Lesson Plan For Demo

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Detailed Lesson Plan

Subject: English 4
Grade Level: IV
Quarter: 2

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Identify the simple present tense of verbs in a sentence
b. Construct sentences using the simple present tense of verbs
c. Explain the importance of the simple present tense.

II. Subject Matter: Use Simple Present Tense of Verbs in Sentences

Reference: English 4, Quarter 2 - Week 6

Most Essential Learning Competencies MELCs (EN4G-Ii-

Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Cartolina, Marker, cut-outs, envelope

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Please stand and let us pray. In the name of the father….

2. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning sir!
How are you today? We are good sir, thank you!

Before you sit down, please pick up

the pieces of paper and arrange
your chairs properly.
3. Checking of Attendance
Is there anybody absent today? No, there isn’t sir.

B. Review

Who can remember the topic we have

discussed in our previous class? Sir!

Yes, _____. We discussed about action verb.

Very Good!

What is an action verb?

Yes, ___. An action verb is a verb that expresses an

Good job!

Who can give an example of action

Yes,___. Sing, run, talk

Very Good!

C. Motivation

Before we move to our new lesson,

I will divide you into three groups, and
each group will arrange the letters
inside the envelope and paste it on the

The group who finishes first will be the


Words to arrange:
Jump, cook, drive
D. Presentation

What have you observed with the words?

Very Good! These words are all action The words are examples of verb.

Today we are going to discuss about

Simple Present Tense.

E. Discussion

Simple Present Tense – is a verb tense

used to talk about habitual action,
present or unchanging situation, general
truth or facts and future action.

We can use both action verb and linking

verb in simple present tense.

It is very important that the subject

agrees with the verb. If the subject is
singular, the verb should be singular also,
with “s” or “es”. If the subject is plural, the
verb should be plural also, without “s” or

Let us learn the four uses of Simple

Present Tense.

1. Simple present tense that describes

habitual action – refers to the things
we do repeatedly or regularly. It
usually includes a time expression like
"always," "every year," "never,"
"often," "on Mondays," "rarely,"
"sometimes," or "usually."


- Sanny usually eats breakfast at

7:00 o’clock in the morning. Yes Sir.
- Mark exercises every morning.
So that we will become healthy.
Do you exercise?

Why do we need to exercise?

Very good!

Did you understand?

2. Simple present tense that describes

present or unchanging situation – we
use verb to express thing that is
happening right now.

He wants a new bag.
- She understands English.
- They are very noisy.

He (want, wants) a new bag.

3. Simple present tense that describes

general truth or facts – we use verb to
express truth or fact information about
the subject.

Examples: Five times three equals fifteen.

- London is a large city.

- The Earth goes around the Sun.

Five times three (equal, equals)


Do you have any questions?

4. Simple present tense that describes

future action – we use verb to express Yes sir.
the action in the near future.
So that we will know how to make simple
Examples: and correct sentences.

- The train arrives at 7:00 o’clock.

- The exam starts at 9:00 o’clock
in the morning.
The four uses of simple present tense are
Is it important to learn simple for habitual action, present state or
present tense of the verbs? conditions, general truth or facts ang
future action.
Why do we need to learn the
simple present tense of the verbs?

She dances every Friday.

F. Generalization

What are the four uses of simple

present tense?

The students learn in the classroom.

Very Good!
The flowers bloom in Spring.
Who can make a sentence using
habitual action?

The game starts in 10 minutes.
Can you give an example of present or
unchanging situation?

How about a sentence using general

truth or facts.

Very Good!

Make a sentence using future action.

Very Good class!

IV. Application
Group Activity

Group 1
Complete the following sentences using the correct simple present tense of verbs
inside the box.

eat watches

starts rises


1. The birds ______ in the sky.

2. He _______ TV every night.
3. The sun _____ in the east.
4. The party ______ at 6:00 o’clock in the evening.
5. We never _____ meat.
Group 2
Choose the correct simple present tense of verbs to complete the sentence.
1. They ______ in the classroom. sleep sleeps
2. He ______ up early every day. wake wakes
3. Chocolate ______ sweet. are is
4. My uncle _______ us next Sunday. visit visits
5. He _______ fast. run runs

Group 3
Match the following sentences in column A to the correct simple present tense of the
verbs in column B.

Column A Column B
1. We _____ to the gym together. runs
2. He ______ every Saturday.
3. Julie _____ very fast.
4. They _____ bananas. go
5. Apples _____ red and green. eat

V. Evaluation

Read the following sentences. Underline the correct simple present tense of the verb.

1. I (live, lives) in a big city.

2. Jane usually (go, goes) to school at 7:00 o’clock.
3. The students (sing, sings) a song.
4. The children (are, is) at home.
5. She (speak, speaks) English.
6. We (drink, drinks) milk every morning.
7. The train (leave, leaves) in ten minutes.
8. Manila (are, is) the Capital City of the Philippines.
9. The moon (shine, shines) at night.
10.He (play, plays) soccer on Mondays.

VI. Assignment
Make five sentences using the simple present tense of verbs that describe the
habitual action, present or unchanging situation, general truth or facts and future

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