Diploma Mark Sheet

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Established & Incorporated Under Gujarat Private Universities

(Second Amendment) Act, 2015 (Guj. Act No. 7 of 2015)

Semester Grade Report

Academic Year : 2023-24 Month & Year : Oct-2023 Semester : V Enrollment No : 210346620015

Student's Name : KAPADIYA AAKASH JAYESHBHAI Seat No : DP51427



Subject Grade
Subject Name Credit Grade Credit Point
Code Point
03606301 Internet of Things 2.00 B+ 7.00 14.00

03606302 Internet of Things Lab 1.00 A+ 9.00 9.00

03606383 Advanced Computer Network 3.00 B+ 7.00 21.00

03606384 Advanced Computer Network Lab 1.00 A+ 9.00 9.00

03610301 Advances Database Management System 3.00 B 6.00 18.00

03610302 Advances Database Management System Lab 1.00 O 10.00 10.00

03610303 Fundamental of Web Technology With PHP 3.00 A 8.00 24.00

03610304 Fundamental of Web Technology With PHP Lab 1.00 O 10.00 10.00

03610306 Summer Internship-2 2.00 A+ 9.00 18.00

03610308 Major Project - I 4.00 A 8.00 32.00

03610333 Cloud Computing 3.00 B 6.00 18.00

03610334 Cloud Computing Lab 1.00 A+ 9.00 9.00

Total 25.00 192.00

Total Backlog : 0 SGPA : 7.68

Result : Permitted to register in Semester - VI CGPA : 6.88

Result declared on : 05-01-2024

Note : This is a system generated grade sheet

Printed On: 05-01-2024 05:06 PM
Based on the quality of performance, the student is awarded letter grades as follows:

% of Marks Description Letter Grade Grade Point

90 - 100 Outstanding O 10.00
80 - 89 Excellent A+ 9.00
70 - 79 Very Good A 8.00
60 - 69 Good B+ 7.00
50 - 59 Above Average B 6.00
40 - 49 Pass P 5.00
< 40 Fail F 0.00
F1=Fail due to low attendance
F2=Fail due to obtaining lower marks than the minimum required
for passing in Theory Examination
F3=Fail due to obtaining lower marks than the minimum required
for passing in Practical Examination
F2,F3=Fail in both Theory and Practical Examination

The F grade in all forms is taken into consideration while calculating GPA (Grade Point
Average) / SGPA (Semester Grade Point Average) & CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average)
however, CGPA will be replaced after the clearance of the subject with the passing grade.

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