Write between 150-200 words about how to form a good first impression. (ẤN TƯỢNG ĐẦU Tiên)

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Write between 150-200 words about how to form a good first impression.



There are so many ways of creating a good first impression. However, I think the most crucial
ways to make an impression are through look, body language, and attentive listening.
Firstly, it is crucial to look good. The appropriate attire for the occasion should be worn. For
example, your partners will believe you do not respect them or are not serious about working with them if
you show up to a meeting wearing casual attire. Additionally, your clothing might show off your traits.
Individuals who dress well are generally preferred over those who do not.
Secondly, making a good first impression on someone else can be easier by using appropriate
body language. People can get a sense of your comfort level and friendliness from a smile. However, you
shouldn't always smile because people might assume you're not being honest. Another effective method is
to keep your eyes open. If you look someone in the eye, you'll make a favorable impression. It conveys
your interest in their narrative. A favorable impression is also influenced by the tone of your voice. To
ensure people can hear you, strive to talk clearly and rapidly enough. Additionally, you want to convey
the emotion in your speech. Not to mention, make an effort to listen well.
In conclusion, making a good first impression is varied. It can be difficult but with some
preparations, you can make not only good but also a great first


I have a small family. It consists of my father, my mother and my oldest sister. According to me, my
mother is the best one in my family. She is my idol over the world.
My mother’s name is Cindy. She is 50 years old now. She was born in Nha Trang. My lovely mother
is in well shape. She is also pretty tall, around 170 cm. I think my mom is very beautiful with her
dimples, tan skin, thin lips, and brown eyes. She also has curly black hair, same with me.
My mother is someone who full with love. She always gives her pure love to her family. She loves us
more than herself. She raises me and my sister with her love. She always gives some motivations to
me to face my life, for instance when I dropped, she gives me a good motivation..
My mother is my best Idol for me. She is not only as a good mother but also a good teacher for me. I
love her so much. She is the most perfect person in our house. I just can not imagine what it would be
like without her.

Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite dish. You should write between 150-200
Vietnam is well-known for its tasty and traditional cuisine. They're all quite easy to put in your mouth,
however I really prefer spring rolls. Compared to Chinese egg rolls, spring rolls are smaller, crispier, and
more delicious rolls made from lightly fried rice paper. They contain highly-seasoned morsels of eggs,
vermicelli, chopped veggies, onion, mushroom, and crab. To make these, fill a thin rice pancake with the
aforementioned mixture, roll it up, and then fry it. After being completely cooked, spring rolls are
wrapped around various fresh vegetable varieties and drenched in fish sauce. Typically, my mom makes
me spring rolls, especially on significant occasions like the Tet festival. When I eat them, I feel all of my
mother's love that she reserves for me. To me, they're like the most special dish in this world
Techonoly (CÔNG NGHỆ)
We are all surrounded by technology from all corners. From waking up in the morning till we sleep, in
some way or the other, we need technology. Technology, our new present and future, is making human
lives easier and more convenient. With new technological innovations, human beings have become more
dependent on science and technology. We rely on technology for all our activities, and have become an
integral part of our lives. The entire civilization has become reliant on the modern technology it employs.
Life and business would come to a halt without technology. It is beneficial to society, but it must be
handled cautiously. It is helpful, and at the same time, it is harmful. It has reduced man’s labour and
improved the productivity of the work, but it has also reduced employment at the same time. So,
technology should be used only to a certain extent by not depending on it completely.

Công dụng máy tính hoặc điện thoại

COMPUTER is important to us, specially to all student. If they have an assignment or project in
the school, they can do it or work it wisely by information in the computer. It can help students to
make fast their work to gather or founding information about their topics in every subjects, to
know the meaning of unfamiliar word to them and history or story. Computer can give or gather
information for many …show more content…
It is a machine that works faster efficiently than human. You can use it to edit< type documents,
play games and browse the web. Most of the student is addicted to computer because they can do
whatever they want to do using the computer. It can help students like me, because computer give
many information all over the word. It is important to us because it manipulates data. Computer
can solve more than one kind of problem.

A computer generally means a programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a

computer are: it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and it can
execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program)


Advertising is really necessary in life.
I have bought a lot of products through advertisements for clothes, household items, and cosmetics.
Advertising helps me get information about products quickly without needing anyone to advise on
the product. It helps me save time and buy what I want as quickly as possible.
I bought clothes through advertising. Last Sunday, I needed a dress for a party at the company, and
advertising quickly helped me access the product and grasp the latest trends in fashion. I saw an ad
for a new dress designed in a luxurious style. Thanks to the ad, I quickly found the specifications of
the dress and bought it easily because the ad already had the address and address. necessary
In the new era, the economy is constantly developing, and I think life surrounds us with a lot of
advertisements about life's items. It helps us a lot, we will have more choices, and update prices and
information quickly, and it is also a form of entertainment when advertising sometimes incorporates
meaningful stories and product meaning.



Last summer, I went to Cua lo with my family. We went there by car, it is very far from
my house, it is about 400 km, so we were very tired, but at one we felt better when we
saw the sea.

Cua lo beach is really interesting, the beach is very large, flat, and it has a lot of sand.
Waves are very strong, you will be very excited when you play with it. There are a lot of
beauty spots, and good seafood there

We stayed in Binh Minh hotel. It was a very nice and comfortable hotel, it’s also rather
near the sea.

The weather was hot and sunny all day. The sea was cool and clear, because it was very
windy in the afternoon. We went swimming twice a day. My children was excited about
it. The food was extremely delicious but not very expensive.

We took a lot of Photographs of the sea, bought a lot of seafood especially octopus, and
some sea presents for our relatives. After a week in Cua lo beach, we felt happy and
stronger. We hope to go there again.

Now It is April and I’m going to have on a trip next summer holiday. I want to have a
great holiday with my friends and boyfriend, so I need to prepare a perfect plan.

Talk about your holiday – Kỳ nghỉ ở Cô Tô

We are going to go to Co To island on for three days by motorbike and boat. Our trip will
start from Hanoi to Van Don, about 250 kilometers by motorbike, and from Van Don to
Co To island by boat. After that, we will book a room in a hotel and have lunch in a
restaurant near the hotel with seafoods, such as shrimp, fish and so on.

After lunch, we’ll walk around places near there. We’ll go watch the sunrise in the
morning the day after, and then we will go hiring a motorbike of people on the island to
visit natural places there, especially the lighthouse. On the last day, we’ll go to market in
the morning to buy local specialties.

During the trip, a camera, money, swimsuit, sunscreen, map, jacket, and hat are
indispensable things.


I would like to talk about my favorite sport, which is football, the

king of sport to everyone in Vietnam.
I first knew about it when I was 15 years old. It was my
classmates who invited me to join his football club with other
friends in his neighborhood. I had a great time with them, for
I used to play it after school with my friends as it was the only
free time I have for the whole day. Nowadays I am pretty busy
with my work and study so I had to give up the hobby. But
sometimes if I have a long holiday I will arrange a small football
match with my old classmates. Those football matches often end
with us being in a small restaurant where we drink and chit-
I love this sport for several reasons: First, it helps to improve my
physical and mental health. Second, I can also learn teamwork
skills which are crucial in all aspects of life. Last but not least,
since I started playing this sport, I have made a lot of friends who
are now my best playmates.

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