Job Plan: Name: Jsid: CRN

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Job Plan

I understand that my primary goal is to gain and maintain employment. I am aware that I have
mutual obligation requirements that I must undertake in return for receiving my income support

I will let Services Australia (Centrelink) know if I am unable to meet my requirements or I need an
adjustment to my requirements due to my circumstances.

I understand that if I do not comply with my mutual obligation requirements, my payment may be put
on hold or cancelled.


JSID: 8895022003 CRN: 202707689T

Mutual Obligation Requirements

· I will meet my agreed mutual obligation requirements by undertaking approved activities and
report my participation in them to Centrelink.

Name: Centrelink:

Signature: Signature:

Date: Date:

This Job Plan is an Employment Pathway Plan for the purpose of the Social Security Act 1991 and the
Social Security (Administration) Act 1999.

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Information You Need to Know
Under social security law, recipients of income support For example, if you stop undertaking an approved activity you
payments are generally required to enter into a Job Plan, must contact Centrelink.
which is appropriate for their circumstances. Your Job Plan
sets out your mutual obligation requirements. These are the
Note: Centrelink will contact you 28 days from the expiry of
approved activities you must undertake in return for receiving
an approved activity via a task in your Centrelink online
your income support payment. account (or by letter if you do not have an online account).
After reviewing your future participation in the activity, you
Important: You may not be paid your income support may be asked to agree to a new Job Plan.
payment if you do not enter into a Job Plan when required to
do so. You must advise Centrelink if you are unable to attend
appointments made for you. You must do this before the
Your Job Plan will include a requirement to: appointment is due. If you fail to do so, or if you do not have
o undertake approved activities and report your a reasonable excuse for failing to attend the appointment,
participation to Centrelink; or your payment may be suspended.
o attend appointments made for you by
Centrelink. While in receipt of income support payments, you must
accept offers of suitable paid work. If you do not accept an
offer of a suitable job, your income support payment may be
Reporting your participation to meet suspended, or cancelled. If you leave a suitable job
your requirements and any income voluntarily without a good reason, or are dismissed from a
from paid work job due to misconduct, your payment may be cancelled.

You must provide confirmation that you are meeting your If your payment is cancelled, you will not be paid for 4 weeks
mutual obligation requirements to comply with the terms of and you will have to re-apply for your payment.
your Job Plan when lodging your Centrelink Reporting
What if I disagree with a decision that
You must lodge your Reporting Statement with Centrelink to has been made?
keep receiving your income support payment. This can be
done via Self Service (online or phone), in person at a If you disagree with a decision that Centrelink has made
Services Australia (Centrelink) office, or in writing. about your payment or your Job Plan, you can contact us on
132 850 and we will explain the decision. We may be able to
When lodging your Reporting Statement, if you or your resolve your concerns without a formal review.
partner have undertaken any paid work then you must tell
Centrelink about the income you or your partner have You can apply for a formal review of the decision. We can
received. This will help ensure you are paid the correct change the decision if it is wrong. This review is free.
amount of income support payments. If you are overpaid,
you may need to pay the money back.
To make a complaint or give us
You can view a summary of your due to report dates and feedback
reporting periods in your Centrelink online account. This
displays all reporting periods within 12 weeks of the date We aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible. If you
viewed. You can access this summary by selecting Income want to make a complaint or give us feedback you can:
and Assets > Employment Income > Next reporting periods o call our feedback and complaints line on
from the menu. 1800 132 468
o go to for
If you have provided Centrelink with your mobile number or other options.
email address, you may be sent an email or Short Message
Service (SMS) reminder the day before you are due to report. If this does not resolve your concerns, you can make a
complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman at using the online complaints form. If
What if I cannot meet my requirements you are unable to complete the online form, you can call
or my circumstances have changed? them on 1300 362 072.

If you cannot meet your requirements for any reason, or your

circumstances change, you must let Centrelink know.
Your personal information is protected by law, including the
You can do this by contacting Centrelink on 132 850. Privacy Act 1988. More information is available from, or the Office of the
If there has been a change in your circumstances as it relates Australian Information Commissioner at
to your approved activity or activities, you can advise this via
your Centrelink online account.

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