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1)Let V be a vector space , k be a scalar in F

and u be a vector in V. Then, show that

if k . u = O v , then k = 0 or u = O v .

The answer:-
Case 1: k = 0
If k = 0, then the equation becomes 0 ⋅ u = 0, which is true for any
vector u. So, if k = 0, the statement holds.
Case 2: k ≠ 0
If k ≠ 0, then k^-1 exists (since k is a scalar in a field F). We can multiply
both sides of the equation k ⋅ u = 0 by k^-1:
k^-1 (k ⋅ u) = k^-1 ⋅ 0
(k^-1 ⋅ k) ⋅ u = 0
So, if k ≠ 0, then the only solution to k ⋅ u = 0 is when u = 0.
Therefore, if k ⋅ u = 0, then either k = 0 or u = 0.

2) Is R2 a subspace of the complex

vector space [2 ?
Justify your answer.
The answer:-
No, ℝ² is not a subspace of ℂ².


For a subspace, ℝ² must contain the zero

vector of ℂ², which has complex
components (0, 0i).
However, ℝ²'s zero vector is (0, 0), with
only real components.
This mismatch disqualifies ℝ² from
being a subspace of ℂ².

3) Let C (ℝ) be the set of all continuous

functions over ℝ. Then, show that the set
of all polynomials over ℝ, P (ℝ), is a
subspace of C (ℝ).
Proposition: The set of all polynomials over the real numbers (ℝ), denoted by P(ℝ), is a
subspace of the set of all continuous functions over ℝ, denoted by C(ℝ).

Proof: We need to show that P(ℝ) satisfies three properties of a subspace:

1. Contains the zero element: The zero polynomial, 0(x) = 0 for all x in ℝ, is a continuous function
(being a constant function). Since 0(x) is a polynomial, it is in P(ℝ).
2. Closed under addition: If p(x) and q(x) are any polynomials in P(ℝ), then their sum p(x) + q(x) is
also a polynomial. Furthermore, the sum of continuous functions is continuous. Therefore, p(x) +
q(x) is a continuous function and belongs to P(ℝ).
3. Closed under scalar multiplication: Let p(x) be any polynomial in P(ℝ) and k be a scalar in ℝ.
Then, the product kp(x) is also a polynomial. Additionally, multiplying a continuous function by a
scalar maintains continuity. Hence, kp(x) is a continuous function and belongs to P(ℝ).

Since P(ℝ) satisfies all three properties, it is a subspace of C(ℝ).

4-Let V = M2 x 2 (F) be the

set of all matrices of size 2 x
2 and let U and W be two
subspaces of V such that

U = and W = {[ ] :x,
y E F}.
Then, show that V = U E9 W .

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