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And here lies the backbone of this site: Pagan Ritual. Listed below are various Pagan rites, Wiccan rituals, Witchcaft spells and Wiccan chants. Many are from our Book of Shadows, some are from books, all are quite effective. The one thing I must emphasize with these spells and rites using Wicca, Witchcraft or other Pagan paths is that one can not expect to light some incense, ramble off a few words, and see results! Quite honestly , this page should be referenced for the learned individual. Many fine Pagan Books are for sale here and elsewhere for the truly committed. Note: The consecration techniques listed here are very effective but are not our own, we hold consecration as a very dear and personal thing.

ASTRAL PROJECTION Monroe Technique Channelling

INCANTATIONS & SPELLS Courage, Wisdom and Power Spell Defensive Spell To Ease a Broken Heart To Get a Job Spell Home Protection Spell

BLESSINGS Computer Blessing

God and Goddess Blessing A Nighttime Blessing

CANDLES Candle Magick

CAULDRONS Cauldron Usage

Home Protection Spell #2 Object Protection Spell Getting a Good Parking Space Spell A Parting Spell Prosperity Spell To Keep From Prying Eyes Spell Safe Travel Spell

INVOCATIONS Charge of the Goddess Charge of the God Baldur Brigit Freyja Freyr Frigg Herne Thorr

CHANTS Beltane Power Animals Protection


Eclectic Circle Casting (solitary) Circle Casting (group) MEDITATION Circle Casting 2 (group) Circle Casting (Dragon) The Triskelion Rite of Tea Opening the Circle Home Blessing (meditation) Basic Meditation 1 CONSECRATION Basic Meditation 2 Basic Meditation 3 General Tool Consecration River of Life Meditation Tool Consecration 2 Old Magick Exorcism MISC CREATION Making Ceremonial Ash Making Incense Making Oils Making a Rune Set The Five Fold Kiss

MOON RITES Drawing Down the Moon Moon Magick Solitary Moon Rite

CRYSTALS Wire Wrapping Crystals

RECIPES: FOOD Crescent Cakes Beltane Marigold Custard Soft Mead

DEDICATION / INITIATION General Self Blessing Coven Initiation


Self Dedication Rite Altar Incense Circle Incense Fall Sabbat Incense Full Moon Ritual Incense Spring Sabbat Incense

DREAMS Lucid Dreaming Dream Problem Solving

EARTH MAGICK Nature Spirit Magick EcoMagick Rain Forest Rain Forest (group) Resin Sapping

RECIPES: OILS Altar Oil Esbat Oil #1 Esbat Oil #2 Goddess Oil Horned God Oil Sabbat Oil #1 Sabbat Oil #2

ELEMENTS Four Portals Ritual Elemental Cauldrons

SABBAT RITUAL Beltane Chant Beltane Ritual Beltane Ritual 2 Imbolc - Solitary Ritual Samhain Ritual

HOME & BODY Ritual Bath Room Blessing Home Blessing Four Week Fast


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