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To make meaningful progress in educational development there is a dire need to

improve the examination system, academic affairs and the curriculum. In this regard,
the undersigned would like to submit some suggestions to the chairman
PBTE Lahore, which are as follows:

1. There should be proper training for teachers to perform examination

duties, or if the teaching staff is unwilling, a separate staff may be hired
for this purpose.

2. There must be some rewards and punishments for the supervisory

staff. The honest staff may be rewarded and the culprits be punished by
deducting their remuneration or disqualifying them. The competent and
honest supervisory staff may be incentivized, as the current
remuneration and TA/DA can’t attract their interest.

3. As cheating is deep rooted in the society, students and parents can

harm the honest supervisory staff; therefore, they may be provided with
proper security to prevent untoward incidents.

4. Political interference may be discouraged to let the teachers do their


5. As papers are made in such a way to encourage cramming and the use
of pocket guides, therefore, Patterns of the papers may be changed.
These may be designed in such a way to minimize the role of supervisory
staff and to discourage cheating materials.

6. TheThe teachers and parents should start a campaign to create

awareness and hatred in the minds of students against this menace of
unfair means.

We cannot rectify our education system unless we take political

interference and a sense of business-mindedness out of it. The education
boards should be allowed to work in a smooth and independent manner,
and it should always be kept in mind that the primary focus of this entire
system is not to make money but to create a better future for the country.

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