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Calculate Size of Neutral Earthing Transformer (NET)

Generator Details:
Generator Voltage (VL) (L-L) 11 KV
Maximum Over Voltage 14.3 KV
Frequency 50 Hz
Generator Transformer Details:
Transformer Primary Voltage 33 KV
Transformer Secondary Voltage 11 KV
Capacitance Per Phase:
Generator Winding Capacitance / Phase 0.22 µ Farad
Generator Connection Capacitance / Phase 0.001 µ Farad
Generator Transformer Capacitance / Phase 0.006 µ Farad
Generator Transformer Connection Capacitance / Phase 0 µ Farad
Transformer Cabale Capacitance / Phase 0.0003 µ Farad
Surge Arrestor Capacitance / Phase 0.25 µ Farad
Other Capacitance / Phase µ Farad
Total Zero Sequence Capacitance (C): 0.47730 µ Farad
Total Zero Sequence Capacitance Reactance to Ground (Xc) 6672.35 Ω/Phase
Neutral Earthing Transformer Size:
Primary Voltage of the Grounding Transformer (Vp) 11 KV
Secondary Voltage of the Grounding Transformer (Vs) 240 Volt
Turns Ratio of the Grounding Transformer (N) 45.83
Neutral Earthing Transformer % Reactance (X%) 4% 0.04
Neutral Earthing Transformer Reactance in PU (Xpu) 0.04 PU
Neutral Earthing Transformer Base KV (Bv) 0.24 KV


Earthing Transformer (NET)

:Calculate Size of Neutral Earthing Transformer:

Phase to Neutral Voltage (Vp1) 6.35 KV VL/1.732
% of Force field condition for Neutral Earthing Transformer 30% 1.3
Phase to Neutral Voltage under Force Field Condition (Vf) 8.26 KV Vf=Vp1x 1.3
Capacitive charging current/phase (Ic) 1.24 Amp Ic=Vf / Xc
Total Capacitive charging current (It) 3.71 Amp It=3xIc
Rating of Neutral Earthing Transformer (Pr) 40.83 KVA Pr=VpxIt
Neutral Earthing Transformer overloading factor 2.6
Size of Neutral Earthing Transformer (P) 16 KVA P=Pr/ 2.6
Residual Capacitive reactance (Xct) 2224.12 Ω Xct=Xc / 3
Required Resistance value at secondary side (Rsec) 1.059 Ω Rsec=Xct / (NxN)
Required Grounding Resistor value at primary side (Rp) 2224.12 Ω Rp=Xct
Neutral Earthing Transformer Secondary Current 65.44 Amp
Neutral Earthing Transformer Secondary Resistor Current (for 30 Seconds) 221.18 Amp
Neutral Earthing Transformer Reactance Base(Base X): 3.67 Ω
Neutral Earthing Transformer Reactance (X) 0.15 Ω X=Xpu x Base X
Neutral Earthing Transformer X/R Ratio 0.14
Fault current through Neutral (single line to ground fault) (If) 2.86 Amp If=Vp1/Rp
Rating of Neutral Earthing Transformer (P) 16 KVA
Short time Rating of Neutral Earthing Transformer 41 KVA
Ratio of Neutral Earthing Transformer 11000 /240 Volt
Neutral Earthing Transformer Secondary Current 65.44 Amp
Required Grounding Resistor value at primary side (Rp) 2224.12 Ω
Required Resistance at secondary side (Rsec) 1.06 Ω
Neutral Earthing Transformer Secondary Resistor Current (for 30 Seconds) 221.18 Amp

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