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Chapter 4: Summary of Findings, Conclusion, Recommendations, and Further Recommendations

The research conducted among 115 students from Jagobiao National High School focused on
understanding the impacts of financial problems on students. This chapter presents the summary
of findings, conclusion, and recommendations derived from the survey responses.

Summary of Findings:

The survey revealed that a majority of the students (89) sometimes experience financial
problems within their families. Not being able to afford necessary school materials was identified
as the main challenge by 41 students, followed by difficulties in covering transportation fees (27
students), inability to afford basic school fees (18 students), and the need to work while
continuing studies (9 students). In terms of coping strategies, 82 students chose to continue
studying while working.


Based on the survey findings, it can be concluded that a significant number of students at
Jagobiao National High School experience financial problems within their families. These
financial problems often lead to challenges related to affording necessary school materials,
transportation fees, and basic school fees. Some students also face the additional burden of
having to work while pursuing their studies.


Based on the research findings, the following recommendations are proposed:

1. Financial Support Programs:

Implement financial support programs aimed at assisting students from families experiencing
financial difficulties. These programs can include scholarships, grants, or subsidized services to
alleviate the burden of school materials, transportation fees, and basic school fees.

2.School-Based Support Systems:

Develop and implement school-based support systems to identify and assist students facing
financial challenges. This may include providing resources such as discounted or free school
materials, organizing fundraisers, and establishing a support network within the school

Further Recommendations:

To further address the needs of students facing financial problems, the following additional
recommendations are proposed:

To further address the needs of students facing financial problems, the following additional
recommendations are proposed:

1. Mentoring and Counseling:

Introduce mentoring and counseling programs to provide emotional and psychological support
for students facing financial difficulties. These programs can offer guidance, motivation, and
strategies to help students overcome challenges and remain focused on their academic goals.

2. Collaboration with Local Organizations:

Establish partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and community groups to provide
internship opportunities, part-time employment, or vocational training programs that align with
students' academic schedules. This collaboration can help students gain practical skills, financial
stability, and enhance their employability.

By implementing these recommendations and continuously evaluating their effectiveness, we

can strive to create a supportive environment where students can overcome financial challenges
and pursue their education successfully at Jagobiao National High School.

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