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Practical Task 2: Part 1 – Test Design Techniques

Learning objectives: Develop a skill in the application of Test Design Techniques.

Form: Group work of 4-5 persons

Task: Please provide solutions for all the following parts –

Part A:

 At what test levels the given user story and its acceptance criteria can be tested?
 What test type(s) should be applied for each of the levels?
 Review the acceptance criteria for unambiguity.

Part B:

 Apply two different test design techniques to develop a set of test cases for
functional testing of two different acceptance criteria.

Case Description: The developed software increment (feature) implements a user story on
supporting feedback from users.

A user story:

As an online store user

I want to be able to submit a claim
So that the online store owners can consider my opinion on the quality of the purchased
product or service.

Acceptance criteria:

1. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page, I should select the date of the purchase
of the product or service.
2. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page, I should select the object of the claim – is
it a product or a service.
3. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page and the object of a claim is a product, I
should be able to enter the numerical code of the model of the product.
4. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page, I should be able to write the claim in plain
text of no more than 500 symbols.
5. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page and is logged in, I should be able to send
the written claim by pressing the button “Send”.
6. Considering that I am on a Feedback Page and have sent the claim, I should be able
to receive the approvement on my e-mail address.

Your answer

Part A: Test Level and Types

Nr. Acceptance Criteria and User Story Test Level Test Type

Review of the accuracy of the acceptance criteria: describe here inaccuracies and

Part B: Test Design Examples

 Test design techniques must be different in both cases.

 Acceptance criteria must be different in both cases.

Test suite 1:

Acceptance criteria: indicate what you will test.

Test Design technique selected: indicate what you have selected.

Test conditions, partitions, and other elements; test cases:

<fill in with the test design elements>

Test suite 2

Acceptance criteria: indicate what you will test.

Test Design technique selected: indicate what you have selected.

Test conditions, partitions, and other elements; test cases:

<fill in with the test design elements>

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