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Subject-Chemistry Full Marks- 34

Chapter- matter, Physical and Full Time- 1hr 10min

Chemical changes Passing Marks- 30

Que: A. Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the correct

words from the list given below: 1x10=10
1. The state of matter with definite volume and definite shape
is called ..............
2. The molecules are made up of ...............
3. The substances which can flow are called ...............
4. Chemical change occurs as a result of ............... between
two substances.
5. Growing of a seedling into a plant is a ............... change.
6. A pop sound is heard when a lighted match stick is brought
near the mouth of a jar. This indicates the release of …………
7. Burning of a fuel is a ............... change.
8. heating a mixture of iron fillings and sulphur ………Change.
9. passing electric current through a heater's rod ……… change
10. Digestion of food ………Change

Que: B Answer the Following Questions –

1. State three differences between evaporation and boiling. 2
2. Is burning a physical change or a chemical change? Why? 2
3. What are reversible and irreversible changes? Give one
example for each. 2
4. What do you observe when: 1x4=4
a. a lighted match stick is brought near the mouth of the
test tube containing hydrogen gas
b. little amount of curd is added to a bowl containing warm
milk and kept for five hours?
c. solid ammonium chloride is heated
d. an iron nail is kept in tap water for few days

5. Name a chemical change which takes place in presence of: 3

(a) Heat

(b) Light
(c) Electricity

6. Write your observation and conclusion for the following: 2+2=4

(a) When few marbles are put in a glass half filled with water.

(b) Ice is kept at room temperature.

7. Differentiate between an atom and a molecule. 2

8. Why are liquids and gases called as fluids? 2

9. When a stone is dipped in a glass containing some water,

the level of water rises but when a spoon of sugar is added
to it and stirred, the water level does not rise. Why? 3

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