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Name: Khen Kurl L.

Bihasa Date Submitted: March 21 ,2023

Exercise #6
A. From the different activities below construct your own scoring rubrics: (holistic and analytic)
1) Participate in a debate.
2) Design a museum exhibit.
3) Write a research paper.

1. Participate in a debate

Participate in a debate: Holistic Rubric

3 – Excellent Debater
- The arguments made are easily understood and convincing.
- The debater is dressed cleanly and sharply.
- No ad hominem are present in their arguments.
- Arguments are plausible and logical.
- Claims and arguments are presented objectively.
- The debater uses sources to verify claims and strengthen arguments.
- Use of non-verbal language is frequent and effective.
2 – Good Debater
- The arguments made are understood but slightly convincing
- The debater is dressed adequately
- Sporadic use of ad hominem.
- Some arguments are plausible and logical
- There is a minor bias presenting claims and arguments
- The debater uses some sources to verify claims and strengthen arguments
- Use of non-verbal language is sparse yet adequate.
1 – Poor Debater
- Arguments are incomprehensible and unconvincing
- Debater is poorly dressed and groomed.
- Frequent use of ad hominem.
- Arguments are impractical and illogical.
- The debater does not use sources to verify or strengthen their claims.
- Absence of non-verbal language.

Participate in a debate: Analitic Rubric

Criteria Qualitive Assessment Scale Score
3 2 1 0
1. Soundness of arguments and claims. The Arguments There is Arguments
arguments and claims minimal logic and claims
and claims are somewhat of argument made are
made are logical and is minimal illogical and
logical and supported by and sources the sources
supported by mildly are dubious used are non-
credible credible credible
sources sources
2. Level of professionalism showcased in The debater The debater The debater The debater
the debate. presents their presents their presents their presents their
arguments arguments arguments arguments
and claims and claims with some and claims
with an with some subjectivity subjectively
objective tone objectivity but with and uses
and respectful but retains minor inappropriate
language respectfulness application of language.
of language respectable
3. Speech quality The debater is The debater is The debater There is no
able to able to delivers their clarity nor
deliver their deliver their arguments structural
arguments arguments with poor consistency
and claims and claims clarity and
to the
with perfect with adequate inconsistently
clarity and clarity and and claims
conciseness conciseness made by the
4. Effective use of Non-verbal language. The debater The debater The debater is The debater
incorporates incorporates incapable of does not
non-verbal non-verbal effectively incorporate
language language using non- non-verbal
effectively effectively verbal language
and but sparsely language and
frequently minimally
does so
Total Score
2. Design a museum exhibit

Design a museum exhibit: Holistic Rubric

3 – Excellent Museum Exhibit
- The
2 – Average Museum Exhibit
1 – Poor Museum Exhibit

Design a museum exhibit: Analytic Rubric

Criteria Qualitive Assessment Scale Score
3 2 1 0

Total Score
3. Write a research paper.

Write a research paper: Holistic Rubric

3 – Research paper is well-designed and reviewed extensively
2 – Research paper is adequately designed and studied
1 – Research paper is poorly designed and

Analytic Rubric
Criteria Qualitive Assessment Scale Score
3 2 1 0

Total Score

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