
converges to the all-zero matrix, where the proof of Lemma 2.
ATI H C. Asymptotic Optimality: Proof of Lemma 3
TI = Ar GTR At t GTI Ar . (37)
We prove the asymptotic optimality of the beamforming
In [17], the asymptotic orthogonality of UPA steering vector
matrices and the reflection vector in Lemma 2 and Lemma 3,
was proved, i.e.,
lim aH
X (f1 , g1 )aX (f2 , g2 ) = 0, (38) First, we will prove that v⋆ in Lemma 2 meets the
PNt constraint in the large-system limit. Toward this,
X×1 H
for ∀f1 ̸= f2 , g1 ̸= g2 ∈ R, where aX (f, g) ∈ C (called t=1 H [eff,t] H[eff,t] is rewritten as
the general form of UPA response vector) is defined as Nt
aX (f, g) (39) [eff,t] H[eff,t] = HIR HIR ◦ HTI HTI ,
1 2πd 2πd
= [1, . . . , ej λ (xh f +xv g) , . . . , ej λ ((Xh −1)f +(Xv −1)g) ]T # M
"M 
= i ei i ◦ j ej j
where 0 ≤ xh < Xh and 0 ≤ xv < Xv , where X = Xh Xv . i=1 j=1
From (38), we can immediately show that M

i ◦ ej i ◦ ej
H TI =
lim ATR At = 0. (40) i λj . (44)
Nt Nr ,M →∞ i=1 j=1

This implies that each element of HTR HH TI converges to 0 as where HH

and HTI HH
IR HIR = λ e ei TI =
Nt goes to infinity. Based on this, we show that PM TI TI TI H i=1 i i
j=1 λj ej ej via eigen-decomposition. In [13], it was
lim Htot (v)(Htot (v))H proved that in the large system limit, the diagonal elements
Nt ,Nr ,M →∞
of Gi in (35) converge to the singular values of Hi . Due to
= HTR HH TR + HIR diag(v)HTI HH H H
TI diag(v) HIR . (41) the asymptotic orthogonality, Ar and At in (35) converge to
the eigenvectors of Hi HH H
i and Hi Hi , respectively. In other
From the definition of Rmax (Htot (v)), the (relaxed) IRS
words, {es : s ∈ [Npath ]} and {eTI
s : s ∈ [Npath ]} become
reflection vector is optimized by taking the solution of
respectively the UPA steering vectors. Using this fact, eIR TI
i ◦ej
v⋆ = arg max ∥Htot (v)∥F , can be expressed as
v: vH v=M
i ◦ ej = ar (ϕ[IR,i] , θ[IR,i] ) ◦ at (ϕ[TI,j] , θ[TI,j] )
= arg max ∥HTR + HIR diag(v)HTI ∥F
v: vH v=M (a) 
  = aM f[i,j] , g[i,j] , (45)
2 2
= arg max ∥HTR ∥F + ∥HIR diag(v)HTI ∥F , IR TI
v: vH v=M for ∀i ∈ [Npath ] and ∀j ∈ [Npath ], where (a) follows the
= arg max
∥HIR diag(v)HTI ∥F , definition of the general form of UPA response vector in (39)
v: vH v=M and
(b) H
X f[i,j] = sin(ϕ[IR,i] )sin(θ[IR,i] ) − sin(ϕ[TI,j] )sin(θ[TI,j] )
= arg max v HH
[eff,t] H[eff,t] v (42)
v: vH v=M t=1 g[i,j] = cos(θ[IR,i] ) − cos(θ[TI,j] ).
This shows that each eIR TI
i ◦ ej can be considered as an UPA
steering vector. From the asymptotic orthogonality in (38), we
can get:
i ◦ ej k ◦ el
= aH
M f[i,j] , g[i,j] aM f[k,l] , g[k,l] = 0, (46)
for ∀i, j, k, l ∈ [M ] with i ̸= k and j ̸= l.PIn the large-system
Nt H
limit, thus, (44) becomes the ED of
√  t=1 H[eff,t] H[eff,t] .
Since M eIR 1 ◦ e1
is the eigenvector corresponding to the
largest eigenvalue M λ1 λ1 , the optimal reflection vector v⋆
in Lemma 2 is equal to

v⋆ = M Ueff (:, 1)
= M aIR TI

r (ϕ[IR,1] , θ[IR,1] ) ◦ at (ϕ[TI,1] , θ[TI,1] ) ,

where the second equality follows from (45). This implies that
in the large-system limit, v⋆ satisfies the modulus constraint.
Next, we will prove that in the large-system limit, U⋆tot (: Fig. 2. The impact of the transmit power on the spectral efficiency. Nr =
4 × 4 = 16, Nt = 8 × 8 = 64, M = 16 × 16 = 256 and NrRF = NtRF = 4
[NrRF ]) and Vtot

(:, [NtRF ]) satisfy√the modulus constraints in
(11). Due to the fact that v⋆ = M Ueff (:, 1) in Lemma 2,
we can get:
lim Htot (v⋆ )HH ⋆
tot (v )
Nt ,Nr ,M →∞
= |αsTR |2 ar (ϕr[TR,s] , θ[TR,s]
)aH r r
r (ϕ[TR,s] , θ[TR,s] )
+ |α1TI |2 |α1IR |2 ar (ϕr[IR,1] , θ[IR,1]
)aH r r
r (ϕ[IR,1] , θ[IR,1] ), (47)
lim HH ⋆ ⋆
tot (v )Htot (v )
Nt ,Nr ,M →∞
= |αsTR |2 at (ϕt[TR,s] , θ[TR,s]
)aH t t
t (ϕ[TR,s] , θ[TR,s] )
+ |α1TI |2 |α1IR |2 at (ϕt[TI,1] , θ[TI,1]
)aH t t
t (ϕ[TI,1] , θ[TI,1] ). (48)
Similarly to (36), they can be rewritten as
H Fig. 3. The impact of the transmit power on the spectral efficiency. Nr =
lim Htot (v⋆ )HH ⋆ tot tot
tot (v ) = Ar Θtot Ar Nt = M = 16 × 16 = 256 and NrRF = NtRF = 4.
Nt ,Nr ,M →∞
lim HH ⋆ ⋆ tot tot
tot (v )Htot (v ) = At Θtot At
where We consider the IRS-aided mmWave MIMO systems in
h i
TR r r N ×(Npath +1) TR IR
r = A r ar (ϕ , θ
[IR,1] [IR,1] ) ∈C r Fig. 1. The number of paths are set by Npath = Npath =
  Npath = 8. Regarding the distances among the TX, IRS,
Θtot = diag [|α1TR |2 , . . . , |αN
TR 2 TI 2 IR 2
TR | , |α1 | |α1 | ] and RX, dTR follows a uniform distribution over the range

TR t t
i TR
N ×(Npath +1) {dTI + dIR − 10 m, dTI + dIR m}, where dTI and dIR are
At = At at (ϕ[TI,1] , θ[TI,1] ) ∈ C t . (49)
uniformly distributed over [50 m, 60 m] and [10 m, 20 m],
As proved in the above, the diagonal elements of Θtot asymp- respectively. Then, the distance-dependent path loss P L(di )
totically converge to the eigenvalues of HH ⋆ ⋆
tot (v )Htot (v ).
is modeled as
From the asymptotic orthogonality of UPA in (40), the
P L(di ) [dB] = α + 10β log10 (di ) + ϵ, (50)
columns of Atot r and Atot t are orthogonal to each other.
Using this fact, we can see that in the large-system limit, for i ∈ [TR, TI, IR], where ϵ ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). According to the
U⋆tot (:, [Npath
+ 1]), Σ⋆tot ([Npath
+ 1], [Npath ⋆
+ 1]) and Vtot (: experimental data for 28GHz channels in [22], the parameters
, [Npath + 1]) converge to Atot r , Θ tot , A tot
t , respectively. in (50) are set by α = 61.4, β = 2, σ = 5.8 dB for the
Therefore, U⋆tot (:, [NrRF ]) and Vtot⋆
(:, [NtRF ]) can satisfy the line-of-sight (LOS) path of Hi , and α = 72.0, β = 2.92, σ =
modulus constraint. This completes the proof of Lemma 3. 8.7 dB for the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) paths. To evaluate the
posed and SOTA methods can attain significant gains, mani-
festing the effect of the optimized reflection vectors. Also, in
comparison between the upper-bound (i.e., the performance-
limit) and the proposed fully-digital beamforming, we can
identify that the effect of the mismatch between v⋆ in Lemma
2 and its projection v̂⋆ = P(v⋆ ) is not large. This implies
that v̂⋆ is an almost optimal practical reflection vector while
ensuring the asymptotic optimality.
Fig. 3 shows the achievable spectral efficiency of the
proposed method in a larger MIMO system. First, we can
identify the asymptotic optimality of the proposed method by
comparing the performances in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, because
the achievable spectral efficiency of the proposed method
becomes closer to the upper-bound as the size of system grows.
As expected, the achievable spectral efficiency by itself can
increase as the size of system scales up. This can be explained
from our theoretical analysis. It is obvious that Rupper in (12)
Fig. 4. The impact of the number of paths on the spectral efficiency. Nr =
4 × 4 = 16, Nt = 8 × 8 = 64, M = 16 × 16 = 256 and PTX = 40dBm is determined by the top-Ns eigenvalues of the total channel
Htot (v⋆ ). Also, our analysis shows that in the large-system
limit, these eigenvalues converge to the diagonal elements
of Θtot in (49). Among the diagonal elements, |α1TI |2 |α1IR |2
is the dominant value to determine the Rupper under the
reasonable assumption that the path loss of the TX-RX channel
(or direct channel) is much greater than the others. Also, these
product can be computed as
E |α1TI |2 |α1IR |2 ≥ M 2 n,
where n = Nr Nt 10−0.1(P L(dTI )+P L(dIR )) /Npath
Npath . This
clearly shows that the achievable spectral efficiency of the
proposed method tends to be higher as the system scales up.
Fig. 4 shows the impact of the number of spatial paths on
the spectral efficiency. As expected, the achievable spectral
efficiency tends to be higher as the number of spatial paths
decreases. This shows that the proposed IRS-aided hybrid
beamforming is more suitable for mmWave MIMO systems,
which are usually composed by low-scattering and a small
Fig. 5. The impact of channel estimation accuracy on the spectral efficiency. number of spatial paths [24]. Also, as in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the
Nr = 4 × 4 = 16, Nt = 8 × 8 = 64, M = 16 × 16 = 256 and PTX = proposed method can outperform the SOTA in [13] regardless
of the number of signal paths (i.e., the channel sparsity).
Fig. 5 shows the impact of the channel estimation accuracy
effectiveness of various IRS vector designs more accurately, on the spectral efficiency. As in [15]–[19], the estimation
it is assumed that each path of HTR is a NLOS path that accuracy is commonly measured by the normalized mean
passed through tinted-glass walls to experience an additional square error (NMSE), given by
penetration loss of 40.1 dB [23]. The element spacing, noise ∥Heff − Ĥeff ∥2F

power, and the number of data streams are each set by d = NMSE = , (52)
∥Heff ∥2F
λ/2, σn2 = −91dBm, and Ns = 4. Lastly, all the simulation
results are averaged over 104 channel realizations. where Heff and Ĥeff denote the true and estimated effective
Fig. 2 shows the impact of the transmit power PTX on channel, respectively. We observe that the proposed method
the spectral efficiency. Noticeably, the proposed method can can guarantee the robustness to the channel estimation errors.
outperform the SOTA in [13], while both can achieve the Remarkably, the proposed method with imperfect CSI (i.e., the
near-optimal performance in the large-system limit. The per- estimated effective channel) can outperform the SOTA with
formance gain is due to the construction of better reflec- perfect CSI. Note that we could not evaluate the performance
tion vector. Namely, our reflection vector v̂⋆ in (24) makes of the SOTA with imperfect CSI since there is no practical
Rmax (Htot (v)) in Definition 1 higher than the reflection channel estimation method. Therefore, we can conclude that
vector in [13]. Comparing the performance of fully-digital the proposed method would be good practical candidate for the
beamforming using random reflection vectors, Both the pro- IRS-aided mmWave MIMO systems with hybrid architectures.
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