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Caput Succedaneum Cephalohematoma

At birth At 2-4 day old

Extend over suture line Limited by suture line

Diffuse ecchymotic Normal overlying skin

Disappears spontaneously within 24 hrs. after birth Reabsorbed over 2-3 months, can calcify

 M/C bone to be fractured during birth – Clavicle. Conditions Associated with Respiratory
 Sternomastoid tumour: Distress Syndrome
— Appears at 7-20 plus days  Prematurity
— Located at lower and upper third of muscle  Asphyxia, Intrapartum aspiration, 2nd twin.
— Disappears at 6 months of age.  Maternal Factors: Antepartum hemorrhage, cae-
 MC internal organ to be injured during birth is brain sarian delivery without labour, DM.
> liver.  Previous siblings with RDS.
 Severe Rh isoimmunization (Uncommon).
Common Nerve Palsies at Birth
 Facial nerve – asymmetrical crying face, open eye. Prenatal Periods
 Erb’s palsy – C5-6 waiters tip posture.  Ovum: 0-14 days.
 Klumpke’s palsy C7-8 T1-Claw hand, flexed elbow  Embryo: 3 weeks to 8 weeks.
(plus Horner syndrome if stellate ganglion in-  Fetus: 9 weeks to birth.
 Sciatic Nerve S1-4-adopts foot drop +/– sensory Perinatal Periods
loss or dorsum of foot.  22 weeks of gestation – 7 days after birth.


Postnatal Periods  Indian child at 4 years: 100 cms

 Neonates: Less than 28 days after birth.  About 5 cms height gain every year till age of 10
 Early Neonatal Period: <7 days. years.
 Late Neonatal Period: from 7th to 28th day.
 Post Neonatal Period: 28-365 days of life. CHEST CIRCUMFERENCE
 Infancy: 1st year.  At birth : 3 cms < HC (about 32 cms)
 Toddler: 1-3 years.  After 1 year CC>HC.
 Preschool: 3-6 years.
 Live Born: Show any evidence of life such as breath- Normal Newborn
ing, heartbeat, pulsation of umbilical cord.  Heart Rate: 110-160/min.
 Still Birth: Fetal death, after gestation age of 20  Respiratory Rate: 40-60/min.
weeks or more.  Infant pass urine by 48 hrs. after birth and meco-
 Term Baby: Born between 37-42 weeks (259-293 nium by 24 hrs.
days).  Infant is ready to feed within half an hour after
 Pre Term Baby: Before 37 weeks. birth.
 Post Term Baby: Born at 42 weeks or more.
 LBW: Less than 2500 gms.
 Very LBW: Less than 1500 gms.
 Usually start by 5-10 days after birth.
 Extreme LBW: Less than 1000 gms.
 Never in first 2 days of life.
 Neonatal Mortality Rate: Death if infants under
 Cause is Cl. tetani.
the first 28 days of life per 1000 live births per
WEIGHT  In preterm neonates (<36 weeks of gestation), 1/
 Normal: 2.8 kgs at birth 3rd babies die within first 3 days.

 ×2 = 5 months  Incidence is 80% in neonates <28 weeks.

 ×3 = 1 yr.  Prenatal diagnosis: L/S ratio in amniotic fluid.
 ×4 = 2 yr.  >2.0 – adequate lung maturity.
 Weight gain: 25-30 gm/day × 1-3 months  1.5-1.99 – borderline.
 400 gm/month next 4-12 months.  1-1.5 – mild.
 <1 – severe.
 Postnatal diagnosis: Shake’s test.
 At Birth: 50 cms
 3 months: 60 cms
 9 months: 70 cms
 Usually in post mature and small for dates babies.
 1 year: 75 cms
 Respiratory distress occurs within first 24 hours of
 Average height of 2 year old: 90 cms life.


 A mother with the new born is worried for her

CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE child as the newborn hasn’t passed the meconium
 Diagnosis criteria: O2 requirement beyond 36 till 6 hours of the birth. How much time should
weeks or beyond 28 days of life. she wait for the meconium to pass out – 48 hours.
 Cause: Baro trauma or O2 toxicity.  A boy presents with hemarthrosis of left knee af-
 Cessation of respiration for 20 secs with or with- ter a history of fall. Deficiency of which factor can
out bradycardia and cyanosis – APNEA. lead to the following condition – Factor VIII defi-
 Hypothyroidism: Persistent elevation of indirect ciency.
bilirubin, first sign of hypothyroidism.  Wasting – weight for height.
 Complication of phototherapy treatment of hy-  Stunting – height for age.
pothyroidism – Bronze Baby syndrome.  Gomes classification – weight for age.
 Skin, urine and serum becomes brownish black  Waterlow classification – weight for height.
after several days of phototherapy.  Common cause of neonatal hypoglycemia is – in-
fant of diabetic mother.
 MCC of short stature – Constitutional.
 Normal healthy child-height – 100 cm, weight – 16
 Child make line at – 2 years kg, age – 4 year.
 Child make O at – 3 years  Head control/neck holdingis possible by – 3 month.
 Child make X, at – 4 years  Large dose of vit. K gives to newborn can lead to –
 Child make  at – 5 years hemolytic anemia.
 Climb upstairs with both legs at – 2 years  MCC of congenital hypothyroidism – thyroid dys-
 Hopping at – 4 years genesis.
 Skipping at – 5 years  MC presentation of neonatal meningitis – Poor
 Baby is bed dry at – 5 year.
 Indication of good attachment to mother’s breast
 10 year old child whom IQ of 4 year is – Imbecile.
during breast feeding –
 10 year old child with mental age of 2 year will
— Only upper areola visible

have IQ of–20.
— Baby’s chin touches mother’s breast
 IQ 90-109-normal.
— Baby’s mouth wide open.
 Rubella specific antibodies detected after natural
MISCELLANEOUS POINTS infection/vaccination-IgM.
 Continuous murmur is heard in – PDA.  Congenital rubella causes –
 Loss of migration of neural crest cells causes – — Cardiac malformation
Hirschprungs disease. — SNHL
 Most common germ cell tumour of childhood – — Cataract
Yolk sac tumours.  Rye’s syndrome in children is caused by – Influ-
 Mid arm circumference for severe malnutrition is enza virus.
– <11.5 cm.  Dose of drug in a child calculated by – weight.
 3 months old baby with fever and respiratory rate  Full term 89 hours old baby develops jaundice,
60, irritable, and well feed, no stridor, no chest in minimum level of S. bilirubin to start photo-
drawing, no convulsions. Diagnosis – Pneumonia. therapy should be – 20 mg%.


 Ossification center appearing just before birth –  Physiological jaundice in preterm babies last for
lower end of femur. 14 days.
 Parachute reflex persist forever.  IOC for neonatal hypertrophic pyloric stenosis is
 Ponderal's index for small for gestational age child USG.
– <2.  I/V fluid given to a 2 year old child with severe
 Characteristic of SIRS include– dehydration is 30 ml in 30 min.
— Leucocytosis  For accurate measurement of axillary temperature
in new born, thermometer is kept for 3 minutes.
— Infectious or non infectious cause
 Most definitive method of estimating GFR is inu-
— Oral temp. >38°
lin clearance
 2 year old child feed on milk diet present with
 Most commonly used method of estimating GFR
persistent diarrhea, acidic stool on 2 separate oc-
is serum creatinine.
casion and presence of reducing substance in the
stool-diagnose – Lactose intolerance.  TOC for kawasaki disease is I/V immunoglobulins.
 Short stature, antimongoloid slant, undescended  Best management of 3 year child with diurnal en-
testes, delayed puberty and pulmonary atresia uresis and soiling of clothes is behavioural modi-
with normal karyotype suggest Noonan syndrome. fication.
 Rash of chicken pox is pleomorphic.  Preferred management of a neonate with vaginal
bleeding is observation.
 Dose of zink for pediatric diarrhoea is 20 mg.
 Cardiothoracic ratio in TOF – normal.
 MC cause of intestinal obstruction in children is
intussusception.  MC cause of cyanosis with normal sized heart is
 MC cause of intestinal obstruction in newborn is
duodenal atresia.  MC cause of cyanosis with left side enlargement
of heart is tricuspid atresia.
 MC cause of intestinal obstruction in adult is post-
operative adhesions.  Spinal dyspharism is diagnosed by elevated amni-
otic fluid acetylcholinesterase.
 MC VSD is perimembranous.
 Tests for spina bifida occulta
 Skimmed milk contains less fats.

— Antenatal USG showing frog sign –

 Child with severe malnutrition after giving proper
nutrition develops edema due to hypernatremia.
— Ammotic flud acetylcholinesterase
 Anterior fontanelle fuses by 18 months.
— Maternal serum a-feto protein.
 Zinc is useful in acute diarrhoea.

Aneuploidies Inhibin A hCG Estriol AFP

Turner’s    

Patau’s N N N 

Down’s    

Edward’s —   —


 MC cause of tachypnea in a post term baby – Meco-  Most common clinical feature of hypoglycemia in
nium aspiration. neonates is Jitterness/Tremors.
 APGAR Score:  Precocious puberty and patchy skin pigmentation
• A – Appearance is a sign of Albright syndrome.
• P – Pulse  Mutation in NPHS1 gene cause congenital finnish
• G – Grimace type nephrotic syndrome.
• A – Activities  Keshan disease is due to selenium deficiency.
• R – Respiratory efforts  Blood volume in preterm neonate is approxi-
 Assessment of puberty in an adolescent is done mately 90 ml/kg.
using Tanner’s staging or Sexualty Maturity Rating




1. Mid arm circumference for severe malnutri- 7. A baby turns blue at birth which resolves to
tion is crying. What should be the next step?
(a) 14.5 cm (b) 13.5 cm (a) Intubation
(c) 12.5 cm (d) <11.5 cm (b) Oropharyngeal airway
2. Mid arm circumference in Malnourished child (c) C-PAP
is: (d) Tracheostomy/Nasal prog
(a) 14.5 cm (b) 13.5 cm 8. A mother delivered 33 weeks old baby, via
(c) 12.5 cm (d) <11.5 cm normal vaginal delivery with no complications
at birth. What is the preferred method of feed-
3. Months old baby with fever and respiratory
ing the neonate?
rate 60, irritable, and well feed, no stridor, no
(a) OGT feeds
chest indrawing, no convulsions. Diagnosis:
(b) Direct breastfeeding
(a) Pneumonia
(c) Paladai feeds
(b) Severepneumonia
(d) Parenteralnutrition
(c) Very severpneumonia
(d) No Pneumonia 9. A 6-year-old child presented with abdominal
pain, hematemesis and palpable spleen. He
4. A 3-year-old child presented with fever and had a history of exchange transfusion for neo-
cough and the inability to feed for 2 days. On natal jaundice. What is the probable diagno-
examination, chest indrawing is noted with a sis?
respiratory rate of 42/minute. What is the se- (a) Budd Chiarisyndrome
verity grading of respiratory infection in this (b) Cirrhosis ofliver
child? (c) Viralhepatitis
(a) No pneumonia (b) Pneumonia (d) Portal veinthrombosis
(c) Severe pneumonia
10. A 1-year-old child presents with first episode
(d) Very severe pneumonia of wheeze and breathing difficulty. Chest X-
5. A 5 months child presented with difficulty in ray shows bilateral hyperinflation. Which of

breathing, chest indrawing, and wheeze of 1- the following can be a causative organism in
day duration. Previous episodes of wheezing/ this case?
MDI usage are present. What is the next step (a) RSV (b) S. pneumoniae
in the management of this condition? (c) Influenza (d) Coxsackievirus
(a) Oxygen inhalation + Salbutamol 11. True regarding buffalo milk composition when
nebulization compared to human milk?
(b) Oxygen inhalation + Inj. hydrocortisone (a) High calorie, high protein
(c) Oxygen inhalation only (b) Low calorie, low protein
(d) Adrenaline nebulization (c) High calorie, low protein
6. In a child presenting with short stature, GH (d) Low calorie, high fat
levels were found to be high but IGF-1 levels 12. A 3-month-old child presents with complaints
are low. Likely abnormality? of fever, cough, not able to feed and breath-
(a) GHRH deficiency ing difficulty. On examination, respiratory rate
(b) GHRH receptor defect was 58/min., chest retractions were present.
(c) GH receptor defect What would be your next step of Manage-
(d) Panhypopituitarism ment?


(a) Severe pneumonia – Give antibiotics and (a) Chickenpox (b) HSV
refer immediately (c) HPV (d) Measles
(b) Very severe pneumonia and refer 18. Which curvature develops after the baby starts
urgently to walk?
(c) Pneumonia – Start antibiotics and send (a) Primary cervical curvature
child home (b) Secondary sacral curvature
(d) No pneumonia (c) Primary sacral curvature
13. All of the following are components of TOF (d) Secondary lumbar curvature
except? 19. Child presents with sores in the mouth and a
(a) Over riding aorta rash on the hands and feet as shown in the
(b) Sub pulmonic stenosis image below. What is the causative organism
(c) VSD for it?
(d) Tricuspid stenosis
14. A neonate was found to have Grimace on in-
serting a catheter into nose, some flexion of
limbs was noted. Heart rate – 120/minute,
blue extremities were noted with irregular
breathing. Find out the APGAR Score?
(a) 4 (b) 6
(c) 8 (d) 10
15. A patient’s mother while bathing her child
noticed there was no testes in the scrotum (a) Coxsackie virus A16
and on examination-one right testes was in (b) Poxvirus
Inguinal region and left was in perineum. What (c) Herpes virus
is the DIAGNOSIS? (d) Human papillomavirus
(a) Bilateral undescended testes 20. Child presents with fever and pleomorphic
(b) Bilateral ectopictestes rash as shown in the image. Diagnosis?
(c) Right undescended and left ectopic testes

(d) Left undescended and right ectopic testes
16. A 4-year-old child presented with fever, run-
ning nose and following lesions. Probable eti-
(a) HSV1 (b) HSV2
(c) Coxsackievirus
(d) Streptococci pneumoniae
17. Identify the clinical condition from the skin
finding as given below:

(a) Chickenpox (b) Smallpox

(c) Measles (d) Rubella
21. A mother with the new born is worried for her
child as the newborn hasn’t passed the meco-
nium till 6 hours of the birth. How much time
should she wait for the meconium to passout?


(a) 48 hours (b) 24 hours 24. A child had chocolate pastry and got diarrhea
(c) 12 hours (d) 72 hours within 3 hours of consumption. Which micro-
22. A boy presents with hemarthrosis of left knee organism is responsible for this?
after a history of fall. Deficiency of which fac- (a) Staph Aureus
tor can lead to the following condition? (b) MISSING
25. A 12 year old girl with irritability, dry mouth
and slow skin pinch. Next step of management
(a) Ringer’s Lactate
26. Which of the following is determining factor
(a) Van-Willebrand disease for severity of TOF?
(b) Vitamin K deficiency (a) Pulmonary Stenosis
(c) Thrombocytopenia (b) MISSING
(d) Factor VIII deficiency (c) MISSING
23. A mother complains that her child has diar- (d) MISSING
rhea with repetitive changing of diapers. Urine 27. How much protein percentage of cow milk dif-
leaking but child is constipated and has ab- fer from human milk?
dominal pain. What could be the diagnosis?
(a) 3 times
(a) Psychological polydipsia
(b) Diabetes insipidus
(d) Cerebral salt wasting syndrome (d) MISSING

1. (d) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (d) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (?) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (a)


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