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One Page Dinosaurs of the Lost World - version 1.

HOW TO WIN: Exit the Plateau with at least BATTLE:

25 VP
Caused by: Adventure frame, Event card,
To exit the Plateau, you must complete an Creature moved
Adventure with the proper piece of Not due to moving into Creature space
Battle Strength
Geyser Adventure - Tarpaulin Creature = Rating + 1 die
Indian Caves Adventure - Lost Map Expedition = 1 die + 1 die per weapon (2 max)
Pinnacle Adventure - Rope + Allies
- Decide # dice after Creature roll
Each piece of escape equipment exists on the - Gas Bomb defeats Creature, is used up
map and also has a corresponding card in the - Indians, Apemen - only three times
Event deck
Before play each player may select 8 pieces => Creature = remain in space
of equipment < Creature = go to Chase Track
- Check the Tool List for usability
- No more than 2 of a type CHASE TRACK:

TURN SEQUENCE: Expedition rolls first (1 die), then alternate

If caught - lose one Tool or Experience card
Move Chase ends when returned to Camp

Roll 2 dice and move on the Movement Track MISCELLANEOUS:

- Move back and forth on an edge
- Turn the corner only when sufficient VP Maximum of 5 Experience cards
- Ignore top instructions if in Base Camp
Move on the Plateau Elasmosaurus may only be in Lake, six hexes
- Face-down tile - End move and reveal around it or Marsh
- Some Sites award 1 VP when revealed
- Some Sites will place Creatures Only Apatosaurus, Indians and Pterodactyl in
- May trade if with another expedition Central Lake

Take an Adventure If you can't lose a Tool or card, lose 1 VP

If start in a Landmark hex (instead of Move) Indian and Apemen strength is higher in home
Take Experience cards for equipment space
Roll 1 die or play Experience card
Some spaces award VP for a Camera
May be forced to Battle a Creature
May not repeat a completed Adventure
- EXC Geyser, Indian Caves, Pinnacle

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