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DATE OF AUDIT: 10-02-2024 9:00 AM

– 12:00 PM AUDIT REFERENCE: LORJ-Production-IA-001

AUDIT OF: LORJ Production – LORJ Factory

SCOPE OF AUDIT: Verifying compliance with iGMS Relative Procedures,

BMP/LORJ/01 Flowchart 07 Dated 27/07/22

REFERENCE Quality Management System Standard – ISO 9001:2015,

DOCUMENTS AND BMP/LORJ/01 Flowchart 07 Dated 27/07/22.


1. Nitin Kumar Senior Quality Apil Bhattarai LORJ Factory Manager

Advisor (Lead


Audit has been conducted to verify the compliance status of referred LORJ Quality Management System
General compliance to procedure requirements found satisfactory. However, one improvement measure
non-compliance recorded during Audit.


1.0 Opening of audit:

Internal audit started by the introduction of Lead Auditor (Nitin Kumar) and the Auditee (Apil
Bhattarai). The purpose of audit to check the compliance of procedure explained to Auditee.
It was informed that a random sampling methodology will be followed during the audit and
absence of any non-compliance during the random sampling audit not necessarily implied
effective process management.
Auditee was informed, external audit by our certification authority BSI is scheduled in Month of
June 2024.
It was also discussed that any observations and non-conformance items that will be identified
during the audit should be addressed by the auditee in positive manner.

2.0 Audit Limitation

The assessments were conducted by sampling the activities. Absence of non-conformity against
item does not necessarily mean non exit.

3.0 Audit Findings

1. Audit Progress

Date of Audit (February 10, 2024) – Production Process

3.1 LORJ Factory adequate resources and organization chat is part of overall organization
chart for LORJ. – Compliance.
3.2 Roles and responsibility for all supervisory staff are defined and informed. – Compliance.
3.3 Departmental Objectives for year 2023-2024 was evident at the time of Audit. –
3.4 Departmental process flow chart was evident at the time of Audit. – Compliance.
3.5 Work order of a project singed by GM is issued by commercial to Factory manager,
scope of works and resource list enclosed to each work order, sample checked for work
order reference 09218-002 dated 06-Nov-23 for Sobha Investment Villa in Dubai – Club
House - Compliance.
3.6 Work order of a mock-up singed by GM is issued by commercial to Factory manager,
scope of works and resource list enclosed to each work order, sample checked for work
order reference 09237 dated 20-Nov-23 for Regalia Tower - Compliance.
3.7 Operative resources / KPI’s checked by factory manager and agreed, where required.
KPI of TAG Villa project was sampled - Compliance.
3.8 Project specification and contract drawings are available on share drives, access to
read is available to all supervisory staff. – Compliance.
3.9 Production Drawings with the details of materials approvals provided by technical teams
through transmittals and details, sample for Garden Veil Holdings LLC checked and
found latest revisions of production drawings LORJ-MUR-GVH-ID-SD-0005, issued on 07th
February 2024 available at point of use. – Compliance
3.10 Method statement for Production available, ITP not included in submittal, separate
flow chart prepared and followed for stage inspections. – Compliance
3.11 Program / duration for completion shared by Planning teams and daily production
meetings conducted to update the program / delivery status updated and concerns
for delays recorded and action assigned, Planning engineer taking lead to follow up
where required. RAG Report dated 09th February 2024 was sampled – Compliance.
3.12 Reworks – where reworks required, due to change is recorded through rework forms,
root cause for rework recorded and approval from GM received prior to start of reworks.
– Compliance.
3.13 Factory manager assign the works to production supervisors based on type works,
records to resource allocation recorded in time sheets and available with time keepers.
– Compliance.
3.14 Charge hands are responsible to record the time sheets, which is further used for
calculations / KPI. – Note.
3.15 Cutting sheet for each product prepared based on production drawing by
production supervisors, each cutting list logged in log register and the current status of
product also recorded on log register, samples checked for Sales Center reference
31333 dated 07th February 2024 was sampled. Sampled cutting sheet was not signed by
factory manager. – Non-Compliance.
3.16 Stage Inspections records were available, inspections conducted at Cutting /
machining, Assembly, Painting Polishing and final prior to dispatch. And daily inspection
records / status circulated through Field View. – Compliance.
2.0 Audit Feedback
The auditee was quite cooperative during the audit and promoted the audit as an opportunity
for system improvement, Relevant documented evidence was available and been shared with
auditor. And informed that the audit findings would be implemented effectively.

3.0 Confidentiality

It was explained that all audit findings/documents that will be shared will not be disclosed to
anyone which are not related to the company except for third party Certification Body during
external audit.
4.0 Conclusion
The auditee has taken this audit as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and
responded positively during the audit.
LORJ Production team found performing in compliance with the flowchart, apart from one not
compliance, that was “factory manager to sign all cutting sheet” as per process flow chart
BMP/LORJ/01 Flowchart 07 Dated 27/07/22. Which was not evident in Audit.

1. LORJ – General Manager
2. LORJ – Quality Manager
3. LORJ – Senior Quality Advisor
4. LORJ – Factory manager
5. LORJ – Production Manager
Nitin Kumar DATE: 12.02.2024

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