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Short, stout and stubborn

Dwarfs for Five Leagues 3rd edition

Playtest version
This document serves as a playtest opportunity to use Dwarf characters in Five Leagues From
the Borderlands 3rd edition.
Please direct all suggestions, tweaks and feedback to me at

The largest Dwarf societies are far from human civilization and interact little with the outside
world. Being self-su cient and focusing their attentions below the surface of the earth, they
have little use for, or interest in, the surface dwellers.
Occasionally however, a few Dwarfs venture forth to look for fortune, pursue a personal goal or
simply get a new perspective. These explorers often perish in the Overworld, but many will
eventually return to their people and become celebrated members of society.

Scholars note:
It is often stated as a fact that Dwarfs dislike elves and mystics but neither have any grounding
in fact. Dwarf society interacts with elves and the fey so rarely, that they simply lack a common
opinion on elf-kind.
When it comes to magic, Dwarfs do practice their own types of mysticism based around song,
nding those used by surface dwellers to be vulgar and unprofessional. The practical e ects
tend to be much the same however.

Background options
Dwarf explorers may select either the new Downworlder background (if they have recently
arrived in the surface world) or the Townsfolk background (if they have been among humans for
some time and settled down).

Skill expertise
Dwarfs add +1 to all Pathwise tests.

Gloom vision
Dwarfs can sense all living creatures within 12” and cannot have their visibility reduced below
this. This does not work on Undead or any type of construct (players discretion on what

Bitter ghting
Whenever an opponent knocks out a warband member, put a Vengeance marker next to them.
Dwarfs always receive a Combat Bonus against any enemy with a Vengeance marker.

Dwarfs are una ected by any source of fear or terror, whether natural or magic.
They cannot be physically moved by magic under any circumstances and are not a ected by
any enemy or aberration ability causing a push or knock back.

Dwarfs can move at the same pace as their larger cousins but are not great sprinters. Dwarf
characters reduce all Dash moves by 2”.
Downworlder Background
This background is available to Dwarf characters. They tend to be tough survivors.

D20 Capabilities

1-4 Agility increase

5-8 Combat Skill increase

9-11 Speed increase

12-16 Toughness increase

17-18 Agility and Toughness increase

19-20 Combat Skill and Toughness increase

D20 Mentality

1-5 +1 Will

6-8 +1 XP

9-16 +2 XP

17-18 +1 Luck

19-20 +1 Will and +1 Luck

D20 Possessions

1-5 2 Gold Marks

6-9 Quality weapon

10-15 Fine basic weapon

16-20 Item

D20 Training

1-3 Crafting Skill

4-13 1 skill

14-16 2 skills

17-20 +1 XP

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