S and S Examination Paper

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Department of Computer Science & Engineering

School of Engineering Science & Technology
New Delhi – 110062

Examination Odd Semester Examination 2021

Paper Name: Signals and Systems Paper Code: BTCSE501/BTCSE501 (Lateral Entry)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 75

CO1. Knowledge about Basic Signal and System Modeling Concept and Definitions.
CO2. Knowledge about system Properties and their mathematical analysis.
CO3. Knowledge about Fourier series and Frequency domain analysis of signals.
CO4. Knowledge about Transformation analysis of signals in continuous domain and in
discrete domain.
CO5. Knowledge about the application and use of Mathematical Transforms and State-
Variables in order to solve Electrical Engineering Problems.

Follow proper numbering for answering the questions.

All questions are compulsory in this Section
QN Marks CO BL
1. Consider the LTI system initially at rest and described by the difference 5 1 L3
equation𝑦[𝑛] + 2𝑦[𝑛 − 1] = 𝑥[𝑛] + 2𝑥[𝑛 − 2]. Find the response of this
system to the input depicted in the figure by solving the difference equation

2. Find Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) of the following signals: 5 3 L3

(a) x1(t) = e-at.u(t)
(b) x2(t) = e-a|t|, a>0
3. Consider an LTI system whose response to the input 5 3 L2
𝑥(𝑡) = (𝑒 −𝑡 + 𝑒 −3𝑡 )𝑢(𝑡) is y(𝑡) = (2𝑒 −𝑡 − 2𝑒 −4𝑡 )𝑢(𝑡)
(a) Find the frequency response of this system.
(b) Determine the system's impulse response.
4. Determine inverse Laplace transform of X(s) ={1/(s-2)(s-3)} with ROC ; 5 4 L4
Re{s} >2.
5. State and prove the convolution property of Z-Transform 5 4 L1
6. Determine energy and power of unit step signal. 5 2 L4
7. The input x(t) and output y(t) of a causal LTI system are related to the 5 2 L3
representation; y(t) +dy(t)/dt =2x(t)-d2x(t)/dt.
(a) Determine impulse response.
(b) Is the system stable?

Attempt any FOUR Questions from this Section
8. The systems that follow have input x(t) and output y(t). Determine whether 10 1 L5
it is (i) memoryless (ii) stable (iii) causal (iv) linear and (v) time invariant.
(a) y(t)= x(t-1)+2{x(t)}2
(b) y(t)=x(t2)

9. Determine Z-transform of the following signals: 10 4 L3

a) x1(n) = an {Sin(ω0n)}.u(n)
b) x2(n) = n.an u(n)
c) x3(n)= (½)n u(n)
d) x4(n)= (2)n u(-n)
10. This problem deals with one procedure of bandpass sampling and 10 5 L6
reconstruction. This procedure, used when x(t) is real, consists of multiplying
x(t) by a complex exponential and then sampling the product. The sampling
system is shown in fig. (a) Below. With x(t) real and with X(jω) nonzero only
for ω1< |ω|< ω2, the frequency is chosen to be 𝜔0 = 2 (𝜔2 + 𝜔1 ), and the
lowpass filter 𝐻1 (𝑗𝜔) has cutoff frequency 2 (𝜔2 + 𝜔1 ).
(a) For X(jω) shown in fig. (b), sketch Xp(jω).
(b) Determine the maximum sampling period T such that x(t) is recoverable
from xp(t).
11. A pressure gauge that can be modeled as an LTI system has a time response 10 2 L6
to a unit step input given by (1 − 𝑒 −𝑡 − 𝑡𝑒 −𝑡 )𝑢(𝑡). For the certain input x(t),
the output is observed to be (2 − 3𝑒 −𝑡 + 𝑒 −3𝑡 )𝑢(𝑡).
For this observed measurement, determine the true pressure input to the gauge
as a function of time.
12. Consider the signal x(t) in figure below: 10 3 L5
(a) Find the Fourier transform X(jω) of x(t).

(b) Sketch the signal; 𝑥̃(𝑡) = 𝑥(𝑡) ∗ ∑∞𝑘=−∞ 𝛿(𝑡 − 4𝑘)

13. A causal LTI system is described by the difference equation y[n] =y[n-1] 10 2 L4
+y[n-2] +x[n-1].
(a) Find the system function H(z) = Y(z) / X(z) for this system. Plot the poles
and zeroes of H(z) and indicate the region of convergence.
(b) Find the unit step response of the system.
(c) You should have found the system to be unstable. Find a stable (but non-
causal) unit sample response which satisfies the difference equation.
BL- Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels (1-Remembereing, 2-Understanding, 3-Applying, 4-Analysing, 5- Evaluating, 6-

CO- Course Outcomes

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