EADV - Day 2 - 12-October - Melesma, Acne - Newsletter

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DAY - 2


An academic initiative from the makers of

tory tumors developed at the sites of the HA

ASIA syndrome pro- injections.
voked by HA filler • The patient complained of general malaise,
th sore muscles, and low-grade fever. The
Thursday, 12 October 2023
surgeon diagnosed abscesses, incised the
lesions, and applied a surgical drain. Clear,
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023
crystal-like secretion was obtained, and a
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology
culture for bacterial infection was negative.
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin,
Germany; by Drs Agnieszka Owczarczyk- • The patient was diagnosed with a Delayed
Saczonek et al from The University of Warmia Inflammatory Reaction (DIR), and treatment
and Mazury,Poland. was initiated with antibiotics (cloxacillin and
metronidazole) and prednisone (a cortico-
The Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome
steroid). Intralesional hyaluronidase injec-
Induced by Adjuvants (ASIA) is a proposed
tions were administered to break down the
medical condition characterized by autoimmune
HA filler.
and inflammatory responses triggered by expo-
sure to adjuvants. Adjuvants are substances that • While the inflammation subsided, solid
can enhance the body's immune response to nodules at the injection sites still occasionally
antigens. swelled. The dose of prednisone was gradu-
ally lowered, but symptoms recurred when
key points
the dose was reduced.
• A 64-year-old woman received HA injections
• After a year of treatment with prednisone, the
into various facial areas using a product called
decision was made to terminate treatment.
Perfectha® three years ago.
Unfortunately, inflammation recurred at the
• After experiencing pharyngitis (sore throat) injection sites, and treatment with prednisone
and receiving treatment with antibiotics was resumed. The treatment was eventually
(amoxicillin and clavulanic acid), inflamma- ended after 1.5 years.


• During the observation period, the patient

developed various symptoms, including
Skin Anti-Aging Effect
muscle weakness, joint pain, chronic fatigue, of Oral Vitamin A
sleep and memory disorders, and elevated
antibodies indicative of autoimmune Supplementation in
Combination with
following bioimplant procedures is not com-
monly recognized, possibly due to a lack of Topical Retinoic Acid
awareness or diagnostic challenges. The syn-
drome may develop several years after the initial
Treatment in
procedure, making it difficult for patients and Comparison with
physicians to link it to the treatment. The
involvement of macrophages is noted in both Topical Retinoic Acid
ASIA and the Delayed Inflammatory Reaction
to hyaluronic acid, suggesting a potential
Alone: A Randomized,
pathophysiological link. Prospective, Parallel
In summary, a case where a patient experienced
a delayed inflammatory reaction and eventually
developed symptoms consistent with ASIA after Thursday, 12 October 2023
receiving HA injections. This case underscores
the importance of recognizing potential adverse This paper was presented on October 12th 2023
reactions to medical procedures and the complex at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology
nature of autoimmune responses in some and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin,
individuals. It also highlights the need for further Germany; by Drs Massimo Milani, Francesca
research and awareness in the medical commu- Colombo et al from the Cantabria Labs Difa
nity regarding ASIA and its potential triggers. Cooper.
This study discuss about the results of a prospec-
tive, randomized clinical trial comparing the
effectiveness of an "In & Out" strategy, which
combines oral vitamin A supplementation
(retinol) with a topical retinoic acid gel, for the
treatment of skin aging.
Study's Materials, Methods, and Findings:
• 50 subjects aged over 50 years with moderate
to severe facial skin aging (based on Glogau
scores >2) participated in the trial.
• The participants were randomly assigned to
two groups: Group A and Group B.
• Group A received oral vitamin A supple-
mentation (50,000 U.I.) in the form of one
daily capsule, in addition to applying a 0.02%
retinoic acid topical gel (RG) in the evening.


• Group B received treatment with the topical • After 12 weeks, both groups demonstrated
RG alone. further improvements, with a 36% reduction
• The primary endpoint of the study was the in SAGS score for Group A and a 30% reduc-
assessment of a Skin Aging Global Score tion for Group B.
(SAGS), which evaluated six skin parame- • Group A, the "In & Out" strategy group,
ters: elasticity, wrinkles, roughness, pigmen- showed a significantly greater absolute
tation, erythema, and skin pores. Each reduction in SAGS score compared to Group
parameter was rated on a 5-point scale (0 to B (p=0.02). The absolute difference between
4), with a maximum possible score of 20. the two groups was -1.2 (95% confidence
• SAGS scores were evaluated at baseline, week interval: -0.19 to -2.2).
6, and week 12. A subgroup of 20 subjects • Similar improvements were observed in the
underwent a VISIA face analysis. Skin VISIA analysis.
tolerability was also assessed at weeks 6 and • Both treatment regimens were well tolerated
12 in both groups. by the subjects.
Results: The combination of oral retinol supplementa-
• All subjects completed the trial. tion and topical retinoic acid gel, known as the
• At the beginning of the study, the SAGS score "In & Out" strategy, demonstrated superior
was 15±5 in Group A and 13±5 in Group B. efficacy in terms of clinical and instrumental
improvements compared to topical retinoic acid
• After 6 weeks, both groups showed a reduc- treatment alone. This strategy was particularly
tion in SAGS scores, with Group A experi- effective in subjects with moderate to severe skin
encing a 19% reduction and Group B a 17% aging. The results suggest that the combination
reduction. of oral and topical retinoids may be a promising
approach for addressing skin aging.


contraindications for deep phenol peeling.

They were interested in improving wrinkles
and aging features around the eyelid area.
• Preparation: Patients were instructed to use
the Kligman formula for one month before
the phenol peeling.
• Medication: A non-steroidal antiinflamma-
tory drug (Ketorolac Trometamol 10 mg) was
given to the patients sublingually 30 minutes
before the procedure.
• Procedure: The skin in the desired peeling
area was cleansed with urea foam for one
minute, and then excess foam was removed.
Alcohol 70% was used to clean the skin.
• Phenol Application: Phenol was applied
using a damp cotton swab over multiple layers
until frosting was achieved.
Eyelid Phenol Peeling as • Post-Procedure: A plastic occlusive mask
A Potential Alternative was used to seal the area, and a post-phenol
occlusive ointment was applied around the
to Surgical periocular region. Patients were instructed
Blepharoplasty: A Case not to wash the area for 7-10 days post-
Series • Post-Procedure Care: Patients were pre-
Thursday, 12 October 2023 scribed eye drops for dryness and oral analge-
sics as needed.
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023 All four patients found the outcomes to be either
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology satisfying or very satisfying when they scored the
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin, cosmetic results.
Germany; by Drs Caroline Silva Pereira, Maiara
When asked for additional feedback, two
Onetta Da Silva et al from the 1Human Clinic,
patients mentioned their satisfaction with the
Department of Clinical, Cosmetic and Surgical
absence of surgical scars, one found the post-
Dermatology, São Paulo, Brazil,
procedure period challenging but worthwhile,
This study discusses a technique called deep and another patient recommended phenol
phenol peeling, specifically for the eyelid area, as peeling as an alternative to surgical blepharo-
a method to improve the appearance of wrinkles plasty.
and aging features. It outlines the materials and
It concludes that deep phenol peeling, particu-
methods used in this procedure and presents the
larly for the eyelid area, is an easy, relatively safe,
results and conclusions from the cases of four
and effective technique for achieving desired
women who underwent the treatment.
aesthetic outcomes in patients who wish to
• Patient Selection: The procedure was per- improve aging features and reduce the appear-
formed on four women with no absolute ance of deep wrinkles without resorting to


surgery. This technique appears to have been The study sample included 48,000 participants,
well-received by the patients involved in the cases ensuring representation across various demo-
described. However, it's important to note that graphic factors such as gender, age, employment
patient selection and preparation, as well as the status, and country region.
procedure itself, should be conducted with The survey was conducted from December 2022
careful consideration and expertise, as with any to February 2023.
medical or cosmetic procedure.
An online questionnaire covered demographics,
phototype, self-reported pigmentation condi-
tions, impact on QOL, experiences of stigmati-
zation, and sun protection behaviors.
Prevalence of Results:

Pigmentary Disorders • Half of the surveyed population reported

having at least one pigmentary disorder. The
Diagnosed by most common disorders were solar lentigo
(27%), AH (18%), PIH (15%), POH (15%),
Dermatologists and melasma (11%), and vitiligo (8%).
Their Impact: Results of • The average age of those reporting pig-
mentary disorders was 44, and these condi-
The First Large tions affected more women (59%).
International Survey • Among those reporting pigmentary disor-
th ders, 36% of them had received a diagnosis
Thursday, 12 October 2023
confirmed by a dermatologist (PDD). The
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023 percentage of PDD for specific conditions
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology varied, with vitiligo (49%), melasma (41%),
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin, and PIH (38%) having the highest rates.
Germany; by Drs Brigitte Dréno, Suzana Puig et • Individuals diagnosed by a dermatologist
al from the Nantes Université, INSERM, CNRS, (PDD) were more affected by their disorder
Immunology and New Concepts in Immuno compared to those whose condition had not
Therapy, INCIT, UMR Nantes, France. been diagnosed by a dermatologist (nPDD).
The study describes the results of a worldwide The Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI)
survey conducted to assess the self-reported score was >10/30 for 40% of PDD, compared
prevalence of pigmentary disorders (PD) such as to 20% for nPDD.
Melasma, Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmenta- • Social stigmatization was more pronounced
tion (PIH), Solar Lentigo, Vitiligo, Peri-Orbital among PDD. For example, 54% of PDD
Hyperpigmentation (POH), and Axillary concealed visible affected skin, compared to
Hyperpigmentation (AH). The survey also 40% of nPDD. Additionally, 41% of PDD
examined the impact of these conditions on the avoided some people, while only 27% of
quality of life (QOL) and stigmatization. The nPDD did.
key findings are as follows:
• The impact of stigmatization extended to
The survey was conducted in 34 countries across various aspects of people's lives, including
different continents. professional (31% experienced discrimina-
tion at work among PDD, compared to 15%

BERLIN 11-14

among nPDD), familial (27% felt they the substantial impact on the quality of life and
brought shame to their family among PDD, stigmatization experienced by individuals with a
compared to 15% among nPDD), and affec- diagnosis confirmed by a dermatologist (PDD).
tive (28% felt pushed away by their partner The findings underscore the importance of
among PDD, compared to 14% among recognizing and addressing the impact of
nPDD). pigmentary disorders on individuals' lives and
The survey reveals a high prevalence of well-being, particularly when diagnosed by
pigmentary disorders worldwide and highlights healthcare professionals.


From the third week onwards, subjects were

Evaluation of The Anti- divided into two groups. One group applied the
Pigmenting Efficacy of B3 serum twice daily for five months, while the
other group used HQ4 at night for three months.
The Association of After three months, the HQ4 group switched to
using the B3 serum twice daily for an additional
Vitamin B3, Vitamin C two months.
and AHA in A Topical Both groups used SPF 50+ sunscreen daily
throughout the study.
Serum, Compared to
Melasma was evaluated using the MASI
The Reference (Melasma Area and Severity Index) scale, which
Ingredient in The measures the affected area, pigmentation dark-
ness, and skin homogeneity. A modified MASI
Management Of (mMASI), excluding the homogeneity parame-
ter, was also measured. Erythema (skin redness)
Melasma was assessed using the IGA (Investigator's
th Global Assessment) scale, and clinical
Thursday, 12 October 2023
tolerability was assessed using a skin reaction
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023 scale.
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology Standardized photographs and reflectance
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin, confocal microscopy were used to illustrate and
Germany; by Drs Juliane Rocio, Mukta Sachdev analyze the efficacy of the treatment.
et al from the Institute of Dermatology and
Aesthetics, Brazil.
• Both the B3 serum and HQ4 resulted in a
This paper discusses a study aimed at evaluating
reduction in the MASI score after three
the effectiveness of a topical serum (referred to as
months of treatment (3.47 for the B3 serum
B3) containing a combination of 5% vitamin B3,
and 3.71 for HQ4). The reduction in mMASI
vitamin C, and 8% AHA in treating melasma.
scores was similar for both groups (1.97 for
The study compared this serum with a widely
the B3 serum and 2.05 for HQ4).
used melasma treatment, hydroquinone 4%
(HQ4). Here's a summary of the study's materi- • After the HQ4 group switched to the B3
als, methods, and findings: serum in the third month, efficacy was
maintained and improved by the end of the
The study was a prospective, double-blind,
five-month study (5.68 for MASI and 3.31 for
randomized trial.
mMASI when using the B3 serum for the full
It included 65 women between the ages of 20 and five months, and 5.38 for MASI and 2.81 for
50 with various skin types (phototypes II to VI) mMASI when using HQ4 for three months
and melasma that had been present for more followed by the B3 serum for two months).
than a year. This corresponds to a more than 40%
For the initial two weeks of the study, all subjects decrease in the MASI score in both groups
used a daily face moisturizer and SPF 50+ after five months of treatment compared to
sunscreen. baseline. There was no statistically significant
difference between the treatments.


• Erythema showed more promising results Conclusion:

with the B3 serum, especially after one month The study suggests that the serum containing a
of treatment. Skin tolerance was better in the combination of 5% vitamin B3, vitamin C, and
B3 serum group compared to the HQ4 group 8% AHA provides superior results in terms of
during the first three months of treatment tolerance and erythema reduction after one
(85% improvement versus 59%). month compared to hydroquinone 4%. Both
• Reflectance confocal microscopy indicated a treatments demonstrated similar improvements
decrease in keratinocyte pigmentation in over in melasma after three months, with no signifi-
90% of subjects for both products from the cant statistical difference. The B3 serum is
beginning to the end of the treatment. considered a safe and effective alternative for
melasma management, either as a standalone
treatment or as an adjuvant to other therapies.


• Patients were divided into two groups, with

The Comparative one group receiving topical minocycline 4%
Efficacy of Topical ge l a n d t h e o t h e r r e c e iv i n g t o p i c a l
clindamycin 1% gel.
Minocycline Gel 4% Vs • The study duration was 12 weeks, and no
Topical Clindamycin other treatments were allowed.
• Efficacy was assessed using the Investigator
Phosphate Gel 1% In Global Assessment (IGA), treatment success,
Indian Patients with and changes in inflammatory and non-
inflammatory lesion counts.
Acne Vulgaris • Safety was assessed through cutaneous
Thursday, 12 October 2023 tolerability assessment and monitoring of
adverse events reported by patients.
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin, • Out of the 100 patients, 91 completed the 12-
Germany; by Drs Bela Shah, Dhiraj Dhoot, week treatment and were included in the final
Hanmant Barkate from the B J Medical college, analysis.
Dermatology, Ahmedabad, India. • Both treatments were effective in reducing
The study presented is a randomized, compara- inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions
tive clinical trial conducted to evaluate the at week 12 compared to baseline (p<0.05).
efficacy and safety of topical minocycline 4% gel • Topical minocycline was found to be statisti-
and topical clindamycin 1% gel in the treatment cally more effective than clindamycin in
of acne vulgaris (AV). Here's a summary of the reducing acne lesions.
key findings and conclusions from the study:
• Minocycline also outperformed clindamycin
Background: in terms of IGA success.
• Acne vulgaris is a common skin disorder that • No adverse events were reported by patients
affects pre-adolescents and adolescents with a in either group.
global prevalence of 9.4%.
• Minocycline was better tolerated in terms of
• Cutibacterium acnes and inflammatory cutaneous tolerability.
processes are crucial factors in the develop-
• Minocycline was statistically superior to
ment of acne.
clindamycin in improving the quality of life
• Clindamycin is a commonly prescribed (QoL) of patients.
topical antibiotic for acne, but there has been
• Conclusion:
an increase in resistance.
• Clindamycin has been effective in managing
• Topical minocycline 4% was approved in the
acne in previous clinical studies, but its use
US in foam form in 2019 and in India as a gel
has been limited due to increasing resistance.
formulation in 2022.
• The study suggests that topical minocycline is
Materials & Methods:
a statistically superior option to clindamycin
• The study involved 100 patients with moder- in reducing acne lesions.
ate to severe acne (grade 2-3).
• Topical minocycline is well-tolerated, and it


may be considered as a first-line topical • Overall, the study concludes that topical
antibiotic in the management of acne. minocycline may be a more effective and
• Unlike systemic minocycline, the topical better-tolerated option than clindamycin for
form is less likely to produce systemic adverse the treatment of acne, particularly in cases
events. where resistance to clindamycin is a concern.


activity of trifarotene.
A Tailored Skincare
Materials & Methods:
Routine Provides • This was a multi-center, randomized, double-
Benefits To Patients blind, vehicle-controlled parallel-group study
involving approximately 120 subjects aged 13
With Moderate Acne to 35.
Vulgaris And Post • The study included a diverse population, with
30% having light skin (skin types I-III) and
inflammatory 70% having dark skin (skin types IV-VI).
Hyperpigmentation In • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)
was assessed using the PIH overall disease
Combination With severity (ODS) score.
Topical Trifarotene • All subjects were provided with a skincare
routine consisting of a gentle skin cleanser
Thursday, 12 October 2023 (used twice daily), a moisturizing lotion, and
an SPF 30 sunscreen formulated for oily skin.
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology • Subjects were assessed from week 4 to week
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin, 24 and provided feedback on their satisfaction
Germany; by Drs Nathalie Piccardi, Mathieu with the products and the full skincare rou-
Grivet_seyve et al from the 1Galderma, R&D, tine.
Lausanne, Switzerland. Results:
The paper is focused on the evaluation of the • Trifarotene showed a nominally significant
efficacy and safety of trifarotene 50 μg/g cream improvement from baseline in the PIH ODS
(TF) compared to a vehicle (placebo) in the score compared to the vehicle at week 12 (-1.6
treatment of moderate acne vulgaris in individu- vs. -1.1; p=0.03).
als with acne-induced post-inflammatory • However, the absolute change in PIH ODS
hyperpigmentation (PIH). It also investigates the scores was comparable between the two
benefits of a tailored skincare routine as part of groups at week 24, with both groups showing
acne management. Here's a summary of the key improvements from baseline.
findings and conclusions from the study:
• In the TF group, more than 90% of subjects
Background: reported not being bothered by the side effects
• Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) of the treatment, and they agreed that the
is a common occurrence following cutaneous cleanser and moisturizing lotion helped
inflammation, particularly in patients with reduce skin irritation and dryness, improving
acne vulgaris. compliance with the acne treatment.
• Retinoids, such as trifarotene, are known to be • Additionally, the study observed a decrease in
potent modulators of inflammation, cellular treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAE)
differentiation, and keratinization in the related to Retinoids associated dermatitis by
context of acne vulgaris. up to 50% in the TF group.
• Previous in vivo studies have demonstrated • Within the vehicle (Veh) group, there was a
the depigmenting and anti-pigmenting significant 40% reduction in PIH compared


to baseline, demonstrating the significant Hershey, Hershey PS, United States

effect of the dermocosmetic regimen on PIH. The study focuses on the role of dermocosmetics
Conclusion: (cosmeceuticals) in the management of acne
• The study suggests that a tailored skincare vulgaris. Dermocosmetics are skincare products
routine should be considered as an integral that contain active ingredients designed to
part of the management of moderate acne address various skin conditions. The study
with PIH. involved a systematic literature review and a
panel of dermatologists with expertise in acne
• The addition of the skincare routine to the management to analyze the existing evidence
trifarotene treatment demonstrated addi- and provide recommendations. Here is a sum-
tional benefits in managing PIH. mary of the key findings and conclusions from
• The skincare routine also improved side this study:
effects such as skin irritation and dryness Background:
associated with trifarotene treatment, leading
to higher satisfaction and compliance among • Acne vulgaris is a widespread global issue,
acne patients. and while effective treatments exist, there is a
continuous search for ways to improve acne
• In summary, this study highlights the impor- management.
tance of not only the acne treatment itself but
also the supporting skincare routine in man- • Dermocosmetics are skincare products that
aging moderate acne with post-inflammatory incorporate advanced active ingredients with
hyperpigmentation. The regimen not only the potential for biological activity, which can
had a positive impact on PIH but also support skin health and alleviate skin condi-
improved patient satisfaction and compliance tions.
with treatment. • A systematic literature review was con-
ducted, and a panel of dermatologists special-
izing in acne management analyzed the
available literature.

International Expert • The panel of experts held a live meeting and

conducted a three-step Delphi process online
Consensus to reach a consensus on the use of dermo-
cosmetics in acne management.
Recommendations for • The panel acknowledged that the evidence
The Use of Dermo- base for dermocosmetics is not as robust as
that for prescription products, but they
cosmetics In Acne utilized the available evidence and their
Thursday, 12 October 2023 expert opinions to reach consensus.
This paper was presented on October 12th 2023
• The panel of experts suggested that der-
at the 32nd European Academy of Dermatology
mocosmetics may be used as monotherapy to
and Venerology (EADV) Congress at Berlin,
treat milder forms of acne or to maintain the
Germany; by Drs Brigitte Dréno, Diane
benefits post-prescription treatment. This
Thiboutot et al from the University Nantes,
recommendation is supported by studies
Nantes, France, Penn State College of Medicine,
showing improvements in global assessment,


reduced acne lesion counts, and decreased

skin oiliness, as well as effective maintenance Conclusion:
after acne clearance. • The study's literature review and expert
• The experts also recommended the use of consensus through the Delphi method
dermocosmetics as adjunctive therapy to support the use of dermocosmetics in the
prescription treatments. In this role, management of acne.
dermocosmetics can help prevent and man- • Dermocosmetics can be used as standalone
age irritation and drug-induced adverse treatment for milder acne cases and for
effects. They may also reduce skin oiliness, maintaining results after prescription treat-
improve skin barrier function, enhance ments. They can also serve as adjunctive
treatment adherence, increase patient satis- therapy to prescription treatments, helping to
faction, and improve the quality of life for manage side effects and improve treatment
acne patients. adherence, patient satisfaction, and quality of
• Limited evidence suggests that the adjunctive life.
use of dermocosmetics may enhance the • While the evidence for dermocosmetics is not
efficacy of prescription therapy by facilitating as strong as that for prescription products,
patient adherence to the prescribed treatment. their role in acne management is recognized
and recommended by experts in the field.

An Educational Initiative by

An academic initiative from the makers of

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