Prof Ed 8 Exercise 6

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Title: Debate on abortion should be legal.
Code Verbal Interpretation
5 Always
4 Frequent
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

1 2 3 4 5 Score

Can present clear and logical arguments for their stance.

Can effectively refute opposing arguments.

Can provide relevant and credible sources to support their argument.

Can present their argument in a respectful and professional manner.

Can effectively summarize their argument and address key points

raised in the debate.

Total Score:
Title: Debate on abortion should be legal.
The debater consistently The debater usually The debater The debater rarely The debater never
Coherence presents clear and presents clear and occasionally presents presents clear and presents clear and
logical arguments that logical arguments, but clear and logical logical arguments, and logical arguments, and
are easy to follow and may occasionally make arguments, but may may struggle to fails to articulate their
support their stance on some unclear or also make some unclear articulate their stance stance or provide any
the issue. illogical points. or illogical points that or provide evidence to evidence to support it.
detract from their support it.
overall argument.
Rebuttal The debater effectively The debater usually The debater The debater rarely The debater never
refutes opposing effectively refutes occasionally effectively effectively refutes effectively refutes
arguments using opposing arguments, refutes opposing opposing arguments, opposing arguments,
evidence and logical but may occasionally arguments, but may and may struggle to and fails to provide
reasoning. struggle to provide also struggle to provide provide evidence or evidence or use
evidence or use logical evidence or use logical use logical reasoning logical reasoning to
reasoning. reasoning to support to support their support their
their refutation. refutation. refutation.
Evidence The debater consistently The debater usually The debater The debater rarely The debater never
provides relevant and provides relevant and occasionally provides provides relevant and provides relevant and
credible sources to credible sources to relevant and credible credible sources to credible sources to
support their argument. support their argument, sources to support their support their support their
but may occasionally argument, but may also argument, and may argument.
rely on sources that are rely on sources that are struggle to find
not entirely relevant or not entirely relevant or sources that are
credible. credible. relevant or credible.
Professionalism The debater consistently The debater usually The debater The debater rarely The debater never
presents their argument presents their argument occasionally presents presents their presents their
in a respectful and in a respectful and their argument in a argument in a argument in a
professional manner, professional manner, respectful and respectful and respectful and
avoiding personal but may occasionally professional manner, professional manner, professional manner,
attacks and offensive use language that is but may also use and may frequently and consistently uses
language. offensive or resort to language that is use offensive offensive language or
personal attacks offensive or resort to language or resort to resorts to personal
personal attacks that personal attacks. attacks.
detract from their
overall argument.
Clarity The debater effectively The debater usually The debater The debater rarely The debater never
summarizes their effectively summarizes occasionally effectively effectively effectively
argument and addresses their argument and summarizes their summarizes their summarizes their
key points raised in the addresses key points argument and addresses argument and argument or addresses
debate in a clear and raised in the debate, but key points raised in the addresses key points key points raised in
concise manner. may occasionally debate, but may also raised in the debate, the debate.
struggle to do so in a struggle to do so in a and may struggle to
clear and concise clear and concise do so in away that is
manner. manner. confusing or
Total Score:


Title: A Museum Exhibit on the Diversity of Global Artistic Expression
Code Verbal Interpretation
5 Always
4 Frequent
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

1 2 3 4 5 Score

Can effectively showcase a variety of art forms from different cultures.

Can effectively convey the historical and cultural significance of each art piece.

Can effectively engage visitors with interactive and multimedia elements.

Can effectively create a cohesive and visually appealing exhibit design.

Can effectively accommodate visitors' needs and provide accessible information

Total Score:


Title: A Museum Exhibit on the Diversity of Global Artistic Expression
The exhibit effectively The exhibit mostly The exhibit The exhibit rarely The exhibit fails to
Diversity showcases a wide range showcases a variety of occasionally showcases a variety showcase a variety of
of art forms from art forms from showcases a variety of of art forms from art forms from
diverse cultures, with different cultures, but art forms from different cultures, and different cultures, and
clear and informative may have some gaps or different cultures, but may have significant is entirely lacking in
labels that contextualize unclear labels. may have significant gaps or labels that are contextualization.
each piece.. gaps or unclear labels entirely unclear.
that detract from the
overall exhibit.
Contextualization. The exhibit effectively The exhibit mostly The exhibit The exhibit rarely The exhibit fails to
conveys the historical conveys the historical occasionally conveys conveys the historical convey the historical
and cultural and cultural the historical and and cultural and cultural
significance of each art significance of each art cultural significance of significance of each significance of each
piece, with clear and piece, but may have each art piece, but may art piece, and may art piece, and is
informative labels that some gaps or unclear have significant gaps have significant gaps entirely lacking in
contextualize each labels. or unclear labels that or labels that are contextualization.
piece. detract from the overall entirely unclear.
Interactivity The exhibit effectively The exhibit mostly The exhibit The exhibit rarely The exhibit fails to
engages visitors with engages visitors with occasionally engages engages visitors with engage visitors with
interactive and interactive and visitors with interactive interactive and interactive and
multimedia elements multimedia elements, and multimedia multimedia elements, multimedia elements,
that enhance their but may have some elements, but may have and may have and is entirely lacking
understanding and elements that are significant gaps or significant gaps or in interactive or
appreciation of the art ineffective or poorly elements that are elements that are multimedia elements.
pieces and cultures designed. ineffective or poorly entirely ineffective or
represented. designed. poorly designed.
Aesthetics The exhibit effectively The exhibit mostly The exhibit The exhibit rarely The exhibit fails to
creates a cohesive and creates a cohesive and occasionally creates a creates a cohesive and create a cohesive and
visually appealing visually appealing cohesive and visually visually appealing visually appealing
exhibit design that exhibit design, but may appealing exhibit exhibit design, and exhibit design, and is
enhances visitors' have some elements design, but may have may have significant entirely lacking in any
experience and that are ineffective or significant gaps or gaps or elements that exhibit design
appreciation of the art poorly designed. elements that are are entirely elements.
pieces and cultures ineffective or poorly ineffective or poorly
represented. designed. designed.
Accessibility The exhibit effectively The exhibit mostly The exhibit The exhibit rarely The exhibit fails to
accommodates visitors' accommodates visitors' occasionally accommodates accommodate visitors'
needs and provides needs and provides accommodates visitors' visitors' needs needs and provide
accessible information accessible information, needs and provides andprovides accessible
through clear labels, but may have some accessible information, accessible information, making it
audio descriptions, and gaps or unclear but may have information, and may impossible for many
other accommodations. accommodations. significant gaps or have significant gaps visitors to fully
unclear or unclear engage with the
accommodations that accommodations that exhibit.
detract from the overall make it difficult for
exhibit. visitors to fully
engage with the
Total Score:


Title: Research Paper on the impact of climate change.
Code Verbal Interpretation
5 Always
4 Frequent
3 Sometimes
2 Seldom
1 Never

1 2 3 4 5 Score

Can clearly articulate the scope and significance of the impact of climate change on a
specific area or population
Can use credible sources to support their claims and provide evidence for their
Can analyze and interpret data related to the impact of climate change in a meaningful
Can identify potential solutions or actions that could mitigate the impact of climate
Can use clear and effective writing that communicates ideas and findings effectively

Total Score:


Title: A Research Paper on the impact of climate change.
The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper fails to
Thoroughness clear and comprehensive mostly clear and partially clear analysis vague or incomplete articulate the scope
analysis of the impact of comprehensive analysis of the impact of climate analysis of the impact and significance of the
climate change on a of the impact of climate change on a specific of climate change on a impact of climate
specific area or change on a specific area or population, with specific area or change on a specific
population, including area or population, with few relevant details and population, with little area or population.
relevant details and some relevant details statistics. to no relevant details
statistics. and statistics. and statistics.
Credibility The paper uses multiple The paper uses mostly The paper uses some The paper uses few or The paper uses no
high-quality sources to high-quality sources to credible sources to unreliable sources to credible sources to
support claims and support claims and support claims and support claims and support claims and
arguments, and cites arguments, and cites arguments, but some arguments, and may arguments, or cites
them correctly. them mostly correctly. sources may be not cite them correctly. sources incorrectly.
questionable or not
cited correctly.
Analytical The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper fails to
sophisticated analysis mostly clear analysis partially clear analysis vague or incomplete analyze or interpret
and interpretation of data and interpretation of and interpretation of analysis and data related to the
related to the impact of data related to the data related to the interpretation of data impact of climate
climate change, drawing impact of climate impact of climate related to the impact of change.
insightful conclusions change, with some change, with few climate change, with
and connections. insightful conclusions insightful conclusions little to no insightful
and connections. or connections. conclusions or
Feasibility The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper provides a The paper fails to
detailed and realistic mostly clear and partially clear and vague or incomplete identify potential
discussion of potential realistic discussion of realistic discussion of discussion of potential solutions or actions
solutions or actions thatpotential solutions or potential solutions or solutions or actions that could mitigate the
could mitigate theactions that could actions that could that could mitigate the impact of climate
impact of climatemitigate the impact of mitigate the impact of impact of climate change.
change, with specific climate change, with climate change, with change, with little to
examples and evidence. some specific examples few specific examples no specific examples
and evidence. or evidence. or evidence.
Clarity The paper uses clear and The paper uses mostly The paper uses partially The paper uses vague The paper uses writing
effective writing that clear and effective clear and effective or ineffective writing that is unclear and
communicates ideas and writing that writing that that hinders the ineffective in
findings effectively, with communicates ideas and communicates ideas and communication of communicating ideas
minimal errors in findings effectively, findings somewhat ideas and findings, and findings, with
grammar, punctuation, with some errors in effectively, with with many errors in frequent errors in
and spelling.. grammar, punctuation, noticeable errors in grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. grammar, punctuation, and spelling. and spelling.
and spelling.
Total Score:

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