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Practice class 4

Work of the 3nd year

student of the 3nd group
Magdenko Anastasia
1. Look through the text, remind and translate highlighted words.
When you are looking for a flat to rent, this is the person you need to impress (справити
враження). A name that sounds quite grand (звучить дуже грандіозно), a landlord (property
owner) (орендодавець (власник нерухомості)) is simply someone who owns a building, land,
or property that they rent out, also the name given to anyone owns and runs a pub (керує пабом),
as many old pubs used to rent out rooms to lodgers (здавати кімнати мешканцям). In
addition, you can see requests for roommates advertised (оголошено запити на сусідів по
кімнаті) as well as whole properties. A roommate request simply means that you will be renting a
room in a house or flat that already has tenants (орендарі) in it. Therefore, if you do not want to
share with other people then avoid these. One-room flats are usually the cheapest option, as they do
not have a separate living room and it’s all in a single open living space (єдиний відкритий
житловий простір).
Sometimes when people are renting a property, they specify it is available to professionals only. By
this, they mean the property is only available to people who are in full-time (доступні для
людей, які перебувають на повній зайнятості), stable employment – so, no students, and no
one on government benefits. It might sound as discriminating against students, and stereotyping
them as loud and unreliable, but really it is just a way for a landlord to attract working people who
they know can afford the rent (може дозволити собі оренду). Once you have found the flat or
house of your dreams you will be keen to secure it (ви будете прагнути отримати його). This
is where contracts come in. Typically lasting 12 months, a contract is a written legal obligation
(письмове юридичне зобов'язання) between you (the tenant) and the proprietor (your landlord)
which lays out what you can and cannot do in the property, and the minimum time you are expected
to stay. Break clauses (Розбивати пункти), usually after six months, are increasingly popular
because they allow you to leave the property early without being charged a penalty (без
нарахування штрафу). A rolling contract (Ковзаючий договір) is a more flexible
arrangement (гнучка угода), common in flats, where a tenant needs only give a week or months’
notice prior to leaving (попередження перед від'їздом). Normally you pay a deposit in
advance (вносити передоплату), which the landlord will hold in case of any missed rents (you
do not pay) or damage that might be caused (broken furniture, glass etc.). Remember: the early
bird catches the worm (ранній птах ловить черв'яка) – first to see the property will have an
A. Match the words to the right collocation.
landlord to make an offer run-down tenant criteria a price range

a price range - the amount you can afford to pay

tenant - the person, who is ready and wishing to rent a property
landlord - the person who owns the property you eventually rent
criteria - minimum requirement
to make an offer - to indicate to the landlord that you wish to take the property
run-down - used to describe a building, which is not in good condition - old looking and not
B. Find proverb in the text and give Ukrainian variants.
The early bird catches the worm.
Example: Хто рано встає, того удача чекає. Хто рано встає тому Бог дає. Рання пташка носок
прочищає, пізня очі продирає.

2. Listen to and do exercises.

A. Choose words from the conversation to the synonyms: an apartment, you are single,
contract, to hire, roomy.
Words Synonyms
an apartment flat, suite, condo, condominium, condominium
apartment, loft, studio, studio apartment,
duplex, penthouse, floor-through, walk-up, pad,
home, digs, co-op, cooperative apartment,
railroad apartment, railroad flat, bachelor pad,
quarters, residence, lodgings, one-room flat,
bungalow, holiday apartment
you are single unmarried, unattached, available, unwed,
spouseless, divorced, free, young, free, and
single, not spoken for, on your own,
independent, bachelor
contract agreement, pact, deal, settlement, treaty,
accord, compact, convention, covenant,
arrangement, verbal agreement, gentleman's
agreement, gentlemen's agreement
to hire employ, take on, give a job, give work, appoint,
recruit, enlist, bring in, engage, take sb into
your employ, give employment to, retain, find a
place for, find a job for, sign on
roomy spacious, capacious, extensive, ample, large,
commodious, sizeable, vast

B. True or false:
1. Room share is commonly used in North America. False
2. Apartment and condominium is the same. False
3. In North America, most landlords require "first and last". True
4. A bachelor apartment is for single men only. False
3. Do the test.
1. Does the flat contain all the furniture I will need? I am looking for a place, which is ___ please.
a) furnished b) spacious c) semi-furnished
2. This room is really tiny. Are there any ___ ones?
a) spacious b) furnished c) renovated
3. Apparently, the owner has spent a large amount of money on ___ the whole house. It looks as
good as new now!
a) furnishing b) refurbishing c) utilities
4. I cannot wait to ___ my new flat! I am super excited about living on my own!
a) move in b) move out c) renovate
5. How much do you spend on ___?
a) utilities b) spacious c) refurbishment
6. Do people actually live there? The house looks terribly ___... It looks like it needs a few months
of maintenance.
a) unfurnished b) run-down c) renovated

4. Look at the photo and write a letter to the landlord, you are interested in renting and why.
Use new words from the unit.

Hello, my name is Nastya!

I wanted to ask if this apartment is available right now? At what price do you rent it? Judging by the
photo, the apartment looks spacious and bright. But the most important thing for me is that it is
close to my college. I start school in a week and I need to move in as soon as possible. I plan to live
alone. I promise that the apartment will always be clean and no loud parties will be arranged. No
pets, as I am allergic to them. I look forward to hearing from you.

5. Find and translate new words from diagram below.

Words Translation
bank банк
ownership власність
analysis аналіз
equity власний капітал
commercial комерційний
rent оренда
rate ставка
contract контракт
interest відсоток
research дослідження
broker брокер
market ринок
data дані
house дім
profit прибуток
purchase покупка
sold продано
agent агент
real estate нерухомість
mortgage іпотека
location місце розташування
business бізнес
apartment квартира
investment інвестиції
finance фінанси
land земля
property нерухомість
contractor підрядник
sale продаж
building будівля
condominium спільна власність
residential житло
contract контракт
numbers номери
insurance страхування
future майбутнє
agent агент

A. Find mistakes in meanings.

1. Mortgage Amortization – a period in which a loan balance is gradually paid off from a mortgage
payment that includes both principal and interest.
2. Real estate Appraisal – the estimation of a property’s market value by a licensed appraiser to
assist banks in making loans to homebuyers.
3. Amortization Mortgage – the charging of real (or personal) property by a debtor to a creditor as
security for a debt.
4. Appraisal Real estate - property consisting of land or buildings

Завдання з high note 4:

Exercise 4 (р. 71)
1. not eat too late 2. home-cooked meals to takeaways 3. would you rather do, eat inside or outside?
4. easy 5. the choice, I’d prefer to go somewhere quiet 6. them both equally 7. wherever you prefer/
like/want 8. you didn’t complain about the food

Exercise 2 (р. 73)

1. positive (gem, enjoyable, mind-blowing, my only criticism, definitely recommend)
2. informal; use of: vocabulary (mind-blowing, freaky, gross, instagrammable); phrasal verbs
(check it out); exclamation marks and abbreviations; informal intensifiers (pretty, super, seriously)
3. the room with illusion of walking between skyscrapers, the spiky bed, the Chladni Frequency
4. He felt he didn’t spend enough time there, so he couldn’t enjoy all the exhibits.

Exercise 3 (р. 73)

1. particularly 2. highlight 3. impressed 4. criticism 5. down 6. definitely

Exercise 5 (р. 73)

1. a) bad b) gross
2. a) scared b) petrified
3. a) loud b) deafening
4. a) ridiculous b) silly
5. a) fascinating b) interesting
6. a) impressive b) mind-blowing

Exercise 6 (р. 73)

1. absolutely/totally/utterly
2. absolutely/totally/utterly
3. extremely/incredibly/ seriously
4. absolutely/totally/utterly
5. extremely/incredibly/ seriously
6. extremely/incredibly/ seriously

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