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Test – 3

Read the text and select the correct word from the singular and the plural forms given
within brackets. The first one has been done for you.

A large number of (1. company / companies) (2. has / have) developed

(3. website / websites) in the last few years. Trading using the internet is called
(4. e-commerce / e-commerces) and (5. this is / these are) divided into two kinds. Many (6.
business / businesses) have to use the internet to sell directly to (7. its / their) customers, but
large numbers have experienced trouble with (8. security / securities) of goods and other
practical issues. In addition, the high startup costs and many (9. expense / expenses) of
advertising (10. means / mean) that (11. companies / company) often struggle to make a profit.

Test - 4

(1) A snack made of bread is a _________________________________________________ .

(2) _____________________________________________ is a common tree in South Asia.
(3) Animals move about freely without any danger in a _____________________________ .
(4) _______________________________________ is used to smooth wood before polishing.
(5) A footwear with straps is called a ____________________________________________ .

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Test - 5

Fill in the blanks with the words given.

(start off, take in, break down, go into, look after)

“I decided to (1) ......................... the travel trade, and (2) ......................... as a guide for people
who want to see the Sahara. Of course, it’s a dangerous place, and you have to know how to
(3) ......................... yourself. Sometimes, if you don’t know the desert, you don’t even
(4)......................... the fact that you’re in extreme danger. And you’re always dependent on
your transport. If the jeeps you’re travelling (5) ........................., you’re helpless”.

Test - 6

Complete the following passage using the most appropriate from of the verb given
within brackets.

The first one is done for you. Ramesh is a businessman. He often (1) travels (travel ) abroad on
business trips. Last month, he (2) ……………………. (go) on a trip to Paris in France. During
the tour , he stayed at Shangri-la Hotel in Paris. Previously, he (3) …………………. (stay) at
the same hotel at least three times. On the last day of the trip, he went to see the Eiffel Tower.
It is a special monument (4) ………...…….. (build) in 1889 to celebrate the centennial of the
French Revolution. When he arrived there he (5) ……………….. (welcome) by one of his
school friends. Nalin who lives in Paris. He (6) ………….. (work) for a company there at least
for 10 years. He was glad to see his friend after a long time.

Test – 7

Ravi, Pasan and Naveen went to see a movie yesterday. Given below are some statements/
questions from the conversation that took place among them after the movie. Rewrite each of
them using reported speech. The first one is done for you.
(1) Ravi : “it is a fantastic movie” Ravi said that it was a fantastic movie”
(2) Pasan : “ It is the best movie I have ever seen” Pasan said that it was the best movie
(3) Naveen : “I am glad that I saw it” Naveen said he was glad that
(4) Pasan : “Ravi, did you like the ending” Pasan asked Ravi if
(5) Ravi : “I will ask my brother to see it as well” Ravi said that
(6) Naveen : “What is the name of the main actress?” Naveen wanted to know what

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Test - 8
Read the conversation between Nifra and the salesgirl and complete the below.
The first one is done for you.
Nifra :Do you have imported Sandals?
Salesgirl : We have imported and local sandals
Nifra : Can you show me the new designs?
Salesgirl : Yes, certainly, madam.
Nifra : How much is this pair of sandals?
Salesgirl : It costs Rs.1500.00
Infar : Why is it so expensive?
Salesgirl :It's made of genuine leather.

Nifra went to buy a pair of sandals. She asked the sales girl 1. whether they had imported
sandals. The salesgirls told her that............ imported and local sandals.
Nifra asked her 2 if 3................... . the new designs. Then, the salesgirl showed her a newly
designed pair of sandals. Nifra asked the salesgirl much .......:..................:....... The
salesgirls told her that When Nifra asked her why 6.
..........................:...., she told her that it was made of genuine leather.
Test - 9
Report the following conversation taking place between Ravi and Mala.
Ravi : Where are you going?
Mala : I am on my way to the market.
Ravi : Are you going to buy anything? :
Mala : I wanto buy some vegetables for lunch.
Ravi : OK. Will you be free this evening?
Mala : I can't say for sure. Anyway I will call you if possible.

Ravi (1) wanted to know where Mala was going. Then she said that she (2)......................
................... to the market. Following that Ravi asked Mala whether she (3)......................:.....
to buy anything. Then she replied that she (4)........................... to buy some vegetables for
lunch. Again he asked her if she (5) that evening. Finally, she said that
she (6)..............................for sure and she would call him if possible.

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Test - 10

Kumar has just returned from a school trip. His family members wanted to know everything
about the trip. Given below are the questions they asked. Read the questions and complete the
description. The first one is done for you.

Father : At what time did you come home?

Mother : Son, will you tell us all about the trip?

Brother : What places did you visit? Have you saved all the photos?

Elder Sister : Can I join you next year? :

Baby sister : What have you brought for me.

My father (1)....................... I had come home. Mother asked me whether I

(2)..........................them all about the trip. My brother asked me what (3)...................................
and whether I (4)......................:.............. all the photos. My elder sister asked (5)
.................................join me the following year. My baby sister wanted to know (6)
....................................................brought for her.

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