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pattern of life, spirit animal

expansion creates everything that is imaginable between nothing and everything visible.

from a certain perspective we're able to see recurring patterns, in which way the universe
"prefers" to expand.

It is probably because for it to exist and to work it has to be ONE whole machinery with parts
that have their own certain kind of role.

So in the same way you don't need bluetooth to make a microwave work, or you don't need
electricity for your body to function, we don't develop anything we don't need for the

Universe's expansion, and ideally we even let go of those traits that don't serve us anymore.
Expect nails. idk why i have nails.

This pattern we're talking about is working together with the Universe's rules.
When the Universe expands it does it in the way of splitting and dividing, (I already have a
video explaining the motivation behind this, it is called Self Awareness is the Universe's goal,
I will link it down below.)

The pattern of the trees, of the veins, or the rivers as they split are really great examples of
So when something divides, it will not contain anything new or different than what it already
was. It contains the same thing but now in different contexts and positions.
because our Universe is a fractal based Universe, as above, so below.

So in this way the pattern of evolution can be viewed with fractal-like patterns. 🤯
The split of the Universe into different living beings, like bacteria, rocks,(yes rocks), funghi,
plants, animals and so on
I believe is based on the same pattern as animals can be split into different types like
vertebrates and invertebrates,
and as the vertebrates can be split into other different types like fishes, reptiles, mammals,
birds and amphibians,
and as mammals divide into cats, and cats

It is the same with funghi, plants, and so on.

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