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AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 5

Term: 2 Date of Issue : 04/02/2024 Due date of Submission : 04/01- 10/02/2024

Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 5

Term: 2 Date of Issue : 04/02/2024 Due date of Submission : 04/01- 10/02/2024

Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 5

Term: 2 Date of Issue : 04/02/2024 Due date of Submission : 04/01- 10/02/2024

Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

Exam Exercise 5 : Email Writing

Your email should be between 120 and 160 words long.

AY 2023-24 Subject: ENGLISH HW NUMBER: 5

Term: 2 Date of Issue : 04/02/2024 Due date of Submission : 04/01- 10/02/2024

Name of the student: Year/Division: 10 ESL

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

Hey [saad],
I hope you're doing well. I wanted to share a recent experience with
you that left me feeling grateful for the kindness of others. Last week, I
had a problem at work that I had no idea how to solve. It was causing
me a lot of stress and anxiety. Fortunately, a colleague named Sarah
stepped in and offered her expertise. She patiently listened to my
concerns and provided me with a step-by-step solution that worked like
I'm incredibly thankful for Sarah's help and support during that
challenging time. To show my appreciation, I plan to take her out for
lunch next week as a small token of gratitude. I believe it's important to
acknowledge and reciprocate acts of kindness, and I want to make
sure Sarah knows how much her help meant to me.
I'm lucky to have such amazing friends like you and Sarah in my life.
Let's catch up soon and I can share more details about the situation.
Take care and talk to you soon!
Warm regards,
[Ali Al-Abbasi]


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