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Michael Academy of Valenzuela

C.J. Santos St., Pob. II, Malinta, Valenzuela City


Name: Score: ____________________

Teacher: Mark Angelo Fajardo Parent’s Signature: ______________________

I. Read the statement carefully. Encircle the correct letter.

1. Excel is a program that is used to prepare a ____________

a. Slide presentation c. Text Document

b. Spreadsheet d. Database

2. A formula in excel always begin in ___________

a. Equal sign c. Comma

b. Colon d. Space

3. What is the extension of saved file in MS Excel?

a. .xls c. .xos
b.. xks d.. xbs

4. Excel documents are stored as files called _____________

a. Workgroups c. Worksheets
b. Worktables d. Workforce

5. The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is the ___________

a. Cell location c. Cell Address

b. Cell position d. Cell coordinates

6. Which sign indicate to multiplication?

a. Asterisk c. Percent sign

b. Caret d. Forward slash

7. ____ is a powerful tool used to create and format spreadsheets.

a. Adobe Photoshop c. MS Powerpoint

b. Mozilla Firefox d. MS Excel

8. Workbook is a collection of __________

a. Worksheets c. Buttons
b. Page set-up d. Diagrams

9. The worksheet names appear on tabs at the ____ of the workbook window.

a. Bottom right c. Top left

b. Bottom left d. Top right
10. ____ is the intersection of a row with a column.

a. Cell c. Column
b. Row d. Name box

11. Which of the following is an active cell in excel?

a. Cell Address c. Formula

b. Range d. Current cell

12. What is the pictorial representation of worksheet data?

a. Chart c. Word art

b. Clipart d. Formula

13. # VALUE! Refers to _______

a. Font Value c. Subscript of the number value

b. Error in value d. Addition in value

14. When you enter text in a cell in Excel. It also appears in the ___________

a. Status bar c. Row heading

b. Formula bar d. Name box

15. A ________ is an expression in Excel which calculates the value of a cell.

a. Functions c. Formulas
b. References d. Text

II. Tell whether if it is LABEL, VALUE, or FORMULA. Write your answer on the blank.

1. ____________ 1+1 6. ____________ 96.05

2. ____________ 8888 7. ____________ K to 12

3. ____________ Name of Participants 8. ____________ =SUM (A6:A12)

4. ____________ = C5*C9 9. ____________ Cell phone number

5. ____________ 12 months of the year 10. ____________ Address

III. Give the exact number of limits of MS Excel 2019 (5 points)

1. Row limit: __________________________

2. Column limit: _________________________

IV. Use the images below. Create a formula of each equation. Write your answer on the blank.

1. 5 x 50 = _______________ 6. 36 – 6 = _______________

2. 4 + 6 = _______________ 7. 9 – 4 = ________________

3. 18 ÷ 2 = ________________ 8. 45 + 15 = _______________

4. 150 – 50 = _______________ 9. 21 + 9 = ________________

5. 100 ÷ 2 = _______________ 10. 5 x 2 = ________________

V. Write T if the statement is true, and F if the statement is false.

___________1. In Excel, numbers are used as Column headings.

___________2. All excel formulas begin with the equal sign ( = ).
___________3. A group of cells that excels treats as a single unit is called range.
___________4. Excel does not provide a spelling checker.
___________5. A Function is a ready-made formula.
___________6. AutoSum automatically adds the total of the selected cell.
___________7. A worksheet is a collection of workbooks
___________8.Until the worksheets are named, they are identified as Sheet1, Sheet2, and so on.
___________9.The Name box shows the address of the active cell.
___________10.The symbol of multiplication in Excel is x.

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