Module 11 Notes

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Chapter  17  Adaptive  Immunity:  Specific  Defenses  of  the  Host  
The  Immune  System  
• Innate  immunity:  defenses  against  any  pathogen  
o Reacts  ___________________  every  time  
• Adaptive  immunity:  induced  and  adapts  to  a  _____________  microbe  or  foreign  substance  
o Has  _______________  component,  major  difference  from  innate  immunity  
Dual  nature  of  the  adaptive  immune  system  
• Two  components  to  adaptive  immunity:  
• Humoral  immunity:  immunity  mediated  by  ________________  
o Aka  __________________-­‐mediated  immunity  
o Control  of  ________________________  pathogens  
o Via  _____________  cells  
• Cellular  immunity:  immunity  mediated  by  ______________  
o Aka  ____________-­‐mediated  immunity  
o Control  of  _____________________  pathogens  
o Via  _____________  cells  
• T  cells  and  B  cells  develop  from  ________  cells  in  _______________________________  
Humoral  Immunity  
Antigens  and  antibodies  
• Antigen  (__________):  a  substance  that  stimulates  the  ________________________________  
o Often  _________________  structures  of  pathogens  
o Or  pollen,  egg  white,  cells  &  tissues  
• Antigens  in  body  are  recognized  by  ___________________  
The  nature  of  antibodies  
• Antibodies  are  aka  “_________________________”  (Ig)  
• Antibodies  are  made  in  response  to  an  ________________  
o ______________  and  ____________  to  a  ________________antigen  
• Antibodies  are  “Y-­‐shaped”  proteins  
Antibody  structure  
• Two  arms  of  “Y”  are  called  “____________  (___)  regions”  
o _____________________  binding  sites  
• Stem  of  “Y”  is  the  “____________  (___)  region”  
o Constant  region  is  the    _________________  for  a  particular  Ig  class  
• __________________  of  antibodies  varies  on  ____________  of  Ig  molecule  
• __________  Ig  classes  
Immunoglobulin  classes  
• IgG  
o Monomer  
o Most  _____________,  80%  
o Roams  ________________,  blood  and  __________  
o Protect  against  _____________  and  viruses,  toxins,  enhance  __________________  
o Protects  _____________  and  ______________  
o _____________-­‐lived  
§ Half-­‐life  =  _____________  days  
• IgM  
o Pentamer  
o Stays  in  __________________  (too  large)  
o ___________  antibody  produced  in  response  to  _____________,  short-­‐lived  
§ Used  in  _______________  pathogen  in  ___________  stages  of  infection  
§ Half-­‐life  =  ________  days  
o Effective  in  __________________________  antigens,  enhances  _______________  against  
• IgA  
o 10  –  15%  
o Most  common  in  ____________  membranes  and  body  _____________  
o Prevent  ________________  of  microbial  pathogens  to  _______________________  surfaces  
o __________-­‐lived  
§ Half-­‐life  =  _______  days  
• IgD  
o 0.2%  
o In  blood,  in  lymph,  and  on  _______  cells  
o On  B  cells,  initiate  ______  response  
o Half-­‐life  =  ______  days  
• IgE  
o 0.002%  
o Bind  to  ____________  cells,  _____________  
o Involved  in  ________________  reactions  
§ Simulates  ________________  release  
o Attracts  ___________________  cells,  causes  ___________________  
o Bind  to  __________________________________  -­‐  recruit  ____________________  
o Half-­‐life  =  ______  days  
B  cells  and  humoral  immunity  
• Protection  mediated  by  __________________  
• Produced  by  activating  lymphocytes,  ________  cells  
• Activation  of  ______________  cells  starts  with  exposure  to  “______”  or  ”________________”  
Activation  of  B  Cells  
• Naïve  B  cells  carry  ___________________________  (BCR)  on  cell  surface  
o “____________  bound  to  cell  membrane”  
o 100,000+  BCRs,  all  bind  to  same  ____________  
o Each  B  cell  (antibody)  binds  to  ______________  antigen  
• ___________  of  antigen  ____________________________  B  cell  
o _______________________  B  cell  undergoes  ____________________  
o Clones  are  _____________  to  each  other  à  carry  ___________  BCR  as  ____________  B  cell  
o Most  clones  become  __________  cells  à  ____________  producers  
o Some  clones  become  ______________  cells  à  _____-­‐lived,  provide  ___________  
• Major  Histocompatibility  complex  (MHC)  expressed  on  mammalian  cells  
• T-­‐dependent  antigens  
o Ag  presented  with  __________  to  ________  cell  
o ________  produces  _______________  that  activate  B  cell  
• T-­‐independent  antigens  
o Stimulate  the  ___________  to  make  ___________  without  the  help  of  ________  cell  
• B  cells  are  capable  of  creating  virtually  an  ____________  number  of  __________  antibodies  
o Provides  protection  against  ___________________  
• Any  B  cell  that  reacts  against  “_____________”  (own  body)  is  ________________  
Antigen-­‐antibody  Binding  
• Antigen-­‐antibody  binding  results  in  a  number  of  responses  
• Agglutination  
o _____________  number  of  particles  to  _______________  
o Enhances  ________________  
• Opsonization  
o ____________________  of  phagocytosis  
• Antibody-­‐dependent  cell-­‐mediated  cytotoxicity  
o ______________  by  cells  that  remain  ______________  to  target  cell  
• Neutralization  
o Inactivation  of  viruses,  toxins  by  blocking  _________________  
• Activation  of  complement  
o Causes  ___________________,  cell  _____________  
Cellular  immunity  
• ________________  antigens  (viruses,  some  bacteria)  are  not  exposed  to  antibodies  
o Evade  _________________________  defense  mechanisms  
• T  cells  help  combat  _____________________  pathogens  
o Also  recognize  “_______________”  cells  –  cancer,  foreign  cells  
• T  cells  specific  to  unique  antigens  via  “______________________”  (TCR)  
• Found  in  _______________  tissue,  most  likely  to  encounter  antigens  
• T  cells  recognize  antigens  processed  by  “_________________________________________”  (APC)  
o Include  __________________,  _________________  cells  
• APC  phagocytize  antigen,  process  it,  put  it  on  surface  via  ________  molecule  
o “Present”  antigen  ____________________  to  T  cells  
• Binding  of  ______________  to  antigen  fragment  __________________  T  cells  
o Leads  to  ___________________________  à  most  become  ___________________,  some  
become  _________________________    
• Response  depends  on  __________________________  activated  
T  Helper  Cells  
• ________  or  TH  cells  
• Activated  TH  cells  produce  many  kinds  of  ________________  –  chemical  signals  that  ___________  
with  other  cells  
• ________  ingests  antigen,  processes  antigen  
• APC  ______________  antigen  on  surface  of  cell  
• ___________________  of  TCR  activates  T  cell  
• Activated  TH  ___________________  adaptive  immune  response  
• Release  cytokines  that  ____________  and  ________________  immune  cells  
o TH1  produce  IFN-­‐γ,  which  activates  cells  related  to  cell-­‐mediated  immunity,  macrophages,  
and  Abs    
o TH2  activate  eosinophils  and  B  cells  to  produce  IgE  
o TH17  stimulate  the  innate  immune  system  
o TF  stimulate  B  cells  to  produce  plasma  cells  and  are  involved  in  class  switching  
T  Cytotoxic  Cells  
• __________  or  TC  cells  
• Target  cells  are  ___________  (___________  cells)  carrying  processed  ______________  antigens  
• Activated  into  cytotoxic  T  lymphocytes  (_________)  
• ________  can  be  activated  by  ________,  ___________  infected  cell,  _________  cell  
• Activated  ____  becomes  _______________________<  CTL  
• CTL  recognizes  and  kills  ____________  target  cells  
• Kill  by  inducing  _______________________  à  programmed  cell  death  
• Cell  ____________,  _____________  
• Remains  digested  by  ________________________  
Extracellular  Killing    
• _________________  attack  large  parasites  
o Too  ____________  to  phagocytize  
o ____________  around  parasites  
• _______  cells  can  attack  any  “__________________”  cell  
o ______________  cells,  _______________  infected  cells  
o Non-­‐___________________  
• Kill  like  __________,  induce  ________________  
Cytokines:  Chemical  Messengers  
• Immune  cells  ___________________  with  each  other  via  __________________  
o Interleukins:    serve  as  communicators  between  ____________  
o Chemokines:  induce  _______________  of  leukocytes  
o Interferons:  protect  against  ________________    
o TNF-­‐a:  important  in  inflammation,  toxic  to  ______________  cells  
• Overproduction  leads  to  _________________________  
Immunological  memory  
• Antibody  titer  –______________  of  ___________________  in  serum  
o Indicator  of  _________________  of  _____________  response  
• Two  responses:  
o ________________  response  
§ _________,  relatively  ____________  
o _______________  response  
§ ____________,  ___________  
§ Due  to  _______________  cells  
• Response  is  similar  for  T  cells  
• Primary  Response  
o No  antibodies  for  ___________  days  
o ________  rise  in  antibody  titer  
o Peaks  in  about  __________  days  
• Secondary  response  aka  “_______________”  
o Reaches  peak  in  _________  days  
o Lasts  _________________  
o _____________  in  magnitude  
Types  of  Adaptive  Immunity  
• Naturally  acquired  active  immunity  
o Resulting  from  __________________  
• Naturally  acquired  passive  immunity  
o ___________________  or  via  colostrum  
• Artificially  acquired  active  immunity  
o Injection  of  ___________________  
• Artificially  acquired  passive  immunity  
o Injection  of  ____________  

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