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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The most precious moments are those when we get an opportunity to remember and thank everyone who has in some way or the other motivated and facilitated us to achieve our goals. First of all I thank to GOD ALMIGHTY ALLAH for giving me power to pendown the term paper in its present shape. I thank the entire teaching staffespecially MS. KANIKAJHAMBLect. LSMfor sharing her valuableknowledge with me & for providing her able guidance and support. I alsothank to my classmate who every time helped me out and encouraged mefor carrying out the task. I fall short of words to thank my family, who stood beside me while completion of my task.



NTRODUCTION Advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readersor listeners) to take some action. It includes the name of a product or service and how thatproduct or service could benefit the consumer, to persuade potential customers to purchase orto consume that particular brand. It can also serve to communicate an idea to a mass amountof people in an attempt to convince them to take a certain action, such as encouraging'environmentally friendly' behaviours. Modern advertising developed with the rise of massproduction in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products orservices through branding, which involves the repetition of an image or product name in aneffort to associate related qualities with the brand in the minds of consumers. Different typesof media can be used to deliver these messages, including traditional media such asnewspapers, magazines, television, radio, outdoor or direct mail; or new media such aswebsites and text messages. Advertising may be placed by an advertising agency on behalf ofa company or other organization. Non-commercial advertisers that spend money to advertise items other than a consumerproduct or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations andgovernmental agencies. Non profit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, suchas a public service announcement. In 2007, spending on advertising was estimated at more than $150 billion in the United States and $385 billion worldwide The most important element of advertising is not information but suggestion more or lessmaking use of associations, emotions (appeal to emotion) and drives dormant in thesubconscious of people, such as sex drive, herd instinct; of desires, such as happiness, health,fitness, appearance, self-esteem,

reputation, belonging, social status, identity, adventure,distraction, reward; of fears (appeal to fear), such as illness, weaknesses, loneliness, need,uncertainty, security or of prejudices, learned opinions and comforts. All human needs,relationships, and fears the deepest recesses of the human psyche become mere means forthe expansion of the commodity universe under the force of modern marketing. With the riseto prominence of modern marketing, commercialism the translation of human relations intocommodity relations although a phenomenon intrinsic to capitalism, has expandedexponentially. Cause-related marketing in which advertisers link their product to someworthy social cause has boomed over the past decade.

Advertising exploits the model role of celebrities or popular figures and makes deliberate useof humour as well as of associations with colour, tunes, certain names and terms. Altogether,these are factors of how one perceives himself and ones self-worth. In his description ofmental capitalism Franck says, the promise of consumption making someone irresistible isthe ideal way of objects and symbols into a persons subjective experience. Evidently, in asociety in which revenue of attention moves to the fore, consumption is drawn by ones self-esteem. As a result, consumption becomes work on a persons attraction. From thesubjective point of view, this work opens fields of unexpected dimensions for advertising.Advertising takes on the role of a life councillor in matters of attraction. The cult aroundones own attraction is what Christopher Lasch described as Culture of Narcissism.

REVIEW OF LITRATURE Anushree Chandran(2008) in a study (Indias ad industry to grow 9% in 2010) by media agency Zenith Optimedia said that conglomerate Public Group SA, has forecast 9% growthfor Indias advertising industry for this year. The agency has also upgraded its forecast forglobal advertising industry growth from 0.9% to 2.2% for 2010. The survey said the Indian economy withstood the test of global slump and grew at 6-7% in2009. However, the advertising market reacted sharply to the downturn and grew only at 1%during the year. The study stated that Internet advertising in India will be driven by socialmedia. The survey pegs Internet advertising growth at an annual 25% in the coming three years

Talluri Prashanth Vidya Sagar and Dr. Nagendra V Chowdary(2010) said that A companys new brand campaign should be extremely powerful particularly when a newbrands identity has to be established on top of an existing and already quite establishedbrand. Vodafones Zoozoo campaign was launched with much fanfare and full ofexpectations and with the main motto of promoting its Value Added Services (VAS).However, Vodafone had another subtle motto of replacing brand Hutch with that of theVodafone. As expected Zoozoos or Zoozooperstars have become overnight

brandambassadors of Vodafone and saved the company from the negative impacts of Happy toHelp You campaign.

DEVINA JOSHI (2009) said that In 2008, Vodafone had unveiled the Happy to Help series during the first season of the Indian Premier League (IPL). With the launch of the secondseason, Vodafone has given birth to the Zoozoo: a special character created specifically toconvey a value added service (VAS) offering in each of the newly released commercials. Theinteresting pointis that there are some 25 such commercials planned under this campaign, 10of which are already on air. The aim is to release approximately one ad a day, to sustaininterest till the end of the IPL. Rahul Sachitanand; Anusha Subramanian(2009) said that In June 2007, Tata Tea became the world's largest tea vendor by volume and decided to leverage its new position to pointadvertising in this market in a new direction. Rather than promote its brand on the physicaland mental platforms of taste, energy and strength, the company decided to elevateadvertising to the next level by targeting the intellectual plane. Tata Tea wanted to look beyond the functional aspects of tea advertising and focus on theselfactualisation increased civic consciousness and being politically aware that a morningcuppa could offer its consumers. Ajay chowhan(2010) in his study on Google Indiatargets for online advertising campaign said that Google India is eying small and medium businesses (SMBs) in Gujarat for its onlineadvertisement programme. Google Indias is has offered new service called Jumpstart forthe state. Under this service Google will offer free expert support to SMBs to build an online advertising campaign to attract new customers.

NEED FOR THE STUDY Advertisement plays an important role in the present scenario. So our need for study is to analyze the role of advertisement in brand promotion and brand image. OBJECTIVES OF STUDY ) To find the effectiveness of the advertisements. ) To find the impact of the celebrities in the brand promotion. ) To find out the factors which makes an advertisement effective HYPOTHESIS FORMULATION

Null Hypothesis: There is no significant effect of advertisements on the brand promotion. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Before examining types of research designs it is important to be clear about the role andpurpose of research design. We need to understand what research design is and what it is not.We need to know where design into the whole research process from framing a question tofinally analyzing and reporting data. RESEARCH DESIGN In this study Indias most effective ad campaignsthe problem and objectives of the study hasbeen clearly defined and as our research is to find out the effectiveness of advertisements,sothe research is Descriptive. UNIVERSE Total of items about which information is desired aggregate of elementary units possess atleast one common characteristic- real or hypothetical. In this study the population is thepeople living in India.

TARGET POPULATION Target population refers to the entire group of individuals or objects to which researchers areinterested in generalizing the conclusions. The target population usually has varyingcharacteristics and it is also known as the theoretical population. In this study the targetpopulation are those who are conscious about advertisementsin jalander, not the wholepopulation. SAMPLING METHOD As in myresearch Ihave chosen fifty respondents from Jalandhar, so the sampling technique I amusing is convinent sampling technique. SAMPLING FRAME List of address for all the Respondents which we consider for sampling i.e. Identification and whole information of the respondent. SAMPLE SIZE Sampling size refers to the number of items to be selected from the population to constitute asample. This is the biggest problem for the researcher. The size of the sample should neitherbe large nor too small; it should be optimum to gather the accurate results. In my research the sample size of the respondents is 50.

SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION Primary as well as secondary data has been used in conducting this research. ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS In advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC). Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a specific time frame. Various types of media can be used in these campaigns such as radio, TV, and internet. Radio and TV advertising campaigns use methods including but not limited to electronic billboards, commercial announcements, personal endorsements, promotions, blurbs, and plugs. Radio and TV Advertising Campaigns can also utilize Direct Response Advertising, Viral Marketing, and Remnant Advertising, as well as include newer technology such as Satellite advertising. Much like Satellite radio, Internet advertising campaigns can be viewed as a more recent development based on the advancements of technology and the growing availability of internet throughout the world. Methods used in internet advertising include but are not limited to search engines, banners, blurbs, video clips, interactive games, and emails. Campaigns can also utilize Direct Response Internet Advertising, Viral Advertising, and Remnant Internet Advertising. Marketing departments and advertising agencies might utilize one or any number of differentmedia types as well as advertising methods. Others will focus on one form of medium and/orspecialize in one or two particular methods of advertising. The critical part of making an advertising campaign is determining a campaign theme, as it sets the tone for the individual advertisements and other forms of marketing communications that will be used. The campaign theme is the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities. The campaign themes are usually developed with the intention of being used for a substantial period but many of them are short lived due to factors such as being ineffective or market conditions and/or competition in the marketplace and marketing mix. Advertising campaign is an attempt to reach a particular target market by designing a seriesof advertisements and placing them in various advertising media. In other words advertisingcampaign is series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which makeup an integrated marketing communication (IMC). Advertising campaigns appear in differentmedia across a specific time frame. ELEMENTS OF A SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN A successful marketing campaign needs certain elements to be successful. The following

information will help you to develop a successful marketing campaign. 1) Establish a feeling of urgency for the buyer Basically tell your customers, "You need to sign up today because it will make you reach your goals." Don't tell your customer the offer will still be as good tomorrow; they must buy today! Urgency! Study how successful ads make the customer act now. 2) Show a list of benefits There must be a list of benefits to make customers sign up. Will you be smarter using your services? Will he get more visitors? Will your server be better than the competitions hardware? Will your business help to make the site more successful? Or make him richer, or healthier, or faster? Focus on the client, not the advertiser. Most benefits need to be skilfully integrated into the ad. It is a waste of time and money in an ad or on your website if you don't work in benefits and present them properly. 3) Call to action Tell them what they must do to get it. Don't assume that your prospects and customers will figure out how to get what you are offering. They won't do your work for you. So, go ahead and tell them what to do. If they have to call you to get it, then tell them to call (to call you now!). If they have to write or drop a post card in the mail, or fax something to you, then tell them clearly and in words easy to understand. The point is to make it as easy as possible for your target customer to do what you want them to do. People don't like to do anything that is going to take work on their part. Make it as easy for them to respond as possible, or they won't = no good results for you.

4) Do it again You have to (must) tell customer what to do (to sign up with you). Tell your customer to order now (this moment). So many ads assume that the customer will guess to fill out the contact us form, email you, or telephone for the information, or product. Tell the customer what to do. Provide the customer on how to respond today in several ways. As more options you can offer, the better will be the results. 5) Plan your advertising calendar and campaign several months in advance Failure to plan advertising in advance will waste a lot of your money. Rush charges, poor design, rate increases, poor creative and poor copy are common results of failing to plan in

advance. I didnt have enough time, I was under the gun to get this placed, are common phrases heard under rushed circumstances. Take a blank calendar and fill in the days, months, or quarters to advertise to your target markets. Figure out the number of ad insertions that will make sense and negotiate a contract with the various media suppliers (e.g. local newspapers). Book banner web space on the important website early in advance. Prepare your website with a special landing page for the expected visitors. 5) Test your banners and your ads Only by trial and error will you be able to set a baseline as to the best response rates for your ads and banners. It is very important to maximize response for the amount of dollars spent. Sometimes re-phrasing text or adjusting the ad layout can make the difference between a low or just average response and a great success and high ROI (Return on Investment). You will need to find out what works best for your business. After you find this out, youll want to stay on course and base future advertising campaigns on the success of the old one. ) Avoid misleading or dishonest advertising Avoid misleading or dishonest advertising in hopes of converting duped readers/website visitors into using your products or services. Honesty and integrity are the primary key to repeat sales and repeat business. If you have to trick your audience to get their attention, you will have a very hard time keeping their attention and their business if they sign up at all. 7 ) Running on-(Web)site events Running events on your website is an excellent way to encourage repeat traffic and repeat visitors. You'll want to begin running events once traffic from your site launch begins to fade. Examples include contests, games, on-line interviews, chat sessions and maybe even audio broadcasts. Do the things your competitors don't do. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Today, advertising is a multi-billion industry, employing hundreds of thousands of peopleand affecting billions of peoples lives worldwide. Yet, seeing as advertising clutter hasincreased tremendously and is more intense than ever, it is vital that companies differentiatethemselves from competitors by creating even more powerful, entertaining and innovativeadvertisement messages, as well as sponsoring different events ) ZOO ZOO AD BYVODAFONE

Zoo Zoos are advertisement characters promoted by Vodafone during the Indian PremierLeague Season 2 (IPL). Zoo zoos are white, ghost-like creatures with ballooned bodies andegg heads who are used to promote various value added services of Vodafone. These adsthough look animated are actually real humans in the Zoozoo costumes. The ads were createdby Ogilvy & Mather, an agency that handles Vodafone advertisements and the films wereshot by Bangalore based Nirvana Films in Cape Town, South Africa. The ads were a hit among the Indian people, especially the youth. This trend can be observedfrom the huge fan following on social networking sites, Face book, Orkut and Twitter. Thereare more than 200 pages on Zoo Zoos having more than 2 hundred thousand fans, growingdaily. The ads were viewed by lakhs of people in YouTube Vodafone received the first People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) 2009Glitterbox Award, for replacing their ads which earlier used Pug with more humanealternatives in their ZooZoo ads. RN Podar School, Santa Cruz, Mumbai is planning to develop an animated character,inspired by the Vodafone's Zoo Zoos that would attract students and will be used to teachEnvironmental Studies (EVS) to class I students. Students of VNIT, Nagpur are making astudy on the psychological effect of ZooZoos on youngsters in India. So successful were the Zoozoos that Ogilvy & Mather is now working on the brief to take these characters abroad. Vodafone is keen to export them to a few of its elite markets overseas. "It all started with the second season of the Indian Premier League (IPL) in April


In May 2009, India-based leading telecom operator, Idea Cellular's (Idea) advertisement (ad)endorsed by the Indian film star Abhishek Bachchan (Bachchan) won the 'Best celebrityendorsement award' at NDTV Tech Life Awards. On receiving the award, Bachchan said,"The IDEA campaign carries a socially relevant message in today's commercial environmentand the brilliant concept of encouraging two-way communication between the government and people has connected with millions across India." Idea had chosen Bachchan as its brand ambassador in October 2007. Advertising agencyLowe Lintas (Lowe), which had been designing ad campaigns for Idea since the late 1990s,developed new campaigns after Bachchan was signed up. These campaigns, based on social issues that could be solved using mobile telephony, wereacclaimed for their creativity. Idea's ads had focused on its network coverage andpromotional packages before Bachchan was appointed as its brand ambassador. The companyused its brand name 'Idea' in its ad slogans like 'An Idea can change your life,' 'A good Idea,'and 'What an Idea!'

According to advertising experts, Idea enjoyed very little brand recall in the initial years afterits inception. It had gained on that front by using its brand name in creative and meaningfulslogans that concluded in its ads making perfect sense. Idea took its 'What an !Idea' campaign further - from TV, print, and radio to the Internet. Itlaunched several websites that complemented its campaigns that championed social causes.In December 2008, Idea launched a website called to take forward itsTVCs based on democracy. In March 2009, Idea tied up with Mumbai Indians, one of the teams participating in theIndian Premier League (IPL). IPL provided Idea with a good opportunity for its brandbuilding exercise as the competition was closely followed by the entire country. Idealaunched a campaign called 'Call the Cricketers' on April 30, 2009.. Idea had been using OOH media like hoardings, public transport systems, and bus shelters since the early 2000s. The company used OOH media innovatively to reflect the message of the ad. One of the most noticed campaigns of Idea's OOH was the one used in the city of Surat in the state of Gujarat in Western India TATA TEA JAAGO RE CAMPAIGN

Tata tea has really taken cause based marketing and corporate social responsibility to anotherlevel with Jaago re campaign and is really trying to connect with people. This is one of thoserare times when the social campaign is actually integrated so well with the main advertisingcampaign and they have made digital a major component of this campaign by creatingthe site Jaago Re as an idea exchange platform.Tata Teahas joined hands with Janaagraha, aBangalore based not-for-profit organisationfor this campaign.

Tata Tea partnered with Janaagraha to launch Jaago Re One Billion Votes, a campaign tomobilize citizens of India to register and cast their votes in the assembly elections. It was adrive against apathy and cynicism towards political system. Against a belief that one vote in abillion does not matter. The impact is visible - above 6.5 lakh Indians have used the Jaago Replatform till date to register as voters. The current Jaago Re campaign urges the citizens of the country to awaken and fight againstcorruption. The campaign aims at not only creating awareness about corruption but alsoinspiring people To be the change you seek. The message of the campaign is to stoppointing fingers at the others and take start doing their bit. It urges people to take a pledgethat they will not pay bribes. The campaign seeks to highlight the key message that therewould be no bribes taken if no one was to offer it. The objective of the partnership is to create a platform that will motivate the vast numbers ofIndian youth to participate actively in the electoral process of the country. The initiative isnamed Jaago Re! One Billion Votes and aims at awakening the youth of this country to theimportance of exercising their right to vote as a means to bring about the change they seek.The Jaago Re! campaign which was initiated last year now takes a new leap. Fromchallenging the qualifications of a politician to run the country, the campaign now seeks toempower the youth to influence polity by exercising their right to vote. In another manifestation of the Jaago Re message, Tata Tea has been talented children with a chance to realize their greatest sports dream. Two years ago, Tata Tea Soccer Stars, a nationwide school football tournament initiated by Tata Tea, identified 16 young sportsmenfrom across the country, and sent them to train with the legendary youth coaches of one offootballs biggest clubs, Londons Arsenal FC, for a period of two weeks. The sixteenfinalists then proceeded to create history at the Royal Hallway Stadium in London bywinning the Plate Cup at the 18th Arsenal International Soccer Festival, and became the firstever Indian team to win the cup. And thus, Tata Tea helped awaken people to the youngsports talent within our country in a neglected sport like football. DARR KE AAGE JEET HAI BY MOUNTAIN DEW (PEPSI)

Mountain Dew is the number three brand in the US after Coca Cola and Pepsi, more than $5Billion . The brand has evolved over the years from a rural focused brand to being a brandwhich could connect with the young population through its association with adventure sports.Mountain dew and linkage of

building a iconic brand through connecting the brand with amyth and the cultural trends of an era has been documented by many , I thought the story ofits evolution could be depicted through the ads which it has changed and adapted to suit thechanging cultural trends, A survey by Synovate in late 2005 among 16-20 year old SEC A1 & SEC A2 showed thatpeople preferred Sprite and Limca, with Mountain Dew performing only a shade better thanFrooti. This baffling result revealed an insight. Firstly, the concept of extreme sports islimited to Indian metros, that too among the more upwardly mobile sections. And even there,awareness does not necessarily mean appeal. There aren't many outdoorsy types' in thiscountry - at least not the kind Mountain Dew has in mind. The ad campaigns itself werefound to be over the top and unrealistic. This survey and the market performance of MountainDew set the stage for a course correction. Yet such a course-correction has to remain faithful to the current clientle of Mountain Dewand conform to the global branding of Mountain Dew. Just a market repositioning rather thana radical rebranding was what was the need of the hour. This repositioning saw the introduction of the Dar Ke Aage Jeet Hai campaign. Designedby JWT India, these ad was set in a river rapid where some guys were going to attempt riverrafting. The ad starts with a nervous guy telling himself Itna mat dar, beta Joy. Sunnyko dekh, kaisa chilled out sa baitha hai. Sunny is saying a silent prayer Bhagwaan, aaj apneSunny ko bacha lena. MainAnshul ki tarahs tud nahin hoon. Anshul, a well-built guy is thinking Kya faayda teri bodyka Anshul? Sabse dara toh tu hi hai. Suddenly, accompanying shots of the raft overturning a voice over remarks Boss, dar sabko lagta hai, gala sabka sookhta hai. Toh aaney do dar ko, kyunki dar ke aagey jeet hai. The next shot show cheerleaders worrying for the overboard rafters when suddenly the raft comes out of the water and wins the race.

As we can see, the ad portrays the Dew Dudes human beings with normal emotions like fear.Instead of asking for people who have been there done that to adopt Mountain Dew it asksfor people who wish to conquer fear to adopt Mountain Dew. Thus the campaign effected asubtle repositioning of the brand from that focusing on identification with the Dew Dudes toone focusing on the inspirational quality of conquering ones inner monsters. All the while itremains faithful to its association with adventure. This mainstreaming of Mountain Dew also reflected in its secondary associations. Fromsponsoring fringe/niche extreme sporting events in India, Mountain Dew has moved tosponsoring regular sports and even movies. One case point was Mission Istanbul - Dar Ke Aage Jeet Hai placing their tagline in the movie title itself! Mountain Dew has enjoyed tremendous growth and popularity over the past few years byresonating with people via a deep and compelling consumer insight of overcoming fear inorder to face a challenge and win. INTERPRETATION Advertisement had effected the brand image of the above mentioned products/companies. Asit is clearly seen that the ad campaign launched by Vodafone (ZooZoo) had tremendouslyeffected its brand image. The ads had targeted the youth of India as it can been seen that ithad followed a huge fan following on social networking sites like Face book, Orkut, Twitteretc, besides it had given boost to the sales of the company. Vodafone also received the Peoplefor the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) award in 2009, it reflects that they are alsofollowing the corporate social responsibility. One of the most interesting facts about thiscampaign is that even though the ZooZoo characters look animated, they have been played byreal people dressed in a white attire. These ads were economical and had resulted inimproving the brand position of the company. Similarly Idea cellular had launched an effective ad campaign which is endorsed by the Indian film star Abhishek Bachchan. The company used its brand name 'Idea' in its ad slogans like 'An Idea can change your life,' 'A good Idea,' and 'What an Idea!'. This adbecome famous day by day and reflected the sales of the company day by day. Besides it alsofollowed social responsibility by launching another slogan to save the paper. , Idea enjoyedvery little brand recall in the initial years after its inception. It had gained on that front byusing its brand name in creative and meaningful slogans that concluded in its ads makingperfect sense. The ad campaign launched by Tata tea was one of the most effective ad in 2009. As itencouraged the youth to take steps towards the development of the country. The currentJaago Re campaign urges the citizens of the country to awaken and fight against corruption.The campaign aims at not only creating awareness about corruption but also inspiring peopleTo be the change you seek. This ad campaign encouraged the brand image of the companyand also effected its market share in a positive manner. It has followed the socialresponsibility effectively as it had given talented children with a chance to realize theirgreatest sports dream.

The ad campaign of Dew (Pepsi) had targeted the youth by raising the slogan darr ke aagayjeet Hai as an effective punch to its brand image. This ad campaign effected a subtlerepositioning of the brand from that focusing on identification with the Dew Dudes to onefocusing on the inspirational quality of conquering ones inner monsters. Mountain Dew hasenjoyed tremendous growth and popularity over the past few years by resonating with peoplevia a deep and compelling consumer insight of overcoming fear in order to face a challengeand win. CONCLUSION From the above analysis i may conclude that these ad campaigns were the most effective adcampaigns in India. As these ads had emotional as well as effective touch which had resultedin increasing the brand promotion and brand image of the above mentioned companies/products. The ad campaigns had also social impact like the ad campaign of Tata tea hadcontributed in the awareness of youth towards the development of the country. Similarly thead campaigns of Idea had followed the corporate social responsibility. In short these adcampaigns had resulted in the better brand image of the companies and had attracted moreconsumers towards their side. Celebrities are no doubt good at generating attention, recall andpositive attitudes towards advertising provided that they are supporting a good idea and thereis an explicit fit between them and the brand. The involvement of celebrities like AbisheikhBhachan had resulted in an effective brand position of Idea cellular. As it has won the 'Bestcelebrity endorsement award' at NDTV Tech Life Awards. REFRENCES ampaign www. Wikipedia .com www. BOOKS Marketing Management Philip Kotler Branding Geoffrey Randoll Strategic Brand Management Kapferer Advertising and Sales Promotion Management S.L.Gupta, V.V.Ratra

QUESTIONNAIRE 1.Does advertisement influences your perception towards the products? Yes No If yes then go to question number 2 2. How well do you remember this advertisement? Don't remember at all Remember company but not product or ad Remember company and product but not ad Remember ad 3. Do you agree that advertisement in india are informative Yes No Does advertisement effects your buying behavioy? Yes no

5.When looking at an advertisement, which types of advertising messages do you prefer for each product category? Using celebrity Present product features and functions clearly Showing social life and relationship Showing creative design More suitable for localized advertising style More suitable to remain foreign style 6.How do you agree to these statements which describe advertising nowadays? S.A A N D.A S.D Advertising is essential to the prosperity of my countrys economy. Advertisement provides necessary information about the product Today there is too much advertising, it is a waste of

money and bother to my life Advertisement makes your buying decisions easier I get involved I like to observe I like to be active I evaluate things Rank values must be between 1 and 4 8. When I am watching an advertisement i am a responsible person I am a reserved person I am a reserved person I am a rational person I am an accepting person Rank values must be between 1 and 4 9. you believe an advertisement when

7. When I see an advertisement

I feel personaly involved and like itI believe the idea it tells theoretically I will try things out for myself

I like to see results from my research Rank values must be between 1 and 4 10. When you buy I am open to new experiences I always try new things when available I look at all sides of issues I like to analysis the reasons, break them down into their parts Rank values must be between 1 and 4 11. Any suggestions regarding advertisements in india ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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