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Grammar Unit 2

1 Look at the table. Write sentences about what 3 Look at the answers. Then write the questions.
Luis, Ana and Miguel do on Saturdays. Use the Use the present simple and question words.
present simple.
you / do at the beach / ?
What do you do at the beach?
Luis Ana Miguel We swim and play games.
1 they / go shopping / ?
Saturday watch TV chat online play
morning football _______________________________________ ?
Saturday work in a go do karate On Saturdays.
afternoon shop shopping 2 he / do karate / ?
Saturday hang out dance in a go to the _______________________________________ ?
evening with friends salsa group gym Because it’s a great way to keep fit.
3 you / play computer games / ?
In the mornings, … _______________________________________ ?
Luis watches TV. Every day.
1 Ana ___________________________________ 4 he / hang out with his friends / ?
2 Miguel _________________________________ _______________________________________ ?
In the city centre or at the Youth Club.
In the afternoons, … 5 she / chat online with / ?
3 _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ?
4 _______________________________________ With her best friend, Carla.
5 _______________________________________
4 Write questions. Then write short answers that
In the evenings, …
are true for you.
6 _______________________________________
your mum / play an instrument
7 _______________________________________
Does your mum play an instrument?
8 _______________________________________
Yes, she does.
2 Write negative sentences. 1 your best friend / like pizza
In the mornings, … _______________________________________
Luis / chat online _______________________________________
Luis doesn’t chat online. 2 your friends / chat online
1 Ana / play football _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
2 Miguel / watch TV 3 you / play tennis
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
In the afternoons, … 4 you / like art
3 Luis / go shopping _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
4 Ana / do karate 5 your English teacher / give you homework
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
5 Miguel / work in a shop _______________________________________
_______________________________________ 6 the students in your school / clean the
In the evenings, … classrooms
6 Luis / dance in a salsa group _______________________________________
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
7 Ana / go to the gym _______________________________________
8 Miguel / hang out with friends

Vocabulary Unit 2
1 Match 1–7 to A–H to make daily routines. 4 Complete the sentences with the correct verb.
get up C A changed 1 My parents ___________ the piano.
1 wash ___ B exercise 2 I ___________ shopping with my sister at the
2 get ___ C early weekend.
3 go ___ D breakfast 3 I always ___________ a book before I go to bed.
4 do ___ E your room 4 We ___________ to music in the evening.
5 have ___ F home 5 I ___________ out in the city centre with my
6 brush ___ G your hair friends after school.
7 clean ___ H your teeth 6 Do you want to ___________ skateboarding?
7 My brothers ___________ judo.
2 Complete the text about Emi’s daily routine with 8 I’m tired. Can we ___________ TV?
the phrases from exercise 1. Use the correct
form of the verbs. 9 We ___________ sports at school on Tuesday
My sister and I both (1) ______________ at around 10 They ___________ computer games every day!
6.45 a.m. We don’t (2) ______________ ; I just 11 My sister ___________ arts and crafts after
have a coffee and my sister has some milk. Then school on Mondays.
we put on our trainers and go running in the park for 12 Jorge ___________ biking every weekend.
20 minutes. At 7.15 a.m., we (3) ______________
5 Write nouns for the definitions.
because we need to (4) ______________ into our
school clothes. My sister goes to the bathroom first. 1 It keeps our feet on the floor. ___________
She has a shower and (5) ______________ . Her 2 We put it in the bin. ___________
hair is very long, so it takes a long time! Then it’s 3 Actors wear it on their faces. ___________
my turn to use the bathroom. I only need 10 4 You make these when you eat bread or cake.
minutes. I have a quick shower and ___________
(6) ______________ . We go to school at 8.15 a.m. 5 A program on your mobile phone. ___________
and have a big breakfast when we arrive. After 6 We can watch this on TV or read about it online.
school, we (7) ______________ again because we ___________
like to keep fit. Sometimes we go swimming, but we
usually play tennis. But not on Thursday afternoons.
On Thursdays after school, we (8) _____________.
There are usually clothes and books on the floor.
We put the clothes in the wardrobe and the books
on the shelves. I don’t like Thursdays!

3 Complete the dialogue.

A What do you (1) ________ on Friday
B I go to drama club.
A Do you (2) ________ to hang out with me
after that?
B Sorry, I’m (3) ________ on Friday evening.
(4) ________ about Saturday?
A I play football on Saturday mornings.
(5) ________ you (6) ________ on Saturday
B Yes, I am. Let’s (7) ________ at your house.
A OK, that (8) ________ good.

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