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Geotechnical engineering is the important for every structure, since all structures rest on
soil. The stability of these structures depends upon behavior of soil and bearing capacity of
soil to carry loads under different loading conditions. Formation of soil and rocks, defects
in rocks, soil behavior, and soil as an engineering material are essential parameter to an
engineer. The design of foundation of buildings, dams, towers, embankments, roads,
railways, retaining walls, bridges is mainly governed by these above stated parameters. The
content of this subject are also useful in designing basement, underground tank and
underwater structures. Knowledge of geology, soil characteristics, and stress distribution
under loading on soil, bearing capacity of soil is also useful to every engineer in the design,
execution and stability analysis of structures.

1.1.Competency : -The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the
following industry identified competency through various teaching learning

2.0.Aim/Benefits of micro project:

After Completing the micro project , we know the Scope of geotechnical

in the field of civil engineering

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3.0.Course outcome:

• The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course
are to be taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following
industry oriented

• COs associated with the above mentioned competency: a. Identify types of rocks and
sub soil strata of carth.
• b. Interprete the physical properties of soil related to given construction activities.
• c. Use the results of permeability and shear strength test for foundation analysis.
• d. Interpret the soil bearing capacity results.
• e. Compute optimum values for moisture content for maximum dry density of soil
through various tests.
4.0.Action Plan Details of project Started plan Plan Finish date Name of responsible group
date members
1. Starting of micro- Shrushti Rajput
project 10-02-2024 - Tanuja Avhale
Pranali Kale
Avinash Dhamone

2. Collection of canal data Shrushti Rajput

15-02-2024 25-02-2024 Tanuja Avhale
Pranali Kale
Avinash Dhamone
3. Getting data from Shrushti Rajput
google 28-02-2024 10-03-2024 Tanuja Avhale
Pranali Kale
Avinash Dhamone
4. To study the uses of Shrushti Rajput
canal & its 15-03-2024 20-03-2024 Tanuja Avhale
maintainance Pranali Kale
Avinash Dhamone
5. Finalizing the project
22-03-2024 30-03-2024 Shrushti Rajput
Tanuja Avhale
Pranali Kale
Avinash Dhamone

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4.1.Resources Required Name of resource Specifications Qty Remarks

1. Internet ---------------------- 1 Per batch
2. Laptop ---------------------- 1 Per batch
3. Geotechnical Engineering ---------------------- 1 Per batch

Names of team members

Roll no.
1.Shrushti Rajput 28
2.Tanuja Avhale 18
3.Pranali Kale 16
4.Avinash Dhamone 08

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7.0 literature review


Geotechnical Engineering is a branch of Civil Engineering that deals with soil

both as a foundation material upon which all types of structures rest and with
soil as a structural material. This chapter traces the genesis of Geotechnical
Engineering and its development, practice, and importance as a subdivision of
Civil Engineering. The chapter further explains the nature, origin, and types of
soils, weathering and its agents, and factors affecting it with particular emphasis
on tropical weathering and laterization and ends with a brief discussion of soil
maps and geotechnical mapping of project sites. The type of maps that may be
prepared for engineering or environmental purposes are many andField
application of geotechnical engineering

Soil and Rock

One of the main reasons why geotechnical engineering is important is because it

provides a deep understanding of the properties and behavior of soil and rock,
and how they interact with the structures built on or within them. Geotechnical
engineers use this knowledge to perform site investigations, soil, and rock
testing, and to interpret the results to determine the appropriate design
parameters for a project. This information is used to ensure that the foundation,
retaining walls, slopes, and other structures built on or within the subsurface
materials have sufficient stability and resistance to external loads, such as
earthquakes, wind, and water.

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Soil and Rock Hazards

Another important aspect of geotechnical engineering is the assessment and

management of soil and rock hazards, such as landslides, soil liquefaction, and
sinkholes. These hazards can cause significant damage to property and
infrastructure and can even result in loss of life. Geotechnical engineers use their
expertise to identify potential hazards, evaluate the risk associated with them,
and develop strategies to mitigate or manage the risks. This includes the design
of stabilizing structures, such as retaining walls and anchors, as well as the use
of monitoring and early warning systems to detect potentials problems.

Underground Structures

Geotechnical engineering also plays a vital role in the design and construction of
underground structures, such as tunnels and mines. These structures require a
deep understanding of the behavior of the subsurface materials, as well as the
ability to manage the impact of excavation and construction on the surrounding
environment. Geotechnical engineers use their expertise to determine the
appropriate design parameters for these structures, such as the size and shape of
the tunnel, the strength of the supporting rock, and the type and amount of
support required. They also use their knowledge to manage the potential impacts
of excavation and construction on the environment, such as groundwater flow
and soil stability.

Existing Structures

In addition to the design and construction of structures, geotechnical engineering

also plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation and maintenance of existing
structures. As structures age, they may experience degradation or other problems
that affect their stability and performance. Geotechnical engineers use their
expertise to assess the condition of these structures, identify the causes of the
problems, and develop strategies to address them. This can include the design of
repairs, the use of reinforcement and stabilization, and the implementation of
monitoring and maintenance programs to ensure the continues safety and
performance of the structure.

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Protection of the Environment

Another important aspect of geotechnical engineering is the protection of the

environment. Geotechnical engineers use their expertise to minimize the impact
of projects on the environment, such as the protection of soil, water, and air
quality. They also use their knowledge to design structures that are sustainable
and resilient, such as green roofs and permeable pavements. These structures
help to reduce the impact of projects on the environment be reducing the amount
of runoff, improving the quality of groundwater, and increasing the overall
sustainability of the built environment.

• Soil Engineering has vast applicatioin in the construction of various civil

engineering works. Some of the important application are as under.


2. Retaining structure

3.Stability of slopes

4. Underground structures

5. Pavement design

6. Earthen dam


Every civil engineering structure, whether it is building, bridge or a dam is

founded on or below the surface of the earth. Foundation are required to
transmit the load of structure to soil safely and efficiently. when, d ≤ b, it is
called shallow fo

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Retaining structure
When sufficient space is not available for a mass of soil to spread and form a
safe slope, a structure is required to retain the soil. An earth retaining structure is
also required to keep the soil at different levels on its either side.

The retaining structure may be a rigid retaining wall or a sheet like bulkhead
which is relatively flexible

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.Stability of slopes

If soil surface is not horizontal, there is a componenet of weight of soil which

tends to move it downwards and that causes instability of slopes. The slope may
be natural or man-made.Soil enginnering provides the methods for checking the
stability of slopes.

Driving Force (w) Vs Resisting

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Underground structures

The design and construction of underground structure, such as tunnels, shafts,

conduits require evaluation of forces exerted by the soil on theses structures.
The forces are discussed in soil engineering.

Pavement design

A pavement is hard crust placed on soil subgrade for the purpose of providing a
smooth and strong surface on which vehicles can move. The pavement consists
of surfacing such as a bitumen layer, base and subbase. The behaviour of
subgrade under various conditions of loading and environmental changes is
studied in soil engineering.

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. Earthen dam

Earth dams are huge structures in which soil is used as a construction material.
The earth dams are buirequires a knowledge of soil engineering

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Ground Investigation Work

Geotechnical engineers perform a ground investigation (which is often a

prerequisite of Local Authorities). This analyses a host of soil mechanics that
are vitally important to the safety of the workers and environment and are key to
the success of the project.

Geotechnical investigations allow engineers to evaluate the stability and strength

of the ground, including slopes and soil deposits, assess risks such as soil
aggressivity to buried concrete, and help to determine what type of foundations
and earthworks would be required within a project.

Surveys will also point out the potential for risks such as landslides, seismic
activity, floods and what should be put in place to mitigate the risks associated
and suggestions for any remedial work that may need to take place in order to
make the ground safe, secure and economically viable for development.

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Tunnel construction

Tunnel construction stands as a formidable engineering challenge, marked by

intricate planning, logistical complexities, and inherent risks. The integration of
artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, however, heralds a transformative era in
this domain, promising to revolutionize traditional methodologies and augment
construction endeavors with unprecedented efficiency and precision. In this
article, we delve into the multifaceted applications of AI in tunnel construction,
exploring how these innovations are reshaping the industry landscape.

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Precision Tunnel Design

AI-powered design tools are revolutionizing the preliminary stages of tunnel

construction by optimizing the design process. By assimilating a myriad of data
inputs including geological surveys, soil composition analyses, and structural
requirements, AI algorithms generate highly precise tunnel blueprints. These
designs are not only tailored to the unique environmental conditions but also
optimized for structural integrity and cost-effectiveness, leading to more
efficient construction outcomes.

AI-Guided Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs)

Recent advancements in AI-guided TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) technology

have revolutionized tunnel excavation methodologies. Enhanced sensors, such
as LiDAR, now provide TBMs with precise real-time data on underground
conditions, enabling them to navigate through complex terrains with
unprecedented accuracy. Additionally, machine learning algorithms analyze
excavation data in real-time, optimizing tunneling strategies and minimizing
wear on equipment. This ensures not only greater efficiency but also extends the
operational lifespan of the machinery.

The integration of TBMs with Building Information Modeling (BIM) software

has streamlined excavation processes by preemptively identifying potential
conflicts and hazards. This integration allows for smoother project execution
and minimizes the risk of delays or disruptions. Moreover, AI-powered
autonomous navigation capabilities enable TBMs to independently analyze
geological data and adjust excavation parameters as needed. This autonomy
enhances both efficiency and safety, as TBMs can adapt to changing conditions
without human intervention.

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Enhanced Safety Measures

Safety is paramount in tunnel construction, and AI technologies are enhancing

safety protocols across various fronts. Through the deployment of sensor
networks and AI-driven analytics, potential hazards within tunnel environments

are swiftly identified and monitored in real-time. These systems detect

anomalies such as structural weaknesses, gas leaks, or impending collapses,
allowing for timely intervention to mitigate risks to workers and infrastructure

In addition to automating and optimizing inspection processes, integrating AI

with other safety measures and technologies can further enhance tunnel safety.
For instance, AI-powered inspection systems can be integrated with predictive
maintenance algorithms to forecast potential structural defects or equipment
failures before they occur. Furthermore, coupling AI with real-time monitoring
sensors can enable proactive hazard detection, such as gas leaks or unstable
geological conditions, allowing for immediate mitigation measures.
Additionally, incorporating AI-driven decision support systems can aid in rapid
response to emergencies by providing actionable insights and facilitating
efficient evacuation procedures. By integrating AI with complementary safety
measures and technologies, tunnel infrastructure can be safeguarded more
comprehensively, reducing risks and ensuring the long-term safety and
reliability of tunnel systems.

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6.0 Application

1. Most common uses of H Beams are for platforms, bridges, ship and dock building.
While I Beams are commonly used for typical commercial buildings or any other
lightweight application.

2. support usually offers technical support and human support. Technical support
relates to the maintenance of the app, software and other organization's technological
systems. Human support relates to helping the end-user understand how to use the
application or system and help solve any issues.


1. At the end of this lab work it can be concluded that increase in modulus of elasticity
and moment of inertia decreases the deflection where increase in number of loads,
magnitude of load and distance of load from ends increase the deflection of beam.

2. A structural support is a part of a building or structure that provides the necessary

stiffness and strength in order to resist the internal forces

8.0. Skill developed / learning Outcomes of Micro-project

1. Communication.
2. Leadership.
3. Team management
4. Typing speed
5. Personal organization.
6. Risk management.
7. Time mamagement
8. Uses of plans on field

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