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Class 3 Unit 7: Realistic Fiction Story Writing

Topic Adventure Stories

This four-week project aims to engage students in exploring adventure stories through
an interdisciplinary approach encompassing English Language Arts, Art, and Social
Studies. Students will delve into the elements of adventure narratives, analyze language
use, create artwork inspired by their readings, and gain cultural insights through the
study of different geographical locations. Through this project, students will enhance
their language skills, creativity, cultural understanding, and critical thinking abilities.


English Language Arts:

● Answer questions about an adventure story.

● Discuss story beginnings and explore the use of noun phrases.
● Analyze language in passages to predict future events.
● Identify and categorize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and pronouns.
● Recognize and analyze figurative language.
● Create character portraits and write about story characters.
● Understand the use of chapters in books.
● Utilize various sentence structures and types.
● Recognize and use past tense irregular verbs.
● Compare and contrast adventure stories.
● Describe settings and punctuate correctly.
● Use dialogue punctuation.
● Identify paragraph structure and know when to start a new paragraph.
● Investigate prefixes and their meanings.
● Plan and write an adventure story.


● Create visual representations of story settings and characters.

● Develop illustrations inspired by adventure stories.
● Use various art mediums and techniques to depict scenes from stories.
● Collaborate with peers to critique and improve artwork.

Social Studies:
● Understand different weather patterns around the world.
● Explore various holiday destinations and factors influencing their choice.
● Investigate geographical locations with extreme climates.
● Study Switzerland and its cultural aspects.
● Learn about daily life in Cairo and its significance in the context of adventure

Four-Week Lesson Plan:

Week 1: Introducing Adventure Stories

● English: Discuss elements of adventure stories. Read excerpts from adventure

● Art: Introduce art project - creating character portraits.
● Social Studies: Discuss weather patterns around the world and how they
influence adventure stories.

Week 2: Language and Story Analysis

● English: Analyze language in passages to predict future events. Identify nouns,

verbs, adjectives, and pronouns.
● Art: Create illustrations inspired by story settings.
● Social Studies: Explore hot and cold places around the world.

Week 3: Writing Adventure Stories

● English: Plan and start writing adventure stories. Focus on sentence structures
and paragraphing.
● Art: Continue working on illustrations.
● Social Studies: Study Switzerland and its landscapes.

Week 4: Finalizing Adventure Stories

● English: Proofread and improve adventure stories. Focus on dialogue punctuation

and interesting sentence openings.
● Art: Complete and showcase artwork.
● Social Studies: Learn about life in Cairo and its relevance to adventure stories.
Materials Needed:

● Adventure story books or excerpts

● Art supplies (paper, pencils, colors, etc.)
● Maps and resources for Social Studies topics
● Writing materials
● Computers or tablets for research and typing

Opening Activities:

● Engage students with a discussion about their favorite adventure stories and
what makes them exciting.
● Introduce the project objectives and expectations across subjects.

Middle Activities:

● Conduct reading and language analysis sessions.

● Guide students through art projects related to story elements.
● Explore Social Studies topics through discussions and research.

Ending Activities:

● Present and share adventure stories and artwork.

● Reflect on the learning journey and how different subjects intersect in
understanding adventure narratives.
● Provide feedback and celebrate students' achievements.

Adi’s Lesson Plans:

Week 1: Introducing Adventure Stories

● English: Discuss elements of adventure stories. Read excerpts from adventure

● Art: Introduce art project - creating character portraits.
● Social Studies: Discuss weather patterns around the world and how they
influence adventure stories.
Day of the Outcomes Overview Resources
week SWBAT…

Monday Construct an Students take part in a game Resource 1.1 printout

adventure tale verbally to build on the adventure story + box/bowl
- round robin style.
Students also pick “adventure
words/terms” from the box to
add to their verbal
construction of the story.

Tuesday List the key Start the class with a

characteristics and discussion on adventure
features of an stories. Define key elements
adventure story such as setting, characters, plot,
and conflict. Provide examples
of adventure stories to illustrate
these elements.Engage
students in a brainstorming
session to identify these
elements in familiar stories.

Wednesday Compare Read the selected story and https://storyweaver.or

characteristics of an have students look at what
adventure story with elements make it an he-elephant-bird?mo
the story read to them adventure story. de=read
Discuss what elements are
“realistic” and what are

Thursday Identify weather


Compare weather
patterns in different

Friday List key points to build Students review their story Adventure story
their adventure stories checklist and start working on checklist prints
their adventure story template Story template prints
Resource 1.1

Suddenly…… Magic box Thunder and

A big giant…. All at once…. The ground
began to
I used the A strange and Oh my God…
magic words… unusual…
There was a The door I heard a
loud sound swung open voice…

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