Agency Partnership and Trust Case Digest

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Agency partnership and trust case digest business enterprise.

His unpaid salaries remained

G.R. No. 97212 June 30, 1993
On 21 December 1988. Benjamin Yu filed a complaint
BENJAMIN YU, petitioner,
for illegal dismissal and recovery of unpaid salaries,
against Jade Mountain, Mr. Willy Co and the other
private respondents. The partnership and Willy Co
denied petitioner's charges, contending in the main that
Benjamin Yu was never hired as an employee by the
and CHEN HO-FU, respondents.
present or new partnership
Facts: Petitioner Benjamin Yu was formerly the Assistant
LA RULING: rendered a decision holding that petitioner
General Manager of a marble quarrying and export
had been illegally dismissed.
business operated by a registered partnership with the
firm name of "Jade Mountain Products Company NLRC RULING: NLRC held that the new partnership had
Limited". The partnership was originally organized by not retained petitioner Yu in his original position as
the Bendals as general partners and other Taiwanese Assistant General Manager, and that there was no law
nationals as limited partners. The partnership business requiring the new partnership to absorb the employees
consisted of exploiting a marble deposit, situated in of the old partnership.
Bulacan Province. The partnership had its main office in
Benjamin Yu, therefore, had not been illegally dismissed
Makati, Metropolitan Manila.
by the new partnership which had simply declined to
Yu was hired as an Assistant General Manager with a retain him in his former managerial position or any
monthly salary of P4,000.00. According to petitioner Yu, other position.
however, he actually received only half of his stipulated
Finally, the NLRC held that Benjamin Yu's claim for
monthly salary, since he had accepted the promise of
unpaid wages should be asserted against the original
the partners that the balance would be paid when the
members of the preceding partnership,
firm shall have secured additional operating funds from
abroad. Issues: 1) whether the partnership which had hired
petitioner Yu as Assistant General Manager had been
in 1988, without the knowledge of Benjamin Yu, the
extinguished and replaced by a new partnerships
general partners sold and transferred their interests in
composed of Willy Co and Emmanuel Zapanta
the partnership to private respondent Willy Co and to
one Emmanuel Zapanta. The partnership now 2) whether a new partnership had come into existence,
constituted solely by Willy Co and Emmanuel Zapanta whether petitioner Yu could nonetheless assert his
continued to use the old firm name of Jade Mountain. rights under his employment contract as against the
The actual operations of the business enterprise new partnership.
continued as before. All the employees of the
partnership continued working in the business, all, save
petitioner Benjamin Yu as it turned out. Held: 1) yes.
having learned of the transfer of the firm's main office the legal effect of the changes in the membership of the
from Makati to Mandaluyong, petitioner Benjamin Yu partnership was the dissolution of the old partnership
reported to the Mandaluyong office for work and there which had hired petitioner in 1984 and the emergence
met private respondent Willy Co for the first time. of a new firm composed of Willy Co and Emmanuel
Petitioner was informed by Willy Co that the latter had Zapanta in 1987
bought the business from the original partners and that
it was for him to decide whether or not he was under Art. 1828. The dissolution of a partnership is the
responsible for the obligations of the old partnership, change in the relation of the partners caused by any
including petitioner's unpaid salaries. Petitioner was in partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on as
fact not allowed to work anymore in the Jade Mountain distinguished from the winding up of the business.
In the case at bar, just about all of the partners had sold confidence. The non-retention of Benjamin Yu as
their partnership interests (amounting to 82% of the Assistant General Manager did not therefore constitute
total partnership interest) to Mr. Willy Co and unlawful termination, or termination without just or
Emmanuel Zapanta. The acquisition of 82% of the authorized cause.
partnership interest by new partners, coupled with the
retirement or withdrawal of the partners who had
originally owned such 82% interest, was enough to
constitute a new partnership.

The occurrence of events which precipitate the legal

consequence of dissolution of a partnership do not,
however, automatically result in the termination of the
legal personality of the old partnership. Article 1829 of
the Civil Code states that:

on dissolution the partnership is not terminated, but

continues until the winding up of partnership affairs is

Secondly, the new partnership simply took over the

business enterprise owned by the preceeding
partnership, and continued using the old name of Jade
Mountain Products Company Limited, without winding
up the business affairs of the old partnership, paying off
its debts, liquidating and distributing its net assets, and
then re-assembling the said assets or most of them and
opening a new business enterprise.

What is important for present purposes is that, under

the above described situation, not only the retiring
partners (Rhodora Bendal, et al.) but also the new
partnership itself which continued the business of the
old, dissolved, one, are liable for the debts of the
preceding partnership.

Under Article 1840, creditors of the old Jade Mountain

are also creditors of the new Jade Mountain which
continued the business of the old one without
liquidation of the partnership affairs. Indeed, a creditor
of the old Jade Mountain, like petitioner Benjamin Yu in
respect of his claim for unpaid wages, is entitled to
priority vis-a-vis any claim of any retired or previous
partner insofar as such retired partner's interest in the
dissolved partnership is concerned.

Lastly, It is at the same time also evident to the Court

that the new partnership was entitled to appoint and
hire a new general or assistant general manager to run
the affairs of the business enterprise take over. An
assistant general manager belongs to the most senior
ranks of management and a new partnership is entitled
to appoint a top manager of its own choice and
The appellate court correctly ruled that Tropical's
G.R. No. L-39780 November 11, 1985
payment to Galan was made in good faith and thus
ELMO MUÑASQUE, petitioner, legally binds both Galan and the petitioner because they
were partners when the debts were incurred. Tropical
vs. had every reason to believe in the partnership's
COURT OF APPEALS, CELESTINO GALAN TROPICAL existence and Galan's authority to transact on its behalf.
COMMERCIAL COMPANY and RAMON PONS, Therefore, they're jointly liable to third parties who
respondents. extended credit to the partnership. However, fairness
demands that Galan reimburse Muñasque for payments
Facts: Petitioner Muñasque, representing the representing their partnership's liability to third parties.
partnership "Galan and Muñasque," entered a contract This is because it was proven that Galan acted in bad
with respondent Tropical to remodel its Cebu branch faith in his dealings with Muñasque as a partner.
building for P25,000. Tropical paid P7,000 to Muñasque,
who endorsed it to respondent Galan for project
expenses. Galan allegedly misused some funds. When
Muñasque refused to endorse the second P6,000 check
to Galan, Tropical changed the payee to "Galan and
Associates," allowing Galan to cash it. Muñasque
completed the project at his expense, incurring
additional costs due to Galan's non-payment.
Muñasque sued to recover the amounts from the
checks, additional expenses, damages, and attorney's
fees. Courts absolved Tropical and Pons, holding
Muñasque and Galan liable to intervenors for credit
extended to their partnership.

Issues: 1) Whether the appellate court erred in holding

that a partnership existed between petitioner and
respondent Galan. no

2) Whether the court committed grave abuse of

discretion in holding that the payment made by Tropical
through its manager Pons to Galan was "good payment,
". No.

Held: 1) The petitioner, on behalf of the partnership of

“Galan and Muñasque,” entered into a contract with
Tropical for renovating the latter’s building. Although
there was no evidence suggesting that the partnership
was not genuine, a disagreement or misunderstanding
between the partners does not invalidate the
partnership. When Muñasque received the initial
payment from Tropical, he endorsed the check in favor
of Galan. Tropical had every reason to assume that
Muñasque and Galan were legitimate partners. If they
were not, Muñasque’s actions contributed to this
misperception, affecting not only Tropical but other
creditors as well. Consequently, the payments made to
the partnership remained valid.

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