Owned by A Speed Racer

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Plagiarism is a crime. Property of Patricia Nicole Danao. I do not proofread. So if

you spot some errors, be it grammatical or typographical, please just bear with me.
Thank you.

Twitter: @patdanao
FB Group: Patyeah Stories


"Maghunusdili ka nga, Daze!" Shouted my friend who has an accent that is hard to
place. She's not fond of speaking Tagalog and I'm not, either. But she uses it in
serious situations, just like now.

"What? What's wrong with asking him to be my boyfriend?" I asked nonchalantly. She
rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms. I swear to God, she looks like Mom
right now. This is exactly what Mom does when she's pissed off with me. She will
wear a stern expression and cross her arms. She doesn't shout at me, because she
loves me so much even though I'm bratty sometimes. Okay, maybe most of the time.

"We're talking about Ian Lexus Estillore here! THE Ian Lexus Estillore!" She huffed
and I just raised one perfect eyebrow at her before dropping my reply. "Yeah. And
I'm Daze Alessaina. THE Daze Alessaina."

"Oh, shut up Daze. You can't just barge inside and harass him to succumb to your
will!" I gave her a smirk and her jaw dropped. "Don't tell me you really are gonna
do that!"

I shrugged and turned my back on her. "Okay, I won't tell you." I started to open
the car door and she stopped me.

exploded and I just waved my hand dismissively as I stared at Ian's front gate.

"He's hot. I'm hot. He's cool

and I know for sure that I am too. What's not to like about him, Tine?" I fought
her stare and she palmed her face as a sign of defeat.

She raised both arms and shook her head. "Fine. Know what? Fine, Daze. It's your
choice. I can't talk you out of this stupidity so I'll just let you. Bahala ka.
Basta sinasabi ko lang sayo, mapapahiya ka sa gagawin mo."

"Kristine, you're a pessimist you know? Stop the negativity." I grinned before
descending from the car and ringing Ian's doorbell. After a few seconds, a maid
came into view. She opened the gate for me and gave me a smile which made me

Oh my goodness! Does she even brush her teeth? Like eew! I should really give her
tons of toothpaste for christmas.

"Ano pong kailangan nila, Maam?" She politely asked and I impatiently frowned at

"I would like to talk to Ian Estillore. May I come in?" I tried to mix politeness
in my voice but it just doesn't sound like me.
"Maam, ano po muna ang pangalan niyo at itatanong ko po muna kay Sir Ian kung pwede
kayong papasukin." My eyes flared when she said that. This witch! She dares ask for
my name? Why is that even necessary? Does she think that I'm gonna steal from Ian's
house? From my future house?! Hell, I won't take such insult!

I pushed her out of my way and I entered the house without permission, she tried to
stop me but I was strong enough to swat her away. I was about to take another step
inside when a voice shouted.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!" I turned only to see a
frowning Adonis. A smile crept on my face and I beamed at him. "Hello, Ian. My
name's Daze Monteve-"

"Who gave you permission to enter, huh?" Wow. Must say, he's masungit.

"Your maid with yellowish teeth tried to stop me. And she failed. And I came here
to ask you one thing." I said simply and coolly. He sized me up and then raised an
eyebrow. "And that thing being?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" After saying that, he burst into laughter. I glared at
him and only then did he realize that I was serious. He held his chest in utter
amazement. "Ilang taon ka na, miss?"

"I'm seventeen." I answered proudly.

"And I'm turning twenty two. See the age gap? Di tayo bagay."

That made me furious. I threw my shoulder bag at his face and he grimaced. "Well
sorry, but age doesn't matter to me, Ian. I didn't go all the way from my school to
your house only to get rejected. No one rejects me."

His expression hardened. "You must be crazy." He commented and I raised my chin so
he could see just how audacious I am. "It's just a yes or a yes, Ian Estillore. So,
what's it gonna be?"

He studied me for a moment and smirked afterwards.

"Fine, brat. It's a yes."


"What the fuck?!"

Ian sat bolt upright when I entered his room. It's 7 am in the morning but I'm
already dressed in my school uniform. He incredulously shot me an annoyed look
before covering himself with a thin blanket.

"Bakit andito ka? Pano ka nakapasok?!" He asked angrily but I ignored him. I looked
around his room and sat on a stool facing him. "Goodmorning, my dear boyfriend." I
greeted with a vibrant smile emanating on my face.

His expression didn't change, he was still pissed off with me.

"Answer me! Pano ka nakapasok?!" He hissed and I just gave him a shrug. "I asked
your maid to let me in. I told her that if she doesn't then she would get fired."
His eyes narrowed. "You blackmailed her?!" His loud voice boomed but it didn't even
make me cringe. I rolled my eyes impatiently while bobbing my head.

"You could say that. Threatened. Blackmailed. I don't really care what term you

"You are insane, lady! Get out!" He shouted. As if that would scare me! Nothing
could make Daze Alessaina Monteverde cower!

"Nope." I said while wriggling my eyebrows. He frowned some more. What is the term
Mom uses when she sees Daddy frowning? Oh, I remember. Bugnutin.

"I said get out." He repeated but I shook my head incessantly. I obey no one.
People follow my orders and not the other way around.

"Why are you so bugnutin, Ian? And that's not how you treat your girlfriend. We
became a couple just yesterday but you're already shouting at me." He shot me a
death stare.

"Ang kulit mo kasi! Ano bang gusto mo at ang aga aga ay nambubulahaw ka sa bahay

ng iba?!"

My brows creased. "What is nambubulahaw?"

He palmed his face. "Just tell me what you need Daze."

I crossed my arms. "I want you to take me to my school." I admitted. His eyes
widened as if he couldn't believe I asked for a petty request. But hey, I think
it's sweet when your boyfriend drives you to school.

"Why don't you do that yourself, huh? I'm sure you can afford to ride a taxi. Hell,
I'm even sure you have a family chauffeur so why are you pestering me?" If only
he's not being grumpy right now, I would've pinched his cheeks.

He looks so handsome and cute at the same time. His hair was a bit disheveled and
unkempt and it looks hot. He sure is rocking the just woke up look. I'm so lucky I
was able to convince him to be my boyfriend.

"Because you're my boyfriend. And you're supposed to do those kind of stuff for me,
right?" I raised an eyebrow but he just grunted like a lazy ogre.

"You are so childish." He commented. That was an insult so I removed my left shoe
and aimed for his face. And bull's eye!

"What the hell Daze?! Bakit ba lagi kang nambabato?!" He asked irately while
throwing my school shoe at the far corner of his room.

"Because I didn't like what you said about me. You should not upset s woman, Ian."
I proudly said while crossing my legs.

"Remind me again why I agreed to be your boyfriend, brat." He sarcastically said.

I gave him a smirk. "You had no choice. And I won't stop until you say yes to me.
No one is bold enough to say

no to this brat."
He seems annoyed with my answer. "How did you get here anyway?"

"I hitched a ride from a friend and asked her to drop me here."

"Why didn't you just ask that friend of yours to drive you to school then, huh

I rolled my eyes for the second time. "Because it's a boyfriend's duty. So what are
you waiting for? Go take a bath now."

He seems to be contemplating whether to give me a snarky comment but fought against

it. Instead, he strutted to his bathroom. I heard water splashing inside. I walked
to the other side of his room and wore my other shoe again. And then I walked
towards the bathroom door and knocked.

"What?! Don't tell me you're gonna barge inside my bathroom too!" He queried with
annoyance in his tone. I inwardly smirked. "You wish, Ian. A fair invitation if
you'd ask me but nah. I'm saving your body for the honeymoon."

"Luka-luka!" He shouted. I frowned and took my iPhone out. I went to google and
searched for the meaning of luka-luka. My eyes bulged when I read the definition. I
kicked his door before shouting. "I am not baliw! Damn you, Ian!"

He didn't answer back, I chose to sit on his bed while waiting for him. I noticed a
picture of him hanging on the wall, it must be a seven year old Ian. Oh, so cute. I
took a photo of it and saved it as a wallpaper. Yan! I really seem like a smitten

I heard about Ian from a friend when I was sixteen. He was twenty one then. I
started coming to his races to watch him compete. As days passed by, I became more
and more fascinated with this speed racer.

He's all I talk about during my free time at school. It's like I was captivated. I
would often cut classes just so I could attend his competitions. I was there in the
shadows watching his every match. I was there during wins and losses.

There's this one time when Dad found out from the university principal that I've
been cutting classes, what he did was ground me for one whole month. He took my
phone and he even forbid me to attend parties.

I felt terrible that time. Imagine! A month without seeing the love of my life
compete with other racers?! It hurts! I just hate not seeing him win.

After that month, I became more discreet and cautious. I would even pay my
professors sums of money just so they wouldn't tell on me. Money is no big deal for
me. I mean, everywhere I turn there it is. Money is everywhere. It's something that
I won't have trouble with.

I grew up living an easy well-off life. I get everything I want whenever I want.
Sometimes, my ate and kuyas call me a spoiled brat but who the fuck gives a damn if
I am?

We have money and the purpose of money in this world is to get spent. I don't work
for money, money works for me. It's one thing I love about my life. Being a
billionaire's daughter has tons of perks.

My eyes roamed around his room. I noticed how bland it looks like. The theme is
black. I wonder why men have awful taste in design. Even my Kuyas' bedrooms are
like this. Lifeless. Bland. Dull.
I was broken from my reverie when I heard the bathroom door slide open. A dripping
wet Ian went outside with only a short towel covering his maleness. I knew I was
supposed to avert my gaze but I just

couldn't bring myself to do it. I watched as a drop of water rolled from his face
onto his chest. The drop continued rolling until it disappeared under the towel.

Damn, I wanna see where that drop went! A naughty part of me thought.

"Done drooling, Daze?" He jested so I shot him a death stare. Well, Mr. Estillore,
you're not the only one who knows how to give death stares here.

"Actually, no. I think I'm gonna stare at it some more." And I did. I thought I
heard him chuckle but that must be my imagination. He held my arm and pushed me
outside his room. He closed the door and I heard the lock click.

I blinked several times before pounding it. "Ian Lexus, let me in!!!"

"No. I'm gonna get dressed. I can't let you see the full package, Daze. Behave."

I kicked the door again. "Stupid! You think I'm gonna peek? What do you think I am?
A sex starved teenager?!"

"I didn't say that. Now, just zip your mouth and wait for me or I will not drive
you to your school." That seems like a fine offer so I shut up. I waited for a few
minutes more and when he exited his room, he is already wearing a sharp outfit.

"Handsome. I look handsome, I know. Stop staring, Daze. Baka lumuwa ang mata mo."

I made ismid. "You are mahangin, do you know that?"

He grinned before walking past me. "Bakit ba hindi ka managalog ha. Amerikanang

"Excuse me? What do you mean Amerikanang hilaw? I am 1/4 american. My Mom's Dad is
an American. So I have every right to-"

"Whatever Daze. Just speak Tagalog sometimes. It wouldn't kill you."

I stayed silent and followed him in the garage. My jaw almost dropped when I saw
some of his race cars. "No touching. They are my babies. Put as much distance as
you can."

My eyebrow hitched upwards. "I'm the one you should call baby and not these cars!
I'm your girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend kita pero hindi ka sanggol." I raised my foot and acted like I was
going to kick his red race car. He shouted. "No! Daze, fuck! Stop. Okay, okay. Calm
down, baby."

I smiled triumphantly. He looked defeated. "Come here, let's get you to school." He
said in a forced gentle tone. I walked towards him and entered his Audi. He sat on
the driver's seat.

"Buckle me up." I said in a commanding tone after I put my schoolbag on the

backseat of his car.
He looked at me, eyebrows furrowed. "Pati ba naman yan, Daze? May kamay ka naman
diba, baby?" He stressed the word baby.

"My hands hurt." I pouted. He sighed before reaching for it and buckling it up. I
smiled sweetly before grinning.

"Thanks, baby!" I squealed and he just expelled a heavy breath as if I just ruined
his morning.

The car roared to life and his maid opened the gate for us. We sped into the road.
He cursed under his breath before muttering.

"Can't believe I'm actually driving my bratty girlfriend to school."


"What's your number?" I asked Ian who was busy driving. His eyes never left the
road. And when I say never, I literally mean never.
"Huh?" He knitted his brows. I tapped his shoulder. "Phone number." I repeated. I
thought he was gonna argue with me but he did not. He just simply recited his
number and I punched it in my phone. The car stopped because of the red traffic
I took the opportunity to take a picture of him. "Hey! Idelete mo yan!" He
protested but I giggled as I checked it out. Aw, he looks so handsome! Gah! I'm so
lucky! He tried reaching for my iPhone but I dropped it inside my school blouse.
His eyes widened. "What the?!" He raised his voice again.
Hah. If he thinks he can outsmart me, then he should think again. I know he
wouldn't dare so I put the phone in there. I smirked. Nice thinking, Daze! My mind
cheered for me.
He sighed. "Please delete the photo, baby. C'mon." And because he looks really
adorable while saying that, I took my phone out and deleted it. I'm madaling kausap
sometimes. I told him I wanted to take a picture of the two of us so I can save it
as his contact photo.
"Fine." He grumbled. He leaned forward, his face was on the side of my neck and I
used my iPhone's sub sensor to capture a photo. He smiled at the camera, then
"Wow. We look so cuuuute!" I made padyak pa to stress my point and he just palmed
his face and continued driving. He was silent the whole ride while I was the one
who keeps on talking. I told him how my pet goldfish died when I was eight, how I
spent my fifteenth birthday

and a bunch of other stuff he probably doesn't care about.

"Hey, are you listening?" I asked. He nodded as a yes though I was highly doubtful.
He parked in front of the university. I beamed at him and he just arched his thick
manly eyebrow. "Oh, bakit nandiyan ka pa? Pumasok ka na. Baka late ka na."
I crossed my arms. "Not until you give me a kiss baby." I pouted and now he's
giving me a look of disbelief. Is it wrong to ask for a kiss from your boyfriend?
"What now?!" His forehead creased as if he couldn't believe I asked for a kiss.
"Kiss." I pouted. He palmed his face in frustration before shooting me a serious
glance. "Just get out of the car and attend your classes, Daze."
"Okay!" I agreed. I reached for my bag which is behind me and I quickly leaned
forward and kissed his cheek. Then, I hurriedly opened his car door and went out,
leaving him gaping at me. I grinned before blowing him a kiss. His expression
darkened and he shook his head.
"Bye, baby!" I waved before running towards the entrance gate. On the way to my
classroom, I saw Kristine. I called her and she put her hand on her waist while
giving me a stern look.
"Hey, Tine! You're never gonna believe what happened yesterday!" I excitedly jumped
up and down.
Yesterday, she left after dropping me off at Ian's. "What?"
"Ian's my boyfriend now!" I squealed but she bleated in return. "Libre lang
mangarap, Dazy."
I hit her with my bag. "Hey! No need to go all brutal on me."
I smirked and took my phone before showing her the photo I took a while ago. "He
drove me

to school." I said.
Her eyes bulged. She smacked my arm repeatedly while I was grinning. "Oh my God,
Daze! I can't! I can't believe this! Goddang!"
I explained what happened and she grabbed me by the shoulders and shook my body
repeatedly. Lol, I knew her reaction would be like this. She was ecstatic.
The bell rang, I tugged Kristine to our classroom. We sat at the back. My professor
for this subject has this weird rule that only intelligent people could sit in
front. So of course, my seat is at the back.
I'm an Architecture student and I'm not ashamed to say that I've failed for
multiple times already. The only reason why they haven't kicked me out yet is
because my Dad is influential. The bald professor entered and we greeted him. Lame.

He started discussing but as usual, I wasn't listening. I was zoning out again. Ian
won't leave my mind so I decided to send him a message.
Baby, I'm bored.
He quickly replied.
Who's this?
This jerk! Who else would send him a message like that other than his girlfriend?
Unless he has other girlfriends! My temper rose. I quickly typed in a reply.
Asshole. This is Daze. How many girls call you baby, huh? Stupid.
My phone beeped again. It was Ian.
Too many that I lost count. Stop texting and listen to your professor.
Me: Don't tell me what to do! You're evading the topic about your infidelity!
Ian: Infidelity? So, it's my fault that I'm handsome and girls fantasize about me
and call me baby?
Me: Yes. I think you should wear a

disguise everytime you go out. Like wear a huge mustache that would cover your
whole face.
Ian: That's crazy. I won't do that. Stop being so childish.
Me: I'm not being childish. I'm just giving a suggestion.
Ian: Whatever, brat. Stop texting me, you're at school.
Me: No. The bald professor is tedious. I really hate World Literature. Like why
would I even care about those old epics he's forcing us to read?
Ian: Listen to your prof and stop pestering me. I won't reply to your messages
anymore. Bye.
Me: What? No! I still want to talk to you!
Me: Ian Lexus!!!
Me: Fine, asshole. You win. I'm gonna listen to this bald guy with a pudgy belly.
I put my phone inside my bag again. I was frowning so hard.
Tine nudged me. "What's with the frowning face?"
"Ian stopped replying to my messages just so I would listen to this boring
discussion about how Helen was abducted by Paris. I hate Iliad." I hissed and she
left out a soft chuckle. We were both staring at the prof while he was busy
blabbering about the part wherein Apollo sent a plague.
I wish I bought Jollibee spaghetti before class, their food helps ease the boredom
and sadness I feel whenever this professor teaches.
The discussion went on and on and on until I dropped dead on the classroom floor.
Kidding. But seriously speaking, I feel so bored to death that I was starting to
contemplate whether I should drop this stupid subject or not.
But I fought against it, because dropping one subject will mean losing my allowance

Dad. Mom will confiscate my phone and other gadgets too. So I guess, I'll just have
to bear with this for one whole sem.
"Class dismissed." Mr. Bald Professor announced. I was joyful that I can't help but
"Sa wakas!"
Everyone's eyes were on me. Even Tine was giving me a weird stare. I raised my
elegantly fixed eyebrow at my other classmates and they left while talking in
hushed tones.
"Why was everyone looking at me?" I questioned Tine who was still looking at me in
a weird manner.
She took her bag and slung it on her shoulders before answering. "Congratulations,
Dazy. You just spoke Tagalog."
My eyes shot up as realization dawned on me. "I did! I did speak Tagalog! Oh my
God! I think I'm not normal anymore." I walked out of the room and she followed.
She grinned at me. We went to the cafeteria to buy snacks.
"Do I sound weird?" I asked her consciously. She shook her head. "Not really. You
have an accent but nah, you don't really sound weird."
I took my phone and was a bit pissed off when I saw that Ian left no message. I put
it inside my bag again and waited until Tine went back to our table.
She bought chips and shared it with me. I ate absent mindedly. I felt a tap on my
arm. "Pre-occupied." Tine muttered and I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Do you think I should speak Tagalog more?"
"Uhm, yeah. You're a Filipino so you should. What's gotten into you anyway?"
I shrugged before picking up some chips and chewing it. "Well, Ian says I should
use our language often." I confessed. She gave me a shrug. "Then why don't you?"
"Fine. I'll try." I can almost imagine Dad and Mom's face when they hear me
speaking in Filipino.
"Cool. Can't wait to hear you speak." She jested and I rolled my eyes. "I think
it's gonna be mahirap for me."
"Nah. Si Ian Estillore nga nakumbinsi mong maging boyfriend ang managalog pa kaya?"
I thought about that. Come to think of it, Tine has a fair point. I grinned before
I took my phone out again. I'm gonna send Ian a message.
Hey Ian-
I erased it and typed again.
Hoy Ian. Sundo mo ako mamayang 4 pm. Wag ka malate. Mainipin ako.
My phone buzzed a few seconds after sending the message. Ian replied. I laughed out
loud when I read it. It says:
Who are you? Why do you have Daze's phone? Where is she? Stop fooling me, stranger.
Nice try, but my girlfriend does not speak Tagalog.


"Daze Alessaina, you're excused." My eyes shot up as I was reeled back to reality.
I looked at my Trigonometry professor with confusion hanging in my features.

"I'm excused? Why? I mean, not that I don't want to be excused but why would you do
that?" I questioned her and she gave me the Ms. Tapia stare.

"The guard phoned me, someone's looking for you outside. Says it's urgent." She
replied and continued with the bloody discussion that almost made my brain bleed.

"Okay. Bless that person, whoever it is." I smirked as I slung my bag on my

shoulders. I waved like a beauty queen before fully exiting the room. I can almost
imagine my professor's scowling face. I sauntered towards the university lobby and
found-Well, isn't it surprising?-my ever so sweet boyfriend.

"Hi. Guess you missed me that's why you went here, huh?" I gave him a wink and he
just raised his eyebrow in a serious manner. "Where's your phone?" He inquired. I
took my phone out of my pocket and waved it in front of his face.

"Did you let someone use it awhile ago? Or did you by any chance left it
somewhere?" He was sitting calmly on the waiting bench and was looking like an all-
serious guy.

"Uhm, no."

"No? Because someone sent me a message saying-"

"That you should make sundo at 4 pm? That was me, baby." His scowl deepened.
"Really? Well, what a shocker. Wow, look at the time! I think it's time for me to
go, I have more important matters

to attend to." He said all too quickly before standing up.

Instead of getting pissed off with what he said, I grinned at him. His eyes
narrowed as he glared at me, nostrils flaring while doing so. "Why are you

"You thought I was in trouble didn't you? You thought my phone got stolen or
something that's why you went here. To check on me. To personally check on me." His
eyes narrowed even more. I smiled triumphantly after sensing that I hit a nerve. I
was right and he was ashamed of the fact that I knew.

"So full of yourself, aren't you Daze? Pumunta ako dito kasi pinuntahan ko ang
pinsan kong professor dito." He continued shooting me daggers but I ignored those
hostile glares.

"Oh yeah? A cousin? What subject does he or she teach?" I taunted him and he seemed
to panic. "Uhm, she teaches Algebra. Carlyne Villoso. That's her."

I raised my chin high up. "Carlyne? As far as I know, Carlyne works as a doctor in
Toronto. Am I right?"

His eyes widened. "How do you know that?!" He chose to raise his voice in an
attempt to mask his shyness.

"Research." I simply replied.

"You mean you stalked me?!" He grumbled. My, my. He's so peevish.
"I didn't personally stalk you. I hired a private investigator to gather all
available information about you." I admitted before crossing my arms.

"You what?! You're sick!" He said. I just gave him an apathetic nod. "Yeah. I know

When I received my P.I.'s written report, I quickly scanned it. I literally know
almost everything

about him. A soldier can't go to war without a gun, right?

"You scare me." He said silently. He obviously doesn't mean that. Every guy is
attracted to Daze Alessaina Monteverde. He can't possibly be an exception. Like
duh, look at me. The word perfection was invented when I was born. And please, I am
not just beautiful. I am way more than that. Being called beautiful is such an
insult to me, because it's an understatement when it comes to defining the kind of
face I possess.

"Baby, I'm hungry." I said to lessen his annoyance.

"Then eat, I'm leaving." He was about to turn his back on me when I pulled his arm.
"What?!" He snapped.

"You really shouldn't turn your back on a goddess. I tend to get angry sometimes
and I am capable of commiting crimes."

"Crimes like what? Murder? It's gonna take more than that to scare me, baby. You're
too bratty and too girly to do such thing." He smirked.

I held his arm and snickered. "Murder? Who says anything about murder? What I'm
planning to do to you is far more enjoyable than that." I winked at him again.

"Are you saying that you're planning to rape me?" He feigned shock. Seriously, I
like it when someone rides my bawdy jokes.

"Ever the smart guy, huh Ian?" I continued with the raillery. On my peripheral
vision, I saw the guard give us a disgusted look. I mentally guffawed.

"You know what, baby? Rape only occurs when the victim is unwilling. So, I don't
think rape is the appropriate term to use." He teased back. I bit my lip and held
onto him.

He stiffened for

a moment, maybe by reflex. But eventually, his muscles relaxed again.

"You're right. I think we should use the term 'make love'." I batted my lashes
repeatedly and his nearness makes my skin tingle.

"I completely-" He was saying something when the head guard approached us.

"Excuse me. Sa labas na lang ho kayo mag-usap ng ganyan. Hindi lahat ng tao gustong
marinig ang pinag-uusapan niyo. Shame on you." I laughed aloud and when I looked at
Ian, I saw him suppressing an overt smile.

I tugged at his arm and we headed towards the parking lot.

"Such naughtiness you possess, young lady." He commented. I shoulder bumped him for
saying that. "Drop the young lady thing. You sound like a moribund father."
He smiled again. I can't really tell if this guy's pissed off or amused with my
personality. Sometimes he laughs, and sometimes he gives me stares that could kill.

"Where's your car?" I asked. He pointed towards his parked Audi. We ambled closer
to it and he leaned on the door side.

"I'm really hungry. Eat tayo, please." I pouted at him and he just brushed his palm
on my face. I swatted his hand away.

"C'mon." He said as he hopped inside his car. He didn't even open the car door for
me. Talk about extreme rudeness. I sat shotgun next to him and he was about to
start the audi's engine when I hit his arm.

"What?" He eyed me. I crossed my arms. "You didn't open the car door for me." I
said petulantly.

He palmed his face. "So? Big deal?"

"That's not how a gentleman should act. Now get out of the car and I will too.
Let's redo it. This time you should open the door for me."

He looked at me in disbelief. "Are you serious?!"

"Uhuh." My brat hormones are raging again.

"Daze." He called using his warning tone.

"Don't Daze me. I said get out of the car and open the door for me. We are not
going anywhere unless you do that."

He sighed. After a short while, he got out of the Audi and I followed him. He
slammed the door close. Afterwards, he circled the car and did what I wanted him to
do. I smiled.

I know, he's rankled right now. But one has gotta learn how to respect a girl.
Especially when that girl is Daze Alessaina Hurdiss-Monteverde.

"Happy now?" He grumbled angrily.

I gave him a sweet smile. "Very."


"You should go home after this." Ian said while slicing the meat on his plate. I
frowned at him. "Why would I wanna do that?"

He arched a brow and fixed me with a stare that made my split ends blush. "Because
I said so."

"You're not the boss of me." I glared at him and he just scratched his jaw. "Look,

"Baby. That's what you're supposed to address me with." I corrected and he just
rolled his eyes like a kid.
"Fine. Look, baby. I'm busy today. I have a meeting at 4:30. It's already 3:50.
Hindi kita pwedeng ihatid sa kung saang lupalop ka man nakatira dahil baka hindi na
ako umabot sa meeting. Since you're stalking me, I'm guessing you already know that
I'm a businessman too."

I nodded in his direction. I almost forgot about that. Ian's also into business. He
and his friends own a group of companies in the Philippines and also in the US.

"Then just bring me with you. I'll stay inside your office when you attend the
meeting. That way you could still bring me home."

He looked at me, annoyance was overt in his face. "Hindi pwede. Baka mamaya
pairalin mo dun ang pagiging brat mo."

I dropped my utensils and it clattered loudly on my plate. A few waiters turned

their heads towards us but I shot them daggers.

"I want to go with you in your office." I argued but he just shook his head and
continued eating.

"Please?" I coaxed but he remained unyielding. "Sorry, baby. No can do."

My brows furrowed

in peevishness. I have killed him numerous times in my head already. "If you won't
let me go with you then I'll make a scene in here." I resorted to the thing I
excelled at, blackmailing.

He turned serious once again. "Don't you dare do that, Daze." His warning tone
doesn't really scare me.

We measured each other's stares. He was the one to look away so I smiled

"I'm still not taking you with me." He said after a while. My eyebrow hiked
upwards. I pushed the beverage glass from the table and it crashed on the floor.
All eyes turned towards us. I then looked at Ian in an angry manner.

I was shaking in pretense while looking at him. I looked at him with ire. "How dare
you?! I loved you too much but now you're telling me that you can't reciprocate my
feelings because you're a closet gay?! You user!" My lips trembled and my body
shook. Have I already told anyone that I became Theater Arts Club President for
four consecutive years during high school?

Ian's eyes widened. "What the actual fuck are you saying?! Bawiin mo yan Daze!" He
was starting to become red all over. His eyes were narrowing as he stared at me
with derision.

"You used me! I fucking loved you but you used me! I would've understood if only
you told me earlier but now it's too late." My eyes grew hot and tears came
streaming down my face. He looks shocked and irked at the same time.

Waiters and waitresses are hustled and speaking in hushed tones right now. Other
customers are whispering in each other's ears while scoffing at Ian. I continued
eyeing him with pain and contempt while

he stood up and left a bill on the table before dragging me outside with him.
"Hey, ouch!" I complained while trying to keep up. He only let go of my arm when we
were already out of the restaurant. He looks serious and teed off. He was clenching
his jaw while looking at me. "You are so fucking childish."

Instead of getting hurt, I raised my chin boldly. "So, are you gonna take me with
you, now?"

His expression was dark and his tone was scary. "No."

"What?! No?!" I asked with disbelief. My effort was in vain?

"Get in the car." He commanded.

"No." I replied with the same intensity. His forehed creased. "Do not try my
patience, Daze. Just get in the damn car!" He shouted.

"I said no!" I shouted back but this time he remained cold. "Fine by me. Guess I'll
just leave you here and-"

"I hate you!" I screamed at his face but he just fixed me with the blank stare.
"The feeling is mutual." He answered apathetically. That did it. My tears fell
again. He saw how my tears fell on my cheeks one by one and his cold expression was
changed with that of alarm.

I sniffed and hit his chest. "Sama mo!" That was the first time I spoke Tagalog. He
quickly put his hands on my face, cupping it, brushing my tears away. "Shit, baby.
Wag ka ng umiyak." He looks so unsure what to do so I kept on crying.

"You hate me!" I cried louder. He was starting to panic. "No, no. I only said that
because I got pissed off. C'mon stop crying. Baby, please?" He pulled me into his
arms and gave me a hug but I just

thrashed and kicked while I continued to cry.

"Hey, calm down. Please stop crying, fuck!" He was getting frustrated now. He
caressed my back. "Tell you what, kapag tumigil ka sa pag-iyak isasama na kita sa
opisina ko."

I looked up to see his face. He looks genuinely worried about me. "You promise?" I
croaked and he nodded. "I promise."

That was all I've been waiting for. I smirked before wiping my tears. His
expression shifted from confusion to annoyance.

"Yey!" I grinned and hurriedly entered his car before he could even protest. He was
wearing his frowning face when he sat on the driver's seat.

"I can't believe I fell for that. Damn!"

I just grinned at him and flashed him a peace sign. Well, what can I say? No one
can resist Daze. By any means, I would get what I want. If I need to resort to
deceit then I will. I a Monteverde so I should act like one.

Ian still wouldn't talk to me during the whole drive to his office. He parked in
front of a gargantuan building. He didn't open the car door for me but this time I
did not protest since I put him in a bad mood.

The guards greeted him when we entered. Employees seem to get intimidated by his
presence, too. They were eyeing me with confusion. Ian ignored them all and headed
towards his personal elevator. The elevator pinged and we went inside. Silence
embraced us after the doors slid close.

"Are you still angry?" I can't help but ask.

He didn't even look at me when he spoke. His eyes remained fixed in front of him.
"What do you think? Ipinagsigawan mong bakla ako sa loob ng isang crowded
restaurant, tapos niloko mo ko para lang isama ka dito."

I shrugged. I'm not the type of person who apologizes. The elevator pinged and the
doors opened. Ian's eyebrow flew up and when I stared at the direction he was
looking at, I saw his friends.

We got out of the elevator and the moment his friends saw us, they stopped chatting
and started smirking at Ian. The guy who was sitting with his feet propped on the
table nodded towards me. "Whoa, whoa. Who's this beautiful lady, Lexus?" He stood
up and sauntered towards me. They all address Ian as Lexus. Nobody calls him Ian
because his brother's name is also Ian.

"Back off, Emman." Ian scowled.

"Ooooh. Damot." He cooed.

"She's my girlfriend, idiot." He said while slapping Emman's arm.

Emman raised an eyebrow. "She's your what?!"

The other two guys sitting on his couch raised their heads to look at me. Because I
am a stalker, I also know the name of Ian's friends. The guy with chinito eyes is
Zed. The other guy is Nathan.

Nathan looked at me then his eyes moved to Ian.

"Girlfriend? Pano na si Daisy, pre?"


"Who's Daisy?" Was my question to all four of them. Nathan, Zed and Emman remained
silent. I arched my brow and faced Ian. "Who the hell is Daisy, Ian?" I queried but
he just glared at Nathan for mentioning the name.

"I will set this building on fire if no one answers my question." I said coldly.

Emman, the liveliest of them all grinned. "She won't really do that."

My scowl deepened. "Oh, I will. So, care to enlighten me?"

Zed gave me a disapproving look. It's pretty obvious from the look that he's giving
me that he doesn't like me. Oh, well I don't care. I'm not trying to be likable
anyway. "Lexus, your girlfriend is a brat. She's a pain in the ass." He told Ian
who was expressionless.

Ian defensively draped an arm on my shoulder. "Not your problem, dude. Yeah, she's
a royal pain in the ass but she's my pain in the ass." Under different
circumstances, I would've hugged him for saying that.
But right now, what I did was shove his body away from mine before giving him a
hostile glare. They still haven't answered my question yet.

"I think I would like Daisy better than her. She's too spoiled. Yung
pagkakadescribe mo palang dati kay Daisy parang mabait na. Maamo ang mukha at
laging nakatawa. Eh itong girlfriend mo control freak yata." Zed added. He is
trying to add salt to the wound.

"And who gave you the permission to compare me to a flower?" My temper skyrocketed
but I held myself back. I wanted to step on him using mountain climbing shoes.

Ian butted in. "Stop it, Zed."

Zed looks bored as he rolled his eyes and sank back to his spot on the couch. I
looked at the office clock and saw that it's already 4:20. His meeting is ten
minutes away. I can't just let him attend that fucking meeting without knowing what
role this Daisy played in his life.

"Lay off her pre. Wag mong ibunton kay-Wait, hindi pala namin alam ang pangalan
mo." Emman said out of nowhere.

"I'm Daze. Daze Alessaina Monteverde." I answered with pride.

Zed looked at me again. "Monteverde? Are you by any chance related to Aaron

"He's my Dad." I replied with nonchalance.

"Figures why your attitude is like that. Daughter of a billionaire, eh?" He mocked.
I could give him an equally harsh comment but I bit my tongue.

"Tell me who Daisy is." I pressed Ian. I stomped my foot and kicked his shin which
made him wince. Emman was obviously enjoying the show because he keeps on grinning
while watching us. I was so close to losing my shit.

"Daisy is his first love, okay? Happy now that I've told you, huh bratty
socialite?" Zed just can't zip his mouth. I really want to bury him alive right now
but I'm feeling a tad merciful today.

My heart sank when he said that. Not that I'm expecting myself to be Ian's first
love and not that I'm expecting to be loved by him, but it still stings. I looked
at Ian and he looked away. So, it was true.

I wanted to ask a myriad of questions but what came out of my mouth was, "You fell
in love with a flower?"

I saw a smile on Ian's lips. I almost wanted to smack him for smiling. "What does

look like?" I asked with insecurity in my tone. I've never been insecure, ever. My
parents raised me as a princess. I grew up believing that no other girl is better
than me at anything. I was always the apple of the eye. The center of attraction. I
was always somebody people looked upto. But now, as I asked him that question, I
felt like I was only second best. It made me feel like trash, really.

"Daze, listen-"
"Guys, we gotta roll! The investors are here!" Shouted Nathan in a hurry. Ian
scratched the back of his neck. "We'll talk later, okay? Kailangan na naming
umalis. We don't want to make the investors wait. Dito ka lang ha?" I wonder what's
gotten into him. He sounded nice. Like genuinely nice. To me.

I don't know why I agreed without further questioning. "Okay." Was all I could
manage to say. He patted my head as if I was a kindergartner. They all skedaddled.
I was left inside Ian's office.

His office by the way is not a room. It's the whole top floor of the building. His
glass windows are floor to ceiling type that's why I could see other buildings from

My phone rang and I took it outside my bag. I furrowed my brows when I saw that the
message was from Ian.

I'm sorry for the way Zed acted a while ago. Cut him some slack. Brokenhearted lang
yun pero mabait naman.

I was so unsure of what to text back so I just ignored his message. I slid the
phone inside my bag again. I wonder what time his meeting will end. I hate waiting.
But there's always an exception to the rule. Because here I am, inside my
boyfriend's office waiting for him.

sat on his swivel chair. I almost smiled when I smelled his scent. So manly, ugh!
It was as if my anger wanted to evaporate.

I rummaged through his stuff but found nothing of importance. Just office files.
Stacks of folders littered his desk. I didn't dare scan those because I am not a
fan of things that concerns business.

It's enough to have two tycoons at home, I need not join them. After a few minutes
of doing nothing, I eventually got bored and antsy. I decided to take a nap. I
reclined on his swivel chair and closed my eyes.

I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I found a coat draped over my
body. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked behind my back and into the window. My
eyes bulged when I saw that darkness was already hugging the city.

I checked my wristwatch and saw that it's almost eight. "Shit!" I cursed. Daddy's
not gonna be happy when I get home. He's a bit strict. I stood up abruptly and was
about to phone Ian when the elevator doors opened and he stepped inside.

He looked at me and gave me a tired smile. "Hey. So, sleeping beauty's finally
awake huh? Kanina ka pa ba gising? Kinausap ko lang yung secretary ko. Hatid na
kita pauwi." He said continuously.

The way he said that makes me want to run to him and just hug him. It made my
nonsensical anger towards Daisy vanish.

I nodded. He smiled and offered his hand. I took it. I was a bit taken aback when
he offered to carry my school bag but I agreed nonetheless.

We boarded the lift and it took us down to the parking lot. His Audi was already
there. He opened the car door for me and that made my forehead crease. He's acting
nice and that's pretty unusual.
I silently sat shotgun with him and he revved the engine and off we went.

"Can I hold your hand while you're driving?" I asked shyly. I don't even know what
has gotten into me to ask him for something like that. I was preparing myself for
the rejection but it didn't come.

Instead, I saw a small smile appear on Ian's lips. He didn't answer but he took my
hand. My mouth dropped open. I looked down to hide a silly smile on my face as I
intertwined our fingers. Ian's free hand was driving while his other hand was on

I looked outside his car window and thought, So what if Daisy's his first love? I'm
gonna be his last.


"Mom! Dad is being annoying again! Help me!" I shouted and ran towards her. I hid
behind my mom's back. She put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow while
looking at Daddy who was already wearing his business suit.
"What is happening?" Mom asked Dad who was frowning at me. I gripped on my mom's
apron like a kid.
"Tinatanong ko lang naman kung sino yung naghatid sa kanyang lalaki dito kagabi,
chief." Dad replied. Chief. Meh. Dad's endearment for Mom sucks.
"Yun lang ba?" Mom said. I hugged her from behind and rested my chin on her
shoulder while I secretly stuck my tongue out to tease Dad.
"Fine. Tinatanong ko siya kung sino yun so I can have the guy's background checked.
Hindi naman pwedeng kung sino sino lang ang aali aligid kay bunso diba?" Dad sighed
afterwards. Mom shook her head. "Sabi na nga ba eh. Ang overprotective mo. Daze
knows what she's doing."
I grinned triumphantly. Daddy gave me a sharp stare. "You are spoiling her again."
"I am not!" Mom said defensively.
"You are!" Dad insisted but when Mom put on her stern face, Dad raised his arms in
defeat. "Fine. Sorry. Come here, chief."
Mom walked towards him and hugged him while Dad kissed the top of her head.
I frowned at the two of them. "Oldies." I jested and they both shot me a death
stare. I grinned before going upstairs and entering my room. It's already 9 am and
my class starts at 11. Today, I decided not to pester Ian for a ride. I don't feel
like being too bratty right now.
I took a bath and got dressed. When I went downstairs, I saw my Mom setting

up the table. The maids could do it for her but she insists on doing kitchen
duties. Ever since she learned how to cook, she hardly left the kitchen anymore.
"Hi, Mom. Did Dad leave for work already?" I asked as I pulled a chair for me to
sit on. She gave me a smile as she put the bowl of fried rice on the table. "Yes.
He had to leave early because he and Xander has a meeting to attend to. He was in
such a hurry that he wasn't able to eat breakfast. Pupuntahan ko nalang siya mamaya
sa office para dalhan ng lunch."
I nodded. Kuya Xander is seven years older than me, he's twenty five years old
already. He and Ate Xiana (his twin) are gurang na. I call him that to piss him off
and it always works because he is hotheaded. They don't live here anymore, they
have their own condos but Kuya visits every once in a while. Ate Xiana naman is in
Bicol with her boyfriend. We have a family rule which says that we can move out at
the age of twenty. It should be eighteen but Dad is strict.
"Is Zade still sleeping?" Mom asked and I shrugged. She called a maid and told her
to fetch Kuya Zade from his room. After a few minutes, Kuya was already walking
down the stairs.
"Goodmorning Mom!" He greeted and ignored me. Mom motioned towards me and Kuya Zade
was forced to acknowledge my wonderful presence. I smirked. "And goodmorning to you
too, bratty lil sis." He continued.
I raised an eyebrow. "Goodmorning din, Zade na ampon." I spoke Tagalog para burn.
He looks annoyed. He hates being called ampon. Ever since we were kids, Kuya
Xander, Ate Xiana and I would team up against him and call him

"Shut up." He grumbled before occupying the seat next to me.
"No fighting, you two. Just eat."
"Yes, Mom." I muttered before eating my food. I finished quickly. Kuya Zade
skedaddled to his room after eating. I think he's already late for school. He has a
fucked up sleep schedule because he just couldn't stop texting and calling his
girlfriend. I rolled my eyes as my thoughts drifted to Sam. It's pretty obvious
that the girl is a gold digger. I really don't like her, but of course Kuya Zade
doesn't want to listen to me.
The maids fixed the table. The doorbell suddenly rang and Mom quickly stood up to
get it. "Ako na."
She headed outside while I took my bag and checked my things. Face powder, check.
Phone, check. Wallet, check.
"Daze! Lika nga dito!" Mom called. Her voice sounded serious which was odd. I saw
her peeking through the main door and my forehead creased. "What is it, Mom?"
She eyed me intently. Geez, what's wrong with her?
"There's a guy out here. He says his name is Ian and that he's your boyfriend. Is
that true or is he one of your stalkers?"
My eyes bulged. Ian is here?! Wtf! That's gotta be a joke. Mom was looking at me
expectantly. "Well, hindi mo ba sasagutin ang tanong ko?"
"Well, uhm." I scratched the back of my head, a habit I got from Kuya Zade. "He's
my boyfriend. He's uhm, the guy Daddy was asking me about."
Mom opened the door wider. Ian went inside and his handsomeness caught me off guard
once again. "Thanks, Tita." He smiled towards Mom and Mom glared at me. That glare
probably means that we need to talk later.

look at the time! I think I'm gonna be late!" I said all too quickly. I kissed my
Mom's cheek before grabbing Ian's wrist and dragging him outside.
"Daze Alessaina Monteverde! We will talk when you get home!" Mom shouted behind me.

"Right. Bye, Mom. Love you!" I hurriedly exited the house with Ian. I panted and
slid inside his car. Damn.
I still couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that Ian went to our house and
that he already met Mom. It's a good thing Dad left early. Such a close call.
"Hey, I wasn't introduced to your Mom formally." He muttered before revving the
engine. I shot him a confused stare. "I know. Consider yourself lucky. Mom might
seem normal but just like Dad she has a tendency to overreact on small things that
concerns me."
A smile appeared on his lips.
"What were you upto anyway?" I queried.
"Is it bad to drive my girlfriend to school?" He raised an eyebrow while I rolled
my eyes as I adjusted my seatbelt. "Wow. What has gotten into you? You seem nicer."
"I am nice." He shrugged before driving. Yeah, Ian. Tell that to my ass.
After fifteen minutes of driving, I can already see the university façade. I didn't
wait for him to open the car door for me because he might not. I slung my bag on my
shoulders and waited for him to come out.
Once he was standing in front of me, I puckered my lips. "Oh, kiss."
He chuckled and for a sliver of a second I saw admiration in his eyes. He leaned
down and kissed my forehead. I gaped at him. "What do you think I am, your
granny?!" I grumbled.
He patted my head and I swatted his arm away. I was starting to be stubborn again.
"Maybe you don't wanna kiss me because you want to kiss Daisy!" I shrieked.
He looks lost for a while but he shook his head eventually. "Daze, ano ba. Stop
raising your voice."
"You're not even calling me baby!"
"Okay, okay. Calm down, baby."
I shot him an extremely annoyed stare before adjusting my backpack. I gave him one
last look before walking away.
Halfway through the university gate, I looked back so I can shout at him.
"I hate you!"


I was grumpy the whole day because of Ian. I don't even know why I got angry over a
kiss but sometimes I tend to get too unpredictable.

I didn't understand any lesson today because I was preoccupied. And I got more
pissed off when Tine called me 'Dazy'. I told her not to call me that again because
it sounds like the name of Ian's first love that I'm totally jealous of.

While I was waiting for my sundo, which is our family chauffeur, I saw a familiar
Audi parked nearby. My forehead creased. This looks like Ian's car.

I ambled closer and saw that it really was Ian's car. I tapped the window and
crossed my arms. His window rolled down and I was once again given the chance to
drool over my boyfriend's handsome face.

"Hi, baby. I've been waiting here for two hours already. Hindi ko kasi alam kung
anong oras ang uwian mo kaya pumunta nalang ako ng maaga. I asked the guard to
notify me kapag palabas ka na."

My forehead, along with my eyebrows, creased even more. Now, why does he sound so
sweet and nice? Is he sick?

"I have sundo. Our driver will fetch me and I'm sure he's on his way." I replied
using my I'm-still-pissed-off-with-you tone. He went out of the car and stood in
front of me. I could smell his perfume from here. Gosh darn! Have I told anyone
that I'm a sucker for guys who smell good? Shit. He smells heavenly.

"Are you still mad at me, baby?" He pouted. Damn! Damn! Damn! He looks so handsome
right now that I wanted to do naughty things with him. Kidding! But seriously, he
looks so adorable. And what's

with him? He keeps on calling me baby. I haven't even forced him to say that, yet.

"Nilalagnat ka ba?" I suddenly blurted out. His eyes widened in shock which made me
snigger. "Flabbergasted?" I asked again.

"You spoke Tagalog." He muttered in a daze. I rolled my eyes. "So, are we supposed
to make a big deal out of this?" I queried. He scratched his chin and smiled oh so
Sige pa, Ian. I hope you're aware that your gestures are driving me insane.

"C'mon. In the car, baby. We're going somewhere." He announced. I threw him a
derisive stare. "No way! What makes you think we're okay now? Tsk. I'm going home."

He looked at me. I can't really tell if he's annoyed or what. He's so unreadable
sometimes, just like Kuya Xander.

"Please?" He pouted some more and there! I just fucking lost it. I angrily muttered
curse words to myself before boarding his stupid car. I dialed Mang Teodor's number
and cancelled. Then I sent Mom a message saying that I would come home late.

When I threw a sideways glance at Ian, I saw that he was smiling while keying the
ignition. I don't know why he became nice all of a sudden but I don't wanna ask

"So, where are we going?" I inquired while looking at the road we were in. It's a
good thing we were dismissed earlier than usual. On normal days, the professor
would dismiss us at 3 pm during Wednesdays. But today, the prof dismissed us at
exactly 2.

"Dora's house?" He answered. I looked at him with a scowl and he just chuckled.
"Kidding. Patience is a virtue, Daze."

"What happened to calling me baby?" I scoffed.

"Patience is a virtue,

baby. There. Better?" He repeated and I smiled at him, showing my colgate smile.
"Better. Now drive, my race car driver boyfriend."

"Okay, my bratty socialite girlfriend." I smiled a silly smile which reached my

eyes. God! Ian is just so arghhhh!!! I wanted to thrash inside his car because of
kilig but I forced myself to act normal. Which is so difficult, by the way. I put
my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. I slowly felt Ian's fingers closing in
on mine.

Wtf! Something's really wrong with him! I wanna know what but I don't wanna ruin
the moment so I'm gonna let it pass.

I took a nap and was woken up by light taps on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes,
Ian was the first to register in my line of sight. I can't help but let out a small
smile. "Hello." I mused.

He smiled back at me and fixed my messy hair. "We're here." He said. I groaned
sleepily and looked out the car window. I saw an open field. And my eyes glittered
when I saw that at the middle of it, was a multicolored hot air balloon anchored to
the ground.

I excitedly got out of his car and ran towards it. I clapped happily like a kid.
When I turned, I saw him jogging towards me. He has this sunny smile plastered on
his handsome face. I grinned at him. "Can we ride this thing, baby?" I pouted and
gave him puppy eyes that even my Dad couldn't resist.

"Tagalugin mo muna yang request mo." He teased and I obeyed.

"Pwede ba natin tong sakyan, sanggol?" I said while smirking. I earned a hearty
laugh from him.
"Sanggol?" He repeated, amused.

"Yeah, baby right?" I stuck my tongue out while he walked towards me and draped an
arm on my shoulders.

He then took his phone out of his pocket and dialed someone. "Hello? Yes, Mr.
Miyagi. Right now. Yes, thank you." He dropped the phone and pocketed it once

"Who's Mr. Miyagi?" I queried.

"Siya yung mag-ooperate ng hot air balloon. I know how to maneuver it but you're
here so I don't wanna take risks." He answered and I just nodded. A moment later,
we saw a middle-aged man walking briskly towards our direction. He has thinning
gray hair and chinky eyes. He was followed by two buff guys.

"Lexus, my good man! Good afternoon. A pleasure to see you again." The guy, who I
guessed was Mr. Miyagi clapped Ian's back and the latter grinned. "Same here, Mr.
M. It's been a long time. I was busy with race cars for a while. By the way, I
would like you to meet my girlfriend. Daze Monteverde."

I shook hands with Mr. Miyagi and he gave me a smile. "Ian has taste."

"Thank you." I replied shyly. Mr. Miyagi lead us to the hot air balloon. He ushered
us inside and followed. He sat next to the controls, or whatever the hell you call
those things that will soon keep us aloft.

Mr. Miyagi ordered the guys to free the hot air balloon. Ian told me that this hot
air balloon is a thermal airship.

"I call this baby, le baiser." Said a smiling Mr. Miyagi to me. I don't know what
it means, but I was pretty sure it's french. Well, okay. I'm not a hundred percent
sure it's french. Just ninety percent. When the hot air balloon was completely
freed, I felt the

unstableness as it started to float. I clung to Ian desperately.

I was excited but I was also scared. "Shit." I cursed aloud as my nails dug onto
Ian's arm. I closed my eyes and felt him hug me. It lessened my fear but it didn't
fully make it vanish.

We were rising. I was so scared to open my eyes. "It's okay. I'm here with you."
Ian said.

I could still feel us lifting and my heart drummed on my chest wildly. "Open your
eyes, Daze." Ian commanded.

"N-no. Maybe later." I said in a squeaky voice. All courage have abandoned me. It
feels good, yet terrifying. I wonder if this is what Mom felt like when she first
rode a ferris wheel with Dad.

"C'mon baby. You're one tough lady, aren't you? Now do me a favor and open those
two lovely eyes." His voice sounded soothing and even though I was feeling uneasy,
I slowly opened my eyes, much to my regret.

I was about to close it again when I felt Ian's lips on mine. His mouth was warm
against mine. Slowly, oh so slowly, I closed my eyes to be able to feel the moment
"Okay, I'm just gonna pretend that I'm not seeing what I'm seeing right now." Mr.
Miyagi mused. His voice seemed to be far far away. Or maybe it was just me, or the
kiss that was doing this.

Ian's lips moved and I mimicked his actions. I just hope I'm doing it right. When
he ended the kiss, he was grinning from ear to ear. My face flushed. I'm not really
the type of person who turns scarlet over things like that but jeez! Ian Lexus
Estillore just kissed me! I hid myself on his armpits because I was embarrassd. He
just laughed and hugged me even tighter.

"Nothing happened, okay Mr. Miyagi? You didn't see anything. My girlfriend is
getting shy." Ian chuckled and I hit his chest with a closed fist and buried my
face on his armpit more. He smells so gooood!!!

"Right. Nothing happened." Mr. Miyagi repeated.

"Is this a date?" I suddenly blurted out. That question kept bugging me nonstop.

"Yeah, I guess this is a date." He replied. I smiled once again.

"This is.. Intense." I commented. I never imagined my first date to turn out as
extraordinary as this one. I envisioned myself holding hands with him while walking
inside the mall. But this? This is amazing.

"You don't deserve to go on boring dates, baby. Ordinary dates are only for
mediocre girls. And you are far from mediocre. You're top-notch."

Ian caressed my hair and mumbled. "Hey brat, do you know what le baiser means?" He
queried. His question sparked curiosity in me. I looked up to see his face.

"What?" I asked.

He smiled. "The kiss."


"Daze Alessaina!" I froze when I heard that cold scraping voice. I swallowed hard
and looked at Ian. We've just descended from his car and now he's looking towards
our house's gateway.

"Good evening, Sir." Ian greeted amiably but with an air of boldness in his tone.
There, in front of the gate, was my dad who was standing regally while regarding
Ian with a cold expression.

"Hey, Dad. Uhm, I know you're wondering where we've been and I-" I said lightly but
he raised an eyebrow at me. Dang! Ian's in trouble.

"Silence, Daze!" He cut me off. I was thinking of shoving Ian inside his car and
telling him to go home or just lie low for a while but he approached my Dad and

"Hello, Sir. I am Daze's boyfriend. My name is Ian Lexus Estillore and I'm sorry if
I wasn't able to ask for your permission when I courted her." Ian said in a
confident tone which made my eyes widen. When he courted me?! What?! He never
courted me! He's trying to cover up for me.

"We'll talk over dinner, Estillore. Come." Dad replied. I know my dad. That's the
nicest dinner invitation he could muster. I heaved a sigh. This is gonna be a long
night for both of us. Ian followed us inside and the maid relocked the gate

I ambled closer to Dad and he just glared at me before protectively draping an arm
over my shoulders. I half-smiled. "Dad, stop being possessive."

"I don't trust him." Dad said matter of factly. He was well aware that Ian was
right behind us and that he could hear. I shook my head.

"Dad, you have trust issues. Kuya Xander is really nagmana sayo. And besides, you
have nothing to worry about.

You'll always be my number one guy. You'll always be my King, Daddy, no matter how
many guys I meet in life." He hugged me and I felt him kiss the top of my head.
When I looked up, I saw a small smile on Dad's lips.

"That's so sweet of you, honey. Tara na sa loob at kanina ka pa hinihintay ng Mommy

mo. She was frantic this morning, she even called me while I was on a meeting just
so she could tell me that you already have a boyfriend." I grinned upon hearing
that. "Overprotective parents." I muttered. Dad grinned back.

We made our way inside the house. We headed to the kitchen and I saw that the table
was already set. My eyes bulged when I saw Kuya Xander sitting comfortably on one
of the dining chairs. "K-kuya! What are you doing here?!" I asked in a tensed

"Missed you too, princess. Now, who do we have here?" He looked behind us and fixed
Ian with an emotionless stare. I gulped. It's bad enough that Dad's grilling Ian.
It's worse when Kuya Xander and Dad teams up against him.

I broke free from Dad's akbay and went to Ian. I held his wrist and gave Kuya a
glare. Ian just grinned before pulling me closer. My face flushed and Kuya's eagle
eyes saw that. He raised an eyebrow. "His name's Ian. Ian meet Kuya Xander." I
nervously smiled. Kuya nodded.

"Pleased to meet you, man." Ian greeted but Kuya snorted. Mom faked a cough to
divert our attention towards her. She offered a motherly smile. "Kumain na muna
tayo." She said. Dad made his way towards

her and pulled her a seat. Mom smiled at him and Dad kissed her forehead.

Seriously? What's with guys and forehead kisses? I shook my head. Ian did the same
thing Dad did to Mom, he pulled me a seat and I thanked him. Dad was sitting on the
kabisera of the table while Mom was on his right and Kuya Xander was on his left. I
sat beside Mom for comfort and Dad ordered Ian to sit beside Kuya.

"Uhm, where's Kuya Zade?" I queried awkwardly.

"Zade is with his girlfriend. I don't know where but I don't think he's gonna make
it to dinner." Mom answered while reaching for the plate full of rice. Dad helped
her with her food.

"Xiana is busy with you know who. Amd as of the moment, she has no plans of
visiting." Kuya Xander said as he too, started filling his plate with his food.
"Ako na, Aaron." Mom said but Dad glared at her. "No, chief. Lemme do this for
you." Daddy insisted so Mom let him. I can't help but smile. I was lucky that I was
born in a happy and complete family. I love seeing how sweet my parents are even if
it's nakakaumay na sometimes.

We were eating in awkward silence when Mom decided to break the ice. "Alexander,
wala ka pa bang girlfriend? Masyado kang abala sa trabaho baka hindi ka na makapag-
asawa, anak."

Kuya looked up and heaved a heavy sigh. "Mom, stop rushing me, okay? But if it will
make you feel better, then sige Mom. I'll admit that I'm seeing someone right now."

My eyes shot up when he said that. Kuya with a girlfriend? That doesn't make sense.

"Really? Then, good! Dalhin mo sa family dinner natin ha? I want to meet her." Mom
enthused and I mentally


"Sure, Mom." Kuya replied.

"How did you two meet?" Dad asked Ian who was silently eating his food. He smiled
sincerely before answering. "I saw her inside a mall and asked for her number. She
gave it naman po and I started courting her." I remained stiff on my seat while
listening to the two of them talk. Ian kept on sewing lies just so my parents won't
find out that I was the one who pushed myself onto him.

Dinner ended and I confirmed that my suspicions were correct when Dad invited Ian
inside the study. I face palmed as I watched them ascending the stairs into Dad's
personal space.

"He's doomed." I muttered while sitting on the couch with Mom. Kuya Xander smirked
at me and I groaned even more.

"Lay off him, Kuya!" I shouted, annoyed. Mom caressed my hair. "It's okay, baby.
Your Dad's just gonna interview him."

"Interview him?! Mom! You know what Daddy is like! He might threaten Ian!" I
crossed my arms and Mom just smiled. "Let's just wait for them to go back down.
Calm yourself, Daze."

"Yeah, nothing to worry about Dazy." Kuya teased. I threw a throw pillow at him.
"Do not call me that! I hate you, Kuya!"

He grinned and sat on the other couch directly in front of us. After thirty
minutes, I saw Dad and Ian coming down. I rose from the couch and risked a glance
at Ian's face. He doesn't look grim. He is even smiling. Huh? The two of them
talked but he doesn't look threatened or whatever. He's smiling! Wtf does that

I looked at Dad and was even more confused to see him smiling, too. I creased my
brows. Dad made his way towards me and Ian followed. Dad pulled

me towards him and kissed the top of my head.

"I found your very own Aaron, honey." Dad whispered on my ear. It made me frown.
When I was a kid, I always witness how sweet my parents are. I saw how Dad loved
Mom. Dad's stares were full of love and happiness, even contentment. He looked at
Mom as if she was the only woman in the world, as if she was the one who holds his
entire world.

Dad treasured Mom and loved her the way every woman deserves to be loved. One day,
I told Dad that in case I fall in love when I grow up, I want to find someone who
will love me as much as he loves Mom.

And hearing Dad say that to me now was confusing. One moment, he was looking at Ian
in utter disapproval. Then the next he's in favor of him? I wonder what Ian did to
change Dad's first impression of him.

"Dad, what did you two talk about up there?" I inquired but instead of spilling,
Dad just smiled and asked Mom to go upstairs with him. He broke from my embrace and
Mom kissed my cheek before going inside their room. Guess it's not for me to find

"What are you still doing here? Aren't you going to come home to your condo?" I
asked Kuya who was intently eyeing us. He shrugged. "Maybe later."

I looked at Ian and he flashed me a smile. "Dad grilled you, didn't he?"

"A bit." He admitted. I nodded before taking his hand and leading him outside. His
Audi A4 was parked in front of the house, its shiny black hood glittering under the

"So, you're not gonna volunteer any information?" I asked. He faced me and shook
his head. "Nope."

"Hmpf." I crossed my arms again and this time, I heard his hearty chuckle waking up
my veins.

"My baby looks so cute." He commented while pinching my cheek. I swatted his hand
and mimicked him. He laughed again.

"Childish but beautiful." He said.

"Secretive." I shot back. He raised his hands. "Sorry, but what we talked about
should not be shared with anybody. Highly confidential."

"Even to me?" I asked impatiently. He caressed my face. "Especially to you."

I rolled my eyes and said fine. He said that he has to go home and before he went
inside his car, he reached for my face and gave me a full kiss.


I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs when he let go. He kissed my forehead
again before entering his car.

"Please drive safely." I said while watching him strap his seatbelt.

"Hamla ikat, Daze." He replied. I frowned. Before I could even ask him what that
meant, he sped off. I was left standing outside, drowning in confusion.

When I was about to go back inside the house, I saw Kuya standing on the gateway.
He had this serious expression on his face when he spoke.
"Hamla ikat? Seriously? Can your boyfriend get even more corny?"

Alexander's story: The Fall of Alexander the Great

Aaron and Cassidy's Story: Owned by a Billionaire


A few days have passed and yet, I still haven't decrypted the meaning of hamla
ikat. No matter how many times I pester Ian, he still wouldn't budge so today, I'm
gonna resort to pestering Kuya Xander instead.

I called his phone and waited impatiently as it rang. After a few tries, he picked
up. His annoyed voice hissed from the other line.

"What the hell, Daze?! I'm busy inside my office! Tambak ang trabaho ko! Bakit ba
tawag ka ng tawag?!" I rolled my eyes heavenwards when I heard his tone.

"Kuya, what is the meaning of hamla ikat?" I asked politely. He tends to hang up on
me when I get too annoying or when I demand for something whenever he's busy. He's
such a heartless brother, I know. Boohoo.

"Bakit ba ako ang tinatanong mo? Dun mo itanong sa boyfriend mong hilaw!" He

"Does it mean 'I will miss you'?" I decided to push my luck.

"No! Look, Daze. I gotta go, I have no time for your silly questions. Kuya's busy."
I knew that he was about to drop the call when I shouted.

"Kuya! Wait! Does it mean 'You're special to me'?"

"No." He was obviously teed off with me right now but I don't give a damn. I need
to know what that means or I'll lose my sanity.

"How about 'i love you'? Is that what it means?" I asked hopefully.

"No! Let me work, Daze!" After saying that, he ended the call and when I tried
calling him again, I only heard a busy tone. Dang. Too much for hopeless wishing.
There I was thinking it meant something special. Maybe it doesn't mean anything. I
just hate it that Ian speaks alien. I shook my head as I slumped

back on bed.

My phone rang and my mood perked up when I saw that it was Ian. I quickly answered
the phone and put it near my ear. "Goodmorning!"

"What is hamla ikat?"

"It's for me to know and for you to find out." He chuckled from the other line
while I groaned. Someone really needs to tell me what that meant or I'll slit my
own throat out of frustration.
"So, why did you call? Missed me?" I teased. I'm getting more comfortable with him
each passing day. Who would've known that Ian has a good side, huh? He's acting
like a real boyfriend and I'm enjoying every bit of this forced relationship.

"Yeah. Is it illegal to miss my girlfriend now?"

I pouted while twirling my hair in my fingers. I clutched a pillow to my chest

before answering. "Well, no."


I was about to compose a reply when I heard knocks on my door.

"Hey, Ian. Hang in there, someone's at my door."

"Okay, baby. Hurry." I didn't drop the call but he did. I just held the phone while
I sauntered towards my bedroom door to open it. I checked the clock and saw that it
was already 11 am. Maybe it's my yaya. My yaya tends to worry too much when I don't
go down to eat breakfast on time so maybe she's bringing me breakfast in bed.

I twisted the door knob and opened the door. My jaw fell when I saw my boyfriend
standing outside my room with his phone on one hand.

"Goodmorning!" He beamed. He was busy checking me out that

I almost forgot that I wasn't decent-looking. I quickly ran to my bathroom and did
my morning routine. I don't know how long I kept him waiting but when I came out of
the bathroom, I saw him sitting om the side of my bed.

"Hey! You didn't tell me you were gonna drop by." I glared at him and he just
laughed that sexy laugh of his. "Surprise!" He said in a lively tone.

I approached him and hit him with my favorite pillow. "Ouch! Umagang umaga gusto ng
baby ko ng pillow fight?" He was grinning while trying to deflect every blow I was
giving him. When I got tired, I threw the pillow at the farthest side of my bed
before sticking my tongue out.

He pulled me close and kissed my forehead again. "My baby missed me, too." He

"I did not! Ever the assumer, Ian?" I spat. He arched his eyebrow. "Ever the liar,
Daze?" He shot back.

I rolled my eyes at him. I shoved him a little. His closeness makes my nerves
tingle in appreciation. He's so unbelievably sweet these past few days that my
heart can't help but flutter.

"How did you get in?" I inquisitively raised my eyebrows while I waited for his
answer. He gave me a one-shoulder shrug before answering. "Tita Cassidy let me in.
I told her that I wanted to take you out on a date today and she said yes."

That made a frown appear on my face. Curiosity was etched on my beautiful features.
"What? She said yes? Just like that?"

"Uhuh. Bakit, ayaw mo ba akong makadate today?" He queried while his

forehead creased. "It's not that. Mom kasi is really unpredictable sometimes. For
example, one moment she wants Kuya Xander to have a girlfriend, and then the next
she hates the girl Kuya will introdce to her. She has finical standards when it
comes to the people her children date." I explained.

He just grinned before chuckling like a sexy madman. "Guess I got lucky?"

I shook my head. "Hope so."

He kissed me again before he stood up. "Go take a bath, baby. I'll be waiting

I nodded before reaching for my towel. Before he fully exited my room, he gave me a
playful wink. He even blew me a kiss.

"Brace yourself, it's gonna be a long day for us today, baby."

"Where are we?" I asked when he finally stopped the car. We were in some sort of
park but I don't know where on earth this is. There are many couples riding bikes
who pass by.

Ian smiled a radiant smile before giving me the most accurate answer I've ever
received. "I don't know."

"You don't know?! So, are we like lost or something?!" I was starting to panic.

"We're not lost, baby. I don't know where we are. I just drove to an unknown town
and I'm hoping that I could explore it with you." He said sweetly. I glared at him
but I'm not gonna deny that I actually found this sweet.

Ian reached for something on the backseat and afterwards I saw him holding a wig. I
creased my brows, wondering what it was for. He turned to me and grinned before
handing me the long blonde wig. I

took it but I gave him a look of confusion.

He then put a fake mustache on his face and used a pentel pen to apply a massive
fake mole right under his left eye. I was just watching him while he was doing all
those. He still looks handsome despite the fake facial hair. He faced me and when
he saw that I was still holding the wig he gave me, he took it from my hand and
helped me with it.

"Care to explain what the disguises are for? Are we going to to rob a bank or
something?" I queried while he fixed the wig on my head. He chuckled. Oh, that

"Today, we won't be Daze Monteverde and Ian Estillore. Today, we're gonna be two
different individuals."

My brows furrowed even more. "Are we required to use fake names?"

He smirked to confirm my suspicion. "Why, yes. Hello, miss. My name is Pedro." He

offered his hand and I laughed before shaking it.

"Can't you come up with a nicer and more unique name?" I pouted and he pinched my
cheeks. "I'm keeping it simple."

I laughed again before giving him a wink. "If you're Pedro then I'm gonna be
He chuckled and pulled me closer to give me a hug. I've noticed that Ian is more of
a hug person than a kiss person. He likes long hugs rather than mindblowing kisses.

"Let's go see the world, Maria." I nodded and exited his car. He too, went out of
his audi and draped an arm on my shoulders. We happened to pass by an old couple
who were sitting on a bench. Pedro gave them a warm smile and the

old lady waved amiably towards us. "Bagay kayong dalawa." She said which made me

"Maraming salamat ho, kayo rin po ni Tatay bagay." Ian said, pertaining to the old
man who was holding the old woman's hand. The old man smiled and mouthed his
thanks. We walked towards a rent shop for bikes.

Ian said that we'll be exploring this town with the use of bikes. He rented a black
and blue bike and mine was yellow with a basket in front. He handed a two thousand
peso bill to the rent shop owner, so we can use the bike for the whole day.

I smiled when I boarded my bicycle. It brings back childhood memories. I pedaled

away from Ian while he chased. I giggled while pedaling faster. "Maria, wait up!"
He shouted but I just grinned and didn't slow down. Moments later, he was already
next to me. He was smiling in idiocy. He still looks dashing to me even when he
looks older because of the mustache.

"We're off to the unknown, Pedro." I smiled and let sunlight kiss my skin. He
smiled again. "It'll be okay, Maria. As long as we're together."

My heart jumped a couple of times because of what he said. We rounded the park on
our bikes and I saw the beauty of the place. Rose bushes and narra trees were
everywhere. We stopped by a lake. I got off my bike and left it under a tree and
raced towards the lake to watch the ducks swimming peacefully on the calm water.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned only to see my pedro jogging towards me. He
was carrying something in his hand. He handed it to me and saw that it was a loaf
bread. He puckered his lips

to point at the ducks and I got the idea. I pinched the bread and threw a small
piece on the lake.

Ian again draped an arm on my shoulders and kissed the side of my head. We spent a
long time feeding the ducks and when we were done, we decided to sit on the grass.
After a short while he approached a nearby banana cue stall and when he came back
he was already holding a black plastic garbage bag and two sticks.

I frowned at him while the wind was blowing my blonde hair. He produced a string
from his pocket. "I'm gonna make a kite for you, Maria."

I was amazed while watching him work. He finished it in minutes. It might not look
like the fanciest kite in the world, but the fact that he made it for me makes me
happy. He handed it to me and I flied it. I watched the winds carry it upwards,
into different directions. Ian was standing behind me, his hands in his pockets
while he was looking at me intently.

"May mga taong parang saranggola, Maria." He said softly.

"Why?" I inquired.
He smiled again, his eyes were crinkling with amusement. "Even though a kite flies
in different directions, it will always remain anchored to one person."

"Unless that person lets go." I replied with an obvious negativity.

"I sure hope she doesn't." He answered back. I chose to ignore his reply because
he's being cryptic again and it's kinda weird.

When I got bored of flying the garbage-bag kite, I tied it on the nearest tree I
saw. Ian sauntered closer while holding a pointy rock. He went to the tree and
started carving. I peeked over his shoulder and a smile crept on my lips while
looking at the words he etched on the tree.

Pedro and Maria

I took the stone from his hand and drew a huge heart around our names. I felt his
arms on my waist, and his chin on top of my head. He was giving me a backhug.

Pedro and Maria... God, that sounds nice. If I become president, I will release a
law which states that every tree in the country should have our fake names carved
on it. Let the whole world wonder who these names belong to. Pedro and Maria...

I smiled again, wider this time. Finally, after such a long time, we are happening.

I turned slowly and looked up only to see him already looking down at me. I hugged
him, I don't care if this is pda. Haters gonna hate and tomatoes gonna tomate. He
suddenly cupped my face and made me look in his eyes.

"Whether you be Maria, or Daze Alessaina... I want you to know that you will always
be the finish line in my every race."



"So, let's start with Helen of Troy. What important role did she play in Iliad,
Daze?" Ian-who was being a stern tutor right now-asked with a straight face. We are
inside the house's library. I knew I shouldn't have told him about the upcoming
world literature quiz. Regret was flashing in and out of my features as I looked at
him holding my notes in one hand. We could've been having a date right now, having
the time of our lives but no! He had to push me to study for that shitty quiz on
that shitty subject that I really loathe.

Ian snapped his fingers in front of my face. He was waiting for an answer while I
just played with the pen on the table. "Please be cooperative, baby. This is for
you naman. You have to pass that quiz." He said gently. I sighed and nodded.

He tried for a smile before clearing his throat. "Ulit. What important role did
Helen of Troy play in Iliad?"

I tried to whack my brain to recall anything useful but nothing came up. Who is
Helen? Who is Troy? Wtf, I'm obviously gonna fail the quiz tomorrow. Damn.

Ian raised his eyebrow on me so I decided to answer with my best guess. "Uhm, I
think Helen is like Troy's lover or something." I saw how his expression changed.
He palmed his face in disbelief and when he raised it to meet my gaze, he gave me a
disapproving look.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that? Is my answer wrong? Or very wrong?" I
queried innocently while biting my lip. "Ang haba haba ng Iliad tapos kwinento ko
sayo tapos hindi ka pala nakikinig?

Tsk. Troy is not a character, Daze. It's the setting. Troy is a place." He shook
his head at me and I tapped my finger on my lips. "Oooooh."

I put my face on the top of my palm before batting my lashes. I was trying to
distract him with my beauty so he won't get angry that I didn't listen but instead,
he flipped the pages of my binder and studied my notes before speaking. "Drop the
act. Not working. Wag pasaway, listen to me para may maisagot ka bukas."

I pouted. Kainis you Ian! Argh. I gave him the Daze-is-dying-of-boredom look but
again, he ignored it. He started retelling Iliad again and I was forced to be
attentive this time because I don't want to upset Ian. I don't know how I was able
to survive the lecture, all I know is that I almost wanted to commit suicide when
he finished. Now we're back to the question and answer portion. AGAIN.

"Who is the greatest hero of the Trojans?" He wriggled his eyebrows and I gave him
a blank expression. I was pretty sure the name started with the letter H.

"Hermes?" I guessed, but he said that it was Hector. Hermes, Hector. Close enough.
He asked me a bunch of questions that made my brain bleed. Out of 15 questions, I
got six. Which is good enough for me. At least I got more than one. That would
totally suck if I got a score as low as that.

Ian also retold the story of Oedipus Rex by this dude whose name starts with S.
Sophocales? Sofocles? I can't remember. They possess such weird names. I checked
the wall clock and saw that it was already

8:30. My eyes widened. We've been studying for 3 hours and a half already?!

Ian set my notebook down and smiled. "So, feeling smarter?" I rolled my eyes as a
reply. "Smarter? You mean less stupid. That's the right term." I snorted. The next
thing I know is that he was already sitting beside me and hugging me. It's sweet. I
feel special. I wish Ian would stay with me forever.

"You're not stupid, okay? Wag mong sabihin yan Daze because it's not true." He
appeased but I didn't answer. Instead, I let out a heavy sigh. He raised my chin up
using his finger and made me look at him. I obliged. "Don't feel bad, baby. It's

I shook my head and hugged him back. "I feel like an outcast in the family
sometimes. They are all intelligent while I am not. Kuya Xander graduated with
honors, Ate Xiana is not as smart as Kuya but she is smart din. Tapos, Kuya Zade is
following Kuya Xander's footsteps. I'm pretty sure he'll graduate with honors too.
I'm the only bad egg in the family. Sometimes I feel so worthless and irrelevant."
I was starting to get emotional when Ian suddenly stooped down and claimed my lips.

He was a soft kisser. I pulled him closer to me and he deepened the kiss. He tasted
like a lot of things. His kiss makes me remember a lot of good memories. That is
what his kiss can do, it can stir my emotions just as easily as he can invade my

When he ended the kiss, I was left looking like a fish who has just gotten out of
water. I look like I was having breathing difficulties. And I am. Because everytime
Ian does something sweet, it's as
if my heart stops functioning for a sliver of a second. It's as if my body decides
to stop converting oxygen to carbon dioxide.

"Every time you think that you're worthless, please think of me. Know that you are
The Daze Alessaina Monteverde. Know that I care for you and that I see your worth.
And that whoever you are and whoever you'll turn out to be, you will always be my
girl. Baby parin kita okay?"

I pouted and hugged him again, tight. I felt his warmth against my skin and it felt
really calming. His arms enveloped my body again and I was once again drowned in

"Ehem." I suddenly let go when I heard someone clear her throat. I eyed the
library's doorway and saw Mom standing there while holding a tray filled with food.
Dinner. She raised her eyebrow teasingly while approaching us.

"Did I interrupt a make-out session?" My eyes widened. "Mom!" My voice reached a

higher pitch when she said that. Talk about having a weird mother!

Ian laughed. "Kakatapos lang po namin pag-aralan ang lesson niya."

Mom set the tray above the study table and Ian and I cleared all the papers
littering the table. "Nagwork naman ba ang pag-aaral na yan? Daze is a bit
stubborn, Ian. Ang tamad, hindi ko alam kung kanino yan nagmana." She looked at me,
as if challenging me to contradict her but I just rolled my eyes. I mean how can I
defend myself when all the things she's saying are all true?

"Oo nga po eh." Ian answered so I shot him a death stare. I know I already admitted
Mom's accusations but is there really a need to rub it on my skin?!

Upon seeing my murderous glances at him,

Ian chuckled and draped an arm over my shoulders. "But of course kahit po stubborn
siya fast learner naman. Diba baby?"

Mom made a face when she heard our endearment. "Kayong dalawa, nako! Makaalis na
nga. I hope you pass your WL quiz tomorrow, Daze. Goodluck, sweetie." I smiled.
"Thanks, Mom. I can't promise you that I'll pass but I'll try my best. You have my
word for that."

She kissed me before exiting the house library. I was able to breathe normally
again when I heard her retreating footsteps. Ian and I ate the meal Mom prepared
for us.

"Hey, why aren't you joining any races lately?" I asked. It just occured to me that
he hasn't joined in any race ever since we got together.

"Do you want me to?" He asked back which made me frown. "Yes. Why wouldn't I want
you to? You love racing. I mean that's your life."

He smiled in a creepy way before drinking his glass of water. "That was before."

I raised my eyebrows in inquiry. "What? What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "Nothing Daze, just finish your food." He commanded but I pushed
the plate away. "I don't like na. I don't eat much kapag dinner, I don't wanna gain
weight. I might become ugly."
He fixed me with a confused stare. "You might become ugly? I don't even think
that's possible, baby." He said sweetly and I giggled. "I know. But I'm a skeptic."

He grinned and sank back on his position on the couch and I scooted closer for some
cuddle. I put my legs over his legs and hugged him. He puckered his lips and I gave
him a peck before burying my face on his armpit. He let out a harmonious

laugh which made his chest vibrate.

"Your kilikili is baho!" I teased and wrinkled my nose. He pinched my nose and
raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?"

"Uhuh. It stinks in there." I added but he just ruffled my hair. "Kaya pala gustong
gusto mong itago diyan ang mukha mo. Kaya pala." He said jestingly and I bleated to
cover my brewing smile. Why does he have to notice everything? Hmp.

"It's already 9:10. I think I should go home. Baka hindi na ako umuwi kapag nagstay
pa ako dito ng mas matagal." He said. I tightened my hug and shook my head. I know,
I'm clingy. But I don't care.

"Ayaw. Stay for tonight baby." I pouted but he just gave me a small smile. "Di
pwede. Hindi magandang tignan yon para sa parents mo. Nagpapagoodshot nga ako eh."

"Eh! Why do you have to make pagoodshot pa! They're okay naman na with you!" I
complained while crossing my arms. He chuckled. "Simply because they are my
girlfriend's parents. And their opinions matter to me."

"Hmp." I don't know what to reply so I just continued looking at him with furrowed
brows. He pulled me for a hug and kissed my forehead. "Wag ng magtampo ang Daze

My heart skipped. Daze ko? That sounded good. My emotions are shallow, I get angry
easily but I also forgive easily. My tampo quickly vanished after he said that. I
tried for a smile. "Fine."

He pinched my cheeks. "That's my girl." I shoulder bumped him. "C'mon. Let me walk
you to the gate." We stood up and got out of the library. When we descended the
stairs, we saw Dad seated on the living room couch. He looked at me and then his
eyes turned to Ian. He gave us a warm smile.

"Hey Dad." / "Goodevening, Sir." Ian and I greeted. "Hello, youngsters." He greeted

"I was just about to walk Ian to the gate. He's going home already." I explained
and Dad glanced at Ian.

"Salamat nga pala sa pagtyatyaga mong magturo dito kay bunso."

Ian gave my Dad a genuine smile. "Wala pong problema. I'll do anything for your
daughter, Sir. Anything."


"Baby!!!!" I shrieked as I quickly ran to his direction. I was giggling when I
jumped towards him and he catched me. My legs were wrapped around his waist and my
arms are circling his neck while I continued to shower his face with little kisses.
"Hey there, beauty. Missed you too. Bakit ang saya mo yata ngayon?" He asked while
chuckling. I gave him a grin before squealing. "I passed the quiz, Ian! I passed
the quiz!!!" I clapped happily before tapping his arms to signal him to put me down
and he did. The moment my feet touched the ground, I abruptly took my test paper
out of my bag and waved it in front of Ian's smiling face.
He reached for it and scanned my paper. "16 over 30?!" He asked incredulously. I
raised an eyebrow when his expression changed. "Yeah. Were you expecting me to have
a perfect score? Well, sorry Ian. That's the best your girlfriend can do."
I snorted before grabbing the paper from his hand and shoving it inside my bag
again. I gritted my teeth while I muttered to myself. Ian pulled me close and
hugged me. "Wag ka ng magtampo, ito naman. Wala naman akong sinabi. Cheer up na
Daze ko." He made lambing but I just threw him a murderous glance. "You looked
disappointed!" I insisted with eyes narrowing in extreme annoyance. He shook his
head and smiled again. "Hindi kaya. Syempre kahit anong resulta ng quiz na yan
proud parin ako sayo." He said proudly while I crossed my arms.
"Weh?" I examined his relaxed features and was almost relieved when I saw that he
really did mean what he said. I slowly nodded and initiated a hug. He embraced me

back and ruffled my hair. "Hamla ikat, Daze."

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again with that hamla ikat that I don't even
understand. The phrase is undecipherable, really. I would think about it every
night and give up, then I would think about it again the next morning. My mind had
been restless ever since he first said that to me.
"You're still not gonna say the meaning of that, are you? You're gonna let me die
out of curiosity." I stated matter of factly. He just grinned before giving me a
weird one-shoulder shrug which made my eyebrow hitch upwards.
"Sasabihin ko rin sa tamang oras, baby. Wag kang atat." He winked then wriggled
both eyebrows. "Tamang oras my ass. There is no tamang oras and tamang moment, Ian.
Those two are just around the corner, waiting to happen. Anytime can be the right
time." I explained like an expert.
"Ang dami mong alam, Daze. Tara na nga." He opened the car door for me and I got
in. But before I slid inside, I winked at the guard near the gate who was eyeing us
with such disapproval that totally irked me. Ian sat on the driver's seat and
buckled me up. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel before cocking his head
in my direction.
"Saan mo gusto pumunta?" He inquired.
I was about to say that I don't know when an idea flashed in my head. I beamed and
tapped his shoulder giddily. "Your house." I giggled.
He knitted his brows at me. "My house? Ano namang gagawin mo don?"
"Basta, please baby. Please." I batted my lashes and he ended up chuckling and
pinching my cheek. I know I'm irresistable but does he really need to

pinch the cheek? Gosh.

"Fine." I gave him a toothy smile before reclining on my seat. Sometimes, it's
still hard for me to believe that Ian is already my boyfriend. I mean, a year ago I
was just an avid supporter and now I'm already his girlfriend! How cool is that,
I remember this one time when I brought Tine to watch with me in one of Ian's
racing competitions and she ended up ogling at other race enthusiasts nearby while
my eyes were focused on Ian. I was praying for his safety and victory and then the
next thing I know is that the people were already roaring with excitement. High
pitched screams resonated all over the place. I pushed everyone who was blocking my
view, and when I saw him smiling ever so regally while leaning on his sports car on
the finish line, I just felt my heart jump a couple of times.
It was unexplainable, but then and there, I just knew that I have to find a way to
make him mine. That was the day I swore that I would make the speed racer mine. And
look at us now.
"Anong iniisip mo?" He interrupted my thoughts with that question. If I could just
tell him that it was him who kept bugging my mind..
"Random things." I answered casually while eyeing my newly polished nails. It's now
the color of aquamarine. Last week it was deep blue, and the week before that it
was vermillion.
"Random things like?"
"Like rainbows, and ponies, and unicorns." I smirked and he just made a face.
"You're not taking me seriously." He complained.
I inwardly pouted. "If you only knew that you're the only thing I'm taking
seriously." I mumbled

to myself. "Ano?" He asked but I just gave him a hostile glare. "Nothing!"
After a few minutes, he was already honking in front of his house. His maid came
hurriedly when she heard the noise and opened the garage gates. We descended from
the car and I greeted his maid with a raised eyebrow. Ian threw me a questioning
look which I chose to ignore. He draped an arm on my shoulders and together we
entered his house. We sat on the couch and I hugged him because I was in the mood
for some cuddling.
"Boring dito sa bahay ko eh, sana nagdate nalang tayo para napasaya pa kita." He
said softly. I was trying to ignore the pointy stares I was receiving from Ian's
ugly maid. Hmp. She's just an insecured bitch, maybe she tried seducing Ian once
but she failed. I mean why would you want to date someone with honey-colored teeth.
"I'm always masaya naman basta I'm with you." I smiled. He looked at me in the eyes
and cupped my face. "Talaga?"
"Yes nga. Kulit you!" He grinned right after I said that. What's so funny? Ian
really has a habit of laughing at serious stuff. I think he's losing his sanity
"If that's what you say. Masaya rin naman ako kapag kasama kita eh. Ngumiti ka pa
nga lang solved na araw ko." He added. My cheeks flushed and I hit his chest before
burying my face on his armpit. This is also becoming a habit. Ugh. His armpits
smell so good kasi that sometimes all I wanna do is sniff it.
"Stop it!" I grumbled.
"Stop what?" He inquired cluelessly.
"Stop saying mushy thing that makes me feel kilig!" I stomped my foot on the floor
and he just

grinned before raising my head so I could meet his gaze. "Kinikilig ang baby ko?"
My cheeks heated up even more when he addressed me with our endearment. Shit! "I
said stop it!" I hit his chest repeatedly and he blocked my hits using his own arm.
I crossed my arms while pouting.
"You look so cute, Daze! Ang sarap mong dito nalang patirahin, ayaw na yata kita
pauwiin!" He was nangigigil. He kept on tickling me that I almost punched him in
the face while laughing uncontrollably. He is so-wait, what's the term? Ayun!-
maharot. I heard Mom use that term on Dad once. I think it means makulit or
something close to that. Basta, Ian is maharot right now.
"You're not acting like your usual twenty two year old self." I suddenly blurted
out. He crossed his legs before reclining on the couch. He had this weird amused
smile hanging on his lips. "You make me forget who I am when I'm with you. Basta
kapag kasama kita baby, parang hindi ako si Ian Estillore na twenty two year old
speed racer and young entrepreneur. I just know that I am Ian Estillore, your
boyfriend. I am no one of high importance when I'm with you. I'm simply your Ian."
I felt butterflies on my stomach when he said that, he was smiling idiotically now
that my heart can't help but melt and appreciate just how lucky I am to be his.
"Speechless." He muttered when he threw me a sideways glance. I half-smiled.
"Yeah." I agreed. I was able to produce only one word after his speech. Just one
word because I couldn't come up with anything to say.
"Nga pala, ipinagpaalam na kita kay Tito. He said yes. He said I could take you out
for dinner."
Then there was silence. I bit my lip and just tried to focus on other things like
the design of his living room, the structure. I frowned when I once again noticed
how lifeless the colors in his house were. Too plain. Everything's black. I shook
my head as I tried to visualize the redecoration that should be done to his house.
I'd like more color to add vibrance to this place. It's like a vampire lives here.
I kept on examining every corner of his living room while making plans mentally.
Ian looked confused when our eyes met. "Ano na namang iniisip mo?"
"Your house looks too bland for my liking. It lacks oomph." I stated blandly. He
raised his eyebrow. "So what do you suggest we do about it?"
I clapped happily. "Redecoration!"
He seemed to think for a while then he nodded. "Okay, I'm gonna call my interior
designer and set for an appointment. We could discuss with her the changes we would
like to do to my house."
My eyes bulged. "We? You mean you would let me decide too?" I queried excitedly.
He smiled. "Of course, lahat ng sakin syempre sayo narin. That's why you also have
a say on the redecoration of the house."
"You talk as if we're already married!" I jested but he gave me a sincere stare
that made my insides shiver.
"Dadating rin tayo diyan. Soon, baby. I promise."



"Please, Ian. Please." I pouted but he just showed me how immune he was to my puppy
dog eyes. I angrily crossed my arms. He just pinched my cheek while his other hand
was busy controling the steering wheel.
"Baby, please?" I pleaded some more but just like the last time I asked, he shook
his head. I made annoyed sounds but he ignored me. Again. Take note of the word
again. "Hindi ka magkacut ng klase, Daze. Seryosohin mo naman ang pag-aaral mo." He
talks like Dad right now.
"But why do I need to study? It's not like I'm gonna experience poverty!" I
reasoned. He shook his head disappointedly and turned the car left. "Daze, ang
edukasyon ang isang bagay na hindi mananakaw sayo."
I rolled my eyes. Ian is sounding more and more like my parents each passing
minute. I can't even believe that we're having this kind of conversation. A former
suitor of mine once cut classes just so he could buy me the ice cream that I
wanted. He's an honor student in the class but he did that just so he could please
me. But my boyfriend, my very own boyfriend is prohibiting me from doing that! I
just want to spend time with him today but he won't let me! My gosh!
"Baby, we're here." He said before unbuckling my seatbelt. I was still wearing a
straight face when he opened the car door for me. I know I'm being a brat again,
but it's just so inevitable. Me being the biggest spoiled brat ever is old news.
"Hey. Nagtatampo ka sakin." He muttered before handing me my bag. I harshly took it
from him and gave him a raised eyebrow. He sighed before cupping my face. "Wag ng

Hindi maganda ang pagsiskip ng klase. This is for your own good."
"I've skipped classes numerous times already." I admitted. He tsked before giving
me a serious look. "I want you to change that. Promise me that you won't cut
classes anymore." He coaxed but he only earned a cold look from me.
"You're trying to change me." I said coldly. His forehead knotted while trying to
compose a reply. "I.. I'm not trying to change you. Well, I mean.." His voice
drifted off. He looked at me in the eyes before heaving a sigh.
"I want you to change not because I want you to, but because you want to." He said
softly which made my eyes narrow. I felt hurt and offended. I know that I'm not the
kind of girl every man will fantasize to have as their girlfriend. I'm bratty, I
know. And moody and spoiled. I'm not even smart. I was a no-good bitch. But hearing
it from Ian's mouth? It sucks. Hearing that he wants me to change seriously sucks.
It's like he's telling me that whatever I do, I can never be the perfect
girlfriend. Of course I know that, but does he need to rub it in?
My voice got lost over the myriad of thoughts running in my head this very minute.
And when I found it, all I managed to say was, "But I'm not gonna change. I don't
think I'm even capable of doing that."
He looked disoriented. He must've seen the pain in my eyes. He was trying to come
near me but I told him to stop. My heart was pounding louder and faster now.
"Daze-" He called me using that troubled voice. I shook my head and smiled
"I'm sorry to disappoint, Ian. But the Daze you're seeing

now will still be the Daze that you're gonna see years from now." And after that I
just ran, I ran away from him and into the university gate.
I don't know if I should feel hurt or thankful because he didn't follow. I just
didn't know anything anymore right now. I'm only seventeen turning eighteen in a
few months but I'm already feeling things I know I shouldn't feel. But the heart is
a traitor. It's the biggest sinner of all.
I was zoning out during my World Literature class that I didn't notice that people
were already picking out partners for an activity. Kristine was absent so I'll have
to pick another one. I don't think pick is the right term since I know that my
blockmates are pretty anxious about having me as a partner. Obviously I am not
likable nor am I friendly so I think that my partner will turn out to be one of the
class oddballs that nobody wants to team up with, too.
I can't help but feel depressed about my situation. I felt truly alone without
Tine. She's like the only friend I have in here who doesn't talk shit about me. I
don't even think that I could survive this activity without her. I was already
deciding whether to ditch my class when a voice from behind spoke. "Daze, gusto mo
ba partner tayo?"
I slowly turned and my eyes bulged when I saw who was talking to me. It's none
other than the class president. My eyebrows furrowed. He is the most intelligent
person in this class and he obviously knows that his intelligence would be abused
if he picks me as a partner so why would he do that? And besides, unlike me, he has
friends. He could just choose between

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity. He smiled and occupied the vacant seat beside me.
"Gusto ko lang. Is it illegal to have you as my activity partner?" He flashed me a
boyish grin that makes me think of Peter Pan for someone reason.
"Okay." I answered simply. He smiled and wrote our names on a paper and passed it
to the professor.
"Ms. Daze Alessaina Monteverde and.. And Mr. Axev Raphael Saavedra?" See? Even our
professor looks shocked upon finding out who my partner was gonna be. I just put my
chin at the top of my palm while putting on my bored look.
Axev Raphael-that's how my blockmates address him-smiled at me before producing a
paper. Our task for today was to make a speech about freedom and democracy. Our
professor was stupid enough to believe that reading Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg
Address would inspire the inner speaker in us. Like I'm interested in stuff like
"Hey, what do you think?" Axev Raphael asked me when he showed me our paper with an
introduction for our speech. Our. Because we're partners, so I used the pronou our.
Though it's pretty obvious that he's the only one who's doing it.
"I think it's pretty good." I commented even though I really didn't bother reading
it. The professor excused himself to go to a meeting. He said that he'll come back
after an hour to collect our works.
"Ayan. Tapos na!" He beamed and showed it to me. I tried smiling but my sour mood
is keeping me from doing a good job at it. It turned out as fake as I expected it
to be. Axev Raphael frowned. "Hindi ka okay no? Kanina ko pa napapasin pero ngayon
ko lang tinanong.

Do you wanna talk about it?"

I just shook my head. I felt glad to know that he seemed concerned about me.
"We can be friends, Daze. Hindi naman necessary na si Kristine lang ang kaibigan
mo. We can be friends." When he repeated that, I felt a smile creeping through my
lips and I didn't stop it. This is one of the rare times that someone tells me that
they want to be my friend. This is also one of the rare times in which I felt that
I was accepted despite my attitude.
"Thanks, Axev Raphael." I muttered out of glee. He gave me a smile. "For starters,
you can call me Axev. I hate the Raphael part since some people call me and my
brothers the Ninja Turtles because of our second names."
I frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" He chuckled before scratching the back
of his head. "Uhm, you see. I have three brothers. I'm the youngest. Their second
names are Donatello, Leonardo and Michelangelo."
I laughed out loud. I was trying to control it but it escaped anyway. "Seriously?!"
I asked, perfectly ignoring the pointy stares I was receiving from my girl
blockmates who has an overt crush on Axev.
"Yeah." He grinned back. He kept me company all throughout the day. I was so happy
that I earned another friend. He was nice plus he has a sense of humor that I found
totally cute.
Dismissal came. I sighed as my mind drifted back to Ian. I thought about the little
fight we had just before I went to school. It wasn't really a fight, it's more of a
petty argument. Now that I'm not feeling grumpy anymore, my head has been cleared.
I realized that I acted childish. Ian just

wanted me to take my studies seriously and we ended up having a serious talk about
changing. I just sighed.
I can't deny that I already miss him. I don't know how but Ian has the ability to
do this to me. He can make me feel a million different emotions simultaneously.
"Hatid na kita, Daze." Axev offered when we were already out of the university. We
were standing in front of the parking section and I half-hoped that Ian's gonna
appear here to fetch me despite of what happened this morning. I was about to
decline his offer when my phone rang. I glanced apologetically towards Axev when I
took out my phone.
My heart jumped out of my ribs when Ian's picture flashed in the caller ID. Shit.
My heart raced when I accepted the call and put it beside ny ear.
"Subukan mong pumayag na magpahatid sa kanya, uuwi siyang kulay talong sa bahay
nila ngayon."
His cold and angry voice sent chills down my spine. And what did he say? I
swallowed hard as I turned my head to look for him. I found him behind my back, two
cars away from us. I inwardly cursed when I saw how dark his expression was. He
nodded in my direction and ended the call before pocketing his phone and walking
towards us.
"Uhm, I have my sundo na pala. Thanks nalang, Axev." I said politely. He still gave
me a smile before nodding understandingly. "Maybe next time." He replied.
"There wouldn't be any next time, kid." Ian's cold voice came out of nowhere and
Axev frowned while looking behind me. I risked a glance and saw him standing so
close to me that my system is starting to go berserk.

ko lang naman ihatid siya pauwi, masama ba yon? Are you Daze's brother? You must be
Alexander." I was filled with confusion when Axev mentioned Kuya's name. I was
starting to think that he's one of my stalkers when I remembered that Kuya's name
is all over the newspapers. He's a well-known business tycoon and Aaron
Monteverde's successor. Of course everyone knows our whole family. I mean, who
wouldn't talk about the Monteverdes? I even remember Dad saying 'we are the epitome
of a perfect family'
"No. Boyfriend nya ako. Stay away or I'm gonna beat you into a pulp." Ian put his
arm on my waist and I almost gulped. Damn it. Why does his touch send jolts of
electricity through my body? Is it legit to feel this way?
Axev gave him a proud smile. "Whatever, I'm just her friend. No worries, man.
Chill." After that he entered his car and waved at me before driving away. When he
was gone, Ian gave me an annoyed look.
"Care to explain what the hell that was?" He queried. "He's a friend." I answered
with a casual tone. He looked at me before letting go of a deep sigh. We went to
his car and boarded it. We were both sitting on the front seats but he's not
driving yet, and no one is speaking. After a while, he sighed again. Heavier, this
"I'm so jealous. So. Fucking. Jealous. Daze." And after that he just pulled me
towards him and gave me an open-mouthed kiss. It was divine and I felt like I've
entered heaven. When he ended the kiss, he put his forehead on mine and with closed
eyes, he spoke.
"I'm sorry if you think that I'm trying to change you. I'm so sorry baby. I
shouldn't have said those things if only I knew that it would upset you. Sorry.
You're right. I shouldn't try to change you. Can you still forgive me?" My heart
warmed. I hugged him and he hugged me back. He pulled me closer and seconds later,
I was already sitting on his lap with my arms around his neck and my face resting
on his collarbone.
That was it. I just melted over his speech. And I knew, I just knew that he won't
leave no matter how messed up I am. And the fact that he got jealous was enough to
make me crazy. It made me think of possibilities. It made me hope that he was
already feeling something towards me.
"The sight of you with another man is enough to put me in frenzy. Tang ina Daze,
hindi ko na alam ang nangyayari sakin. Basta ayokong makitang may kasama kang iba,
ayoko. You're mine, Daze." I felt drumbeats everywhere.
I pouted like a kid when I raised my head to meet his eyes. I saw alarm in those
two orbs. He really was jealous. I wanted to rejoice.
"Daya you. I'm yours but I'm not even sure that you're mine." I complained. He
chuckled softly and cupped my face with his two hands. He made me stare at his eyes
and I did.
"Then starting from this day forward, I hereby declare that Ian Lexus Estillore is
only yours. And you, Daze Alessaina Monteverde. Whether you like it or not, you are
now officially owned by the speed racer."



"Why is my baby frowning?" Ian asked as he took my bag and carried it for me. I
must admit that I found the gesture cute and nakakakilig. We were walking to the
parking lot right now, my class had just ended and my heart fluttered when I saw
him waiting in the university lobby.
"I am nibabagot." I answered casually. I speak tagalog as much as I can because Ian
told me that he finds it sexy. He draped his arm on my shoulders and pulled me
closer. "What do you wanna do?"
I gave him a one-shoulder shrug. I don't know what to do for the weekend. "Diba
wala kang pasok hanggang tuesday?" He queried and I nodded in confusion when I saw
the way his eyes sparkled.
"What are you thinking?" I asked but instead of answering, he gave me a sudden kiss
on my forehead before holding my hand and tugging me towards his audi. "Wait up!" I
yelled and he obeyed. I was catching my breath when we stopped in front of his
black car.
"What was that for?!" I asked him and he just gave me an indirect reply. "Kailangan
nating pumunta sa inyo para maipagpaalam agad kita kila Tito." He said quickly
before opening the car door for me. I got in and he sat on the driver's seat. "What
do you need to ask their permission for? Are we going out on a date or whatever?"
He winked at me before buckling me up. "We'll be having an out of town trip, baby.
Now, brace yourself." He started the engine and sped in blinding speed. I hit his
arm with force while shouting at the top of my lungs. "Slow down, Ian! Are you
gonna kill me?! Oh God, oh God!!! Ian!!!!"
He chuckled loudly and moments

later he lost speed. "I hate you!" I screamed with eyes narrowing in peevishness.
He threw me a sidewys glance before chuckling again. "Baby, your boyfriend is a
speed racer. I got everything under control." He explained but I glared at him.
We reached the mansion in no time. He parked in front and the maid opened the gates
for us. Ian and I walked inside while holding each other's hands. It makes me happy
for some reason, knowing that Ian is already comfortable with me the same way I was
with him. And we already share intimate moments, we kiss sometimes and the feeling?
So sinfully divine.
"Ya, where's Mom and Dad?" I asked my Yaya Roberta. She said that Mom was out with
her friends, Tita Psyche and Tita Theia while Dad was in his study, probably
working his ass off. Dad is a little bit workaholic. Mom is like his breath of
fresh air, his escape route from his stressful job. Dad is the master frowner of
our family, but whenever he sees Mom, the frown disappears and a smile would take
its place. I just admire the kind of love that they have for each other.
"How about you stay here and I'll go take care of things?" Ian suddenly said while
giving me that smile that takes all of my anxieties away. "You won't let Dad
intimidate you, right?" I asked, just to be sure.
He gave me a proud nod and a half-smile. "Nope. It'll be alright. I'll make sure he
agrees to let you go with me." He assured.
"But where will we go?" I queried upon realizing that he hasn't told me our
destination yet. "The world is full of surprises, Daze. Let this be one of them."
He answered. I rolled my eyes at him

and shooed him away.

"Whatever, Ian. Always the one with weird sayings. Go talk to Dad na. I'm pretty
positive about this." He gave me another kiss on yhe forehead before climbing up
the stairs. I breathed in and out and tried to convince myself that Dad will allow
me to go with Ian. But hell, who am I kidding? Dad is an overprotective parent, the
chances of him agreeing to let me go on a trip are way too slim.
My phone rang and I immediately took it out of my bag when I heard the ringtone. I
excitedly accepted the call and placed it near my ear. "Ate!" I beamed and she
grinned from the other line.
"Hello, bunso. Ate misses you." Ate Xiana, who was Kuya Xander's twin was my
favorite sibling. She's the only one that I actually get along with. Maybe it's
because we're both girls.
"I miss you, too. When are you coming back?" I inquired with a hopeful tone.
"I'll visit soon, Daze. Pero alam mo naman na nandito na ang buhay ko diba?" I
sighed. A year ago, Ate Xiana went on a summer vacation to Bicol. She wanted a
peaceful life in the province away from the city's polution. But there, she met an
annoying jerk who was now her boyfriend.
"Ate, make iwan the asshole already! I really don't like him for you! He's too
cocky!" I complained using my bratty tone. I heard a manly laugh over the phone.
"The feeling is mutual, little brat. I don't like you, either. But I love your Ate
so I guess I'd have to put up with that rotten attitude of yours."
"Vane, ano ba! Wag mo ng patulan!"
"What?! She was asking for it! You

heard what she said about me, right? She even called me an asshole! I would really
strangle her if only she wasn't your sister!"
"Vane, isa."
I groaned in annoyance. "I can't believe you put me on loudspeaker! Where's privacy
in that, Ate?! And excusez-moi, Kuya VJ. You really are an asshole."
"I told you not to call me that! Just Vane, okay? Or Vane Jason but not VJ. It
sounds bawdy!"
"Ate calls you VJ sometimes, so what's the difference?" I answered sarcastically,
what a hot-headed guy. I wonder how my sister tolerates this guy's behavior.
"The difference is that you're not her, brat!"
"Mainit na naman ulo mo, dun ka na nga lang muna sa kwarto. Susunod ako, I just
want to talk to my sister." Ate's voice was calm and soothing. That's why everybody
likes her. Other people might think that I hate her because she's the epitome of
perfection while I was the complete opposite of her. But I don't. I don't hate her.
She's the sister that I always looked up to. She was always there for me and I
loved her for that. Even though I often hear people comparing the two of us, I
don't really mind. Because I know that in her eyes we are both equal.
"Sorry 'bout that bunso. You know how Vane gets. Anyway, how's life in the city?
How are Mom and Dad?" I filled her in about the things that happened currently. Of
course, I admitted to her that I already have a boyfriend but I just gave her the
five-minute version of the story. Then our conversation drifted to Kuya Zade and
his social-climbing girlfriend Sam Claudette which

Ate seems to hate, too. Lastly, we talked about the Frowner Jr., Kuya Xander.
When I heard footsteps on the grand staircase, I looked up and saw a descending
Ian. He was holding a paper in his hand and he gave me a confident smile.
"Ate, gotta go. Prince Charming's done talking to the king."
Ate laughed and said, "Okay. Bye bunso. I love you." I ended the call and pocketed
my phone. Ian grinned and I excitedly asked him. "So, did Dad approve?"
His expression told me the answer. I giggled before attacking him with a hug. He
grinned back and I felt his arms envelop me. When I let go, I eyed the paper he's
still holding and my forehead automatically creased.
"What is that you're holding?"
He raised the paper and shrugged in nonchalance. "This? Oh, nothing. Just a waiver
your Dad asked me to sign."
My eyes bulged. "A what?!"
"A waiver." He repeated. I grabbed it and read it. On the paper was the messy
handwriting of my Dad. It simply said that if something bad happens to me while
we're on the trip, Ian is as good as dead. On the bottom was a signature of him and
Dad. And the dry seal of our company. I face-palmed.
"This is insane!" I muttered. Ian shrugged and chuckled. "Yeah? Well, the most
insane part is when he took a video footage of me swearing an oath of allegiance to
him. He made me swear to look after you and to take care of you for those days that
we'll be together in another town."
I gaped at him, hoping he wasn't serious but knowing my Dad? Well, let's just say
that I know Ian is not telling a lie. A maid called me

and told me that my Dad wants to talk to me so I left Ian downstairs and went to
Dad's study. I found him sitting on his swivel chair while a laptop was in front of
"Dad." I called to alert him of my presence. He removed his eyeglasses and gave me
a small smile. "Honey, come here." I inched forward and stopped when I was already
in front of his desk. "I wanna talk to you before you go."
"Dad you're doing it again. You're acting as if you're not gonna see me. It's just
four days." He sighed. "But you know what happened to your Ate Xiana, diba? 'Just
one summer, Dad. Please.' And where is she now? She's in Bicol with that guy I
barely trust. One summer turned out to be one whole year. And just like that, I
lost her."
I came closer and hugged him. "Dad is that what happens when people get old? They
become madrama?" I joked but he didn't laugh.
"Four days, Dad. Only four days, you're too paranoid. And you didn't lose Ate. She
said she'll visit soon." I explained.
"Paranoid? Concerned is how I'd like to put it. When Ian asked for my permission,
well, I immediately called your Mom and asked about her opinion. She was the one
who suggested about the oath of fealty."
I laughed. "You guys are such.."
"Such what?"
"Wonderful parents. Love you Dad." I kissed his cheek and he embraced me.
"I sure hope we don't regret this decision. Now go, darling. Ian is waiting for you
"Thanks, Daddy." He gave me a fatherly smile and patted my head. I exited the room
and found Ian looking from downstairs.
"When will we leave?"

I asked before thinking of the clothes that I wanted to bring for the trip.
He beamed. "Right now."
I gaped at him. "You must be kidding me!"
He shook his head. "Afraid not, baby."
My eyes widened in disbelief. I quickly descended from the stairs and went to him.
"Are you crazy? We haven't even packed up yet!" I was starting to get frantic but
he just smiled, crinkles appearing on the side of his eyes.
"No need. I'll buy you clothes when we get there." He didn't give me time to
protest, he grabbed my hand and lead me outside. We got in his car and he drove to
who knows what airport. I was still in shock while in the road. I can't believe
we're actually going on a trip, unprepared. UN PRE PARED! Can you even believe this
"Does my Dad know that tonight is our departure?" I queried and he nodded,
happiness dripping from his well-sculpted god-like features. "Yep, he knows
everything. I told him about my sudden plans and after a long talk, he finally
agreed. At first I was scared that he'll veto my plans but I'm glad he didn't. I
just really wanna spend this weekend with you."
My heart warmed. Ian never fails to make me speechless because of so much
happiness. Right now, I would've given him a full kiss if ony he wasn't driving.
God, Ian is just too good to be real. I was smiling all throughout the whole drive
to the airport. When we reached it, he immediately called his driver to fetch the
car from the airport.
We went to the counter (or whatever the hell you call the place wherein you can buy
tickets) and the woman smiled at us.
"How may I help you, Sir?" She asked Ian and Ian held my hand before speaking. "Two
tickets, please."
"Where to, Sir?" She asked again. And Ian's answer shocked me. "Anywhere."
"What?!" I suddenly said. Ian just gave me an assuring smile.
"Pardon?" The woman looked bewildered. "Soonest departing flight, kahit saan. Basta
gusto ko yung paalis na." He replied. I was astonished. Ian is being adventurous
The woman behind the frint desk understood and gave us our tickets. She said that
the soonest departing flight was from Manila to Iloilo. And it leaves in thirty
minutes. Ian grabbed my hand tightly and thanked the woman and after a few minutes,
we were already seated inside the plane, readying ourselves for the short flight.
"You're more insane than Dad!" I commented while looking outside the plane window.
He just pulled me close for a hug and I rested my head on his chest. It feels
really good to be with him. I feel the sparks flying in the air around me.
"Have you been to Iloilo before?" I asked him but he shook his head. "Nope. It's
okay. We're together. That's all that matters, right?" He asked.
I smiled as I felt the wild beating of my heart. "Right."
His hug tightened and I just savored the moment. I have always loved his hugs. It
makes me feel like I'm some important person in the world. It makes me feel
complete and so alive.
I buried my face on his armpit. I just love doing this. His armpits smell so manly.
I giggled. "Hey, baby?" I called.
"Hmm?" He sniffed my hair and kissed the top of my head, giving my scalp a tingling
"Can we be Pedro and Maria again?" I requested but he stayed silent. Just when I
was about to take back what I've just said, he caressed my hair and mumbled words
on my ear.
"Iloilo awaits us, Maria. Now go take a nap, sweetheart."



Touchdown Iloilo International Airport. I smiled as I felt the coldness of the

night. It took us an hour to get here. Ian smiled at me before intertwining his
fingers in mine. We walked out of the airport hand in hand. It was sweet and I
could see the silly smile emanating on his face. We rode a cab to get to a well-
known hotel. After a few minutes, Ian is already talking to the clown in the front
desk. Err, I meant the receptionist. She was eyeing my boyfriend as if he was the
best viend in a dinner buffet! Gosh, what a slut!
"Two rooms, please." Ian said politely. I was feeling rather bitchy today so I put
on a sexy smile and bit my lip. "One, actually."
He looked shocked when he saw my expression. He frowned at me. "Are you sure about
I nodded. "Yep. I'd rather share a room with my boyfriend than give opportunity to
bitches out there to sneak in your room." My eyebrow hitched upwards as I gave the
hotel receptionist a blood-draining glare. She swallowed uneasily and gave us a
forced smile which turned out faker than her silicon boobs.
Ian paid and she immediately gave us our room key. Ian started walking away but I
lingered there to scoff at her. "What can I do for you, maam?"
"Just stay the fuck away from my man. I'd give you the dirty finger right now if it
isn't a waste of time."
She gulped. "B-but Maam-"
My forehead creased as I held up my hand to signal her to stop. My lips curved into
a cruel smile and I was about to say something when Ian called me. He was already
standing in front of the elevator and was looking

at me in confusion, as if wondering what I'm possibly doing in here when the key
was already given to us.
I smiled sweetly. "One moment, baby!" He nodded and waited for me. I turned my
attention back to the unidentified creature who dared ogle at Ian. She couldn't
look me in the eyes. "Do you need anything else, maam?" She asked while stammering.
I rolled my eyes upon hearing her speak. "Nah, just wanted to make things clear.
And oh, it's Queen Daze for you, darling." After saying that, I flipped my long
beautiful hair and strutted towards where Ian was standing. He gave me a frown.
"What took you so long? And why do I feel like you did something?"
I made irap. "Hmp. I just teached the receptionist a lesson. Didn't you notice her
stares?! She was obviously lusting over you!" I shrieked.
He chuckled and ruffled my hair. "That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you
I rolled my eyes and just then the elevator opened. We stepped inside and I crossed
my arms as it closed. "It's not. She really was looking at you that way. As if you
were Perseus and she was Andromeda."
He grinned. "Wow, you're talkin' greek!" I hit his chest because I was still pissed
off. He caught my hand and then winked. "You wanna do something naughty?" He asked
with a wild twinkle in his eyes. I gaped as I processed his words. I hit him again
on the chest and he grimaced.
"What was that for?" He asked. My face was all red. "I am not gonna have sex with
you inside this elevator, Ian! No!" I suddenly blurted out. I can't believe him!
All of a sudden, he started laughing. And I gave him

a glare which made him suppress it but it was no use anyway. It was pretty overt
that he was enjoying my reaction. "Stop it, Ian! It's not funny!"
He held up both hands to signal a truce but his damn laughter reverberates on all
four corners of this elevator. I was starting to get mildly annoyed with him and
when he noticed it, he bit his lip to keep himself from grinning. I rolled my eyes
and crossed my arms.
"Okay, sorry. Sorry. I just found your idea a bit comical, baby. Sorry." He pouted.
Gosh, he looked so cute that I was fighting the urge to pinch his cheeks. I
pretended to be angry and all of a sudden I felt his arms wrapping around my body.
"Hey, talk to me." He said in a naglalambing voice but I ignored him.
This is a perfectly fine night ruined in less that five minutes. "Sorry na. Bati na
tayo, please?" He said huskily and I swear that I had to bite my lip to prevent
myself from saying something.
"Daze naman. I'm sorry I laughed at you. Kasi naman, nakakatawa yung sabi mo. You
really thought that I was suggesting that we do it here. I respect you, okay?" He
said sincerely while wearing that cute expression I found immensely attractive and
hard to ignore.
"Eh you asked me if I wanna do something naughty! Syempre that was the first thing
I would think of!" I yelled like a crabby teenager. He chuckled. "Hindi naman yun
ang ibig kong sabihin nung tinanong kita nun." He explained while I remained
wearing a stern expression. Then I bowed down as shame started enveloping my
system. So, I was wrong...
I felt uncomfortable but I tried to mask it by rolling

my eyes in a really brat-like way.

"What ba?!" I asked with my voice raised. He pointed to the cctv camera inside the
elevator and I just frowned even more. I really don't get him. So what if there's a
camera inside here?
"Anong naughty dun?!" I queried using my childlike voice which I only use when I'm
teed off.
"This." I barely had time to process things when he suddenly pulled my body closer
and leaned forward to give me a kiss that will surely give me tingles. I felt the
movement his lips were making and I copied it. I didn't give a damn about the cam
above our heads, I was completely drawn to his kiss that I don't want to end it.
That I don't even care if we were being watched.
Indeed it was something naughty. And the odd thing was that the goddess in me was
enjoying it. I embraced him and pulled him closer and he kissed me savagely like he
couldn't get enough of me. And I'm liking it and loving it and now I'm losing
I couldn't think of adjectives that would suit this feeling. I don't even think
there is a word that can explain this because I myself, can not. I just know that
his kiss is something that would linger in my memory until my hair turns white and
my skin turns wrinkly.
When I ended the kiss, Ian was smiling at me. The smile that could make me feel
that everything is in its rightful place. The stars belong in the ether, the fishes
in the ocean, the moon in the night sky... And Pedro belongs with Maria.
And I smiled. It wasn't Pedro and Maria when we kissed. Because the moment his lips
touched mine, I knew that I was Daze Alessaina and that

I belong with Ian.

The elevator pinged and before we went out, naughty Ian waved at the cctv. And I
don't know what took over me but I flashed a peace sign before grinning widely. Ian
then took my hand again and we walked towards our room as if nothing happened.
He was smiling really giddily while opening the door. When we got in, I quickly
jumped on bed and giggled. "This is as soft as my bed at home!" I also noticed that
there was only one bed. I grinned to myself as I pictured the two of us sleeping
beside each other. The scene was heartwarming.
He lay next to me and I scooted closer. I used his arm as a pillow and rested my
head on it. I felt him give my head a light kiss before closing his eyes. I checked
the clock on the wall and it read 7:15 pm.
"Pahinga lang tayo ng konti then punta tayong mall so we could buy clothes." He
suggested and I just gave him a nod then I closed my eyes to take a nap. I'm not
worried that he'll do something to me because I trust him and I know that he
respects me. He said so, remember? He shifted and then I felt his arm resting just
above my abdomen.
"Ian?" I called.
"Tell me something I don't know." I remember playing this game with Dad every time
he wants us to catch up.
"I'm half Italian." He replied. "Eh, I already know that! I was a stalker kaya
dati! And your full name is Ian Lexus Mazitelli Estillore, right?" I pouted. I
heard his chuckle and his chest vibrated. "And yours is Daze Alessaina Hurdiss
My eyes bulged. "How did you know that?"
"I have my sources, baby." I hit his

arm but he deflected it and kissed the back of my palm.

"So, you were my stalker, huh? Do you also know that I have a mole on my butt?" He
grinned while I gaped at him. "Weh?! Which butt cheek? Left or right?" I asked,
suddenly interested.
He laughed at me as if he found me cute. "Left." He answered using a casual tone. I
was giggling like crazy that he creased his brows. "Anong nakakatawa don, baby?
Ngayon ka lang ba nakaencounter ng lalaking may nunal sa kaliwang pisngi ng pwet?"
I shook my head while smiling radiantly. "No. I was just really overjoyed when you
said that because..." I intended to cut my sentence so he'll feel intrigued.
"Because?" He was waiting for my answer and I let out a short laugh. "I also have a
mole on my butt. But it's on my right butt cheek. Hehe!"
He chuckled as he ruffled my hair. "Soulmates." He jested.
I nodded again. "Yep. And women are always right. You can ask my mole if you're
doubting." He suddenly kissed my cheek. "Oh, such cuteness my girlfriend
I felt that thing people call kilig again. I embraced him and he hugged me back.
"Tell me more about you." I mumbled. He was silent for a while.
When I thought that the silence would last for eons, he finally spoke. "My mother
died the very same day I graduated from college."
I stayed silent. I knew it was hard for him to talk about it so I just hugged him
real tight to let him know that I'm here and that I won't leave. I somehow knew how
painful that is because I grew up very close with my mom and to imagine a life
without her was just unbearable.
I felt Ian's arm pulling me closer. I felt his warmth and that made me feel better.

"There is light at the end of the tunnel, Ian. Always remember that." I said. I
don't know what else to say so I told him that. Right at this very moment, I just
felt like it was the most appropriate thing to say.
He used his finger to twist my head so that I would be facing him. He looked at me
in the eyes and I swear that I just wanted to melt under his dark gaze.
"Grazie, bella mia." He spoke in Italian, with the husky voice and the impeccable
accent. His forehead was leaning on mine and our eyes were both closed. His hot
breath can be felt by my cheeks and I flushed.
I don't understand italian, but I'm pretty confident that grazie meant thank you. I
frowned. Why would he thank me?
"What was the thanks for?"
He smiled. "For being the light that I needed."
I smiled back. "I'll always be your light as long as you need me." I gave him a
light kiss and suddenly I felt ashamed of what I did so I moved back a little bit.
His free hand gently touched my face. He caressed my cheek while looking at me
intently as if thinking of something.
"My mother was right when she told me that magic exists. I used to laugh at her
when I was a kid because I know that it wasn't real. But now, I get it." He used
his thumb to brush the side of my lips and I smiled while he continued to talk.
"Magic isn't about producing rabbits out of black hats or making a flower appear
behind your back. It's not about those things magicians make us believe." He closed
his eyes for a moment and opened them again. And when he did, there was a smile on
his face as his eyes bore down on me.
"Magic does exist, Daze. Si chiama amore."



"Hey, you cool with this?" I asked as I took a blue board shorts and held it up for
him to see. He gave me a smile and took it. He didn't even examine the cloth or
"Yeah, I think I love it." He said as he took another with a different color. I
smiled while watching him pick clothes. Shopping clothes with your boyfriend really
gives you a different feeling. It makes my heart swell with so much happiness. I
went to a nearby rack and checked out their sandos and shirts. I was tapping my
finger on my lip while I was choosing a top which will look good on Ian.
I took five different shirts and two sandos, one black and one white and I showed
it to him. "Take your pick. I couldn't decide, I like these five but you said that
you're only getting three so..." I told him while I showed him the shirts I really
"I'll take all of 'em." He said casually before taking the shirts and putting it on
the basket along with the shorts we picked a while ago. I just shrugged. We walked
to the underwear section.
I found myself blushing as I stared at the rows of underwear on display and Ian's
keen eyes saw it. "Oh, pilian mo na ako baby." He said with a playful tone. I
smacked his arm and glared at him while he grinned like crazy.
"Joke lang, eto naman!" He told the salesman his size and it made even my splitends
blush! Dammit! I was supposed to act casual but here I am, having trouble keeping a
straight face while Ian was busy giving me jesting winks.
"Here, Sir. Thank you." He put a pack of underwear on the basket and he held my
hand as we walked towards the

counter so he could pay for it.

"No need to be shy, Daze." He kissed the top of my head after letting out a hearty
chuckle that vexed me. I pinched his arm with my nails and he grimaced. "Ouch."
"Stop making fun of me or I'll cut your greatest possession!" I hissed at him and
he feigned shock. "You're gonna cut yourself?! Why would you do that?" He asked
with a fake look of innocence pasted on his features.
It was my turn to look confused. "What? Why would I do that to myself? I said I'm
gonna cut your thing!" I scoffed.
He just grinned and pulled me closer for a one-arm hug since his other hand was
holding the basket. He leaned on my ear and whispered. "Rule number one, baby.
Always remember that you are my greatest possession. Only you." He left me
dumbstruck after saying that, he put the basket on the counter and the saleslady
started punching on her machine.
I stood there, with brows creased as kilig slowly killed me. After he paid for all
those, he took the paper bags and grabbed my hand, intertwining his fingers in
mine. My heart loses sanity whenever he does that. I don't know if it's because
he's acting sweet or because I just really adore him too much.
We walked hand in hand inside the mall and I just couldn't help but raise my
eyebrow on those girls who dared give him a second look. No one looks at my man
like that. Anyone who's bold enough should be prepared to face my wrath. I am Daze
Alessaina Hurdiss-Monteverde and my name screams of perfection, elegance and
royalty. No one will ever stand a chance against me.
"What's with the sour mood?" Ian asked

when he saw how deeply furrowed my brows were. I rolled ny eyes and shook my head
"Baby, c'mon. Spill it." He coaxed, and at the end I did.
"Women keep on staring at you!" I growled angrily while I crossed my arms due to
extreme frustration. Instead of doing something to placate my annoyance, I saw a
hint of a smile coming on his face. I narrowed my eyes. "Why do you seem happy
about that?! Tell me, do you like it when women find you handsome?! Do you like it
when they stare at you as if you were some kind of tasty treat?!" I'm short-
tempered, I know. This comes with being a Monteverde. Of us all, Ate Xiana is the
only one who doesn't have the said trait.
Grace under pressure. That describes her well, she is nice and timid and she lived
by the rules. While I, I was the bitch in the family. I was the brat, the spoiled
kvetcher who does nothing but whine. And right now as I see people eyeing my
boyfriend with adoration in their eyes, I swear that I wanted to just rip their
chests open and take their hearts and feed it to the wolves! God, I am so irked
that I wanted to see their bloods staining my blouse!
Ian broke into fits of laughter that I got totally pissed off with. I gritted my
teeth and walked out, I left him there and started walking away with no particular
destination. I felt bad because I thought that he would just let me walk out on him
completely but he didn't. He pulled my hand and encased me in a hug that seemed to
melt the annoyance away.
He was still laughing, but it's controlled now. "I don't." He said, completely
ignorant to the fact that people

were already watching us. Or maybe he just simply didn't give a damn at all. And if
he doesn't, then why the hell would I?
"What do you mean you don't?" I asked. He let go of the hug and took my hand ang
kissed my knuckles one by one. "I don't like it when other girls look at me. I only
want to be looked at by you. You can just stare at me all day and I wouldn't
fucking care, Daze. You could watch everything I do and I wouldn't give a single
fuck as long as your full attention is directed to me, only to me. I can be that
selfish when it comes to you."
All my anxieties melted away. I seriously wanted to cry because of what he said. I
felt the sincerity of every word and it made my heart bleed with ichor. I hugged
him and he hugged me back. And I know, I just know, that trespassing in his house
was the rightest decision I have ever made.
"You can really be cheesy when you want to, huh?" I teased and he pouted a bit. I
found it adorable.
"Yeah, anything to make my girlfriend the happiest person on this planet."
"I am happy, Ian. Thank you." I gave him a smile and he smiled back at me, the
people melting all around us. Everything, except for Ian's voice is just background
noise. Right now, he's all that I see and he's all that I hear. He's right, nothing
much matters as long as we're together.
The world can hurl anything at me and I wouldn't even care because I'm with Ian. I
will be the light at the end of his tunnel and he's gonna be mine.
"Enough with this schmaltzy talk. Let's go buy you some clothes, baby." He said
before taking my hand again. I smiled vibrantly and

raised my chin. I am the girlfriend. I should not feel this way towards those
assuming onlookers because I'm the one he wants to be with and not them.
We walked inside a clothing line for females and I checked out the display. I
wanted to wear a floral dress because he told me that we would go to beaches here
in Iloilo so I'm opting for comfy clothes.
"Baby, try this on. Bagay sayo." Ian said as he handed me a midnight blue knee-
length dress with floral designs on it. I took it and asked the saleslady where
their fitting room was and she gladly escorted me towards it. I removed my clothes
and wore the dress Ian wanted me to try on. I looked at myself in the mirror and
smirked. I look a lot like Mom.
I took out my iPhone and took a selfie. I quickly posted it on my instagram
account, captioned as: Shopping in Iloilo with the bf.
I quickly pocketed my phone and went out so Ian could see it. He was sitting cross-
legged on the couch while looking at other dresses when I called him. "Baby?"
He glanced at me and wasn't able to say anything. He was just, well, looking. At
me. Intensely. I swallowed and twirled in front of him. "You like it?" I asked.
He smiled slowly and took my hand. "Do it again, turn around while I hold your hand
like this." I did as I was told even if it looked weird. When I was twirling back,
he held me by the waist and looked at me in the eyes intently while saying, "I
don't like it. I fucking love it. You look ravishing." He stooped down and gave me
a peck before letting go.
I grinned and gently pushed him because the

saleslady might feel awkward around us because of our public display of affection.
I gave him a glorious smirk. "Amazed?" I asked with a proud expression, he smirked
back at me.
"Nah, more like stupefied." He replied. He turned to the saleslady nearby.
"My girlfriend's a real knock-out, isn't she?" He asked while his eyes were still
focused on me. The saleslady-who to my extreme gratitude doesn't seem to be
attracted to Ian-agreed. "Oho, Sir. Pangbeauty queen si Maam."
I gave her a genuine smile for telling the truth and Ian scratched his chin. "I
know, that gives me more reason to be possessive of her." I flushed.
He gave me three more dresses to try on and I went back to the fitting room to wear
all those. All fitted and I liked them. Ian's choice when it comes to what I should
wear is impressively impeccable. I went out wearing my original clothes and he
frowned at me.
"You were supposed to show me what those clothes looked like on you." He said and I
shrugged. "Well, element of surprise. You'll see when I wear 'em."
"Fine." He gave in. I went to the other side of the shop and grabbed three pairs of
tops and bottoms. I told Ian to leave the decision of choosing my underwears to me
but he just gave me a blank stare while saying, "So, you don't trust my judgement
when it comes to underwears?"
I hit him with a fist and gave him a death stare. "It's awkward, so just let me
choose for myself!" He raised an eyebrow and walked out without any word. I rolled
my eyes as I picked undies and brassieres. I quickly went to the counter and handed
Ian's card

to the cashier girl. She smiled at me while she packed the clothes in a paperbag. I
carried all four paperbags and went out only to find Ian leaning on the wall. He
approached me with a grim look while taking the paperbags so he could carry it
"Hey, you mad?" I queried. He didn't answer. I palmed my face, I know it's still
about the underwear issue.
"Don't be mad." I said in a small voice. He gave a harsh sigh and quickly kissed my
forehead. "You know I can't stay mad at you, kahit ano pang gawin mo hindi ko
kayang magalit. C'mon, let's eat. San mo gustong kumain?" He asked.
I thought for a while and beamed. "Jollibee!"
He raised an eyebrow, "I didn't know you liked Jollibee!"

"Are you kidding! It's the best! Sobra kaya!" He was taken aback by my sudden
pagtatagalog so he wasn't able to oppose my decision. I tugged his hand and we went
inside Jollibee. He made me sit on a chair he pulled for me. He set the paperbags
down and asked me what I wanted. After I told him, he walked towards the counter to
order while I propped my chin on my palm.
I was in deep thoughts about life when a voice broke me from my reverie. "Uh, miss.
Excuse me?" I turned and saw a guy who was probably the same age as me who was
smiling ever so awkwardly at me. He looks tensed and I can't help but notice the
droplets of sweat on the side of his face.
"What?" I asked in a bratty tone. He smiled at me again showing his mossy teeth
that freaked me the hell out. He held out his phone. "A-ako si Jimmy. Pwede ko bang
makuha ang number mo? Ganda mo kasi. Textmate tayo tapos

ligawan kita." He said before reaching for my hand. My eyes widened. This ingrate!
He dares touch me?!
Before I could even take his hand away, a crash was heard. The next thing I know
was that this Jimmy guy was looking at his phone on the floor which was now in
pieces. When I raised my gaze, I saw Ian with a serious expression that scared even
the cavities of this guy in front of me.
"Selpown ko! Cherry mobile pa man din!" He exclaimed in a panicked voice. Ian's
face was filled with rage.
"Hindi lang cellphone mo ang babasagin ko kapag hindi mo nilayuan ang girlfriend
ko!" His voice boomed inside Jollibee. Guards were all around us now, asking us
what happened.
"Sir, huminahon po kayo." Said the other guard.
Ian looked at him and spoke in a cold and angry tone. "Huminahon?! Pano ako
hihinahon kung hinawakan niya ang girlfriend ko! Bullshit!"
Jimmy looked scared but he was trying to be defiant. "Bakit mo sinira selpown ko!
Palitan mo yan, pare! Cherry mobile yan! Aba, mahal yan!"
Ian pushed him but the guards held him back. He took out his wallet and shoved
dollars in the guy's chest. Jimmy looked shocked and unsure what to do. "I could
fucking buy this whole mall if I wanted to! Kainin mo pera ko, gago! Bitiwan niyo
ako!" He yelled to the guards. He pushed them away and took our paper bags. "Daze,
let's go!" He said in his loud and scary tone. I gulped and followed. Everyone was
looking at us!
He headed towards another Jollibee and I just tailed him. He sat on a vacant table
and set our paperbags down. He didn't bother asking me what I wanted, he just

ordered and minutes later, we were already eating our food in dead silence. I
didn't want to ask because I knew that he was still fuming. We got to a cab and
when we were already inside the hotel room, he sighed harshly and sat on the side
of the bed.
"Go take a bath so we could sleep. I'm in no mood to talk Daze." He said in a
serious tone. I nodded and took clothes and entered the bathroom. I showered
quickly and got dressed. When I went out, I was already wearing a thin shirt and
purple jammies. "Your turn." I said. He just gave me a blank stare and stormed
inside. After twenty minutes, he walked out wearing boxers and a plain white shirt.
He dried his hair and was already dragging a blanket and a pillow to the couch when
I called him.
"Please sleep beside me. The bed is huge and it can accommodate the two of us." I
requested while staring at my hands. He didn't reply and I sighed in defeat. I bit
my lip as I positioned myself on bed. I was about to close my eyes when I heard the
bed creak. I felt Ian's arm around my waist and my breath got caught up while he
pulled me towards him.
I slowly twisted to look at him and he met my gaze with his dark and fiery eyes. I
looked down. "You're scaring me." I admitted. He remained silent. I was starting to
feel uneasy when he suddenly caressed my face. He talked in a soothing voice. "I'm
sorry, baby. I just.. I just couldn't control my anger. I'm sorry. Di na mauulit."
He embraced me and I rested my head on his strong arm. "Tulog ka na, goodnight
Daze." He said. "G-goodnight." I even stammered while I said those. I closed my
eyes and tried to sleep. But I just can't.
A few minutes passed and I still don't feel sleepy. Maybe Ian thought I was asleep
because he started caressing my hair. After a while, I heard him let go of a deep
sigh. And then he cursed. Again and again.
"Putang ina talaga. Hindi ko makalimutan ang mukha ng lalaking yon."
He caressed my face again and kissed my head. He then started touching my cheeks
gently before sighing for the second time.
"Kaya kong banggain lahat ng tao para sayo. Kahit sino, Daze. Kahit presidente pa
yan ng Pilipinas. I would fucking end their life without feeling any bit of remorse
if they lay even a single finger on you."



The next morning, I woke up with a heavy thing draped over my stomach. My eyes
widened when I saw Ian's arm still embracing me. His face was on my neck and my
heartbeat accelerated when he stirred. I pretended to be asleep as I felt him
remove his arm.
His hand went to my face and caressed it like it was the most fragile thing in the
universe. "Sarap magising ng ganito." He muttered, maybe only to himself. The bed
creaked and he once again put me inside his warm embrace.
"Tangina Daze nakakabading ka na ha. I don't normally do cuddling but damn, baby.
You are an exception to my rules." He mumbled before resting his face on my neck to
inhale my scent. I was suppressing a smile so he wouldn't figure out that I was
eavesdropping but he suddenly laughed.
"Open those wonderful eyes of yours, baby. You're not that good of a pretender, you
know?" He chuckled before showering my face with little kissess that tickled me. I
grinned at him before putting my palm on his lips to stop him.
I pouted before I mouthed my greeting. "Morning." I yawned and he abruptly scooped
me up from bed that I couldn't help but scream at the top of my lungs. "Ahhhh, Ian!
Put me down!" I hit him on his rock-hard chest and he grinned before putting me
back on the bed. I hit him with the pillow but he just swatted it away and attacked
me with a hug. I shouted with glee and surprise but I hugged him back.
"What's with you? You seem extra happy today." I commented. He sat on the side of
the bed and just looked at me, a smile slowly materializing on his handsome face.
"I'm just happy.

Hindi ko alam na ganito pala ang feeling ng gigising ka, at mukha ng girlfriend mo
ang una mong makikita. The feeling is just so unexplainably amazing." His eyes were
closed while saying that.
While he's at it, I busied myself by studying his body which wasn't that exposed
since he's wearing a shirt. But my traitorous eyes stopped on the middle of his
boxer shorts. I gulped as I stared at his morning wood which was standing regally.
My eyes seemed to be glued to it but I snapped out of my perverted thoughts when
Ian called my name in a serious manner.
"Eyes up, Daze." He said.
I had trouble averting my eyes from his thing but I was finally successful to do
so. He took a pillow to cover it. He's wearing a calm expression but his eyes were
glassy. "S-stop looking at me like that!" He yelled,hus voice suddenly unsteady.
I cringed at the sound of his voice. "Looking at you like what?" I asked, my voice
getting tinier with each word. He groaned, frustration obviously welling up inside
"Like you wanted me to do it with you!" His voice was a pitch higher. After he said
that, my cheeks changed into a light shade of pink. He groaned again and then
sighed heavily. "Shit, just fucking shit."
I remained silent. He reached for me and kissed the top of my head. I was trying
hard to ignore the fact that we're inside the same room and that I just saw his
bulge and that as much as I hate to admit, it kinda turns me on.
"May respeto ako sayo. I'll take a bath first, you follow. We'll have breakfast
then may pupuntahan tayo." He said before storming into the bathroom. I

collapsed on bed and I had to prevent the sudden compulsion of slapping my own
face! I probably looked like I wanna do him! Damn! Damn Daze! You're seventeen and
your thoughts are already corrupted! Jeez!
After a few minutes, Ian walked out, wearing his patterned black board shorts and
just a thin white shirt. I quickly showered and put on one of the dresses he bought
for me yesterday. It looks comfortable and it fits perfectly. I combed my hair and
didn't bother putting on any make-up. I'm beautiful, effortlessly.
When I went out of the bathroom, I saw him seated on the side of the bed. He gave
me a warm smile that made my knees turn into jell-o.
"Tara." I took his hand and we walked out of the hotel room. He lead me to an open-
air seafood restaurant nearby.
"You seem to know a lot about this place. I thought you've never been here before?"
I inquired. He gave me a one-shoulder shrug. "Well, I researched about Iloilo last
night when you fell asleep. I looked for tourist spots we could go into."
I nodded. We got seated on a table nearest to the entrance. The wind keeps on
blowing my long hair that I started to get irritated. I took my scrunchie and was
about to tie my hair in a bun when Ian stopped my hand. I gave him a look of
confusion and then he took the scrunchie from my hand and stood behind me.
"Let me tie your hair." He said. He gathered my hair and tried so hard to fix it. I
wanted to laugh because I could feel his frustration when my hair kept on coming
back down or sliding out of his grip. He gathered it again and quickly tied it in a
messy bun. A messy

bun in its truest sense because it really was messy and a bit shitty but I don't
All I know is that I'm happy because of his simple gestures that seems to be his
other way of showing me that I'm important to him.
He sank back on his seat and looked at the menu.
"Dammit, I could use some practice." He muttered, a little bit dejected but I gave
him a wide smile. "It's okay, messy buns suit me better."
I stared at the menu and instantly felt my stomach growl in excitement when I saw
that they serve such huge crabs! Wow! I should try this.
"I want crabs, you?"
"Crabs too. And prawns. Drinks?"
"Pineapple juice."
He nodded and called the waiter. He gave our orders and the waiter jotted it down
in his pad. He then ambled towards the kitchen to prepare our meals. I noticed that
people were using their bare hands to eat. My eyes widened in disbelief as I
pictured myself doing the same.
"I can't do that! I can't use my hands to eat! Mom said that it's unethical!" I
mouthed. I really couldn't imagine the way I'll look like if I do that thing. Ian
gave me an assuring smile before speaking.
"It's easy. Just look at the way my hands move. Like this." He demonstrated and I
groaned in utter refusal. But I palmed my face for I knew that I have no choice. I
had to eat the way these people in here eat.
Ian's phone rang and he looked at me as if asking if it was okay if he'd answer the
call. I gave him my go signal and he swiped accept and put it on his ear.
"Hello, what do you need a-hole?" He spoke with a hint of irateness in his tone.

I'm on vacation. Go call Nathan or Emman about that. Tell the client that I can't
meet him personally. I'm away." I watched as his eyebrows knitted. He massaged his
temples while listening to what Zed was saying on the other line.
"You can handle that, don't be a douchebag, man! And don't call me again, bye!" He
dropped the call and looked at me apologetically.
"Business?" I asked and he nodded. "Zed called to inform me that one of our clients
is backing out for no reason at all. Maybe it's because of Nathan again. He keeps
on flirting with our clients' daughters. Damn that guy."
I bit my lip. "We can go back to Manila if-"
"No! No, baby. The three assholes can handle that." He said all too suddenly. I was
about to protest when his phone rang for the second time.
"You should answer that, it's probably important." I said. He looked at me. "Right.
Sorry." He took his phone and answered on the third ring. He looks mildly annoyed
because of the disturbance.
"Isa ka pa, Emman! Nasa bakasyon kami ni Daze kaya kung pwede-WHAT?! Really?!" He
suddenly perked up as if his interest got caught.
"When will that be? Next month na agad? I.. I'll think about it dude. Not sure
"Ulol Emman! Nangasar ka pa, ayusin mo na buhay mo gago!" After saying that, he set
the phone down while I looked at him with curiosity in my eyes.
"What was that?" I asked.
He looked uncertain when he looked at me. "Uhm, may racing competition next month."
He said casually.
I frowned. Why would he say that he's not sure yet? Because I've been a stalker for
a year, I knew

that he never turns down any racing competition. But what now?
"Why did you tell Emman that you're not sure? You love racing, what's with the
second thoughts?" I queried. He looked me in the eyes and scratched the back of his
head. "Eh, magpapaalam sana ako sayo kung papayag ka. Ikokonsulta ko kasi muna sayo
yun kaya hindi muna ako umoo. Baka kasi ayaw mo."
I looked at him, astounded and confused. "Of course I would let you! Who am I to
say no?" I asked in a tone filled with disbelief.
"You're my girlfriend." He answered seriously. I creased my brows. "Kahit na! That
won't ever give me the right to stop you from doing the thing that you love." I
said quickly, I unconsciously spoke tagalog because I wasn't expecting those
answers from him and I was a bit touched with it. He wanted to ask for my
permission, he values my opinion.
I bit my lip to stop a silly smile from forming. I'm just too happy.
"But I'm doing the thing that I love. And that's being with you." He replied.
That's it. I felt my heart explode in a million pieces and it rained inside my body
and fell all around my other organs like confettis. I couldn't say anything, partly
because I don't know what to say. I was almost thankful when I saw our orders being
set on the table. He thanked the waiter and gave him a tip which the lad seemed
overjoyed about.
I stared at the massive crab on the plate. "You love racing." I said after a while.
He fixed me with a soul-shattering stare before replying. "There are things that
are much more important to me than joining that race."
"But Ian-"
you worry?" He cut me off by that question. I looked up and into his eyes. "H-ha?"
"I said will you worry? Kapag sumali ba ako dun mag-aalala ka sakin?" My heart
thumped louder because of his intense stares.
"Of course I will, Ian. You-"
"Then no. I won't join that race. I don't want you to worry." He said as he reached
for the crab and started taking off its huge top shell.
"Ian, you don't have to do this, okay? I know you want it. And you have my
permission." I said, he met my gaze and sighed. "Let's not talk about this right
now, Daze. We're on vacation, let's just enjoy ourselves. Pag-iisipan ko pagbalik
natin ng Manila. For now, we have to eat. Ipaghihimay kita. Here."
He started cracking the hard shell of the crab and he put the edible parts on my
plate. I just watched him while he did that for me and I couldn't help but smile at
his sweetness. Ian's making me lose it. He was so intent and focused on gathering
the insides of the crab that he didn't notice my stares.
"Oh ayan, eat na baby ko. Ganito ang magkamay ha? Look at my hand, ganito ang
formation ng fingers. Got it?" He said and I just stared at him like he was the
best thing in the world. I don't know what I did to deserve this kind of man. "Hey,
di ka naman yata nagpe-pay attention." He said, feigning tampo. I smiled.
"I did. I think I already know how to." He smiled at me.
"Then let's eat." I watched him scoop rice using his hand. He pushed it in his
mouth with the prawns he stripped a while ago. I copied his actions and was
actually shocked that I am enjoying the feeling of eating like this. He grinned

while eyeing me.

"What?" I queried. He reached for my face and removed the rice on the side of my
lips. He was still looking at me, scrutinizing me, even.
"Is there still rice on my face?" I asked consciously while trying to wipe it with
the back of my palm. He shook his head and looked at my lips. "Nope. I was just
wondering how the crabs tasted."
"Good. Really good." I said before chewing. I was about to put rice on my mouth
again when he leaned forward and kissed my lips. My eyes bulged with surprise. He
then bit my lower lip lightly and said, "I think I know what it feels like to enter
I smacked his arm and gave him a death stare but he just laughed playfully. I
quickened my eating because I was well aware that other customers are talking about
us. Ian left a tip on the table after we washed our hands.
"Where are we going?" I asked while we walked away from the seafood restaurant. He
smiled and draped an arm on my shoulders. "You'll see. C'mon." We walked to the
jeepney station and my face fell when I figured that he wanted to ride that thing.
But of course, I will ride that thing. I don't care if it's not safe. As long as
Ian's with me then I have nothing to worry about. He pressed his palm and we
boarded the jeepney. I was on the left side. The jeepney passage was on my right
and Ian on my left. He said that it's safer to let me sit in here so that no one
could sit on my other side. I was kinda scared that I might fall off but I felt his
arm snaking on my waist, holding me.
A few minutes later, the jeepney roared to life after other passengers boarded in.
I held on to Ian's leg as the jeep sped. He took my head and set it on his
shoulder. It made me smile giddily.
I was about to close my eyes, hoping that I could take a nap when Ian's voice
"Mag-iiwas ka ba ng tingin o mawawalan ka ng mata?!" He shouted to the guy who was
seated in front of us. My mouth parted.
The guy looked like he was about to panic when Ian spoke again. "Kanina ka pa kasi
tingin ng tingin sa girlfriend ko pre. You want to lose your eyesight?"
The guy incessantly shook his head. "H-hindi po, Sir. P-pasensya na."
"Si Daze ay kay Ian lamang. Sabihin mo." He told him in a cold tone. I gasped and
hit Ian's leg but he ignored me. His grip on my waist posessively tightened.
"S-si Daze ay kay Ian l-lamang." Other passengers were giving us pointy looks but
he doesn't seem to care.
"Repeat it so other people inside this damn jeepney could hear!" He commanded.
"Si Daze ay k-kay Ian lamang." The guy looked down and then I felt Ian's muscles
relax. "Good."
His arm moved up to my shoulders and he pulled me closer. He kissed my forehead and
looked at me with annoyance still evident on his features. But it suddenly morphed
into a gentle expression when he stared at my eyes.
"I was never like this. I never would've imagined that I can be this possessive
when it comes to you." My breathing suddenly became labored.
He sighed. "When I was your age, I told myself that I shouldn't go crazy over a
girl but fuck it! You are the ultimate deal breaker, Daze Monteverde."
And just then, my heart went kaboom again.



We've been traveling on boat for who knows how long already. Ian told me that the
travel time reaches up about five hours and it's already two o'clock which means
that we're near the destination. The boatman, Mang Nestor and his two sons, are the
only people who's on board with us. Ian was sitting in front with his phone in his
His eyes were glued to his phone that I'm starting to get curious about what he's
doing. So I sneaked behind him and took a gander. My eyebrow hitched upwards while
peeking because I saw that he was watching a video on youtube. I almost wanted to
laugh when I read the video title. Simple steps to learn how to braid
He looks so serious about watching the video that he still doesn't notice that I
was peeping right behind him. I decided to speak. "So, are the steps any useful?"
He dropped his phone on the boat floor because of shock and I ended up laughing at
his comical reaction. "What the fuck, Daze! Nakakagulat ka!" He said, peeved.
He was glaring at me while picking up his phone. I crossed my arms and sank back on
my seat. Even Mang Nestor was suppressing a smile. His reaction really was funny!
"Why were you watching braiding tutorials? Baby, are you gay?" I asked straight to
the point. His brows furrowed and he looked stern. Ooooh, Ian looks serious.
"Gusto mo bang binyagan natin ang bangkang ito?" He asked, still wearing that tight
expression. My cheeks turned crimson as I averted my gaze. "B-bastos ka ha! Sumbong
kita kay Dad!" I turn jumpy and I suddenly speak tagalog when I'm feeling uneasy or

angry. And right now, his stares are making me uneasy.

He only raised a bushy eyebrow as if he wasn't even a single bit threatened. "So?
Sasamahan pa ba kitang magsumbong? Boto kaya sakin yun!"
"I'm gonna tell him that you forced me, raped me, even! He'll kill you!" I
threatened and bit my lip in a childish way.
"Forced you? Baby, I would never do that. Ikaw nga kaninang umaga grabe ka
makatingin kay Bruce Lee eh!" My face flushed even more. Who, in their right state
of mind, would name their thing Bruce Lee?!
"Shut up, Ian!" I gave him a hostile stare but he just grinned at me like it was
the most normal conversation in the world.
"Well, you started it. You called me gay. You just wanted me to kiss you. Gusto mo
manyakin labi ko eh." He teased even more. I'm starting to get irked again, my ears
are turning pink because of annoyance. My eyes narrowed on him. "No! I called you
gay because you were watching braiding tutorials!" I yelled.
"No! You called me gay because you're addicted to my kisses!" He accused with a
proud smile that irked me. I hate him now! I hate him because he was partly
correct! I am kind of addicted to his kisses, he hit a spot that's why I'm getting
His expression turned shy, then he scratched his chin like he was contemplating
whether to say something or not. But in the end he still did.
"Joke lang, baby. Naiinis talaga ako na hindi ko magawang maayos yung pagkakatali
ng bun mo kanina. So nanood ako sa youtube. Una yung steps lang kung pano magtali
ng buhok ng maayos, tapos napunta ako sa pagbebraid." He explained.

I made irap but deep inside I found him really adorable.

This is rare. Ian is rare. Like where can you ever find a boyfriend who is willing
to watch shitty guideline vids on the internet just so they could fix your hair for
you, huh? Ugh, this guy.
I didn't say anything. Partly because I was still teed off with him for no
particular reason at all. I'm moody, I know. We have my dad to blame for this trait
"Baby, you mad?" He asked sheepishly. He inched forward and took my hand. I was
trying to keep up the straight face but he makes it so damn hard!!!
"Hey, speak to me. Don't be mad." I'm not really mad at him, I don't even think
it's possible for me to get mad at him. Just a little bit annoyed because I hate
being teased. Zade calls me pikon sometimes but so what?! He also said that Kuya
Xander and I are the same when it comes to the attitude. Hmp, I bet he's bluffing.
I'm not masungit kaya! Most of the time lang.
"Baby." Ian pouted in front of me. I glared at him.
"What?!" I spat.
He pinched my cheek but I peevishly slapped his hand away.
"Bati na tayo. Please?" He said in a cute way.
"Hmp." Was my only reply.
He smiled before cupping my face. Now we're eye to eye. Tell me, how could you
resist a boyfriend as adorably persuasive as Ian?
"Bati na tayo, Daze. Dali na wag mo ng pahirapan ang gwapong boyfriend mo. Tatalon
ako dito sa dagat." He taunted so I rolled my eyes. He's not really gonna do that,
"Then go ahead." I replied laconicly. He stared at my eyes. "If I jump, will you
forgive me?"
I raised

an eyebrow. "I don't know. Jump then we'll see."

"Okay, then. Here goes nothing." He took off his shirt and I just watched with an
expressionless stare. He's just taking his shirt off to fool me that he's gonna
jump so I'll forgive him.
"Ma'am patawarin niyo na si Sir, nako baka mapano pa yan." Mang Nestor said but I
shook my head and smirked at Ian. "He's not really gonna jump, Manong. This is all
just an act so I'd forgive him. But I'm not falling for it."
Ian looked at me and frowned and I gave him a snigger. "I thought you were gonna
jump baby, or were all those just theatrics?" I raised my chin and he shrugged and
smirked back. "Nope. Tatalon talaga ako."
And with those final words, he jumped out of the boat and a loud splash disturbed
the calm seawater. My mouth fell open. Shit. He really did jump!!! I started to
panic. What if he gets eaten by sharks or other sea creatures? What if he gets
bitten by seasnakes?! God! I was losing sanity.
"Sabi ko naman Ma'am patawarin niyo na, tumalon pa tuloy." Mang Nestor muttered. I
cursed under my breath and glanced with derision at him. "Oh, shut up Manong!" I
yelled. I went to the side of the boat. I was starting to get really nervous when
suddenly, his face appeared above water. My eyes widened when he grinned.
"Ian, you idiot! Why did you jump! Ahon you! Now na!" I ordered with a tone laced
with worry and fear. I swear, this guy's gonna kill me with his outrageousness and
rash actions!
He shook his head and started swimming away. "Nope. Not until you say the words, 'I
forgive you, baby'."
really wanted to smack his head right now. "Come back here!" I shouted but he swam
away again.
"Say it, baby. Say that you forgive me."
"Fine! I forgive you baby. Now, come here!" I probably looked stupid shouting like
that. I shouted like an unrefined lady because Ian's stubborness was forcing me to.

He swam closer to me and he reached for the side of the boat. "Mang Nestor, kindly
help me hurl this idiot back on the boat, please." I said. But to my surprise, Ian
let go and smiled at me while water was splashing on his face.
"Wag na, Manong. Kaya ko pa, malapit lapit narin naman sa dalampasigan eh. Meet you
on shore, baby!" He grinned before giving me a flying kiss. His body sank back on
the water and he started swimming towards the shore. I put my hands on my forehead
as I stared at his back.
"Jesus!" I muttered as I shook my head. In under two minutes, we reached the shore.
I found Ian sitting calmly on the sand with his legs outstretched as he was waiting
for me. He quickly stood up and offered his hand and I took it. He helped me get
off of the boat but when my feet touched solid ground, I smacked his head with my
"Gago ka ba?! Gago ka? Ha?! Gusto mong mamatay ako sa takot sa mga katarantaduhan
mo?! Eh kung may pating nilamon ka?! Ano ka ngayon? Eh di may boyfriend akong lasog
lasog ang katawan! Gago!" I couldn't help but scream that at his face. That's what
he gets when he makes me worry!
He was just gaping at me. I heard Mang Nestor fake a cough behind us. "Ah eh ma'am.
Wala naman hong pating dun sa parteng yon ng-"
"Hindi kita

kausap Manong! At pano nalang kung biglang natripan ng pating na magpunta don! Oh
ano? Edi todas tong gagong boyfriend ko!" My face might've been red but I don't
give a damn. Ian was still looking at me with admiration dripping in his features.
"Bati na ba tayo?" Was all he said after my sudden outburst. I kicked his shin
before shouting. "Oo! Wag mo lang uling uulitin yon!"
He then grinned. He gave Mang Nestor his tip and the old boatman tossed his shirt
to him. He quickly wore it and draped an arm around me but I pushed him away.
"You're wet." I said in a nagsusungit tone.
He chuckled and pulled me close before giving me a peck on the lips. "Sorry na nga
diba? Oh baby, welcome to Antonia Beach." He put his hands in the air but I just
fixed him with a blank stare. I know we're supposed to make up but I just can't
shake the feeling of fear I had a while ago.
"Sungit parin." He hugged me, and this time I didn't budge anymore. He trapped me
in his hug and I didn't care even when I started to feel my dress getting wet too.
In the end, I raised both arms to hug him back. He gave me a light kiss on the top
of my head and he whispered my name.
"Daze.." He said it casually but why does it sound sensual to my ears?! Ugh, shit.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"Ang hot mo pala magalit." I quickly hit his arm when he said that to me. He
laughed lightly. "Just sayin' baby."
"Che!" I snorted. He ruffled my hair and stared at me with new found interest.
"Lalo ka lang naging hot sa paningin ko nung nagtagalog ka. Gustong gusto kitang
halikan nung nagsalita ka ng tagalog, alam mo ba yun? You just looked too beautiful
in my eyes that I had to resist the urge to just kiss you fully on the lips."
I beamed. "Talaga? Gusto mo ko ikiss pag nagtatagalog ako?" I grinned at my own
He chuckled and held my cheeks as he tilted my head to one side. "Are you seducing
me, Ms. Monteverde?"
I gave him a look of innocence. "Hindi po, Mr. Estillore."
A slow smirk appeared on his lips. "That's it, Daze! You asked for this." He leaned
forward and planted his lips on mine. His tongue was searching and searching for a
treasure inside my mouth. Positive and negative charges traveled to my lips down to
my chest and it quickly jumped to my spine.
God, the feeling was hypnotizing. His lips were a garden full of secrets that I
wanted to get lost in. I broke the kiss and we were both gasping for air.
My eyes remained closed even when I felt his hands cup my face again. When I opened
my eyes, he was staring at me with eyes so expressive that I wanted to drown in
them forever. His gaze drifted down to my lips. His stare lingered and my breath
"Your kiss drives me crazy.." His voice was husky and inviting and I had to resist
the compulsion of pulling him closer for another kiss.
His thumb brushed my lower lip and my eyes automatically closed.
"..but it also keeps me sane."



Antonia Beach is located on Islas de Gigantes Sur. The view is really tantalizing.
The water is calm and serene and the sand is white. There are cottages that line up
near the shore and there are massive rock formations on the side. I sat on the
cottage while eyeing other tourists that were also marveling at the beauty of the
said beach.
I'm not in the mood to swim because it's sweltering! Yes, I do want a tan but at
this time of the day I know that sunbathing isn't advisable. I'm gonna get charred!
Ian's on shore busy with I don't know what with.
He said that we'd stay for the night since the pumpboat is only for daytrips. He
also bought clothes and other fruits for the two of us on the second jeepney
station. I don't know where we'll stay for the night in here because I don't see
any inns or whatever but I decided not to ask. Ian jogged towards me and raised his
hand. My eyes widened when I saw him holding a small crab. I quickly smacked his
arm and he accidentally dropped it.
It came scuttling in the sand again, away from us. I looked at Ian with creased
brows. "It could've nipped your fingers with its pincers, Ian!" I said in a
reprimanding manner. He pouted like a kid and climbed inside our open-air cottage.
He tapped the space next to him. "Lika sa tabi ko."
I scooted closer to him and he gave me a backhug. His chin was resting on my
shoulder while his hands were wrapped around my stomach. He nuzzled my neck and I
got tickled so I pushed his face away while giggling. "Braid my hair, please?" I
requested while he was playing with the strands of my hair.
"Sure, baby.

Ano bang gusto mong pagkabraid? Fishtail? Crown braid? O dikit anit?" He asked with
that silly question that made me laugh. I laughed and I just suddenly kissed him on
his lips because he was looking too adorable!
He kissed my forehead and whispered. "Ano nga? Or gusto mo wag nalang kita ibraid
magmake out nalang tayo dito?"
I hit his arm and grinned. I turned my back on him. "Try the last one, baby." I
said. I felt him touch my hair and my heart skipped a damn beat. "Yung dikit anit?
Sige, wait."
He was silent the whole time he was braiding my hair because he was serious with it
that he didn't want any distraction. I heard him groan with frustration a couple of
times so I bit my lip to hide my smile.
Minutes later, I heard him speak in rapid Italian with a strong accent and an angry
voice. "Ho bisogno più pratica! Questo è più difficile de quanto pensassi!"
"What are you saying?" I asked. Ian is like Kuya Xander and Ate Xiana! I get
annoyed when I talk to them sometimes since they speak french and I don't. They
were born in France and stayed there for like five years but their french, along
with Mom's is still impeccable and it's frustrating!
Dad, Kuya Zade and I get stressed out when we would hear Mom arguing with Kuya in
french. And now, who would've thought that I'd encounter the same problem with my
boyfriend? Gosh.
"Sabi ko ang hirap pala! Mukha lang madali pag nasa video! Damn." Ian said while
still trying his best to fix my dikit-anit braid. He took the scrunchie from my
hand and tied the end of my hair to secure the braid.

He then held me by my shoulders and gently twisted me so that we'd be face to face.

He patted my head to flatten the hair lumps on it and I beamed at him while he
looked like he wasn't happy with how it turned out. "Tang ina, baby. Ang pangit ko
magbraid. Tanggalin nalang natin." He was about to unravel my hair when I stopped
his hand.
"No, I wanna leave it like this. My boyfriend exerted effort so.." I gave him a hug
and his arms enveloped my being. He kept on dropping kisses on the top of my head
while I just closed my eyes as I let my feelings drown me. "I'm a bit sleepy." I
said in a small voice.
"You don't wanna swim?" He asked as he caressed my face. I shook my head. "Nah.
Maybe later when it's dark so I won't get sunburned." I explained. He nodded and
straightened. I just watched as he moved to the farthest side of the cottage and
sat there, with his back against the bamboo walls. He patted his lap. I got the
message. A smile crept on my face while I slowly lied with my head resting just
above his lap.
He played with my hair and stared at me like I was a scenery his eyes would never
get tired of admiring. "You wanna eat grapes? Subuan kita." He offered and all I
could do was to mouth the word yes. He reached for the plastic bag filled with
assorted fruits and took a cluster of grapes. He plucked one and pointed it to my
mouth. I opened my mouth and chewed it. Tastes good.
My hand flew up and I plucked another grape and coaxed him to eat it. He smiled a
sexy smile before opening his mouth. He even bit my hand lightly and I glared at

boy." I muttered.
He gave me a playful wink that made my insides shiver. He pulled me up and now my
head is against his broad chest once again.
"Well, I'm your bad boy."
My arms moved to embrace him and my hands traveled to his back and traced lines
with my finger. "Mon mauvais garçon." (My bad boy) It sounded sweet that I couldn't
help but smile. I feel like I've been stuffed with sunshine and rainbows.
His breathing hitched and he suddenly snatched my hand and trapped it in both
palms. He placed it on his lips and kissed my knuckles one by one and I'm melting
so slowly as he gave me a smile that made my mind shatter in oblivion.
"I don't want you to leave. I don't want us to ever end." I don't know what took
over me when I said that softly while my hands made its way to his face. He held my
hand and gave me a calm smile. "I won't leave." He replied.
I just nodded. He took my right hand and opened my palm. He pointed to the middle
of it and said. "You got me right where you wanted, Daze. Right where you wanted.
You got me right here, you have me in the palm of your hands, sweetheart." He mused
and I just closed my hand on his hand and raised it up for me to look at. Our hands
fit nicely, wonderfully. Like my fingers were made for him to hold.
Mom used to tell me that she knew that Dad was the one for her when she saw just
how perfectly their hands fit with each other. And right now, I wondered if the
same thing would be applicable to Ian and I.
We remained silent for a while then he broke the ice. "Katherine called."
My brows

formed a straight line. Now who's that? "Who is Katherine?"

"My interior designer. She said that she could meet us next week for the renovation
of the house."
"So, your interior designer is a girl. What joy." I said with a little hint of
sarcasm. He wriggled his eyebrows and raised my chin to level with his. He looked
me in the eyes. "You are jealous." He stated.
I rolled my eyes. "Are you the only one who has the right to be?" I let go of that
biting comment but he just chuckled like a real madman.
"Nope. Syempre you have the right din but no worries. Kath is already happily
married and has two lovely kids."
I crossed my arms. "And that's supposed to make me feel better because?"
"Because it means that nothing is going on between the two of us and I'm too drawn
to my girlfriend to even pay attention to any other girl. Daze Alessaina is enough
for me, you are enough for me, mia bella signorina."
I creased my brows again. "Did you just call me miss beautiful in Italian?"
He smiled. "Yes, yes I did." I stuck my tongue out, real childish I know. But
still, I can't push away my doubts upon hearing that his interior designer is a
woman! My boyfriend is hot and I often catch girls ogling at him or giving him
lascivious glances! If this Katherine isn't affected by his charms, then she must
be a saint!
"Hey, I told you. Nothing to worry about. Hindi ako titingin sa iba. You have my
word." He raised his right hand and I looked at it doubtfully.
"C'mon baby, believe me. Nangangalay na yung kamay ko." He said with a convincing

"Fine. But on one condition." I said.
"What?" He queried.
"Say this first: Si Ian ay kay Daze lamang." A smile formed on his face and it
washed over my system like a tidal wave.
"Si Ian ay kay Daze lamang. Ian is only for Daze. Io sono solo per te, signorina."
I just smiled. "Can we take photos? I have this weird belief that I could never
lose a person if I photographed him enough, if I make thousands of unforgettable
memories with him." My voice drifted off, the thought of losing him terrifies me.
Because I am becoming dependent on him, and his presence is becoming the air I
He took out his phone and handed it to me. It has a passcode. A four digit number.
I turned to him for help. He just looked at me and said, "My password is the most
important day in my life."
"It's your birthday, then." I smiled triumphantly because I knew when his birthday
was. I typed in the numbers 0912. September twelve. That was his birthday, but the
password I entered was incorrect. I looked at Ian in confusion. "It was the wrong
password, I thought..."
His stare lingered on me before he spoke. "It is your birthday."
My gaze dropped to the phone in my hand as I blinked several times. "Oh."
I typed 0915 and it opened. I bit my lip as I felt my heart exploding into golden
dust. It went even more berserk when I saw my own face staring back at me through
his phone. I stammered when I spoke. "Y-you had me on wallpaper."
He just smiled. "Yeah. Beautiful, isn't she?"
I looked at my photo again. It was me, smiling at

the camera. So young, so carefree. He must've gotten this from one of my social
media accounts. "I'll take our pictures. Natuod ka na diyan eh. Here, smile baby."
He used the phone's subsensor to take pictures, he went closer and draped his arm
on my shoulders then I let out a semi-awkward smile and he clicked the capture
"Another one." This time I plastered a real smile on my face. From the phone, I saw
that Ian was smiling while looking at me like his world revolved around me. I heard
the sound of the shutter and he giddily checked the photos. He grinned when he saw
the second picture. "This is a nice shot, candid. I think I'm gonna put this on
I unconsciously smiled while watching him beaming while uploading the photo. I even
saw the caption. Mia bella signorina.
A few seconds later, it was already flooded with likes. I grinned when I saw
Nathan's comment. It said: Wtf, dude! You gay?
I grinned. I grabbed Ian's phone from him and replied to Nathan using his fb. Yes,
dude. I am gay. I love you. I kept on grinning crazily. Ian snatched it from my
hand and just frowned at me while commenting.
Ian Estillore: That was Daze, bro.
Nathan Ezekiel Merdez: No, that was you. That was you telling the truth, man. I
respect you.
Ian just smirked and closed the tab. "Douche." He mumbled. He turned his attention
back to me and attacked me. He kept on tickling me that I started grinning like a
deranged lady. Finally, he stopped and scooped me up again. "Kulit mo ha."
"Peace." I said with a smile. He just pinched my cheek and rested my head on his
chest. "Tulog mo nalang yan." I pouted but I hugged him and closed my eyes.
When I opened them, I saw that it was already dark. Ian's head was against the
bamboo walls and I removed his arms on my waist. I was about to get up when he
stirred and pulled me back again. He moaned my name and I just stared at his sleepy
My hand automatically flew up to caress his cheeks. I looked into his face as if
this was the first time that I've seen him.
My heartbeat accelerated and I closed my eyes. When I stared at him again, his eyes
were already open. "Hello.." He said hoarsely. I gave him a faint smile as I
watched the way the moonlight illuminated his face. And just then, my feelings came
to light.
I knew, that this wasn't just an infatuation or a simple adoration I have for him.
I finally fathomed why I always wanted him around. And it's not just because he
makes me feel comfortable. But because he was already successful in invading my
whole being.
I thought about what he said about me a while ago. About him being in the palm of
my hands, but I guess what he doesn't know is that it's the other way around.
Ian's eyes were on mine. Searching, searching...
I continued caressing his face and my heart started beating eratically again. I'm
screwed. I'm just so screwed because right now I'm gonna admit it...
"Is there something wrong?" He asked as he gazed at me.
I gave him a small smile and placed my head on his chest. He fondled with my hair
and I just lost it.
"N-nothing." I croaked.
I closed my eyes again and let my thoughts carry my consciousness away.
I'm in love with him. So deeply, desperately, savagely in love with him.



"Ayun na yung pumpboat!" Ian yelled and I got up. I put on my summer hat as I
flipped my hair to the side. I'm now wearing shorts and a simple shirt which says I
love Iloilo. Ian is wearing the same thing paired with sweatpants and flip flops.
He took my hand and helped me get on the boat.
We sat beside each other at the back of the boat. Ian put his arm around my waist
and I smiled. After last night's realization, my senses became more hypersensitive
whenever he's around. And my heart, God my own stupid heart keeps on rising and
falling whenever he kisses me on the forehead or just pull me in for a hug.
"I'm guessing that you already have plans when we get back in the hotel." I said
and he just smiled and ruffled my hair. "Yep, we're going to church. It's a
beautiful Sunday morning and I want to thank God that you're here and spending it
with me."
I just bit my lip and didn't reply. He frowned at me. "Parang kagabi ka pa lutang,
are you sure you're okay?"
I gave him a smile. "Yes." I hugged him and he hugged me back. Last night was one
of the best nights in my life. We spent hours night swimming and I enjoyed it.
Really enjoyed it. We then slept on the open-air cottage and even though I earned
some mosquito bites, I still think that it's one of the memories that I'll surely
"Daze hindi naman ako mauubos. Kung makayakap ka diyan eh." He gave me a boyish
grin and I just stared at him like a real weirdo. And he smiled. And slowly, I did
too. It's crazy. I'm crazy. I thought that it was only a fascination but no, I
really was in love with him and

it felt great to finally admit that to myself.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked while wriggling his eyebrows. I
shook my head and just hugged his arm. He placed his hand over my leg and I just
found the gesture possessively sweet.
"Lika nga dito." I huddled closer and I just felt his hands on my hair again. I
almost grinned when I remembered what happened last night. I was already sleeping
but for some unknown reason, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and I
found him still awake. And he was serious while watching tutorial videos on youtube
He probably noticed that I'm not asleep anymore so he turned his phone off and
snuggled me. He sang for me until I fell asleep again, and that night I had the
most comfortable sleep in my whole life.
"I'll braid your hair again." He said as he started braiding it. When he finished,
he beamed at me.
"There! From now on, isa na yan sa boyfriend duties ko. Ang ibraid ang buhok mo."
He smiled and I just felt the whole universe in motion.
"Kahit 60 na ako ibebraid mo parin hair ko?" I asked in Tagalog. My accent was
weird but it was bearable. He stooped and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.
"Kahit makalbo ka pa, Daze." He said jestingly that I rolled my eyes. He pinched my
cheek. "Ito naman, di mabiro." I bleated and he just laughed at me.
After five hours, we are finally back in Iloilo City. Ian brought me to another
restaurant that serves La Paz Batchoy. It's only 3 pm and the mass at Miag-ao
church starts at five.
"Here, baby. Subuan kita." Ian broke me from my reverie when he said

that. I saw the spoon in front of my mouth and I gladly opened it so I could have a
taste of Iloilo's pride. I cursed aloud when my tongue got burned. The damn soup
was still hot! "Shit, ouch!" I exclaimed. Ian panicked. He handed me a glass of
water and I quickly drank from it.
"Baby, shit. I'm sorry. Hinipan ko na yun eh, hindi ko alam na mainit pa pala. Does
it still sting?" He asked with worry evident on his tone. I nodded and drank water
again. Ian cursed. "Tang ina."
He then took a spoonful of soup and shoved it inside his mouth. My eyes widened
when I saw what he did. Instantly, he started yelling out curses. "Shit! Shit, ang
init! Baby, water paabot naman! Tangina ang init!"
I quickly handed him the glass I drank from after pouring water on it from the
pitcher. He drank and emptied the glass. I hit his arm and glared at him. "Why the
hell did you do that?! You knew that it was hot, idiot!"
He broke into a silly grin. "Hindi pwedeng ikaw lang ang masasaktan. If I couldn't
take your pain away then I'll experience it with you."
My mouth dropped open and I looked at him in utter disbelief. "You're insane!" I
commented and he just smiled.
"Yep, insane and pretty smitten!"
I shook my head. We let the soup cool down a bit and then we ate it. He kept on
insisting that he would feed me so I budged. Other people were already giving us
weird stares but he glared at them one by one and said,
"Excuse me? Why are you guys looking? Masama na bang maglambing sa girlfriend?!"
I hit his arm again when he said that. Ian just raised an eyebrow and went back to

food. I rolled my eyes at him and he just snorted. When we finished, he put his arm
around my waist and kissed the side of head.
"Where to, now?" I queried. He said that we have to ride the jeepney to get to
Miag-ao and oddly, I have no qualms about it anymore. Before reaching the terminal,
we saw a Mercury drug store nearby and I abruptly tugged his hand. We went inside
and just bought chips. We were about to exit the place when my attention was caught
by a rack of nail polish.
I grinned and asked Ian to buy me three different colors. I chose plum, lavender
and hot red. He gladly paid for it and took my hand as we walked outside. A jeepney
passed by and we boarded it. Ian put his hand on my leg again and his touch sent
jolts of electricity in my body that made my insides fall into frenzy.
Suddenly, his hand reached up and caught mine. He fidgeted with my fingers and
smiled. I always see Dad doing this to Mom whenever they're sitting beside each
other. I don't understand it then, but now I think it was sweet. We reached Miag-ao
church just in time for the mass. We sat on the middle portion and waited for it to
Ian was serious the whole mass, he was intently listening to the priest so I did
too. We weren't talking to each other but we were holding hands. When the part came
wherein the priest told us to give peace, Ian turned to me and I saw how genuine
the smile on his face was. He cupped my face and said,
"I've never known true peace until you came. And if ever you leave me, then my life
would be in chaos.."
He slowly brushed the loose strands of my hair and gave me

a gentle look. "Let God be our witness."

And then he leaned in and gave me a chaste kiss which he ended quickly by saying
"Peace be with you."
I hugged him and said the same thing. Afterwards, I turned to other people to give
peace and they did the same. I felt really light after the mass, I felt happy and
content and I just feel like I don't need anything else in my life. Being with Ian
completes me and I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing.
My love for him may or may not lead me into destruction but I just found myself
willing. Willing to take this risk for him. Because that is what love is about. I
may be too young for him but my love is not. Love knows no boundaries, they say.
And as I looked at our hands which are intertwined, I found myself smiling in
idiocy while muttering to myself. "It knows no boundaries, indeed."
When we got back on our hotel room, Ian asked me what I wanted for dinner and I
said that I just wanted pizza. We ordered on delivery. While we were waiting for
it, I decided to apply nail polish on my toenails.
Ian sat beside me while watching me do it. He was frowning and I just ignored the
weird stares I was receiving.
He suddenly scooped me and I shrieked and giggled. He placed me on the other side
of the bed. He took my feet and put it over his legs and snatched the nail polish
from my hand.
My jaw literally dropped open when he started applying it on my hinlalaki. It was a
bit messy but I didn't care. I just let him do that for me and I swear, the view
from here was really captivating. After doing that, he leaned

forward and I was shocked when he blew air on my newly painted nails.
He kept on repeatedly doing that and when he was satisfied, he patted my kneecap.
"Para madaling matuyo."
He grinned at me and I just felt butterflies rallying inside my stomach.
When the pizza delivery guy arrived, he gave the man a tip and the we sat on the
bed with my legs over his legs while eating pepperoni pizza and watching foreign
movies. It just felt great.
The last movie we watched left a mark on me. It made me feel terrified, to be
"You okay?" Ian asked me and I just shook my head. I turned the television off and
just crawled on bed. He scooped me up and placed me on his lap. He placed his
finger right under my chin and persuaded me to talk about what's bothering me. I
I was kind of hesitant at first but finally, I found my voice and I spoke. "They
almost made it." I croaked.
His eyebrows became a straight line as he looked at me. "Who?"
"Jane and John. They almost made it. Their love almost made it. Almost." I
explained. The movie really got to me. I hate movies like that. In the end, John
married another girl named Jean.
"It's just a movie, Daze." He gently replied as he caressed my bare shoulders. I
hugged him. "I know but.."
I heaved a sigh as I continued. "What if it happens to us?" I asked with so much
uncertainty. He held my shoulders and made me look at his face.
"Baby, don't say that. It won't happen to us. I'm not gonna let that happen. Stop
I shook my head again and looked away. "You don't understand. It's scary, you know?
Knowing that there are other girls out there who are much more beautiful and smart
and nice. There are many girls out there who are everything that I am not."
He took my hand and trapped it in between of his two palms. "They may be beautiful
or smart and even nice but I will never want them because they aren't you."
My breathing got ragged as I averted my gaze. "There are other fish in the sea,
He reached for my face and cupped it. He brushed my cheeks with his thumb and said,
"Well, fuck them all."
I looked into his eyes and saw something I couldn't name.
"Fuck them all because you are not just a fish in the sea. Baby, you are the sea



"I don't wanna go home yet." I stomped my foot and gave Ian the puppy dog eyes. He
just smiled, amusement visible on his face while he packed our things in the
luggage bag we bought at the mall a while ago.

"Baby, four days na tayo dito. At may pasok ka pa bukas. Hindi ka pwedeng umabsent,
you're gonna miss a lot." He explained while he folded a shirt neatly.

"But if I go to school then I'm gonna miss you. A lot!" I reasoned but he just
shook his head with finality. I made angry grunting sounds in the corner while he
ignored me. I palmed my face. I can't believe time flies so unbelievably fast!
Suddenly, our short vacation was already over. Our flight to Manila is tonight.

I heard a loud zip and when I looked up, I saw Ian ambling closer. I raised an
eyebrow on him because I was still peeved. I was sitting on the couch while wearing
my straight face. Seriously, I really can't help but give him a bitch stare. He
knelt on one foot in front of me and caught my hand.

He fidgeted with my fingers while looking at my face. "Daze, look at me. C'mon,
I didn't obey. I was never obedient and right now I was in the mood to be stubborn
again. I heard him let loose a sigh then he cupped my face with both hands. "I'll
make it up to you, okay? Basta kailangan na nating umuwi. At isa pa, four days lang
kita ipinaalam kay Tito Aaron. Your Dad will kill me." He said.

I sneered at him and took my hand away. "Are you scared of Dad? What if he tells
you to leave me, huh? You're gonna obey him? Oh, I bet you will! Coward!" I accused
him with eyes narrowing down on his

face. His expression hardened.

"You're being unreasonable. Dahil lang mayroon akong sariling salita ay duwag na
ako? Wow." He replied with an annoyed tone too. This was the first time he seemed
cheesed off with me. Maybe it's because I called him a coward but I was too damn
angry to care.

"You're getting annoyed right now, aren't you? Because what I said was true. You're
scared of my Dad. It scares me. It scares the hell out of me knowing that you can't
even fight for me if that thing really does happen! Grow some balls, will you?!" I
yelled at him. His lips twitched. He stared at me with new found annoyance.

"All this time, you've been thinking that I was scared of your father? That I
couldn't fight for you? Has it ever occured to you that I kept on ditching my
meetings and my duties in the company just so I could be with you? That I keep on
declining races just so I could act more like a boyfriend to you? That my friends
are starting to hate me because my attention was all on you and not in our business
anymore? But did you hear anything from me? No. No, Daze. No. That was me fighting
for you. So if you still think that I can't fight for you, for us, then you're
wrong. You're so wrong on many different levels." He answered back.

"And now you're saying all that to me? For what? To make me feel guilty? To hide
the fact that you really are a coward? I hate you!" I repeated with derision. He
gritted his teeth. "You don't know what you're saying."

"Oh, I know! Stop telling me that I don't because you know damn well that I do,
Ian!" I raised my voice again and he doesn't seem too happy with the words coming
out of my mouth.

He fixed me with a stare filled with finality and sarcastically laughed while
scratching his chin. "This is unbelievable. You are being too childish and
unreasonable right now Daze. I just don't wanna have this conversation anymore."

He held his hands up in the air and shook his head at me. Afterwards, he barged out
of the room and I chased him and pulled his arm. "Where are you going?" I asked,
suddenly scared of the thought that he's leaving. He just removed my hand and
continued walking without even bothering to look at me.

I gaped at the space in front of me and I felt my eyes growing hot. I bit my lip
and looked at the ceiling to block my tears. Was I really unreasonable? Have I gone
too far? Have I pushed him to his limit?

I sat back on the bed and just looked at my palms while my tears fell. I wiped it
and sniffed. I tried to lighten up my mood by thinking that Ian won't be mad for
too long because he cares for me. Because he can't resist me. Right?


I checked the clock and saw that it's been an hour since Ian lect our suite and he
hasn't returned yet. I started to feel guilty and scared. I mentally reprimanded
myself for being a brat. This is actually the first time that I regretted something
that came out of my mouth. I never really cared that I'm blunt or too

But now, I kept on blaming myself for this. I know that I hurt his ego for saying
that he was coward and that I thought that he couldn't fight for me. It was stupid
of me for not dropping the topic

earlier. I palmed my face. Ian was right. I was childish a while ago and I truly
regret what I've said.

This is our first ever fight and it made me feel threatened. How many fights can
our relationship endure? One? Two? Three? It freaked the hell out of me. To think
that we might fall apart because of just one misunderstanding terrifies me. I wiped
my tears again and got up from the side of the bed. I will look for him. Fights
like this can't go unresolved. That was Mom and Dad's motto.

I wore my slippers and went out of the suite. I went down and the receptionist
stared at me. She was the same woman who tried giving my Ian a seductive stare. I
glared at her and she looked away. When I went outside, I gave out a quick sigh of
relief when I saw Ian sitting on the pavement just outside the hotel. But he was
smoking and there was two crumpled beer cans next to him.

The wind blew my hair and I hugged myself when I felt the coldness. I walked
towards him and sat beside him. He gave me a quick glance and averted his gaze
again. We just stared at the horizon while he puffed smoke.

I looked down at my feet and can't help but sigh. From the corner of my eyes, I saw
that he dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. There was heavy silence between us
and then..

"I'm sorry, Ian." / "Baby, I'm sorry."

We said at the same time. I slowly smiled and suddenly he did too. He opened his
arms and motioned me to come closer.

I scooted towards him and he wrapped his arms around me. He dropped a kiss

on my head and sighed with relief. "I'd kiss you on the lips right now but I've
just finished smoking so I guess a kiss on the lips can wait." He muttered and
hugged me tighter.

"H-hey, you're squeezing me!" I complained and he chuckled.

But he turned serious all of a sudden. He held my hand and intertwined our fingers.
"Pero seryoso, sorry. Hindi dapat kita pinagtaasan ng boses, I was just too caught
up in the moment that I couldn't help but say harsh things. Please forgive me." He
said sincerely that it melted my heart.

I shook my head. "Forgive you? Are you kidding? It was my fault. Sorry. You were
right. I was childish and I know I said a bunch of hurtful things and... And I
wasn't thinking. I'm sorry." He tightened his hug again and I felt safe in his arms
once more.

"Did you, uhm, cry?" He asked awkwardly and I nodded sheepishly. He cupped my face
and looked into my eyes. He then leaned forward and kissed my left eye and then my
right eye. He smiled. "There."

I pouted and he pinched my cheeks. "This is our first serious fight." I commented
and he nodded. He held my hand and pressed my palm.

"I can't promise you that there won't be any tears anymore. Kasi marami pa tayong
pagdadaanan na ganito. Pero ang maipapangako ko sayo ay hindi kita susukuan.
Because believe it or not Daze, I'd rather have difficult moments with you than to
not have you at all. That would hurt a lot more." He stated.

I wanted to cry again because of his speech. I looped my arm on his and rested my
head on his shoulder.

"Ian?" I called.

"Hmm?" He said while mussing my hair gently.

"Am I still

your sea? Even if I'm difficult to be with, am I still your sea?" I imquired using
that tone between hopeful and doubtful. His hand went to my face and he caressed
the side of my cheek.

"Not even a million fights could change that, baby." He replied with a grin.

"How about a billion fights? Will I still be your sea?" I asked again.

This time, he was already chuckling when he gave me his answer. "Be it a trillion,
a zillion, or even if we fight for the umpteenth time, you will still be my sea.
Never ever doubt that, okay?"

I slowly smiled. "Ian?" I called again.

"Yes, baby?"

I played with his thumb while speaking. "If I am your sea then you are my sky."

I looked up only to see him frowning down at me. "Yeah? Why is that?"

"You are my sky.." I repeated. "..because everything else is just weather."

A silly smile hung on his lips. He kissed my forehead. "God, that was so sweet.
Coming from you, it sounded like music to my ears."

I closed my eyes while his lips were still on my forehead. It felt wonderful.

"Is it legit to tell you that I can fucking feel kilig because of what you told
me?" He said with his eyebrows forming a straight line on his forehead which is now

I laughed aloud because of what he said. "Yes. Of course it is legit. Feel free to
feel the kilig." I laughed even more and he laughed with me. He stood up and
offered his hand, I gladly took it and he helped me stand up.

"Balik na tayo sa loob." He said and I just nodded. He draped an arm on my

shoulders and we entered the hotel again. I eyed the receptionist evilly and
smirked at her. Of course I am a client so she can't bitch out on me. She'd have to
put up with my damn rotten attitude for tonight. Our flight is four hours away.

When Ian and I reached the room, we sat on the edge of the bed. We decided to watch
the television to kill time. There was a foreign movie airing so we decided to
watch it.
"Marriage is big mistake! This wedding is a mistake!" Shouted the woman on the
film. I saw Ian frown then he looked at me and grinned.

"Your eighteenth birthday is two months away right?" He asked and I nodded.

He wriggled his eyebrows. "So, will you be willing to commit a mistake with me by

My eyes bulged and I hit his arm. "Aww!" He groaned.

I glared at him. "I'm too young!"

He pouted, shit! Sooo adorably handsome! How can I ever resist this guy? "But
you're of legal age na nun!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "But still too young."

He crossed his arms. "Oh, fine. I'll wait whenever you're ready." He grumbled and I
chuckled. "Good."

He suddenly tickled me and I ended up collapsing on the bed while laughing. Each of
his arms were on both sides of my face. He stared down at me with eyes twinkling
with fascination.

"When the time is right, I'll commit a fucking massive mistake with you over and
over again in different churches, Daze."



It's been one freaking week since we got back from Iloilo and I must say that I
already miss Ian. We haven't seen each other since the night he brought me home.
I've been busy with the plates that I needed to pass for my major subject and he's
busy taking care of the problems their company was encountering.
He would call every night to check up on me and I found it really sweet. It's 1 am
and I just couldn't sleep because I need to finish this floor plan. My phone rang
and I didn't bother looking at the caller, I just took it lazily and swiped answer
before I placed it near my ear.
"Hello?" I said, almost yawning. My sleepy eyes were still focused on the floor
plan while I was making measurements mentally when his voice resonated. My eyes
perked up and I smiled slowly.
"I miss you, baby." Ian mused in a childlike tone. My smile reached up to my ears
and it made my heart drown in so much happiness.
"I miss you, too. Why are you still awake? You should be sleeping right now." I
said, propping my feet above my work table.
"You expect me to be asleep? How could I sleep when my longing for you is slowly
killing me? Tatlong araw na, Daze." I heard him sigh from the other line and I bit
a finger while trying to compose a reply.
"Eh we're both busy. Let's have a date tomorrow, please?" My tone was laced with
sweetness. I really wanted to see him.
"Tomorrow? How about now?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"Now? It's 1 am, Ian! You must be crazy if you wanna have a date at a time like
this!" I tapped my fingers on

the wooden table while examining my work again.

"Yeah, I must really be crazy for missing you. Too damn crazy that I drove all the
way from my house to yours just so I could look at your bedroom window..." His
voice drifted off and then he let out a soft chuckle.
I quickly straightened and bolted to my window. I put the curtains to one side and
my mouth fell open when I saw him outside, leaning on his audi while he was looking
at my direction with his phone on one hand and the other on his pocket.
"What the hell, Ian?!" I hissed and he just grinned and scratched the back of his
head. He blew me a kiss and I rolled my eyes.
"Baba ka, I'll wait." And he dropped the call. Just like that. I grumbled to myself
while I put on a robe to cover my body. I was only wearing thin silk nighties kasi
so I decided to cover myself up.
I opened my bedroom door and checked the hallway. When I was sure that there
weren't any maids around, I stealthily walked towards the stairs and descended.
Darkness hung around the house and when I reached the living room, I looked up
again to make sure that I wasn't being watched or followed.
I took a deep breath before opening the double doors, hoping that it wouldn't creak
loud enough to wake up my parents. I sighed with relief when I was able to reach
the gate without any maternal or paternal intervention. I opened the gate and
peaked. Ian straightened when he saw me. He smiled and his smile almost pained me
because I really missed him.
Too much that I couldn't contain my feelings to myself anymore. I quickly surged
forward to

hug him and he was grinning while I was in his arms. God, how I missed that sexy
grin of his.
He dropped a kiss on the top of my head and mussed my hair. "Hey beauty."
"Hey yourself, handsome." I replied with a flirtatious tone. He laughed and cupped
my face. He leaned close, too close in fact. Too close that our noses were already
bumping into each other.
"Sorry hindi tayo masyadong nagkikita. Hectic kasi sa company eh, may mga problema
pa kami don. Pero ngayon naayos na namin." He explained and I nodded
"Bat nga pala gising ka pa? Dadaan lang sana ako dito sa inyo para tumanaw sa
bintana mo pero nagulat ako ng makita kong bukas pa ang ilaw mo. So I decided to
call you." He explained.
"I have backlogs to finish. My plates are turning me into a zombie. Look at me, I
have eyebags na!" I pointed towards the bags under my eyes which I call gucci.
"You still look beautiful to me. You are mia bella signorina, remember?" He looked
at me with so much affection that I melted under his stare.
"Thank you, Ian." I breathed and he gave me a look of confusion.
I took his hand and caged it in mine. "Thank you so much for being the best
boyfriend there is."
He gave me a wide smile and looped his arm around my waist. He leaned forward until
our foreheads are touching. He had his eyes closed and I just smiled before I gave
in. I closed my eyes too and his hands caressed my face like I was a fragile being.
"No, Daze. Ako dapat ang magpasalamat. You are a blessing, signorina." I allowed
myself to get lost in the moment with Ian, with

the man I love. I wanted to burst, I wanted to tell him how I really felt. I wanted
to shout my love for him but I can't.
I might be stupid enough to force him to be my boyfriend, but I won't be too stupid
to a point that I will be the first one to confess. No. I am a Monteverde. I
already disrespected my surname when I went to Ian's house to blackmail him into
having a relationship with me, I can't taint my name again by admiting that I was
in love with him. I can't admit that. I can never admit that without the assurance
that he loves me back.
Being a Monteverde entails elegance and class. A true Monteverde never bows down to
anyone nor follows anyone's orders. And thinking about how Ian has the ability to
make me obedient without him knowing, I knew that I was screwed. So damn screwed
that it's starting to scare me. Big time.
"Date me." He said. His tone was dripping with urgency.
My perfect features contorted in confusion while looking at him. "You do realize
that it's 1 am and that I'm not wearing anything decent, right?" I replied while
crossing my arms. For pete's sake! I am only wearing a fuzzy pink robe over my silk
nighties and fuzzy pink bunny slippers!
"Lika na, ngayon lang to. Promise!" He raised his left hand and I raised an
eyebrow. "Where will you take me? I swear if this is tanan and if you don't take me
back I'm gonna hate you forever." My voice doesn't sound threatening at all. He
laughed at me and opened his car door.
"I promise that we're not gonna elope. I'll bring you back here. I just wanna show
you something." He gave me a look which

probably meant please-trust-me-on-this-one. I sighed and got in. He slid on the

driver's seat and revved the engine.
I was waiting for him to start driving but he didn't. I look at him, curiosity in
my features when he looked at me sincerely. "Can I hold your hand while I'm
I smiled. That was what I asked him on our first day of being a couple. I didn't
answer, instead I took his hand and intertwined it in mine. Ian drove to who knows
where. When he parked his car and I looked outside, I discovered that he brought me
to their company's main building. The one he brought me with after I called him a
closet gay. I laughed at the memory.
He held my hand and we entered the building. It was already dark but I wasn't
scared because I was with him. We climbed to the rooftop and the cold midnight air
hugged me. We were on top and I can see everything from up here.
I can see the whole city and it looks so quiet and peaceful at night. I felt Ian's
arms snaking its way around my waist. He propped his chin on my shoulder and
nuzzled my neck while his arms are contentedly wrapped around me.
"The view is beautiful from up here, huh?" He said and I bobbed my head slowly to
give him a nod.
"Why did you bring me here?" I asked. He let go and twisted my body so we would be
face to face. "Hindi mo ba talaga alam kung anong meron ngayon?" He said with an
obvious slight irritation in his tone.
I suddenly thought before shaking my head as a sign of giving up. "No. What ba?"
He shook his head too and sighed, a little disappointed. "Nothing."
I bit my lip

as I tried to whack my brain to remember but I just don't remember any special
occasion. He held my hand and pulled me to a bench on the middle of the rooftop. He
looked serious.
I put my hands in my robe's pockets but frowned when I felt something hard and long
on it. I took it out and saw a pentel pen. Ian saw it and spoke. "Bakit ka may
hawak niyan?"
I shrugged. "Found it in one of my pockets. I must've put it there unconsciously."
He played with his lips using his fingers and shit, that was just so seductive.
"You love drawing and painting, right?" He asked and I nodded. He then gave me a
smile and my eyes bulged when he slowly removed his shirt.
"H-hey! What are you doing?! Why did you-Aaagh!" I wasn't able to finish my
sentence when his syrong arms lifted me up and placed me on his lap. I was now
sitting astride him that I blushed so hard.
He took my hands and placed it on his chest and my heart beat wildly. He stared at
me as if reading the secrets tucked inside my soul.
"Make me your own personal canvas, baby." His voice was husky and I gulped in
nervousness. His lips twisted into a smile as he cocked his head sideways. "C'mon."
I uncapped the pentel pen and tried to ignore his abs as I started drawing a heart
shape on the left side of his chest. His chest, oh God his wonderful chest, was
rising and falling and I couldn't concentrate.
I sighed and continued with the heart. Afterwards, I possessively put my name
inside it. I couldn't help but smile when I finished. Ian looked at me. "What did
you write?"
"My name. With a heart around

it. On your left chest. So that it would be close to your real heart." I said
before putting the cap back. Ian was silent for a moment, his eyes were closed and
he looks as if he was contemplating so hard about something.
"Daze, kaya kita dinala dito dahil may kailangan akong sabihin. I have something to
tell you-"
"N-no!" I yelled. My eyes suddenly grew hot, so hot that I knew tears would come
next. Ian's eyes were filled with confusion but I knew what he was gonna say next.
"I've heard that line hundreds of times before from my guy cousins! You're breaking
up with me!" I shouted as tears fell one by one. My mouth felt dry and I felt hurt.
I was about to stand when he pulled me back and held me in place.
"L-let go!" I cried and he hastily wiped my tears but I kept swatting his arms
"Daze, calm down! Hindi ako makikipagbreak sayo, baby. Calm down, please. I hate
seeing you cry." He said as he patted my cheeks. I calmed down for a bit after he
shushed me.
"Y-you're not breaking up with me?" I asked with a scared tone. He slowly smiled
and wiped the remnants of my tears. "No, signorina."
He caressed my face. "God, no. I would never do that. Tanga nalang ako kung gagawin
ko yun."
"Then what did you wanna tell me?" He pulled me towards him and just kissed me
passionately. I kissed him back and I felt his hands fumbling for something and
then he was doing something on my neck and he stopped. He stopped kissing me and I
stared at him. I reached for my neck and felt a necklace. My mouth formed an O and
he kissed my forehead after saying...
"Happy first monthsary, baby."
I started tearing up again, I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Sorry." I croaked.
"I forgot! I thought you don't celebrate monthsaries! Sorry, Ian. And thank you." I
said while tears of joy traveled from my eyes down to his neck. He wiped my tears
and just smiled while I was still on his lap.
"Do you wanna know a secret, Daze?" He queried and I frowned.
"Sige, what secret ba is that?" I asked back and he cupped my face gently and said
the words that made my world stop rotating.
"I'm in love with you, Daze. So in love."



"Daze! Hey, baby. Why are you crying? Please, stop. Damn it!" Ian cursed while
tears continued to fall down my eyes. He wiped it but new ones started to fall and
I can feel his frustration building in.
"Daze baby, bakit? Hush please." He said as he caressed my cheeks but I didn't
stop. Instead, I repeatedly and incessantly hit him on the chest. He wasn't even
trying to deflect the blows I was giving him, he's just busy wiping my tears away.
I sniffed and he held my chin.
"Look at me." He commanded in a serious tone and I obeyed. But one look and I was
in frenzy again. Tears sprung from my eyes but Ian held me by the shoulders and
maintained eye to eye contact.
"Bakit ba umiiyak ang bratty socialite kong girlfriend?" He said in a gentle tone.
I bit my lip and I shook my head before looking down but he did not allow it. He
raised my chin again and demanded for an answer. In a small squeaky voice, I
"Eh kasi..." I didn't want to continue. My face heated up and I just wanted to bury
myself on the ground right now.
"Eh kasi ano?" He was patiently waiting for my answer. I scooted closer to him and
hid my face on his armpit before replying.
"Eh kasi mahal ko din you."
I swear I wanted the ground to just swallow me whole when I said that. Thanks to
the darkness for hiding my crimson-tinted cheeks. Ian's body went rigid. I felt his
chest rising and falling and then he laughed. He just laughed whole-heartedly and
hugged me real tight that I squirmed under his mega-tight embrace.
"You're squishing me!" I caterwauled but he just laughed

with that silly expression plastered on his face.

"God, thank you. I love you, brat." He kissed my forehead and gave me a look full
of love and adoration. He looked at me as if I was Aphrodite who just descended
from Mt. Olympus.
I blushed again. My eyes narrowed and he pinched my cheeks. "You are so adorable!"
I hit his chest again and he laughed like a crazy weirdo. He caught my clenched
fist and brought it to his lips.
He straightened my hand and kissed the tip of my fingers one by one. The gesture
was heart-warming. He suddenly closed his eyes and I saw how a smile slowly
appeared on his lips. "Shit. Nagrereplay sa utak ko yung sinabi mo. Mababaliw na
yata ako. Bakla na kung bakla, pero kinikilig talaga ako. Parang nilulunod ako sa
sobrang saya."
My hands seem to have their own mind, they traveled to Ian's face and I touched his
eyes, his nose, his cheeks. And then my fingers brushed his lips. I touched his
lips and he smiled as he permitted me to do so.
I, too, smiled when my eyes darted to his still-exposed chest with my drawing on
it. It feels good to know that his heart shouts my name.
"Let me take you home. It's almost 2:30. You have to sleep." Ian broke me from the
trance I was under. I got off of him and sat on the bench. He took his shirt and
wore it again. He offered his hand. "Lika na?"
I yawned and stretched. "I'm a bit sleepy." I gave him a very childish pout. "Pasan
kita, gusto mo?"
"You'd do that for me?" I asked, amazed. He nodded, the moon glinting behind him as
he smiled. "I would do anything for you." I stood up and he carried

me on his back. He held my legs and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Hang on tight, baby." He said in a sexy tone. I rested my head on his back and
closed my eyes and just tried to cherish the moment. Daddy might catch me sneaking
out in the middle of the night but I'm with Ian so everything doesn't matter as
much as it should be.
We took the stairs and then the elevator. I was already dozing off when I suddenly
jerked. I found myself seated on the front seat with him beside me. He was already
driving. His eyes were focused on the road but there was still a ghost of a smile
on his face. My Ian.
"You're smiling. You must be crazy." I commented using a sleepy voice. He threw me
a sideways glance and smiled that smile again. See? He really is crazy!
"Yeah. Damn crazy. Damn crazy about you, baby." He replied and I had to stifle a
smile. Minutes later, we were already parked in front of the house. We got out and
he just stared at me.
"You're really sleepy. Pasok ka na, baby." I pouted and he leaned down and gave me
a swift kiss.
"Goodnight." I said after yawning. He mussed my hair and pocketed his hands
afterwards. "Night. Pasok na." He repeated. I nodded and turned my back on him. I
was already walking when he suddenly grabbed my hand. I glanced at him, confused.
"Not another step away from me, signorina." He pulled me towards him that I can
almost feel myself losing balance but he held me by th waist and gave me a full-
blown kiss. When he ended the kiss, he had a contented expression pasted on his
"Ian-" My eyes were closed

and I was trying to catch my breath.

"Non voglio perderti. Ti amo tanto, mia bella signorina."
I frowned. I just frowned because I didn't understand. When I was about to ask him
what that meant, he grinned and brushed the side of my lips.
"Totoo na to, baby. Pasok ka na."
"Bebe Deyz? Bebe gising na ekaw! Pinapatawag ka ng Mommy nimu!" I groaned when I
heard Yaya's shrill voice. I don't wanna get up just yet! I need more sleep since
Ian and I spent hours together last night.
I just wish Manang Soling is here. I like her a lot better than my yaya. But Manang
is in Bicol with Ate so I guess I have no choice but to be nice to her.
"Bebe, gising na!" She knocked again and I took my huge pillow to cover my face
with it. I ignored her but she was damn persistent.
"Daze, sweetie. Get up! Breakfast is ready." I was forced to stand up and leave my
bed when I heard Mom's voice. I quickly opened the door because I don't want to
anger her. Her balming smile greeted me.
"Morning, Mom." I mused and she kissed the top of my head before patting my cheek.
"Goodmorning to you, too. Baba na. Ikaw na lang ang hinihintay." I nodded and we
descended the spiral staircase. Dad was already sitting on the kabisera while my
ever so annoying Kuya is seated to his left.
"Pangit, you're awake!" Kuya bantered and I rolled my eyes. "Shut it, you're
Mom glared at us and we became silent. I stuck my tongue at him and went to Dad.
"Morning, Daddy." I kissed his cheek and he frowned at me.
"Tapos mo na ba mga plates mo?" He asked when I settled beside

Mom. I shook my head and started putting rice on my plate.

"Almost, Dad. Finishing touches na lang." He nodded.
After breakfast, Dad went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Mom followed and God
knows what they did inside.
"Anong oras ka natulog, pangit?" Kuya Zade teased again.
"Ten." I answered casually and brought my plate to the sink. He chuckled. "Kaya
pala nakita ko kayo kahapon ng boyfriend mo ng two thirty nung sumilip ako ng
My eyes widened and he raised an eyebrow at me before smirking. "Kuya! Don't you
dare tell on me!" I hissed and he shrugged. "Whatever." He went back to his room
after saying that.
Kuya rarely leaves his room. He's a bit of a nerd. Good thing I'm not like him. Mom
and I lead Dad outside. He kissed Mom goodbye and drove to his office.
Hours later, Ian was already in the house. I took a bath and got dolled up. When I
went down, I saw Mom talking to him.
"There she is." Mom said.
"Beautiful." He muttered and I smiled sheepishly because Mom could hear him.
Mom just laughed and said, "Well, we have the Monteverde genes to blame for that."
She walked us to the gate and when Ian and I were already inside the audi, she
waved at me. I waved back and was about to roll the glass window up when she
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Sneaking out on midnights just so you could have a date isn't advisable, okay?"
After saying that, she turned her back on us and walked back inside. I was left
there gaping with face as red as cherry. I looked at Ian and found him smiling in
amusement. I palmed my face.

knew!" I exclaimed. Ian laughed and just held my hand tightly. As usual, he drove
with one hand while the other was holding mine. When we reached his house, I saw a
blue car parked in front. I furrowed my brows at him.
"Katherine is already here? It's still too early." I commented. We got out of the
car and when I looked at him, his eyebrow was raised.
"Baby, this is not Katherine's car. It's Emman's."
I just nodded. What's Emman doing here?
We entered and found Emman comfortably sitting on one of Ian's couches. He stood up
when he saw us and grinned.
"Hey, man! Zup, Daze!" I smiled at him. Of all Ian's friends, Emman's the one I'm
most comfortable with. Not that we're close or anything but I just like his
personality. Light and outgoing.
"What are you doing here?" Ian asked. His arms were on my waist and I found it
sweet that he seems to have no plan of removing it even though he's talking to
"Well, you see. Roselynne's following me again. So, ayun. Kung saan saan ako
dumaan. Nailigaw ko naman." He replied with a proud smile on his face.
Ian gave me the shortest and most brief explanation about the Emman-Roselynne
story. Turns out that the latter is obsessed with Emman and she follows him
everywhere. She's a stalker just like me but she's more persistent and desperate.
To think that she's chasing a guy who has a girlfriend already! What will Emman's
girl say about her? My gosh. But the story is not mine to tell so I shrugged it
We sat on the couch across Emman. "Hoy, dude! Ano na? Hindi ka pa pumapayag sa
racing ah? Ilang beses na kitang kinukulit! This is big, man! You should compete!"
He coaxed. Ian looked at me and I nodded supportively.
"I told you that it's okay. You want this, I know you do. I'm gonna worry, yes. But
I believe in you and I know you could do it. I'm right behind you on this, Ian." I
held his hand and pressed his palm.
"Are you sure it's okay?" He asked again and I nodded. He scratched his head and
turned to Emman.
"I'll do it."
Emman let loose a punch in the air and yelled triumphantly. "Yes! Wag kang mag-
alala Daze di mamamatay si Lexus." He grinned at me.
Ian held me by the waist and pulled me closer. "Yeah. I'm not gonna die kasi hindi
ko kayang iwan si Daze."
I hit his arm and he laughed at me.
"Kadiri, pucha!" Emman made a face and Ian glared at him. Afterwards, he turned his
attention to me again. He stared at me with love.
"No, seriously. Hindi ko kaya. The thought of being without you scares the hell out
of me. It will break my entire being in half." He replied sincerely.
The moment was almost perfect if not only for Emman.
He whistled and chortled. "Woohoo, nice one Lexus! Isa kang bading!"



"Buti nakaalis na siya. Sakit talaga ng ulo ang isang yon! Pano kaya siya
natatagalan ni Trinity?" Ian said after collapsing on the couch beside me. I
frowned at him. Emman just left after having lunch in here.
"Trinity?" I repeated.

"Yep. She's Emman's long-time girlfriend. Six years na sila. Steady and smooth-
sailing ang relationship nila." My eyes bulged. Six years?! Wow. That's long.

"Wag kang mag-alala, hihigitan natin ang six years." He winked at me and I giggled.
He snuggled me and kissed my forehead.

"I promise." He muttered using his sexy inviting voice. Seriously, it's hard not to
pay attention to Ian when his tone is like that.

"Mahal ko ikaw." I found myself saying that. He looked at me, glee filled his eyes.
We just sat there while he looked at me intently and slowly, so slowly, he held my
cheeks and gave me an honest-to-goodness kiss.

"Mahal rin naman kita, signorina. Mahal kita kahit malayo ang age gap natin. Mahal
kita kahit spoiled ka. Mahal kita kasi ikaw si Daze Alessaina. I could give you a
thousand reasons to explain just how much I love you but it isn't enough. It won't
ever be enough to justify the love I am feeling for you."

I fell silent. I couldn't think of a word strong enough to be able to level with
what he said. I just hugged him and it felt like the gates of heaven opened up for

"Because I don't just love you, I fucking love you, Daze. Hopelessly, unbelievably
and irrevocably."

My lips curved upwards. I feel like I'm floating and I can see different shades of
color dancing in my vision.

I wonder if this is what Mom felt like when she fell for Dad. The feeling was

"What time will Katherine come over?" I asked. I diverted the topic because I
couldn't handle the intensity of everything. Of his speech, of his expression, of
this love I have for him. It's growing stronger and deeper and I just wanted to
explode right now.

"Two yata, baby."

I nodded. He shot his wristwatch a glance. I checked mine too, it's almost one
thirty palang. He propped his feet over the table and I did the same. The only
difference is that I propped my feet over his legs. He raised an eyebrow on me and
I gave him a challenging look.

"Any violent reactions?" I queried. He shook his head and faked a salute. "Wala,

"Good." I replied. He smirked and scooted closer, he reached for me and nuzzled my
neck. His hair is tickling me, I couldn't help but giggle. I pushed his face away
and his laugh reverberated all over the living room.

"Landi you!" I accused. My eyes narrowed at him. His nose wrinkled and he catched
my hand. I tried to jerk it free but Ian was just too strong.

"Ikaw lang naman nilalandi ko. Loyal kaya ako. Tsaka tignan mo naman, kahit
tinatawag na akong bading ni Emman okay lang sakin. Basta mapasaya kita kahit ilang
pambubuska ang abutin ko, okay lang." He said. His words were really heartfelt.
"Hmp. You're making bola again." I pouted and he shook his head and raised one
hand. "Nah. I swear it on the River Styx."

"What is that ba?" I asked, annoyed. I'm pretty sure that it was in Greek

Mythology but I don't understand its relevance.

"It's the river of unbreakable oath. Once you swear on it, you must fulfill it. Or
bad things will happen." He explained. I pinched his nose. "Nerd, eew."

"Don't eew me. You fell for this nerd." He grinned and I stuck my tongue out. He
even called me cute! I don't think I look like a dog!

"I had a realization just a while ago. It occured to me when I was driving while
holding your hand." He played with my fingers. I furrowed my brows and frowned.

He leaned forward and planted his lips on mine. We savored the moment, until I let
go. He moved backwards, his face only inches away from mine.

"That Alice was wrong."

I frowned even more. "Who's Alice?"

"The girl who met a talking rabbit." He answered casually. I gave him weirded-out
look. What's with him? He confessed and now he's into children's stories?

"What was she wrong about?" I asked just to end his weird remarks. He smiled at me,
crinkles forming just around his eyes.

"Wonderland is not a place, signorina." He whispered. I wrapped my arms around his

neck and pulled him closer.

"What is it then, huh Ian?"

He looked at my eyes, then to my lips. His eyes lingered there before answering.

"It's two eyes, two sinfully good lips and a brat's beating heart. That is

"Yaya!!!" I yelled from the living room, I was still sitting beside Ian right now.
He's too clingy, he doesn't want to let me out of his sight. Ian's maid skedaddled
to the living room.

"Make mo ko ng pineapple juice, please?" I batted my lashes at her but she just
gave me a snort which didn't escape my eyes. Wow, I must admire her gall. Couldn't
she be more discreet? But anyway, I'm in a goodmood today so I just shrugged it
off. She went back to the kitchen while murmuring under her breath.

Ian's arms were around me in an instant. "Do you want pizza?"

I tapped my fingers on my lips. "Depends on the kind of pizza that you have."

"I have pepperoni on my fridge. I-microwave nalang natin." He replied. I love

pepperoni pizza! I clapped and happily agreed.
Before he headed to the kitchen, he gave me a so-called I'll-be-back-soon kiss. I
laughed while hitting his arm. He acts as if he's going to another continent.

I waited patiently in the living room. I feel sleepy. I was about to close my eyes
when I heard Ian's loud voice booming all over the house.


It was followed by a sob. Confused and overcame by curiosity, I sauntered towards

the kitchen and saw a sobbing maid and a fuming Ian. I held onto his arm and tugged
him. "What's happening in here?" I asked.

"S-sir, sorry! Patawarin niyo ako, hindi na mauulit. Sorry p-po. Parang awa niyo-"

"Fired. Kung hindi ka nakakaintindi ng english ay tatagalugin ko na, tanggal ka na.

Tinatanggal na kita. Get your filthy clothes and leave my house!" His voice was
filled with contempt and mockery.

His maid sobbed even more.

"Ian, what happened? You can't just fire her this easily!" He gazed at me and I saw
his clenched teeth.

"Oh, I just did Daze. I just did. Hindi ko hahayaang

manatili pa siya dito after kong makitang nilagyan niya ng liquid dishwashing soap
ang inumin mo." His expression was dark. When I heard what he said, my eyes darted
to his maid. I came near her and pulled her hair while she screamed.

"Bitch! How dare you!" I yelled. I let go of her and crossed my arms. She was still
crying as if she did nothing wrong.

"Don't fire her, Ian. She deserves a second chance." I smiled at his maid sweetly
and she looked at me in shock.

"What? You must be crazy, Daze! Who knows what she can do!" Ian exclaimed and gave
me a look of disbelief.

"Maam, t-totoo po ba yan? Bibigyan niyo po ako ng isa pang pagkakataon?" Now she
looked hopeful. My eyebrow hitched upwards.

"Of course not! I was kidding! You're fired. Go get your clothes because I don't
wanna see your face ever again." She sobbed harder but I didn't care. She went
upstairs to put her clothes in an old bag and I even escorted her outside. I
slammed the door close after she left.

My muscles only relaxed when Ian massaged my temples. "Calm down." He said as he
handed me the pizza.

I smirked at him before taking a bite. "Says the person who was fuming a while
ago." I teased and he scooped me up and placed me on his lap.

"Kasi naman. Pano kung nainom mo yun. I can't allow her to stay after knowing that
she has the capability to do that kind of thing. Basta nandito ako, walang pwedeng
kumanti sayo. Kahit sino Daze, wala. Be it my maid or even the president."

"Ang sweet naman ni lover boy!" Said a voice from the back, we turned and I saw a
woman in her early thirties grinning at me. I immediately got up from Ian's
lap while he calmly looked at the woman and nodded to acknowledge her presence.

"Katherine, you're here."

I examined her. She's beautiful, yes. But not beautiful enough to be compared to a
Monteverde. She gave me a smile that I quickly returned. She looks nice.

"Daze, right? Ian's mia bella signorina." She jested.

"He told you?" I asked, amazed. She laughed and set her folders down on the living
room table.

"Nah, I saw it on facebook. Badly smitten by a Monteverde, I see." She added.

"I know right. When we were at Iloilo kaya he said that he wanted to marry me over
and over again at different churches!" We laughed but Ian just gave Katherine a
blank stare as if he couldn't appreciate all the banters he's receiving.

"Shut it, you two. Start na tayo." I pouted and hugged him. I know that he couldn't
resist me. He caressed my hair and sighed. I grinned and he glared at me.

We started discussing the changes that I wanted to be made to his house. We're
gonna change the black and gray theme to white and gold. I want his house to look
elegant. I even requested for an extra room. The theme should be purple and white.
That's gonna be my room. I giggled. It just felt nice to have a room in his house.

After the short talk with Katherine, she bade her farewell because she has another
client waiting for her. We even made beso-beso.

"She's nice, she doesn't look interested in you so I think I'm okay with her. And I
love her ideas, don't you?" When I turned to Ian, he was just smiling at me. He
quickly embraced me and I shrieked when we both collapsed on the bed. "Yes, alone
at last!"

He chuckled when he saw my reaction. He tucked the loose strands of my hair on my

ear and kissed the tip of my nose. "We're not gonna do it, okay? I just wanna show
you something." He stood up and offered his hand, and I took it.

We ascended the stairs and went to his room. I suddenly felt ashamed when I saw how
clean his room was. It was even cleaner than mine!

We entered inside. What does he wanna show me? I thought as the whole place
registered on me.

"Come here." He said and jumped in bed. He lied there and put his arms under his
head and just stared at the ceiling.

"Come where? On the bed? With you?" I asked him askance. He nodded but he didn't
take his eyes off the ceiling.

"Yep. Gayahin mo ko." And I did. I lied in bed and stared at the ceiling. I gaped
at it. My mouth parted and Ian chuckled as amusement came over him. "She's
beautiful, isn't she?" He asked as he turned his eyes back to the ceiling. More
specifically, to the painting of me on his ceiling.

"I didn't know you could paint." Was the first thing I said when I found my voice.

"It's hobby. I started painting three years ago." He explained.

"B-but why? Why did you put it here? In the ceiling?" I asked. He twisted and
propped his face on his palm with his elbow supporting him. He stared down at my
face and I saw his eyes twinkling.

"Because I want your face to be the last thing I see before I sleep and the first
thing to register on my sight when I wake up."

I couldn't speak. He claimed my lips again and I responded. When he ended it, he
has a bright smile on his face.

"Katherine was right. You got me badly smitten, signorina."



Ian kissed me goodnight. He dropped me off at our house and I found Dad waiting in
front of the gate. He cocked his head to acknowledge Ian and the latter curtly
smiled. "Good evening, Sir."
"Good evening, young man. Wala naman siguro kayong ginawa ng anak ko diba?" My eyes
widened at Dad.
"Daddy!" I shouted out of extreme embarrassment. Ian chuckled. "Wala po. Mahal ko
po si Daze at nirerespeto ko siya."
Dad nodded and smiled. He even invited Ian inside but he declined. He needs to go
home because he is needed in his company. He told me that he has a meeting to
attend to tomorrow. A certain D. Reventez wanted to invest in their company and he
said that he couldn't let it pass.
"Pasok na ko sa loob, sumunod ka na Daze. And thank you sa paghahatid sa kanya,
Ian." Dad uttered. Ian gave Dad a salute. "No problem po."
Dad nodded and entered. I was left staring at Ian who was also staring at me.
"Goodnight." He said in a low voice. I giggled because I found the idea of him
being shy because of my dad's presence really cute.
"Hamla ikat." I mouthed loudly. He looks surprised and I giggled even more.
"Alam mo na yung meaning niyan?" He asked, a little hint of amusement present in
his tone. I bit my lip and nodded. "I jumbled the words. I figured it out a while
ago when we were still inside the car."
He grinned. "Witty girlfriend." He teased.
"Corny boyfriend." I teased back. He bleated and I just grinned before giving him a
light kiss on his cheek. "Night, baby. Dream of me."
"Oh, I will." He murmured back and slid inside his car. I watched

as he drove away. My heart fleeted and I smiled.

I went inside the house and kissed Mom and Dad goodnight. I readied myself for bed.
Just when I was about to close my eyes, my phone rang. It disturbed the night's
tranquility. I fumbled for my phone which was placed just above my bedside table. I
accepted the call and placed it on my ear.
I managed a yawning hello before rubbing my eyes.
"Signorina." I abruptly smiled when Ian's voice resonated from the other line. I
shifted on the bed and hugged my pillow.
"It's nighttime already. You can't get enough of me no?" I jested him and he
"Yes. I can never get enough of you. You're my everything and I don't think the sun
will still shine in my life if you leave." He said sincerely. I looked out the
window and saw the moon.
"Ian? Look outside your window and stare at the moon." I commanded. I heard a short
hustle on the background and the creaking of his window.
"It's beautiful."
It's calming to look at the night sky at a time like this.
"Anong shape ng buwan ngayon, Daze?" He asked. I frowned.
"Diba you're looking at it, too? Why do you have to ask me?" I queried.
"C'mon. Just tell me." He pressed and I budged.
"It's a crescent moon." I replied while playing with the fabric of my blanket.
"My love for you is like the moon, signorina. May mga pagkakataong hindi mo
makikita ng buo pero hindi ibig sabihin non ay hindi malaki ang pagmamahal ko sayo.
Because my love for you is bigger than the entire universe and broader than all of
the land masses combined altogether."
Here he goes

again with his sweet talk that melts my knees and makes my insides be and go
"Will you still love me even if I-"
"I will always love you, baby. Never question that, because my love is one thing
that would always remain unyielding."
I buried my face on the pillow and screamed. The cotton was drowning my noise and
despite the fact that I can't see my face, I knew that I was certainly blushing.
"Did you call so that you could say all those bunch of cheesy stuff?" I asked while
twirling strands of hair in my finger.
"I called because I missed you already. I called because I wanted to tell you
something really important."
I was starting to panic again but I forced it down. Ian's not gonna break up with
me, Ian loves me. He won't leave. I kept on assuring myself but my heart kept on
"What is it?" I asked. I admired myself for mustering a steady reply without
shaking or stuttering.
"Hamla ikat."
I blew a sigh of relief as he said that. I smiled giddily though he couldn't see me
over the phone.
"Hamla nir ikat, Ian." We were both silent for a while, and then he started to
sing. He said he wanted to sing for me. To sing me to sleep and I permitted him.
My eyelids were already drooping when he sang the last line of the song. His breath
resonated over the line and I just listened as I felt sleepiness wash over my
entire system. Before I drifted off, the last thing I heard was his soothing voice.
"I wish you're here with me so I could snuggle you and watch you slowly sleep in my
arms. Goodnight, bella mia. I love you."

I woke up the next day, I was feeling a bit lively. I kissed Mom goodmorning and
she smiled. I took my phone and opened Ian's message.
Can't fetch you today. Sorry, baby. The meeting is already starting. On a
completely unrelated subject, I hope you've had breakfast already. Hamla ikat.
I decided to send him a message later, he's still in a meeting right now and I know
that if I reply, he wouldn't listen there so I avoided my own phone.
I sat on the couch and decided to just watch movies when Kuya Zade went down. My
eyes shot up when I saw what he looked like. Seriously, he looks like someone who'd
just gotten out of jail for being imprisoned for such a long time. His eyes had
dark rims under it and they were tinged red.
"You drank last night, didn't you?" I accused. I thought he was gonna give me a
snarky comment or another sharp comeback but he didn't. He went straight to the
kitchen and drank water.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked when I saw for the second time how terrible he
totally looked like right now. He looks like someone ripped his heart off.
Kuya palmed his face and groaned in desperation. And then I saw fresh tears on his
eyes. "Tama ka, Daze. Ginamit lang ako ni Sam para sa pera."
"How did you..."
"Her mother told me. And I asked her. Inamin niya sa akin na totoo nga. Alam mo
yung sakit, kapatid? Di kayang matawaran ng kahit gano kalaking sugat. Kasi syempre
minahal mo eh. I can't believe that after all I've done for her she'll do this to
me! I invested so much feelings in her, Daze! Tangina ang hirap namang tanggapin na

lang siya sakin dahil sa pera at ambisyon." He said in a tone that conveys too much
pain. His pain touched my heart and pricked it with hundreds of needles.
I didn't know what to say, what to do. I wanted to console him but I'm afraid that
I might do the wrong stuff. So I just patted his back. "It's okay, Kuya. She's not
worth it. Forget about her."
He shook his head. "I can't."
I hit his arm. "Of course you can! There are tons of girls out there who is more
than willing to have you as their boyfriend. Show that Sam Antonio what she lost!"
He turned his back and started walking away after he dropped the most sensible line
I have ever heard him say.
"Kapag nagmahal ka hindi magiging ganon kadali ang lahat. The person you love might
hurt you and stab you but still, you will find yourself willing to take all the
blow. That's how love goes."
I just shook my head as I watched him climbing back upstairs. I took a bath and got
dressed. I decided to pay Ian a suprise visit in his company. I'm sure his meeting
is already done. I wore a simple dress and tied my hair in a bun. Maybe later, I
could ask Ian to braid it for me. I giggled at that thought.
Ian's the sweetest boyfriend ever and I know that everyone agrees with me, right?
I told the family chauffeur to drive me at Ian's. I brought food for him and his
whole barkada. I placed it in a tupperware which I'm now carrying. I slid out of
the car and thanked th driver.
"I can take it from here, thanks Manong." I gave him a sunny smile and he nodded.
"Ingat, Maam Daze." He said before maneuvering away.

I happily greeted the guards. I pressed the open elevator button and was about to
get inside when a woman with big front and back bumpers bumped into me. I held on
tight to my tupperware and thanked all the gods that it didn't fall.
"Nako, sorry!" She exclaimed in a feminine voice which had a rough edge. I smiled
at her. "It's okay. Sorry rin." She nodded and got out. I, on the other hand,
hopped inside. The elevator doors were already closing when someone yelled.
"Daisy!" I was rooted in place when I heard the name. I quickly pressed the open
button again and my eyes searched the lobby for Daisy. There are lots of people
walking in and out and anyone of them could be Daisy. The woman who bumped into me
gave me a weirded-out look. A small petite man came strutting towards her and
grabbed her hand.
"Halika na, Daisy. Tapos na ang meeting niyo ni Ian Estillore, bumalik na tayo sa
My chest thundered as I stared at the woman. As I stared at Daisy, my boyfriend's
first love. She looks beautiful and elegant and annoyingly perfect. Her curves were
all on the right places and I felt threatened and envious.
She looked at me again. "Miss, hindi ka pa ba aakyat? Kanina mo pa kasi hinohold
yang open button." She politely said. I nodded absent mindedly and let go of the
button. Slowly, the elevator doors slid close.
I can feel my heart racing as the elevator ascended. I stopped on the twenty first
floor, this is where the conference was located and Ian's secretary told me that
they're still in there. As I walked on the hallway, doubts filled my being.
What was she doing here? Is she the investor Ian told me about? Does D. Reventez
mean Daisy Reventez? Why did Ian hide this from me then?
I shook my head and tried to think of positive thoughts. I must not think like this
because Ian loves me now. Me and not Daisy.
I stopped in front of the wooden conference doors. It was slighlty open and I saw
the four sitting on their swivel chairs with their back from me and their feet on
the meeting table.
I was about to alert them of my presence when Zed asked a sudden question. "Ano nga
pre, mahal mo pa ba si Daisy?"
Nathan hit his arm. "Tinatanong pa ba yan?! Syempre oo! Sobrang patay na patay nga
siya dun na halos pagawan niya ng altar yun sa bahay niya eh!" My heart felt like
it was being torn to pieces but I listened.
"Ah! Oo nga, ayaw niya nga tayong papasukin dun sa kwartong pinaglagayan niya ng
lahat ng kabaliwan niya kay Daisy diba? Puto paintings!" Emman added.
"Ano nga pre. Simpleng oo o hindi lang yan oh. Kaibigan mo naman kami. So, Mahal mo
pa si Daisy?"
Ian sighed. I waited for him to say no, to say that he loves me. But what came out
of his mouth was wrong and painful it stabbed me right in the left part of my
"Yes. Hindi yon magbabago kahit kelan."
Lumayo ako sa may pinto. I felt myself breaking into tiny little pieces. I was
bleeding and nobody could see the cut but me.
Kasabay ng paghiyaw ni Zed ay ang pagbagsak ng mga luha ko.
Looks like I was just a rebound, huh?




"Yes. Hindi yon magbabago kahit kelan." Nathan and I exchanged glances when Ian
said that. Hinuhuli lang naman namin siya, we never thought that he'd fall for it.

Nakita kong nagtagis ang bagang ni Nathan. He's the good boy in the group, ayaw
niyang may babaeng nasasaktan o naagrabyado. And right now, I know Ian's answer
pissed him the hell off.

"Pano si Daze?" I asked.

He looked up. "Mahal ko rin." Simple niyang sagot.

"Gago ka ba? Hindi ka pwedeng magmahal ng dalawa!" Nathan exclaimed and dropped a
fist on the table. Ian gave him a blank stare before answering. "I know, Nate."

"Then why?" I asked him. I heard Zed's chuckle while clapping Ian's back. "You're
fucked up, man!"

Ian just gave him a faint smile before taking the parker pen on the table and
twisting it in between his fingers. His eyes had a different light in them that I
couldn't explain. Ang hirap basahin ni Ian ngayon. Minsan may pagka-misteryoso rin
siya eh. Kelan nga lang namin nalaman yung tungkol kay Daisy nung mapagtripan
naming silipin ang nasa loob ng isang pinto sa kwarto nya eh.

That time, blanko pa ang kwartong yun except for a half finished painting. We asked
him who that was supposed to be, and he answered with, "Daisy. The ultimate love of
my life."

I can still remember Zed laughing that time as he jested Ian. "Tangina, ang bading
Hindi naman na binanggit ni Ian si Daisy samin after nun. Nung pumunta uli ang
barkada sa bahay niya, we sneaked in his room again while he was taking a shower.
But unfortunately, the door was already

locked and he caught us. Dahil sa sagarang pamimilit namin ay napaamin namin siya
kung ano ang nasa loob.

"Mga painting nga ni Daisy! Tsaka mga pictures! Tangina mga pre, mind your own
business!" Medyo napipikon pang sabi niya. Imagine, the Ian Lexus Estillore was
badly obsessed with a woman! Now that was new!

"Pre baka naman nagtayo ka na ng altar sa loob!" Pagbibiro ni Nathan. Ian had
laughed and hit his shoulder. "Gago! Di pa naman ako ganon kaobsessed!"

But I thought that he was over Daisy now. Hindi pa pala. I'm kind of worried about
Daze. She might be a brat but she has feelings too. Nakikita ko sa mga mata niya na
mahal niya talaga si Ian. And this fucking jerk is fucking lying to her!

"Bakit mo naman pinaniwala si Daze na mahal mo siya? Dude, that's unfair!" I

pointed out. He just kept twisting the pen in his fingers.

"I do love Daze." He shot back, half-annoyed. Nathan's brows creased.

"You are lying to her!" Nathan yelled this time and dropped a fist on the table. I
saw Ian's jaw clench but he breathed deeply to control his emotions.

"I am not lying to her! Hindi ko pa lang inaamin sa kanya ang tungkol kay Daisy
pero hindi ako nagsisinungaling!" He shot back.

Iniharang ko na sa kanila ni Nathan ang braso ko. We don't need an altercation at a

time like this.

"That's almost the same, Ian. You're being unfair!" I can feel the anger in Nate's
voice when he said that. Ian looked straight into his eyes amd snorted.

"No, I'm not! Wag niyo nga akong pakialaman kasi wala naman kayong alam! Hindi niyo
naiintindihan so stop jumping into conclusions!"

Ian rose from the table and was heading to the door when I spoke.

"Just let go of Daisy already. Ito yung tama." I heard his heavy breathing from
here. Nilingon niya ako at binigyan ng malamig na tingin.

"Tulad ng sinabi ko kanina, wag niyo kong pakialaman kasi wala kayong alam. And I
can't, Emman. I can't let go of Daisy..."

He reached for the door knob and twisted it.

"...she's my lifeline."


I don't know where I am now. I kept on running after what I've heard from Ian. He
loves Daisy.

My heart broke again. It felt like I was crushed between heaven and earth. I sat on
the pavement not even caring about the people passing by and just cried my heart
out. I sobbed, my tears falling in rapid lines on my cheeks.

Is this how love works? I knew that pain can't be avoided when you fall in love,
but I never expected it to be this intense.

I felt cheated on and lied to. I felt like shit, really. I looked up in an attempt
to prevent my tears from falling but it was no use. It came running in straight
lines and it dampened my dress.

My throat felt dry when I remembered that line again. His love for Daisy wouldn't
change, he had said. I belived in him! I loved him, adored him! While he, he chose
to play with my feelings like I was some rare toy he couldn't wait to fidget with.

The people who were passing by would give me weird glances but I didn't mind them.
Embarrassment is the least of my worries right now. My body shook and trembled.

"Daze? Daze ikaw nga! Shit!

Anong nangyari sayo?!" My eyesight was really blurry that I couldn't make out the
guy's face, but I was pretty sure that his voice sounded familiar. His hands
quickly traveled to my arms to lift me up.

"Daze, damn. Why are you crying? Who did this to you?" He gave me his hanky and I
wiped my eyes with it. I looked at him and I don't know why I felt relief when I
discovered who he was.

"A-axev." My voice cracked and my lips quivered. Another batch of tears fell from
my eyes. He looks alarmed, he took the handkerchief from my hand and wiped my face
with it.

"C'mon, let's talk inside the car. Pinagtitinginan ka na dito." I just nodded while
sniffing. He lead me to his car and opened the door for me. I slid inside and he
did too.

He started the engine and started driving to nowhere in particular. "You can tell
me your problem. It can make you feel lighter." He offered.

My heart throbbed again. I saw Ian's smiling face while holding on to Daisy's hand.
I can imagine myself breaking down while watching the two of them.

"Daze, please speak up." His voice was laced with gentleness but I was busy
grieving for my heart.


"He doesn't love me." I quickly said. I bit my lip for several times, hoping that
the pain would melt away but it didn't. It stayed there and tortured my being and
unraveled my only piece of sanity left.

"What? Sino? Yung boyfriend mo?" He asked. I nodded and looked down. My hands were
placed just above my legs with my palms facing me. I was searching it for nothing
in particular. I stared at the lines

and the creases in it. I tried to think of something else but I just couldn't. I
can feel my whole world collapsing all around me and I couldn't do anything to stop

"Why ganun?" I sobbed. "Why do people get used? Why can't people be loved the way
they should be loved?" I asked. I could taste bitterness in my own voice and I
admired myself for saying those without stuttering.

"Hindi ko rin alam, Daze. But I do know one thing and I'm pretty sure about it." He
said before giving me a sincere smile that seems to be telling me to that
everything's gonna be fine. I tried to smile back but I ended up grimacing.

"What is it?" I asked before looking out the car window.

"A person like you should never shed even a single tear for a person who can't see
your worth. You are Daze Alessaina Monteverde, you don't deserve to get hurt." He

I stared at him for a good ten seconds but I averted my gaze immediately. "I love
him." A tear fell again and I wiped it just as quickly as it trickled down. I felt
stupid. I couldn't even deny the fact that I've fallen too hard for Ian.

"Ugh!!! Damn it!" I yelled frustratedly. I groaned and kicked inside his car to
release all the frustration inside of me. And Axev just let me. I was really going
berserk and spouting out a thousand different curses when he parked.

I felt his hand on my arm. He tugged me and just trapped me in his embrace. This
isn't me anymore. Daze Alessaina Monteverde doesn't cry, she doesn't beg nor does
she act desperate towards a guy.

But now look at me, look at me pathetically crying. Pouring my heart out as I wept
on Axev's shoulders. He caressed my back repeatedly while mumbling. "Hush now,
Daze. Mawawala din naman yang sakit, trust me."

"When?" I inquired.

He mussed my hair the way Ian does when he's acting sweet. It shattered me to
pieces even more.

"Soon." He simply stated.

"When exactly is soon?" My voice dropped.

He shook his head. "Ikaw lang ang nakakaalam niyan."

I pulled away and he let go of me. I took his hanky and wiped the remnants of my
tears. I raised my chin proudly and tried to calm myself. I tried to breathe
normally but my entire being feels like it's ready to collapse and disintegrate.

"Thank you, Axev." I looked away.

I saw a sliver of a smile on his face as he gave me a shrug. "Malakas ka sakin eh."

I fidgeted with my fingers. "Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure. Ano ba yun?"

"Can you drive me to my house?" I requested. He gladly agreed and moments later, we
were already speeding on the driveway. I was silent the whole drive. I tried
thinking of other thoughts but what Ian said replayed inside my head like a broken
stereo. I wouldn't have noticed that we were already in front of the house if he
didn't tell me.

"You know where my house is.." I said, almost amazed. He scratched the back of his
head and smiled sheepishly. "Yeah."

I took a deep breath. "Can I ask one more favor from you?"

He knitted his eyebrows. "Oo naman. Anything."

I felt uneasy saying my request. "Can we keep this a secret? Please?"

A smile appeared on his face. "No problem." I thanked him again and got out of the
car, he even waved at me before he drove away. I closed my eyes and inhaled before
going inside. The living room was empty when I got in so I headed straight to my

When I closed the door, I felt the pain washing over me again. I took out my phone
and saw twenty missed calls from Ian. I almost dropped the phone when I saw his
name flashing on my screen again. I can feel my eyes watering again.

I was contemplating whether to answer his call or not but the side of me who wanted
to hear his voice won.

"H-hello?" My voice was shaky.

"Baby! Bakit ngayon ka lang sumagot?! I was worried sick! Nakailang tawag ako sayo.
Are you okay, signorina?" My heart sank.

"Y-yes. I'm okay. Call me later nalang, I'm doing something important."

I quickly ended the call and collapsed on bed. My heart was thundering inside my

I was startled when it rang again. I accepted it.

"Signorina." His voice sounded tense. I willed myself to speak calmly though it was
really hard.


"I have to tell you something really important."

"What is it?" My tears came running down again and I couldn't do anything to stop

"I love you so damn much, mia bella signorina."



"Daze may problema ba tayo?" Ian asked while he was driving me to school. I gave
him a smile before shaking my head.

"Alam kong meron." He said after letting go of a deep sigh. I smiled for the second
time before shaking my head. "You're overthinking, Ian."

He stopped the car and when I looked outside, I saw the university façade. I've
never been this delighted to go to school. I just wanted to go out of the car and
be as far away from Ian as I could. I can't handle the acrid smell of my own pain.
It was sulfurous and pungent.

"Overthinking? I am not! Kung wala tayong problema then why can't you say it?" He
looks frustrated. I saw his hands gripping the steering wheel too tight that his
knuckles quickly turned white.

"Say what?" I opted to stick with my ignorance. My heart started thundering inside
my ribs when he gave me a deep piercing stare that seemed to pass through my skin
and into the deepest depths of my soul.

"Why can't you say that you love me? Tatlong araw na Daze. Kapag tinatawagan kita
at nag-iilove you ako bigla mo akong papatayan. Kapag hinahatid kita at sinabi ko
yun bigla ka namang bababa ng kotse. Hindi mo rin nirereplyan ang mga messages ko.
And you act as if everything is okay!" He raised his voice and hit the steering
wheel with a fist. I cringed but stayed in my place.

"Everything is okay." I repeated. He gave me a hostile glance.

"Then say it. Say it and prove me wrong. Say it and erase my doubts." He coaxed. I
swallowed and averted my gaze. I examined myself.

Can I say it? Can I say that I love him even though I know that he loves Daisy? Can
I afford to hear myself say the three words that he probably keeps on repeating to
the woman he really loves?

"I.. I can't." I whispered. I heard him grunt in annoyance and frustration. He hit
the steering wheel repeatedly and I just looked at my hands.

There's no greater bliss than to know that you are loved by the person you love.
But there is no greater pain than to know that he lied to you and made you believe
that he has feelings for you.

"Putang ina..." He cursed. He was breathing heavily. His fingers ran on his hair
and his eyes were closed while doing so.

"Putang ina Daze, alam mo ba kung gano mo ko sinasaktan ngayon?" He looks like he
really was in deep pain. I wanted to shout, to lash out at him, to slap him, to
punch him. But it was an extreme waste of effort. It was an extreme waste of

I wanted to ask him if he also knows how much he's hurting me. I wanted to ask him
how he stomachs acting so sweet to me when he's basically cheating. I wanted to ask
him why he's doing this to me. But I lacked confidence and I lacked courage.

Because I love him.

Whatever I do, it always comes down to the amount of love I have for him. And it
stings. It poisons. It slowly kills.

"Daze mahal kita. Mahal na mahal kita." His tone was laced with desperation and
hesitation. I shook my head.

"You don't. Maybe you got it wrong. You're saying that to the wrong person." I took
my bag and tried to open his car door but he grabbed my hand and yanked me towards
him. I almost crashed on his chest
if I wasn't holding on to the headrest. I abruptly pushed him away.

"Baby, please tell me what's wrong. Wag mo naman akong ganituhin. Let's talk about
this." His eyes were pleading but I forced myself to maintain a neutral expression.
I shook my head and removed his hand. Before he could grab me again, I opened his
car door and got out.

My steps were quickening each passing second. A few more steps and I would already
reach the university lobby when I felt an arm tug at mine again. I put on a blank
expression when Ian pulled me for a hug. He buried his face on my neck and
tightened his embrace. I could see other students eyeing us with distaste and
curiosity but Ian didn't budge. He just stayed on his place and gave me a warm hug
that suffocated me.

"They're looking at us. Let go. P-please just let go." I murmured. I can feel
myself disintegrating into a pile of ashes. He shook his head again.

"Ian! We're drawing attention!" I hissed. But still, he refused to let go. I was
struggling but to no avail. He was muscular and his strength is overpowering me.

"I don't care! I don't care if they say that I look stupid. I don't care whatever
they say. They could talk about me all they want but I won't let the woman I love
walk away from me. No, Daze. You can't just walk out on this relationship. I can't
and won't let you do that."

My lips quivered and I knew that any moment, my tears could fall so I pushed him

"Stop lying to me!" I yelled.

He looks confused. Really, I admire his ability to look clueless.

That's some serious talent. His theatrical skills are way too impeccable for me to
even have a hint that he's already toying with me.

"Lying to you? Anong ibig mong sabihin? I don't get you, Daze!" He shouted back. I
could see confusion written on his features while anger and disgust danced on my

"I don't get you, too. I'm sorry, Ian but I just unloved you." I raised my chin,
begging my tears not to fall right now. It can fall later, when I'm all alone. But
not now.

His face mirrored shock. He blinked several times and shook his head. "No, no. You
can't unlove me! That's not possible, signorina!"

I stared directly in his eyes and prepared myself to say the biggest lie I would
ever dare say. "Maybe I really didn't love you at all. Maybe it was just an
infatuation that I've gotten over with. That must be it. It was never love, Ian. It
was just a big cruel joke destiny pulled for us. We're both victims here."

Looking at the pain flashing on his face overwhelmed and bothered me. That time, I
wanted to take back everything I've said. I wanted to just hug him and just feel
his arms wrapping around me. I wanted to hear him whispering sweet nothings into my
ear. I wanted him to say that he loves me and only me. I wanted him to caress my
cheeks and kiss me.

I wanted many things. But I guess what I wanted more was a little distance. A
Monteverde should never ever beg for love.
"You're kidding. Baby, tapos na ang A-april fools. Hindi na yan

nakakatawa. Please. Bawiin mo yan." His voice cracked just like the broken pieces
of my heart.

"I'm not. This is it, Ian. This is the end of us. I hope you find forgiveness for
me in that heart of yours." I added. His shoulders fell and he said nothing. He
just continued looking at me as if memorizing the details of my face for the last
time. It kills me to know that I'm actually doing this right now.

All I want is for the pain to subside. But as I said those words to Ian, it
intensified and it almost choked me.

I don't want to give him the benefit of the doubt. I've already found out about his
love for Daisy. I can't let him treat me like trash again. I just had to do the
first move. I just had to break up with him before he breaks up with me. Because
that's gonna hurt a lot more. And I don't know if I can still tolerate it.

"I love you, signorina. So much." He slowly spoke as if the very effort was causing
him pain and speaking difficulties. He held my hand but I flinched and pulled it
away immediately.

"But I don't. I'm officially putting a stop to this relationship." I answered. And
I ran. I ran inside the university without a second glance, because I'm afraid that
I might just run back to him once I do. I was crying while walking inside. I
checked my wristwatch and discovered that it's already 8:50. I'm twenty minutes
late already so I decided to head to the rooftop. I sneaked on the stairs and
climbed up.

When I reached the rooftop, the tranquility of the place welcomed me. I sat on a
wooden bench and stared at the tall buildings. My tears, my stupid tears, fell
again. I let it dampen my face. Moments

later, I saw a hanky on my line of vision. I took it and wiped my tears.

"Nakita ko ang nangyari kanina so I followed you here." Axev said. I didn't answer.
I continued sobbing silently. My whole body was shaking. I hate him and I love him
and it scares me that my love for him is greater than any emotion I am feeling
right now.

"I broke up with him, Axev. It feels right but why do I feel this miserable?" I bit
my lip and looked at him. He sighed.

"Masyado mo kasi siyang mahal, Daze." He replied with a monotone.

"Did I do the right thing?" I asked, my voice shaky once again. I started
questioning myself if I made the right decision. I kept on convincin myself that
somehow I did, but my mind and my heart both strongly disagree.

"Hindi ko alam. Did you listen to his explanation? Did you try hearing him out?" He
inquired. Those questions made me shut up.

"N-no." I admitted. He took the hanky and leaned forward. He brushed my wet cheeks
with it and returned it to my hand afterwards.

"Then maybe that's not the wisest decision to make. Isa sa pinakamalaking factor
ang matutong makinig sa mga eksplanasyon, Daze. Because you aren't always right.
Hindi ka Diyos para hindi magkamali." I contemplated for a long time. And then I
stared at him. He suddenly hugged me and I couldn't react.

He whispered on my ear. "You know what to do. The heart knows what to do." He stood
up and left. I was left alone in the rooftop pondering about his wise answers. I
put a hand over my heart and felt

its vibration.


With tears in my eyes, I quickly stood up and grabbed my bag. Axev's right, I
should've waited for an explanation.

I almost tripped while taking thr stairs, I ran out of school and hailed a cab and
told him to head into Ian's house. I gave him directions and he followed. While I
was on the way, I tried calling Ian's phone but he wouldn't pick up. I palmed my
face as my sweaty fingers redialled his number. But he still wouldn't pick up.

When we reached Ian's house, I saw an umfamiliar car parked in front. I didn't
descend from the cab, I just stayed inside while trying to call him for the
umpteeth time. I put it near my ear and waited while my eyes were trained outside.

After a short while, a figure got down from the car and entered Ian's gate. The
figure had glorious posterior and massive bumpers.

"Daze! Daze! You called! Baby, you called! Thank God! I love you, God I love you!
Please don't break up with me!" Ian's voice said from the other line. But I
couldn't reply. My eyes remained on his gate wherein Daisy just entered seconds
ago. I wanted an explanation, but seeing her here was enough proof that Ian's
cheating. Seeing her here is enough sign to stop my stupidity.

My other hand flew to my face and I found it wet again.

"B-baby, nandito ako sa bahay niyo para kausapin sana si Tita Cassidy or si Tito
Aaron pero wala daw sila dito. Aaminin kong kaya ako pumunta para kausapin sila
dahil baka mabago nila isip mo. C-call me pathetic but I don't wanna lose you. I
can't lose you, signorina. I can't. I love you." He was stuttering.

"Daze, sumagot ka naman baby. I love you. Please just let me hear your voice. I
love you so much."

"I-ian." I spoke up, my lips quivering.

"Daze... Daze ko, I love you. Wag mo kong iwan."

"I just called to.."

I couldn't bring myself to say it. I wept.

"Alis na po ba tayo maam?" The old cab driver asked and I just nodded.

"To say goodbye. Sorry, Ian. I'm omitting you from my life."


"Masaya ka ba naman sa ginawa mo ha, Daze Alessaina?" Ate Xiana's voice became
stern. I was standing on the veranda while eyeing the night sky. My eyes were
bloodshot and puffy from crying.

"N-no. I feel horrible. I feel hurt and alone." I admitted with a sad sigh. I can
still hear Ian's pleas. But I didn't listen, I had to put up a brave front. I had
to maintain a cold heart because when I fell for him, it backfired on me. Terribly.
And I just don't want it to happen again.

"Bunso, naniniwala ka sa mga bagay na gusto mong paniwalaan. You can't see the
bigger picture because your heart is clouded with anger and pain." She explained. I
blinked several times as tears rolled down my cheeks without preamble. I wiped it
dry and inhaled slowly.

"Hindi ko na kasi alam kung ano ang papaniwalaan ko, Ate. I heard him say it. And
it felt like lava was being poured over me." My voice was shaky and unsteady. I
just wanted to collapse and cry in one corner until the pain ceases to exist. I
can't believe I'll experience wallowing in self-pity.

"Don't overthink. Magpahinga ka na muna. Goodnight, cupcake. Ate loves you." I felt
a lump on my throat. I miss her so much, I just wish she's here with me right now.

"Love you back, Ate. Kick Vane's balls for me." I tried to banter but it came out
blandly. She gave me a chuckle and then the line went dead. Dad and Mom doesn't
know about this yet. I'm not keen about telling them that I

just got my first heartbreak.

I put the phone down and lied in bed. I thought about Ian and just like that, I
feel like crying again. My phone rang. I listened to it ring once, twice then

"Hi, this is Daze. I can't take your call right now, leave a message!" I waited for
the message to come, guessing it was just from one of my classmates. But then I
heard an awfully familiar voice on the line.

"Signorina..." His voice was a rough whisper that threw me at my feet. I sat bolt
upright while staring at the phone on my bedside table.

"Ti amo tanto." There was a pause, then a mirthless chuckle followed.

"Why won't you talk to me? Why do you keep on ignoring me, evading my calls? Why
would you do this to me when all I did was to love you, cherish you? I almost
worshipped you. You had me at your disposal, signorina. This is so unfair, you
know?" He sniffed and just then I felt my heart breaking all over again.

"Everything is just so damn unfair because you can afford to lose me but I can't
even afford to turn my back on you! You were my universe, my sea, my sky... Daze,
you are my fucking everything and I need you in my life. Without you, it'll be
purposeless to live in this godforsaken world. Do you know how you're breaking me
in tiny little pieces? Even occasional thoughts of you shatters me into
infinitesimal bits, baby. Why did you unlove me? Why did you unlove when all the
while I couldn't even erase your fucking name on my fucking lips?"

I sobbed on the bed while listening to his speech. Why

was Ian acting like this? Why was he making things hard for me? Why was he still
pretending to love me, to need me even when he is already free to be with Daisy? I
was bombarded with questions coming from myself and I couldn't find answers.

"Daze ko..." I was startled to hear his voice again. It was hoarse and shaky, too.

"Back in Iloilo, you told me that I was your sky and everything else is just the
weather. Please baby, don't leave me. Don't let your sky be plunged in eternal
darkness. Be my sun again, signorina. Please come back, I'll teach you how to love
me again. Just don't leave. Don't run away from me. Stay in my life, Daze. P-please
stay. I love you too desperately to give up on you. So please don't leave." He was
begging me not to leave and I just wept there as the line went dead again. I took
my phone and was tempted to call him back.

"Ian.. Why are you doing this to me?" I cried on my palms as I clutched the phone
to my chest, where my heart is. "I love you, I love you. I love you so much,
Ian..." I cried violently. My tears can't be put into a halt. That night, I fell
asleep on the floor.

My sleep was broken when the alarm clock blared. I turned it off and got up. I
looked at the mirror and found my eyes a little bit puffy and dark circles now
highlighted it.

I took a quick shower and wore my school uniform. I grabbed my bag and hurriedly
went down the stairs and was surprised to see Mom at the base of it. I pulled my
head low so she wouldn't see my eyes. I don't want her to ask

questions, I just wasn't ready for an interrogation yet. The least I need now is a

"I'm going." I announced. She gave me a quick glance accompanied by a frown. "Why
are you in such a hurry? I prepared breakfast."

"I need to be at school before my class starts. I have reports to finish." I

reasoned out. I didn't wait for her to answer me, I gave her a quick kiss on her
cheeks before walking to the door.

"Daze, sweetie?" She called from the kitchen. "Yes, mom?"

"Your Daddy and I love you so much. Lagi mo yang tatandaan ha?" I bit my lip. I'm
being sentimental again. I nodded with my back turned.

"I know. Love you too, Mom." I quickly opened the door and went out. I took a cab
to get to school. I guess this is the hard part of ending a relationship. You have
to get used to the fact that he wouldn't be here for you anymore.

I paid the cabbie a large amount of money before I dismounted from the vehicle. I
entered the university and listened to the tedious professors even though
loneliness and boredom are killing me inside. I forced myself to smile but I just
couldn't do it. I feel too hollow inside that I couldn't even cheat myself.

"Hey, you don't look so good." Tine pointed out during lunch. I just gave her a
tired nod before munching my sandwich. My heart is sinking again as my thoughts
drifted to Ian. I miss his voice, his hugs, his kisses. I miss everything about him
but I don't have a right to anymore.

Dismissal came and I saw just how stoked everybody was to be going home already.
While I felt the same emptiness

I had when I came to class. I knew that I was starting to scare Tine with my sour
mood and my desire to stay silent the whole day but I just can't at least pretend
that I was okay.

I was miserble. That was the truth.

"You can go ahead." I told Tine and she just kissed my cheek and patted my shoulder
with an endearing expression before leaving. I was left alone inside the classroom,
sulking. I heard footsteps and was shocked to see Axev standing in front of me.

"Don't cry." He warned and I bit my lip again, a mannerism that I just couldn't

"I wasn't crying, okay?" I argued and he raised his chin.

"Looks like you were about to." He stated blatantly. I gave him a glare and he just
mustered a soft smile as he held my arms and lifted me up.

"Let's go, hatid na kita pauwi." He offered and I just nodded and tailed him. We
exited the university and went to the parking lot. I saw his car and he walked
towards it. I was about to follow when I was dragged by someone on the arm.

I became wide-eyed when I saw Ian. He was a mess! His eyes were intense and
emotional while his grip was tight and territorial. He also has dark circles under
his eyes and it killed me to look into those two orbs knowing that I'm not the one
he adores.

"Let go." I stared at him, unblinking while struggling to get free from his vise-
like grip. He regarded Axev with his beady eyes and I stared at the latter with an
obvious cry for help.


what shocked me was when Axev nodded to Ian and said, "Don't mess this up." Before
slipping inside his car and driving away. I gaped at Ian who was now looking at me

"You can't just leave me like that whenever you want to, Daze! Hindi ako papayag!
Hindi ka aalis, hindi mo ko iiwan, hindi mo ko pwedeng hindi mahalin." He demanded
and I pushed him away.

"And you can't just play with me, cheat on me and then get to stay with me, Ian!
You can't be with me if you're in love with someone else! I hate you! I hate you!
God, I hate you so much!" That's it. The waterworks were on roll again. Fresh hot
tears trickled down and I did nothing to stop it.

I raised my index finger and probed Ian with it. "You heartless monster! You liar!
What a sick sick liar you can be, Ian! I loved you and in return you cheat on me!
Was I not enough? Was I not good enough for you?" I shouted at him and hit his
chest with my fists but I doubt that it's doing damage.

He grabbed my hand but I yanked it away. "Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me,
you cheater!" I wanted to scratch him, tear his eyes off, feed him to the dogs but
if I do just those then I knew that I would suffer a much greater loss.

His look was appalled. "Cheater? Ano ba ang pinalalabas mo, Daze? Na niloloko kita?
I can't do that to you!" He yelled back, obviously offended.

"I can't do that to you because I love you and you are more than enough to keep me
going! You are my happy pill, Daze and I don't know what you're trying to imply
because I would never dare cheat!" He insisted. I could see just how much

he was in me. As if he has the right to be!

I harshly wiped my tears away. "Stop feeding me with lies! I wish I never loved
you, I wish that I just fell for someone else! Axev, for example! I wanna fall for
just about anyone but not you. Not you, Ian! And if I have a fucking time machine
then I would change the course of my life. I wouldn't go to your house anymore to
ask you to be my boyfriend because that was the biggest mistake I have ever made!
You were the biggest mistake I willingly committed! And I hate myself for that." I
was so consumed by anger that I had said things I didn't really mean to.

I heard a loud sound. "Stop it! Shut up, Daze! Putang ina, tama na!" Ian shouted
repeatedly as he continuously slammed his fist on the wall. I watched him with
tears streaming down from my eyes. His chest was rising and falling but he wouldn't
stop punching the wall til his hand bled.

I saw blood oozing from it but I didn't dare approach him. He placed his forehead
on the wall and breathed heavily. "How..." He started.

"How could you feel that way towards me when I felt the very opposite towards you?"
I remained silent as I stared at his tortured face now contorted with great pain.

"How could your words have the power to kill me in a span of seconds? How?" His
voice broke and I saw his shoulders shake.

"You were the greatest blessing I have ever received and you highlight my life,
signorina. But you refer to me as your biggest mistake?! I was only a mistake,
huh?! A fucking mistake that you wanna redo if given a damn chance!" He punched the
wall again and I flinched and cried while I stared.

"Tang ina Daze mahal na mahal kita! Kaya kahit masakit na ipinagtutulakan mo ako
palayo at lantarang ipinapakita mo sakin na ayaw mo na ipinipilit ko parin ang
sarili ko! Kasi mas madaling magmukhang tanga kesa ang mawala ka sakin! Kaya kong
mawala ang pride ko, ang dignidad ko! Lahat ng yan kaya kong mawala sakin, Daze..."

I saw a single tear escape his eye and it shocked me as I watched it rolling down
his cheek.

"Pero tang ina Daze, mawala na ang lahat wag lang ikaw, kasi... Kasi hindi ko yata
kakayanin." My heart slowly felt like it was being trampled on. I felt pinpricks
all over again. I wanna hug Ian. I wanna believe him. But I'm scared.

"You could stab me with a knife or shoot me with a gun if you liked..." He started
ambling closer and he reached for me. His eyes conveyed intense pain which mirrored

"And I would still love you."


"Liar! Leave me alone! Leave! Me! Alone! I don't need you in my life!" I pushed him
away but he wouldn't budge. He encased me in a tight hug that I couldn't escape
from no matter how hard I wriggled. I thrashed and I was well aware that I was
hurting him but I'm hurting too. And I'm choosing to save myself before he fully
drowns me.
I let my tears drop down on my cheeks and into his shoulders. It dampened his shirt
but he didn't seem to care. His expression was cold but emotions were swimming in
his eyes. I kicked and clawed but he wouldn't let go.
"I hate you! Let go, Ian!" I shouted and started to turn hysterical again but he
pinned me on his car and held me by the shoulders. He had a determined expression
on his face when he looked at me.
"No. I love you and letting you go will never become an option, signorina." His
bloody hand was gripping my shoulder not too tightly to squeeze it but also not too
loose for me to able to run.
In one swift movement, my hand flew to his face. His cheek became red and he looked
at me with shock. My mouth parted because even I, couldn't believe that I hurt him
physically. My lips quivered.
"I-ian.." My voice trailed off and he just stood there, in front of me. His hands
slid down my shoulders and I knew that I could run away from him right now. It
won't be futile anymore. But I was rooted in place, standing in front of him and
staring at his dark intense eyes. He looked hurt and offended and I just wanted to
kiss him and apologize but I forced myself not to.
Because he deserved that. For hurting me, for leading

me on, for making me believe that I can be loved the way I wanted to be loved. He
deserved every single bit of pain I'm giving him because the pain he inflicted upon
me was much much greater. I hate him for that. But I hate myself even more. Because
even though the tension between us is palpable, the love I feel for him outshines
everything else.
"Really, Daze? You accused me of being a liar, a cheater and now you slapped me?
For what? Is this what I get for loving you?!" Anger rose on his voice now.
Immediately, the remorse I felt abandoned me. My eyes narrowed and I hit his chest
again. He did not try to stop me or to move away. My fist slammed on his chest
again and he just watched.
"Stop saying you love me because you don't!" I raised my chin despite the tears.
So, I wiped it. I would walk away from here with pride. I turned my back and was
about to leave when Ian called from behind.
"Sabihin mo nga sakin kung pano pumasok sa utak mo yang ideya na niloloko kita. Na
hindi kita mahal. Sabihin mo na Daze bago pa ko mawalan ng pasensya. Because I'm so
close to losing my sanity and my shit with all of these! Hindi kita maintindihan at
hindi mo rin naman gustong ipaintindi sakin! Ipaliwanag mo naman kung ano ang
nangyayari sating dalawa kesa ako yung walang kamuwang muwang! All of a sudden
naging cold ka at nakipagbreak! How could you drop me that easily? Hindi lang naman
ikaw yung nasasaktan dito. Nasasaktan rin ako, signorina. Ng sobra sobra." I turned
around with force and marched towards him. I slapped him again.
"Nasasaktan ka? Ano pa kaya ako nung marinig

ko yung usapan niyo nila Emman sa opisina na mahal mo parin si Daisy! Na kahit
kelan hindi magbabago yung pagmamahal mo sa kanya?!" That's it. I just exploded.
Tagalog words kept on spouting out of my mind because I was too angry, too hurt,
too scared.
His face went blank. His initial reaction was a little bit surprised but then his
face became expressionless. My tears fell again.
"You heard what I said." He stated flatly and laconically and I just nodded. He
didn't even try to vindicate himself. Because I caught him, redhanded.
"Yes. Gusto ko sanang sorpresahin ka nun. Tapos yun ang bumulaga sakin. Alam mo
bang ang sakit sakit? Hindi ko maexplaing kung gano kasi hindi sapat yung salitang
sobra para madescribe yung naramadaman kong sakit nun. Naisip ko nung mga panahon
na yun, pano naman ako, Ian? Mahal mo si Daisy tapos mahal kita. Pano naman ako?
Echapwera ganon? Extra sa story? Hindi ganon yung gusto ko eh! Gusto ko tayong
dalawang yung bida! Gusto ko ako lang yung mahal mo kasi ikaw, ikaw lang yung nag-
iisang mahal ko eh."
He remained silent. His jaw was twitching but he offered no explanation and it
killed me.
"I did you a favor when I broke up with you. Kasi pwede na kayong maging masaya ni
Daisy. Kasi mukhang sa kanya naman talaga umiikot yung mundo mo diba? Kasi alam
kong sa kanya ka sasaya. You love Daisy so much that you can't forget her. Tama ako
diba?" I sobbed like a deranged idiot in front of him. I no longer care if I looked
stupid, what's important to me now is to vent out all my anger, frustration and
every other emotion I'm holdin at bay.

He didn't answer. There was something in Ian's eyes that I couldn't fathom. I hit
his chest and sniffed.
"T-tama ako diba?" I asked again. Louder and clearer this time. I waited for his
answer again. And when he mouthed that single word, all of the hope inside of me
I sobbed harder before nodding. I even laughed. God, I looked pathetic. "Okay,
okay. I understand." I laughed humorlessly again and each attempt sends millions of
stabs on my fragile heart.
Ian palmed his face. He looks like he's immersed in deep emotions. "Somehow, nung
hinusgahan ako nila Nathan hindi ko gaanong dinamdam. Pero ito, itong mga sinabi mo
sakin ngayon. Tangina, para mo kong pinapatay."
"Magulo ka rin ano? Mahal mo si Daisy pero kung makapagsalita ka sakin para bang
sakin nakasalalay ang buhay mo!" I shouted. I saw a bevy of onlookers taking fancy
on watching us as if there was a shooting. Ian shot them a stare. He sighed and
opened his car door for me.
"Get in. We'll talk in the car." He said sternly.
"No!" I yelled. My bratty side was raging again.
"And do you like them to talk about you, Daze? Gusto mo bang ipagtsimisan ka sa
university mo?" He said and I angrily slipped on the front seat. He slid on the
driver's seat.
He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. He smiled bitterly. "How
could you carelessly jump into conclusions? Bakit hindi mo ko tinanong,
kinompronta?" He queried with a broken tone that I didn't buy.
"Would that change anything?" I asked sarcastically, my words piercing.
"Yes. It would've changed everything, Daze.

Hindi sana ito mangyayari satin. But no, you had to go around thinking I cheated, I
"Because you did!" I said frustratingly.
He shot me a stare which shut me up. Why could I see him suffering? Why do I feel
like he's breaking just like me?
"You didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. You never allowed me to
explain." He said callously. And it hit me, so hard. Because he was right. I
swallowed. I'm pretty sure that his explanation won't be able to change my mind.
I took a deep breath. "You have three minutes to explain, Ian." His expression was
hard and unyielding. I averted my gaze because his eyes were just too intense to
handle. I looked out the window and waited for him to speak when I heard a click
and I felt a cold metal touch my skin.
My eyes widened when I looked at my wrist. "What the hell!" I yelled angrily but
Ian doesn't even look guilty. He put his hand inside the other handcuff and
pocketed the key.
"What are you doing?! Get this thing off me!" I yelled.
He gave me a sideways glance. His face was still deadly serious when he spoke.
"Hindi kasya ang three minutes para makapagpaliwanag ako sayo. I'm taking my time
to explain. I call the shots this time, Daze." He started his car engine with one
hand and my eyes widened. This is insane!
He started driving on normal speed and I kicked inside his car. "This is
kidnapping! I'm gonna tell my Dad to sue you after this!" I threatened but this
time my empty threats did not work. He didn't even look at me when he spoke.
"You can't scare me. Kidnapping you is your Dad's

idea. Sabi niya kaugali mo raw si Tita Cassi. Hindi ko sana to gagawin but you're
too stubborn and you wouldn't cooperate. Sa bahay lang naman kita dadalhin. I just
need to show you something." He replied calmly but without any hint of emotion.
"How dare you!" I spat.
"No. How dare you. How dare you accuse me of things I would never dare do? And I
can't believe that I'm this stupid to still want you even after all the hurtful
things you told me." He answered.
I bit my lip and looked away. I hate this guy! I don't wanna talk to him again or
see his face after this!
We reached his house in no time. I still wouldn't say a single word and he doesn't
seem too interested to talk to me too. He dragged me and I just followed. When we
reached his room, my eyes bulged. I think I know where he's taking me! Pain started
enveloping me again.
What does Ian want? Does he want to add salt to the wound by bringing me here.
He brought me inside his room and we stood in front of a door. This must be the
room Zed was talking about. The room where Ian stashed all his paintings for Daisy.
Tears started forming again and I can feel the burning in the side of my eyes.
"A-ano pa ba ang gusto mo?! Gusto mo ba talagang ipamukha sakin kung gano mo
kamahal si Daisy?! Hindi na kailangan, Ian! Pakawalan mo na ko!" I insisted but he
shook his head. He tugged at the handcuff and I had to follow. I was crying while
he was inserting the key to the room.
"Please don't bring me in there. Hindi ko kakayanin makita lahat ng nandiyan.
Please, Ian. I won't be able to bear with the pain anymore." I pleaded but he
remained deaf to my pleas. He twisted the door knob but I pulled his hand away.
"Ayoko. Pauwiin mo na ako, ayoko Ian. I just wanna go home. I don't want any more
pain. Iuwi mo na ako." I pulled his shirt but still he wouldn't listen. He held me
by the waist and tugged me inside. He flicked the light switch open and I was about
to close my eyes when I saw the paintings inside the room.
My heart beat a thousand times faster than normal as my cries intensified and
became louder. I forced myself to look all around the room and I cried even more.
My shoulders fell and I could feel my own shoulders shaking.
"I-ian..." I called him with a shaky voice as tears fell nonstop.
"Daze, I want you to meet D-daisy. The ultimate love of my life, my lifeline." He
mouthed and his voice broke again. I could see pride in his eyes while he eyed his
I looked at the paintings one by one and I just wanted to cry all day.
"Bakit?" I asked while eyeing the largest painting in the middle of the room. My
chest was rising and falling as I wept.
"B-bakit mo ko pinipinta?"



"Ian, bakit?" Tears were falling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop my own
shoulders from shaking. His eyebrows were fused together and he was giving me a
look which crushed my heart into bits.

"Your friends said that this is where you stash Daisy's photos and paintings. Why
is this filled with portraits of me instead?" He stared at me blankly while I
catechized. He stayed silent as if waiting for me to ask the one thing that had
been bugging me for seconds now.

"S-sagutin mo nga, ako ba si Daisy?" I had a hunch but I had to be sure. I want to
hear him say it. I want it to come from him and when it did, it seemed like a huge
slap on my face.


I sobbed even more. "How? I don't understand, Ian. Why didn't you tell me? Why do
you call me Daisy? Why the effort to paint me? I have many questions that needed
answers and I just want to be enlightened. Please, Ian..." He took the key for the
handcuffs from his pocket and unlocked it.


"I loved you," He interrupted. "even before you showed up on my house to ask me to
be your boyfriend. The first time I saw you, you already caught my attention. I
don't know how but you captivated me, signorina. I won as champion in the race I
competed in that time. I went up on the makeshift stage and accepted the huge
trophy, I looked at the crowd to deliver my speech and then I saw you. You were
smiling to your friend and unconsciously, I smiled too. My friends had to glare at
me to break the trance." He chuckled apathetically.

He fixed his eyes on the huge painting

in front of me before resuming. "Do you know how glad and inspired you've made me
every damn time I see you in every race I engage in? Makita palang kitang ngiting
ngiti na nakatayo sa bleachers feeling ko panalo na ako. Feeling ko bumubukas ang
langit at nagkakantahan ang mga anghel. It was stupid and I sounded gay but I fell
in love with you without you knowing it, without you being aware of it."

His words caressed my heart and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm s-sorry, Ian." My voice cracked and broke just like my heart. He stared at me
before averting his gaze. I could feel the guilt eating me. I wanted to reprimand
myself for my stupidity because I accused him and I hurt him. So bad.

"Nakuntento ako sa pagtingin tingin lang sayo mula sa malayo. You were a precious
gem and what special thing can I offer you? Nothing. So I just had to keep my
distance from you even if it is costing me my sanity. Tapos, isang araw pumunta na
naman kayo ng kaibigan mo sa race. Nakikipagsiksikan ka para makaupo kaya naiwan mo
yung friend mo sa likuran, she called you. She had said, 'Daisy, wait up!' And I
smiled like a fucking idiot as I heard your name. Simula nun ikaw nalang ang laman
ng isip ko."

I sniffed. Daisy. Dazy. It sounded the same. The realization breaks me and the fact
that Ian's confessing shatters me even more. Here I was, standing in front of the
guy I love while he was pouring all his heart out in a single confession.

"Whenever I'm not busy with the company and with racing, I busied myself painting
you. I take stolen pictures of you whenever you're not looking, I stare at it every
freaking day and I memorize your

face. Every crease, every side, every angle. I have it all committed to memory. And
I filled this space with your portraits because I adored you. It sounded silly, I
know. I was obsessed with you and it feels like I was driving towards a cliff and
that I know that I can use the brake but I don't want to.."
He sighed and palmed his face. "Loving you is like that, Daze. I know that it would
kill me but I can't stop because I don't want to stop."

I collapsed on the chair near me. I stared at my feet while he stayed at the door
way, somehow blocking the exit. "Is that why you said yes to me?" I asked with a
tone barely audible.

"Oo." He said simply but it made a huge impact on me. I felt weak on the knees and
I just want to run to my mother and cry on her shoulders.

"But why were you so harsh to me in the beginning of the relationship? You treated
me as if you hated me. If you really did love me then why did you treat me that
way? Why did you have to constantly show me that there's a barrier between us?" I
queried. He met my gaze but I dropped it. I couldn't look into his eyes and not
feel the guilt.

"Because I thought that you only saw me as a challenge. So I resorted into pushing
you away. I treated you badly to turn you off. But then I realized that I already
have what I've always wanted. I already have you. So why should I continue pushing
you away? Why would it still matter if you only wanted me because you were
challenged? Why would it matter if you don't feel the same about me? I dropped the

uncertainty and doubts in my heart because I wanted this. And I wanted you."

I stood up and approached him. I couldn't take it anymore. I attacked him with a
hug and cried on his shoulders. But he didn't hug me back, his body remained rigid
and unmoving. I hugged him tighter.

"Ian, I'm s-sorry."

He remained silent. I closed my eyes and spoke without letting go. "I'm sorry for
bein a bitch. For accusing you, for hurting you, for not trusting you and for all
the mean things I told you. I just got jealous and scared. I was so damn scared
because I thought that you would soon leave me. So I made rash actions, I made
stupid decisions that I regret." I looked up and saw him staring at me with such
cold eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck while my tears pooled on my eyes.

"Ian, I didn't unlove you. I can't unlove you. I was just so hurt that time that I
wanted to redeem myself. When I heard your conversation with the boys, it broke my
entire being. And when I saw the other Daisy entering your house when I was
planning to clear things up with you, well, it became even more broken. I can
barely put myself together because I grew dependent on you. The idea of you with
another woman made me experience inferno."

His brows creased for a while. "The other Daisy?" He looks confused so I nodded.

"Yes. When I went to your office, I bumped into a woman. Someone called her Daisy
so I.. I jumped into conclusions. I thought you were cheating on me with her when I
heard you conversing with Zed, Emman and Nathan."

He breathed deeply. "You must be talking about D. Reventez. Some people keep on
calling her Daisy.

I just can't believe upto now, that you actually thought I was capable of cheating.
God, Daze! That's the least thing I would want to do to you!" Anger exploded on his
voice and I almost flinched.

I hugged him again and rested my head on his chest. His heart, just like mine, was
dancing to a fast unheard music.
"Sorry..." I sniffed over and over again. I felt truly ashamed and I would
understand if he throws me out of his house at this very minute. "I know you can't
forgive me that easily and it's gonna take a while before you do. But I want you to
know that I l-love you and I don't want to lose you. I'm taking it all back. I
don't want to break up with you, I don't want you out of my life." I cried.

"I love you and I would understand if you're gonna ask me for space and-"

I felt his arms slowly wrapping around me and my body shook at the gesture. "I love
you too." He whispered.

I looked up disbelievingly and saw his gentle and endearing face back on. I choked
back a sob as he stared at me with a half-grimacing smile.

"W-what? After all I said and did to you?" I inquired. He sighed and closed his
eyes but didn't loosen his hug on me.

"Aaminin ko masakit. Sobra. Kaso ano bang magagawa ko eh mahal na mahal kita at
hindi ko kayang mawala ka sakin." He mouthed.

My muffled cries grew a little louder. This is unbelievable! I couldn't say

anything else so I just wept on his shoulders. His hand caressed my back as he
shushed me.

"I don't deserve you, s-sorry.

I'm so sorry. I'm a bitch. Sorry."

He dropped a kiss on top of my head while his hands ran up and down on my back to
appease me.

"Kahit anong gawin mo mapapatawad kita. Nothing could make me hate you, signorina.

My heart started pumping faster and louder when he raised my chin with his finger.
He looked at my eyes intently. "Enough crying, baby. Namamaga na ang mga mata mo
oh, please hush." He wiped my tears and his hands slowly brushed my lips. I gasped.

"You're wearing lipstick today." He noticed as his fingers brushed the side of my
lower lip again.

"Yes." I said hoarsely.

His eyes feasted on it before leaning forward, "Too bad it's about to get ruined."


"I'm a busy person. Kailangan kong umalis agad dahil may meeting ako in an hour.
Not that I'm being rude or whatever but I'm just really in a hurry. Ano ba ang
concern mo?" Daisy asked me after she settled on the chair in front of me.

I already ordered drinks for us but she ignored hers.

I took a deep sigh before speaking. "Sorry." I mumbled.

Her perfectly-plucked eyebrows creased. "Pardon me?"

"I said I'm sorry." I repeated. I asked Ian to tell Daisy to meet me here in this
restaurant today. I felt like I owed her an apology because I jumped into
conclusions. "I thought Ian was cheating on me with you. I hated you, you know? I
really hated you. And I'm sorry. Because it was all a huge misunderstanding."

She regarded me with amusement on her features. I don't understand why she's not
getting mad at me. She seemed so amused.

"What made you think that?" She asked while stifling a smile.

"Well, first is because your name is Daisy. And second is because I saw you
entering his house." I explained.

She crossed her legs. "Well, I went to his house because I was interested in the
interior design. I'm Katherine's bestfriend and assistant by the way."

My mouth dropped open. "Oh." My voice got tinier.

"And as for my name Daisy, hindi ko alam kung anong relevance non sa relasyon niyo
at nagselos ka. But for the record, hindi yun ang tunay kong pangalan. My real
name's Daniel." She winked at me and I frowned.

"But that's a guy's name!" I blurted out which was probably rude but she doesn't
seem to mind.

She laughed. "Exactly!"

She pointed to her boobs and said, "Tsaka wala sa mukha ni fafa Ian ang pumapatol
sa mga kagaya ko no! This? Fake."

And then to her butt. "Fake, too."

My eyes widened again. "What?! You mean you're..."

She giggled. And to confirm my suspicion, she spoke using her original deep
baritone voice.

"I'm gay."



"What the?!" Ian exclaimed the moment the lights flickered open. I grinned at him
when I saw how dumbfounded he was.

"Surprise!" I yelled in a lively tone. His eyes roamed around and his chest was
rising and falling while doing so.

"Daze, I.. I don't know what to say." He muttered while eyeing the decorations that
I put. White balloons littered the floor, there was also a huge banner with the
words I'm sorry and I love you on it.

"How about you say that you forgive me?" I asked hopefully. I gave him a wide smile
even though my heart was hammering inside my chest. He bridged the gap between us
and took me in his arms. He cupped my face and tilted it to one side and then he
gave me an open-mouthed kiss.

"But I told you, you're already forgiven. You will always be forgiven, signorina. I
love you."

I breathed deeply with eyes still wonderfully closed. "And I, to you." I replied.
He kissed both my eyelids before dropping a final kiss on top of my head.

Ian was still dressed in his racer's outfit. He has just came home from race
practice and I know that he really was surprised with this. Honestly, I'm not
really the type of person who prepares something grand for someone to make them
happy, but for Ian? I was more than willing. My heart overflowed with happiness
when I saw just how overjoyed he was with my surprise.

"And I want you to know that I don't watch races because I was a race-enthusiast. I
watch races because I was an avid Ian Estillore fan." I said in a shy voice. I
buried my face on his armpit because

I felt the burning of my own cheeks.

He lifted my face again and I saw just how touched he was with that confession.
"Oh, my baby." He whispered before kissing me again. More passionately and more
needy this time. His tongue knocked and I let it enter. It searched and explored
the inside of my mouth as if it was guard on patrol duty.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him. He lightly bit my lower lip and
nibbled it afterwards. "Ian..." I called out hoarsely. He replied with a deep
sensual groan that made my sense hyperactive.

"Ian, we need to eat. I baked a cake..." My voice lacked conviction.

"It can wait." He replied and planted his lips on mine again. He was tempting me to
give in and I did. I like the taste of his lips and the thought that he's mine.

"Damn it, signorina. I want you. So bad that this feeling will kill me if I don't
do this." He trailed kisses down my neck. He kissed and licked my collarbone and I
became stiff. I like what he's doing. And to be honest, I want to do the same thing
to him, too. Who knew that Ian could bring out the siren inside of me?

My hand traveled to his chest down to his well-defined muscles. It felt good under
my touch. He was busy giving my neck butterfly kisses while his hands were kneading
my waist. His touch leaves a trail of fire in me. I knew that it was igniting and
soon it will engulf me with desire and need.

He carried me and I willingly put my legs around his waist. God, it felt so good.
Other-worldly kind of good. He started kissing me with fervor and I'm returning his
intensity. I clung to him while

his arms were protectively circling around my body. He sat on the couch and now I'm
sitting astride him. He stared at my eyes like he was asking for my permission.

I didn't answer, instead, I grabbed his collar and kissed him hard. He groaned but
answered me back with the same kind of hot burning lingering kiss. He lowered the
zipper of his racer's top and I watched. He was still wearing a sando inside but
his muscles, triceps and biceps were screaming to be caressed. He just tossed the
top suit somewhere.

Without breaking eye contact, he reached for the hem of his sando and lifted it up
over his head. And just like his top suit, the sando too, was thrown somewhere back
and now lies strewn on the floor.

He reached for my face and caressed my cheeks. I closed my eyes as I felt the
familiar tingling his touch sends. He nuzzled my neck and then I felt his hand on
my back. Caressing, fondling. He lowered the zipper on my dress and my breathing
hitched when he removed it from me. I was left in my undergarments and I looked
down to hide my cheeks which were now rosy.

He placed his finger under my chin and lifted it up. He looked right through my
eyes and into my soul. "Don't be shy, signorina. Your face, body and soul are art.
You are tantalizingly beautiful without any doubt." He whispered before taking my
lips once again. He snuggled me closer and I felt his arousal.

The air around us felt hot and humid and all I'm feeling is my own dampness.

"I will mark you right now Daze. So you would know who you belong to." He murmured
while nibbling my earlobe. He

carried me again and set me down on the couch, with my back pressed on the soft

"Marked or not, I will always be yours to keep, Ian. Si Daze ay kay Ian lamang." I
answered in a husky bedroom voice.

He was leaning above me with a smile emanating on his face. He reached for his
pocket and took out a pentel pen. I frowned and he smirked at me before giving me a
playful wink.

"What's with the pentel pen?" I asked, curious.

"Lie back, baby." He commanded. And then he uncapped the pentel pen and scribbled
something on my stomach. My eyes shot up incredulously. I hit his arm. "Ian, what
the hell?!" I shrieked. He just chuckled and threw the pen away.

"There." He looked proudly on my stomach. I sat bolt upright and examined the
vandal on my body.

I shot him a glare. "You signed me?!" I asked with brows furrowed.

"Yep. I just marked you, baby." He answered before giving me a quick peck. My eyes
widened. "But.. but I thought you meant..." My shoulders drooped.

"I meant what?" He teased. I stomped my foot on the floor. The fact that I was in
my undergarments didn't bother me that much anymore. I just wanna hit Ian because
of frustration.
"Oh, forget it! Now where is my dress?!" I grumbled peevishly. He chuckled again
before reaching for a shirt which is on the other couch.

"Arms up, baby." He mused with a silly smile that I wanted to wipe off his face. I
was wearing a long face when I obeyed. He slipped his shirt on me and kissed my

"Love you, Daisy

ko." He muttered but I glared at him.

"You are so not gonna get this opportunity again!" I hissed at him though my face
was flushing. He grinned again, harder this time. Then he stood up from the couch.
"I really need a cold shower. Sa taas lang ako baby ha? Wait for me down here,

After he took a bath, he came down and found me watching television with a popcorn
bowl on my lap and my feet resting above the living room table. He was wearing
casual shorts and a plain dark blue v-neck shirt. He sat beside me and draped an
arm on my shoulders. I looked at him and snorted.

He laughed and squeezed my nose bridge. "Let's eat that cake you made." He
whispered on my ear before walking to the kitchen. He came back with a plateful of
cake and a fork. He sat beside me and started eating.

"Hmm, this tastes good. Galing mo, baby!" He said in between chewing. He coaxed me
to eat but I didn't budge. I was still a little bit pissed of with Ian. I can't
believe he left me hanging and I can't believe that I actually wanted to do it with
him! I know he respects me and all but during that moment, I kinda expected him to
continue. And when he did not, I kind of felt frustrated.

I looked at Ian who was busy eating the customized cake I made for him. Mom helped
me bake this. She said that she has experience when it comes to baking cakes and I
never would've trusted her if Dad didn't back her up. He spoke highly of Mom so
finally, I gave in. And who would've thought that it would be successful?

Ian finished the slice and went to the kitchen again to wash the cutleries

and plate that he used. When he came back, he sat beside me and took me in his arms
again. When I smelled his aftershave and his manly scent, I just lost it. I was
supposed to give him the cold shoulder but I ate my own words.

I hugged him back and rested my head on his chest. "I won't lose you, right?" I
asked out of nowhere.

I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips. "You won't. I'll stay. With you. And that's a

I inhaled sharply. "Daddy said promises aren't really reliable. He too made a
promise to Mom when they were younger, but he broke it. Unwillingly, unconsciously,
he did. Whatever reasons he had that time, he still did." I bit my lip before I

"Sometimes, promises-just like hearts-get broken." I stated.

He mussed my hair before replying. "But hearts can be mended and promises can be
fulfilled, Daze. Trust me this time, okay?" He asked with so much hope, love and
truthfulness that I believed him. I nodded slowly and reached for his face.

"Love you." I murmured with a sleepy smile and he stooped down to reward me with a
glorious short-lived kiss that made me explode into tiny particles.

He put his leg over mine and I found the gesture too possessively adorable.

"Do you have race practice tomorrow?" I queried and he gave me a single nod.

"Yup, I'll be with Emman. Maayos na naman na kaming barkada. Akala lang talaga nung
dalawa niloloko kita. Akalain mo yun, they're on your side. Kapag tinamaan ka nga
naman ng magaling."
I laughed at his remark. "They're on my side because you're a loser, boo! Plus, I'm
beautiful." I jested and he frowned.

"Who's the loser?" He asked with a creepy smile that told me I was looking at the
face of danger.

"You." I decided to tease him even more. He came closer and tickled me. I kept on
giggling nonstop and I shrieked when I felt myself falling out of the couch but he
scooped me up and placed me on his lap.

"I would've fallen!" I exclaimed.

He smirked. "But I caught you."

I rolled my eyes and sat beside him. The series I was watching was left forgotten
because of Ian's undeniably irresistable presence.

"Sunduin kita bukas after practice." He said casually.

"Date?" I asked excitedly but he shook his head.

"Then what?" I inquired while stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

"I'm bringing you to the family reunion, signorina."



"Calm down, signorina. My family's not gonna eat you." Ian chuckled softly before
taking my hand. He kissed the back of my palm and pressed it afterwards.
"I promise I will buy you burgers and tuna pies at Jollibee later," He smiled. I
told him how much I loved Jollibee's tasty tuna pies.
I looked outside the car window and started inhaling and exhaling again. I was
trying to convince myself that everything would be fine and the whole Estillore
clan will like me but who the fuck am I kidding? No one likes Daze Alessaina.
People had always viewed me as the bratty heiress of Aaron Monteverde. And I can't
say that they're wrong because they're not.
"Hey, it'll be fine. Don't think too much, okay?" Ian said before offering a small
smile. His one hand is holding mine while the other was in control of the steering
wheel. I bit my lip for the umpteenth time tonight before giving him a nod.
We drove in silence until we reached the Estillore Mansion. We got down from his
car and I stared in awe at the massive ancestral house looming above me. The
columns, the walls, the whole thing was beautifully made!
"This is the place I grew up in." Ian said with a proud smile. He looks so happy to
finally be home. It was a one-hour drive from Manila but it's okay. I heard an
orchestra playing inside and a caught a glimpse of the interior when I tiptoed. I
saw two butlers guarding their wooden oak doors.
"You're rich." I commented.
He raised an eyebrow. "Coming from someone who's way richer than I am, it sounds
more like an insult." He half-smiled and I hit

his arm. I breathed deeply and tightened my hold on the chain of my pouch.
"Let's go?" I asked bravely while trying to reign my nervousness.
"Not just yet, wait." He replied. I frowned when he took my pouch bag from me and
opened it. I smacked his hand and glared at him.
"Hey! You're not supposed to open my pouch! It's filled with girl stuff." I
complained with a pout. He just kissed my forehead before winking at me. "Well, I'm
your boyfriend so it's okay if I see all your girl stuff."
I folded my arms to my chest while I watched him rummaging inside my pouch. He took
my lipstick out and my eyebrows creased even more.
"Bakla you." I bantered with a smirk. He came closer and pulled me in his arms. I
crashed into his chest and his heart thumped against mine.
"Kailangan ko itong gawin. Kasi baka mabaliw na ako kapag hindi ko pa ito ginawa."
He murmured before lifting my chin up. His face lowered down and I closed my eyes
in anticipation.
"You look exceptionally beautiful tonight, Daze."
His lips touched mine and bombs exploded inside my chest. My lips were moving,
imitating his movements. Sucking, biting and nipping. I swallowed back a moan as
his tongue slipped inside my mouth. I could feel his hands gently massaging my
waist and it brings me a different sense of comfort.
When Ian let go of the kiss, my eyes were still closed. He took my arms and wrapped
it in his neck while he embraced me. Our foreheads were against each other and I
could hear his sharp intake of oxygen. My chest, too, was heaving.
"I need a moment to compose myself. God,

that was amazing." He whispered. My lips formed a smile as I slowly opened my eyes
to stare at him. And when I did, I found him already eyeing me with so much love
that I wanted to melt.
"Tell me you love me, signorina. Tell me that you need me in your life and that
you're never gonna leave." His voice was raspy and commanding but oh so inviting.
"I love you, Ian. I need you for every second of my wretched and fucked-up life.
And I'm never gonna even try to leave because no matter where I go, I can never
deny the fact that I can't live when you're not with me. Your love is my oxygen,
Ian. Your love is all I need to survive." I said before cupping his face and giving
him a quick peck.
He managed to give me a hearty smile before pulling my waist. "That was lovely,
I held his collar and started fixing it along with his tie though it needed no
fixing. I bit my lip again. "You were right about kites, Ian. It might fly to
different directions but it will always be anchored to one person. You were right
about that and I've realized that I am a kite. I might've wandered off and away
from you, but you have this tight hold on me. And I'm thankful that you didn't let
go of the string even when I was giving you all the reason to." I was starting to
get teary eyed. I remembered the way I pushed him away, I hurt him but he didn't
give up on me.
He was busy loving me when I was busy hating him.
His hands flew to my face to wipe the impending tears. He craddled me in his arms
and soothed me.
"Okay naman na tayo diba? Yun naman yung importante. So, hush now baby."

He caressed my hair and I slowly nodded. After a short while, I managed to let go
of a soft chuckle.
"You ruined my lipstick. Meanie!" I said. He smirked at me before raising the
lippie that he took from my pouch.
"Which is why I took this out." He eas grinning from ear to ear when he uncapped
"Pout for me, baby." He said huskily and I did what I was told. I puckered my lips
a little bit and he tilted his face while applying lipstick on my lips. He looks so
focused that his expression was starting to become tight. I almost wanted to laugh
because he looks so damn cute right now.
"There, my Daisy's all set." He said before handing me back the lipstick.
"Tara na." He wiggled his eyebrows before offering his arm which I didn't take.
"Hindi pa ba tayo papasok? Are you still nervous?" He inquired worriedly but I just
shook my head before taking out a tissue. I intently wiped his mouth with it to
erase the remnants of our kiss, the lipstick stains were smudged on his upper lip
and his chin.
"Ayan. We're good to go." I held his arm and took a deep breath. Okay. No more
pessimism, Daze. It's time to be confident. I thought to myself as we entered the
gates. We walked slowly to the mansion and Ian held my hand firmly when we were
ascending the five-step stone stairs.
He nodded towards the butlers (or whatever you call them) and we entered. I was
greeted by loud laughters and chitchats resonating all over the place.
A few pair of eyes landed on me and Ian when we walked inside. They were looking at
me with question marks plastered on their faces. Finally,

a guy with his hair brushed up came to us and patted Ian's back.
"I see you've finally gotten the balls." He winked at me and Ian laughed before
shoving him away.
"Lay off me, dipshit." He said before putting his arm on my waist.
"Hey, baby. I want you to meet my cousin, Zurick, who is an asshole by the way.
Zurick you asshole, this is the girl you should never even think of seducing. Mine,
okay?" Zurick gave me a welcoming smile before shaking hands with me.
He nodded towards Ian before drinking from his wine glass. "Sure, man. Bro code, I
know. Si Vox lang naman ang tagkati parin sa ating magpipinsan eh. I'm happily tied
to Frionne." I frowned while I looked at him. Somehow, I knew that there was pain
in Zurick's eyes. I just don't think I'm in the place to put my nose in his
Ian clapped his shoulder. "Happy for you, dude. Parang dati lang ayaw mo kay Fri.
Ngayon, wow, you've grown some balls too!" He exclaimed. Zurick puckered his lips
to point out something. We followed the direction his lips were pointing and saw
two guys walking towards us.
"Oh, goodness. More assholes." Ian muttered with an amused smile. He still hasn't
removed his arm on my waist but I don't really mind.
The two guys stopped in front of us and gave Ian the middle finger.
"Nanyo!" Ian growled at them but they just grinned. The other guy looked at me and
whistled. "Whoa! What do we have here?" He asked while scratching his chin. He was
wearing a red three piece suit and a black tie. He looks good in a womanizer kind
of way.
"Her name's Daze and she's mine. Vox, I

swear I'm gonna have your thing cut off if you don't stop ogling at my girlfriend."
Ian said with an almost annoyed tone. The one he called Vox laughed.
"Jesus! Pati ba naman ikaw, Ian? Ako nalang ba sa ating magpipinsan ang hindi
nagpapakatanga sa pag-ibig?" He laughed again.
The guy beside him had his hands hidden inside his pockets. He sniggered at Vox.
"Kapag ikaw pare tinamaan, laking tawa namin sayo."
Vox gave a disgusted grimace. "Oh, please Gabriel Vicente. Hinding hindi mangyayari
yon. Ipupusta ko ang Bugatti ko!" He said proudly.
"Stop calling me that! Only Ellaiza has the right to address me with that!" He
replied with a sharp edge on his tone.
"Fine, Gavin. Fine. Pero sinasabi ko na sayo, hindi ako mahuhulog sa kahit na
sinong babae. You guys could all get married for all I care. Basta ako, mananatili
akong bachelor for the rest of my life!" Vox said with conviction as he brought the
tip of the glass to his lips and took a sip.
"You heard the dick, Gavin. Ipinusta na niya ang minamahal niyang Bugatti. Let the
dare begin!" Zurick said while cachinnating. Gavin snickered.
"Prepare yourself to lose your car, dude. If we have to set you on endless blind
dates in order to win this dare then we will." Gavin added with a competent tone.
Gavin and Zurick high-fived while Vox frowned. "Mga gago, sayang lang effort niyo.
Kapag natalo kayong dalawa, ibibigay niyo sakin ang property niyo sa Palawan at
"Deal." The two answered confidently. Ian shook his head.
"Pinakita niyo pa kay Daze ang katarantaduhan niyo. Bahala nga kayo
diyan!" Ian shook his head before tugging me somewhere.
"They're funny." I said with a slight smile but Ian just furrowed his eyebrows at
"You seem to like my cousins." He said while holding my hand.
"I do. They look nice naman even though they are maloko." I commented. He stopped
abruptly and faced me. He cupped my face and stared into my eyes.
"You're not allowed to like any guy who is not me or your father or your brothers,
okay?" He said seriously which made me chortle in fascination.
"Fine, fine. Possessive Ian is so adorable." I pinched his cheeks and it reddened.
I giggled and then he smiled at me before squeezing my nose bridge.
"Now let's go find my Dad and my brother." He said before reaching for my hand
again. There are a lot of people inside and he introduced me to every single one of
them. He introduced me to his aunts and uncles, to his girl cousins and to his cute
nieces and nephews.
"Where's Dad?" He asked his Uncle Felix who was drinking brandy.
"He's with Leroy on the terrace." He said before smiling at me. I smiled back. Ian
Leroy Estillore is Ian's younger brother. Unlike him, Leroy doesn't like racing. I
think he's into running marathons.
Ian and I took the stairs to reach the second floor. My heart was already
thundering when I saw two figures in black tuxedos talking at the terrace. Iam gave
my palm a light press to calm me down. We walked towards them and Ian coughed to
alert them of our presence.
They turned at the same time and fixed their eyes on me. I gave a stiff smile
before greeting them. "Goodevening

po." I said politely.

Leroy was smiling at me while Ian's Dad was regarding me with an unreadable
"Papa, Leroy, incontrate mio angelo." Ian said with a huge smile. "This is my one
and only Daze."
I blushed under their stares. Leroy was observing me closely.
"Girlfriend mo, bro?" Leroy asked with a slight hint of jesting. Ian rolled his
eyes. "Obviously, dadalhin ko ba sa reunion kung hinde?"

"Lexus." My smile melted when I heard his father's authoritative voice.

"Papa." Ian said, he draped his arm above my shoulders.
His father turned his eyes on me and looked at me deeply. I looked down and
prepared myself for the hurtful words but shockingly, he said the very opposite
thing I was expecting him to say.
"She's beautiful. I think I like her for you. Avente grande gusto, figlio."
Ian grinned and gave his Dad a one-arm hug. He winked at me and asked. "Hija, are
you sure my son didn't harass you to be his girlfriend?"
I laughed as I shook my head. "No, Sir."
If only you knew that it was the other way around.
"Oh siya, I'll meet you lovers downstairs. Kumain na muna kayo." Ian smiled at me
and I gave his Dad a sudden hug and before muttering my thanks.
"You're a part of the family now, Daze. You can call me Papa. Drop the formality,
okay? I don't like being called Sir."
"Okay, Papa." I replied while my heart keeps on swelling.
"Thanks, Papa." I said.
"Baba na kami, Pa. I'm sure my angel is already famished." Papa nodded and we left
him with Leroy to finish their conversation. When we were already out of earshot, I
gave Ian an abrupt hug and a full kiss. He looks shocked but he responded.
"Gosh, your family's amazing!" I shrieked with delight. His hands were on my back.
"My girlfriend is, too." He winked and I giggled. Moments later, we were already
sitting on a vacant table downstairs.
"Baby, ako nalang kukuha ng food mo okay? Ayokong mapagod ka kakatayo, so stay
right there." I nodded and watched his retreating back.
"Hi, Daze." I almost jumped off my chair when I heard a voice. I looked back and
saw Leroy standing behind me. I held my chest in shock.
"Did I startle you? Sorry." He apologized and I nodded my head.
"It's okay." I said and smiled. He gave me a weird look which conveys worry.
"Hindi na ako magpapaligoy-ligoy pa, Daze. I know you love my brother that's why
I'm gonna tell you this." His voice sounded so sad that I knew he was carrying bad
"W-what is that?" I queried. I don't know why I sounded so scared. His features
contorted in sadness and misery.
"Si Kuya kasi.."
"Ano ba kasi yon! Wag ka ng mambitin pa, just tell me!" I yelled.
He looked away.
"He has stage two lung cancer."



"Baby, wag ka ng umiyak please?" Ian said while wiping the tears that were falling
from my eyes. I shot him a death stare.

WAG AKONG UMIYAK?!" I shouted and continued sobbing. My heart feels like it's being
split into two. Again. The thought of seeing Ian in a hospital bed with machines
and tubes connected to him is just too unbearable!

He took me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. "Shhhh, hindi naman ako
mamamatay. Hush now, signorina." He murmured while caressing my back. We are in the
mansion's garden right now. He brought me here because he doesn't want his family
to swarm on me when they see me crying.

"Kill Leroy, Ian. Kill him! I hate yout brother, he's an asshole!" I cried
violently while Ian's hands were wrapped around me.

He took his phone out and called someone. His expression was stern and unyielding
when he barked an order. "Gago ka Leroy! Umiiyak parin si Daze hanggang ngayon
dahil sa sinabi mo! Pumunta ka nga sa garden ngayon din!"

There was a pause. "Gago! Bilis!" He yelled over the phone. I scooted closer for
comfort and Ian's arms made me feel safe and away from harm. He lifted my chin
again and kissed my tears away.

"Huminahon ka na please?" He requested but my traitorous tears won't stop falling.

He looked at me closely while his thumbs brushed away my tears.

"Uhm, eherm." There was a fake cough. We turned and found Leroy standing awkwardly
in front of us. Ian looks so annoyed right now. I threw Leroy a murderous glance
and he held his hands up.


Bakit mo naman sinabi kay Daze na may cancer ako?! Naniwala tuloy! Look what you've
done to my girlfriend!" Ian growled in annoyance. I was still looking at Leroy
angrily when I saw him grimacing.

He scratched the back of his neck before answering. "Gumanti lang naman ako, bro!
Aba nung ipinakilala ko sayo si Sera sabi mo sa kanya di pa ako tuli!"

Ian raised an eyebrow. "Edi sana sinabi mo nalang din na hindi pa ako tuli kesa ang
sinabi mo may cancer ako! Dickhead!"

My tears were already drying. I can feel my hate for Leroy subsiding but my
annoyance is not! I couldn't properly absorb his joke!

"Ayoko nga! I have originality, bro! I had to think of something new!" He replied.

I really thought Ian was gonna die and when I confronted him a while ago, he said
that it wasn't true.

We had a mild altercation because of that. I was just convinced that he doesn't
have cancer when his three guy cousins, namely Vox, Gavin and Zurick laughed when I
asked them about it.

"Sorry na, Daze. Gumaganti lang naman ako kay Kuya. Aba, napahiya talaga ako sa
girlfriend ko nung itanong niya sakin kung tuli na ba ako. Nakumbinsi ko lang siya
ng ipakita ko sa kanya si Manny Pacquiao ko and-"

"Bastos! Bastos you!" I yelled before putting both hands on my ear. I saw Ian
glaring at Leroy and the latter laughed before flashing me a peace sign.

What is it with guys and their manhoods? Ian calls his thing Bruce Lee and his
brother named his own thing after a boxer!

"Basta sorry! Malay ko bang seseryosohin mo yun. Sorry na, Daze." He said while
pouting. I gave him my famous

irap and he grinned.

"Gago, sige na alis na! Tawagan ko pa si Sera ngayon para sabihing baog ka eh." Ian

Leroy's eyes widened. "Bro wag naman! Baka maniwala rin si Serababes sayo! Mahirap

Ian waved his hand dismissively at his brother. "Oo na, layas!"

Leroy flashed me a peace sign before leaving hastily. Ian went to me and knelt in
front of me. I was sitting on the stone bench while he was kneeling on one leg. He
was looking at me and I just stared at him back. He cupped my face and brushed my
cheeks. "Not even cancer is awesome enough to break us apart." He smiled.

"You're also a meanie. Why would you even tell Leroy's girlfriend that he's not yet
circumcised?" I asked and he laughed at me. He stood up and sat beside me.

"I was pranking him!" He said defensively. I shot him a death stare and he put his
arms up.

"What? I already told you, I love pranking Lee. I can still remember Serafina's
face when I told her that. Priceless." He laughed again and I hit his arm.

"Maybe you like this Serafina girl that's why you did that. Maybe you wanted her
attention so you resorted to-ooomph."

I was immediately cut off when Ian cupped my face and suddenly kissed me. And just
like that, the surroundings melted all around me while fireflies danced all around
us. When Ian let go of the kiss, we were both panting for air. His eyes were
twinkling under the light of the moon and crinkles appeared in his eyes.

"You are all that I need. I would never want a girl who is not you. Because you are
a colonizer, Daze."

He kissed both eyes and smiled.

"You have this stupid heart conquered, signorina."

I hugged him and we stayed like that for seconds. I breathed deeply and just closed
my eyes for while to appreciate this beautiful moment.

"I could never accept the thought of you dying, Ian. You can't die on me because I
won't allow you to." He caught my hand and kissed my palm while maintaining eye

"I love you." He mouthed softly and I was swept once again.

"I wanna make kandong." I pouted and he chuckled. He tapped his lap and I sat there
comfortably. I have never been this intimate with anyone before and it feels good
to know that I can be this clingy and touchy with someone. The light in the nearby
lampost is the only thing illuminating this place.

Ian's arms wrapped around my waist and I felt him give my shoulders and my bare
back light butterfly kisses that made my soul flutter giddily.

"Tang ina nakakaumay!" I quickly stood up when I heard a voice. I looked up only to
see a frowning Vox at us. He was eyeing us with disgust.

"Kadiri! I never wanted to see that! It gives me the shivers." He complained again.
Ian gave him the middle finger and he did the same.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, annoyed because of the interruption
while I was holding the hem of his tux with my cheeks blushing.

"I was looking for you. Inuman na, dude. Ikaw nalang hinihintay." Vox said with a
smug look. Ian shook his head. "Pass muna ko, Evox. I'm with Daze, ihahatid ko pa
siya pauwi so hindi ako pwedeng malasing."

I felt touched. He really does care about me and that meant a lot.

"KJ mo naman! Sige na, konting shot lang. For old times' sake." Vox coaxed and Ian
sighed. He was ready to shake his head again when I butted it.

"It's okay. Just don't get too drunk." He raised an eyebrow at me, as if he
couldn't believe that I actually gave him permission to drink. He was about to
disagree when Vox took his arm and tugged him.

"Thaks, Daze!" Vox grinned at me. Ian took my hand and the three of us entered the
mansion again. Music was reverberating on all corners of the place and every side
is bustling with activity. Vox lead us towards a circular mahogany table, I saw
Leroy, Gavin and Zurick already seated with liquor shot glasses in their hands.

I saw two unfamiliar girls smiling at me. I didn't know what to do so I smiled
"Wag niyong masyadong lasingin si Kuya! Alam niyo naman yan pag tinatamaan na,
hindi na nakakakilala." Leroy said while teasingly grinning at Ian. The latter
scowled and the whole group errupted into laughter.

"Yeah, naalala ko nga nung huling nag-inuman tayo three months ago. Hinatid ko siya
sa bahay niya dahil hindi na siya makalakad ng maayos. Inihiga ko narin sa kama,
tapos sinapak ako pare! Hindi raw siya bakla at hindi niya raw ipapagamit ang
katawan niya sakin! Gago amputs!" Zurick said as he chortled.

Ian rolled his eyes at them. "Assholes. Ikaw nga Zurick iniyakan mo pa ko dahil
brokenhearted ka kay Frionne eh!"

"You cried over me?!" Inquired the woman beside him but instead of answering,

Zurick glared at Ian.


"Si Gavin naman, lasing na lasing dahil iniwan ni Ellaiza Eunice."

Gavin hit his arm. "Gago ka. Pag ikaw talaga nainlove, patay ka samin. Mawawala
yang lahat ng pinagmamalaki mo. Womanizer ka? Hah. Tignan lang natin kapag
nakahanap ka ng katapat mo!"

"Ingay niyo, I'm outta here." Said the girl beside Leroy.

"Tell me about it, Sera. I'm coming with you. Ikaw, wanna come?" Asked the other
girl and I looked at Ian and motioned that I'm coming with the two. He mouthed the
words I love you and I did the same before following.

We headed towards the bar counter and sat there.

"We weren't properly introduced. I'm Serafina Callanza. And this is Frionne Dela

"Hi, you can call me Fri. You are?" She gave me a warm smile. She looks so nice
that I felt at ease with her.

"Daze Monteverde." I almost bit my lip when I mentioned my surname. I was expecting
them to blurt out random comments like 'oh the brat' or 'the bitchy heiress' but
they did not. They don't even look like they give a damn that I'm a Monteverde.

"So, tell us. How long have you been Ian's girlfriend?"

And that was the start of our unbelievably long conversation. Time flew so fast,
because before we know it, hours have already passed. We decided to go back and
check on the guys and found them sluggishly lying on the couch they were in.

Ian and Vox were already sleeping. Leroy was fighting to stay awake while Zurick
and Gavin were groggily fixing themselves. I tsked. Frionne immediately came to aid
Zurick and Sera did the same thing to Leroy.

"Damn it, Lee. You reek!" Sera hissed and Leroy guffawed before trying to kiss her
but she swatted his arms away.

I sat beside Ian and lightly tapped his cheek. He shifted and opened his eyes. He
bore them down on me and his brows creased. "S-sino ka?"
I glared at him but he just closed his eyes and slumped back on the couch. The boys
were already brought to their rooms to rest while Ian was still here. Uncle Felix
helped bring Ian to the guest room since his room was now occupied by Leroy. Uncle
Felix laid him on bed and left after I thanked him.

I tsked while watching Ian stir on bed. "Sakit you ng ulo!" I hissed. I can't leave
him like this. I have to take care of him. I temporarily went out of his room to
make a phone call to Mom.

"Hey, mom? Can I stay for the night? I promise we're not gonna-"


"You okay?" I asked when I heard her voice. It was something between a grunt and a

"Oo, Daze." Her voice was calmer now but it still sounds different.

"I just wanna say that I'm staying for the night and I'm asking if it's okay with
you guys."

"It is. Ughhh! Bad timing, sweetie! Oh, geez!!! Gotta go, love youuuuu." And then
she dropped the call. I was left frowning at the phone.

I entered Ian's room again and saw him in the same position. I went near him and
started removing his shoes. Afterwards, I took off his socks. And then I moved to
his tuxedo. I started unbuttoning his suit but he took my hand off with eyes still
tightly shut. Annoyed, I placed my hand on his tux again and started unbuttoning
but he again, took my hand off.

"S-stop!" His voice was hoarse.

Annoyed, I hit his arm. "I'm taking it off because you're sweating!"

He shook his head and pushed me away. "No, no. I have a girlfriend. L-leave me

I rolled my eyes and was about to hold his tux again when he swatted my hand away.
"L-leave me alone, Miss. I l-love my girlfriend. Daze will get mad. I don't want
her to h-hate me. I love h-her..." He hiccuped.

I wanted to cry. Ian's so sweet. And I just wanna explode because of so much

"I'm Daze, you idiot. Now let me get rid of that top so you'd be more comfortable."

Ian grabbed my wrists and kissed me. And even though I could taste liquor in his
mouth, I responded. He was the first one to break it. His eyes were still closed
but he spoke in a raspy voice.

"Prove to me that y-you're Daze..."

"How?" I queried.

He opened his eyes sleepily before looking at me in the eyes. His eyelids were
drooping but he was fighting to stay conscious.

"S-show me the mole on y-your right butt cheek.."

My eyes widened. I hit his arm really hard this time and then he started grinning.
Over and over again. And then his eyelids fell close.


He opened his eyes again. "Alam k-ko ikaw yan nung hinalikan na k-kita. I may be
drunk but my heart is not... I knew it was y-you the moment our lips t-touched.."

He groaned and held my hand but his hand slid downwards.

"B-because the taste of your l-lips is unmistakable."



I was woken up by Ian's groan. I slowly opened my eyes and yawned while he groggily
sat upright. He was massaging his head while looking at me.

"Morning." I mused and tried to cover myself with a pillow because the sunlight is
entering the room through the glass window. Ian snuggled me but I pushed him away.

"Hey! Where's my morning kiss?" He complained but I glared at him.

"Baho you kaya!" He frowned and quickly jumped out of bed and headed to the
bathroom. I heard water running from the faucet and moments later, he was already
leaning on the doorframe while giving me a meaningful close-up smile.

I raised my eyebrow at him and faced the other side of the bed. I'm now on his huge
tshirt and boxers. I found some spare clothes of his inside the drawer.

"Yaaahhhh!" He yelled and I shrieked. "Iaaaan!"

He tickled me while grinning and chanting. "Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." I finally gave in,
he dipped down and I put my arms around his neck and gave him a smack. He made a
muffled sound which I guessed was a groan before collapsing beside me.

"Bitin!" He complained again. "Hmph. Landi you." I replied. His arms snaked around
me and I leaned on his chest.

"What happened last night? I can't remember much about everything." He seemed to
ponder for a while. Question marks were dancing around his features while caressing
my hair.

"Well, you got really blitzed out and Uncle Felix had to bring you here. You were
so talkative and you gave me a hard time taking care of you since you keep on
swatting my hands away every damn time

I try unbuttoning your tuxedo." I said before easing my head on his chest. I caught
him creasing his eyebrows.

"Really?" Ever the skeptical boyfriend, I see. I rolled my eyes.

"I got drunk and we slept on the same room, huh?" He had this naughty smile pasted
on his lips.
"Uhuh." I said before clutching the pillow close to my body.

"So..." He trailed off. "Did I see your mole?"

My eyes quickly widened and I hit him with the pillow straight on his face. He was
grinning from ear to ear.

"No!" I smacked his arm which made him laugh even more.

"Then did you see my mole?" He wouldn't cut the jesting. I got really frustrated
that I pulled his hair. He was removing my hands while chuckling.

"Stop it! You're so perverted!" I said before slumping on the other side of the
bed. I wouldn't dare come near him because his naughty switch is flipped on.

"Joke lang naman, baby. Ligo ka na, then I'll take you home, okay? May damit si
Sera diyan sa closet since dito siya nagsstay sa guestroom na to pag nandito sila
ni Lee." He said before offering his hand.

"Hmpf." I said as I ignored it. I stood up from bed and chose from Sera's wardrobe.
I was unconsciously bringing the pillow inside the bathroom when he pointed it out.

"Buti pa yung unan." He bantered. I glared at him again before throwing it in his

"Don't you dare intrude or you're dead meat!" I warned and he raised his arms and
pouted. It was pretty obvious that he was suppressing a laugh. I locked the
bathroom and started taking a bath, I also

changed clothes in there. When I got out, I saw Ian freshly bathed and already
sharply dressed while combing his damp hair in front of the mirror.

"I took a bath downstairs. Tara? Paalam nalang tayo kay Dad then alis na tayo." He
said and I nodded. I took my shoulder bag and went down with him. I saw how messy
the living room of their mansion was. We headed towards the kitchen and saw that
the table was already set.

"Leaving so soon?" Asked Ian's Dad when he looked at us. Gavin who was sitting next
to him was massaging his temples. Zurick and Frionne were already seated too.

"Saluhan niyo kami sa breakfast, pababa narin sila Vox, Lee at Sera." Invited a
sleepy-looking Gavin.

"Di na, dude. Kailangan ko ng ihatid si Daze, may klase pa siya mamayang 12." He
explained and they all nodded. Fri gave me a smile before waving. "Ingat kayo."

"Sige, Dad. Una na kami. Pakisabi nalang kay Lee umalis na ako."

"Nice meeting you po." I said amiably and his Dad smiled and said that it was his
pleasure. We bade goodbye to all of them before going out. It was a long drive back
to Manila but it was calming because I'm with Ian and he's sober now. I really hate
dealing with guys when they're drunk.

"We're here, baby." Ian said as he stopped the car in front of our familiar cream-
colored gate. He opened the car door for me and gave me a peck on the cheeks.

"Do you wanna come inside?" I asked him but he shook his head.
"Nah, I'll just drive home. Papahinga muna ko medyo kumikirot parin ang ulo ko eh.
Para masundo kita mamaya after class."

"Drink medicine okay? And drive safely." I said before hugging him.

He dropped a kiss on my head and backed away. "I love you." He mouthed.

"Love you." I replied softly while watching him enter his car and slowly drive

I was a bit startled when I heard Dad's stern voice from behind me.

"Pumasok ka, Daze. May pag-uusapan tayo." Came his gruffy voice. I felt myself
getting nervous because I've heard this tone before. It was his I'm-so-
disappointed-in-you tone.

"D-dad, is there a-" He held his hand up to signal me to stop speaking and I did.
I've always been scared of my Dad when he's angry, because he doesn't really lash
out at people often. He's not the type, but his anger is the kind of anger that
doesn't need venting out to be scary. With his low baritone voice and serious
hardened features, well, it's enough to scare the daylights outta me.

I saw Mom looking at me with worry and I figured out that I really was in deep
trouble. "Aaron, wag mo namang masyadong pagalitan ang anak mo. She's still young."
Mom said while looking at me and I ran to her and hugged her. I felt her hands
wrapping ever so protectively around me.

Dad gave out a frustrated sigh so deep that I knew he wasn't going to let Mom win
this argument.
"You've been using that sentence for years now, Cassidy. Kaya nagiging ganyan yan
si Daze eh. In the study, now." He commanded firmly. His tone welcomed no protests.

"Honey, please. Don't be too hard on her." Mom requested but Dad seemed deaf.

"I'm not. I just want her to fix herself. She needs to grow up, too, chief. Up." He
repeated his command and I hugged

Mom even tighter.

"Up, Daze." Dad barked his order with so much finality that made Mom sigh. She
cupped my face and gently looked into my eyes.

"He loves you, okay? And whatever you do, please don't fight your father. You know
him. Mas lalo lang siyang magagalit kapag kinalaban mo siya. We love you and we
want what's best for you. Now go." She whispered before letting her hands fall
loosely. I bit my lip despite the nerve-racking feeling that is rising up around
me. I headed inside Dad's study and he followed me.

He sat on the couch and he ordered me to sit in front of him.

I didn't have courage to ask him what was wrong. Instead, I waited for him to tell
me what he was angry about. With his tone unyielding, and his features tightening,
he talked calmly but gave emphasis on every word.

"Four of your professors notified me about your performance in the university,

Daze. The mail just came in this morning and I had to cancel my meeting with the
board so I could talk to you."
I inhaled sharply. I knew it. It was about the academics again. I looked at my
hands and waited for him to continue.

"They showed me your scores! 6 out of 50 on Literature. 19 out of 80 on your major

and 7 out of 60 on your latest exam. Really, Daze Alessaina? Really?!" His tone
reached another pitch higher and I inwardly cringed.

"I'm sorry." That was all I could say. I don't know how I'm gonna meet his stare
because even I was disappointed in myself. I've been really preoccupied lately.

"I thought Ian would be good for

you, but the guy is dragging you down." His eyes narrowed and I leveled my head
with his at the mention of Ian's name.

"He's not dragging me down, Dad!" I reasoned but his features tightened even more.
He doesn't seem to like what I said or the way I spokewith conviction as if I dared
to contradict him.

"Oh, he's not? Ever since na naging boyfriend mo siya ay siya nalang ang inatupag
mo! Halos sa kanya na nga lang umiikot ang mundo mo eh! Nawawalan ka lalo ng oras
mag-aral dahil puro Ian Ian Ian ang nasa isip mo!" He yelled. I flinched and my
eyes started to water because I knew where this conversation was heading and I
didn't like it.

"I love him, Dad." I croaked.

"No, I want you to break up with him." He ordered, much to my shock and
disapproval. I abruptly stood up.

"I can't! I told you I love him and you know he loves me! Can't you see that?" I
started crying without filter now. I can't believe he was asking for something
so... so... so utterly difficult! He stood up too and pocketed both hands.

"I know that. But you're still young and there are bigger possibilities for you.
Nahahadlangan niyo ang buhay ng isa't isa Daze. Learn to see reason!" He insisted
but I shot him a stare filled with so much disbelief.

"I can't believe you're saying this to me! I thought you'd understand considering
what you and Mom have been through! You guys were also in college when you first
fell for each other!" I spat. He pinched his nose bridge and looked at me again.

"Yes, we were. But there were a lot of sacrifices that had to be made. We had to
part ways. Kinailangan naming maghiwalay-"

"And now you're doing

this to me? To your own daughter?!" I shouted while tears streamed down my face. He
looked troubled too but he also seemed defiant.

"This is for your own good. Now, break-up with him Daze. You need to know your
priorities." He commanded boldly but I shook my head.

"Don't you understand, Dad? He is included in my priorities! Please, please don't

do this to me Dad. I'm begging. Don't do this." I hugged him but he remained deaf.

"Susunduin ka niya mamaya diba? Makipaghiwalay ka na. You're lucky I'm still giving
you two a chance to talk. At least you'll have closure.."
"You said you wanted him for me! You liked Ian for me but what now?" I asked in
between sobs. He heaved a sigh as if this decision was also hard for him.

"I do like him for you, Daze. But this love is not good for you. You must not be
selfish, sweetie. Let him grow. Give him space. Siguro bandang huli kayo parin,
hindi na ako tututol. Pero wag ngayon. I can see how dependent you are to him na
pati pag-aaral mo naapektuhan na."

His voice become softer and more fatherly but it didn't calm my raging tears.

"I can't do it, Dad... Please." I begged and took his hand but he shook his head

"You must. After ng araw na to ay ipapaban ko na siya sa village. You will not see
him, or contact him. You will cut all communication with him. Nagkakaintindihan ba
tayo, Daze Alessaina?" He queried in a monotone. I kept sobbing when I let go of
his hand.

Why can't he understand me? I thought he would get me because he and Mom had a
rocky relationship back then and he knew how hard it is to be apart from the person
he loves. But why is he doing

this to me now?

"I won't do it, Dad. I'm sorry but I'll f-fight you until you allow us to be
happy." I mustered all the coyrage to be able to say those. Anger sparked in his
eyes and his jaw twitched.

"I'd love to see you try, Daze."

After that excruciating talk with Dad, he left for his office. I know that even Mom
was a bit upset with him but he was like a stone.

"I love you, honey." She said before asking the family chauffeur to drive me to
school. I didn't reply. I closed my eyes and hoped that my tears won't fall but it
did. I cried helplessly on the backseat. I wanted to send Ian a message but Dad
confiscated my phone.

One thing is for sure, I don't want to let go of Ian. I love him and for once I
wanna do the thing my heart thinks is right, and that is to fight for Ian.

I didn't understand any lesson at school today and when dismissal finally came, I
felt so nervous and a bit relieved at the same time. I ran outside the university
and my eyes roamed to look for Ian's car. My heart was already growing heavier when
I couldn't find it anywhere and I was starting to tear up already.

But then I saw his car speeding along the driveway. He parked and got out and I
quickly ran to him and hugged him. I sobbed on his chest.

"Daze? Daze bakit ka umiiyak? Anong nangyari, tell me. Dammit, please tell me." He
said while cupping my wet face.

"D-dad wants me to break up with you. I don't want to, Ian. I don't want to. I d-
don't know what to do now." I sobbed harder and he seemed a bit shocked with what I
said. I told him how Dad and I fought and for a moment he was silent. And I got
"D-diba hindi you naman ako iiwan? D-diba?" I asked while tears continuously fell.
He looked at me while wearing a serious expression. "No. Never."

He started wiping my tears but more came. "I love you, Ian." I blurted out.

"I love you much much more, signorina." He stared into my eyes with uncertainties
but with so much love.

"What will we do?" I asked in a shaky voice.

He closed his eyes and sighed. "Looks like we don't have much of a choice, do we?
Itatanan kita wag ka lang mawala sakin."



"Why?" Kuya Zade asked when I boldly asked for his help. I looked away and started
biting my lip.
And then I stared at his eyes, hoping that he could see the misery that lies inside
my soul.
"Because I love him. And I don't wanna be without him, Kuya. You're right when you
said that love was never meant to be easy. It will throw and hurl obstacles at you
but you must learn how to fight. And that's exactly what I intend to do." I
answered back with certainty and I saw a glimmer of hope when I saw his expression.
"Please..." I begged. He was sitting on his bed with his back pressed against the
headboard while looking at me grimly. I know that he's weighing his decision and I
hope he agrees to help because I'm gonna need an ally to be able to elope with Ian
"Daze, think about it. Dad is a billionaire. Tingin mo ba makakatakas kayo ni Ian
sa kanya?" He asked with a piercing stare that I can't even recognize as his own.
"I know that! But I can't just sit in my room and cry while Ian and I both suffer!
If we're gonna suffer because of Dad then we might as well suffer together." I
gritted my teeth but I prevented myself from raising my voice. I don't want any of
the maids to overhear.
"I can't help you." He said before picking up his reading glasses and textbook and
pretending to read. I got enraged. "You can! You just don't want to!"
"Go inside your room and sleep, Daze. That's what you need. A good sleep. And when
you wake up, you'll realize that this is all pointless and futile." I can't believe
he's saying this to me! He'd been so cold ever

since his break-up with Sam. He got thinner and less expressive. He rarely even
smiles now. And what I really can't stomach is the fact that he's taking his anger
out in everyone around him. He carries his bitterness in a satchel and never lets
it part with him.
"Why, Kuya? Is that what happened to you? Did you just sleep after you and Sam
broke up? Did sleeping take away the pain? Did sleeping make up for her loss?" I
shot back and his grip on the textbook tightened.
"Shut it, Daze! Don't you dare mention that social-climbing gold-digging deceiver's
name!" He raised his voice but I also raised my chin in a very defiant manner.
"See? You're getting angry because you didn't fight for her enough!"
He threw the textbook and I flinched when it hit the wall. His eyes were narrowing
and I can see loathing and pain in them. "Some people don't deserve to be fought
"Wrong. You're wrong. Everyone is worth the fight! Ian is worth it and Sam is worth
it! You just lacked faith in her and you pushed her away even when she tried to
explain her side to you!" My chest was heaving and I'm so close to crying again.
But I don't wanna lose this argument with him, I need his help. And in order to
gain that, I must first prove my point.
"Oh, now you act like her fairy godmother! Diba nga ayaw mo sa kanya? Every damn
time she's here, you make it a point to express your distaste! Tapos ngayon
ipagtatanggol mo siya?!" His tone was toxic, I can feel pain and many more in
"She talked to me a while ago and explained. I wouldn't have believed her but she
cried and knelt

in front of me. I saw it in her eyes. She loves you! I couldn't just turn my back
because I know how true her feelings were. Her pain touched my heart because I can
see myself in her. The willingness to do everything in the name of love, I saw it.
I saw it in her eyes with my own two eyes." He looked at me with a plain
expression. His eyes dropped to his feet and there was eerie silence.
"Kuya, please. I know you're still hurting, pero please wag mo naman akong idamay.
Tulungan mo naman akong maging masaya, kuya. Parang awa mo na, I need this... I
badly need to get away with him. P-please." I reached for his hand and encased it
in my own. My eyes were begging for his answer.
"Stop doing this, Daze. You're just gonna hurt yourself. Babe, listen to Kuya,
you're just gonna hurt yourself." His expression turned soft and he reached for my
face. I shook my head repeatedly.
"Mas lalo akong masasaktan kapag hindi ko ito ginawa." My lips trembled and he
pulled me for a hug so tight that I can almost hear my muscles creaking.
"Can I just say something?" He asked me. I creased my eyebrows and waited. He
kissed my forehead and whispered.
The day finally came. The plan is completely flawless and laid out. I had to act
normal for a week. I had to act like I'm still broken hearted about losing Ian. But
the truth is, Kuya bought me a cheap small spare phone that I can easily hide
inside my pockets. I use it to communicate with Ian.
I'm nervous. I sent him a message. I waited for a reply but none came. I'm starting
to overthink because he hasn't

replied to any of my messages to him since last night.

I love you. I took a deep breath before hitting send. I was so relieved when he
replied after ten minutes.
Ako rin. I can do unimaginable things for you, baby. I love you so much.
I smiled. He really is sweet. I can't wait to see him later. He still hasn't told
me where we'll be heading after leaving Manila. Originally, I wanted Bicol but then
I realized that Dad has too many people in there. I also thought about leaving the
country but Ian said that it's not a good idea.
"Are you ready?" Kuya Zade asked when he entered my room. I gave him a brave smile
before giving him the okay sign. Things will be alright, I'm sure of it.
"As I'll ever be." I replied. My phone vibrated and I once again produced a vibrant
smile when I opened Ian's message.
You are my angel and you showed me the essence of being alive. You are royalty, and
you deserve nothing but the greatest.
My heart melted into puddles of goo while I reread it over and over and over again.

"You look smitten. Terribly smitten, in fact." He commented with raised eyebrows.
"Just happy." I laughed.
"That you'll be leaving us?" He sighed. I know he already agreed to help me because
he knows that I really do love Ian but he couldn't help to feel bad about the
thought that I could defy them all for love.
"I love you and Mom. Even Ate Xiana and Kuya Xander... And even Dad. But a life
without Ian? That's... That's insanely difficult." I sat back on my bed and tried
to imagine a life without my speed racer of

a boyfriend. And I saw blank.

"We love you, too, Dazy. Even when you're being a bratty kvetcher." He replied with
a barely calm tone. I hugged him. I knew that this was the final hug.
"Thanks, Kuya. I owe you a lot." His phone beeped, signaling that's it's time to
He took his phone out and barked a single command. "Do it."
And then the next moment, I was already hiding inside the secret door in Kuya's
room that only the two of us know about. I heard Kuya's voice booming, calling Mom
and Dad.
"Dad! Mom! Daze is missing!" Then chaos errupted in the house. They all looked for
me but no one found me. Mom was panicking and Dad was too. I had to block the guilt
but I just couldn't. It was damn hard and it raked my heart painfully.
The phone in my hand beeped. It was Kuya Zade.
Mom and Dad took the Lambo. Hahanapin ka daw nila sa daan baka daw hindi ka pa
nakakalayo. Inutusan ko ang mga katulong na libutin ang village. The cameras are
all disabled now, mag-ingat ka sa pagbaba. Sumakay ka sa backseat ng kotse at isoot
mo ang disguise na binili natin.
I followed his directions. I discreetly hopped inside his Audi and wore the
disguise I saw on the backseat. I was wearing short blond wig with bangs. I had
shades on and two fake large front teeth. I also put on easy applied prostethics.
And then I sat on the back. The guards on the gate stopped him to ask where he was
going but he said that he's just gonna look for me too.
The guard frowned when he saw me but I smiled awkwardly. He asked who I was and
Kuya Zade said that I was his friend.
"That was

close! Whew!" I yelled before smiling. I'll remove the disguise later on.
"I know. Kapag nalaman ito ni Dad ay baka mapatay niya ko. Mag-iingat ka. Kapag
naihatid na kita don aalis na ako agad baka may makakita pa sakin." He reminded and
I nodded. We reached the restaurant in under forty minutes, it was a cheap place
but this is what we needed.
"Mahal kita, okay? Ingat ka!" I hugged him back and after that, he drove away. I
sat on the farthest corner of the place to wait for Ian. I removed the wig but left
the prostethics on my face.
I sent him a message. Already here. Waiting. Where are you na?
Ten minutes had passed but there came no reply. My heart was beating wilder.
Surely, Ian won't ditch me right?
But twenty minutes had passed but I didn't see even his shadow. I'm starting to get
really scared.
Hi. What's taking you so long. Hurry, baby. I miss you! I sent it to him but there
was no response. I was starting to cry when half an hour passed and there still
wasn't any sign of him. I've sent him a hundred messages already but I got no
I was already sobbing so hard when I saw that an entire hour had passed.
I'm still waiting here, I love you. I texted him again.
Ten minutes,
Twenty minutes,
Thirty minutes...
Still no Ian.
I hunched over the table and let my fear and doubts overcome me. I was crying on
the table. I knew that I was freaking the people out but I didn't care. I was so
scared that Ian won't show up.
Where is he? What happened to him? Is he still gonna show up? Does he still love

me? Is he giving up?

Thousands of questions attacked my brain but I ignored it all. My face was already
swimming in my own tears when I heard the voice that I wanted to hear.
I looked up and choked another sob when I saw him. I stood up and laughed despite
the tears. I quickly stood up and hugged him.
"Ian! I thought... I thought that you're not gonna show up! I thought you've
ditched me! I got s-scared. Baby, I'm so scared." I said while sobbing. He didn't
hug me back, I distanced myself to look at him.
"I can't do that to you. Hindi kita kayang hindi siputin, kasi..." It was as if
somethng was choking him. I can already see tears glistening in his eyes.
"K-kasi ano?" I asked.
"Because this is the least I can do for you. Kasi nagbago na ang-"
"Stop! Stop okay? Stop!" I yelled while my tears were streaming. I knew what he was
about to say next and I don't like it. I won't let him. No.
"Ayaw! Aalis tayo, Ian! Magtatago! Magtatanan! Diba baby, it's you and me against
the world? Diba kaya naman nating taguan si Dad? Kaya natin, diba? Diba?" I pressed
while shaking his shoulder but he closed his eyes and didn't reply.
"Ian, answer me! We can do this right? We're gonna do this! Because we love each
other! We can make it, we will be happy. Together diba?" I asked while weeping like
a baby but he remained silent.
I hugged him again but it felt like hugging a marble statue. "Please... P-please
take me away. Please. Let's just get away from here and run away from the whole
world. I don't care about what others will say, I only

care about you. Let's flee together, Ian." I held his hand but tool it away. My
mouth dropped.
"I'm s-sorry."
I hit his chest while sobbing. "No! No! You don't get to say that to me! No!
Magtatanan tayo eh! Tuloy to! Andito na tayo oh! Please, please. Just freaking run
away with me! Let's not think about the consequences... Ian, I love you..." I held
both his hands and he pressed my palms.
But he looked at me with so much sadness that it broke me. "One day you'll
understand why I have to do this..." He squeezed his nose bridge and I saw a single
tear trickle on hisb cheek.
"No, please. Wag. Wag." I begged and hugged him but he took my arms off.
"Nakapag-isip isip na ako. Tama si Tito. We have to let go of each other, Daze." He
explained but I continued shaking my head.
"Ian, don't do this to me..."
"I called your Dad. Papunta na siya, sana mapatawad mo ako signorina."
I sobbed harder and hit his chest repeatedly. We were a spectacle now but so what?
"Bakit mo ba to ginagawa?! Bakit mo ba ko ginaganito? Dapat diba dalawa tayong
lalaban? Dapat diba tatalikuran natin ang buong mundo pero bakit naman ako yung
tinalikuran mo?" My voice was shaking uncontrollably. His chest was rising and
falling too. He was about to reach for me but he stopped himself.
"I'm so sorry, baby..." He said. He quickly pulled me and hugged me tight and I
cried on his shoulders while hugging him back. I don't want to let go, I wanna stay
imprisoned in his arms forever.
And then I felt a firm hand on my elbow, tugging me away.
"Uuwi na tayo, Daze Alessaina." I recognized Dad's angry voice. I shook my head and
refused to let go of Ian.
But Ian, oh God Ian...
He already let go
And I guess that's what hurt even more. But I had to keep fighting. I didn't loosen
my grip though Dad's hold on me was tight.
"Honey, please.." I heard Mom's voice and I cried louder. Ian tried to remove my
"Ian, please. Fight for me. Please." I begged but he shook his head.
"I c-can't..." His voice cracked. Finally, Dad was able to pull me away. Due to
anger, he forcefully dragged me outside.
"Ian! Hindi mo ko iiwan talaga diba? Diba tayo parin? Mahal mo ko diba? Sabi mo
mahal mo ko! Ayokong mawala ka! Wag mong hayaang paghiwalayin nila tayo.." I
"Shut up, Daze! Nahihibang ka na! Itigil mo yan, uuwi na tayo!" Dad shouted.
"Ian, I love you..." I yelled.
His eyes were also red and filled with pain when he averted his gaze.
"Goodbye, mia bella signorina."
I saw tears on his eyes now, too. I wanted to wriggle but I couldn't.
"I'm going back to Italy."
Zade's story: Love until it hurts



"Ian, no. Please don't go." I cried harder while struggling from Dad's grip. He
held me tighter but I thrashed.
"Daze! Umayos ka nga! Look at yourself!" Dad yelled but I shook my head while
looking at Ian. He was staring at me with a glassy expression. I extended my hand,
hoping that he would run towards me and hug me. But he didn't. He stayed there,
standing very still while Dad dragged me towards the car.
"Dad, have mercy! Can't you see that you're ruining me?!" I shouted at him. He
gritted his teeth at me and I saw his jaw twitching.
"You are ruining yourself, Daze. You are grounded for three months. No phone, no
partying, no anything!" He shouted before pushing me inside the car. But I took
that chance to run. I ran to Ian and held his hand.
"Baby..." I called while my tears fell on his hand. His chest rose and it fell
"Pumasok ka na sa kotse, Daze. Wag mo ng pahirapan ang D-daddy mo. Just go." His
voice broke. I can see that he, too, looks on the verge of breaking point.
Dad's hand grabbed my arm and yanked me away but I didn't let go of Ian's hand.
"W-wag, Daddy. Hayaan mo na po ako. Please Dad..." Ian's hand was slipping away and
it made me cry more. It hurts to know that he already gave me up just like that.
"Wag mo akong galitin!" Dad yelled before dragging me for the umpteenth time. And
just like that, I lost physical contact with Ian.
"Maawa ka po, Dad..." I couldn't even recognize my own voice when I spoke. It was
nothing like the voice of the bratty Daze Alessaina. I was stripped of authority
and I'm reduced

to nothing.
"Aaron, t-tama na. Nasasaktan na si Daze..." Mom's shaky voice resounded over the
sound of chaos around me. I turned to her though I barely saw her because
everything was blurry right now.
"Hindi naman to mangyayari kung hindi niya sinubukan na takasan tayo! Ang anak mong
ito, Cassidy! Sakit ng ulo! She needs to learn her lesson." Dad growled as he
opened the car door and pulled me inside.
I fought Dad's strong arms. I knew that we've attracted so much attention but
neither Mom nor Dad seems to give a single fuck. I pushed Dad away, I even clawed
him to be free but he swatted my arms away like it didn't even hurt him.
"You told me that I'll never lose you, Ian! Y-you damn told me that it would still
be us until the end! Please, Ian. I need you to stick to your promises-"
I wasn't able to continue my speech when Dad forced me inside the car again. He
went in and then Mom did too. I was between the two of them. Our family chauffeur
looked at me through the rearview mirror and averted his gaze when he saw my
I probably look stupid now, with the tears streaming down my face and my hair
strewn out in different directions but I was still broken to care about things like
"Sa bahay, ngayon na." Dad ordered and when I heard the car's engine, roaring to
life, I instantly became hysterical. I tried standing up but Dad pulled me back on
my seat.
"Mang Ruben! Wag po, maawa po k-kayo! Ayokong umalis dito!" I asked the chauffeur
and for a second, he seemed hesitant to follow my Dad's orders. But when Dad
dropped his famous line about unemployment, he quickly

maneuvered away.
"Stop! Stop this car, please! I need to go down!" I shrieked loudly but Dad just
threw me a look filled with disgust and disapproval.
I gazed outside and saw Ian's figure fading away slowly. The car started gaining
speed and I just lost it. I went berserk but Dad never let go of my hand. I can
hear Mom's muffled cries from beside me but I felt like I was deprived of my right
to happiness.
"I love Ian..." I sobbed.
Dad stayed silent, I cupped my face and cried on my palms. "I love him and I don't
know if I can still wake up sane without him... Dad, please. Please, understand."
Dad threw me a harsh stare and I just bit my lip when I realized how enraged he is
at this very moment. I defied him and fought against him, yet it was otiose.
"I told you already Daze. Hindi magandang kalabanin ako. Where do you think Xander
got his attitude?" He asked grimly.
I was still biting my lip. I kept on telling myself to stop crying because I don't
wanna be even more pathetic than I already am, but it was no use. Because tears ran
down my cheeks like waterfalls.
"You're heartless." I spat bitterly.
"Daze Alessaina, watch your words!" Mom looks shocked with what I've said. She
callously shot me an annoyed gander.
"What? It's true! He's heartless! He doesn't want me to be happy! Maybe he talked
to Ian that's why he backed out! He is so abominable!" I yelled even more in a
futile attempt to cover up the pain which is swallowing me whole.
"I'm your father, you're supposed to respect me." He replied with an acid-like tone

that seemed to slap me in the face.

My eyes stung and bile rose from my throat. "And I'm your daughter. You're not
supposed to take away the thing that makes me happy." I wept, I felt my mother's
smooth hand patting mine to calm me down.
"The thing you dare call your happiness happens to be the reason of your self-
destruction. And you expect me to sit in one corner while you try to wreak havoc in
your own goddamn life? Fuck, no! Because I'm your father and I care about you,
Daze!" He shouted. He said many things about me being disappointing, but honestly,
I couldn't hear his words clearly because my cries muffles other sounds except for
the ones I make.
The car entered the garage but I felt like I was entering the gates of hell. Dad
dragged me inside and told the maids to go inside their quarters.
"I'm confiscating your credit cards and you're not to be given a phone until I say
so." He spoke gruffly. I wiped my tears and dared look in his dark eyes.
"That's what you're good at, Daddy! You're good at being cruel! You're good at
manipulating people-"
"Shut up, Daze! Wag mo akong piliting gawin ang isang bagay na labag sa kalooban
ko!" His voice reverberated all over the living room.
"Hindi kita pinalaking ganyan, Daze.." Mom is starting to look stern, too. I bet
she hates me now.
I saw Kuya Zade dashing from the stairs, he came to me and held my hand while I
cried nonstop.
"Pagsabihan mo yang kapatid mo, Zade Andrei. She's really getting under my nerves.
Kanina pa yan sagot ng sagot. I can't believe she had the guts to run away with
Ian! Nakuha

pa niyang sabutahihin ang mga cctv sa bahay!" Dad angrily yelled. Kuya Zade brought
me behind his back and sighed.
"Dad, it's not her fault. Ako ang sumabutahe ng mga surveillance camera dito, don't
put all the blame on her-"
"What?!" Dad asked him to repeat what he said and when he did, he earned a punch
from Dad that sent him to the floor. He coughed and tried to get up. I can hear Mom
crying and shrieking while aiding Kuya.
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Akala ko ba matalino ka? Tapos ngayon malalaman
kong kasali ka sa kagaguhang ito?! Hindi ka na ba talaga nag-iisip, Zade?" He was
about to assault Kuya again when Mom intervened. He pulled Dad's arm and begged him
to stop.
"Aaron, tama na. Please, tama na. Wag mo na silang saktan. Para mo na rin akong
sinasaktan sa ginagawa mo." She pulled Dad's arm again, and Dad seemed to calm down
a bit. His chest was heaving while eyeing the two of us with such strong distaste.
"I never thought that they were capable of deceiving us, Cassidy. Binigay naman
natin sa kanila ang lahat pero ganito ang igaganti nila." I can hear the toxic in
his voice. I shut my eyes tightly.
I never imagined that I was capable of doing this, too. But when you love, you
gotta love with all your heart. You gotta be willing to do things unimaginable.
"D-daddy, I'm sorry. But if ever I see an opportunity, I'll do this again. I'll
never stop defying you until you let us be happy." I said bravely. His expression
tightened and his jaw locked.
"Then I'll have to see to it that never again will you have an opportunity." He
said tersely.

He called for my yaya and asked her to bring me to my room and with a heavy heart,
I followed.
I saw Dad giving Kuya a final warning stare before heading upstairs with Mom.
I locked myself inside the room the whole day and refused to eat dinner. But Mom
knocked repeatedly and I had no choice but to get up from my damn bed and open the
door for her.
"Daze, sweetie." She said when her eyes landed on me. I can barely open my
bloodshot eyes. She threw herself at me and trapped me in a warm hug. It felt
endearing that I can't help but hug her back and cry on her shoulders.
"Mom, do something. Anything. Please." She shushed me and caressed my back. I was
expecting her to tell me that she'll help me but she didn't. Instead, what she said
was, "Dinner's ready. I expect you to be in the dining room in ten minutes." And
then she kissed my forehead and left. I felt alone and unwanted. And I hate this.
Ian is the only highlight in my life and I don't know what'll happen to me now that
he's gone.
I don't want to upset them more so I went downstairs after I washed my face and
changed into decent and comfortable clothes.
The tension in the table was very overt. No one wanted to talk. Even Mom who was
usually the loquacious and energetic one kept her mouth tightly shut.
I barely touched my food and when I met Dad's stare, he raised his eyebrow at me.
"Hatid sundo ka na ngayon, Daze." He shattered the silence around us. I gritted my
"Wow. Control freak at its highest level, huh Daddy?" I mocked him. I felt pain
stabbing my heart when Ian's face flashed in my mind again.
"Daze!" Kuya glared at me but I ignored him.
"I told you, Dad. I'm gonna defy you every chance I get. I'll try to run away over
and over again. I'll follow Ian in Italy if I see a fucking chance!" I dropped my
utensils and let it clatter loudly in my plate.
Dad laughed. He laughed because of amusement or probably sarcasm. "Try? Baka
mapahiya ka lang sa gagawin mo. You see, Daze, sweetheart. Naunahan na kita.
Magkadugo nga tayo kasi alam ko ang magiging takbo ng utak mo. Let me just inform
you that you are already blocked from processing a visa in the Italian Embassy."
My heart started to break because of that. I felt really hopeless and helpless and
I'm running out of options.
"How dare you!" I choked.
"Yes, how dare me." He replied before slicing the meat on his plate. Anger simmered
inside my core.
"And that's not the best part..." He added after chewing.
I didn't reply. I just stared at my food.
"This should be good news to you, Daze. Namimiss mo na ang Ate mo diba? Well,
magkikita na kayo."
My eyes shot up after he said that.
"A-ate's coming back here?" I asked hopefully. I miss her, I really do. I know
she'll understand me. She's my bestfriend and my princess in shining armor.
"Goodness, no. Ikaw ang pupunta doon." He answered back. I started to panic. I hate
going in there because locals hate me!
"I don't want to! I don't like that place!" I protested but he waved his hand
"Well, you must learn to like it soon.." He chewed and then swallowed.
"Kasi doon ka na sa Bicol mag-aaral."



Cigarettes and vodka.

Those two are my only companions. Tears ran down my cheeks while I sipped the
liquor. I felt a weird sense of comfort when the familiar burning feeling scraped
my throat. I stared at the empty pack of cigarette I've thrown across the rooftop
and felt the sudden compulsion of smoking again.
Even vices can't get Ian out of my fucking head. I feel stupid. It's been a month
since Dad sent me to this wretched province yet I still feel as miserable as the
day Ian gave up on me. I ruined myself. I put red streaks on my hair and I always
apply thick black eyeliner that makes me look like a badass out-of-school emo
I wonder what Ian's doing right now. Is he suffering the way I am, too? Has he
moved on already? Has he really forgotten about me?
More tears trickled down my cheeks. I gulped more liquor and it made me feel a
little bit nauseous. I can't hold my life together anymore. Every step I make feels
painful. Every waking morning is misery. Everything hurts.
The rooftop door opened and Ate Xiana came inside. She crossed her arms and looked
at me with a straight face. I've been seeing the same expression from her since the
first day of my stay in here. I know that she hates seeing me like this but what
can I do? How can I fabricate a laugh, a smile? How can I fake happiness when I
can't even convince myself that life would be okay soon?
"Hindi ka talaga masaway, ano?" She scowled at me, like really scowled at me. I've
never seen her angry my entire life. But right now, I knew that she was so damn
close to

exploding. I knew she has issues regarding the way I'm behaving lately but I just
don't think I still care about what people think about me.
They may say I'm a bitch, or that I'm a spoiled kvetcher or whatever. But nothing
would matter as much as the fact that I'm a broken person who has too many
questions left unanswered.
"Tigilan mo na ang pag-inom. It's your first day of school tomorrow. I want you
sober when you go to your new university." She reprimanded as her eyes scanned the
area. The creases on her forehead widened as she saw the empty glasses of different
brands of vodka near the chair I was sitting on.
"God! Hindi na kita makilala, Daze. Wag mo naman tong gawin sa sarili mo. Kahit
hindi ka na sa amin maawa, kahit sa sarili mo na lang." She said while ambling
closer. I bit my lip and put the glass atop the small square table beside me.
"You think I'm not pitying myself? Every damn day, I find myself wallowing in self-
pity, drowning in sadness and overwhelmed by misery. Do you think I want this? Do
you seriously think that I wanted to be left by the person I love, huh?!" I balled
my fists while feeling the shaking of my own shoulders. I wanted to shout at her
and I wanted her to do the same. I wanted her to slap me and tell me that I'm going
overboard. Because I was hoping that physical pain could erase the emotional pain.
But at the back of my mind, I knew that it wouldn't.
"Daze..." Her voice broke. She was trying to reach for me but I shrieked and backed
"No! Do not touch me! Leave! Leave me alone! Because that's what everyone I love is
good at! Leaving..." I sobbed and

I can feel my shirt getting soaked with tears.

"J-just go." I pointed towards the door. I can see how misty her eyes were even
though we were only illuminated by the light coming from the crescent moon. She was
staring at me and I averted my gaze because I don't wanna see the pain in her eyes.
I knew that she can also feel my pain and that she only wants to help me. But I'm
so frightened that once I open up again, things will go wrong. And I'll end up
alone once again.
So I'm trying to adjust with solitude now. Because I knew that at the end of the
day, that was all I'll ever be. Alone.
"Let me help you, please..." Her tears were threatening to fall but I refused to
accept any help from anyone. I've built a steel case around my heart now.
"I d-don't need help. Please. Just... Just leave me be." She gave me a final pained
look before reaching for the doorknob. I turned my back on her just as I heard the
knob twist. I swallowed a big lump on my throat and wiped my wet face with the back
of my palm.
I refilled my empty glass and watched the stars twinkling above. I couldn't help
but cry and think of Ian again.
He stayed true to his words.
When he said that he's going back to Italy, he did go back. I watched an interview
of him on television about a month ago. That was the very same day that Daddy was
planning to send me here. I can still clearly remember the agonizing sounds I made
while he conversed with the talk show host. He has just finished the race that time
and he won as champion, again. This was the first time I've seen him in days. It
felt unbelievably painful

to see him on screen but I wanted to continue watching the interview.

He looks distraught while the interviewer smiled at him. I noticed how pale and
thin he has gotten. He grew a beard and now his eyes seem darker, just like mine.
He looks worn out and I wept while I touched his cheeks via tv.
"Mr. Estillore! Another trophy! What can you say?"
"Uhm, I.. I don't know. It feels overwhelming, I guess."
"Hmm, maraming nakapansin na parang pumapayat ka yata? Anong nangyari?"
"Yeah, 'bout that... Nakakastress din kasi sa kumpanya. You know how difficult it
is to run a company diba? Really stressful."
"Oo nga! At ito ha, totoo bang break na kayo ng girlfriend mong anak ni Mr.
Monteverde kaya mukhang wala ka sa kondisyon magracing kanina?"
"Things got tougher for us."
"Do you still love her?"
"That's too personal. I'd like to keep that to myself."
"Ooh, secretive. Rumors are spreading. Babalik ka na daw sa Italy at iiwan ang
racing industry. Is it true?"
"Yes. I feel sad about leaving racing because it's a huge part of me but sometimes
you leave not because you want to, but because you know that it is for the better.
I hope my supporters would understand and respect my decision."
"Ang daming malulungkot, surely! So, is there anything else you wanna say?"
"Actually, y-yes."
"Then you have the floor. Go ahead."

was a pause. And a sigh. And then he looked straight into the camera and to me.
"M-mia bella signorina. Per favore, non dimenticarti di me... Prenditi cura di te,
per me. Per favore, signorina. Per favore..." I turned the television off that
moment. I felt my heart ramming my chest and even though I did not understand what
he said, I somehow knew by looking at his eyes that he was also hurting. I wanted
to understand his part, but instead I found myself hating him.
"I wish we never met." I cursed in a low voice while pain tore my heart into bits.
I was pulled back into reality when I accidentally nudged a bottle of vodka. It
fell on the ground and the contents spilled as the bottle shattered into sharp
fragments. I picked up a jagged glass and saw my reflection on it. The face I'm
seeing now is not the face of a bratty heiress. It was a face of someone slowly
dying in misery. It stared at me with its blank beady eyes that conveyed
lifelessness. I saw how tears fell from the reflection's face as its once beautiful
features contorted in pain.
I brought the jagged glass to my wrist. My hand was shaking while contemplating
whether to end my life or not.
Who would miss me anyway?
I brought it closer and was about to cut my skin with it when Ian's smile flashed
on my face. My mouth parted for a while. I found myself sobbing while throwing the
broken glass away. I can't. I can't bring myself to do it.
"Hey, brat. Bakit di mo tinuloy?" I was a bit startled when I heard Kuya Vane's
voice. I turned and saw him leaning on the doorframe while frowning at

"Y-you saw?" I asked, my voice squeaking. He raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded.
"Obviously." He said with sarcasm. I sighed and decided to look away. I'm already
feeling a bit dizzy now.
"Y-you didn't try to stop me." I pointed out as I suppressed another impending sob.
See? I knew it! Nobody really wanted me around!
"Yeah. Alam ko naman kasing hindi mo itutuloy yan eh. Ang drama mo alam mo ba yon?
Akala mo ba ikaw lang ang nasasaktan sa mundo? Akala mo ba ikaw lang ang iniwan?
Hindi naman diba? Suicide should never be an option. Tanga lang ang gagawa non.
Bobo ka lang hindi ka tanga!" He threw me a look of derision.
I angrily slapped him. He massaged his cheek and narrowed his eyes.
"Oh, ano? Bakit mo ko sinampal? Kasi tama ang mga sinasabi ko? Ang hirap sayo hindi
ka marunong tumanggap ng tulong at payo eh! Kahit ang Ate mo hindi mo pinakinggan!
If you don't wanna listen to me, well I don't care. I just wanted to talk some
goddamn sense into your goddamn mind!" He said with gritted teeth.
"You don't get to say that to me because you haven't experienced the feeling of
being left by the person who means the entire universe to you! You haven't
experienced that kind of pain because Ate Xiana did not leave you! You were the one
who left her, asshole!" I shouted before pushing him. He glared at me.
"Tingin mo madali sakin yon? Tingin mo hindi ako nasaktan ng iniwan ko siya? I
suffered too. And no amount of words could fucking explain how much I did!"
I pointed my finger at him. "No! You had an option! You could've stayed but

you chose to hurt her!"

"Fine! Okay? Fine! Pero umalis pa rin ako! Umalis ako! But does that prove that I
don't really love her, huh? I came back for her, Daze. I fought my parents' wrath
for her. I lost the thing I wanted most just to be with her. Yes, I left. But I
came back, for her. With a love stronger than before."
I shut my eyes tightly. "Stop." I requested but he didn't obey.
"Just because Ian left doesn't mean that he doesn't love you. It just proves that
he's man enough to give you temporary freedom because he knows that the kind of
love that you two have is no longer healthy..."
I shook my head repeatedly. "No! No! He should've fought for me. He should've s-
"Staying will poison the relationship further, Daze. There will always be a right
time for everything. Yes, love endures. But above all, love waits."
I broke down on the floor crying while he stood there and watched me.
"Yes, I left Xiana. I'm not proud of that, but I knew that if I didn't do that then
I wouldn't have realized how I needed her in my life. I love her so much, Daze. And
our love waited before it finally grew and blossomed."
I fell silent. All I could hear was the loud rustling of leaves and the sound of my
muffled cries.
"I left her, but she did not try to kill herself. Please, remember that." He added.
I shot him a death stare.
"Stop comparing the two of us!" I yelled.
He shook his head. "I'm not. I'm just saying that you have an option. You could
either fix yourself or drag yourself down even more. The answer lies with you, and
only you."
"How can I fix myself when I'm badly damaged? You're asking for the impossible." I
He gave me a serious stare. "Diffcult, yes. But impossible? No."
I palmed my face as I felt my frustration. "I feel so sad, you know? I just want
Ian to come back and tell me that this is all a bad dream. I want him to wake me up
from this nightmare and tell me t-that he's never gonna wander away from me. I w-
want him to call me signorina again." I sniffed.
He heaved a sigh. "Love waits."



Everything's all set.

The plan was clear and laid out. Inayos ko ang makapal na bungkos ng perang
kawiwithdraw ko lang kanina. Kung magtatanan kami ni Daze ay kailangan namin to.
Hindi ako pwedeng magkamali ng kilos kahit isang beses lang. Ayokong matrace kami.
Hindi ko kayang mawala siya kaya eto ako, handang ipaglaban ang kaisa-isang babaeng
mahal ko.

Lumakas ang tibok ng puso ko ng maalala ko kung pano siya umiyak sa harap ko. I
remembered the way she hugged me and it just melts my entire being. God, what I'd
give to hold her in my hands forever.

Bukas na. Bukas na kami tatakas. I know that it's not the bravest thing to do but
we're not gonna hide forever. We will just bid our time.

Muli kong tinuloy ang paglipat ng mga pera sa bag na itim. I almost emptied my
other bank account for this. I know how wealthy and influential Daze's dad is. Kaya
gusto kong mag-ingat. One wrong move could make me lose my chance to be with her. I
love her this much. I love her that I'm willing to do whatever odds it may take to
have her.

Nagulat nalang ako ng biglang bumukas ang pinto. Tumigil ako sa ginagawa ko at
kinakabahang napatingin sa pintuan. Gavin walked in but he stopped abruptly when he
saw the bundles of money strewn all over the bed. Nagpalipat lipat ang tingin niya
sa akin, sa mga pera at sa bag na itim na pinaglalagyan ko nito. Umawang ang bibig
niya sa nakita.

"Umamin ka nga sakin, pre." He said in a grim voice.

"Nagnanakaw ka ba?" Diretso niyang tanong. I scowled at him and raised my middle
finger. "Gago!" Nagmamadali akong pumunta sa may pintuan

at isinara ang pinto. I locked it, too. Gavin's eyes widened, he backed away from

"Pre, wag. Pareho tayong lalaki, magpinsan pa tayo!" Sabi niya. Inunduyan ko siya
ng mahinang sapak. Damn, he's so annoying! Tatawa tawang nagtaas siya ng kamay.

"Pero seryoso, bakit ang dami mong pera? Pinerahan mo si Daze?" Nagtatakang tanong
niya. Again, my middle finger flew up to salute his assholeness.

"Winithdraw ko yung laman ng isa sa mga personal bank accounts ko." Maikli kong
sagot bago itinuloy ang ginagawa. Namulsa siya at nagkunot noo bago muli akong
binalingan ng tingin.

"For what?" He queried inquisitively.

I didn't answer but he kept on pressing me. Napamura ako. Sabi na nga ba sa bahay
ko na lang muna ako dapat tumuloy eh. Matatapos na rin naman ang renovation non.
Kesa dito sa mansion, kung saan laging tambay ang mga gago kong pinsan na ang hilig
makiusyoso sa mga bagay-bagay. Buti nalang wala dito si Dad at Lee. Kundi mas lalo
pa. Dad's on vacation, while Lee, well malamang tambay na yon habang buhay sa condo
ni Sera.

"C'mon, Lexus! Sabihin mo na! Para namang di tayo sabay na naliligo sa batya dati!"
He grinned at his own remark but I just tsked. I zipped the bag and put it inside
my drawer. Ipinadlock ko pa ito.

Gavin nudged me. "Hey, dude. Spill!"

"Magtatanan kami ni Daze, okay? Now will you just get your ass out of here?" I
requested while frowning at him. He frowned back.

"Dude, you serious?" He asked.

"Yes! Hindi naman ako naglalabas ng ganon kalaking pera kung hindi diba? Buo na ang
loob ko. Itatanan ko si Daze." Matapang na sagot ko bago umupo sa kama. I took my
phone out and can't

help but smile when I saw that my Maria sent me a text message.

I love you, Ian.

Yun lang. Yun lang yung text niya pero pakiramdam ko lumulundag sa saya ang puso
ko. Gay but I'm saying the truth, only the truth and nothing but the truth.

Magtitipa na sana ako ng mensahe ng agawin ni Gavin ang iPhone sa kamay ko. He
looked serious when he snatched it from me.

"Give it back, Gav." I calmly ordered. Pinagkunutan niya ako ng noo bago nagscan ng
messages ni Daze sa conversation namin.

"You know that this is not right, dude." Seryosong pahayag niya. I heaved a sigh as
I ran my hands through my hair.

"I know. But what can I do? I love her." Napapikit nalang ako. Namimiss ko na siya.
Ilang araw rin kaming hindi nagkikita, para na rin hindi makatunog ang Daddy niya.

And damn, I just miss my baby girl. I just wanna pull her close and feel her soft
lips on mine. I wanna drown in the feeling of content that I find only when I'm
holding her close.

"Her Dad wants her to break up with me. Masama daw akong impluwensya sa kanya.
Bumaba kasi mga grade niya sa school." I explained.

Napapalatak si Gavin.

"Naririnig mo ba ang sarili mo, pre? You are badly, no, terribly smitten by a
seventeen year-old! She's too damn young for you! Natural na gugustuhin ng parents
ni Daze na hiwalayan ka niya, tignan mo naman ang nangyayari. You brought colors to
her world. But unconsciously, you're also dragging her to her own doom!" Galit na
litanya niya. Inis na napatayo ako at bumaling

sa kanya.

"Ano naman kung seventeen lang si Daze? She already knows what she wants! And it's
not about our fucking ages! It's about us being in love and fighting for it!" I

Nasapo niya ang mukha niya. "Pakinggan mo nga ang mga pinagsasabi mo, Lexus!
Itatanan mo? Gago ka ba? Hindi mo ba naisip ang consequences ng gagawin niyo? Lalo
mo lang pasasamain ang tingin sayo ng pamilya niya! You're adding fuel to the
goddamn fire, you imbecile!"

I pushed him and grabbed his collar. He yanked my hand away. His eyes were blazing

"Wag ka ngang gago, Lexus! Ikaw ang sisira sa buhay ni Daze! Alam mo kung ano ang
tama at kung ano ang mali so will you fucking put your brain on your head again?"

"Stop saying those kind of things dahil wala ka namang alam! Hindi ikaw yung nasa
posisyon ko!" I shot back. Namumuti na ang kamao ko dahil sa sobrang pagkakasara ng
mga ito. I wanted to punch him.

"You have to wait, Lex. You have to set her free, for now."

Mapait ko siyang tinapunan ng tingin. "I can't. I told you, mahal ko siya. And I'm
not stupid to give up on her. She's the definition of the world to me, man. Losing
her will mean losing myself..."


I cut him off. "Nasasabi mo yang mga yan dahil hindi niyo naman to naranasan ni
Eunice. Hindi naman kasi tutol ang mga magulang niya sayo, they fucking like you!
Hindi naman nila sinabi sayong layuan mo siya, o pakawalan mo siya. Walang tutol sa
inyong dalawa."

Tumawa siya ng pagak. "Akala mo ganon ganon lang yon? Akala mo madali? Sabihin mo
nga sakin, pano naging madali ang maghintay

ng dalawang taon ng hindi nagpapakilala sa taong mahal mo? I loved her from afar.
And I watched as she had her first boyfriend, kiss, date and heartbreak. How was it
easy, huh?"

Tinignan niya ako ng mataman. "Naghintay ako ng dalawang taon para makagraduate
siya. Gustong gusto kong lumapit at magpakilala pero hindi ko ginawa dahil alam
kong gulo lang ang magiging dala ko sa kanya. So I fucking waited. And it was
fucking worth it."

I shoved him away. "Hindi porket yun ang ginawa mo ay pipilitin mo akong ganon rin
ang gawin ko! I can't do that to her, Gavin! Hindi ko kayang saktan si Daze. The
mere thought of it is enough to kill me."

"She can make it, Ian. Face it, she can make it without you. But she can never make
it without her parents. Think. Kapag nagtanan kayo anong mangyayari? Her parents
may hate her, worse, they could even disown her. Kaya mo bang gawin sa kanya yon?
Hindi lang pag-aaral niya ang nasira, pati pamilya niya."

Natahimik ako sa sinabi niya. I was breathing heavily when he said that. Because he
was right. I have considered that and now that he voiced it, it filled me with

"Think, Lexus. Your love for her is better than this. Love was never meant to be
selfish. It was meant to be selfless. Let her prosper. Don't be the hindrance.
Think." He walked to the door and twisted the knob.

"Mahal na mahal ko si Daze..." I trailed off. I closed my eyes and massaged my

temple. I'm so damn confused now, I just don't know what to do.

"Then stop destroying her." And then he walked

out. And left me with a mind filled with doubts.

I breathed heavily and looked at the phone he put above the table. I went to it and
saw that there's a new message from Daze.

You're not replying! Anyway, sweetdreams, Ian. Mahal ko you.

I didn't reply because I was feeling so damn unsure about everything. But I hugged
the phone to my chest and whispered an I love you only for my Daze. I slept with a
heavy heart that night and when I woke up, the uncertainties were still there. They
were fucking hunting me. I wanted to have my mind cleared.

Hindi ako dapat maapektuhan ng sinabi ni Gavin dahil sigurado akong mahal ko si
Daze at kaya kong kalabanin ang kahit na sino para sa kanya. Pero bakit ganito?

Why do I feel this nagging feeling stabbing me in the chest?

You are my angel and you showed me the essence of being alive. You are royalty, and
you deserve nothing but the greatest.

I sent her tgat text. It felt right, but at the same time inappropriate.
Ng makababa ako ay medyo nagulat pa ako ng makita ang fianceé ni Gavin na si Eunice
na nagluluto. She gave me her usual warm smile that must've made Gavin spin off his

"Hey. Goodmorning, Lexus." She greeted affably and I nodded. "Morning."

She motioned to the chair in the dining set. I sat there and unconsciously zoned
"Sandali nalang to, tatawagin ko na sa taas si Gavin para gising pagkatapos." She
said as she continued cooking her fried rice. I sighed as I looked at her back.
Naalala ko yung mga sinabi ni Gavin kagabi. Na naghintay daw siya para

kay Eunice. Can I do that?

"Eunice?" I called her and she turned with a question mark visible on her soft


"Say, if.. If Gavin leaves you, will you hate him?" She paused to ponder for a
while but then she spoke.

"Yes. Because it will hurt, like a lot. Pero kilala ko si Gavin, alam kong mahal
niya ako at hindi niya yon gagawin. At kung magawa niya man, well.. There must be a
deep reason." She shrugged. "But, yeah. I'll hate him."

I gulped. "Let's say na mayroon ngang mabigat na rason. Pero hindi niya naman
ginustong iwan ka. Mapapatawad mo ba siya kung saka-sakali?" Dagdag ko pa.

"Oo. Kasi mahal ko siya. At alam kong ganon din siya. Sometimes, Lexus, leaving
can't justify the amount of love you have for a person. Hindi yon doon nasusukat.
Kasi hindi porket iniwan mo, hindi mo na mahal. Minsan talaga may mga bagay na
magtutulak sayo para umalis na lang. Kahit labag sa kalooban mo."

Parang huminto yung tibok ng puso ko sa sinabi niya. God, she made perfect sense.
Napapikit ako ng mariin.

"Wait, is this some kind of warning? Iiwan ba ako ni Gavin?" Nakangisi niyang
tanong sakin. Pinilit kong ngumiti na lang.

"No. N-no, natanong ko lang." I replied. Nangingiting pinagpatuloy niya ang


Para bang alam ko na kung ano ang dapat kong gawin...

Bigla namang bumaba si Gavin. He was in his boxers and he was frowning. The frown
lifted when he saw Eunice. He quickly went to her and hugged her from the back.

"Morning, babe." He greeted. Eunice turned and grinned. "Morning, hot stuff."

She jested.

Napataas ako ng kilay sa paglalandian nila early in the morning.

"Guess what's for breakfast!" Eunice's eyes sparkled when she looked at my cousin.
Nakatakip yung ulam sa hapagkainan kaya hindi pa nakikita ni Gavin.

"Me?" Asked Gav teasingly. Nanlaki ang mata ni Eunice at sinapak ang braso niya.
I'm not sure but I think she blushed.

"Idiot, no! Bastos mo!" Humalakhak lang si Gavin ng irapan siya ni Eunice. "Dali,
hulaan mo na kasi. This is your favorite." Eunice added.

Nangislap ang mata ni Gav. "You?"

"Sira! Kainis ka talaga! Tigil nga!"

Nag-ikot na lang ako ng mata. I even faked a cough. "There is another presence in

Tinaasan lang ako ng kilay ni Gavin. Tinapos ko ang pagkain pagkatapos ay bumalik
na ako sa Manila kasama ang bag na puno ng pera. Gamit ko ang lumang sasakyan ni
Leroy. Nagpark ako sa tapat ng meeting place namin two hours earlier. Nakaupo lang
ako sa loob ng tinted kong sasakyan habang pinapanood ang paglabas at pagpasok ng
mga tao.

Hindi ko alam kung gano katagal na akong nagmamasid mula sa kotse ng biglang
magring ang phone ko. It was a message from Daze, again. Para bang nagsikip ang
dibdib ko ng makita ko ang mensahe niya.

Goodmorning. Today's the day. I love you, Ian. See you in a bit, baby.

Halos magtubig ang mata ko habang nakatingin lang sa screen. Habang sa sunod sunod
na ngang nagbagsakan ang mga luhang kaninang umaga ko pa pinipigilan. Napasapak na
lang ako sa manibela ng paulit ulit habang parang tangang umiiyak.

Maya maya ay namataan ko ng bumaba sa sasakyan si Daze. God, my heart broke when I
saw her beautiful face. Gusto kong lumabas ng kotse, yakapin siya, halikan, ilayo
siya dito pero hindi tama.

Instead, I took my phone out and called her Dad.

"Ian! Nawawala ang anak ko! Alam mo ba kung nasaan siya? I swear to God that I will
tear you to shreds f I find out that you're harboring her!" He growled angrily. I
took one deep breath before telling him Daze's location.

Inamin ko rin na binalak naming magtanan pero nagbago na ang isip ko. Kasi
narealize kong tama siya. I was toxic in Daze's life. I was destroying her without
her being aware of it.

"Why? Why did you change your mind, young man? I want to know what changed your
decision." Tito Aaron now spoke calmly.

"Because I want her to have a better life. And that's not gonna happen if I take
her away." Pinigilan ko ang sarili kong manginig kahit ang totoo ay halos mapiga ko
na ang phone ko.

"That's good to hear. Thank you." He said in a serious monotone.

My heart fell in pieces whennI replied. "I love her so much..."

"But?" He asked. And the one-word question was enough to completely tear me in

"But this love can wait."



Nakita ko kung pano siya magmakaawa sakin na wag siyang iwan. Narinig ko yung
paghagulgol niya nung pilit siyang isakay sa kotse. Nadama ko yung lungkot at sakit
na ako rin naman yung may dulot.
But I did nothing.
I didn't wipe her tears. I didn't hug her. I didn't fight for her. I just pushed
her away because people around us keep on saying that this is for the better. And
seeing their car speeding away from me, I started to doubt. I started to question
my own decisions and principles.
Habang lumalayo ang kotse nila ay nagsisikip ang dibdib ko. Para akong sinasakal,
pahigpit ng pahigpit. Hanggang sa hindi na ako makahinga dahil sa sobrang sakit.
Tumingala ako para pigilan ang pagdaloy ng mga luha pero wala rin. Isa isa silang
nagbagsakan sa mga mata ko. Mukha na siguro akong tanga habang nakatayo dito,
nakapamulsa habang nakatingala sa langit.
Nanginginig ang buo kong katawan. I didn't expect that our love would turn out like
this. Beautiful yet poisonous. Hypnotizing, but at the same time perilous.
Hindi ko alam kung gano na ako katagal nakatayo dito sa tapat, tulala at balisa. I
wanted to take a step forward but I found myself rooted in place. Ilang minuto na
ang nagdaan pero hanggang ngayon nakatanaw parin ako sa daang tinahak ng sasakyan
nila Daze.
It took me a moment to realize that my baby girl is gone. Completely gone.
"M-maria..." My voice cracked as I remembered the way she smiled at me on our
second date. Her blonde wig tumbled down her shoulders in beautiful locks.
I felt a sudden throbbing inside. It must be my heart, I knew that

it was bleeding. Because I lost the one thing I swore I would never let go of. And
if someone will ask me to describe the feeling, then I wouldn't know how to answer.
Because I knew that the pain will intensify if I try to dig deep about my emotions.
Because even my own feeling, just like my thoughts, are in complete disarray.
Inihalamos ko ang kamay ko sa mukha ko. I rubbed my face dry. Pumasok ako sa kotse
ko at mabilis itong pinasibad. Nanlalabo na ang paningin ko at sa puntong ito ay
wala na kong pakialam kung mabunggo ako o kung may mabunggo ako. I needed speed.
Inihimpil ko ang sasakyan sa tapat ng condong pansamantala kong tinutuluyan. I
didn't know what to do so I slept.
I slept with pathetic hopes that the pain will vanish once I open my eyes again.
But it didn't. Because when I woke up, the pain stabbed me right where it hurts the
most. And I felt it very deeply. Gumayak ako at sumakay na naman sa kotse, I was
driving to no place in particular. And then I saw a sign up ahead.
I stopped in front of a bar. Napangiti ako ng mapait. Ngayon na lang uli ako
papasok sa ganitong lugar. Ever since Daze and I became an item, I dropped all my
vices. I don't want her to get turned off. Mabibigat ang mga hakbang na pumasok ako
sa loob. Naamoy ko agad ang pamilyar na amoy ng sigarilyo at alak.
Umupo ako sa bar counter at inorder ang pinakahard na liquor nila. Alcohol is
effective, right?
Pero bakit ganon? Alam ko sa sarili kong lasing na lasing na ako, at halos manlabo
na nga ang paningin ko pero yung sakit? Nandito parin. Ang linaw linaw. Damang dama
ko parin. Para parin akong pinupunit?

ako, I need to go home. I want to go home. Magagalit si Daze kapag nalaman niyang
naglasing ako. Ayaw niya ng lalaking lasenggero. Ayaw niya ng amoy ng alak. Ayaw
nya akong naglalasing. Kailangan ko ng umuwi. Baka magalit siya. Baka naghihintay
siya sa condo. Baka pwede na kaming dalawa.
Pinilit kong tumayo at naglakad kahit pagewang gewang ako. Hilong hilo na ako.
Lahat nalang ng bagay umiikot. Ang sakit ng ulo ko. Pero kailangan kong umuwi.
Si Daze naghihintay. Ang baby ko...
"Shit! What the hell, get off!" Biglang tili ng isang babae ng halos masubsob ako
sa kanya. Kumapit ako sa braso niya para masuportahan ang sarili kong balanse ng
biglang may humila sa braso ko at sumapak sa mukha ko.
"Gago ka! Mamanyakin mo pa ang girlfriend ko?!" Yelled a guy whose face I couldn't
even see. Ang sakit sakit ng panga kong sinuntok niya. Gumanti ako ng suntok at
natamaan ko ang mukha niya. Pero inundayan niya uli ako ng malakas na suntok na
nagpabagsak sa akin. Pinagmumura niya na ako pero hindi ko masyadong maintindihan
ang mga sinasabi niya dahil isa lang ang laman ng utak ko.
"Ezra! Stop, goddamit Ez! Stop beating the guy!"
The guy continued giving me punches. But I was down and I couldn't get up. Naisip
ko si Daze. Nasasaktan siya. At siguro yung sakit na nararamdaman ko ngayon ay
walang wala sa nararamdaman niya.
So I stopped fighting back. I watched as the guy assaulted me. I felt blood running
down my nose. I felt my whole face throbbing but I didn't fight back.
Maybe I deserved this. Because I was a coward. The woman I bumbped into

pulled the guy's arm to stop him. "Itigil mo na! Ano ba! Security! Damn, help!
"Ayoko! I won't stop until this bastard's dead!" The guy shouted again as he gave
me a hard punch. Unti unti ng nagdidilim ang lahat, pero nakuha ko pang ngumiti.
I coughed blood as I spoke.
"Do it. Kill me.."
And then the entire world became pitch black.
Hindi ko alam kung gano ako katagal na ganon ang kundisyon. Ang alam ko lang ay
nagising ako sa ospital at mukha nila Zed ang una kong nakita. They were all here.
Nathan and Zed were sitting on the white couch while Emman was leaning against the
wall. Ng magising ako ay nagpatawag agad sila ng doctor para maasikaso ako.
When the doctor checked me and told them the results, he exited. They all looked
"Gago ka ba? Anong nangyari sayo?" Panimula ni Emmanuel. Ngayon ko lang siya
nakitang ganito kaseryoso.
Bumuntong hininga ako. Naramdaman ko ang munting pagkirot ng mukha ko.
"Napaaway yata ako sa bar. Hindi ko masyadong matandaan. I was so drunk." I
"What the fuck were you doing there alone, man? Nag-away ba kayo ni Daze?" Iritang
tanong ni Nate sakin.
Iniwas ko ang tingin ko pagkatapos ay pumikit ako. Ayokong makita nilang
nagbabadyang lumuha ang mga mata ko. "We broke up." Yun lang ang sagot ko. Laking
pasasalamat ko ng hindi na sila nagtanong.
"Hindi namin pinaalam sa pamilya mo to. Good thing kilala nung security ng bar na
yon si Nathan kaya nacontact agad siya ng makilala ka niya." Zed said irately.
Tahimik lang ako.
"Mga pre, may sasabihin sana ako sa inyo." Panimula

ko. Naramdaman siguro nila na importante ang sasabihin ko kaya binigay nila sakin
ang buo nilang atensyon
"Babalik na ako sa Italy."
Unang nakabawi sa gulat si Zed. "Ano? Pano ang kumpanya, pare?"
I sighed. "Iiwan ko sa inyo. May tiwala naman akong kaya niyo yan ng wala ako eh."
"Gago, hinde. Hindi ka aalis. Walang aalis. You're leaving para lang kay Daze?"
Nathan said sternly and looked at Emman to support what he said. There was a long
silence before Emman decided to break it.
"Let him." He replied.
"What?!" Bulalas ng sabay ni Zed at Nathan. Parang di sila makapaniwala sa sinabi
ni Emman. Emman scowled at the two.
"Bingi ba kayo? I said let him."
Napapalatak si Nate. "Damn, I can't believe the two of you! Bahala nga kayo!" Galit
na sabi niya bago naiiling na lumabas ng kwarto.
Marahas na nagpakawala ng hininga si Zed bago ako tinitigan. "Thought we were
solid, man. Thought we were solid." And then, he too, went out of the room.
Nagkatinginan kami ni Emman na ngayon ay nakapamulsa habang seryosong nakatingin
"Thank you, dude." Mahina at kalmado kong saad. Tinanguan niya ako.
"One condition, pre."
Nagkunot noo ako. "Ano yan?"
"May race ka two weeks from now, diba? Compete. Don't ditch it." He sais seriously.

I shook my head. "Hindi ko na gustong magkarera. I want a peaceful life in Italy

far away from old habits."
"Racing is not just your habit. It's your passion, your obsession."
Just like Daze...
Kaya mas gusto ko lalong hindi nalang umalis. The sooner, the better.

Emman raised an eyebrow. "One last race, Ian. One last race."
Tumahimik ako sandali para mag-isip. Pero sa huli, nanaig ang gusto ko. "Okay."
The day of the racing competition came. My bruises were fully healed. Pero medyo
namayat ako. Hindi ko narin naasikaso ang sarili ko. I grew a beard. Nangingitim
ang mga mata ko at medyo humumpak ang pisngi ko.
Minsan nga napapaisip ako kung pano ko naitawid ang halos dalawang linggo na hindi
ko kasama si Daze. Halos mabaliw ako sa sobrang pangungulila. Umuwi pa nga ako sa
bahay ko, na ngayon ay kakatapos lang irenovate, para lang doon matulog sa kwartong
puno ng paintings niya.
I surrounded myself with her paintings para kahit naman papano ay maramdaman ko na
totoo ang lahat. Na hindi panaginip lang na minsan sa buhay ko, naranasan kong
mahalin ng isang Daze Alessaina. Halos buong araw akong nagkukulong sa kwarto kung
saan nandun yung mga portraits. Tinititigan ko lang lahat ng gawa ko. There was a
painting of her frowning, smiling, laughing. Ang dami ring painting na nakabase sa
stolen shots niya.
I would often catch myself tearing up while eyeing my masterpieces. Kasi kahit
anong pagtambay ko doon para tignan ang mga litrato niya ay hindi non maibsan ang
pangungulila ko sa kanya. I wanted the real deal, the original and it was bad.
I zipped my suit. Pumasok si Emman sa tent at tinignan ang helmet na nakalagay sa
ilalim ng braso ko.
"I never thought you'd quit racing, bro." He said. I emotionlessly shrugged at him.

Lumabas na kaming dalawa, magsastart na ang race in a few minutes. Tumapat na ako

sa paborito kong race car. Naalala ko pa dati, gustong tadyakan ni Daze ito ng ayaw
ko siyang tawaging baby. I almost choked when I remembered her again.
Unconsciously, I scanned the crowd. Pero binalik ko rin sa track ang paningin ko.
Hanggang sa pumasok na lahat ng racers sa kotse. The race started. Nung unang lap
ay pangatlo lang ako. I was almost losing the will to win this thing pero naalala
ko ang mga panahong nakikita ko pa si Daze na sumisigaw sa bleachers. Dumiin ang
hawak ko sa manibela.
I remembered myself telling her that she will always be the finish line in my every
Lumakas ang tibok ng puso ko. It seemed to be chanting one name.
Daze. Daze. Daze.
I imagined her standing in the finish line, waiting for me. And then I gained
speed. Alam kong naghihiyawan na ang mga tao para sakin ngayon. Lalo ko pang
pinasibad ang race car, at ng matapos ang laban, nakuha ko na naman ang titulong
But I wasn't feeling triumphant at all. Hindi ko nga magawang ngumiti man lang sa
dami ng mga reporters at camera na nakatutok sakin. Ng matapos akong magpasalamat
sa lahat ay umalis na ako. Pero hinatak ako ng isang makulit na reporter.
Inimbitahan niya ako sa isang talk show para mainterview. Ilang beses ko siyang
tinanggihan pero masyado siyang makulit kaya pumayag nalang ako.
Kaya ng gabing yon ay gumayak ako para umattend sa isang talk show. Hindi ko
magawang ngumiti lalo na ng itapat nila sakin ang camera.
Can Daze see me now? If so, does she hate me? Does she miss me?
Halos pigain ang puso ko lalo na ng tanungin sakin kung mahal ko pa ba siya. Hindi
ko sila binigyan ng sagot. Pero sa loob loob ko, gusto kong magsisigaw. Gusto kong
ipagsigawan kung gaano ko siya kamahal pero alam kong hindi magiging mabuti ang
idudulot non. Mas lalo lang kaming masasaktan.
Pero hindi ko rin mapigilan ang sarili ko. Because when the host asked me if I
wanted to say any final message, I grabbed the chance.
I grabbed it to voice out my feelings. Hindi man niya maintindihan, ang mahalaga ay
nailabas ko. I don't wanna keep it bottled up.
I love her. And I know that no matter where I go, she will always be the speed
racer's greatest downfall.
Ng umuwi ako ng gabing yon sa bahay ko ay lalo lang akong nalungkot. It was silent
and just like me, it felt empty. Mamaya na ang alis ko papuntang Italy. Malungkot
akong dinala ng mga paa ko sa mga painting ni Daze. This time, hindi ko na
pinigilan ang mga luha ko. They came in huge drops. Naramdaman ko nalang na basa na
ang collar ko.
I gave it one last look before locking the door. I took my luggage and headed to
the airport.
Ng makasakay ako ay eroplano ay lalo lang grumabe ang sakit. I know there's no
turning back now. And I'm not planning to. Because I know that I'm leaving for
Daze's sake. And this won't be the end of us. I'll always remain hopeful.
Inilabas ko ang wallet ko at tinignan ang picture namin ni Daze na nakalagay don.
It was taken in Iloilo, when we were goofing around at Antonia beach. We look so
happy and carefree. I brought it to my lips and gave it a long lingering kiss. Alam
kong nawiweirduhan na siguro ang mga nakakakita but I didn't care.
I don't wanna say goodbye dahil parang hindi na ako babalik non. So instead, what I
whispered was..
"See you soon, baby."



"Daze, are you nervous?" Aleila asked me while fidgeting with her fingers.

I smiled and shook my head. I decided to tell a lie. "No."

Her eyes widened in disbelief. "What?! You're the one who should be nervous!
Imagine, this whole thing is about you!" She exaggerated and I just gave her a shy

Truth is, I'm probably more nervous than anyone else in here. I checked myself. I
was dressed in white and my make up was done very beautifully. My heart started
pounding for no reason at all. I held tighter to the bouquet I was holding. It was
filled with roses of different colors. I expelled a heavy breath to calm myself.

Everything will be alright.

The oak doors opened and I heard my heart beat wilder and louder now. I bit my lip
as Aleila started to walk. I waited for a few seconds before I followed. I heard
the song resonating and it just made my nervousness intensify.

What a journey it has been

And the end is not in sight
But the stars are out tonight
And they're bound to guide my way

I walked in slow motion. All eyes turned towards me and I tried to smile as I saw
familiar faces. I almost tripped while walking down the aisle but I was able to
manage. I caught my Dad's stare while I was walking. I saw how teary eyed he was.
He was there with Mom in the front row and I gave him a tough smile. But I knew
that I was also tearing up, too. My siblings were all there, giving me goofy winks.

This is the most

important day in my life and I'm glad that they're here.

When they're shining on my life

I can see a better day
I won't let the darkness in
What a journey it has been

Dad gave me a thumbs up and my heart just swelled. I smiled at him before fixing my
eyes in the center of the aisle. And there, I saw a guy waiting for me. My tears
fell one by one when he gave me a warm smile. I wanted to run towards him and hug
him but I forced myself not to. I continued with slow walking while he looked at

"David..." I muttered his name softly and he seemed to hear because his eyes
sparkled when he looked at me. After the long agonizing walk in the red carpet, he
offered me his hand and I gladly took it. And then he pulled me close and hugged

He whispered. "Ang tagal kong hinintay ang araw na to. I thought this day wouldn't
come pero eto ka na ngayon, sa harap ko."

Forward, always forward

Onward, always up
Catching every drop of hope
In my empty cup

I hit his chest and tears started to appear on my eyes. He raised his hand towards
my face and wiped it. I grinned though tears were falling.

"I wasn't able to predict this kind of ending either." I replied.

"This is not an ending, this is a new beginning. Always remember that." He spoke
calmly. I nodded and bit my lip.

"After all the hardships and sufferungs we encountered, who would've known huh?"

He trailed off.

"Yeah. Who would've known." I agreed.

He patted my hand and led me on the stage. When I saw the university principal
smile at me, all fears faded away. I gave David, my friend and my mentor, a final
look before walking forward.

I shook hands with the principal and he gave me my diploma. When I touched the
paper, I felt a different sense of satisfaction and happiness. I feel so fulfilled.

"A round of applause for our summa cum laude, Ms. Daze Alessaina Monteverde!" He
shouted merrily and everyone erupted into cheers and greetings. Dad and Mom went up
the stage and hugged me.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetie." Mom said as she kissed my forehead. Dad smiled at
me and opened his arms, wide. I ran to him and hugged him. Tears flowed and I
wasn't able to stop them. It feels so damn good to bring honor in our family.

"Thank you, Daddy. For giving me another chance. For everything. I'm sorry about
what happened in the past. I love you." I murmured. He kissed my hair and lightly
mussed it.

"Daddy's so proud and happy for you, bunso. I love you too." We had a group hug but
the principal had to interrupt us to ask for a speech from me. My mouth went dry
when they gave me my medals, especially when I walked to the platform. I adjusted
the microphone and looked at all the people who have been part of my journey.

"Hi, everyone..." I started out awkwardly.

I faked a cough before continuing. "Four years ago I was nothing but a brat who
doesn't give much care in the world. I was such a lazybone and I often

cut classes. I got low scores on quizzes and exams and I'm not ashamed to say that
I have flunked not once or twice but for numerous times already. I hated school, to
be honest. Who wouldn't, right?"

Everyone laughed at that.

"But then something happened. I encountered a big obstacle. At first, I didn't know
how to handle it. My life was a complete wreck. But with the help of my family and
friends, I was able to stand up again. Because of that obstacle, I realized many
things. And among those, is that my heart isn't really with architecture. It's in
journalism. I shifted, and I studied. Hard. And now, I'm here standing in front of
all of you."

I heard a short-lived applause. I swallowed the lump and spoke again.

"I believe that it's never too late to try to be better. Change is the only thing
permanent in this world. And not all change is bad. Maybe this happened to me for a
reason. Maybe God made this happen so I would serve as an inspiration to others out
there who are still struggling in life. Maybe this was meant to happen to me so I
would be more stronger and so that I could enlighten people's minds that we can
still set things right if only we try hard enough."

I gave my family a glance and my heart jumped a couple of times when I saw them
wiping tears in their eyes.

"Before I end this speech, I would like to say my thanks to my family for all the
help they've extended. Especially to my parents for all the love and support that
I've been receiving. Mom, I know that I've given you too many headaches before but
I just wanna say that I love you. And that

I'm lucky to be your daughter. You are simply amazing and I wouldn't be here
without you..."

She blew me a kiss and I grinned as I wiped a tear that escaped from my eyes.

"And D-daddy..."

I looked at him. His hands were in his pockets as he nodded at me.

"Daddy, I wanna say sorry. We had a major falling-out years ago and I'm glad that
we were able to patch things up. I want you to know that after all these years,
you're still my King. We may have had misunderstandings and a lot of petty
altercations before but that wouldn't change the fact that you're a wonderful
father. I won't be who I am now without you. I will forever be grateful for the
second chance that you've given me, Dad. Thank you."

Dad quickly ambled closer and pulled me in his arms. We were making a scene but he
didn't care. He hugged me tight and I cried on his shoulders. My tears dampened his
tuxedo but he wasn't even a single bit bothered.

"The pain was all worth it, Daze. No matter how old you are, you will always be
Daddy's little princess, okay?"

I nodded.

He wiped my tears. "I'm sorry for being heartless, anak." He said sincerely but I
just smiled.

"Let bygones be bygones."

He kissed my forehead and let go. He backed away and mumbled. "Now, go finish that
wonderful speech of yours."

I went to the platform again and cleared my throat. "Well, sorry about that

My eyes caught David's and I smiled. He did too.

I put my lips closer to the mike and started speaking. "And also, I would like to
extend my gratitude to the person who shaped me to become the

person you guys are seeing now. He never gave up on me even when I wasn't being
cooperative. He taught me everything and guided me so well that I don't know if I
could ever thank him enough. My professor, Mr. David Joseph Cubert." There was
another roar of approval.

David raised his arm and laughed heartily.

"Thank you! Even though you're eleven years older than me, I saw a friend in you.
And when I go back in the Philippines, you're one of the people I will deeply miss.
And lastly, to my classmates and fellow students, I would like to say Kudos! We've
made it!"

I ended my speech with a quote about achieving dreams. When the ceremony ended, my
family hustled to take pictures. I smiled at each one of them. I still can't
believe it! I've graduated! At long last!

I'm pretty stoked to go back in Manila. Yes, you've read it right! We're in New
York right now. This is where I finished my studies. After one sem in Bicol, Dad
and Mom picked me up. We made up and then I asked them if they could send me here
to study.

Dad didn't want to at first but when I continued pressing him, he finally gave in.
They enrolled me here, and every sem break or summer, they travel here to visit me.

"Daze! Congratulations!" Ate Xiana, who was now married to Kuya VJ by the way,
hugged me. She tugged my arm and we walked out of the hall together.

"Ang galing galing mo! Sabi naman namin sayo kapag nagsipag ka lang matalino ka
eh!" She clapped and I laughed while shaking my head.

"Where's Kuya Vane? Can't believe he didn't attend my graduation!"

I pouted. Even Ate Blythe, Kuya Xander's bitchy wife, was here. Even Elaine! Kuya
Z's new girlfriend! See? Everyone's coupling up, gosh!

"Vane's busy taking care of our baby in Bicol. You know the baby's condition naman
diba?" Her features were etched with worry. I pressed her palm to calm her down.

"She'll be okay. The little girl's a fighter." I smiled and she did the same.

"Hay nako, Daze! Namiss ka talaga namin! Wala ng brat! Grabe! You've grown." She
said before looking at me from head to foot. I side-bumped her but she playfully
slapped my arm.

"I can still be bratty sometimes." I suggested which made her snigger.

"Hay, if only Ian's here to see this." She said while smiling. My smile vanished at
the mention of that name.

"Tingin mo anong ginagawa ni Ian ngayon sa Italy? Do you think he's still in love
with you?"

Napaubo ko sa sinabi niya. "Uhm, hindi na siguro Ate. Four years na rin naman. For
sure, he's in a happy relationship now." I replied casually.

Ate's eyebrows creased. "But what if he comes back? What if you see him? What will
you do?" She asked like a real detective. Her arms were on her hips while examining
my expression.

I just laughed before shrugging.

Maybe I'll smile at him? Or say hi? Or maybe I could even ask him how he's been.
May pinagsamahan naman kami kahit papano.

"What if he comes back and demands to have you back, what will you do?" She
inquired. I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Hindi na yon babalik, I'm pretty positive. Matagal na rin naman."

She nudged me and glared. "Pano nga?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, okay?!" I glared at her too but she just grinned.

"Think fast, because sis, he's right behind you."

"W-what?!" I spun around very quickly but found an empty corridor. I heard Ate
Xiana grin.



She ran back inside and because I was a bit pissed off, I started to walk out of
the venue. I headed to the garden and looked at the pond. I touched the pendant of
the necklace hanging in my neck.
I felt a familiar feeling in my heart. I fidgeted with the pendant even more as I
closed my eyes.

I didn't want to admit it, but deep down I miss Ian. And I'm still waiting for him
to return. Stupid and pathetic, I know. But our love is a kind of love that you
can't just forget about. It gives you a different feeling that leaves you wanting
for more.

I decided to go back. They might be looking for me now. I turned and bumped face-
first on someone's hard chest.

"Ow!" I said as I massaged my forehead.

"Damn, sorry!" Said a voice so awfully familiar. I started to shake and when I
looked up, my jaw almost dropped when I saw him. I was rooted for a while. I
couldn't speak. I just looked at him while my lips trembled.

"Signorina.." He was the first to speak.

Parang natuyuan ako ng laway ng banggitin niya yon. Parang tumigil ang pag-ikot ng
mundo habang magkatanginan kami. Unti unti nalang nag-init ang mga mata ko.

"I-ian..." I called.

And he gave me a smile before backing away and putting distance between us. He
handed me a hanky.

"Graduation mo, wag kang umiyak. Here." I accepted it and wiped my face with it. I
felt a million feelings in my heart. After four years, here he is. Here he is still
putting my heart in frenzy.

I felt all the pain, the heartaches, and the happiness of yesterday as if it was

"W-why are you here?" I asked, stammering.

He gave me a deep stare before speaking. "I wouldn't miss your graduation for the
world, Daze."

This time, I bit my lip to prevent a sob from escaping. I felt my emotions stirring
inside me. I missed him. God, I really did.

"You were there i-inside?" I queried and he bobbed his head as a yes.

My insides were shaking and my heart was going berserk. I wanted to say a lot of
things but I held myself back. I just stared at him while he gave me a soul-
penetrating stare that made me curse inwardly.

And as I looked at him, I realized how screwed I was. Because nothing has changed.
From then and now, my heart still favors one man.

And that's Ian Lexus Estillore.

He inched forward without breaking eye contact and spoke two words that made me cry

"Still you."


I was pulling my luggage while walking inside the airport. I'm finally ready to go
back in Manila. I missed the Philippines. After my graduation two months ago, I
settled all my documents and decided that it's time to go home. I was smiling while
traversing the hallways when a voice called my name.
"Daze! Wag mo kong iwan!" Ian yelled from behind. I turned around and almost
laughed when I saw him running towards me.
"Panong hindi kita iiwan eh ang bagal bagal mong kumilos? Sinabi ko naman sayo na
maaga ang flight ko diba? Aba, kung hinintay pa kita ako naman ang maiiwan ng
plane." I raised my eyebrows at him. He strided towards me and took my luggage.
"Hey, that's mine!" I hit his arm and glared at him but he glared back and started
pulling it to the direction I was going. His steps were big and quick that I had to
jog to catch up.
"Akin na yan, ako na! I have a hand, you know." I said before trying to take it
from him but he didn't let me.
"Ako na ang magdadala. Lika na, malelate ka pa sa flight." He said. I rolled my
eyes and followed. Ang kulit kulit talaga ng lalaking ito. Ever since my
graduation, he didn't stop pestering me. He's been sending me signals that he wants
me back.
And I want him back too, but I don't wanna inform him about that yet. And I can't
believe that he and Dad are already in good terms! My parents even told him to look
after me when they went back in the Philippines.
But one must work hard for something if he really wants it. So pinahihirapan ko sya
hanggang ngayon. Nagpapakipot

ako. Game na game naman siya sa paglambing sakin. Kahit naman ako ang namilit sa
kanyang maging kami dati ay may karapatan parin naman akong mag-inarte diba?
"Where's your luggage?" I asked as I creased my brows. He shrugged with
nonchalance. "I left it in the hotel. Kapag kasi inayos ko pa baka hindi na kita
I rolled my eyes. "I told you last night that you don't have to do this!"
He shot me a death stare. "But I want to, no arguments, please. Aalis na nga lang
tayo magtatalo pa?"
"Fine." I crossed my arms and walked beside him as he pulled my luggage. When we
reached the place where we should wait for our flights to be called, he sat down
and patted the chair beside him. I sat there and we stayed silent for a while. I
closed my eyes and unconsciously reminisced. I remember his shocked face when I
asked him to drive me to school, his tight expression when he made me a garbage-bag
kite, his goofy smile when I baked him a cake. Everything. I remember everything.
I even remember our first major fight when I thought Daniel Reventez was Daisy, and
how could I forget about the feeling of overwhelming frustration I felt when he
signed my stomach? God, those were the days. Good or bad, I'm glad to have spent it
with Ian. Our relationship taught me many lessons and he made me realize many
I felt a smile invading my lips as I relived the moments wherein he would pull me
by the waist to kiss my lips. Those were my inspiration while I was studying here.
I knew he left because he wanted me to have a good life, and I owe all of these to
him. The sacrifice, the struggle

and the hardships people experience in life were all real. It was almost beyond
tolerable but I made it. We made it. And now, even with the silence embracing us
both, I still felt at ease.
Despite the lack of words, I knew that I was once again complete. Because my other
half, my one greatest love and my four-years-apart-but-still-smitten kind of love
is right beside me. What could I ever ask for, huh?
Tinawag na yung flight namin. I took a deep breath. I heard him sigh. And then he
stood up.
"Tara?" He asked me and I just nodded before taking my luggage. My heart was
beating louder as we walked side by side. As much as I tried to hide it, the
sadness still shows. I bit my lip hard.
"Guess this is goodb-"
"Don't say it." He stopped me. He looked sad himself. I stopped myself and nodded
slowly. He was standing in front of me and I refused to look into his eyes. I just
stared at the pattern of his dark grey polo.
"O-okay." And then I took a deep breath before giving him a brave smile.
"So, see you?" He offered a synthetic smile that didn't reach his eyes and I nodded
back. That was all I could do, nod.
"See you." I agreed. Before I fully allow myself to hug him, I turned my back and
started walking away. I heard his retreating footsteps and I felt my own hand
We are heading home. Ang kaibahan lang, ako sa Manila uuwi. Samantalang siya, sa
Italy. I want to stop him, call him, but I held my ground. Malapit na ako dun sa
staff na pagpapakitaan mo ng passport ng magvibrate yung phone na nasa bulsa ko. I
frowned and took it out.

ang bibig ko ng makabasa ng text galing kay Ian.

I love you.
That was it. That was his message. But it was enough to put me in a halt. I
abruptly stopped. I gripped the phone closer to my heart as I imagined his face
while typing this. My heart grew warm. Without thinking properly, I typed a reply.
No goodbye kiss?
I hit send and shut my eyes tightly as I waited for a reply. But two long minutes
have passed but there came no reply. My shoulders drooped as I decided to just
board the plane. I was about to show the airport staff my passport when Ian's voice
shouted from behind.
"Stop! I still owe you a kiss!"
My face reddened as I slipped the passport back on my pocket. I left my luggage and
ran to him. He grinned before pulling me closer.
"God, I feel so relieved that you said that!" He cupped my face.
And without further ado, he dipped down and claimed my lips. And that is, by far,
the best kiss I have ever received from him. It was only brief but it held meaning
and assurance.
When he let go, I saw a different light in his eyes. He gave me a final kiss on my
forehead before looking at me in the eyes.
"Two weeks, baby. Just two weeks and I'm back for good. May mga aayusin lang ako sa
Italy tapos sayong sayo na ako." He said and even raised his right hand.
"Kapal you. So what if you don't come back?" I teased and he threw his head back in
"Kunyari pa. Nagpahalik na nga." He jested back and I hit his arm.
"Whatever! Go na!"
He massaged his arm and nodded. "Okay, take care signorina."

too." I answered back. And then he turned around and started walking away. For the
first time in my life, I was able to smile while watching him walk with his back
turned from me. Because I knew that he's gonna come back.
Nakaya nga namin ang four years, two weeks pa kaya? Piece of cake.
I ignored the pointy stares other people were giving me. I walked back with a proud
smile. I asked for champagne when I was already sitting inside the plane. I was
asleep the whole flight to Manila. When I descended from the plane, I saw a huge
banner with my name on it.
I grinned when I saw the whole Monteverde clan in here. Dad and Mom were in front.
My Kuyas and their wives were there, too. Even Ate Xiana was waving at me while
Kuya Vane held her other free hand. They all gave me bear hugs. When we reached
home, I was surprised when I saw that there is a welcome party for me. Dad and Mom
asked me to go to the study while the party was heating up. I ascended and found
them sitting on the formal leather couch.
"Hey, Mommy. Hi, Dad." I greeted as I sat on the plush beanie directly in front of
"You've grown." Mom said, teary-eyed. I laughed at her.
"Mom, you've said that for like the tenth time ever since I graduated." I
complained. Dad laughed too.
"Oo nga naman, chief." Dad agreed.
"Eh, bakit ba! Ang bilis ng panahon!" She said and Dad just raised his eyebrow
before draping an arm around her shoulders. I suddenly remembered Ian in that
"So, why did you guys call me?" I queried. Dad smiled before putting his hand
inside his pocket, as if searching for

"We haven't given you your graduation gift yet." He said and winked at me, before I
could even react, he threw me something in mid-air. It landed on my lap and my eyes
widened when I picked it up.
"Oh my God, Dad!!! No way!" I shrieked when I recognized the automobile key.
"Yes way." He shrugged with a small smile. I whistled appreciatively.
"Did you guys just buy me a Pagani?" I asked, still amazed.
"Yes, we did." Mom said and I shrieked before attacking them both with a hug. God,
I can't believe that I have a new car. My Audi is a bit out of style.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I smiled with so much delight. Dad hugged me.
"You deserve the car for making us proud, sweetie."
The following day, I rode the Pagani for a test drive. I felt alive. I was even
shouting inside my car while driving at a high speed. I stopped by in a coffee shop
and enjoyed a hot latte while contemplating about life.
So this is what it feels like to be fulfilled.
The day ended fast. Mom was right. Time does fly. Days passed by, I was able to
catch up with my cousins and siblings. I even watched a movie with Tine and Axev. I
missed it here. I was starting to get bored so I drove to the nearest mall and
shopped. When I got home, I was weirded-out when I didn't see Mom and Dad.
I asked one of the maids and she said that the whole family attended an event. I
frowned. The whole family? Then why wasn't I informed? I was about to call Mom when
Kuya Zade went out of his room wearing a tuxedo.
"Good, you're here. Bihis ka na. May pupuntahan tayong event. Nauna na

sila." He said which made my brows knit.

"Why so sudden?" I asked. He just shrugged before handing me something. It was some
sort of invitation. It was addressed to the Monteverdes.
It had the words P and M art exhibit in front. P and M?
I had no clue as to why someone would send us this but I decided not to ask. I have
nothing to do for the night so I'm gonna come. I squeezed myself in a formal
midnight blue dress and wore heels. I applied nude lipstick and curled my hair a
bit. And then I was all set. Kuya volunteered to drive so I just left my Pagani in
the garage. We reached the venue in no time.
Kuya Zade greeted the guard and the latter smiled upon seeing us. We went inside
and I was suddenly struck with nervousness when I saw the meaning of the letters P
and M written on huge bold letters in a huge wooden door.
Pedro and Maria Art Exhibit
My heart started pounding but I forced myself to continue walking. Is this just a
coincidence? It must be! Because Ian is still in Italy! He can't possibly be
inside! He won't be home until four more days!
"C'mon." Kuya pushed the door open and walked inside. I followed and saw how star
studded it was. There were some known actors and actresses and paparazzis.
I saw Daddy being interviewed by one while Mom, along with the whole clan was
sitting in one huge round table in front.
I also didn't fail to notice a banquet table filled with jollibee burgers, hotdog
sandwiches and tuna pies.
I gripped my purse tighter as I smiled at Ate Xiana who just winked at me. I sat

her and Kuya Zade slipped beside me. Ate Blythe and Kuya Vane are here too. After a
few minutes, Dad came back and settled himself next to Mom.
"Tagal magstart! Excited na ako!" Shouted Ate Blythe before nodding towards me, I
just frowned. Not too long after, a host appeared and greeted us a good evening. He
introduced himself as Erick. According to him, he was a very close friend of the
artist himself.
My ears were listening to Erick but my eyes were fixed on the covered paintings in
My heart almost stopped beating when Erick said, "And now let us give a warm
welcome to the artist himself..."
My breathing quickened.
"Mr. Ian Lexus Estillore!" And then it stopped for a millisecond and resumed again.
My heartbeat was fast and racing when I saw him step on the stage, looking all
debonair with the formal wear. When he flashed the crowd a confident smile, I swear
I just wanted to steal him away and say that he's only allowed to smile at me like
His eyes roamed around and stopped when he saw me. Damn, I missed him! Maybe I'll
smack his arm later. How dare he not inform me about his early arrival! Ugh! He's
surely gonna get it!
He smiled at me. And then he averted his gaze. He held the mike and cleared his
throat while camera flashes were everywhere.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Ian Estillore and I am the painter
behind P and M. You see, everyone, years ago painting was only a hobby. I was into
racing and I only painted if I had free time. But when I moved back to Italy and
decided to finally stop racing, I was

hooked into easels and palettes again..."

He flashed a dreamy smile again. "And who would've known that after four years, I
would be recognized again but not as a speed racer but an artist." Many people
clapped and I joined them. I couldn't help but smile. Distance wasn't all that bad,
it helped us prosper and grow.
He looked towards my direction again, and our gazes met. Two guys ascended the
stage and took the cover off of the paintings and my mouth parted. I stared at the
paintings with amazement and happiness that I wanted to shout and cry. The crowd
woahed. I felt my eyes growing hot as I examined the paintings. But there was one
last painting which is still covered.
He didn't look away from me when he resumed his speech.
"But my inspiration behind all these, is none other than that very beautiful woman
in that dark blue dress. My light, my everything, my Maria." He said. I wanted to
disappear especially when the spotlight shined on me. I heard and saw camera
Ian moved to the first painting and looked at it with a smile. It was a guy and a
girl kissing inside a hot air balloon. It was us. On our first date. Tears fell
from my eyes rapidly.
"All my paintings in this exhibit are based on a true scenario captured from my own
memory." Ian explained. I was just staring at him while my heart screamed and
wreaked havoc.
The second painting, was a painting of me holding a kite while my blonde wig
tumbled on my shoulders.
My hand flew to my mouth to cover up the shaking of my lips.
The third one was a picture of a tree with the names

Pedro and Maria engraved on it. My shoulders shook as my eyes moved to the next
The fourth was a portrait of us on Antonia beach. Hugging with eyes closed.
I felt my heart growing heavier as I moved to the next which is a painting of us on
Miag-ao church. I was bowed down for a prayer while he was looking intently at me.

The one that followed next was me smiling, then frowning and pouting. The second to
the last made me most emotional, I sniffed while giving it a lingering look.
It was the day we were supposed to run away. On the painting was a guy looking at a
speeding car. I sobbed. I didn't care about my poise anymore, I just feel like
sobbing. I can feel it like it only happened to me hours ago.
Ian went down and approached me. He wiped my tears but more trickled down.
"Alam ko ayaw mong pag-usapan to. Ever since I went back in your life, two months
ago hindi pa tayo nagkakaroon ng matinong usapan. I know you're trying to evade it
but now it's time to face it, baby." He said over the microphone.
Yes, he was right. We haven't talked about how our relationship ended that faithful
day because I didn't ask for him to explain. Because I was scared that once he
does, the pain will come back.
I continued crying while he looked at me. He took a deep breath before speaking.
"I know my explanation is too late to be listened to, signorina. But please, hear
me out..." His voice cracked.
On my peripheral vision, I saw his family only tables away from where we are now.
The spotlight were on the two of us

"Iniwan kita..." He started. And I closed my eyes as I felt the pain coming again.
"Iniwan kita kasi nakikita kong nakakasama na ko sayo. Kahit masakit, kahit halos
pigain ang puso ko, kahit halos ikamatay ko umalis ako. Kasi alam kong yun yung
kailangan. Kasi alam kong kaya kong magsakripisyo para sating dalawa. Mahal na
mahal kita at ayokong makitang nasisira ka ng dahil sakin. So I changed my mind.
Instead of taking you away, I called your Dad. Inamin ko sa kanya na nagplano tayo.
Kaya dumating siya nun Daze kasi ako yung nagsabi. A-ako yung nagsabi..." His eyes
were starting to become red like mine.
"I almost couldn't breathe when they came to bring you home, signorina. Halos
mabaliw ako habang pinapanood lang ang mga pangyayari. Gusto kitang hilain at
yakapin at sabihing magiging okay lang ang lahat pero magsisinungaling lang ako
kapag ginawa ko yun. Because that time, we weren't right for each other.."
My make up was melting but I didn't care. I wiped it without refinement as I
listened to his explanation.
"Whatever I do, I couldn't get you out of my fucking mind. Kada matutulog ako, ikaw
ang nasa isip ko. My mind won't shut itself even at night. And even in my dreams,
it knows only one person. You. Madalas hindi mo pa ako pinapatulog, alam mo b-ba
yon? Iniisip ko kung okay ka ba, anong ginagaw mo, kumain ka na ba... Tuwing hindi
ko na nakakayanan yung sakit hinihiling ko na sana itinuloy natin ang pagtatanan.
P-pero tuwing naaalala ko kung gano nasira ang pag-aaral mo dahil sakin ay tinitiis
ko nalang ang sakit..."
He held my hand and kissed my

knuckles. "I went to Italy and drowned myself in different liquors in hopes to
forget you, but damn, baby! You make it impossible!"
"Nung natauhan ako, inayos ko ang sarili ko. Dun na ako nagsimula magpainting. You
were my insipiration, baby. Itinatawid ng mga memorya mo ang bawat araw na
masasakit. I endured for four long years without showing myself to you, kahit
minsan binabantayan kita sa malayo..."
"A-ano?" I asked in between tears. He laughed and just like that tears fell from
his eyes too.
"Bumibisita ako sa NYC one a month. Stupid, I know. But you were the remedy for my
broken heart and I need a dose."
I hit his chest. "I hate you! Didn't you know that every night before I fall
asleep, I was still wishing to see you! Because whatever I do, no matter how grabe
the pain is, this thing..." I pointed to my heart.
"This stubborn thing only knows your name!" I cried. He reached for my tears and
wiped it. He laughed again though tears were on his eyes too.
"This stubborn thing of mine knows only your name, too." He replied and I just
stood in front of him with my shoulders shaking. He quickly hugged me and begged.
"Please forgive me for leaving, baby. Please. Forgive me." He kept repeating the
word please that it melted me.
I remembered Mom saying that love is about acceptance and forgiveness. She had told
me about their love story and I can still remember how I admired them both for
their ability to be resilient and forgiving. And now, with our cards all laid on
the table...
I found the weight, bitterness and pain of yesterday being lifted. What matters now
is we're together again, right?
"Please, baby.." Ian said. I tightened my hug on him, we were both crying.
"Mahal na m-mahal kita, Daze... Patawarin mo na ko, baby. Miss na miss na kita."
I embraced him even tighter and said, "I love you, too. And I forgive you." He
raised me up and gave me a kiss that earned us a lot of raillery from the crowd.
"Thank you! God, baby! I'm so in love with you!" I wiped his tears too, just like
what he did with mine and grinned.
"You did this na so how can I make pakipot pa!" I crossed my arms and he caressed
my face. He turned serious all of a sudden.
"Do y-you really love me?" He sounded unsure and this time I rolled my eyes at him.
"Duh, of course!"
"I have another favor to ask you." He said in a serious tone. I started to get
nervous when I looked into his eyes.
He pointed to the last painting which was still covered and on cue, someone removed
the white cloth over it. My jaw dropped and tears welled again.
He started kneeling in front of me. He brought out a ring and presented it to me.
On the last easel was a painting of the two of us. I was wearing a white gown while
he was in a tux, and he was carrying me. Bridal style.
"I believe that we've both waited long enough, signorina. I love you and I'm not
willing to let you slip from me again. I don't want any detours or sidetrips again.
So, please. This time..."
He paused and my heart hammered. He took a deep breath.
"Are you already willing to commit a mistake with me?" He said, filled with
My tears fell as my entire body shook.



The moment I said that, all color drained from Ian's face. He reached for my hand
and pressed it. His eyes were conveying alarm as he looked at me.
"W-what do you mean No? I thought you love me? Why don't you want to marry me? Do
you still hate me? Baby, speak up because your refusal is tearing me in half." I
chuckled while tears continued to roll down my cheeks. I pulled him up.
"You didn't let me finish." I said in a hoarse voice.
His face still has a gloomy expression plastered on it when I threw my arms around
his neck.
"No..." And I held him close.
"More..." Really close.
"Leaving." And a little bit closer.
I initiated a kiss to satiate my own hunger for his lips. He responded and pulled
me by the waist. When the sudden physical contact ended, he cupped my face and
looked directly into my eyes.
"You still haven't answered my question, mia bella signorina." He still sounded
nervous and I felt a little kick inside my system. God, the things he can do to me
are limitless!
"Ask me again." I ordered. He knelt in front of me once and presented the Harry
Winston ring that costed a fortune. The diamond in the middle shimmered under the
lights and it was one of the most dazzling sight I have ever beheld in my entire
"Daze Alessaina Hurdiss Monteverde, will you do the honor of being my wife?" He was
gazing up at my face with love, adoration, fascination and admiration. I swallowed
back a sob and wiped the tears that were recklessly falling.
Before I told him my answer, I looked at the

table wherein my whole family was seated. My siblings all looked elated and my
parents... Mom was tearing up while Dad was appeasing her. Daddy looked up and our
gazes met. He gave me a meaningful nod and I mouthed the word thank you, daddy.
When I looked back at Ian, he was still looking at me expectantly. "It's just a yes
or a yes, Daze Monteverde. So, what's it gonna be?"
I laughed when I heard that line. He stole that from me! That was the exact same
thing I told him when I trespassed so I could ask him to be my boyfriend. And now,
the tables have been turned, indeed.
I grinned carelessly and gave him my left hand.
"Fine, painter. It's a yes."
His mouth dropped open. And then it formed a huge letter O. He started laughing and
he looked around the crowd like he just lost sanity. He took the microphone and
shouted. "She said yes!!!" He slipped the ring on my finger and then raised me. I
shrieked and shrieked.
And then the whole room went wild. All the guests roared and cheered while Ian
stole a quick kiss from me before holding me by the waist.
"I love you, Daze Alessaina soon-to-be-Estillore." He whispered so only the two of
us could hear. I smiled as I looked at our fingers which were intertwined.
"And I, to you." I replied. The whole place was filled with cacophony of all sorts.
My brows were creasing, I never liked crowded and noisy places.
Ian seemed to read what's on my mind so he took me by the hand and said, "Run away
with me..."
I smiled knowingly. And together, we fought our way out. We were laughing when we
ran outside the venue.

We headed to his car and slipped inside. His other hand was on the steering wheel
while the other was busy gripping mine. He raised my left hand and examined my
finger wherein the ring was located.
"I bought this four years ago. And now, who would've known that after the long
wait, it's finally in the right hand?" He kissed my knuckles one by one and then
the tip of my fingers.
"No more leaving, alright?" I asked, just wanting to make sure. He leaned forward
and tasted my lips.
"Yep." He started the ignition and started driving to God knows where. I felt a
sudden pang of wistfulness when we parked in front of his house.
"I missed this place." I said as I examined the exterior. I wonder how the inside
looks like now, the last time I was here was four years ago, well it was still
under renovation during that time.
"Ang tagal kang hinintay ng bahay natin. And now, the long wait has finally come to
an end."
He parked and opened the car door for me. We walked inside and I was amazed when I
saw how drastically beautiful the change was. The whole place doesn't look like a
vampire's lair anymore! The colors used were refreshing and balming.
"It's spotless." I commented when I saw that everything was spick and span.
He nodded. "Yeah. Kahit kasi nasa Italy ako, may hinire naman akong tagalinis nito
kada bwan." He explained. He even toured me inside. We walked upstairs and stopped
in front of his room. I took a heavy breath. "A-are my paintings still there?" I
asked bravely. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Hindi ko tinanggal. Maayos pa
We entered his

room and went to the connecting door. He unlocked it and we went inside. I was once
again overwhelmed by the number of paintings I have in here. I closed my eyes and
smiled. I forced myself not to cry.
"After all these years, you kept these." I said as I started to become teary-eyed
again but he wiped those using his talented thumb. His gaze drifted down to my neck
and then he smiled.
"And after all these years, you're still wearing my monthsary gift..." He reached
for the pendant and touched it. I put my hand over his and smiled.
"I never removed that, because back when I was close to losing my sanity, it was
the only thing I held on to. The only thing that can convince me that you were
real, and that our love was real."
He closed his eyes and brushed his fingers on his hair. "Oh, God, my baby..."
When he opened them, he bore them down on me. "I promise you that you'll never have
to go through anything alone. You have me, and I'm staying. Forever." His words
sent chills over me. He reached for me and carried me. He kissed me like there
wouldn't be any tomorrow and I kissed him back. Fiercely, hungrily but at the same
time passionately.
My back touched the bed and when our lips parted, he gave me a wink.
"Hey, Ian. It just occured to me."
"What?" He asked.
"You keep on calling me signorina but I'm not italian." Napanguso ako. He laughed.
"Pinoproblema mo pa ba talaga yan?" Natatawang tanong niya and I nodded.
"Nasa pamilya namin yon. Mother's side. It's more of an endearment actually. Sa
side ni Mom, kahit hindi italian yung babae basta she's in a relationship with a
Mazitelli, she gets to be called signorina. It's our way of showing how much we
love the girl. We only call a girl that way if we're already sure that she's the
one we want to grow old with."
"Really?" Napanguso ako. He kissed the top of my nose.
"Really. Ask Lee, or Sera. He calls her that, too. Occasionally."
I smiled.
"Enough with that.." He leaned forward.
"Do you know what time it is?" He queried with amusement dancing in his eyes. I bit
my lip while I squirmed under him.
"Adventure time?" I tried to joke but he just snickered.
"Nope. Try again."
I pouted. "Summer time?"
He laughed hard before shaking his head. "Still wrong, signorina."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down. "Then what time is it?" I
asked seductively.
He wiggled his eyebrows before saying, "It's mole time, baby."
I giggled while curling my finger on his shirt. And as I looked into Ian's grinning
face, I realized that I have already achieved my own fairytale.
Because once upon a time there was a spoiled brat who fell for a speed racer. She
loved him like how Juliet loved Romeo and looked at him as if the whole universe
were in his eyes.
And once upon a time there was a speed racer who fell for a spoiled brat. He loved
her like how Florante loved Laura and looked at her as if she was a falling star in
the beautiful night sky.
But things got tougher and love played rougher. They had to part ways and
everything was plunged in haze.
But after all the hadships and trials Destiny threw at them,
She still looked at him as if he was her entire world
And he still looked at her as if she was a thousand different galaxies combined.


Special Chapter #1

"Timothy Cole!"

Ng isigaw ko ang pangalan niya ay narinig ko ang isang sigaw galing sa ikalawang
palapag ng bahay namin.

"Give me a sec, Dad!" Maya maya ay naaninag ko na siyang unti-unting bumababa ng

hagdan suot ang palda ng asawa ko.

"Hurry." I said in a stern tone.

"Tol naman, consideration please." Sagot niya. Gusto kong matawa sa itsura niya
kaya lang ay pinigilan ko. Hawak hawak niya ang harapan ng palda dahil kakatuli
niya lang nung isang araw.

"So what is it, Dad?" He asked with a neutral expression. Dapat talaga hindi ko
hinahayaang sumama siya palagi sa Tito niya eh. Nagiging simangot narin tuloy ang
anak ko.

"Nagsumbong sakin si Ashtyn kanina. She said that you called her ugly. Son, how
many times must I tell you to respect girls?" Lalo niya akong sinimangutan.

"I told her that because she wouldn't stop teasing me! She called me gay because I
was wearing Mom's old skirt! I told her that I got circumcised but she kept on
insisting that I'm a paminta!" Tinaasan ko siya ng kilay. Minsan sumasakit ang ulo
ko dito sa batang to eh. Malamang kay Daze siya nagmana. Pero siyempre hindi ko
kayang sabihin yon ng malakas at patay ako sa asawa ko. Mahirap na.

"Tim, hindi dapat pinapatulan ang mga babae." Paliwanag ko. Umirap siya sa kawalan
at bumulong sa sarili.

"Dad, I want her banned in our house. I don't ever wanna see her in here again!
Don't invite her in my tenth birthday celebration!" Pagmamaktol niya. I laughed at
his remark. I patted his head affectionately.

"Di pwede yan, Nak. Alam mo namang anak yan ng Tita Kristine mo. Hindi

papayag ang commander."

"Bakit laging si Commander nasusunod, Dad?! Dapat tayo, lalaki tayo eh!" He
reasoned but I just gave him an amused smile again.

"Mahal ko eh. Wala tayong magagawa. Si Commander ang batas natin."

"Tol naman, kadiri." Sagot niya. Tol ang tawagan naming dalawa. Malambing naman si
Tim minsan pag walang sumpong. Pero 80% talaga ng pagkakataon may sumpong siya.
Blame the mother.

I snickered. "Someday you'll understand. You're gonna break many hearts when you've
grown, tol."

He rolled his eyes before adjusting the skirt. "Akyat na nga ako. Kung ano ano po
tinuturo mo sakin eh magteten years old palang ako."

"Ge, bago ko maisipang ipalanggas sa katas ng bayabas yan sa Yaya mo." I teased.
His eyes widened and he gave me a look which shows how much he disapproves.

"Tol, mabait naman po ako ah! Ayaw ko kay Yaya! I told you I'm a big boy already."
Pagkatapos niyang sabihin yon ay nagmamadaling umakyat na uli siya pabalik sa
kwarto niya. Bumalik naman ako sa kusina at nagsimula ng magluto ng almusal. Dapat
ako ang tanghali magising eh. Dapat ako ang ipinagluluto ng almusal eh. Dapat ako
boss dito eh.

Eh mahal mo diba? Magdusa ka ngayon. Bulong ng kabilang parte ng isipan ko. Kawawa
naman ako. Akalain mo ba namang ang sikat na speed racer at pintor ay alila sa
bahay? Tsk. Tsk.

Pero hindi naman ako nagsisisi na si Daze ang pinakasalan ko.

I love her. And she highlights my life. I would never trade the life I have now for
anything else. She is my queen, my baby, my

one great love. Mia bella signorina.

Napangiti nalang tuloy ako habang nagsasangag. She likes rice in the morning
because it's healthy daw.

"Sir, nakangiti na naman mag-isa. Pag nakita ka ni Maam Daze diyan sabihin na naman
non 'Ian you are baliw'" Sabi ni Duday, yung maid namin. Napahalakhak ako dahil
totoong lagi akong nahuhuli ni Daze na ngumingiti mag-isa. Eh anong magagawa ko? Up
until now I'm still badly smitten.

Hindi parin ako makapaniwala na kasal na kami at meron ng dalawang makulit na anak
na lalaki. Kahit pagod na pagod ako sa trabaho ay naalis ang pagod ko kapag
nakikita ko silang tatlo. Ang gaan gaan sa pakiramdam. They are my treasure and I
want to spend my whole life protecting the three of them.

"Gising na ba si pare, Duday?" Tanong ko habang tinutuloy ang ginagawa.

"Hindi pa, Sir. Umiyak na naman nga yon kagabi dahil hinahanap kayo. Buti na lang
napatahan ni Maam." Paliwanag niya. Napatango tango ako.

Late na kasi ako nakauwi kagabi. Tambak ang trabaho sa kumpanya dahil lumago na ng
lumago ang business naming magkakaibigan. Lahat rin kami ay masasaya na sa buhay
may asawa. Akalain mo ba namang dati ay nag-gagaguhan lang kaming apat, ngayon ay
may mga anak na kami?

"Sir, nagtampo yata si Maam Daze sa inyo, nako hindi kayo makakapagshibinibambam sa
kwarto mamaya." Pang aasar nya.

"Duday ha." Saway ko habang natatawa pa.

Ng matapos ako sa paghahanda n agahan ay inutusan ko si Duday na ayusin ang dining
table at gigisingin ko na si Commander. Umakyat ako taas ng may ngiti sa labi. I
opened the door and found her still lying peacefully asleep on our

pink bed. Yes, pink. Siya rin ang pumili niyan.

This is what happens when you let a woman take over your life.

Women are the most manipulative and bossiest creatures in the universe. But they
are also the sweetest and most beautiful creation God has ever made.

Sumampa ako sa kama at yumakap sa kanya. She shifted and hugged me back. Magkaharap
na kami ngayon at tinititigan ko ang itsura ng mukha niya. I have seen this view
for the umpteenth time already. Tuwing umaga, ang mukha ni Daze ang nakikita ko sa
bawat pag-gising. And gay as it may sound, but the very sight makes my heart jump
out of so much love and glee.

Ilang taon na, pero wala paring nagbabago. I still love her. Hindi nabawasan kung
hindi lalo pang nadagdagan. She slowly opened her eyes and bore them on me. I gave
her a warm smile and she just frowned at me.

"What time did you go home last night? I fell asleep waiting for you." She said
without a smile.

"Around twelve? Something happened in the company, baby. I had to fix it."

"Why can't Emman, Zed or Nathan fix it then?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Zed was with me last night. We checked some files. Emman and Nathan's busy with
you know what with." I explained and she just pushed me away.

"Wag ka ng magtampo." Paglalambing ko. Hinapit ko siya at hinalikan bigla.

"You can't alway kiss me to shut me up!" She half-yelled. I pulled her again,
closer this time and claimed her lips. I seeked entrance and she gave me what I was
looking for. God, I was swept away again.

I let go when we ran out of breath and I gave her a smug smile.

"Uhuh? You were saying?"

She glared at me. I grinned. Oh, I'd love to see her glare at me like that for the
rest of my life. I kissed her forehead this time.

"Sorry. Last na yon, promise. Hindi na uli ako uuwi ng ganong oras." I said after a
while of silence.

"You bet you won't, Ian! Because starting from this day forward you now have a
curfew. Be home before nine o'clock or else..." She let the threat hang and I
couldn't help but laugh.

"Don't you think your husband's a little too old for curfew?" I queried but she
gave me another one of those cute hostile stares.

"I don't care! I just want my husband to be home early!" She said, annoyed already.
I nodded and smiled.

"Okay. You're the boss." I said before hugging her. She seemed to calm down after

I hugged her tighter, not wanting to let go yet. "I love you, Daze Alessaina
Estillore." I breathed.

She touched my face and broke into a smile. The smile that made me fall for her
over and over again. "Mahal ko din you."

Kinunutan ko siya ng noo at nagpout siya. "Breakfast is ready." I suddenly

remembered. She pulled me back just when I was about to stand up from bed. Inikot
niya pa yung legs niya sakin bago umiling-iling.

"No, don't leave." She requested so I didn't.

"I won't. No more leaving, remember?" I said as the thought crossed my mind again.

"Yeah." She replied. Bigla namang lumundo ang kama namin

at maya maya ay umalog na ng paulit ulit. I heard a chuckle and when I turned, I
saw pare jumping in our bed.

"Goodmorning, pare! I was looking for you last night!" He said before pouting. He
resembles his mom, big time. I sat in bed and opened my arms wide.

"Come here, big guy." I said and he jumped towards me.

"Owww!" I complained.

"Sorry, were you hurt? Were you? Were you? Sorry, pare!" He said quickly and I just
grinned before kissing his cheek. He quickly wiped it using his small palms.

"Pare! Why did you kiss me, are you gay?" He asked, eyes widening in the process. I
threw my head back in laughter.

"No. I just love you." Sagot ko bago siya nginitian. He hugged me and then went to
his Mom to give her multiple kisses on the face.

"Goodmorning to you, too, Commander Beautiful!" Daze beamed and kissed him back.
She laughed as she sat in bed too.

"Umiyak ka daw kagabi pare? Totoo ba yun?" I asked. He shook his head repeatedly.

"Did Ate Duday tell you that, Daddy? That's not true kaya. I'm six years old na.
I'm a big boy like Kuya Tim. Big boys don't cry." He reasoned before crossing his

"Big boys don't lie either." I replied. Nagpapadyak siya sa kama bago sumalampak ng

"Fine. I did cry. But just three tears. You kase, pare. I thought you won't come
home anymore." I scooped him up and carried him.

"Alam mo namang di mangyayari yon diba? Di ko kayo iiwan ni Commander." Ng tignan

ko si Daze ay nakita kong nagpipigil siya ng ngiti. Pero ng magkatinginan kami ay
tinaasan niya lang ako ng kilay.

"Do you promise?" He asked.

"I promise." He smiled

before wrapping his small arms around my neck.

"I have a question, Daddy." Bulong niya.

"What is it?" I queried back.

"What are you and Mom doing inside this room when you lock the door?"

Nanlaki ang mata ko. "Nagjajack en poy lang, nak." He nodded.

"Let's eat breakfast na?" I asked and he bobbed his little head. Buti di na siya
nagtanong pa uli. Nagpababa na siya sakin. Tatawagin niya na daw ang Kuya niya. He
went off running in the second floor hallway that Daze got worried.

"Tristan Cody, don't run!" She shouted with worry. Umiling iling siya bago pumasok
ng banyo para maghilamos at magbrush. When she went out, she smiled at me and gave
me a sudden kiss.

"I love you, painter." She said with a sweet voice. Pinisil ko ang balakang niya at
pinalo niya bigla ang kamay ko.

"Don't start." She warned. I laughed before draping an arm on her shoulders. We
went down together and saw our boys already seated on the dining table.

Timothy stood up and kissed his Mom. "Morning, Mom." He said before sitting back on
his chair.

"You look good with my skirt on, Tim." She said, obviously teasing which made Tim
scowl in frustration.

"Mom, stop it." Daze grinned before raising both arms as a sign of truce. I pulled
a chair for her and she sat. Tumabi naman ako sa kanya.

We prayed and started eating. In the middle of our meal, Tristan suddenly popped a

"Daddy, does tuli hurt?" He asked.

My wife grinned. "Oh, don't ask your Dad. He's not yet


I shot her a really look. I mouthed the words Lagot ka sakin mamaya before facing
Tristan again. I smiled at him.

"Parang kagat ng langgam lang yan, pare." I answered back.

"Isang dambuhalang langgam." Sabat ni Timothy.

"I don't like giant ants, pare! I don't want to be circumcised anymore!" Tristan
said softly.

"Sweetie, don't believe your Kuya. He's just joking." Agap naman ni Daze. The
conversation went on and on. Ng matapos kaming kumain ay nanood kami ng Avengers sa
theater room dahil yun ang gustong panoorin ng dalawa.

"Mom, can we buy another Batman action figure?" Tim asked.

"I want Superman toys, Daddy! Let's buy!" Tristan joined the buy chant his Kuya
started. Wala rin kaming magawa, umoo nalang kami. I love my boys. I will give them
everything basta kaya ko.

"Fine. We'll go to the mall tomorrow." I said with a sigh.

"Family hug!" Daze yelled and Tristan gave us a big bear hug. We were waiting for
Tim to hug us but he shook his head. Mas lalo niyang niluwagan ang hawak sa palda.

"No way. Maiipit ako, tol."

"Lalabas ang tren diyan." Pang-aasar ko.

Hinampas naman ni Daze ang braso ko at natawa nalang ako. They insisted that we
watch another movie. Puro marvel ang pinanood namin. No doubt that their rooms are
full of superhero collectibles. Ang kwarto ni Tristan puro Superman. Kay Timothy
naman puro Batman. Ang kwarto naman namin ni Daze ay puro painting.


lang ay may adisyon na naman sa mga gawa ko. I hung it on the living room wall.
Para kapag may papasok ay yun agad ang makikita. It was a family painting.

Nakaakbay ako kay Daze habang nanonood kami ng Spiderman. I would occasionally kiss
the top of her head. Nakahilig siya sakin habang ang isang braso niya ay
nakapulupot sa bewang ko. Tim and Tristan were eating popcorn while sitting on the
carpeted theater room floor. Napangiti na naman ako ng makita ko ang repleksyon
naming apat sa flat screen tv.

Iniangat ko ang ulo ni Daze at hinalikan siya sa labi. "Thank you for giving me two
wonderful boys, baby. Thank you. For loving me and marrying me and making me this
happy." Masuyo kong bulong. She squeezed my nose bridge.

"My husband's being emotional again." She jested me and I gave her a small smile.

"Can't help it." Sagot ko. Muli niyang inihilig ang ulo niya sa dibdib ko. It felt
peaceful and serene. Hinaplos haplos ko ang buhok niya.

"Have I already told you how much I love you?" Tanong ko.

She chuckled. "Yes. Every second of every minute of everyday."

Napangiti ako. "But in case you forget, I'm gonna say it again. I love you, Daze.
Ti amo tanto. Walang kahit anong salita ang akma para idescribe kung gaano kagrabe
kita kamahal. Pangako ko, na hindi na uli ako aalis sa tabi mo. Tayong dalawa lang,
kahit anong mangyari. Mamahalin kita habambuhay katulad ng pagmamahal ng Papa mo sa
Mama mo. Because you deserve that. You deserve to be loved like that. Gagawin ko
lahat mapasaya ko lang kayong tatlo. Kayo yung buhay ko eh." Madamdamin kong saad.

Hinawakan niya ang kamay ko at pinagsalikop ito. "Mahal ka din namin. I'm happy
that we ended up together because I honestly can't imagine a life without you in
it. Eleven years of being married and you're still my sky, Ian."

Napangiti nalang ako. Nilingon kami ni Tim, nagtataka siguro kung bakit kami

"Korni mo, tol." Sabi niya bago nanood uli. Natawa na lang kami ni Daze. Ng matapos
ang pagmumovie marathon namin ay pumanik na ang dalawa. Tristan said that he would
stay in Tim's room. Magvvideo game na naman ang dalawang yun. Ng makalabas sila ng
room ay hinatak ko si Daze at bumagsak siya sa kandungan ko. Natawa ako habang siya
ay napatili.

"Ian!" She shrieked.

"Shhh." Sabi ko. "Baka marinig tayo nila Duday."

Natatawang hinampas niya naman ako. I grinned before dipping down to kiss her. She
responded with the same hot intensity. Niyapos niya yung kamay sa leeg ko at
binuhat ko siya. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I stood up. Lumabas kami
sa theater room ng ganon ang itsura, nasa baba naman ang mga maid eh.

She groaned when I let go. She was still wrapped around me while I was walking
towards our room. When I twisted the knob, she kissed me again. She was giving me
the same drowning feeling I first felt when we first kissed. It felt hot around us
as I continued kissing her, my palms holding her butt cheeks to support her weight.

Before I closed the door with my foot, I twisted the red sign on our door that



Special Chapter #2

"Ian!" Sigaw ni Daze galing sa kwarto namin. Napangiti ako ng malamang gising na
siya. She probably saw my surprise for her. Umakyat ako ng hagdan patungo sa kwarto
namin at nakita ang bagong gising ngunit masayang mukha ng babaeng walang sawang
nagbibigay liwanag sa buhay ko.

"Yes, commander?" Nakangiti kong tanong. Her eyes roamed around our daisy-filled
room again. She smiled. Halata sa ngiti niyang masaya siya. She stood up and gave
me a smack.

"Anong meron? Wala namang okasyon ah." Saad niya bago pinulot ang isang daisy. The
daisy has become our favorite flower. It symbolizes our love for each other.

Kinuha ko ang daisy sa kamay niya at inilagay sa tenga niya. "Kailan ba ng occasion
para isurprise ka, hmm?" I asked with a smile. She smiled back and gave me another
kiss which was deeper than the previous one. And then she let go and cupped my
face. She made me stare at her and I did, lovingly.

"Hamla ikat." She said. I caught her hand and brought it closer to my lips. "Hamla
ikat." I repeated.

"Thank you, Ian."

"Just wanna make you happy. I'll shower you with love, gifts, surprises and of
course..." Bumulong ako sa tenga niya. "...pleasure."

laughed and I stole a quick kiss from her.

"I'll give you a reward later." She mouthed seductively. Natatawang napasigaw ako.


Damn, I'm so fucking excited.

We shared a couple of intimate moments that included caressing, fondling and

pinching before she decided to take a bath. Natatawang tinignan ko siya na pakindat
kindat pa sakin bago pumasok ng bathroom. I heard the lock click.

"You sure you don't need help in there, baby?" I asked, mischief dancing in my eyes
as I stared at the doorknob. Naughty thoughts filled my not-so-wholesome mind.

"Stop it." She laughed. Narinig kong bumukas ang shower at napapalatak na lang ako.
I groaned. "Baby, let me shower with you." Pamimilit ko, baka lang naman makalusot.
I had my fingers crossed.

"Nakaligo ka na kaya. Gisingin mo na lang ang dalawang makulit at baka malate pa

sila sa pasok nila." She instructed. Lumapit ako sa pinto at kinatok ito.

I want to get my damn hands on my wife now!

"Baby, c'mon. Let me in. Don't be cruel. I love you." Paglalambing ko bago muling

"Ian, kapag pinapasok kita magtatagal lang tayong dalawa dito. So be good."


don't you want that?" Nakasimangot ko ng tanong. Hindi niya naman nakikita ang
ekspresyon ko pero hindi ko lang talaga mapigilan.

Gusto ko lang naman humirit ng isa!

"Ian!" She used her warning tone na madalas ginagamit niya sa aming mag-aama pag
makulit kami. Bumagsak ang balikat ko.

"Fine. I'll wake the kids up." Pagmamaktol ko.

"I love you!" Sigaw niya. Lalo lang akong napasimangot. Kapag talaga nakuha ko na
ang reward ko patay sakin ang babaeng ito. Lintik lang ang walang ganti!
Maghihiganti ako mamaya... sa kanya, sa loob ng kwarto, dito sa kama naming dalawa.
Napawi ang pagkakagusot ng mukha ko at napalitan ng ngisi.

Brace yourself, commander.

Tinungo ko na ang kwarto ni Tristan. Binuksan ko ang blinds ng bintana at umupo sa

gilid ng kama nya. Unti-unti naman siyang nagdilat ng mata, marahil naramdaman niya
ang pag-upo ko. He brought his little hands to his face. He balled his fists and
used it to wipe the morning glory out of his eyes.

"Morning pare. May pasok na uli." Nakangiting sabi ko. He pouted.

"But Daddy, it's Sunday!" Reklamo niya bago yumakap sa paborito niyang asul na

"Little boy, yesterday was Sunday." Paliwanag ko. He sat upright a little groggily.

hate Mondays." He grumbled before outstretching his arms towards me. I smiled
before scooping his body up and carrying him. Iniyakap niya ang braso niya sa leeg
ko bago inihilig ang ulo sa balikat ko. I think he still wants to sleep so I let
him. Ganun ang itsura namin ng pumasok ako sa kwarto ni Timothy. Napataas ang kilay
ko sa pagkabigla ng makitang nakabukas na ang blinds niya. Lumalagaslas ang tubig
galing sa banyo niya.

"Tol, ang aga mo yata." Katok ko sa pinto ng banyo niya. Tristan shifted but didn't

"Dad, I'm excited to go to school today." Halata nga sa tinig ni Timothy ang
pagiging excited.

"Really..." I trailed off. Maya maya ay lumabas na siyang nakatapi ng twalya. He

grinned at me. "Tol, the wound is drying." Sabi niya na ang tinutukoy ay ang
pagkatuli sa kanya.

"Cool. So, why were you excited to go to school?" I asked while frowning. Tuluyan
ng nagising si Tristan. Nagpababa siya at inilapag ko naman siya.

"Syempre po, tol! Tuli na ako! I can have girlfriends already! Pwede na kong
magpapansin sa crush ko, Dy!" He was grinning when he said that.

I grinned back. "Make Daddy proud, Tim." Nagfist bump kaming dalawa.

Tristan tugged at my hand. "Daddy?"

"Yes, pare?"


eyes were round and filled with innocence. "Am I allowed to have a girlfriend,

Natawa ako. "You're too young." I said. Nagsalubong ang kilay niya.
"Kapag ako po tuli na, can I have a girlfriend?" Tanong niya muli.

I patted his head. "Yes, son. As many as you like." Pagsakay ko sa kanya.
Siguradong pag narinig ng asawa ko ang pinagsasabi ko ay lagot na naman ako dun.
Sasabihin na naman na kung ano-ano ang itinuturo kong kalokohan sa mga bata.
Kalokohan ba yun? It's a guy thing.

"Maganda ba yang crush mo, tol?" Tanong ko habang nagtutuyo siya ng buhok.

"Yes, Dad. Mukhang artista!" Pagsang-ayon niya habang nakangisi.

"Paano na si Ashtyn?" I jested. I knew how much my son hates my wife's friend's
daughter and I think it's cute. Bata pa naman sila kaya away ng away, magkakasundo
din ang dalawang yan eventually.

"Tol, ayoko po dun! Naiinis ako sa kanya! Kung hindi nga lang anak ni Tita Kristine
yun matagal na siyang hindi invited sa mga birthday ko." Nakasimangot niyang sabi
bago inilabas ang uniform. Natawa na lang ako.

"Oh sige na, magbihis ka na at papaliguan ko pa si Tristan." Kinuha ko ang kamay ni

Tristan bago kami lumabas doon. Dumaan ulit ako sa kwarto namin ni Daze

at hindi na nagulat ng malamang naliligo parin siya. She loves taking long baths.
And when I say long, I literally mean long.

Inayos ko muna ang uniform ni Tristan bago ko siya pinaliguan. Sinasabunan ko na

siya ng bigla siyang lumabi.

I smiled and inquired. "What's wrong, pare?"

He took the soap from my hand and turned around. He started soaping himself with
his back facing me.

"You shy?" Nangingiting tanong ko. Simula bata pa siya, kaming dalawa ni Daze ang
nagpapaligo sa kanya so him being shy is new.

"Pare, come here. Ako na magsasabon sayo." I offered but he shook his head.

"I'm gonna soap my champola, Daddy. You can't soap it for me anymore. Big guy,
remember?" Saad niya. Napakunot noo naman ako.

"Champola?" Naguguluhang tanong ko. He pointed to his thing while pouting. Napataas
ako ng kilay.

"It's weird to call it champola. Saan mo naman nakuha yan, Tristan Cody?" Tanong ko
habang pinapanood sya. Basa na ang suot kong tshirt at shorts dahil ang likot niya
habang shinashampoohan ko siya kanina.

"Kay Yaya Duday po." Sagot niya. Napailing na lang ako. Hindi ko talaga alam kung
saan nakukuha ng katulong namin na yon ang mga words na ginagamit niya.

"Wag kang masyadong makikinig sa yaya mo at may sapak yon." Paalala ko. Binanlawan
ko na siya bago pinunasan ng twalya. He volunteered to dress himself up so I let
him. Ng pababa na kami ng hagdan ay saktong palabas naman si Daze ng kwarto. She
kissed Tristan first before me.

"Where's Tim?" Tanong niya.

"Nasa baba na siguro." I said. Pagkababa namin ay tapos ng magluto ng almusal ang
isang maid. We sat on the dining table and ate.

"Tol, how did you and Mom become an item? Can you teach me some tips?" Asked

Natitilihang pinandilatan sya ni Daze. "Timothy Cole, kakatuli mo pa lang!"

"Son, di mo kailangan ng tips. Sa gwapo mong yan, nako babae pa ang lalapit sayo!
Tignan mo ang Daddy. Diba, Commander?" I threw my wife a teasing look and she
glared at me too.

"Isa ka pa." Tinignan niya si Tristan na tahimik na kumakain sa gilid. "Baby, wag
kang tutulad kay Daddy at kay Kuya ha? Be a good boy."

"Yes po, Mommy." Tristan gave her a sweet smile.

We went to the garage after we ate. Time for school. Timothy is on sixth grade
while Tristan is a kindergartner. Binuksan na ni Duday ang gate kaya pumasok
na kami sa sasakyan. I ignited the engine and started driving.

Whenever I touch the steering wheel, bumabalik sakin yung mga pagkakataong
nakikipagkarera pa ako. Those times were good memories now.

I placed my other hand on Daze's thigh while the other was busy driving.

"Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water." Biglang kumanta si

"Jack fell down and broke his crown..." Dugtong ni Timothy.

"And Jill came tumbling after." Nakangiting pagsabay naman namin ni Daze. Minutes
later, the whole car erupted with laughter and nursery songs.

"Old McDonald has a farm..." My wife started.

"Hee-yah, hee-yah yo!" Sagot naming tatlo. She grinned and clapped her hands.

Out of nowhere, Tim asked. "Tol, ano pong next itatawag niyo sa susunod na baby

Daze frowned.

Tristan bounced merrily on his seat. "Let's name him Terrence Cade if he's a boy,

"Good idea, kiddo!" Panggagatong ko habang ngumingising aso kay Daze.

"Tiffany Cara if it's a girl." Tim sugested. Hinampas ni Daze bigla ang balikat ko.

data-p-id="efca88b46b206a051802c33cb9ee3f73">"Hey, I'm driving!" Reklamo ko. But

all she gave me was a raised eyebrow.

"Wait, you haven't answered my question yet, Dad." Tim pressed.

"I think I'll call him..." I let the sentence hang as I thought.


"What does that mean, pare?"

"It sounds weird, tol."

"No way, Ian!"

Nginitian ko si Daze. "Why not, baby?" I asked.

"Kosa? Ano ang anak mo, inmate?" Tanong nyang tila hindi makapaniwala.

I smiled as I parked in front of the school. Hinaplos ko ang tyan niya. "Eh kasi
nakakulong parin siya sa tyan mo hanggang ngayon eh. Diba, kosa?" I said as I
caressed her tummy.

"Whoa, Mom's pregnant again?" Tim asked.

"I'm gonna be a Kuya soon?" Tristan asked hopefully.

Pinitik ni Daze ang kamay ko. "Stop it. I'm not pregnant, okay? Kayong dalawa, wag
niyo ngang paniwalaan ang Daddy niyo. Nakadrugs yan."

"Tol! Is that true?!"

"Yes, nak. Your mom is my drug and the only kind that I need. I can't seem to get

enough of her."

Nakita kong naningkit ang mata ni Daze. Kinikilig yan, panigurado.

"Heh. Tara na nga. Kapag kayong dalawa nalate nako!" She said. Lumabas ako at
ipinagbukas sila ng pinto. Bigla nalang akong hinatak ni Tim.

"Tol yung crush ko!" Sabi niya habang nakatingin sa isang batang babaeng kaedad
niya na pumasok ng gate.

I patted his back. "Go get her, son."

Bigla naman akong piningot ni Daze. "Anong go get her ka diyan? Timothy Cole,
you're only on sixth grade. Umayos ka."

Nagkamot ito ng ulo. "But, Mom. She has dimples!" Pangangatwiran niya.

"Paluin ko pwet mo, Timothy." She warned. Hindi niya naman talaga yun gagawin. Ni
minsan hindi namin sinaktan ang mga bata, we just love them too much. Pero ewan ko
ba, her threats always work. Her threats carried power.

"And you, no reward later-"

"Joke lang, Commander! Tol, magpakabait ka ha. Aral muna. Wag muna maggirlfriend,
tsaka na pag forty ka na." Agap ko.

Sinimangutan kami ni Tim. Inihatid namin sila hanggang sa gate pagkatapos nilang
humalik sa aming dalawa. Ibinilin namin kay Tim na idaan muna sa room si Tristan.

"Behave!" Paalala ni Daze. Pinanood namin ang dalawa hanggang mawala sila sa
paningin namin. Tsaka lang kami bumalik sa kotse. I was excited to go home to claim
my reward.

On the way back, may nadaanan kaming isang customization shop. Napangisi ako bago
inihimpil ang kotse sa tapat. Pinagbuksan ko si Daze bago kami pumasok sa loob. She
had a look of confusion on her face. The guard greeted us.

"What are we doing here? May ipapacustomize ka?" She asked as her eyes scanned the
whole place.

"Yes." I answered with a naughty smile on my lips.

"What?" She queried before slipping her hand on mine.

"I think we need a new door sign for our room." Seryoso kong sabi. Hinampas niya na
naman ang braso ko.

"You crazy man! Ano na namang ipapalagay mo?"

I smiled as I pictured it on our door.

"Kosa in the making."


Special Chapter #3

For Jayne Gagarin. Wag na magtampo. I love you, girl!


"Daddy, please don't cry. Sabi mo kapag big boy na hindi na umiiyak." Inosenteng
sabi ni Tristan na nasa tabi ko. Siyam na taon na siya samantalang si Tim naman ay
trese na. Ang lalaki na ng mga anak ko. Parehas kaming nakadungaw sa glass wall ng
ospital. Halo-halo na naman ang emosyon sa puso ko.

"I can't help it, pare." Pinunasan ko ang mga luha na namilibis sa mga mata ko bago
ako ngumiti. Ang tagal ko pang nakatayo doon at nakatitig hanggang sa makarinig ako
ng mumunting halakhak na nagmumula sa gilid ko.

I turned only to see my wife giggling while holding her phone which was pointed in
my direction. She was on a wheelchair and Timothy was the one pushing her.

"Baby, what is that..." I asked with a low groan even though I already have an
idea. Muli niya akong binigyan ng nakakalokong hagikgik bago ito ibinaba. Pinukulan
ko ng tingin si Tim na nagpipigil din ng ngiti.

"You had me on video, didn't you!" I glared at her and she did nothing to deny it.

"What!" She smiled sweetly at me, this sneaky wife of mine.

"You're not supposed to be wandering around! Hindi ka pa puwedeng maglakad-lakad!"

Pagalit kong saad. "Tim! Pinagbilinan kita, hindi ba!"

"Technically, I'm not walking. As you can see I'm on this wheelchair, Ian." Daze
answered but I still gave Tim a pointed look. Tinaas niya naman ang dalawang kamay
niya. "Dad! Pinilit niya ako! Mommy

said she'll ground me if I don't take her to see you here! I'm too old to be

Umiling-iling ako. I have forgotten how stubborn Daze can be sometimes.

"I just want to see our baby," Pinagkrus niya ang dalawang braso sa bandang dibdib
niya. "Saglit lang naman, kaya ko naman tumayo na." Tila nagtatampong anas niya.

I sighed and knelt in front of her. I caressed her cheeks and kissed her forehead.
"Alright, baby. I'm sorry. I'll help you up."

Tim took the phone on his mother's lap and pocketed it. Inalalayan ko naman siyang
tumayo at iginiya siya sa may salamin. She grimaced every time she took a step so I
held her firmer and told her to walk slower.

"Our little inmate is finally out to see the world." I whispered on her ear and she
put a hand against the wall and inched closer.
"H-hello, Terrence. This is Mommy." As if he heard his mom, kosa slowly shifted.
Daze looked so happy while watching the new Estillore baby she gave birth to.

"I love you," Hinigpitan ko ng bahagya ang pagkakahapit ko sa bewang niya. "I love
all of you, sweetheart. Thank you."

"Tol, sali naman kami sa moment niyo ni Commander." Hirit ni Tim na lumapit sa
amin, inakbayan ko siya. Idinantay naman ni Daze ang kamay sa balikat ni Tristan.
We all gazed at Terrence Cade who was peacefully sleeping. My son, my heart

"He's gonna be pogi like me and Kuya, sure ako pare." Nakangiting pahayag ni
Tristan. Siya na yata ang bunsong pinaka-excited sa pagiging Kuya. Binabasahan niya
ng story books ang little bro niya habang

nasa loob pa ito ng tiyan ni Daze.

"Oh, baby, lahat kayo gwapo at love na love ni Mommy." My wife gently pinched
pare's cheek. I smiled.

"Let's get you back, baby. Baka dumating na sila." Suhestiyon ko sa kanya, tumango
naman siya at muli ko siyang inalalayan paupo sa wheelchair.

"Does the stitches still hurt?" I queried while pushing her, she nodded slowly with
a slight wince.

"Yeah, but the pain is bearable. One look at Terrence and all the pain is worth
it." She replied. Hindi ko kayang nakikitang nasasaktan ang asawa ko, kapag
nanganganak siya ay nasa tabi niya lang ako. Mayroon kaming sariling doctor kaya
pwede akong manatili sa tabi niya habang nagsisilang siya.

"Mom, gusto kong i-spoil si Terrence. Bilhan natin siya ng maraming stuffed toys
tsaka damit." Timothy enthused. Kahit na madalas na tahimik at masungit ang
panganay ko ay nakikita ko ngayon sa kanya na masaya siya sa pagdating ng bago
niyang kapatid. "Tapos tol, turuan natin mangchicks pag lumaki na ng konti!"

"Sige, tol. Magandang ideya yan!" My son and I did a fist bump. A grin escaped my
mouth but Daze's reply put an end to it.

"What if I make pagbuhol kayong mag-ama! Puro kalokohan kayo, baka kung ano ano na
itinuturo niyo kay Tristan!" Paos na singhal niya sa amin.

"Wala, commander." Tugon ko pero tinawag niya pa rin si pare.

"What have they been telling you, anak?" She asked in a sweet tone that made
Tristan scratch his head.

"Figlio, no."

I coaxed but pare still spilled the details of our supposed-to-be clandestine men

"Daddy said when I'm circumcised down there I can court girls na. He said girls
like boys who are tuli already. Dagdag pogi points daw yun sabi ni pare." Binabalak
kami namin siyang ipatuli a week from now.

"Ian! Mga tinuturo mo ha!" She hissed. "Baby, you study first, okay? Yang
girlfriend tsaka na when you graduate, trust Mommy."
He nodded obediently and Daze kissed his forehead. "Mi dispiace, Mom."

"It's okay, kukurutin ko singit niyang Kuya at Daddy mo."

Napangisi ako. "I'd like that very much, sweetheart."

Tim made a face. "I wanna gag."

"Careful, young man. You owe me your life. I could've chosen to spill you on our
bedsheet but I didn't."

"IAN!" Daze roared with fury. "Stop it already!"

"Okay, okay." I gave up even though I was still laughing. We reached the room and I
gently carried her and set her down on the bed. I breathed a sigh of relief when
she was tucked under the covers.

Naupo sa couch ang dalawa. Nanonood ng telebisyon si Tristan habang si Tim ay

naglalaro sa cellphone niya.

"Baby, i-delete mo ang video ha?" Hinagip ko ang kamay ng commander ng buhay ko at
hinalik-halikan ito bilang paglalambing. My beautiful wife snickered.

"Ayoko. Ang cute mo kaya doon habang umiiyak ka. You looked like you were in the
movies, that video is gonna get you an Oscar, baby, I tell you." She responded
teasingly. I shook my head.


sure you're gonna use that clip against me someday."

"Grabe you! Hindi naman!" Hinigpitan niya ang hawak sa kamay ko at inilapat iyon sa
pisngi niya.

"Mahal kita." She whispered and I pinched her chin. "Alam ko. Mahal din kita."

"Gaano mo ako kamahal?" Her nose wrinkled as she waited for an answer.

"Pagmamahal ko sayo mas mataas sa Mt. Everest tsaka malaki sa Pacific Ocean." Her
eyes shone with delight. Hinalikan ko ang mga daliri niya.

Maya maya ay dumating na si Alexander kasama ang pamilya niya. His wife entered
with a wide smile as she excitedly ran to the hospital bed my wife was in.

"Ate." They hugged and then she sat next to her. Alexander set the basket of fruits
he was carrying on the long table. Kasama niya ang dalawang anak niya, si Kaden at
si Lena.

"Hindi ka pa pala baog." He told me while snickering.

"Oh, you wish." Anas kong maloko rin.

I saw my son sit on his Kuya Kaden's lap. Si Alena naman ay nasa isang tabi lang na
nagbabasa ng magazine while Tim was still playing with his video game.

Finally, my wife asked the question I wasn't able to direct at Alexander earlier.
"Where's Keene?"
He swallowed and I turned just in time to see Blythe giving him an accusing look.
Alam kong simula nang atakihin si Blythe sa puso last month dahil may babaeng bigla
na lang nagpakilalang nabuntis ni Keene ay hindi na naging maayos ang relasyon
nilang mag-ama.

"Kuya, he's young. If he makes a mistake, straighten it." Daze said in a low voice
so the kids would not hear.

"I am straightening it, dammit." He said through gritted teeth.

"Kapag lumayo sa atin si Keene ay hindi kita mapapatawad, Alexander," She warned.
"You better fix this rift with him."

"Then ask him to fix his life. Hindi natin siya pinalaki para lang makita na
sinisira niya ang buhay niya. Buti pa si-"

"Don't you dare compare the twins, don't." Mariin na saad ni Blythe. Alexander's
jaw grew taut but he did not reply anymore. He walked out of the hospital room.

"I'm worried about Keene, he moved out of the house to stay away from his father.
Mabait naman ang anak ko, nagkamali lang."

"Things will be okay, Ate. I'm sure Keene loves the both of you." She assured. She
smiled and nodded.

"Jusko, alam ko naman no! Ang angas ko kayang nanay kaya mahal talaga ako ng mga
yan!" Pinilit niyang ngumiti. "At ikaw rin."

"Thank you."

"Ikaw naman Ian, alagaan mong mabuti ang asawa mo kung hindi ipapahugot ko kay
Alexander iyang pinakaiingatan mo!" She jokingly threatened. Nakalimutan kong
masyado nga pala siyang bulgar magsalita.

I made a salute. "Yes, maam. Aalagaan ko ho ang asawa ko hanggang sa tumanda kaming

"Kahit matulad ako kay Mommy na minsan ay hindi na naaalala si Daddy?" Nanubig ang
mga mata niya nang sabihin niya iyon. Mama Cassi is suffering from mild alzheimers.

Pinunasan ko ang luha sa pisngi niya. "Yes, baby. I promise."

She is my true love. At kahit dumating man kami sa punto ma hindi niya na ako
nakikilala ay mamahalin ko pa rin siya. Being senile is not enough to make my love
for her waver.

"I love you, Ian."

I leaned forward and gave her quivering lips a smack. "Ti amo tanto, tesoro mia."

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