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Foundations and Applications of

First Edition
Jason R. Karp, PhD, MBA

A competitive runner since sixth grade, Dr. Jason Karp quickly learned how running molds us into better, more
deeply conscious people, just as the miles and interval workouts mold us into faster, more enduring runners.
This passion Jason found as a kid placed him on a road that he still follows as a coach, exercise physiologist,
author of 12 books and 400 articles, and TED speaker. In 2021, he became the first American distance
running coach to move to Kenya to coach a group of Kenyan runners. He is the 2011 IDEA Personal Trainer of
the Year and two-time recipient of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Community Leadership
award. His REVO2LUTION RUNNING™ certification has been obtained by coaches in 25 countries.
Dr. Karp received his PhD in exercise physiology with a physiology minor from Indiana University, his MBA at
San Diego State University, his master’s degree in kinesiology from the University of Calgary, and his bachelor’s
degree in exercise and sport science with an English minor from Penn State University. His research has been
published in several scientific journals, and he serves as a journal expert peer reviewer.

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Official course text for: ISSA’s Running Technique and Programming

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Basic human anatomy

Muscles by body region

Running form and technique

Resistance training and drills for running

Running training workouts

Common running injuries

Aging and running

Female-specific running training

Running for fitness and weight loss

Effective coaching skills

4 Full race-prep training programs

• Energy Production 10
• Cardiovascular Factors 13
• Muscular Factors 22
• Metabolic Factors 28
• The 3 Players of Distance Running 32


• Basic Human Anatomy and Terminology 41
• Elements of the Running Stride 51
• Running Drills 59


• Training Adaptation 82
• Components of Training 85
• Periodization 106
• Recovery 116
• Aging 123


• 800-Meter/1,500-Meter/Mile Training 131
• 5K/10K Training 132
• Half-Marathon/Marathon Training 133
• Tapering 136
• Running in the Heat 137
• Running at Altitude 140
• Supplemental Training 146


• Easy and Long Runs 172
• Acidosis Threshold (AT) Workouts 173
• VO2max Workouts 175
• Anaerobic Capacity Workouts 178
• Anaerobic Power Workouts 180
• Hills 180
• Fartleks 181
• Race Prep Workouts 182
• Group Workouts 184
• Treadmill Workouts 186


• Secrets of Running Injury Prevention 193
• Returning From and Managing Injuries 196
• Common Running Injuries 197
• Female Runners 210
• Aging and Running 225


• Running to Burn Calories 231
• Calories and Metabolism: The Principles of Weight Loss 232
• Weight Loss Research 239
• Running Strategies for Burning Calories 240
• Eating to Lose Weight 244


• 5K/10K Training Program (Intermediate) 256
• Half-Marathon Training Program (Beginner) 265
• Half-Marathon Training Program (Advanced) 273
• Marathon Training Program (Beginner) 282


• Leadership 294
• Goal Setting 301
• Coaching Philosophy 306
• Coaching Style 308
• Business 309
• Marketing 311


• Choosing Running Shoes 320


• Running Physiology 326
• Women’s Running 331
• Running Biomechanics & Technique 332
• Running Training 335
• Strength Training & Plyometrics 339
• Periodization 340
• Altitude Training 341
• Running Injuries 342
• Recovery Nutrition 343
• Running For Weight Loss 346

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1 | Identify the three pathways the body uses to generate energy.

2 | Explain how oxygen is delivered in the body and the role oxygen plays in
cellular metabolism.

3 | Name and describe the muscular adaptations that occur in response to

running training.

4 | Define metabolism and explain how the macronutrients in food are broken
down for energy.

5 | Explain the three primary physiological components that must be trained to

improve running performance.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

If you were to ask a physiologist why people run, they might say people run because they have
running bodies: running hearts, running lungs, running muscles, running bones, running glands.
Without a long ancestry of running, these bodily structures would not be what they are and would
not function as they do.

Throughout a long racial history, Homo sapiens has had to depend upon himself whenever he wanted
to go somewhere, and sometimes he wanted to go somewhere in a hurry. He had to run and by
running he became a man who runs. Had he stuck to walking, he would now be quite physically
different. His heart never would have reached the maximum stroke volume of 200 milliliters of blood
per beat nor the maximum rate of 190 or more beats per minute that a trained young adult runner’s
heart can reach. His muscles never would have developed the 60,000 miles of capillaries that
surround them like intricate spider webs to deliver oxygen. His lungs never would have developed such
a thin wall over such an enormous area to become the perfect medium for oxygen and carbon dioxide
gas exchange. His eccrine glands never would have developed into such efficient sweat producers
ECCRINE GLANDS: that enable rapid evaporation and the ability to stay cool in very hot environments. The physiologist
A type of sweat gland found
in most surfaces of the body. would argue that our bodies are exquisitely made for running.

Running includes a beautiful integration of cardiovascular, muscular, metabolic, and neurological

systems that operate cooperatively to influence the transportation of oxygen, the extraction and
use of that oxygen, and the use of the muscle fuels of fat and carbohydrate. This course describes
all of that, and a whole lot more.

Understanding how energy is produced to run is the basis for understanding how to train most
effectively. After all, if a runner wants to get faster or run without injury, every workout he or she

ADENOSINE does should have a specific, physiological purpose.

As we learned in high school biology class, the energy to move our bodies comes from the
An energy-carrying molecule
used to fuel body processes. chemical breakdown of a high-energy metabolic compound found in our muscles called
adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP is broken down into its two constituents—adenosine
ADENOSINE diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Since our muscles store only a small,
DIPHOSPHATE (ADP): emergency amount of ATP, we must constantly resynthesize it before we can break it down. The
An organic compound
essential to the flow of formation and resynthesis of ATP are thus part of a circular process—ATP is broken down into ADP
energy in living cells.
and Pi, and then ADP and Pi combine to resynthesize ATP. Simplistically speaking, running faster
comes down to increasing the rate at which ATP is resynthesized so it can be broken down to

PHOSPHAGEN SYSTEM: liberate energy for muscle contraction.

The anaerobic energy system
that provides rapid energy Like many other animals, humans produce ATP through three metabolic pathways that consist of
using creatine phosphate to
generate ATP.
many enzyme-catalyzed chemical reactions. Two of these pathways, the phosphagen system

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and anaerobic glycolysis, do not use oxygen to create ATP and are therefore referred to as
anaerobic. The third pathway uses oxygen to create ATP and is therefore referred to as aerobic. ANAEROBIC
The anaerobic energy system
converting glucose to lactate
ENERGY SYSTEMS when oxygen is limited.

ANAEROBIC AEROBIC Without or not requiring

With or in the presence of

Figure 1.1 The Human Energy Systems

During short-term, intense activities, a large amount of power needs to be produced by the
muscles, creating a high demand for ATP. The phosphagen system (also called the ATP-CP system)
is the quickest way to resynthesize ATP. Creatine phosphate (CP), which is stored in skeletal
muscles, donates a phosphate to ADP to produce ATP:
A high-energy molecule
ADP + CP → ATP + C
stored in skeletal muscle,
the myocardium, and the
No carbohydrate or fat is used in this process; the regeneration of ATP comes solely from stored brain.

CP. Since this process does not need oxygen to resynthesize ATP, it is anaerobic, or oxygen-
independent. As the fastest way to resynthesize ATP, the phosphagen system is the predominant
energy system used for all-out sprinting lasting up to about 10 to 15 seconds. However, since we
have a limited amount of stored CP and ATP in our muscles, fatigue occurs rapidly when we sprint.

While the stores of ATP and CP per pound of muscle and the ability to rapidly acquire ATP from
the breakdown of CP are the same between men and women, the total amount of stored ATP and
CP—and therefore the total energy available from these fuel sources—is greater in men due to
A simple sugar the body uses
their larger muscle mass. This enables men to sprint faster than women. for energy production on a
cellular level.

Anaerobic glycolysis is the predominant energy system used for all-out running lasting from 30
The stored form of glucose
seconds to about two minutes and is the second fastest way to resynthesize ATP. During anaerobic found in muscle tissue and
the liver.
glycolysis, carbohydrate, either in the form of glucose in the blood or its stored form of glycogen in the

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

muscles and liver, is broken down through a series of chemical reactions. Every molecule of glucose
broken down through glycolysis produces two molecules of usable ATP. Thus, very little energy is
produced through this pathway, but the trade-off is that we get the energy quickly, so we can run fast.

We rely on anaerobic glycolysis when oxygen is not supplied fast enough to meet our muscles’
needs for ATP. When this happens, our muscles lose their ability to contract effectively because
of an increase in hydrogen ions, which causes the muscle pH to decrease, a condition called
acidosis. The concentration of other metabolites, including potassium ions and the two
ACIDOSIS: constituents of ATP (ADP and Pi) also increase. Acidosis and the accumulation of these other
A state of elevated cellular
pH resulting from the metabolites cause a number of problems inside muscles, including inhibition of specific enzymes
inability of the kidneys
and lungs to clear excess involved in metabolism and muscle contraction, inhibition of the release of calcium (the trigger
hydrogen ions. for muscle contraction) from its storage site in muscles, and interference with muscles’ electrical
charges, ultimately leading to a decrease in muscle force production and running speed.

Since humans evolved for aerobic activities, it’s not surprising that the aerobic system, which is
dependent on oxygen, is the most complex of the three energy systems. The metabolic reactions
that take place in the presence of oxygen are responsible for most of the energy our cells produce.
Races longer than two minutes (800 meters to ultramarathons) rely most heavily on the aerobic
system. However, aerobic metabolism is the slowest way to resynthesize ATP.

The aerobic system uses blood glucose, muscle and liver glycogen, and fat as fuels to resynthesize
ATP. The aerobic use of carbohydrates produces 38 molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose
broken down. Thus, the aerobic system produces 19 times more ATP than does glycolysis from
each glucose molecule. If that sounds like a lot, using fat gives us much more ATP—a whopping
130, give or take, depending on the specific fatty acid being used.

Running performance, whether recreational or elite, is most dependent on the aerobic system.
The more developed the aerobic system, the faster a person will be able to run before he or she
begins to rely on the anaerobic energy pathways and experiences the consequent fatigue.

Table 1.1 The Energy Pathways



Phosphagen System Creatine phosphate (CP) Anaerobic 0-15 seconds

Anaerobic Glycolysis Glucose and glycogen Anaerobic 30 seconds – 2 minutes

Aerobic System Glucose, glycogen, fats Aerobic Longer than 2 minutes

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Which pathway that’s used for the primary production of ATP depends on how quickly we need
it and how much of it we need. Sprinting, for instance, requires energy much more quickly
than jogging, necessitating the reliance on the phosphagen system and anaerobic glycolysis.
Conversely, running a 10K or marathon relies more heavily on the aerobic system. Regardless
of how fast or slow we run or the type of workout we’re running, the production of ATP is never
achieved by the exclusive use of only one energy system, but rather by the coordinated response
of all three energy systems contributing to different degrees.

Think of three dials that are always being adjusted to optimize the production of energy. When we race
100 meters, the phosphagen dial is turned up very high, while the other two dials are turned down
low. When we run a marathon, the aerobic system dial is turned up very high, while the other two dials
are turned down low. When we race a 5K, the aerobic system dial is turned up high, the anaerobic
glycolysis dial is turned to medium, and the phosphagen system dial is turned down low.

The heart is the most extraordinary muscle we have. It has the unique ability and responsibility to
deliver the most important chemical—oxygen—throughout our bodies to sustain life. Oxygen also
sustains a runner’s pace.

Located just beneath your ribs under your left breast, your heart is composed of four chambers:
the left and right atria and the left and right ventricles. The left ventricle is the largest and most

important chamber because it’s responsible for sending blood to the entire body except the lungs.

vena cava
Pulmonary trunk

Right pulmonary Left pulmonary

artery artery

semilunar valve Left pulmonary
Right pulmonary Left atrium
Left coronary
Right atrium artery
Great cardiac
Tricuspid valve
Mitral valve
Right coronary
artery Aortic semilunar valve
Small cardiac
Papillary muscle
Chordae tendineae
Left ventricle
Right ventricle

Interventricular Myocardium
Adipose tissue

Figure 1.2 Human Heart Anatomy

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Inside the blood are millions of red blood cells that carry oxygen all around your body, including

your running muscles. In fact, those red blood cells travel a specific route when they are pumped

from your heart.

Rather than describe what happens, let’s let the red blood cell speak for itself…

Hi. I’m a red blood cell. I’m responsible for transporting oxygen in your blood. I guess you could say I’m

a big deal. I travel through your circulatory system, delivering oxygen to all your cells. Like the mailman,

I work rain or shine. But I also work on Sundays. Oxygen must be delivered every day, after all.

Inside of me is a very important protein. His name is hemoglobin. Actually, he’s the one who
HEMOGLOBIN: transports oxygen since he lives inside of me. (I charge him expensive rent.) The concentration of
A molecule made of iron
and heme responsible for hemoglobin in your blood is 45 to 50 percent. So, about half of your blood is made up of
transporting oxygen in the
blood. hemoglobin. When you get a standard blood test (called a CBC, Complete Blood Count),

hemoglobin concentration is one of the things your doctor checks for. We’ll talk more about

hemoglobin in a little while. Right now, let’s talk more about me.

I like to travel. I travel in blood throughout your whole body, from the tippy top of your head all

the way down to your pinky toe. I always travel in the same direction because blood flow must be

unidirectional for things to get done. You can’t have blood going every which way, causing traffic

jams and such.

To help me glide through your blood vessels, I’m a disc shape, like a Frisbee. I’m very small, about

25,000 times smaller than a grain of sand. You can’t see me with your naked eye, only with a

microscope. If there’s something wrong with me and my shape changes (like in the case of sickle

cell anemia, when I look more like a sickle), it’s harder for me to travel through blood, and that’s

not good for oxygen delivery to your organs. When you get a standard blood test, one of the things

your doctor will check for is my shape. Shape matters.

Starting from the left ventricle of your heart, I travel with a lot of oxygen baggage through the

aorta, which is your body’s largest artery.

From the aorta, I travel through other arteries. From arteries through smaller arterioles.

From arterioles through very small capillaries that supply oxygen to your organs, including your

muscles, brain, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and skin.

When I get to the organs, including your skeletal muscles, I make a pit stop so hemoglobin can

release oxygen bound to it for your muscles to hold the running pace and for your other organs

to use for their specific jobs.

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For the first half of this circuit, after me and my brother and sister red blood cells leave the heart

from its left ventricle, our flow to the muscles depends on several factors:

• Redistribution of blood away from other, less important organs to the active muscles. When

running, it’s ideal to have as much blood as possible going to the muscles so they can get more


• Resistance of blood flow through the blood vessels. The more dilated the blood vessels, the

less resistance there is, making it easier for blood to flow through. The amount of vessel

dilation depends on the interplay between two branches of the autonomic nervous system

and their associated hormones—the sympathetic (excitatory, causing vasoconstriction) and

parasympathetic (calming, causing vasodilation) nervous systems.

• Ability to transport oxygen in the blood. The more of me and of hemoglobin there are,

the more oxygen the blood can carry.

• Ability to transport oxygen in the muscles. Myoglobin is a protein that carries oxygen

inside the muscles. After hemoglobin carries oxygen to the muscles, it hands off the

oxygen to myoglobin, like a relay baton pass.

• Density and volume of capillaries around the muscle fibers.

After all that sightseeing, I’m now low in oxygen and high in carbon dioxide from the chemical reactions

of the muscles’ metabolism. So, I must travel back to the heart and lungs to get more oxygen.

Ok, it’s time to go back to the heart. Let’s go!

From the capillaries, I travel through venules, which are small veins. From venules through veins.

From veins through the vena cava, which is your body’s largest vein.

From the vena cava into the right atrium of the heart. As I fill the right atrium, it contracts, pushing

me through the tricuspid valve.

From the right atrium via the tricuspid valve (remember tri is on the right side) into the right

ventricle. When the right ventricle contracts, I am pushed through the pulmonary artery.

From the pulmonary artery to the lungs, where they discard the carbon dioxide and pick up the

oxygen that is inhaled from the air.

From the lungs through the pulmonary vein.

From the pulmonary vein to the left atrium. As I fill the left atrium, it contracts, pushing me

through the bicuspid (mitral) valve and into the left ventricle.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

From the left atrium via the mitral valve (remember mitral is on the left side), back into the left


Whew! I’m exhausted! That was a long trip! And I must take that cyclical trip all over again!

Figure 1.3 Blood Flow Through the Heart

While you’re sitting reading this, about five liters of blood are pumped out of the left ventricle of

your heart every minute. When you’re exercising as hard as you can, your heart can pump up to

20 to 25 liters of blood every minute for a man, about 15 to 20 liters every minute for a woman,

depending on how fit the cardiovascular system is. The best male endurance athletes on the

planet pump up to 35 to 40 liters of blood every minute, and the best female endurance athletes

about 25 to 30 liters every minute. That’s a lot of blood!

When you exercise aerobically, like run and bike, on a regular basis, you make more red blood

cells like me, and you increase your total blood volume, which increases your ability to transport

oxygen. The process by which you make more of me is given a fancy name because of how

important it is—erythropoiesis. “Erythro” refers to erythrocytes, which are immature versions of

ERYTHROPOIESIS: me. Erythropoiesis is important because my lifespan is very short—about 90 to 120 days. That’s
The production of red blood
cells. the only life I have, so I better make my time worth it.

Back to hemoglobin. Hemoglobin, which contains iron, is responsible for my red color. Hemoglobin

needs iron to live, so make sure you eat lots of dark, green, leafy vegetables and lean meats to

get your iron. (He’s like a tenant who won’t stop eating my food.)

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Each molecule of hemoglobin carries four oxygen molecules when hemoglobin is fully saturated

with oxygen, which is almost always. Only under certain conditions is hemoglobin not fully

saturated, like if you go to high altitude, where there’s less pressure of oxygen in the air (called

partial pressure), or if oxygen is somehow prevented from entering your arterial blood or limited

from diffusing from the alveoli in your lungs into the pulmonary capillaries. PARTIAL PRESSURE:
The condition of the pressure
of oxygen outside of the
In arterial blood (blood in your arteries, arterioles, and the left side of your heart), the partial lungs being lower than the
pressure inside the blood as
pressure of oxygen is 100 mmHg (millimeters of mercury, same units as when you get your blood in higher altitudes.
pressure checked), and hemoglobin is almost 100 percent saturated, which means that all four

hemoglobin subunits are carrying oxygen.

In venous blood (blood in your veins, venules, and the right side of your heart), the partial pressure

of oxygen is 40 mmHg, and hemoglobin is 75 percent saturated, which means that three of the

four hemoglobin subunits are carrying oxygen.

When the partial pressure of oxygen is 25 mmHg, hemoglobin is only 50 percent saturated, which

means that only two of the four hemoglobin subunits are carrying oxygen.

The lower the partial pressure of oxygen, the fewer oxygen molecules are bound to hemoglobin

because they have been released to the organs and tissues that need it.

The main factors that determine the ability for oxygen to diffuse into blood are:

1. The partial pressure of oxygen

2. The distance oxygen needs to diffuse (travel)

3. The surface area of the lungs, alveoli, and blood vessels

Therefore, things like heart or lung disease or edema (inflammation) decrease hemoglobin

saturation because of how they affect either the diffusion distance or the surface area. In an

individual with emphysema, for example, oxygen diffusion decreases because the surface area

for diffusion has decreased. In some elite endurance athletes, who have very large cardiac

outputs because their hearts pump a large quantity of blood every minute, there isn’t adequate

time for me to travel within lungs for hemoglobin to pick up all the oxygen. This decrease in my
transit time through lungs causes a drop in hemoglobin saturation, a condition called exercise-

induced hypoxemia. EXERCISE-INDUCED

Hemoglobin is very attractive. (He’s very proud of that.) He is so attractive that oxygen rushes The abnormally low
concentration of oxygen in
to bind to him. He has a quaternary structure, which means he has four protein subunits. Each the blood caused by exercise
or endurance activity.
subunit is composed of a protein chain tightly associated with a non-protein heme (iron) group.

Each protein subunit carries one oxygen molecule.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Hemoglobin’s shape changes as the number of oxygen molecules attached to him changes.

The more oxygen molecules bound to hemoglobin, the more attractive hemoglobin becomes to

oxygen, and the more oxygen wants to be bound to hemoglobin. When only one oxygen molecule

is bound to hemoglobin, hemoglobin is not so attractive. But when three oxygen molecules are

bound to hemoglobin, the fourth one can’t bind itself fast enough, so beautiful hemoglobin

becomes. (When he has four oxygen molecules attached, he can’t stop looking at himself in the

mirror.) This change in affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen is important because it facilitates the

loading of oxygen in lungs and unloading of oxygen in the muscles and other organs.

This change in hemoglobin’s shape is how doctors and nurses know when blood’s oxygen

saturation is low. You know that little finger clip they put on your finger in the hospital or doctor’s

office? There’s an infrared light inside of that clip. When hemoglobin changes shape, it changes

how it refracts light. So, that clip is “reading” how the infrared light is refracting because of

hemoglobin’s shape. If blood’s oxygen saturation is less than optimal (98 to 100 percent at sea-

level), the light refracts differently because hemoglobin’s shape is different.

The saturation of oxygen on hemoglobin is determined by the partial pressure of oxygen in blood.

The lower oxygen’s partial pressure, the lower the hemoglobin saturation. When you go skiing or

hiking at high altitude, the partial pressure of oxygen in the air decreases, which decreases the

partial pressure of oxygen in your blood. Up to an altitude of about 3,000 feet, the drop in the

air’s partial pressure of oxygen is minimal, so your blood’s oxygen saturation doesn’t change; it

remains at 98 to 100 percent. But when you travel above 3,000 feet, blood oxygen saturation

begins to drop. That’s why it’s hard to do aerobic exercise at high altitude—because hemoglobin

has less oxygen bound to it as it travels through your circulatory system.

The more of me you have, the greater your ability to transport oxygen through your circulation. The

greater your ability to transport oxygen, the better your aerobic fitness. One of the ways to help

your clients become better runners is by making more of me and my tenant hemoglobin (make

sure there’s enough iron in the fridge for him!) so we can transport more oxygen in the blood.

When running, the heart must work hard to ensure enough oxygen gets to the muscles. The rate

at which it beats and the amount of blood it pumps increase dramatically to ensure the supply of

MAXIMUM HEART oxygen meets the muscles’ demand. Depending on how fast someone runs, the heart rate can
RATE: climb all the way up to about 200 beats per minute, depending on his or her age. The older a
The estimated maximum
number of times the heart runner is, the lower his or her maximum heart rate. Some people have a genetically high
should or can beat per
maximum heart rate, higher than what would be predicted for their age. This is a good thing for a
minute during exercise or
activity. runner, since a high heart rate means more blood and oxygen traveling to the working muscles.

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Heart rate isn’t the only variable that dictates the flow of oxygen to the muscles. Every time the

heart contracts, a specific volume of blood is pumped out of the left ventricle, which is responsible

for sending blood and oxygen everywhere in our bodies except the lungs. (The right side of the

heart handles blood flow to the lungs.) The volume of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with

each beat is called the stroke volume, which is determined by:

• The volume of blood returning to the heart through the veins. As described above, when The amount of blood
pumped by the left
the heart pumps blood, it travels through the arteries to get to the muscles. Then the ventricle of the heart in one
blood travels back to the heart through the veins. The amount of blood that travels back

to the heart is called the venous return. The greater the venous return, the greater the

stroke volume, because the heart has more blood it can pump with the next beat.

• The heart’s ability to contract quickly and forcefully. Like other muscles, the heart

produces more force and pumps more blood when it contracts strongly, a measurement

called contractility.

• The amount of pressure in the heart’s left ventricle. When blood enters the left

ventricle from the left atrium, it pushes against the left ventricle’s walls, creating

pressure in that chamber. This pressure is called the preload. When a large volume

of blood dumps into the left ventricle and pushes against its walls, the walls actively

stretch. The left ventricle, like skeletal muscles, contracts more strongly when actively

stretched immediately before contracting, ejecting more blood out of the chamber and

thus increasing the stroke volume.

• The amount of pressure in the aorta. When blood is ejected from the left ventricle, the
first place it goes is the aorta. Like a narrow hose that shoots out a lot of water, there’s

a pressure head at the front end of the aorta, creating resistance to blood flow. This

pressure is called the afterload. The smaller the afterload, the less resistance there is

for blood to flow through the aorta, and the greater the stroke volume.

• The size of the heart. Size matters when it comes to the heart. Imagine what the heart

goes through during training. After a runner completes a difficult workout, his heart

says, “Geez, he is running hard workouts on a regular basis that cause me to reach my

maximum capability to pump blood. If he keeps doing this and I don’t do something,

I’m not going to be able to survive.” Thus, in response to the imposed threat of running

at the heart’s maximum ability to pump blood, the heart responds by increasing its

pumping strength and by enlarging its most important chamber—the left ventricle—so

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

that it can send more blood and oxygen to the working muscles. An enlarged heart is so

characteristic of individuals who run a lot that scientists and doctors have given it the

medical term, athlete’s heart. The larger the left ventricle, the more blood it can hold;

the more blood it can hold, the more it can pump.

Multiply heart rate by stroke volume and we get the volume of blood that the heart’s left ventricle

pumps per minute, called the cardiac output. Cardiac output is extremely important for running
CARDIAC OUTPUT: because the more blood the heart pumps each minute, the more oxygen gets to the muscles and
The amount of blood
pumped through the heart, the faster the pace one can run.
or specifically the left
ventricle, per minute.
When sitting comfortably at rest, cardiac output is about 5 liters of blood per minute, give or take,

depending on how big of a person you are (and therefore how much blood you have). Resting

cardiac output is about the same for everyone, regardless of how fit you are. What’s different is

resting heart rate—unfit people achieve their resting cardiac output by having a high heart rate
RESTING HEART RATE: and a low stroke volume. Fit people achieve their resting cardiac output by having a low heart rate
The number of times the
heart beats per minute when and a high stroke volume. That’s why resting heart rate is lower when we’re fit—stroke volume is
the body is at rest.
greater, so the heart doesn’t have to pump as many times each minute to send out the same

volume of blood.

Maximum cardiac output, however, which occurs when the heart is working as hard as it can,

is very different among people—the fitter the person, the greater the heart’s maximum ability to

pump blood. As a point of reference, the maximum cardiac output of a sedentary person is about

15-20 liters of blood per minute, while that of an elite male runner is nearly 40 liters per minute.

That means the heart of an elite male runner pumps over 10.5 gallons of blood every minute. No
wonder elite runners have such big hearts.

Maximum cardiac output is very important and is one of the key traits a runner should focus on

improving to become a better runner. Specific training can make the heart larger and increase

stroke volume and cardiac output.

Women have smaller hearts than men, even when comparing similarly trained runners. The

larger heart gives men a greater stroke volume and cardiac output, contributing to a greater

VO2max. Maximum cardiac output averages 20-25 liters per minute in trained women vs. 30
VO2MAX: liters per minute in trained men (compared to 35-40 liters per minute in those who are elite).
The maximum amount of
oxygen the body can take up Men also have a larger blood volume and more hemoglobin in their blood to transport oxygen.
during exercise or activity.
Hemoglobin concentration averages 13.7 grams (normal range of 12-16 grams) per 100

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milliliters of blood in women vs. 15.8 grams (normal range of 14-18 grams) per 100 milliliters of

blood in men. Together, the larger heart, greater blood volume, and greater blood hemoglobin

concentration create a cardiovascular system that supplies more blood and oxygen to the running

muscles, giving men greater cardiovascular endurance than women.

While it may seem that a 2.1-gram difference in hemoglobin concentration is very small, it’s

actually a big difference. Each gram of hemoglobin can transport 1.34 milliliters of oxygen when

hemoglobin is fully saturated with oxygen. On this trait, men and women are equal—there is no

evidence of a sex difference in the ability to saturate the blood with oxygen, which is dependent

on the diffusion capacity of the lungs and the environmental altitude. The 2.1-gram difference

between men and women means that men can carry 2.8 more milliliters of oxygen per 100

milliliters of blood. Multiply this difference by the difference in maximum blood flow to the muscles

between women and men while running as hard as they can (i.e., a 10,000-milliliter difference

in maximum cardiac output), and men send 280 more milliliters (a little more than one cup) of

oxygen to the muscles every minute compared to women.

One of the first changes that occurs inside the runner’s body from running is an increase in

their blood volume. More blood means the heart pumps a greater volume with each beat, which

increases the stroke volume. More blood also means more red blood cells and hemoglobin to

carry oxygen to the muscles used for running. Overall, a greater blood volume increases the

runner’s ability to transport oxygen to their muscles.

When someone first starts running, they may notice that they have trouble breathing. Many new

runners complain that they can’t breathe as soon as they start running around the block. Indeed,

getting enough air is foremost on their minds. Beginning runners seem to get frustrated with

their lungs because they perceive them as limiting their ability to continue running. Even trained

runners sometimes feel this way.

At first glance, running seems to have everything to do with big, strong lungs. After all, we get

oxygen through our lungs. If the size of our lungs mattered, we would expect the best runners to

have large lungs that hold a lot of oxygen. However, the best runners in the world are comparatively

small people, with characteristically small lungs. Total lung capacity, which is the maximal amount

of air the lungs can hold, is primarily influenced by body size; bigger people have larger lung

capacities. Despite what people may think or feel when they’re just beginning to run, their lungs

don’t limit their ability, especially if they’re not an elite runner.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Breathing more deeply to try to get in more oxygen doesn’t make running easier, because oxygen

input doesn’t limit our ability to run. That limitation rests on the shoulders of the cardiovascular

and metabolic systems, with blood flow to and oxygen use by the muscles the major culprits.

There’s no relationship between lung capacity and how fast someone runs a 10K.

Unlike the cardiovascular and muscular systems, the lungs don’t adapt to training. The lungs

may limit running performance only in elite runners who have developed the more trainable

characteristics—cardiac output, hemoglobin concentration, and mitochondrial and capillary

volumes—to capacities that approach the genetic potential of the lungs to provide for adequate

diffusion of oxygen into the blood. In other words, the lungs may limit performance in elite runners

by lagging behind other, more readily adaptable characteristics. But this is only a problem when

those other characteristics have been trained enough to reach their genetic potential.

The main stimulus to breathe (at sea level) is an increase in the blood’s carbon dioxide content,

not a need for more oxygen. The reason we breathe more when we run fast is because carbon

dioxide is produced in our muscles from metabolism and needs to be expelled through our lungs.

Oxygen is all around us and has no problem diffusing from the air into our lungs. Even when we

run as fast as we can, the hemoglobin in our blood is nearly 100 percent saturated with oxygen.

If we run at a high altitude, however, we breathe more to get more oxygen into our lungs to

compensate for our blood being less saturated with oxygen.

Training the cardiovascular and metabolic characteristics improves the ability to transport and use

oxygen, making someone feel less out of breath. So, when a client is running up a hill or finishing a

hard run and they’re thinking, “I can’t catch my breath,” tell them not to blame their lungs.

To most people, muscles are external structures, admired from the outside. But what lies

within a shapely calf muscle is a wonderfully complex structure responsible for everything from

metabolism to movement.

Getting blood from the heart to the muscles is only half the story. Even though the cardiovascular

system is very important for running, it’s the legs that run. So, they need to have some specific

machinery to handle the job. How do the legs use all that oxygen that the heart sends to them?

Once oxygen is delivered to the muscles, the muscles extract from the blood however much

oxygen they need to maintain the running pace.

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The amount of oxygen the muscles extract and use is dependent primarily on how many A cellular organelle with a
mitochondria the muscles have. As we first learned in high school biology class, mitochondria are double membrane and many
internal folds responsible for
microscopic, energy-producing factories deep inside the muscles. They aerobically burn fat and generating chemical energy
in aerobic metabolism
carbohydrates. Inside the mitochondria are enzymes, which catalyze chemical reactions. The (cellular respiration).

number of mitochondrial enzymes is important because enzymes, through their catalyzing effect

on chemical reactions, control the rate at which energy is produced. Like bees in a beehive,

enzymes are the factory workers inside the mitochondria. The more factory workers there are, the

quicker the work gets done.

Given how important mitochondria are in providing aerobic energy, it should come as no surprise

that running increases the number of mitochondria in the muscles. Mitochondria increase both

in number and size, giving the runner more and larger power plants to run aerobically. With more

mitochondria comes a greater use of oxygen, which enables the runner to run farther and faster.

Having more mitochondria also means having more enzymes, so fuel can be used more quickly

since enzymes speed up the chemical reactions that break down carbohydrates and fat for

energy. With more mitochondria, the runner can also use more fat as a fuel source at the same

running pace. This steering in fuel use to a greater reliance on fat at the same running pace is

one of the hallmark adaptations to running. In effect, the runner becomes a better fat-burning

machine. All because of mitochondria.

Capillaries, the smallest of blood vessels, are the muscles’ highway system. They surround and

traverse the muscle fibers like a spider web, leading to places deep inside the muscles. Oxygen
molecules in the blood “drive” along the capillaries, waiting to take an exit.

With few capillaries around the muscle fibers, oxygen molecules must diffuse a far distance from

an exit to get to their destination—the mitochondria. But if there are many capillaries, oxygen

molecules don’t have to diffuse very far to get to the mitochondria. The larger the highway system

of capillaries surrounding the muscle fibers, the shorter the distance oxygen must travel from

the capillaries to the mitochondria and the greater the total blood vessel surface area for oxygen

diffusion. The faster oxygen gets inside the mitochondria, the better a person will run.

Here’s where it gets interesting: Endurance exercise is one of the few physiological circumstances

that prompt an expansion of the capillary network, via sheer stress and mechanical forces

applied to the capillaries from the constant “push” of blood through the muscle vasculature.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Single capillaries split into two and new vessels sprout from existing capillaries, creating a larger

highway system for delivering oxygen to the muscles.

This is one of the reasons why individuals need to run a lot if they want to be better runners—to

make more capillaries!

Running is influenced not only by factors related to oxygen consumption, but also by factors related

to muscle fiber recruitment and contraction, muscle force production, and fatigue resistance.
The shortening or resistance Every human movement requires a muscle action, called a contraction. The contraction is
to lengthening of a muscle
fiber. initiated by impulses, called action potentials, which are conveyed by a neural cell called a

motor neuron.

An explosion of electrical
activity caused by a neural
impulse. Motor Neuron

Nerve cells that initiate
muscle contraction or
activate glands.

Action Potential

The neurotransmitter
released by an action
potential at the
neuromuscular junction.
Figure 1.4 The Nervous System and Muscle Contraction
ACTIN: Muscle contraction begins with our nerves. Our central nervous system sends a signal to a motor
The thin filaments of muscle
myofilaments where myosin neuron, which integrates with muscle fibers. Under the action of a specific neurotransmitter
binds to create muscle
contraction. (acetylcholine), the signal propagates deep inside the muscle fibers, causing the release of

calcium from its storage site and triggering muscle contraction by the complex interaction of

MYOSIN: specific microscopic proteins.

The thick filaments of
myofilaments with a fibrous In 1957, Nobel Prize winner Andrew Huxley discovered how those microscopic proteins—actin
head, neck, and tail that
bind to actin. and myosin—interact. Myosin, which looks like an oar with its paddle at an angle, attaches to

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actin, which looks like two strings of pearls twisted together. The paddle portion of myosin, which

contains ATP, binds to actin and, when ATP is broken down, pulls it so that actin slides past

myosin. The mechanism is much like the movement of a rowboat’s oars, except that the water

(actin) moves past the stationary boat (myosin). This movement happens among millions of actin

and myosin proteins within each muscle fiber, with all the actin proteins from opposing sides

moving closer together, causing the entire muscle to shorten. The more actin and myosin proteins

inside the muscles, the more force they can produce. A boat with eight oars stroking the water is

stronger and more powerful than a boat with two.

Aside from the exception of smooth muscles that can contract partially, skeletal muscle fibers SMOOTH MUSCLES:
Muscle tissue that occurs
either contract or they don’t. There’s no such thing as a partial contraction. Like a light, fibers are in the gut and internal
organs that is involuntarily
either on or off. The amount of muscle force is varied by varying the number of muscle fibers controlled.
contracted and the frequency with which the central nervous system recruits those fibers, not by

varying their degree of contraction. SKELETAL MUSCLE

Muscles contract and produce force in three ways: The voluntary muscle
attached to bones via
• When pushing off the ground, muscles shorten in a concentric contraction. tendons that produce human
• When the leg lands on the ground, muscles lengthen in an eccentric action.

• In the short time between leg landing on the ground and the leg pushing down and CONCENTRIC
back against the ground, muscle fibers remain the same length in an isometric action, CONTRACTION:
The shortening of a muscle
which stabilizes the leg.
fiber (sarcomere) as tension
is produced.
Thus, each running stride includes all three types of muscle actions. Of the three actions,

eccentric actions are the strongest and cause the most muscle damage and soreness, as the

myosin is pulled apart from its binding site on actin. That’s why running downhill makes muscles
The lengthening of a muscle
sorer than running uphill. fiber (sarcomere) as tension
is released.

The most obvious sex difference when it comes to muscles is that women have a smaller muscle

mass than men. Since muscular strength and power are proportional to the size of the muscle, ISOMETRIC ACTION:
The length and tension of
women cannot produce as much muscular force or power as men. Therefore, men can sprint a muscle fiber (sarcomere)
faster than women. However, for a given unit of muscle mass, women produce the same amount remain unchanged.

of force as men because there is no sex difference in the amount of force that individual muscle

fibers produce. The way that muscles contract in women is the same as that in men.


The specific types of fibers that make up individual muscles greatly influence a person’s running

performance over different distances and the way they adapt to training. Humans have three

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

different types of muscle fibers (as well as gradations between them), the proportions of which

are largely determined by genetics. Slow-twitch (Type I) fibers are recruited for aerobic activities
SLOW-TWITCH (TYPE I) and therefore have many characteristics needed for endurance, such as perfusion with a large
FIBERS: network of capillaries to supply oxygen, lots of myoglobin to transport oxygen, and lots of
Low-threshold fatigue-
resistant muscle fibers with mitochondria. True to their name, slow-twitch fibers contract slowly (relatively speaking) but are
characteristics such as high
mitochondrial density, high very resistant to fatigue. That’s why people can run for hours at a time—because they rely on slow-
myoglobin content, and large
capillary networks. twitch muscle fibers.

Fast-twitch (Type II) fibers are recruited for shorter-duration anaerobic activities and therefore
have many characteristics needed for strength, speed, and power including large stores of
Higher-threshold muscle creatine phosphate and glycogen and an abundance of enzymes involved in the anaerobic
fibers recruited for shorter-
metabolic pathway of glycolysis. They contract quickly but fatigue easily. Fast-twitch fibers come
duration anaerobic activity
characterized by large in two forms: fast-twitch A (Type IIa) and fast-twitch B (Type IIb).
creatine and glycogen stores.

Fast-twitch B fibers are recruited for short, intense activities, such as sprinting, jumping, and
FAST-TWITCH A (TYPE lifting very heavy weights. They are also recruited during aerobic activities once the slow-twitch
IIA): fibers and fast-twitch A fibers fatigue. Fast-twitch A fibers have both endurance and power
Higher-threshold muscle
fibers with both endurance characteristics and represent a transition between slow- twitch fibers and fast-twitch B fibers.
and explosive properties that
represent a transitional fiber Fast-twitch A fibers are recruited for prolonged anaerobic activities that require relatively high
between the slow-twitch and
fast-twitch B fibers. forces, such as running a long sprint and carrying heavy objects and are also recruited during

aerobic activities to help support the workload of the slow- twitch fibers. They are more fatigue

FAST-TWITCH B resistant than the fast-twitch B fibers. In addition to the three major divisions of muscle fibers,
(TYPE IIB): there are also hybrid forms of these fiber types.
Higher-threshold muscle
fibers recruited for short, We can see the difference between the fiber types during Thanksgiving—the dark meat of our
intense activity and for
aerobic endurance activity turkey dinner, so colored because of its myoglobin content, is composed of slow-twitch fibers, and
after fast-twitch A fibers have
fatigued. the white meat is composed of fast-twitch fibers.

Muscle fiber composition has a large genetic component. We are born with specific proportions

of slow-twitch, fast-twitch A, and fast-twitch B fibers. Although it’s easy to speak of muscle fibers

as three discrete types, fibers really exist on a continuum based on a combination of their


Runners have a greater proportion of slow-twitch fibers in the muscles used to run. However,

there is a large degree of variability among runners in the exact percentage of slow-twitch fibers.

There is some evidence, not completely validated, that women have more slow-twitch muscle

fibers than men which, if true, may contribute to greater long-endurance performance, while

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subtracting from their sprint performance. While the proportions of slow-twitch and fast-twitch

muscle fibers vary from person to person, both the structure and metabolic capacity of individual

muscle fibers may be amenable to change with specific, extreme training. Although it does not

seem possible to convert a slow-twitch fiber into a fast-twitch fiber or vice versa—making it

impossible for an elite marathon runner to become an elite sprinter or vice versa—endurance

training can change the characteristics of the fast-twitch fibers, increasing their aerobic capacity

and enabling them to support the workload of the slow-twitch fibers.

Training can also change the amount of area that the fiber type takes up in the muscle. For

example, say a muscle has a 70/30 mix of slow-twitch/fast-twitch fibers. Because slow-twitch

fibers are smaller and therefore take up less space than fast-twitch fibers, 55 percent of that

muscle’s area may be slow-twitch and 45 percent may be fast-twitch. With aerobic training, the

number of slow-twitch and fast-twitch fibers remains the same (still 70/30), but the slow-twitch

fibers get bigger and start taking up more space in the muscle. The fast-twitch fibers get smaller

because they’re not being used as much. The area of the muscle, which began at 55 percent

slow- twitch and 45 percent fast-twitch before training, may change to 65 percent slow-twitch and

35 percent fast-twitch following training. The muscle’s endurance capabilities increase.

Instead of recruiting individual muscle fibers to run, we recruit motor units—groups of muscle

fibers innervated by a single motor neuron. All muscle fibers of a motor unit are of the same type

(slow-twitch, fast-twitch A, or fast-twitch B) and all the muscle fibers of a motor unit either contract

or they don’t. We vary the amount of muscle force by varying the number of motor units we

contract and the frequency with which those motor units are recruited by the central nervous MUSCLE FORCE:
The power applied by
system, not by varying their degree of contraction. the muscle tissue while
performing work that can
be concentric, eccentric, or
Motor units are recruited along a gradient dictated by the size of the motor unit (specifically, the isometric.
size of the motor axon of the neuron supplying the motor unit), a condition known as the size

principle of muscle fiber recruitment. Small motor units (those with a small motor axon SIZE PRINCIPLE
diameter), which contain slow-twitch muscle fibers, have the lowest firing threshold and are OF MUSCLE FIBER
recruited first. Demands for larger forces or faster speeds are met by the recruitment of RECRUITMENT:
A principle stating motor
increasingly larger motor units. The largest motor units (those with the largest axon diameter), units are recruited in
order according to their
which contain fast-twitch B fibers, have the highest firing threshold and are recruited last. Thus,
recruitment thresholds and
regardless of the running pace, slow-twitch motor units are always recruited first. When jogging, firing rates.

slow-twitch motor units may be the only ones that are recruited. When running fast, such as

during an interval workout or sprinting, slow-twitch motor units are recruited first, followed by fast-

twitch A and, if needed, fast-twitch B. Fast-twitch motor units are also recruited to pick up the

slack of fatiguing slow-twitch motor units, even when the speed is slow.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

For example, when running long distances, or even when holding a one-pound dumbbell, slow-

twitch motor units are initially the only motor units recruited. However, continue running or

holding that one-pound dumbbell long enough and the slow-twitch motor units will eventually

fatigue, forcing recruitment of fast-twitch motor units to continue the task. Thus, the size principle

gives us some insight into how to recruit, and thus train, fast-twitch motor units: run fast or run

long. Recruiting fast-twitch motor units by running long enough to fatigue the slow-twitch motor

units means that a runner won’t experience the negative consequence of acidosis that usually

accompanies the recruitment of fast-twitch motor units since the run is aerobic.

To hold a faster pace, a runner needs to make their slow-twitch fibers better at handling a faster

pace, because the sooner they start recruiting fast-twitch A and fast-twitch B motor units, the

sooner they start to show signs of fatigue.

Running isn’t just about our cardiovascular system and muscles; it’s also about metabolism—the
METABOLISM: chemical reactions that control how our muscles use their energy pathways to convert fat and
The chemical processes in
the body that convert food carbohydrates into energy for muscle contraction.
into energy.
At any moment, there are trillions of reactions going on inside of us, from growth of new tissue to

muscle contraction to the breakdown of food for energy. When we run, our metabolic rate

METABOLIC RATE: increases dramatically due to the increased demand for energy. The faster our metabolic
The rate at which
pathways can use the available fuel to regenerate energy for muscle contraction, the faster we
metabolism occurs in a living
organism. can run.

At slow running speeds, there’s adequate oxygen to meet the demand of the muscle cells. At

faster speeds, there is a greater reliance on anaerobic metabolism to produce energy, and

aerobic metabolism can’t keep up. When this happens, hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscles

and blood, decreasing the pH and causing metabolic acidosis and the development of fatigue.

Much of metabolism is under the direction of hormones, which act as conductors, initiating
HORMONES: signals that lead to the transportation and use of fuel. The two predominant fuels for running are
Chemical messengers
created, stored, and released carbohydrate and fat, which provide energy on a sliding scale—at slower speeds, our muscles rely
by endocrine glands.
more on fat and less on carbohydrate. As we increase our running pace, the energy contribution

from fat decreases while the energy contribution from carbohydrates increases.


A hormone produced by the
pancreas to regulate blood Carbohydrate metabolism is controlled by the hormone insulin. Consuming carbohydrates
elevates blood glucose concentration and increases insulin concentration. The increase in

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circulating insulin, which is secreted from the pancreas, stimulates specific proteins to transport

glucose from the blood into the muscles, where it is either used for immediate energy by the cells

or stored as muscle glycogen for later use.

Figure 1.5 Insulin and Glucose Uptake

Males typically have more glycogen stored in their muscles, but also use more glycogen when

running at the same pace as women. The lower muscle glycogen in women’s muscles can partly

explain why they cannot run marathons as fast as men.

Carbohydrate is the muscles’ preferred fuel when we run. However, our muscles have only a

limited store of carbohydrate. That store of carbohydrate provides enough energy for only about

100 minutes of running. By contrast, humans’ store of fat is virtually unlimited, with enough to

fuel about five days of running or about 1,000 miles of walking for a 145-pound person with 18

percent body fat. At slow running speeds, some of carbohydrate’s metabolic responsibility for

providing energy is relieved by fat, in the form of free fatty acids in the blood and triglyceride

molecules inside the muscles. Even with fat helping to delay the depletion of glycogen, running at

a moderate pace can only be sustained for 2 to 3 hours.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Scientists first discovered in the late 1960s that endurance performance is influenced by the

amount of stored glycogen in skeletal muscles, and that intense endurance exercise decreases

muscle glycogen stores. When glycogen stores are low, fatigue sets in. The faster a runner can

resynthesize muscle glycogen, the faster their recovery. For most running races, there is enough

stored glycogen in the muscles to last the entire race. This is one of the main factors that

distinguishes the marathon from all other races—because the race is long enough that the body

will run out of carbohydrate fuel. The infamous marathon wall coincides with low glycogen and

the low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) that accompanies it.

The condition of lower than When runners finish a workout that severely lowers their muscle glycogen content, it’s important
normal blood sugar.
to replenish the carbohydrate so they can resynthesize more glycogen to be prepared for their

next run. Refueling nutrient-depleted muscles is possibly the single most important aspect of

optimal recovery from training and racing.

Repeatedly running for long periods presents a threat to the muscles’ survival by depleting their

storage of carbohydrates, which is their preferred fuel. If we run out of fuel, our muscles say,

“Hey, we’re running for so long that I don’t have any more fuel. If we keep this up, I won’t be able

to survive. If this activity is going to be our regular habit, I need to do something clever to protect

myself. I know—I’ll make more fuel!”

When a runner consumes carbohydrate following a long run, they respond to the empty tank

by synthesizing and storing more glycogen than usual in skeletal muscles, thus increasing the

storage of fuel (and therefore their endurance) for future efforts. Imagine if your car did that.

Imagine if you kept driving your car until the gas tank was empty and your car responded to that

threat by making its tank bigger so it could hold more gasoline. Pretty elegant.

One of the keys to long races like the marathon is to train the muscles how to use fat more

effectively so glycogen is conserved for when it’s really needed late in the race. That’s one of the

reasons for practicing very long runs—to literally run out of glycogen so the muscles are forced to

rely on fat for fuel in the moment, which makes them better at using fat for energy overall.
LOADING: Research has shown that men also are more responsive to carbohydrate loading than
Consuming large doses
of carbohydrates prior to women. In other words, women do not increase muscle glycogen as much as men in response
activity with the intention of
increasing the body’s stored
to consuming more carbohydrates in their diets. However, some of this research is clouded
glycogen and improving
by the fact that women consume fewer total calories than men, so the lack of glycogen
physical performance.

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storage may be due to a lower caloric or carbohydrate intake by women rather than an

inherent sex difference in the ability to store glycogen. When women increase their total

caloric intake as they also increase the amount of carbohydrates in their diets, they increase

their muscle glycogen content by a similar amount as men. From a training perspective, while

men simply need to increase the percentage of their calories coming from carbohydrates in

order to “carb load” and store more glycogen, women need to also increase the total number

of calories in their diets to get the same effect.

As a consequence of not using as much carbohydrate during exercise, women rely more on fat

than men. Indeed, it has been estimated that women use about 75 percent more fat than do men

while running at 65 to 70 percent VO2max. Women get about 39 percent of their energy from

fat during exercise at 65 percent VO2max, while men get about 22 percent of their energy from

fat. However, there is a lot of individual variation in the percentage of energy derived from fat, as

factors such as training status, muscle fiber type, muscle glycogen content, and mitochondrial

density all play a role.

While it’s difficult to tease out the exact reasons for the difference in carbohydrate and

fat metabolism between the sexes, it appears that estrogen is at least partly responsible.

Research done on rats has shown that when male rats are given estrogen, they have less

depletion of glycogen during exercise, there is an increased concentration of fatty acids in

the blood (suggesting a greater availability of fat for energy), and they can exercise for longer

periods of time before becoming exhausted. Increasing the number of fatty acids circulating

in the blood favors their use by muscle during exercise, resulting in a decreased reliance on

muscle glycogen and blood glucose, thus delaying glycogen depletion and hypoglycemia (low

blood sugar) and postponing fatigue.

This switch in fuel use to a greater reliance on fat at the same running speed is also an

adaptation from endurance training. Training enhances fat use by increasing the number of

mitochondria in the muscles, allowing for more aerobic metabolism and the sparing of
The physiological changes
muscle glycogen. This shift in the energy source for muscular activity is a major advantage in that occur in the body as a
result of deliberate activity or
delaying the onset of fatigue in running events that are limited by the availability of muscle exercise stimulus.

glycogen—marathons and ultramarathons.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Since humans’ carbohydrate stores are limited, the difference in metabolism between the sexes

may give female runners an advantage for very long endurance activities, during which there

is a greater need to conserve carbohydrate and a greater use of fat because of the relatively

slow pace. In many of these very long races, women often place very high. In 2002 and 2003,

Pam Reed showed that science may be on to something, as she won the 135-mile Badwater

Ultramarathon, beating all the men. In shorter races, however, when there is a greater demand

to generate energy quickly for muscle contraction, relying more on fat will cause the pace to be

slower because energy is derived much more quickly from carbohydrate than from fat.

The third macronutrient, protein, is often neglected in metabolism since it accounts for only
MACRONUTRIENT: about 3 to 6 percent of the amount of energy we use when running. Rather, protein is used
Nutrients required in large
quantities daily for optimal primarily for other things, such as building, maintaining, and repairing muscle, skin, and
health and wellness;
carbohydrate, protein, and blood tissue, as well as aiding in the transportation of materials through the blood. Protein
can be thought of as the body’s scaffolding and cargo. However, it can be used for energy if

the situation calls for it, as in the case of inadequate amounts of fat and carbohydrate being

available, as the body’s requirement for energy takes priority over tissue building. While the

amount of protein used for energy may be small, even a small contribution to our daily run

may be large if we run a lot and run often, which would then result in a large energy


Exercise increases the use of amino acids from protein breakdown, with the amount of amino

acids that the muscles use inversely related to the amount of glycogen in the muscle—when

glycogen is abundant, muscles will rely on glycogen, but when glycogen is low, muscles will

begin to rely more on amino acids. Research has shown that females use less protein during

exercise than do males. Since endurance-trained females use less muscle glycogen and

rely more on fat than endurance-trained males, protein breakdown seems to be inhibited in

females by virtue of the greater muscle glycogen.


There are three very trainable components of the body that must be trained during running training:

• Aerobic power (VO2max)

• Running efficiency

• The lactate threshold

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The volume of oxygen consumed (VO2) is equal to the stroke volume (SV) multiplied by the

heart rate (HR) (which equals cardiac output, CO) multiplied by the difference in oxygen content

between arterial blood (blood going to the muscles) and venous blood (blood going from the

muscles to the heart):

VO2 = SV x HR x (a-v O2 diff)

VO2 = CO x (a-v O2 diff)

Cardiac factors Muscular factors

Together, the maximum cardiac output and the maximum amount of oxygen the muscles extract

and use (i.e., the maximum a-v O2 diff) determine aerobic power, or VO2max—the maximum

volume of oxygen the muscles consume per minute.

As a runner increases their running pace from an easy jog to a hard run to running as fast as they

can, VO2 increases, first very quickly, then more slowly, to keep up with the demand of the run
until they reach VO2max. Once the runner reaches their VO2max, some of the energy needed to

continue running at that pace (or faster) is supplied to the muscles through anaerobic glycolysis.

Since fatigue occurs much more rapidly when we start to rely on anaerobic metabolism, the higher

the VO2max, the better a runner will be since the reliance on anaerobic (oxygen- independent)

metabolism will be delayed.

VO2max represents a person’s aerobic ceiling and is therefore considered the single best indicator
of a person’s aerobic fitness. It was first measured in humans in the 1920s and has become
one of the most often measured physiological characteristics in the field of exercise physiology.

There’s a lot riding on it—the faster the muscles consume oxygen, the better the person runs.

Although a high VO2max alone is not enough to run a fast 5K, it gives one access into the club. A

person simply cannot run fast or run well without a high VO2max.

While trained male runners have about a 15 percent higher VO2max than trained female runners,
there is considerable overlap between the sexes, as many trained female runners have a higher

VO2max than untrained men. Furthermore, there is no difference between the sexes in the

adaptations to training and the amount runners can improve their VO2max. Research has shown

that VO2max can improve up to 20 percent with training in both men and women. While a trained

woman will always have a lower VO2max than a similarly trained man, a trained woman may have

a higher VO2max than a sedentary or recreationally active man.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

One of the biggest arguments in the field of exercise physiology is what limits VO2max (scientists

like to argue). Is VO2max cardiovascularly (oxygen delivery) limited, with the cardiac output

setting the limit, or is it peripherally (oxygen use) limited, with the muscle mitochondrial oxidative

capacity setting the limit?

While unfit people are equally limited by cardiac and muscular factors because they lack both a

high blood flow to the muscles and abundant metabolic machinery, trained runners seem to be

more cardiac-limited. After all, there is a structural limit to how big the left ventricle of the heart—

and thus stroke volume and cardiac output—can get with training. Training causes a shift of the

limitation on the sliding scale—the more fit we become, the more we move away from a metabolic,

oxygen use limitation to VO2max and the closer we move to an oxygen delivery limitation.

And then there’s a third argument—the role of the brain. VO2max may be central nervous system
limited, with the brain acting as a “central governor” to reduce muscle fiber recruitment to lower

the exercise intensity in anticipation of fatigue and before catastrophic events (e.g., cardiac

ischemia) occur.

This latter issue is one reason why it is suggested to do interval workouts with unlimited reps

rather than setting a predetermined number of reps before the workout begins. If a runner knows

they are only going to do 6 reps, they may feel very fatigued by the end of the fourth or fifth rep

because they anticipate the fatigue that comes with getting close to the end of the workout. If the

runner leaves the workout open-ended, their brain doesn’t know how many reps they are going to

do. With practice, we can attenuate the central governor limitation.

In 1930, Dr. David Dill and his colleagues at the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory were among the first

physiologists to observe that there are marked differences in the amount of oxygen different

people use when running at the same submaximal speeds. These differences in what they called

running economy is a major factor that explains differences in endurance performance—in other
RUNNING ECONOMY: words, why runners with the same VO2max do not cross the race finish line at the same time.
The measure of the
percentage of maximum
oxygen uptake (VO2max) Running economy is the volume of oxygen (VO2) that muscles consume to run at submaximal speeds.
that the muscles consume
while running at submaximal
For example, when someone runs at a 10-minute mile or 9-minute mile or 8-minute mile pace, there
speeds. is a specific amount of oxygen he’ll consume every minute (which gets higher the faster the pace) to

maintain each of those paces. While VO2max explains what happens at the upper limit of oxygen use,

running economy explains what happens at levels below that upper limit.

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To understand why running economy is so important, imagine that Jack and Jill run up a hill to

fetch a pail of water at an 8-minute-per-mile pace. They have the same VO2max, but Jack uses 70

percent of that VO2max and Jill uses 80 percent while running at the same pace. The pace feels

easier for Jack because he’s working at a lower percentage of his maximum to maintain the pace.

In other words, Jack is more economical.

Jack Jill
VO2max = 50 VO2max = 50

Running together at 8:00 mile pace

70% VO2max 80% VO2max

If Jack were to run at 80 percent of his VO2max just like Jill, he’d be running faster than Jill.
Therefore, Jack can run at a faster pace before feeling the same amount of fatigue as Jill. With the

same VO2max and better running economy, Jack would almost surely beat Jill in a race.

Although VO2max gets most of the attention among runners, running economy is more important—
it exerts a much greater influence on someone’s ability to run successfully because most of the

time the person is running at a submaximal pace, even when racing. (VO2max is more important

for shorter races, like 800 meters, 1,500 meters/1 mile, and 3,000 meters, because those races

are run at, or even slightly faster than, VO2max.)

It’s difficult to determine how economical a person is because finding out exactly how much

oxygen he or she uses to run at specific paces takes some sophisticated laboratory equipment.

Unless the person is lightweight, an experienced runner, and was born with a lot of slow-twitch

muscle fibers and mitochondria, he or she is probably not very economical. Only very talented

runners are economical from the time they start running. But running economy is very responsive

to training because running builds more mitochondria, makes a person a smoother runner, and

helps him or her lose weight.

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CHAPTER 01 | Human Physiology

Running economy is influenced by many internal and external characteristics. The internal

characteristics include:

• Biomechanics. Running mechanics influence economy because any unnecessary

movements (and therefore unnecessary muscle contractions) increase the amount of

oxygen the body consumes to maintain the pace. The more optimal the mechanics—

including proper foot placement on the ground with just the right amount of pronation to

absorb shock upon landing, correct arm swing, minimal vertical movement (bouncing)

of the center of mass, and so on—the more economical the runner will be.

• Muscle fiber recruitment. The less muscle that’s recruited to run at the desired pace,

the better. Any extra muscle activity reduces economy because more muscle activity

means more oxygen is being used.

• Number of slow-twitch muscle fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are made for aerobic activities

like running. They’re much more efficient than fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are

made for sprinting.

• Number of mitochondria. More mitochondria means more aerobic factories to spread

around the work, which improves economy.

• Body weight. The less someone weighs, especially from the waist down and even more

so from the knee down, the less work the body does to transport the person’s weight

when he runs. Slim legs are more economical because they require less energy to lift

off the ground. Adding weight, particularly at the end of a long lever, requires more

energy to move the lever and makes the work harder.

• Ability of tendons to store and use elastic energy. Like a rubber band when stretched,

the Achilles tendon, which connects the calf muscle to the heel bone, stores energy

when the foot lands on the ground and gives back that energy at push-off, helping to

propel us forward. Long, thin Achilles tendons are good at storing energy with each

step. They make the legs work like springs, which is very economical.

The external characteristics include:

• Training. Training is the biggest external factor that affects running economy. Increasing
weekly mileage, adding faster-paced running to a base of mileage, and strength training

all improve running economy.

• Shoe weight. Lightweight shoes that still provide enough cushioning improve running economy.

• Wind. Running into the wind decreases economy because there is more air resistance

to overcome.

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The Acidosis threshold signifies the transition between running that is almost purely aerobic and

running that includes significant anaerobic metabolism. (The acidosis threshold is often called ACIDOSIS THRESHOLD:
The maximum effort or
the lactate threshold because lactate accumulates at the same time as acidosis develops and is intensity an individual can
maintain for an extended
easy to measure.) period of time with minimal
effect on blood lactate
All running speeds have an anaerobic contribution, although when running slower than acidosis levels.

threshold pace the contribution is negligible. Thus, the acidosis threshold is an important

determinant of running performance since it represents the fastest speed that can be sustained

aerobically without a significant anaerobic contribution (and thus the development of metabolic

acidosis). The longer the race, the more important the acidosis threshold is because the more

important it becomes to hold a solid pace for a long time.

At slow running speeds, glycolysis is used only a little, and muscles produce only a little bit of

lactate. As the runner picks up the pace, glycolysis is used more because the muscles begin

to rely more on carbohydrate for fuel. If the runner keeps picking up the pace, he’ll get to a

pace— the acidosis threshold—at which he relies on glycolysis so much that lactate begins to

accumulate in his muscles and blood. While lactate accumulates, hydrogen ions also accumulate

in his muscles, lowering the pH of his muscles and making them more acidic, a condition called

metabolic acidosis.

When running at a pace that’s slower than the acidosis threshold, everything is cool and comfortable—

the pace can be maintained for a while. When running faster than the acidosis threshold, fatigue

is felt, and the pace can’t be held for very long. The more a runner can raise his or her acidosis

threshold—that is, the faster the AT pace—the faster the pace that can be sustained.

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