Physics - M&M

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Subject- physics Full Marks- 32

Chapter- Measurement, Motion Full Time- 1hr 10min

Passing Marks- 28

Que: A. Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correct

words from the list given below: 1x10=10
1. The S.I. unit of density is ..............
2. The volume of an irregular solid is determined by the
method of ...............
3. One litre is equal to ………. m3
4. The motion in a .................. is rectilinear motion.
5. The weight of a body is measured using .....................
6. Two boys cycling on the road with the same speed are
................... relative to each other.
7. A person walking in a compartment of a stationary train is
................... relative to the compartment and is ...................
relative to the platform.
8. A person sitting in a compartment of a moving train is
.................... relative to the other person sitting by his side
and is ....................... relative to the platform.
9. 36 km h-1 = ....................... m s-1.
10. The weight of a girl is 36 kgf. Her mass will be

Que: B Answer the Following Questions –

1. The earth attracts a body of mass 1 kg with a force of 10 N. The
mass of a boy is 50 kg. His weight will be? 2
2. Comment on the statement 'rest and motion are relative terms'.
Give an example. 2

3. Explain the meanings of: 2+2=4

(i) rectilinear motion

(ii) curvilinear motion

Give one example of each.

4. How does rotatory motion differ from circular motion? 2
5. Explain oscillatory motion by giving one example. 2
6. How will you determine the volume of a cuboid? Write the
formula you will use. 2
7. State the S.I. and C.G.S. units of density. How are they related?
8. A car travels with a speed 12 m s-1, while a scooter travels with
a speed 36 km h-1. Which of the two travels faster? 2
9. The mass of an iron ball is 312 g. The density of iron is 7.8 g cm-
. Find the volume of the ball. 2
10. State three differences between mass and weight.

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