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Bark art project

1. Where were you born?

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many, and what are their names?

3. What are some things you like to do for fun?

4. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind and what are their names?

5. Who is your best friend?

6. What do you want to be when you grow up?

7. What is your favorite thing to do in school?

8. What is the best trip you’ve ever been on?

9. Which cartoon character would you like to be best friends with?

10. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

11. Who is your favorite Disney character?

12. What is your favorite movie?

13. Who is your favorite actor or actress?

14. What is your favorite book?

15. Do you play any video games? If so, which ones?

16. What is your favorite music genre?

17. Have you ever been to a concert? If so, who did you see?

18. Which card games do you like to play?

19. What is your favorite party game?

20. Do you like to dress up in costumes? Which is your favorite?

Sports Questions

21. Do you like to play any sports? Which ones?

22. Do you have any favorite sports teams?

23. Who is your favorite athlete?

24. Have you ever played a competitive game? If so, how did you do?

25. Do you know how to swim?

26. Do you like to ride bikes?

27. Have you ever gone hiking or camping?

28. Have you ever won a trophy or medal? What was it for?

29. Do you have any gymnastics, martial arts, or other sports skills?

30. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?

Funny Ice Breaker Questions

31. What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

32. Do you have any funny nicknames? What are they?

33. Do you know any good jokes? Share one with us!

34. What would you do if you were a superhero for a day?

35. If you could trade places with any animal, which one would it be?

36. If you could be anyone in history, who would you choose to be?

37. What would you do if you won the lottery?

38. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

39. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

40. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be?

Questions to Spark Creativity

41. If you could invent any product, what would it be?

42. What would you do if you could time travel?

43. Imagine you are stranded on a desert island. What are the three things you would want to
have with you?

44. If you could be the star of any TV show or movie, which one would it be?

45. Imagine you are the president of the United States. What are three laws you would pass?

46. Your friend has never been to your hometown. How would you describe it to them?

47. If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be?

48. Imagine you only had 24 hours to live. How would you spend your time?

49. If you could have any career in the world, what would it be?

50. If you could have a conversation with any person, living or dead, who would it be?

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