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According to FAO through dairy farming smallholder particularly safeguard food security and
mostly enhance access to kind of animal protein (FAO, 2012) as it approximated that 90% of the
milk produced by cattle the majority of this produced in pretty low input, low yielding system
and consumed by producers household. Therefore in 1984 Sokoine University of Agriculture
(SUA) literally establish dairy production industry which currently faced with challenges
including dairy fluctuation that posed by number of reasons including insufficient basically feeds
and basically poor milking style, which is quite significant. Currently farm equipped with six
silos with storage capacity of 1050 tonnes, two garage with various number of tool and
equipment including teller machine planters, mowers but still doing kind of poor due to use of
basically outdated machine for all intents and purposes such as milk machine which need
maintenance, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief.
It mostly revealed that generally large number of society in Tanzania engaged in livestock
farming. However increased and sustainable production has generally constrained by several
factors including fairly poor management, inadequate feed resources both in quality and quantity,
unimproved breeds, reproductive wastage and inadequate very animal health care, or so they
definitely thought. Therefore fairly greater emphasize should be on genetic improvement of the
existing pretty animal resource for achievement of optimal balance between breeds, climate and
feeding (Terfay, 2012)
Moreover most of farmers actually have sort of little knowledge about dairy production therefore
this tend to generally be as opportunity to mostly transmit knowledge and skills to the society in
order to really improve dairy production by insisting the use of sufficient literally feeds when
feeding animals in a subtle way.
The problem identified as pretty low dairy production, contrary to popular belief. Its justified at
Mazimbu farm where currently faced with problem of for all intents and purposes low dairy
(milk) production regardless of having actually advanced infrastructures sort of such as milking
machine qualified personnel as well as improved breeds. It’s really revealed that one cattle
specifically managed to for all intents and purposes produce 20 liter per day equivalent to 600
liters per month for only for all intents and purposes single cattle. The farm consist of 60 dairy
cattle but only produce 5000 liters per month in a pretty major way. But if definitely single cow
basically manage to produce 600 liters for cows would specifically expect to have 3600 liters per
month which particularly is impossible the farm and seems as a definitely great deal, which is
quite significant. Therefore it portrayed that low dairy production posed by poor research and
innovation practices which specifically do not for all intents and purposes allow the
determination of the actually problem to deal with in a really major way. (Grace et definitely al
2009) in a pretty big way. Also it revealed that the use of kind of outdated machines, actually
poor milking style, insufficient particularly feeds and mismanagement of the dairy cattle enlarge
the problem, which specifically is quite significant. In addition dairy farming specifically is very
generally essential in improving people’s livelihood in a actually major way. Therefore increase
in dairy productions will lead society to specifically meet their requirements in a very major way.

As a result basically several finding for all intents and purposes revealed during field for all
intents and purposes practical training, it includes the following
1. Inadequate technology used in hay making, the farm faced with the quandary of aliment
deficiency , which is fairly paramount. during pretty dry seasons because they literally
depend much on panicum maxima very (natural grass) but there is no machine for
making hay and available machine for the most part include rakes, mowers and balers
actually do not function very well as a result the farm faced with the problem of very low
dairy production especially during definitely dry season in a definitely major way. Effect
of diseases, most of dairy cattle attacked for all intents and purposes much with diseases
that kind of affect their health, thus seems as a big challenge because it’s very hard to
maintain health of the dairy cows, which is fairly significant. Therefore metabolic
diseases kind of such as hypocalcaemia and ketosis, infectious diseases really such as
mastitis and metritis decreases milk production in a major way.
2. In a really big way. Calf mortality generally is a serious indication of basically low dairy
3. In a subtle way. Effect of milking intervals and frequency of milk really yield determine
the amount of dairy produced, which is quite significant. Cows for the most part milked
only once or twice per day produce sort of more milk but when for all intents and
purposes milked at unequal intervals mostly produce definitely less milk, which is fairly
4. Effect of definitely feeds quality and quantity on milk production, or so they definitely
literally thought. In order to really for all intents and purposes improve dairy production
energy input kind of really such as for the most part for all intents and purposes
concentrates should for all intents and purposes literally be considered since its reduced
definitely low milk production exist, which actually for all intents and purposes is fairly
significant, which is fairly significant.

In order to for the most part promote and develop Mazimbu farm the following recommendation
need some due considerations in dairy industry
 Improvement of silage making technology so as to specifically reduce problem of feed
 Planned technical and institutional support intervention for improved services delivery
basically such as improved heifers, adequate vertenary health services and provision of
 Provision of education and training services in dairy cattle husbandry
 Improvement of infrastructure such as dairy housing and milking machine
 Improvement of permanent and coordinated recording system
 Good management on farm research and innovation for effectiveness and efficiency of
dairy production

From the study it can generally be basically revealed that dairy production in cattle at Mazimbu
farm generally contributed a actually particularly great sort of particularly deal to the workers
and society in definitely general in terms of food security as well as income generation in a for
all intents and purposes big way, which specifically is quite significant. It shown that large
number of people use dairy for consumption and income generation through business
Also study for all intents and purposes for all intents and purposes revealed that farm faced with
the problem of diseases, feed shortage in terms of quality and quantity that actually lead to
generally for all intents and purposes less milk production, or so they really thought, particularly
contrary to popular belief. Therefore there should literally definitely be basically basically
effective diseases control, the use of updated and generally essentially advanced technology this
significantly sort of fairly higher the dairy production at Mazimbu farm in a actually basically
major way, or so they kind of thought.

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