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randed by the Solari as heretics, t he Lunari

hile nearly all Rakkor worship the sun, those who

B worship the silvery light of the moon. They
practice their beliefs in secret, hiding from those who
W completely devote their lives to it are known as the Solari. As
the dominant religious sect on Mount Targon, the Solari believe the
seek to rid Targon of their influence forever-even
though some claim that, long ago, the two groups lived
sun is the source of all life-all other light sources are false, and a in peace, worshipping the heavens as one people.
threat to the future of their people. Disciples are guided in the
strictures of their faith by temple priests, who preach that if the
sun was ever to fade, the world would be swallowed by darkness.
Accordingly, Solari warriors stand ready to fight any TAMU
who would extinguish its holy light. y:tlocks of tamu are raised by
(" the Rakkor. Their lush coats
are sheared twice yearly, and
woven into warm clothing and
other textiles.


T he mountain's sheer flanks and

treacherous conditions make climbing
it incredibly difficult. It's a grueling test of
every facet ofan aspirant's strength, resolve,
willpower, and determination. They sometimes
think to start out in groups, to assist one another on
the way-since when a climber is exhausted or hurt,
there is no hope of rescue from below.
The bodies of the dead do not tend to decay at such
heights, but seem to gradually meld with the rock,
becoming twisted into the circular patterns and ridges
of the mountain.

he most dangerous thing about Mount
T Targon is not the incredible altitude,
but the way in which it challenges the very
character of each climber. The Rakkor regard
the ascent as a trial of an aspirant's spirit, as
the inevitable solitude becomes unendurable
and they suffer maddening, distracting visions
of other times, places, and personal regrets.

he skies around Mount Targon
T shimmer with celestial majesty-
the radiance of sun and moon alike,
fiery comets streaking the darkness, and
constellations of stars that can be seen
from nowhere else on Runeterra. The
Rakkor have long held all of these to be
Aspects of great and unknowable stellar
beings, powerful and ancient on a scale
REACHING beyond mortal imagining.
THE SUMMIT Indeed, once every few generations, one
n the rare event that a mortal reaches of these Aspects may descend from the
XTargon's peak, the heavens open before mountain within the body of a climber
them in a dazzling display of cosmic they have deemed worthy. Such an
aurorae. Few ever bear witness to that occurrence is the stuff oflegend, and it is
radiant sight, far above the cloudline and ~ likely that these divine creatures shaped
beneath the glittering stars, where it is the destiny of the world in ages past.
said that timeless, godlike beings dwell ~

in a wondrous city of gold and silver. -~


agic suffuses every

lV1 part of Ionia-its

people, its history, and
most of all the land
itself. All aspects of life here hang in
a balance, with still so much left to
ry-t he people of lonia's many provinces have always seen
J.. themselves as part of the natural world, and adapted
be discovered and explored. Those their ways to live alongside all manner offantastical flora
who call this vast continent home and fauna. To outsiders, such a close relationship may
strive to find harmony among the appear strange, but it is through this interdependence
diverse races and habitats, far older that both the land and its inhabitants have thrived for
than most others on Runeterra. countless generations.


onia is home to many rare and ry-t he pursuit of balance is
Xancient spirits and animals, A central to Ionian beliefs and
hidden away from the world and culture. The peoples Jiving here
seen by only a lucky few. Even measure their deeds against the
the seas teem with magical life, world around them- they live
existing in a state of constant as one with nature, rather than
change and renewal. bending it to their needs.

ry-t hough the birthplace of
A many specialized forms
of martial arts, Ionia maintains
no standing armies. Rathet',
the ways of battle are tied to
differing ph ilosophies, passed
tis certain Ionia has a much
on with reverence and care. In
Xlonger and richer history than the northeastern mountains,
any living soul could claim to
the monastery of Hirana has
know. Indeed, in the more remote
long been a sanctuary for those
and mountainous highlands, the
seeking to better understand their
landscape is still littered with
connection to the spirit realm.
evidence of great wars from ages
past-but instead of clearing
the ruins, the lonians choose to
respect what remains, even if
they no longer fully understand
what it represents.

ue to the uniquely thin Ionians' lives, and their notions of
boundary between realms, permanence, are often substantially
[ ) natural magic and spirits different from other Runeterrans'. Even
suffuse every aspect of the the most mundane seasonal tasks can
land and culture. Ionians have generally be radically transformed by this-these
embraced that relationship, though there landfishers collect grains and fruits
have always been those who, at times, throughout the long summers, by attuning
would seek to turn it to their own benefit. themselves to ever-changing magical
The land and weather-and all their currents in the Rivers of Grass.
related spirits-respond to both positive
and negative stimuli. Those in tune with
the earth can harvest bountiful crops,
while those who live as one with the tides
will always find their nets full. Invading
armies, however, can expect the Spirit of
Ionia to resist them.

.WV' N~ ~

onia's millennia of isolation has meant
that this balance-attuned culture places , ~ ft 1 ·
a high value on

traditions. up healthy
customs and attitudes
often manifest in Ionian
ft~' R .. ~ · ~ft 'OEt:tlUR
--~~ \\ \
E , E
\il !

, •

architecture-the structures built here are

characterized by a sense of natural flow and
grace, aspiring to reflect the ethereal beauty
of the land. Also, grand, open spaces ensure
that one is never fully divorced from what
organically existed there before.

onian arch itecture often

Xincludes organically curved
tiled or shingled roofs. Here,
onians try to avoid cutting down trees, so
branches extend outward
Xas not to offend or harm the trees' spirits. from the trees within t his
Instead, wood weavers magically persuade them
to grow into the shapes needed for the structure
being built. However, the trees are still a live, and RURAL LIFE
will continue to grow, which can lead to certain t iving in harmony with
unplanned changes to a home over time. U the land means that form
tends to follow nature. Farms
and villages sit gracefully
ome temple houses in the highland valleys are shaped
S into the rocky hillsides, with living whipwillows serving
as archways and support columns. The transitions between
wit hin t he environment-
their floo rs, doors, and walls
echoing the rise and fall of the
the walls and other elements of these sacred buildings are
earth and sky.
smooth to the touch, with few hard edges or corners.

onia is home to countless schools During and after the Noxian invasion,

I and temples, which train disciplined

students in ancient martial arts and
esoteric philosophy. Deadly and
graceful, these fighters, mages, dancers,
and scholars spend years in training,
many of these tradition~ Wl~re shaken.
Extreme, hardline interpretations of
their former beliefs are becoming more
prevalent, as each practitioner 'truggles to
make sense of the world in the aftermath
hoping to master their craft. of all they have witnessed.


hile it is true that harmony is sought by most
in Ionia, few are so far along this path as to be
considered truly enlightened beings. Their ideals are
T his serene order is dedicated to
preserving a balance between the
physical wodd and the spirit realm,

hese assassins have taken it
upon themselves to defend
lofty, but not all can live up to them, and lonians without showing a preference for either. Ionia from all outsiders, and to
can be just as driven by hate, lust, anger, and love They follow a single leader bearing the move aggressively toward the total
as any Runeterran. title of the Eye of Twilight, who is charged militarization of their homeland.
From Hirana to the Placidium of Navori, there are above all with the solemn duty known as Members of the Order tradit ionally
places of sanctuary open to those trying to better Watching the Stars. spend several years learning the
understand themselves. forbidden arts of shadow magic.

THE VASTAYASHAl ' REI he vastaya are mystical, chimeric
nan age lost to myth, the harmony of the The titans were eventually defeated, and the beings, neither mortal nor truly
XFirst Lands was shattered by war between Vastayashai'rei were hailed as the heroes ofthe immortal, who are greatly attuned
mortals and a race of titans that had come age. Even so, they refused to put themselves to the magic of Runeterra.
from the skies above. Calling upon the wisdom above their mortal kin, choosing instead to live Descended from the Vastayashai'rei, they
of their ancestors, the most enlightened among them as equals. long ago formed their own tribes. For
mortals took the power of the spirit realm thousands of years, the vastaya have sought
into themselves, becoming Vastayashai'rei- to uphold their own spiritual legacy, even
deathless shapechangers who could wield the when it would bring them into conflict with
natural world itself as a weapon. one another.

he rumor that lrelia, a young blade
T dancer from Navori, had cut down the
Noxian general quickly turned into a rallying
call for lonians everywhere. While some still
urged meditations on balance, more began to
fight back-with magic, with blade and bow,
or by stealth and cunning. The people of
Navori in particular were drawn into endless
running battles with the empire's remaining
warbands, and lrelia soon became their
reluctant figure head.

destruction or conquest, and these unlikely Though this battle turned t he tide of
allies helped the Noxians take the Placidium's the war, t he sanctity of the Placidium
ocated inthe heart of Ionia, the

L guardians prisoner. had been marred by horrendous blood-

Placidium of Navori is a symbolic
Although far fewer in number, their superior shed, its tranquility lost forever.
location, steeped in tradition. As
such, it was a tempting target for position allowed them to draw the Ionian Noxus had left its mark on Ionia, and
reinforcements into a trap. The courtyards and a land once united in balance had
the Noxian general Jericho swain, who knew
causeways ofthe Placidium became a fierce become broken and divided.
the Ionian resistance would never willingly
surrender unless their spirit could be crushed. battleground, until the general himself was
But Ionia was far from united in its defiance brought low by the outraged warriors he had
of Noxus. swain had secured the loyalty of originally captured. The Noxians were routed
disaffected vastaya who wanted to protect and their vastayan agents slaughtered as they
their ancient magical forests from future fled along with them.

/ {"o Jff11~ 111e. 1111\N tl~Jt'

f!IJ -~~ofl .

ing breathed deep. rustle. She didn't mind. After all, they
e scent of orchid petals wafted were the teahouse's namesake. A few straf ~
on the air, carried by the breeze petals scattered indoors brought her sm~ ~
that danced through the open joys and called to mind sweeter memories
doors. Outside, bamboos swayed in the of bygone times. ._,,,.
wind, their clatter a soft underscore Sounds of footsteps drew her atten-
highlighted by the twittering of birdsong. tion back toward the main entrance.
A small smile flitted over Jing's face as the Unexpected, as it was still early in the
sweet taste of spring danced just off the season for travelers in these parts. For
tip of her tongue. She sighed and stood, a moment, Jing's breath caught in her
a weathered hand grasping the bamboo chest. The muted taps of cloth shoes on
cane beside her, and tapped her way across stone. The whisper of loose clothing.
the room. Could it be... ? But no. The cadence~ was
" A thousand familiar creaks and groans wrong. The stride too long.
of the teahouse surrounded her. Sandaled A patient smile replaced fleeting disap-
feet carried her from window to window pointment on Jing's features. She leaned
as she opened each shutter with practiced, into her cane, stood up straighter, and
steady hands. Some petals \irifted in as faced the door, feeling the warm sun on
she did so, sweeping past her with a quiet her face.

"Hello, 0-ma;' a voice called from the mistrust, as well as rising t~reats of ban- · So he does know the flower by name. A brief pause. "Neither, I'm afraid:' The
path. The honorific surprised Jing. Strong. . <lits and aggressive factions that rose in Jing nodded. "Not quite the season when levity evaporated from his voice. "A fool
Clear as it carried across the entryway. they are expected. An unannounced has no home:'
And faintly familiar-though Jing could surprise:' Jing considered this for a moment.
not immediately place from where or "Unannounced arrivals can create quite "How very dark and serious of you;' she
_when she knew it. Perhaps a voice she had season, steadfast in her devoti a hassle;' the traveler opined. finally replied.
not heard for many a year-or perhaps time, care, and patience cJil ~i;;::==::..11111~·~•........_="Or bring unexpected delights:' Jing held She heard the surprised stutter and
just a trick of faded memory. balance and broken trust. her- c~ne in her lap. "Shifting winds often flabbergasted chuckle that escaped the
"Welcome, traveler;' she called in And here was a lone ra carry many treasures to the doorstep:' traveler and suppressed the satisfied grin
response. The creak of age in her own more likely an exceptio "Some strays bring no delight:' that threatened to overtake her. "I think I
tones never failed to catch her by surprise. The traveler's words came as a muttered will bring you some kiwa fruit. That always
How quickly the years danced by! How breath, steeped in far more bitterness than helped my son soak up all of that solem-
time settled and clung heavy to bone and
tissue, its gravel and weight inescapable.
-- ti tea. Jing raised ~n eyebrow at the acrid
bit The lingering aftertaste. The thin film
ness whenever he got too melancholy:'
Jing again walked toward the'back room,
"Seeking a respite from the road?" she of reg over his words. leaving the traveler to his thoughts.
asked. o the eta! in the wind to judge The quiet tap, tap, tap of her cane.
"Indeed;' the voice replied. Opening the cellar door. Down old, rickety
"Please, come in;' Jing said. She turned obscure to most but favored by the villages stairs-pretending the creaking was all the
toward the back room as she heard the that dotted this part of Ionia. wood and not at all her bones. Wrinkled
traveler enter. The scrape of a bench. The The whisper of the wind. The crackle hands found the kiwa tucked away in the
faint clatter of metal on wood. An armed of the hearth. e whistle of the boiling me food, cool. Fingers danced on the thick skin,
wanderer. From the sound, likely a swords- ears listening for the hollow song of ripe-
man, blade at his side. Her practiced ness. Back up the stairs. A kitchen knife,
hands picked up a small teapot, filled it tray in one hand, cane in t e o her. slicing through. Peeling, cubing, as she
with fresh water from the urn, and set it If it weren't for the traveler's faint had many times before.
on the hearth. breath, Jing would have thought he had The new voices reached her before she
It wasn't unusual for travelers to be left. Yet Jing sensed his meditative still- finished. B·awdy. Loud. Laughter, but empty
openly armed in this part of Ionia. Indeed, ness, radiating· a subtle, quiet calm. WitH of mirth. Jing wiped her hands on her
an unarmed traveler would have signaled a a bit of focus, she could also se he faint apron. Carried the bowl of fruit back out.
potential for greater danger-hidden dag- Several others had joined the traveler.
gers, or a mage, or perhaps someone well crossed to him and set the tray dow "My helpers are not set to arrive for . joined
Well, . perhaps was
. a strong word.
protected enough not to need weapons his table. "Tea is served:' another three days or so;' she replied. They sat at a central table, a raucous
themselves. Far more unusual was that the "Many thanks, 0-ma:' "Technically, you're the first .customer of bunch. Four, five voices. The dull clatter
traveler was alon,e. The pouring of water. A fragrant bloo the season:' of weapons thrown carelessly down. An
Once, long ago, the teahouse saw many Deep inhale. A surprised, then satisfied "I am honored:' Jing heard the smile in orchestrated performance meant to intim-
guests passing·thfough. But in the years sigh. Jing smiled. his words. idate. Boots thudding on the table as their
following the Noxian invasion of Ionia, the "The orchids bloomed early this year;' "The delight is all mine;' Jing replied. wearers leaned back in their seats.
paths that crossed near the teahouse saw she said, taking a seat at a nearby table. "What winds are sweeping you through The wind has indeed brought many
fewer and fewer tra·velers. Caution and "The Xaolan trees, too;' the traveler replied. these roads? Returning home, or leaving?" strange and unexpected su:prises today.

32 IONIA I< l '\ l \ 33

Jing headed to the traveler, setting down away-awkward scratches, adjustments "This doesn't concern you, wanderer;' t he
the fruit. His hand met hers as he ·took the of clothing, f}ervoJs sways, little coughs. leader snarled. "Lest you wish to extend
bowl. "Thank you, 0-ma-" Strained. Waiting. your stay here permanently, I encourage
"Oy, oy! Can we get some service here Jing sighed, fairly certain of whi"t was to you to walk away:'
or what?" A brutish woman's voice cut the come. At least it seemed the traveler had '' Jing sighed again. She felt several gazes
traveler off. left-Jing no longer heard his bre~th from turn back on her. "You must be new at
"You're welcome;' Jing replied, ignoring the far table. this, my child;' she said to the woman. "To
the interruption. ''Anything else I could get ~ure enough, as she approached, a tell a wande'Fing swordsman to walk away?
for you-" sudden pjft sounded as one of the gang I , All but guarantees he stays:'
"You deaf, old woman?" the voice called shifted a foot out to trip her. Jing stumbled ,, "She is not wrong:' Amu'sement laces
out. forward before catching herself- but the the tension in the traveler's voice.
· The room fell quiet. Clearly, the woman teapot shifted on the tray, and she heard a "At the same time, I must agree with my
shouting led these newcomers-or at least few drops slosl} onto the table. other guests, young man;' Jing said, turn-
spoke for them. Immediately, the figures leapt up. "You ing to the traveler.
Jing continued to ignore her. spilled hot tea on me, oaf;' a young man's "Oh?" the traveler said.
"Anything else?" voice shouted. Jing suppressed the urge to A rough hand grasped Jing's shirt and
"... I am well, 0-ma;' the traveler replied. roll her eyes:at the performative ange~. pulled her around. "Oy! Don't ignore us;'
I His voice was a spring, coiling with·ten- "~areless fool;' another said. - the leader fumed.
sion. Jing frowned. May there be no need "My apologies;' Jing said, with a slight The metallic shing of drawn swords rang
for it to find release. bow of her head. out around her. From the traveler's table,
F!nally, she turned and approached the · Jing heard the leader step in. Felt her she heard a much softer shhk-a blade,
rowdy newcomers. The tap, tap, .tap of her lean close. Hot breath bearing down. "You loosened ever so slightly from its tie.
cane punctuate~~the strained silence. She hurt Bran;' she sai1. "How are you going to ''One does not manage a teahouse by
smiled as she reached their table. "Wel- repay that?' · oneself this many years without seeing
come, travelers:' , Jing turned to face the leader, her face a few exciting days;· Jing said, still turn-
"What you got to drink?" the leader's impassive. "This seems like a lot of effort ing her head toward the traveler. "If you
voice growled: to get one free pot of tea:' stepped away, you'd be doing this old
"At this teahouse, we have tea;' Jing said. "Insolent relic;' the leader snarled. Clat- 0-ma a favor:'
The sound of spitting. "Nothin' stronger?" ter as hands found weapons. A din as the "I said. Do. Not. Ignore me:' Flecks of
"Black tea;' Jing replied. group pressed closer. Jing's grip tightened spittle flew across Jing's face as the leader
She swore she could hear the traveler on her cane. snarled.
smile behind her. "Insolence does indeed fill this house. "Sorry, my child. You were saying?" Jing \.
• "Tea it is;' the leader muttered. But it .does not pour forth from 0-ma:' gave the woman a pleasant smile.
Jing bowed slightly, then walked toward Jing turned, surprised. The traveler had "New plan. You come with us:' The leader
the back ~oom. Quite an unexpected day, not left. His voice rang out, clarion, from turned to go, pulling Jing with her, the
she thought. his seat. Yet Jing had not heard a single gang around her already moving toward
When she returned, tea service in hand, sound-nor felt his presence at all-just a the door.
the room was again quiet of voices. But moment ago. A master ofstillness. Who is But Jing d!d not budge.
~, the rustle of the newcomers gave them this man? The leader jerked back, unable to move

34 - IONIA 35
Jing. Jing heard her mutter in surprise. Felt Before her, one of the gang let out a "But gentle rains are more likely to inspire The leader muttered some brief incan-
the woman's grip adjust and tighten on her
shirt. Felt a hand seize her arm. Felt the
leader again try to pull her-and again fail
scream and charged. Jing scoffed-how
undisciplined to give away his one advan-
l>ge before hi• >tt>0k. She led with •n e"y ~~·I//" '
~ r/_
the poet seated inside:'
"What does that even mean?" growled
the leader as she swung her blade to parry.
tation-and suddenly, the temperature in
the room plummeted. At the same time,
Jing heard the traveler adjust the grip 'on
to move. parry using her cane, leveraged a gentle In the resultant opening, Jing shifted her his weapon. Whatever is happening isn't
'Tm so sorry, my child, but I cannot shift to send his momentum careening ~'~ stance inside the leader's reach. good. Jing took a breath, centered inward,
leave:' Jing shook her head sadly. "You
see ... I am waiting for someone:·
Other hands grasped her and pulled,
~;;~·,::~i~o:1~wae:~:~~ua:~0::t~i: ~=:~al
Behind her, she heard heavy strides as
~v d "It means you're loud;' Jing said, bring-
ing her weapon down to rap the leader on
the head. "And that you should consider
and opened her mind's eye.
Before her bloomed a range of
vibrant colors as she peered into the
muscles straining. Jing deepened her three of the others lunged toward the trav- being less loud;' she concluded. spirit realm. Tendrils of spiritual energy
breath, focusing motes of spiritual power eler. Jing listened as the traveler's footsteps The woman stumbled back two steps, tangled into every living thing, each
to her legs, strengthening her stance. She pattered like rain. He danced between his cursing. Jing leaned her weight back, pulsating with its own rhythm and flow.
remained frozen, immovable against the foes, mobile in his stance, the song of his - sh'fting into an empty stance, cane held Next to her, the traveler blossomed into
grunts of effort. lo . She listened to the soft groans view, a wild swirl of focused power and
"Cut her legs. He only said bring her their assailants' weapons and open around her. One would-be attacker harnessed wind. Jing's jaw clenched in
back 'alive; not 'well;" panted the leader. grazes in flesh. moaned from the floor. Two more were recognition. Of course. I'm a fool for not
Two of the gang approached-and that's "Well, this is indeed an unexpected scrabbling to their feet. The woman and realizing it earlier.
when Jingfelt, almost before she heard, delight;' Jing said as she blocked blows the last attacker breathed heavily in front But it was her opponents that made her
the traveler dash into motion. from two attackers. of her. blood run cold.
A gust of wind cut through the crowd. "Do you often find joy in attempted 'Tm a little concerned, 0-ma;' the trav- The energy of the four remaining
Jing felt the breeze of the two thrusts slide kidnappings?" the traveler asked. eler said. assailants turned light blue as their stances
deftly by her, followed by the delayed "Not every day an old lady gets to "Oh?" shifted. The spiritual energy from their
howls of their recipients. The metallic stretch her limbs;' Jing said, "much less "If they do not desist soon, I worry forms extended through their swords,
smell of blood washed over her. At the with such a natural with the blade:· my blade will spill blood in your lovely igniting their weapons with the soft glow
same time, Jing raised her cane, bringing it "You honor me;' the travele iEl. teahouse:' Jing heard the stranger's stance of elemental frost. The four advanced,
crashing against the three closest bodies to Jing brought her bamboo cane a • shift. Heard the steel in his voice. "My their feet never fully leaving the ground,
her, hard enough to hear bruising cracks • ing across a kneecap and heard'a f~e sword style is far less cordial than 0-ma's • their swords shifted to chest height.
and the snap of a fractured rib. She spun with a stifled cry. "I haven't heard foot-"" staff; it seeks to ·end conversations, rather Their stance. The formation they took.
inward toward the traveler, her stance.
keeping her feet grounded on the floor,
work such as yours in many a season; she
remarked. "And your blade sings quite a
than extend them:'
Jing nodded, impressed. From seeing
That is my technique.
"Who sent you?" Jing asked, already
gliding in flowing arcs as her grip shifted unique song:' a handful of exchanges, all while spar- knowing the answer.
on her cane to hold it as a short staff. "I am but a humble stt,ident before ring with his own foes._ this traveler had "Bao Lan requests your audience;· the
The maneuver took mere seconds but 0-ma;' the traveler defe;red. correctly identified the defensive nature leader sneered.
left the five attackers spread around the .i "Quit prattling:' The leader's voice cut of her style and strikes-then let her Jing's' grip on her staff tightened. "Tell
two in the middle, battered and bruised. through their conversation as her sword know his observation, while obfuscating it my son if he wishes to see me, he must
"Impressive swordplay. Unimpressive cut through the air with her lunge. within a threat. and warning to their oppo- return hodie:'
listening skills;· Jing admonish~d. "Noisy storms rattle. the shutters, nents. Who is this traveler? The leader laughed. Cruel. Mocking.
She felt the traveler shrug. "Apologies, demanding attention:• Jing sidestepped, "Arrogant fool;' the leader snarled. "We "You will soon get to explain to him in
0-ma'.' then followed on a feint with ner cane. kill you first. Then we take her:' person why you made_ this so difficult:'

Jing sighed. "I see. My son has not Beside her, Jing felt the traveler dodge and From the epicenter of where her cane jus,t as the ice before her shattered, shards
returned, but his anger and his folly have:· evade, clearly aware from the first parry struck, sheets of ice' burst forth with a exploding outward. Jing stared, shocked,
The leader snarled at the insult. The four that stopping blows with his blade slowly roar, engulfing everyone and everything as a blur of a blue aura dashed toward her,
attacked. sapped his energy and heat. Her spiritual before her. Silence. Stillness. tinged black by a growing heart of shadow.
Jing blocked the first strike with her sight also revealed him drawing his own Jing broke her cane free of the ice. She The leader let out an inhum~n, guttural
cane. Immediately, ice formed and clung power, the wind surrounding him sharp- set it back down on the floor and leaned growl, and Jing felt the sword tip pierce
to her weapon. The second assailant ening with every movement. He's building on it, catching her breath. her abdomen, pouring biting cold into her
struck for her exposed side, and though toward something big, Jing realized. I am getting old, she thought. That body before she could even raise her cane.
she twisted to evade, the aura of shocking I better end this first, Jing thought. Lest should not have winded me like it did. "Hasagi!"
cold robbed her of her breath. Beside her, he cuts through halfmy teahouse. "I apologize, 0-ma;' the traveler said A whirlwind blasted her assailant back,
she saw the other two press the traveler_ Breathing out, she dropped her spiritual beside her. Jing took satisfaction in the sending a gale crashing against the ice.
hard, swords shimmering with her frost sight. Breathing in, she drew upon her slight chatter of teeth that accompanied Frozen debris cascaded out t he front door
technique. own magic. Spiraling out from her, ice his words, "I should have trusted you of the teahouse as the leader bounced once,
They moved with her footwork....:...decent crystals encrusted all surfaces at a mirac- " when you requested I leave;· he said. twice on the ground, then finally lay still.
mastery, strong form-:-but the use of bladed ulous pace. The temperature within the "Clearly, you did not need my meddling:' Jing raised a hand to her stomach and
weapons and the aggressive gambits teahouse plummeted. With a spin, she "Only a fool would deign to make felt the wet of blood. She stumbled to one
of their strikes deviated from her teach- gripped her cane with both hands near demands of where the wind would go;' knee, her cane slipping from her other
ings. Jing felt a bitter twinge in her chest. one end. She heard the assailants' frantic Jing's words broke short and curt. hand and clattering to the ground.
How far have you meandered offthe path, steps as they all charged her, trying to stop An uncomfortable silence followed. The Immediately, the traveler swooped to
my son? · her from finishing her move. traveler started to respond- her side. "0-ma, you are injured;' he said,
Jing continued to parry and block, feel- Smart. But too slow. But that was when Jing heard the ice one hand under her arm, the other on her
ing her weapon grow heavier and slower Jing brought her cane down on the floor crack. back.
as each strike sent more cold through her. with force. "Cease." She turned and flared her spirit sight Jing held up a hand. "I will be fine. The
cut was not deep:' She pulled away from
the traveler's assistance, clutching her
shirt to the wound to staunch the bleed-
ing. She drew her other ha~d in a circular
motion before her chest, coaxing the cold
magic creeping t hrough her veins out of
her body.
"I was slow;· the traveler said, voice
tinged with concern. "I almost failed you:·
Jing shook her head. ''.Always blaming your-
self. You haven't changed one bit, Yasuo'.'
Jing heard the traveler straighten slowly
to standing. "I suppose the wind technique
gave me away:·
Jing let loose a singular laugh. 'Tm a bit
embarrassed it took this long for me to

38 IONIA 39
identify Elder Souma's star pupil. Even Yasuo's voice. "I cannot forget my actions. Jing said. "She seems fairly dead from the you not worry that when yop meet again,
after all thesesears, you're still quite I cannot deny my past:' thousand slashes you administered:' he would be consumed by malice?"
famous in these parts:' Jing released the "I would not ask you to do either;' Jing "But they tried to kidnap you-" "If we must first speak with staff and
pressure.from her wound. It appeared said. She took a deep breath. "I could not. "They are disciples of my son;' Jing blade, then so be it:' Jing patted Yasuo's
the b ing had almost stopped, though I would be lying, Yasuo, if I told you that replied. "Misguided as he is. They all have shoulder. "But you shouldn't waste your .
her shirt was surely ruined. A pity, she I harbor no resentment toward you. Elder I
lost their way:' energy worrying about an old woman such
thought. I was one ofmy favorites. Souma was a close, dear friend. I knew Yasuo spoke, his voice hard. "Errant as me. You have your whole life ahead of
With a practiced_hand, Jing cast about many of his students well. I knew your branches should be pruned, not nurtured:' you-and plenty of your own demons to
and picked up her cane. Behind her, she brother well:' For the first time, Jing heard Jing raised an eyebrow. "A surprising contend with:'
heard a tense shift in Yasuo's stance, a soft Yasuo's breath lose its calm. She shook her assessment from one many would call an Jing turned her face toward the open
clatter as he raised his sword. head, sadness gripping her heart. "But you errant branch:' She continued speaking teahouse door. Breathed in the scent of
"Oh, stop being so melodramatic. I'm cannot journey forward to atonement if over Yasuo's protest. "I am the one respon- orchids. "These are uncertain times in
not going. to try to kill you;' Jing said. She you cling to your past failings" sible for my son walking away from the Ionia. Self-reflection must be balanced
took her cane and tapped her way to a Silence settled over the room. Jing stood • righteous path:' with actions outside the self. Perhaps we
chair. "Besides, I've heard you've been and began shuffling towar,d e back room. "You cannot blame yourself for the both will find greater clarity within when
acquitted. Exonerated. That a foreigner, an "What are you doing, 0-ma?" Yasuo actions of your children;' Yasuo said. we seek answers outside ourselves:'
invader, was found guilty of his death:' asked. Jing waved him off. "Have you ever taken a pupil, Yasuo?" A breeze again set the bamboo clattering.
"The guilt is still mine to bear. My neg- "Please. Call me Jing. Ifl hear 0-ma one Jing's voice tensed for the first time. Tentative birdsong slowly returned, break-
ligence meant I was not there to protect more time, I am in real danger of crumpling "Not as formally as such, but ... yes:' ing the silence that had followed the fight.
him:' Jing-heard the raw pain in his voice. to dust before your very eyes;' she said. Yasuo's reply came tentatively. "I do not know where to go next~ Yasuo
"I could have saved him:' "Elder Jing;' Yasuo began. Jing heaved~ "If they strayed, would you not feel said. Soft and underspoken, but Jing heard
Jing sighed. "How arrogant of you to dramatic sigh. "... Jing;' Yasuo amended. responsible? Would you not be responsible?" the heartbreak beneath. 1

assume so:' Jing turned back toward him. 'Tm Yasuo's silen,ce was answer enough "You are a man of strength who knows
"I could have tried. I should have been grabbing my broom to start cleaning this for Jing. the meaning of loss;' Jing said. "There
there. And instead, he is dead. And the mess." Jing gestured at her clothes. "Also, { "Children. Students. \Xf.e love them, are plenty of folks who lack both. Instead
stranger who also bore the wind tech- need to change out of this shirt. I'm sure it even when the~ err. Perhaps most of all of drifting in the wind, perhaps you can
nique, whose weapon he shattered, now looks just dreadful:' when they err:' Jing's voice softened as she harness it to lead you to those in need-
shoulders the guilt that I should have "You look fine;' Yasuo said. spoke. "My son has lost his way. The wherever that may be:' Jing lifted her cane
prevented:' "You're terrible at lying;' Jing said. Noxian war... changed him. Broke his and gave a light tap on Yasuo's forehead.
J "For a disciple of air, taught to dance Yasuo walked toward Jing. "I could help;' heart. Made him ... impatient. And angry:' "But for now, you should get out of my
light upon the empty breath, you sure are he offered. "With the cleaning:' Jing tapped her way back to Yasuo and teahouse. I have much cleaning to do:'
eager to take on all the heaviest burdens;' "These are my responsibilities;' Jing said. turned her face up toward his. Jing listened as Yasuo stood and retied
Jing said. "So. Here you are. Yasuo. The "Especially them." Jing gestured out across "I have failed him as his teacher-and his blade to his side. "Thank you, Jing. And
brooding wanderer, haunted by guilt. The the teahouse. ''I'll need to thaw them out,' as his mother. I waited for him to return thank you for the tea. It was~.. nice to have
leaf blown in the wind. The 'fool with no wake them up, and send them back on home, hoping his broken heart would a taste of home:'
home'. Will you continue running? Deny- their way:' heal. But now, it is clear that I must find "Home is home;' Jing-replied. "No matter
ing your birthplace?" "You're... letting them go?" Yasuo him. Speak with him. Remind him of the past trespasses, nor howlar you,play roam'.'
"Do you expect me to fifld peace, asked, incredulous. path to balance:' "I hope your son realizes that;' Yasuo said.
0-ma?'' The gravel of anger edged into "Well, not the one you cut with the wind;' "He sent these brutes to take you. Do Jing smiled, bittersweet. "! do as well:'


/1'1"'here is little I~ rand General Jericho

\!.J.-uniformityin the rank \!.,E7 Swain established the

and file ofNoxian warhosts. council that currently gov-
The empire embraces a erns Noxus, with each ofits
warrior's natural talents three members representing
and specialities, rather one ofthe vaunted Principles
than forcing them to of Strength. Swain speaks
conform to a particular way for Vision, while Darius, the
of waging war. This tends to Hand of Noxus, embodies
carry across into all aspects Might. Finally, a cloaked
of Noxianlife, since they and anonymous individual
believe in discovering represents Guile, keeping
what you are good at, and political opponents outside
findinga way to utilize it


/1'1"'he most elite, respected, and

\!.J.-battle-hardened military
force within the Noxian empire,
"the Legion" is led by the Hand
of Noxus himself. The soldiers
are not only the best, but also the
most loyal, utterly devoted to the
empire and its leaders.

- 1- ~-
' -
... ~.
_rQ'.) onstrous reptiles from the jungles of eastern
·;i J.:l..shurima, b&Sil:iak9 ~rs fje~ !)'Teda~rs that
can grow to gargantuan sizes. Juveniles are
prized riding beasts, and few can stand against
their charge. After they become too large for a
rider to control, they are put to use as
beasts of burden, or sometimes as

]\,T°xu.s is aggressive and expansionist,

:Z...1\1 alwayslookingtowidenitsborders
by conquering new lands. It does not always
do so by violence-indeed, many are the
nations that have taken the knee before the
Grand General, seeing a chance for greater
stability and security in joining the empire.
Those who defy Noxus, however, are crushed
without mercy.

'il't'hese resourcefulindividuals are scouts,
~ engineers, and warriors all at once,
who design and oversee the construction of
roads, bridges, and fortifications. often the
first indication ofNoxian expansion is not
the sight of troops on the march, but a lone
warmason surveying enemy territory for
possible invasion routes.


oxus arrived at Kimir's gates before the remains of its ragged

N army had time enough to bury their dead. Colm Onren,

captain of the Kimiran guard, watched from the walls as
two long, rectangular military tents went up on either side
oftheir gates. In those short hours he could detect no fanfare, no cele-
bration. Just an industrious bustle, ants building a colony.
"Fewer than I expected'.' Marsh Daya, his second-in-command,
glowered at the sight. The morning frost hung loose around them,
shrouding the nearby hills.
Colm rested rough hands against the battlements, wrought of fine
stone. These walls had been hewn and laid by Kimir's progenitors, a
reminder to both of them of their home's worth.
"Most of their warhost rode on to the next battlefield;' Colm
replied, watching as a pair of soldiers muscled out a trough large
enough to water a dozen horses. He'd expected to have to invite
Noxus in, to feed and house them as they negotiated terms. But this
army carried home on their backs and afraid of that same future. Colm stood, The Noxians she passed straightened, She looked him over, sharp eyes
transformed the bare patch of ground stretched, and walked back to the stairs whether with pride or fear, and even digging into every fiber, appraising his
outside the city gates into a safe harbor to meet his new masters. from a distance Colm felt her aura of battle readiness. Colm sensed her mea-
with unmatched speed.
"Pity;' Marsh spat more than said.
I control. She stood and faced the rows
of Kimi r's finest, all of them too tired to
I suring his shoulders, straight and heavy
from years of wielding a quarryman's
Colm hoped his companion's remarks By midmorning the fog had lifted, consider why they were here. pick. His hands, grown steady beneath
were just that, but the darkness of bitter replaced by the melancholic languor of "They grow you folks big out here;' the watchful eye of a master sculptor.
loss shadowed his words. The two men Kimir's soldiers, shuffling one by one she said, looking around those assem- Gait, made stealthy by a childhood of
sat in silence for a while, staring down at toward the Noxian commander's tent. bled with a bark of laughter. Ironic, adventurous tiptoeing along a quarry
the harbingers of empire. Colm stood at the gates, silently greeting since, tall as they were, most still had to cliff's edge. Just as I feared. All they see
Marsh erupted in caustic laughter. each pair of eyes as they filtered into look up at her. are soldiers for war.
"Strength is all they respect. Perhaps we neat rows. He'd been their captain just Pride forced Colm's spine straight as "Only briefly;' he said with a nod. "I
could-" long enough to feel a twin sense of duty he spoke, projecting his voice from the took command after our elder fell. Maybe
"We laid all our strength on the hills;' and failure toward them all; acknowl- middle of the crowd. "Everyone who can five days ago:'
Colm interrupted, "and it wasn't enough edgment was the least he could offer. drive a pick takes a shift mining stone A long moment passed, and she
to keep the flood of Noxus at bay. The Marsh wandered out close to last, from the quarry. Deen that way for gen- fixed her gaze to his own. Her next
battle's over, Marsh:' clustered with a group of career soldiers. erations. Keeps us healthy:' words were loud, chin raised. "It took our
Marsh, eyes narrowed, swept a hand For Kimir that was mostly trackers and She looked his way, and his throat warmasons a good while to break through
over the stone wall. "Stayed free of 'em this trappers, their battles fought in skirmishes, tightened. He swallowed hard and resisted your defenses, rock breakers of Kimir. The
long. Take this advantage and rout 'em, each engagement a planned retreat. Colm the urge to shrink down. resistance we saw these past days made
eh? If we show we're not afraid, maybe felt a sudden chill at the strange light in The commander nodded. "You'll excel our attacks as shovel against stone. Noxus
they'll give us the respect we deserve:' his companion's eyes, the conspiratorial on the front line:' cannot be resisted, but I am your witness:
A lifetime spent in the quarries had nod of a head. The group kept silent, Colm suppressed a growl. She moved you defied as well as any!"
taught Colm a simple lesson: you broke but resentment stirred in the air at their toward the next candidate, but he raised A thunderclap sounded on her last
the stone, or the stone broke you. passing. He settled in shoulder to shoulder an objecting hand. word-the work of each Noxian soldier,
Noxus had crashed against Kimir like with the others and waited to be judged. "Our people aren't made for the front driving the butt of their spear into the
swell against shore; all that remained The commander's tent flaps drew aside, line;' he said. What little chatter there was ground in unison.
for the captain was to make sure at least and the Noxian warleader stepped forth, ceased as his voice rang out again. "We're "Heh. Taught 'em that one myself;' the
some of Kimir wasn't washed away with cheerfully inhaling the brisk morning sculptors and miners, not soldiers. Traps, commander said before clapping a hand
the tide. air. She was dressed against the cold terrain, disguise-these are our weapons:' on Colm's shoulder. She tightened her
"No;· Colm told Marsh. "Kimir has in a heavy, red fur-trimmed robe, and She shouldered past the first line of grip, and he saw a flash of something in
watched Noxus's border inch closer for her head was shaved, except for a long Kimirans to stand closer to Colm than was her eyes-recognition, understanding,
decades. Terrain advantage and our will- ponytail flowing from the top of her skull. comfortable, but there was play in her eyes maybe. "Name's Hama. I'm your new
ingness to trade generously kept us free Age lined her face, green eyes adding as she spoke. "I know what kind of fighters warleader. And you're my new lieutenant:'
this long. Now, we simply endure:' warmth to a beaming grin. Her wide frame you are. My people tell me you led yours She released her grip and beckoned him
Marsh shifted and grew stony, defi- bounced with energy, limbs ever eager to in battle. Colm, is it?" The warleader's forward. "Let's go. We're marching out
ant of the resignation in Colm's voice or spring into action. voice was cheerful and rough with use. soon, and t here's much to put in order:'
"Marvelous, marvelous. And you A risky new quarry so close to the city, "We've cordoned off a few acres for
mine mostly... ?" half his masons out crafting monuments medicine and herbs. Everything else is
Kimir's founders had raised its long- "Soapstone, alabaster, clay, limestone, to the empire. Colm frowned, but said just flowers'.'
hall many generations ago, not far from
the quarry whose stone laid its founda-
I and slate. We've staked out a few spans
of granite, but they're too close to the
nothing more as they began their descent
back to the walls. ls this Kimir'sfu.ture?
Trade with Noxus had always been its
tion. Competition over herds with other aquifer for us to safely mine'.' own sort of battle, fought with bluff and
tribes transformed into trade negotiations "Pah! There's not a flaw in this whole barter, need and scarcity. But here was a
and border skirmishes. The stone lent the pit. You've got the skill for it:' The "What grows here?" A thin wooden master, her trade not in meager coin or
founders strength, walls, industry. They warmason knelt down and leaned over pointer thrust toward the map neatly sacks of grain. Cities, walls, borders-
passed traditions to children, stories to the quarry's side, running long fingers rolled out onto a table in Kimir's longhall. these were her currency. With his city
families. From the quarry's wellspring, against the stone. He closed his eyes and Calm stared at the document, his home splayed naked on the table, Colm turned
Kimirans developed a sense of self. took a deep breath, as though absorbing etched in ink and smooth scrollwork. The to knowledge, the last remaining weapon
Colm could see that to the Noxian the quarry's knowledge. After a moment map was accurate to the cobblestone, in his pillaged armory.
chief warmason, it was just a collection he stood. "We'll stop digging here. No tight lines and neat script reducing loca- "Mostly we use them for dyes, but
of rock. need for soft rock-but a quarry of gran- tions to their defensive value and precise the flowers themselves can mean dif-
"And you've yet to strike groundwa- ite this far north will be quite the boon worth of stored resources. Colm won- ferent things. It's difficult to grow them
ter?" the warmason asked, voice high and to the war effort!" dered how long the Noxians had hidden this far north, so they're coveted by our
eager. He was tall but reed-thin, and he Colm shared neither his eagerness nor a warmason here, passing as a merchant neighbors. My great-grandfather would
abandoned warm clothes and armor for his laughter. "That soft rock is our liveli- or traveler, while recording details for tell everyone who listened of the time a
a simple tunic and a bandolier of tools, hood; even Noxus buys our stonework:' the time when Kimir would belong to well-placed bundle of blue stargazers won
which hung loose around his chest and "Well;' the warmason said, eyes seri- the empire. the war with the city of Morrin before it
shoulders. His energetic aura was more ous despite his laughter, "be sure to point Calm regarded the pointer's wielder, a began:' Colm had learned his passion for
than enough to stave off the cold wind out the best to me. Crafting the noxtoraa long-haired woman wearing a long leather dyes from his father, and his own private
blowing past them over the quarry's edge. that mark our every road is an art of its coat-locally sewn, by its cut- with a garden was regarded with envy and awe.
Kimir's oldest quarry was unequaled in own, and I can always use more skilled traveling case stacked with documents and Or it had been, until he'd neglected it to
the north. It was nestled between a trio of masons:' quills. Her eyes held a single-minded ten- go to war.
high foothills, the inverted ziggurat slowly "I've seen your monuments;' Colm sion, poring over the map as an owl over He pointed to several spots on the map
biting into their height. From where Colm replied. If the warmason felt the hard edge a field, hunting for mice. Distrust stirred and began explaining-where particular
and the warmason stood atop one hill, Colm put on that last word, he ignored within Colm, more here than even on the strains of flowers grew, how many gener-
they could see the mountains to the east, it with the cold. "Tall, simple things. Our battlefield, at this woman who held his ations it took to grow this color or that,
the forest to the north, and the city's walls masons are artists. That work would waste shrunken home in a leather map case. which flowers produced dye that would
just a short trek southwest. them:' "Flowers;' he responded after a min- hold its luster when painted on limestone,
"There's an aquifer nearby;• Colm But the warmason was already mov- ute's silence. which on shale. He impressed upon the
replied, pointing across the quarry to ing, heading back toward the trail. "All Her brow raised with interest, and warmason the value of this knowledge
a grouping of wells on a hilltop. "We're the better! Such masons can turn artistry she bent a little further over the map, her to Kimir and to its trading partners. She
careful. We've cut a few quarries further into industry and double the output of the pushed-out chair long forgotten. "Medi- listened without complaint, her fierce owl
east-a few have flooded:' uninspired. I've seen it done!" cine or spice?" eyes absorbing all he had to say.
When he was finished, she drew knowledge. He wanted nothing more fodder for their armies. Not enough, An accusation. A spark of his friend's
a stick of chalk from her case and than to resist, to abandon his attempts my friend. I want us to stand proud as anger nestled into Colm's heart. "What
scrawled a note. "You're right to be at cooperation and stand up. To say, No, Kimirans or not to stand at all:' else can I be, Marsh? I've negotiated, I've
proud;' she said. "This is good land, paper soldier. We'll grow dye as we always "Trader says we won't need to sustain explained all I can:'
quite rare this far north. We'll use it to have, we'll celebrate our hard-earned ourselves alone, that we'll benefit by "If they wanted to trade, they
grow medicine:' spring growth as did all the generations being part of the empire:' would've traded! They marched, weap-
Colm's lips formed a thin line. "This before us. You can't put a price to this Marsh snorted. "'Ti! what, we stop ons loosed, because that's all they know.
has been our work for generations. It piece ofour souls. Colm could see only hunting food ourselves, too busy fight- All they respect!" Marsh's shout echoed
would take as long to teach others our one way to make such a declaration, and ing another land's war?" The bigger man into the valley, scattering birds into the
craft:' that road led to more war. bent to scoop a handful of pebbles from clear sky.
"There are regions south of the capital If the trader witnessed any hint of the path and dashed them against the Funerary statues peeked into sight
where dyes grow in the wild. You'll import this struggle, she took no pleasure in wall in frustration. along the hill. Ahead, the path was flanked
from them and grow medicine here, it. Colm stared a moment longer, then Colm had been turning the same by dozens ofKimir's broadcloth-wrapped
where it's easier to ship along our border:' stalked from the hall. idea in his head. "It's more than that. fallen. In front of those, piles of dirt
Noxus should have used a chisel to We've become their northern border. straddled a long cut in the earth. A dozen
carve its mark in the foundations of They'll have us turn our defenses toward Noxian troops toiled with shovels, dig-
Kimir-instead, it wielded a mason's ham- Kimir's walls were not high, but the tribes of the Freljord, waiting for their ging a large, shallow hole. They looked up
mer, shearing valuable seams with each the ground surrounding the city was marauders to test the weak spots in Nexus's at the approaching Kimiran warriors, and
swing to get at the gemstones within. uneven, so they seemed to tower as Colm crawling wall of expansion:' Colm felt the spike of lethal tension drive
"Changing this one part of Kimir will led a group of his former soldiers down He, too, took a pebble from the its way into the valley.
affect the rest;• Colm said. "Noxus would a pebble-strewn path along the city's ground, rolled it in his palm, its rough "You Noxian curs;' Marsh roared, his
gain more if you let us use our strengths as eastern edge. Their graveyard was cut bevels smashed down to size by hammer steps throwing pebbles into the air. "What
we have for so long:· into a low valley just outside its ramparts, rather than riverbed. "They'll take what do you think you're doing?"
The trader opened her leather case surrounded by statues of the past. His they can learn from us, spread it across One of the Noxians in the grave struck
with a snap and expertly rolled the map father's sculpture stood here, and so did their empire, and put what's left of our his shovel into the ground and leaned on
back into its place. "You're part of the that of Marsh's beloved wife. Before they home into their imperial coffers, another it, squinting up at Colm's approaching
empire now. You are part ofNoxus, and marched, they would add new ones and coin they may spend:' band.
Noxus is part of you. I'll put to rest any bid their fallen farewell. Colm imagined a future, not far from "Folks at the gate said your soldiers
work you do here that could be more "So we teach the bastards all we know, now, when Kimirans proudly declared refused to leave before burying your dead:'
cheaply done elsewhere. I.t will be to your give 'em our best cutters, our best stone, themselves Noxians first, competed The Noxian gestured toward the shallow
city's benefit:' and dig where they tell us. What do we get with one another to join their militaries grave, and Colm saw it already contained
To your city's benefit. This had been out of it?" said Marsh, in step beside Colm. and scrabble for rank and power. He several of his fallen. "We've got orders to take
the response to his offers of knowledge, Colm's laughter was helpless, uninten- didn't give voice to the deeper fear, the care of it so we can march. You're welcome:'
suggestion, compromise. Marsh's words tional. Where Marsh felt anger, he now felt future fear. Colm put up a hand toward his band,
rang in his head. Perhaps Noxus felt it had only resignation. "To live, I guess:' What happens should Noxus fall? and they stopped behind him.
nothing to gain from a defeated people. Marsh laughed too, the bark deep and A long silence followed, broken only by Marsh pushed past him nonetheless,
That their own strength bred unassailable hot with violence. "To live as Noxians, popped knuckles as Marsh clenched his making for the hammer looped threat-
fists. "You're too calm:· eningly at his hip. Colm jogged forward
to catch his arm and pressed a hand and reformed in a clean line at attention. unfolding between them in the chill eve- He gripped her shoulder, struggling to

against his friend's chest. Disrupted by this sudden beat, Colm, ning air. Colm and Hama, stripped bare stay upright, and the two locked in a
"This isn't the way;' he said in a low Marsh, and their band stumbled to their but for loose pants and bands of cloth battle of strength, quarryman against
voice, then turned to the Noxians, speak- feet and clustered defensively. Several tightly wrapped around their upper bod- warleader.
ing up. "We need time to carve their limped, sporting bruises and bloody ies, stood facing each other in the cold. "You think we're here to grind you
likeness, and for their families to-" faces. Hama and a group of fresh Noxian Noxian and Kimiran soldiers alike stood into the dust of history;' Hama said,
"You are needed elsewhere now;' soldiers stood in a ring around them. around them, forming a wide circle. tightening her grip under his knee.
the Noxian replied, his patience spent. "I don't mind a little combat prac- "This is your tradition?" Colm Colm resisted ·t he urge to cry out, dou-
"Warleader Hama granted you the time tice:' The warleader's words remained called, his face as serious as Hama's was bling down on his efforts to shake her.
to organize your departure. If you're playful but carried the edge of threat. relaxed. He kicked his leg up, earning a strike
done with that..:· He pulled up the shovel Her eyes were bright. She turned to her Hama shrugged. "It's the opposite of against her ribs and a brief gasp of pain.
and offered it, and with a smirk jerked own bloodied soldiers. "Locals teach you your burial rite. Acknowledge the dead, They stepped a breath away from one
his head toward the bodies in the dirt. something new?" bid them farewell. Here, we acknowl-
The spark in Colm's heart turned to Colm strode forward. Defiance still edge life'.' She slapped a hand across
flame before even Marsh could react. He burned in his breast, and his narrowed opposite shoulders, drawing the crowd's
sent his old friend stumbling backward eyes burned as bright as Hama's. "We'll attention. "First to push the other from
and grabbed the Noxian's collar, heaving not see our people dropped into a grave the ring wins. When you lose, remember
him from the grave. In an instant, he was like this:' He gestured at the jagged hole, at that you chose this fight'.'
surrounded by red-clad Noxians, eyes dark. its promise of ignoble afterlife. Colm set himself into a wrestler's
Colm slugged the shoveler with enough A short, sharp laugh, genuine despite its stance. "Noxus's border came to greet
force to topple him into another. Hands condescension. "Impossible. We're marching us. We did not seek it'.' He crouched into
reached for him, but a familiar howl rent tonight. Leave it to your families, if need be'.' position.
the air and Marsh crashed to his side, lead- "They fell with us," Colm replied. "We "Try not to look so serious!" Hama
ing the rest of his band into the fray. will see them off. That is our tradition:' called with a wild smile and crouched to
It wasn't enough that they'd lost, that "Tradition, huh? And you're willing match him.
he'd shown the conquerors how to reshape to fight for it. Still:' Her voice carried a They stood, stone-still.
the city to their tastes. He'd spent the day distant note of something like nostalgia . Colm breathed in the cold air, put the
with the Noxians, helping them imagine Colm nodded, unblinking, and she met battle at the graveyard from his mind. He
their future while his people's own dwin- his gaze. "Good enough for me. Noxus has had lost hope for Kimir's future. Now he
dled into twilight. Soon, their sculptures tradition, too, and you're one of us now'.' would fight for its present one last time.
would be left to crumble to dust. Her grin widened. ''I'll teach you what He charged at Hama with sudden ferocity.
No more. Noxus values strength. I will that means:· The Noxian commander found the upper
show them strength. hand immediately, driving a rigid palm
He didn't know how long he had lost into Colm's hip. He turned to weaken the
himself to violence when a series of gut- Hundreds of Kimirans lined the walls blow, and her foot snagged around his calf.
tural commands pierced the din of com- above the city gates, gazing down at the Hama kicked up, forcing his leg from the
bat. As one, the Noxian soldiers retreated pair of command tents-at the spectacle ground, and grabbed it with her free hand.
"That's-" he began, but cut off as sensation turned to light as an explosion She gave him a solemn nod. Viper-quick,

she strode forward. at his back stole his senses. an uppercut forced his body straight,
"A fine strategy. Noxus respects Years could've passed between and a heel drove into his stomach,
strength;' she said, raising her fists into a one breath and the next. By the time launching him from the ring.
ring fighter's pose. Hama launched a he coughed back to life, he was being A deep quiet filled the evening air,
series of jabs as he swatted her away dragged by the arm toward the circle's the stillness of earth after quake. Colm
with a heavy arm, giving himself more edge. "Those too proud or rigid to dropped to a knee, eyes closed tight
room. "The next warhost would be change are forgotten:' against the agony of his ruined shoulder,
double the size of the one that defeated Her words washed over him. Noxus of reality. He wouldn't drive a pick again.
you. After that, triple. Noxtoraa already built itself, each day, for war. While "You're not much of a fighter;' Hama
tower over roads right up to your gates. Colm's mother had taught him to swing said, not caring to suppress her mirth
The plans to expand northward past a pick, his father to carve a relief, Hama as she crossed to tower over him. Colm
your city have existed for years:' learned to swing a blade, to scatter a squinted against her presence. "But you
She landed a hook on his jaw, and line. The Noxians carried war on their asked for a fight and gave yourself to it.
Colm lost sight of her as his head snapped backs, set it at their table with bread and The best of yourself, judging by the twist
back. "You were conquered by Noxus long meat. To defeat something like that, any in your shoulder. I respect that:'
ago. I'm just here to show you that'.' who opposed them would have to give all She stuck a hand beneath his good arm
Colm's vision swam, making Hama's of themselves. and pulled him to his feet. He cried out as
another. "That choice is always up to the grin dance side to side in front of him. Colm was born of stone, of the very a starburst of pain clouded his vision. But
conquered:' He had strength enough to lift and shape bedrock of the world. He closed his eyes, Colm would not bow his head. Not while
"What choice? Submit or die?" Colm's the earth. But he knew no pickax sharp let Hama drag him another step. He his people watched. He took a deep breath
words were obsidian-sharp, and he enough to crack this iron empire or its pulled against her grip-she tightened and met those cold eyes.
charged before she could respond. Hama iron ambassador. it, and he smiled a victor's smile. He "We will serve, warleader. We will
brought her forearms up to resist his flurry "So we die, then:' He slowly raised his turned with all his strength, wrenching watch as Kimir crumbles into dust,
of punches, then suddenly accepted one fists in defiance. Resigned or proud, he his captured arm from its socket, dug his replaced by a Noxian warpost:'
on the jaw and swept his legs out from could no longer tell. toes into the earth, and drove beneath the Hama's laughter was a sharp clap in the
under him. He hit the ground, and half a Hama's smile at last became a sneer. "If warleader's bulk. He pushed, bracing to still air. "Some of you will serve;' she said,
heartbeat later Hama's elbow spiked his you wish to die today and consign yourself pile her across his shattered shoulder and nodding toward Marsh and his followers,
stomach. He let out a gasping cough. and your home to oblivion, then so be it'.' throw her from the ring. who were fuming in angry silence that
Hama's voice was soft, carrying none Arms shot past Colm as the warleader But if Colm was stone, Hama was seemed likely to break sooner than later.
of the rigor of combat. "You and your stepped fully into him, absorbing his mea- the ocean. He drove forward without "But you, Colm? You're no soldier. You
friend saw an opening. You rose against ger counterstrike and squeezing his whole gaining an inch, his roar of effort turned made yourself into one because Noxus
my warband. You rebelled to reclaim your upper body in a vise grip. to unbearable pain. Hama brought a fist came to your doorstep. Because your peo-
home:' She dug her elbow further into his Her words were a whisper in his ear. down into his spine, and he scrambled ple needed you to be one. Now they need
gut, then abruptly rose and stepped away "You cherish your burial rites, Colm. backward, hunched, arm hanging limp a leader:'
from him. He stood, gulping breaths, as Do you wish to be buried?" He felt him- from his heaving frame. Hama's lined face Colm looked to Marsh. Colm's own
she straightened over him. self being lifted up and over Hama, and creased into satisfaction, cold eyes alight. anger, the furious beat of his heart, his
clenching fist, had dissipated. He'd with hers, crushing strength sending Layers of cobble and lime fell away "Right;' he said. "Give me the news:'
thought Kimir shattered by Noxus. He waves of shooting pain across his shoul- with the strike, revealing the telltale Marsh reached into a pouch at his
fought to shelter its broken pieces from der, as she pushed his shoulder back into mottling of granite. His two companions side and produced a sky-bright silver
being lost forever. But water didn't shat-
ter stone; it shaped it, wore it smooth,
I place. But she grinned, and he returned
the expression through tears streaking
clapped, and Colm couldn't hide a grin,
though he kept in a sigh of relief that he
I pin, worked into the shape of an eagle,
and a tattered wreath of twine and blue
carved furrows and troughs. Kimir was his dusty face. hadn't been sprayed with water. petals. "Morrin surrendered. Took a hell
not broken, it was simply swept up in "You are a fine leader for your "And here we all thought your min- of a fight:'
the currents of history. Colm could people, Colm of Kimir:' ing days were behind you;' a voice called, Colm nodded. Their neighbors were
guide that flow, could shape its course. The warleader took a step back, and rough as earth. Colm turned to see his as proud as Kimir, prouder maybe. For
He looked back to Hama, her gaze her soldiers stood to attention. general, Marsh, red cloak and graying all their rivalry, they'd always been allies
appraising, as if waiting for the pledge "Take the night. Bury your fallen. In the beard making him almost unrecogniz- against the threat of Noxus. "And Elder
he was about to force from himself. morning, send me a warband with fight- able. "They kick you outta the eider's Mati?"
'Tm no soldier. And Kimir is no war- ers-real fighters-on the double. Give me chair already?" Marsh was quiet.
post;' Colm said, his breath steadying your best, and I will teach them war'.' "If only;• Colm said, eyes bright. He Colm cast his eyes downward. "Ah'.'
against the weight of his words. "Kimir She stepped back from Colm. "Lead. passed his pick to his companions and "Made it quick. Took his best into
can offer much. But it stands as stone, And make Kimir strong. For Noxus and held out a dusty hand, which Marsh my warband. We'll treat the town well
and its silent, hard edges will resist:' He for your people:· With a final thunderclap gripped easily. "A few more days locked enough. Host of folk on their way here
kept Hama's eye as he gripped the bicep of staves against stone, Hama and her up with those Noxian architects, and I
of his shattered arm, ignoring the surge of troops departed for their tents. would've torn the place down:' "What for?"
pain as he raised an outstretched hand. Marsh grunted appreciatively and "Hama called 'em slow learners:'
"Let me be your chisel, and Kimir will pulled his old friend into a crushing bear "So we show them how to be useful
serve Noxus to its fullest:' The quarrymen's song carried into the hug. Both men laughed. members of the empire:·
Whatever secret hopes Kimir's people morning air, their rich voices mixing with They strode up the slope toward the Marsh nodded.
held as they stood atop its walls this day, the crunch and heave of the day's work. Ap- quarry's entrance. The pair stood apart Colm looked out toward the sloping
that perhaps their leader would find a prentices pushed carts of debris, stone, and from the bustle and noise, looking out hill, covered in statues of the past, rising
way to resist, to expel Noxus, to dam the dirt up and out of the way while the hearty toward the hillside. up to meet Kimir's wall. Beyond the wall
flood, were dashed with Colm's offer of men and women of Kimir put pick to stone "How're things at home?'' Marsh asked. he could see their flowering acres, blue
fealty. Mere moments after Marsh and all around the nascent quarry's first level. "Found our third source of granite. stargazers in full bloom.
his soldiers had been promised rebellion, Colm stood in a row with two others, Might need to double the caravans coming "They're Noxians now. I'll teach them
here was Colm embracing defeat. Perhaps pick in hand, looking thoughtfully over a in from the south and, with that, find folk what that means:·
they would struggle with his decision, the rectangular chalk outline. He rolled his to ride alongside:·
way they had struggled against Noxus. But shoulder- it had healed well, but the sting Marsh nodded. "Had the chance to put
that was a fight he was prepared to win. had never quite left him. The other two up one of your noxtoraa. Hama wanted
Hama regarded his offered hand for a took a nervous step back. Colm lifted the me to pass on her compliments. Says the
brief eternity. Colm didn't let his gaze pick into the air and, with his whole body, arches are better off with a little imagery
waver, allowed her to savor the result of
her lesson. Finally, she grasped his arm
twisted and crashed it against the stone,
right along the chalk border.
Colm paused, almost imperceptibly.
THE GRAND PLAZA 1. The J:A4t c,ate
his wide, open space lies 2 . .Military diWict
at the heart of the Great 3. NotJie fami4'
City, and frequently welcomes
crowds gathered to applaud
those honored by the crown.

ne ofthe oldest structures
in the capital, this temple
THE PALACE GARDENS T HE CITADEL OF DAWN honors the legend of the Winged
favorite of the late queen, Lady he royal family ofDemacia resides in Protectors-embodying the
Catherine, these well-maintained the Citadel of Dawn, a palace whose Demacian ideals of duty, honor,
and orderly gardens allow for moments of majestic design is said to reflect the and tradition.
quiet reflection. splendor of the ruling Lightshield dynasty.

s the king's only son, Prince
DEMACIAN STEEL Jarvan is heir apparent to
ometimes referred to as silver steel or rune- the throne ofDemacia. Raised
steel, this alloy is highly regarded across
)0 be a paragon of his nation's
Runeterra. It is rumored that Demacian armor- greatest virtues, he is forced to
ers quench the metal in blessed waters, to offer balance the heavy expectations
protection from magic in battle. p~ced upon him with his own

desire to prove himself on the

battlefield. An exceptional
warrior in his own right, Jarvan
also inspires his troops with
he smallest formation of fearsome courage and selfless
Demacian soldiers is called a determination, raising his
Shield. The warriors in each Shield family's colors high and revealing
are armed and armored almost his true strength as a future
identically. Battalions are composed leader ofhis people.
of differently armed companies
of Shields, and will often have
hile vastly units of specialists seconded
outnumbered to their command element-
) compared such as scouts, raptor riders,
to the many or duelists. The most pres-
warbands of Noxus or the tigious battalion is GAREN CROWNGUARD
combined tribes of the undoubtedly the hough born into the noble Crownguard family,
Freljord, the prowess Dauntless Vanguard. Garen earned his place in the shieldwall
of Demacia's military is At full strength, it through courage and skill. When the previous
renowned across Valoran, numbers over two sword-captain of the Dauntless Vanguard fell
and its disciplined culture thousand soldiers- in battle, Garen found himself put forward
informs much of daily currently, it is led for command by his fellow warriors, and the
domestic life in the kingdom. by Garen, nephew nomination was unopposed. To this day, he stands
From a simple shield-sergeant of the High Marshal resolute in the defense of his homeland, against
to decorated sword-captain, Tianna Crownguard. all foes. Far more than Demacia's most formidable
officers are expected to lead soldier, he exemplifies all the most noble ideals
from the front, by example, upon which it was founded.
and their warriors to follow
with unwavering loyalty.

II - 1he ~ O'f t:he Twin& XIV - ()ariA,
81Jnt &medh the valdt ufJtan, OfMcr.rpta, onl,y myth remail'Lo.
oneittrifltt, oneittShadow. Velkd .JeCl'et4 and JtiddeA JhadowJ. -Excerpts from
Kaf'te andMcrJOJW, yet the lefra,cy qfKayte bunl4 l!rif)it, The Canticle
SUWJ by 'Fat,e,juiJw:Lhand in hand. in, al/, OW' /teal't4 rmd min44. ofthe Winged
emacia has always had a complicated To I>emacia '.r (rUr tando they c.ame. The wiluJ wlti4pel'J qfher retuni. Sisters, an epic
relationship with mages. One of their .A land untouched, WhQt Tar/s(Tft'J lreaconJ./Wte4 O.IU!MI, poem held in
oldest myths, the cautionary tale of the a~ yet to fie. rmd nifrlit friJ,/,4 on the W01"ld, the Crownguard
Winged Protectors, tells of the founding of 'Tlwuflimaflcl'Qf,d auou the world, lhok to the UJ'Utli on that day. family library,
Demacia-over the centuries, it drove the creation of i,t brake upon Jiu wuuded JJwr~. .A;uipay fv1' al/, I>e.macia. High Silvermere
the kingdom's laws and values, but also caused many to .A 1-/avelt amid the ~stm'm.
fear the unpredictable power of magic. More recently,
the infamous Mageseeker order has been tasked with
suppressing all knowledge and practice of sorcery.

n the past, objects of warding
or focus for magical power
were often disguised in various
ways, to avoid the attentions of
the Mageseekers. In time, the THE
true purpose ofthese objects VEILED LADY
may even have been forgotten, nother enduring myth
since they were handed down as is that of the Veiled
innocuous family heirlooms, Lady-a pariah whose dark
such as canes, staves, or scepters. outbursts and preaching of
redemption led to her exile.
ome primal, elemental etricite is not
Even so, some Demacians
magic made its way into early infallible.
still create totems to her
Demacian hands in the form of When magic is not
memory when seeking
precious gems. These were fash- nullified properly
guidance on matters of
ioned into jewelry such as pendants, by the stone, it can
family and forgiveness.
brooches ... and even crowns. cause it to flake
and torque most


ilverwings hatch from

the egg with yellow and

gaining their signature

silvery hue-and deadly
feathers are
attack speed-as they
almost as
reach maturity.
common in
Demacian art and architecture
as swords and shields. While
they recall the aspirational ideals
of freedom and transcendence,
ponsored by the noble Buvelle family, Quinn is a
they also highlight the kingdom's
ranger-knight of Demacia who undertakes dangerous
connection to the Silverwing
,. missions deep in enemy territory. She and her legendary
raptors-some of the most
eagle, Valor, share an unbreakable bond, and their foes are
• impressive hunters found
often slain before they realize they are fighting not one, but
anywhere in Valoran.
two of the kingdom's greatest heroes. Nimble and acrobatic
when required, Quinn takes aim with her crossbow while
Valor marks their elusive targets from above, making them
a deadly pair on the battlefield.

ative to the high crags of the
N Demacian mountains, raptors
are rare and voracious predators
known to attack lone farmers, and
occasionally even armed convoys of
soldiers. Nevertheless, particularly
exceptional individuals have made
an art of building rapport with these
noble beasts, forging such a bond
that the raptor may permit itself to
be ridden. These riders serve in the
Demacian military, scouting ahead
or harassing the enemy advance.

- --
very Demacian child knows the
expectations and responsibilities placed
upon them. No matter how humble,
Demacians consider it their duty to help
strangers as well as family, and to demonstrate
courage, respect, justice, and mercy in all things.

ar from being the humorless,
duty-obsessed bores that outsiders
sometimes mistake them for, Demacians
dance, sing, and play as often and as
enthusiastically as anyone else. One
especially popular game, played by
families, comrades, and new friends
Since mighty Orlon led refugees
alike, is King's Gambit.
from the Rune Wars to the land
A variant ofthe ubiquitous tellstones,
that would one day become
King's Gambit is considered a duel of
Demacia, its people have held
minds, where each player tries to commit
to the values that brought them
the movements of the stones to memory
safety and prosperity in those
while also trying to confuse and outwit
earliest days.
their opponent.


"Good work, recruit. Durand constant companion as much as commotion of army camps over- in her last squad with the Ninth.
couldn't do better:' The voice seemed Corporal Pell had been. whelming, but now it filled her with "I do all right:'
unfamiliar for a blink. Cithria Every time in the last two weeks pride. Hardworking Demacians
looked up to see the boots were when Pell had ordered that she with clear goals and a shared vision
attached to Proctor-Corporal Pell, march, walk, or run, through mud of this tiny pocket of a safer, more
the officer overseeing her testing and rain and worse, the testing orderly Demacia-a haven against
for the Dauntless Vanguard. In the required that she bore half her own the dark.
dust and evening light, her gold weight on her back. Weighed down As they reached the messfield,
armor and halo looked beautiful-a like that, Cithria and her fellow Cithria saw soldiers dunking hunks
broad-shouldered guardian with an aspirants had endured meltwater of fresh bread into bowls of steam-
offset nose and enormous grin. river crossings, unannounced night ing hot stew handed out by boister-
Or I'm so tired I'm hallucinating. runs, and retreats across "enemy" ous war chefs. The smells were
"It's no East Wall:' Cithria's territory with the much larger Pell intoxicating, and Cithria's stomach
mouth felt gritty and dry after hours posing as an injured comrade on an raged, but Pell wasn't slowing down.
of silent work. improvised litter. Cithria locked her eyes forward and
Beyond, fresh shifts of Each rock had been signed by followed-how could she prevail in Cithria finally got her bowl of
soldiers were digging the rest of a soldier in the Ninth Battalion- battle as a Vanguard if stew rich, dark stew and immedi-
the trench, but Cithria had been each one a friend and former could threaten her focus? ately burnt her tongue trying
here, with scant rests, all day. comrade of hers. That first Pell pointed out a to spoon it into her mouth.
"Come on. Leave the rest week, she'd fantasized about Vanguard standing next to "Easy, recruit. Sit down
to the regulars;' said Pell. "You "losing" one or two, but seeing a crowd of soldiers. "Eyes to eat, at least:' Cithria must
still have sunset watch after their names there, knowing the up, recruit. The fellow over have looked skept ical, so
this-time to eat before then:· Demacians they represented ... there is called Bunder. Knowing Pell reassured her. "I swear, I'll not
Pell vaulted out of the ditch and they felt a little lighter after that. him, there's a stones tournament in interrupt your supper:'
held out a hand. Cithria took it But not a lot lighter. play already:· Cithria fought the impulse to
gladly and let Pell pull her up, long Her trials had magnified since Cithria could see two players sit- wolf down the entire portion. While
past caring that her stinging red then, but if she could make it-if she ting around a table at the center of the Pell had put her through near-
hands were covered in clay. She was could become one of the legendary commotion. Huh. So even Demacia's constant hardship these last two
about to start walking back into the Dauntless Vanguard, well, her heart finest enjoy a game oft,ellstones. weeks, she'd never lied to her.
camp when Pell caught her shoul- ached when she thought about how The Corporal gave Cithria a Maybe faith in her comrades was
der and shook her head. proud her family would be. sideways look. "Are you any good?" part of the testing too.
Oh. She'd forgotten her pack. Pell strode forward, and Cithria Cithria thought back to count- With as much restraint as she
Cithria reached down for her followed obediently. They stepped less games played with her father, could muster, she put her spoon
backpack and, without even the aside to allow a surveyor and a col- how she'd practiced and practiced down and instead filled a flask with
energy to resent it, hauled it on umn of soldiers carrying gateposts until he had confessed he'd stopped water before heading toward a log
her back. Inside were simply rocks, past. When Cithria first signed up letting her win a long time ago. bench. Nearby, a raucous game of
but recently the pack had been her to become a soldier, she found the She'd been known as the one to beat tellstones was just finishing around

a makeshift table fashioned from a used to-the two opponents stared were no glances, no movement of She sat with a dull thump on the
tree stump-one of the war chefs silently at each other with an intensity stones. Cithria tried to see what log bench, Pell's hand firmly push-
was winning at two points to one Cithria had never seen. The crowd they saw, but not a muscle moved. ing her down. In front of her was
against a raptor-scout. The other around them was growing much Still as petricite statues. another stump table, rough-hewn
cooks were making faces and larger and mirrored their silence. It Finally Bunder stood, face flushed and fresh from clearing for the
clanging pans to try to distract the took a moment before Cithria even with what seemed to be sudden fury, camp, with a set of tellstones pieces
lean salt and pepper-haired rider. realized the game had begun. before breaking into an enormous laid out on top of it. An acutely
She sat poised, missing noth- Without a word, the two soldiers grin. The crowd cheered, and both important detail dawned on her-
ing despite their bluster. Cithria broke eye contact to flick their gaze received slaps on the back in cele- she was sitting opposite Sergeant
noticed the scout's lips faintly down at the stones, silently prompt- bration. Bunder laughed and slowly Merrek. He was the leader of the
moving as she silently recited the ing their opponent to carry out the applauded his now smiling opponent, Dauntless Vanguard's First Shield
order of the stones to herself. game's moves. It was faster than any the apparent winner of the match. and the long-standing mentor and
"What do you think, folks? match she'd ever seen, and it didn't Pell appeared behind Cithria, second-in-command to Sword-
Time for a little peek?" the young seem to follow the rules she was almost making her drop her bowl. Captain Garen Crownguard himself.
chef called. used to. Pieces were added, moved, "Ready for a match? You said you Cithria sat bolt upright, the
"Peek, peek, peek;' the flipped, and identified without do all right, after all:' backpack digging into her
crowd chanted back. words. Startlingly, the scarred Cithria shoveled t he last cold lower back, trying somehow to
With great pantomime, woman rapped the top of the spoonful of stew in her mouth stand to attention while sitting
he picked up a stone and tree stump once, looking up and made an apologetic shrug. on a log.
showed it to those standing to stare coolly into Bunder's "Mmffmmff." She couldn't be Merrek watched her, a stern
behind him, feigning shock. brown eyes. He breathed the less ready. craggy face thoughtfully taking
Cithria caught a glimpse, name of the stone while simul- Pell laughed. "Fine, fine. I said her measure. Cithria fixed her eyes
and her heart sank for the taneously revealing it. you could finish eating-after forward, uncertain of what was
scout-she was repeating the wrong Cithria realized she'd stopped that, we're teaching you how the expected of her.
sequence of stone names. The eating, holding her spoon halfway Vanguard play:' Pell crisply saluted Merrek.
match didn't last very long after to her mouth in awe. Convinced "She's all yours, sergeant:'
that. Cithria hid her disappoint- she'd shatter the players' concen- "Thank you, Proctor-Corporal
ment behind mouthfuls of dinner. tration if she put the spoon back Pell. I'll take it from here:'
Two new players took a in the bowl, she silently took the Pell hunkered down at Cithria's
seat at the center of the crowd. mouthful of cold stew. eye level, an uncharacteristically
Bunder, the Dauntless Vanguard Back and forth. Knock and whis- reassuring expression on her face.
from Pell's squad, was a lanky young pered response. Expressionless and "You're going to do fine, Cithria,
man with mousy hair. He had chal- blindingly fast. it's just a game. But in case you
lenged another Vanguard soldier The woman's knuckles rapped were wondering-this is most
with wiry muscles and a scar on her twice on the log. definitely part of your testing to
cheek. A new game started, but this Nothing happened. get into the Dauntless Vanguard.
was not the tellstones Cithria was The players' stares froze. There Good luck!"

Cithria's mind raced, remember- eyes took in his worn but perfectly her vision. She could make out that looked to her right, then it must be
ing all the stories she'd heard since maintained armor, old scars hatch- it was a narrow shape, longer than it the Shield stone. She hoped.
joining the army. Of the legendary ing the skin below. was wide-that could only mean ... "The Shield;' she said, with more
Merrek hacking his way free of an "No, soldier. My eyes. Lock eyes "The Sword, sergeant:' She felt a confidence than she felt.
augerbeast's grasp-he'd tracked with me. That's an order:' tiny surge of triumph. Merrek rumbled a quiet grunt of
it for close to a month after it had Cithria felt her cheeks burn. Hah. Because identifying a approval and nodded almost imper-
destroyed four fishing vessels and Trying to look into the sergeant's game piece means I'm ready for the ceptibly. "Again:'
finally caught it during a night eyes made her want to bolt from the Vanguard. His eyes flicked down to the
storm. Or when he and Garen had camp and return to her old com- Merrek didn't even nod-he middle of the table and back up to
fought back-to-back- rades in the Ninth. immediately placed the tile on the Cithria. She was ready this time and
"It was three months:' Merrek Maybe I should quit now. Would table, faceup between them, with responded immediately.
interrupted her thoughts. suffering the Ninth's disappointment a clack. He brought up another "That's the Sword, sergeant:'
Cithria started. be easier than the Vanguard's pity? tile and another. Cithria identified He reached out to the tile and
"About now, even sleepfogged, No. She could do this. Fiercely them as the Scales and the Shield. she watched him flip it facedown.
you're going over what they've told determined not to fail, she fought Clack, clack. "Eyes up, soldier;' Merrek
you about me. Things I've done, all her urges to look away. I'm actually getting the hang admonished.
battles I've won. I'd say you'd Merrek was doing some- of this. Ugh, just when I thought I
have gotten to the augerbeast thing with the game pieces. Her weary eyes were dry- was beginning to appear com-
tale by now-it's written on Without looking, he had ing out, and she reminded petent. I've got to focus!
your face:· picked them up, clicking herself to blink. Cithria adjusted herself on
Cithria felt her cheeks and clacking as he shuffled 'Tm going to look down at her log and solidly planted her
redden. them from hand to hand. one of the stones on the table, feet, bracing her tired body
"But we're not here to dis- Again, she fought the temp- and I want you to tell me and her ever-present burden.
cuss what I've done, soldier. We're tation to break eye contact. which one I looked at. Understood, She met his gaze once more.
here to see what you might do. She saw him slowly holding up soldier?" Without a word, Merrek reached
What you're capable of' Merrek's one of the stones, close to her line This is too easy. Is he playing a down and, from the sounds, seemed
words hung heavy in the air. of sight, the tile's face pointing in trick on me? to be turning the other two tiles
He nodded, once, seemingly to her direction. She nodded. "Yes, sergeant:' facedown. Even if she looked now, it
himself. "Keep your eyes on me. What A moment passed. Very deliber- would be no help.
"Can you follow orders, soldier?" tile is this?" Merrek's voice was ately, his eyes glanced down to her Quick as a blink, he glanced
"Yes, sergeant!" Cithria's voice quieter now, calmer. right and then, with a leisurely blink, down to Cithria's left and then back
cracked, and she winced. Cithria scowled. She knew the returned to look back at Cithria. at her. She had been waiting for
Great, now he thinks I'm some tellstones icons of course; she wasn't Her mind raced. The Sword is in this and almost stumbled over her
nervous raw recruit staring at herfeet. a child. But being asked to look the center, I'm sure-then the other immediate response.
"Look at me;' Merrek ordered. without looking seemed absurd. She two on either side. It had to be "Scales, sergeant:'
Cithria blinked in bafflement let her eyes relax their focus as she the Scales, the Sword, the Shield, He then looked, quite deliberately,
for a second before looking up. Her tried to concentrate on the edge of from her left to her right. So if he'd off to the right edge of the table-far

beyond the three stones. He creased-an unexpected smile-and row before sitting back on his log saw earlier. Drawing the Lines is
returned his gaze to her and slowly he broke eye contact, freeing her and taking in the messfield around reserved for more serious disputes,
raised a questioning eyebrow. He'd eyes to do the same. She breathed a them both. He seemed in no hurry so Cithria of Cloudfield, let's play
clearly not looked at the Shield, sigh of relief. to acknowledge her revelation. some Silent Stones:'
Scales, or Sword, and he had been "Not bad, Soldier Cithria;' "Where do you hail from, "Yes, sergeant!"
very obvious in what he was doing. Merrek mused. "You can tell when I soldier?" he asked out of nowhere. "While we're playing, you can
This was, as Pell had told her, glance at a single stone-what move "Cloudfield, sergeant;' she just call me Merrek:' A smirk crum-
part of the testing. in tellstones, if you know the game at replied, surprised at his question. pled his wrinkled face. "Though if
She felt a frown forming on her all, do you think that could signify?" "Cloudfield. Didn't they celebrate I catch you doing so outside of the
brow, from frustration or concen- Despite her newfound freedom
r:·· Yellow Spring Festival recently?" game, you and your corporal will be
tration she couldn't quite be sure. If to look anywhere she pleased, she How did he know that? Cithria's on half rations until the physicians
it wasn't the three stones in front of found herself gazing at, or more spe- mind raced. "Yes, sergeant- stop smiling:'
her, what could it be? Suddenly, she cifically through, one of the stones ... usually I'd have missed it, but the Cithria must have blanched,
remembered that Merrek had left the on the table as she wrestled her hills bloomed early this year, and I because Merrek laughed at her
other unused stones off to the side. exhausted mind to find an answer. was still on leave:' reaction.
"The pool, sergeant?" The only information a single ''.And your family?" Merrek "Is this still part of my
He took a moment before glance gave was about that lone seemed honestly interested, testing?" Cithria hoped she
replying, measuring her in some piece, and so far she realized he casually leaning forward with didn't sound nervous; she just
way she could only guess at. hadn't looked at a facedown piece. one forearm on his knee. wanted to be clear.
"Aye. More specifically, the "I would say you're trying to "They still live there?" "Perhaps. As Proctor-
Hammer. That'll come with prac- ,_....,....~.,·- give the hide command, sergeant, "They do, yes, sergeant. Corporal Pell wisely likes to
tice:' His gaze never wandered, because there's not enough infor- My niece was one of the say-consider every moment
never became a stare. "What do mation for it to be anything else:· flower-bearers this year, and of this month to be part of the
you think I'm doing this time?" Merrek focused on gathering up my father kept busy running around testing and, like all of us, every day
Barely daring to blink, Cithria the pieces, purposely not looking at after her with her basket. He was so in the Dauntless Vanguard another
still almost missed his glance-this her. "Go on:' proud of her. I was too:' test to prove you're worthy of our
time straight down the middle, then Cithria continued, "When you Merrek was nodding, and Cithria mantle:' Merrek's expression was
snapping immediately to her left. glanced at two stones, that could realized she felt much better. The somber once more, and Cithria felt
Had he changed his mind on what have been the swap move, and when lump in her stomach was gone. the weight of his words keenly.
stone to pick? She stared and stared you looked at the pool, well, that has Hardly anyone outside Cloudfield He paused, then asked, "Any
at his eyes without really seeing to be the place move, where you add even knew about the Yellow Spring more questions before we begin?"
them, as her mind raced and she a stone from the side. You're able Festival, but somehow Sergeant Bunder's game flashed through
considered what he'd done. to communicate the game moves Merrek did. her mind-most of it she now under-
"The... the Sword ... and the without even speaking!" "There are two varieties of tell- stood, but a few moments remained
Scales?" Merrek neatly laid the stones stones in the Dauntless Vanguard;' unclear. Replaying the game in her
The corner of Merrek's mouth on the side of their impromptu Merrek said. "Drawing the Lines, mind, she found her hand moving,
rose a little, and his cheeks table, arranging them in a neat and the silent training version you mirroring what she'd seen.

She rapped once on the tree honor, sergeant. He opted for an their bluff, simply sweep the table wriggling away from her like a line
stump. abbreviated conclusion and pre- with your gaze, indicating all of the in rough seas. From the edge of her
"That's the challenge:' Cithria served his strength for more stones, forcing them to name them vision, the sergeant acknowledged
spoke slowly but with certainty. One worthwhile future encounters'.' Pell all correctly or lose the game:' the runner's update and effortlessly
remained. seemed to have this well rehearsed, Merrek leaned back on his picked up his turn where he left off.
She looked back up at Merrek and managed to keep a straight face bench. "Now, let's play! Pell said I "What do you think of this ver-
and knocked twice on the stump. through most of it. should go easy on you, but I don't sion of the game, soldier?"
"And this is the boast;' "Very good, Corporal Pell. You think I need to give any quarter to Don't break eye contact. Don't
she stated. "But after that... Soldier may return to poorly spying on the four-time tellstones champion break eye contact.
Bunder just gave up?" our game'.' of the Ninth Battalion'.' He raised "It's ... strange. Much harder, but
Merrek made a most undig- "Yes, sergeant:' Pell made it a fiercely bushy eyebrow as he it seems .. :' She hesitated to speak.
nified choking sound, and his several paces before her stony watched her reaction. It felt treasonous to voice these
eyes widened half in shock and facade collapsed and she broke Ah. Yes, I suppose the Yellow Spring thoughts.
amusement. "Gave up? Bunder?" out in a grin, returning to a nearby Festival wouldn't have been high on "Go on:' His voice was
He looked around at the nearby bench where she sat laughing with the list of things he could have heard relaxed in spite of the tense game.
soldiers and found who he a few others of the Dauntless about me. More stones placed, another
was looking for. Vanguard. "Captain Eldran would take pair swapped. She was having to
"Corporal Pell!" he called, Merrek explained to it as a slight on the battalion's concentrate on so much at once.
and she hustled over. "Soldier Cithria: "Soldier Bunder honor, I assume, if I underesti- There was the order of the stones,
Cithria here says she observed, is a Dauntless Vanguard mated you?" the turns, the new way of playing
during an earlier game of through and through-I'd "Yes, sergeant, she would:' moves, an especially sharp rock-
stones, Soldier Bunder giving up. stand shoulder to shoulder with him Cithria adjusted the pack on probably Eldran's-in her pack
Can you confirm this?" against a hundred Freljordian raid- her back. 'Tm ready to play:' digging into her spine, and having
She stood at attention, but ers and consider it good odds'.' They settled into the first to keep her eyes in check. In the
Cithria watched as Pell's face His voice lowered, somewhat turns of the game, Cithria focus- end, she just blurted it out.
twitched wildly to suppress a smile conspiratorially. "He has, however, ing for all her worth on holding "It feels uncivilized:' Her face fell
that threatened to rampage across been known to be stubborn. What Merrek's gaze. Stones were placed, at the shock of what she'd just said.
her face. "No, Sergeant Merrek, I you saw as giving up is a rare victory hidden, and swapped and, while "I mean, I don't .. :'
cannot:' in a war he's been fighting for years nowhere near the blistering pace There was no way to unsay it.
"Then can you explain what against his greatest opponent:' she'd seen the sergeant's squad play, Not honestly, and he'd immediately
Soldier Cithria saw?" Amusement The sound of Merrek's knuck- she hadn't made a fool of herself see through any attempt to weasel
dripped from Merrek's every word. les hitting the log stump startled quite yet. her way out of it. His hand moved
"Soldier Bunder evaluated the Cithria. "One knock. That's to indi- Suddenly, an out-of-breath suddenly, and she was so tense she
situation, his own capabilities, and cate you accept the boast, and they soldier interrupted her concentra- almost flinched. He knocked on the
the capabilities of his opponent and get a point'.' He rapped twice. "Two tion to report to Merrek. Cithria log stump. Cithria was so flustered,
concluded that a protracted engage- if you want to turn the boast back stubbornly refused to let her gaze she'd missed which stone he'd
ment would not result in victory or on them. And if you want to call wander, the order of the pieces glanced at. Her fist flexed reflexively

in frustration. She just shook her more complex. They'd not seen a even other soldiers, should ever Cithria flicked her eyes down
head. She took the peek action stone's face for a dozen or more have to suffer. Every Vanguard to call for two of the tiles to be
and glanced at one of the stones. turns now, and the score was at one understands that they might die in swapped, and t hey were back into
Merrek waited, expecting her to point apiece. If this were a normal lands foreign or near, at the claws the game, faster than ever.
look at the other two that were her game, she'd be ready to call a boast, of some terrible beast or even the Yet another soldier hustled
due after a failed challenge, but she but now... She couldn't put her fin- hand of their comrades, if they over with questions for Merrek,
refused to move. ger on it, but Merrek's eyes told her find themselves turned into some- and Cithria found herself irritated
She didn't deserve it. it wasn't time yet. thing unnatural. Every soldier who at the interruptions. While the
"Uncivilized, eh?" he said, placing A flurry of turns followed- she wears this armor knows their ulti- soldier droned on, she heard Pell's
the last stone. "Why do you say that?" faintly recognized that there was mate purpose is to give their all, voice whispering from behind her.
"It's impersonal. Brutal. Not like a real crowd around them now, even their life, so that Demacians "We've got your back, recruit:'
play'.' All the stones were hidden by hushed for the most part, but she can build homes and raise families Confused, Cithria actually
now. Cithria felt her palms starting let them fade into the background. and enjoy their own Yellow Spring listened at last to the soldier... who
to sweat. How much of her selective focus Festivals:' was apparently speaking nonsense.
"Impersonal;' he said, main- was intentional and how much Cithria flushed. "... so obviously, sergeant, the
taining his gaze for longer than was exhaustion she couldn't spare "l know, Sergeant Merrek. That's Second Shield's new swords will stay
usual between turns. "I can see the time to decide. why I'm here. I've read the under the smith's hammers
how it might seem that way to A pair of engineers arrived stories, and I've seen more for the night-we simply
others. I was raised to believe with a quandary for Merrek than most of my squadmates can't scale production with-
that honesty and openness are about the location of the Fifth can stomach. But all it makes out... ah, I can't do it! Crown!
two of our greatest strengths, and Eighth Shield campsites, me feel is angry! Angry that Knight! Scales-Hammer-
and sometimes it can be easy and again he responded there are Demacians suffer- Flag-Sword-you-can-do-it,
to hide intentions behind patiently. ing and dying because we weren't Cithria!"
noise and distraction. The eyes tell "You said it was brutal;' he said there. Angry that I wasn't there:' Another laughing soldier
you so much about a person, what in the middle of a flurry of swapping Cithria felt her heart thumping elbowed the distracting soldier in
they're thinking, how they feel. I stones. "Demacia was forged in a in her chest and ears, and her hands the ribs and dragged him away,
think I know you better now than brutal time. We train, we fight, and were in fists. still yelling random stone names at
if we'd played a hundred normal we protect so that we never have "All right'.' Merrek nodded slowly, Merrek.
games, Cithria:' to suffer that brutality again. This and she saw something like approval Merrek grinned. "It seems you
He held her bare gaze for just a game might appear brutal com- in his eyes. "It's your move:' already have allies willing to fight
second more before he returned to pared to other ways to play, but it's She took a deep breath and forced with you- even against me!"
the game. Stones swapped places, only a game, Cithria:' herself to calm down. They got back to the game.
and she struggled to focus through "Of course, I-" Is he trying to get me to lose Cithria realized she wasn't entirely
the realization that she'd felt like "It's important you understand control? Testing ifI can keep a cool sure if the Shield or the Flag was
she knew and trusted him more the Dauntless Vanguard must head or ifI'm Soldier Bunder with- where she thought it ought to be.
than she'd ever expected. face brutality, violence, sorcery, out his better qualities? Well, I have It was definitely one or the other,
The game was becoming ever and horror that no Demacian, not better qualities too. but keeping it straight in her head

was getting harder the longer they Cithria felt not exactly comfort- Someone in the huge crowd Again, she was right, but somewhere
played. able, but like she had a handle on around them gasped before being in the last two were the Shield and
"We play this game to know and this way of playing the game at last. shushed by their neighbor. The sun the Crown, and for all her practice,
trust each other. That's why it's a It was difficult, but she knew what was low on the horizon, and rap- skill, and determination, she wasn't
game of war;' said Merrek. "But not she was doing. tors were crying in the distance. sure which was which. She hesitated.
in the way you might think:' "And it goes further than that, I Silverwings, far from home. Merrek's "Well?" Merrek's voice betrayed
Cithria thought she heard a think;' she continued. "I used to think blue eyes sparkled and held her gray- nothing.
moment of hesitation, the faint- tellstones was a game of memoriza- eyed gaze steadily. Cithria searched Her hand resting on the sixth
est pause in his otherwise steady tion. It was when my father taught for the doubt she thought she'd seen piece, she took a deep breath and
speech. Is he starting to falter? me. I practiced every day-working before. She searched her heart for called "Shield:'
"Can you tell me why the hard like a Demacian ought. When I her own courage and finally found It was the Crown.
Dauntless Vanguard plays it this played in the Ninth Battalion, I real- plenty-born of the skills that she'd The crowd around them
way?" His question seemed casual, ized that it wasn't just about that- it honed for years. erupted into cheers and commis-
but Cithria reminded herself that was about planning your actions and She raised her hand and erations, outrage and disbelief.
this was part of her testing. anticipating your opponent:' responded-one knock, two. Cithria herself sat stunned, her
Why would the Dauntless Merrek nodded again. The It was now his turn to decide stomach as heavy as the backpack
Vanguard play this strange silent stones danced between them. whether he believed Cithria knew of rocks engraved with her com-
version? Even as she thought about "But it's not just that either, is the stones as she claimed. She willed rades' names. People she'd failed.
it, tiles were moving and swap- it?" she asked. every last grain of certainty into her Friends she'd just let down. She'd
ping-every move inscrutable He answered her question, and eyes for him to read. proven unworthy to carry their
to outsiders. no hint of his earlier hesitation He smiled and slowly swept his names.
"It's practice for communicating remained. "It's about courage. gaze across the tiles, demanding she Merrek leaned over the table,
with your comrades without alert- Your courage, my courage. Skill is prove it. stern voice clearly audible over the
ing the enemy;' she said, confident important, but skill without courage She reached for the tiles in order, commotion.
in her answer if not the location of is nothing. For example .. :· left to right. "Hammer. Scales. "Played with courage. Played
the Shield tile. "If I can warn you or He reached out and knocked Sword:' She named them just before like a Dauntless Vanguard. I look
command you with just a glance, well, twice on the tree stump. turning them faceup, each one a tes- forward to our next game:·
maybe we can save lives in the field:' The boast. tament to her skill. "Banner. Knight:'


[D eep in the Howling

Abyss, ageless and
monstrous intelligences rage
at the veil between worlds.
Long have they observed
Runeterra from their prison
of True Ice, but now, against
all reason, that ice has finally he malevolent power of the
begun to melt. Watchers-and the abyssal
realm from which they come-has
seeped into the True Ice around them.
The result is Dark Ice, inky-veined and
heavy with inverted elemental power.
Though foul beyond mortal description,
the ice carries great cultural value for
those who know its origin.
hough many of
the old songs
have been forgotten,
some Freljordians
still dare to whisper
hough a rare phenomenon
the names of
forbidden demi-gods:
J indeed, the blood of the tribes
has been known to carry the power
Ornn, who wrought
of an ancient and terrible bargain.
the land; Anivia, who
From mother to child, the lceborn
dies and lives anew;
are stronger, tougher, more resistant
or even the Volibear,
to cold-and they alone are capable,
who cleaves souls
with great effort, of wielding weapons
from flesh.
of magical, unmelting True Ice.
And by the hearth-
fire's light, there is no
divide between magic
and belief that a song
cannot bridge.

hile little is known for sure about the
.J Y Three Sisters who first conquered the
wild north, it is the name of Avarosa that is
most often invoked, in these times of darkness
and uncertainty. Her palace of True Ice, and
her battles with foes beneath the earth and
beyond the stars, are an inspiration to all now
united in her name-those who hope and pray
she will fulfill her promise to return, and unite
all the tribes once more.


he Avarosan t ribe is commanded
lT by their lceborn warmother,
Ashe. Stoic, intelligent, and idealistic,
yet uncomfortable with her role as
leader, she taps into the ancestral
magics of her lineage to wield a bow of
True Ice. With her people's beliefthat
she is the reincarnation of Avarosa
herself, Ashe hopes to unify the Freljord
once more by retakingtheir ancient,
tribal lands.

ejuani is the brutal, unforgiving warmother of the
§ Winter's Claw, one of the most feared tribes of the
Freljord. Her people's survival is a constant battle against the
elements, forcing them to raid in order to withstand the harsh
winters. Sejuani herself spearheads the most dangerous of
these attacks from the saddle of her druvask, using a True Ice
flail to freeze and shatter her enemies.


1-1 e ='

~-: r1~
/\.I\. ost of the Freljord's cultural history is passed on in
NU a rich oral tradition, though this was not always the
case. With her seemingly benevolent Frost Priests accepted in

most of the tribes, Lissandra has long sought to purge certain
uncomfortable details from the oldest tales, separating the
legendary past from a bleak and austere present. Only time

l~ ll ll lll'
will tell if the Frostguard themselves can continue to deny the
truth, when they are eventually confronted by the horrors that
lie hidden beneath their feet .


any among the
Frostguard believe
their reclusive leader,
Lissandra, is a living saint,
bringing healing and wisdom
to the tribes of the Freljord.
The truth is perhaps more
sinister, as she uses her
elemental magic to twist
the power of True Ice into
something dark and terrible,
entombing or impaling any
who would reveal her
deepest secrets.




i~~i) '

- /
·- -

> ~i' l1 ~~

rynna gritted her teeth to stop three cousins were with Vrynna-Halgar,
them from chattering and Shiverbones, and Rylor-spread a ways off
forced herself on, trudging to the right, while the fifth scouted ahead,
through the thick snow. The unseen.
wind whipped at her, ice and snow sting- "There's nothing out here;' muttered
ing her face, but she did not shy from it. Halgar, the closest of the others. "This is a
She would not show weakness in front of waste of time. We're all going to starve. The
the others. tribe should've turned south months ago'.'
Her clan was part of the Winter's Claw Vrynna rolled her eyes. Had they been
and could endure anything the frozen feasting, with all the food and mead they,_-
north threw at her. could desire, Halgar would have found .,. - °"'
- 1l\\1
The dark sky was lightening in the something to complain about. -~ ~ .>
east behind them as it grew nearer to "Still your tongue, cousin;· snarled
,...)'midday. It was midwinter, and the sun Shiverbones, "or I'll still it
would barely make it over the horizon with my blade:·
before it retreated again. Further Halgar scowled but
didn't say anything further.
There were five of them on The hard-eyed leader
this hunt. The of the hunt,
Shiverbones was not given to idle threats, tions rose in clumps from the snowpack "You sleepwalking, unscarred?" said Runner. ''I'd say it came through here a
nor known for his patience. like giant frostbitten fingers. Out this far, Ice-Runner. "If I were an enemy, you'd be couple of hours ago:·
Vrynna prayed to the gods Halgar was there were no trees, no signs of life. It was dead:' Vrynna's exhaustion was suddenly forgot-
wrong, but she felt it in her bones that a desolate frozen wasteland, extending Vrynna cursed under her breath and ten. Even a young thunderhorn would feed
today would be another hard day. It had forever in every direction. looked down, cheeks reddening. Ice- the whole clan for a month or more. Her
been more than a month since there had Occasionally, far to the north, lightning Runner's eyes still reminded her of the raid. mouth began to water in anticipation.
been a successful hunt, and the salted flickered. Time seemed to slow as they After all this time. Halgar, Shiverbones, The party looked to Shiverbones to make
reserves-meant to last the whole winter- advanced across the icy tundra, minutes and Rylor crunched over to join them. One the call. The long-haired hunter held his
had run out weeks ago. There had been blurring into hours. Vrynna's whole exis- glance at Halgar's smirking face told her totemic bone necklaces for a moment,
a minor respite after they ambushed a tence became focused on simply keeping they had heard Ice-Runner's rebuke. cocking his head to one side, as if listening
Storm Crow war party, far beyond their moving, one foot in front of the other, her "Jumped like a scared snow rabbit, to voices no other could hear. Many of his
usual hunting grounds, but the food their senses dulled by hunger and tiredness. unscarred;' Halgar said. "You wet yourself, bone fetishes were carved in the likeness of
enemies had been carrying didn't go far. Lost in this fugue state, Vrynna took half too?" gods and spirits of the north, and Vrynna
The tribe was starving. a second to react when a figure loomed out "You didn't see me either, Halgar;· wondered if it was they that spo~e to him.
They continued on, unspeaking, the of the darkness, appearing suddenly right snapped Ice-Runner, turning on him. "I just Some of those gods she recognized- the ·
only sound the crunch of snow underfoot. in front of her. expect more of her:' Ice Phoenix and the Seal Sister among
Vrynna used her spear like a walking staff, She jolted in shock, taking a step back The tribesman grinned back through them- while others she did not, such as a
stabbing deep into the snow with each step. and scrabbling to ready her spear, before his icy beard. "No one ever sees you, ram holding a hammer and a two-headed
Her bow was slung across her shoulders, realizing it was Sigrun Ice-Runner, their Ice-Runner:' raven.
her arrows at her hip. Not that there had scout. "You've found something?" asked Shiverbones held the totems close,
been any opportunity to use them yet. They Ice-Runner had been standing within Shiverbones. staring up at the sky. There was an ugly
were four hours out from camp and had a cluster of rocks, utterly motionless, her Ice-Runner stared down Halgar for a scrawl of clouds overhead, and the winds
seen no sign of prey. mottled, pale cloak drawn close. It had only moment, just long enough for his grin to were beginning to howl more fiercely. It
Her stomach growled-it had been days been when she had stepped into Vrynna's falter and for him to look away, before she was nearing noon, but this was the darkest
since she'd eaten anything more substantial path, less than a dozen paces ahead, that turned to the leader of the hunt with a nod. it had been all day. Nevertheless, a thunder-
than weak bone broth- but she did her she'd become visible. "Tracks, half a league ahead;' she said. horn was a prize that could not be ignored.
best to ignore it. The wind was picking up, Ice-Runner's tightly braided hair had long "Just over the rise, heading northwest:' Shiverbones gave his totems a shake,
and Vrynna pulled her fur-lined cloak in gone to silver, and ber face was well worn, "Elnuk?" said Rylor. The expression making them rattle, then opened his hand
tight as she walked. Above her, the clouds with deep crevices to either side of her eyes behind the knot-work tattoos covering his to look upon them.
thickened, slowly obscuring the stars from many years of squinting against the face was serious, as ever. Vrynna wasn't "Two hours in front?" said Shiverbones,
and making the day darker, even as they frozen glare. Though she was one of the sure he was even capable of smiling. glancing at Ice-Runner.
approached the midday dawn. oldest living members of her clan, perhaps Ice-Runner shook her head, the ghost of "Maybe less:'
Despair began to claw at her, insidious even the entire Winter's Claw, she still had excitement in her voice. "Thunderhorn. Big Shiverbones nodded, thinking. "We give
and subtle. Doubts wormed their way into a fierce vitality about her, and there were one, too:' chase;' he said, eliciting a sage nod from
her mind, whispering to her. few who could withstand her withering Vrynna's eyes widened, and Rylor mur- Rylor and a savage whoop from Halgar.
We're all going to die out here, frozen and gaze. Even the warmother's bloodsworn mured in appreciation. Even Halgar had "But we have to move fast. This storm looks
alone, they said. were cowed before her unblinking nothing negative to say to that. bad:'
Vrynna shook her head to dislodge them. appraisal. Tall and wolf-lean, she looked "How far?" said Shiverbones. "Think you can keep up, unscarred?" said
Before her, shadowy, jagged rock forma- at Vrynna with iron-hard eyes. Halgar. •


Yrynna glared at him. "I won't slow us running to a feast the week before and hit Then Ice-Runner had melted into the tracking the thunderhorn if it came down

down;' she said. his head on a stone. Not exactly the tale of darkness with the others and was gone. heavy enough. The hunters picked up the
"We wouldn't wait for you if you did;' he a mighty hero, and they both knew it. Their They had returned a day later, having pace, pushing themselves harder, in the
snarled in reply. "You'd be left to die, and own private joke. exacted a bloody toll of vengeance upon the hopes of catching up to the great beast
the clan would be the stronger for it'.' The ambush came that winter-Storm Storm Crows. Ice-Runner had nodded to before the incoming storm obscured its
"I won't slow us;' Yrynna said, clenching Crows, driven by hunger and age-old Yrynna, but no more words were spoken passage completely.
her fists. Halgar smirked and walked away. rivalry. Most of the tribe's warriors were between them ... until today. The wind was howling, whipping across
Yrynna felt eyes on her and turned to see out raiding or hunting at the time. "Time to hunt;' ordered Shiverbones, the open tundra in bitingly cold waves.
Ice-Runner nearby. She'd clearly watched It had been a massacre. breaking Yrynna from her painful memories. Yrynna was sweating dangerously from
the exchange, and Yrynna reddened, her Yrynna's mother had hidden her beneath Ice-Runner nodded to Yrynna, both their exertion beneath her leathers and furs, but
shame redoubled. a stack of furs, then killed three reavers hearts clearly in the same place. Both of her face was freezing, and ice clung to her
"It was my youngest who first called you before she was taken down by an arrow in them had lost everything that day. Every- eyebrows and lashes. Halgar's beard was
unscarred, wasn't it?" Ice-Runner said, her the neck. Yrynna lost her sister in that raid thing except for the tribe. frozen solid. If they stopped out here where
voice softer than before. as well, leaving her without any family. The five hunters loped into the darkness, there was no cover, exposed to this killing
Hrolur. Numb, tears running down her face, she moving like a wolf pack. lee-Runner took the wind, they would not last long.
Yrynna nodded. "It was;' she said. had stumbled away from her tent. That was lead, ranging out in front, while Yrynna, as They continued on, but the storm was
"I miss him;' said Ice-Runner. when she found Hrolur, lying on his back in the youngest and least experienced of them, worsening. Still, Ice-Runner led them
Yrynna looked up at the older woman. the snow, a spear through his chest. ran in the middle, with Halgar and Rylor to unerringly onward, though how she could
Ice-Runner's expression was somber. Yrynna had been kneeling beside him either side. As the leader, Shiverbones stayed discern where they were now going was a
"I do too;' Yrynna said. when Ice-Runner and the others returned, at the back, ensuring no one fell behind and skill beyond Yrynna's understanding.
When Halgar called her unscarred it was drawn by the smoke of the burning camp. ever watchful for an attack. It became almost impossible to see more
as an insult, as one unproven in the eyes of Ice-Runner shed no tears for her son, Ice-Runner set a punishing pace. Yrynna than a few paces in front. Yrynna could no
the tribe, yet to have faced an enemy with though Hrolur had been the last of her was pleased to see she was not the only one longer see any sign of their quarry's tracks.
axe or blade. But when Hrolur used to say children; she had never borne a daughter, breathing hard. Even stoic Rylor struggled She had lost sight of lee-Runner completely,
it, it had made Yrynna laugh. and her other sons were dead, lost to raids to match their scout, who seemed to run and could only just see Halgar and Rylor
He was Ice-Runner's youngest son and and sickness. Ice-Runner's bloodline would without tiring. to either side of her. Lightning flickered, its
only a year older than Yrynna. He'd been end with her. The thunderhorn tracks led them on. thunder now close enough to hear.
just as untested as she; that was why they'd A war party had been gathered for repri- Yrynna marveled at their size. Each was A hand clamped down on her
both found it so funny. sal, and faces smeared with blood and ash. over two hand spans in width and almost as shoulder from behind, and she gave a yelp
"Ah, but I bear the mark ofa blooded Yrynna had wanted to go with them, the deep. This beast seemed content ploughing of surprise, though thankfully that noise
reaver!" he had declared, gesturing proudly desire for retribution strong, but she was straight through some of the larger snow- was lost on the gale. It was Shiverbones, the
to the jagged scar on his left cheek. "Let all too young. Ice-Runner placed a hand upon drifts in its path, without slowing. It truly sweeping horns of his mustache hanging
who look upon me know the true meaning Yrynna's shoulder. must be massive. Fast, too; the hunters like icicles around his blue-tinged lips.
offear!" "Your mother was a.fine warrior," Ice- were gaining ground on it, but not at a rate Yrynna came to a halt, and Halgar and
"The true meaning of clumsiness, more Runner had said. "A true daughter of winter. anyone seemed happy about. Rylor closed in to join them. A moment
like;' Yrynna had said, laughing. And I know my son was yourfriend. Our Snow began to fall, making Halgar swear. later, the silhouette of Ice-Runner appeared,
It had been midsummer, the two of them kin are in a better place now. We'll see them Yrynna didn't need to ask why. Not only stalking out of the storm like an ice wraith.
just children. The scar Hrolur boasted again, one day soon, and we will hunt with did fresh snow make running more diffi- "What's the hold up?" Ice-Runner shouted
about had been made when he'd tripped them across the endless ice plains beyond." cult, even Ice-Runner would have trouble over the wind.


"See the flashes in the heavens?" Shiver- back at her. The others stopped as well. "Doesn't change anything;' he said. scanned the area, searching for enemies,
bones shouted back, shaking one of his "So the weakest among the tribe go back "Right, cousin?" but the fallen thunderhorn kept drawing
totems. "The Stormlord rages!" to the earth;' Shiverbones said. "That is the The leader of the hunt looked first at her gaze. It was a true monster.
"I can still track the beast!" shouted Winter's Claw way!" Halgar, then Vrynna, then Ice-Runner. Its body was thick and heavy and cov-
Ice-Runner. "We are closing in!" "And if all of us die?" "You siding with the girl?" Shiverbones ered in dark, ice-encased fur. The deadly
Vrynna didn't doubt Ice-Runner, even "Then it is the will of the gods!" asked the scout. Ice-Runner shrugged. horn jutting from its head was longer
though the tracks the hunters themselves Vrynna stared back at the others. Was "I can still track it;' she said. "And you than the broad harpoons other clans of
had just made were almost completely it just that her pride was wounded at the said it yourself-if we die in the storm, the tribe used to hunt mourn-whales. Its
obscured already. And yet Shiverbones thought of returning empty-handed? then such is the gods' will:' mouth was open, exposing surprisingly
shook his head. "If we die in that storm;' shouted Shiver- Shiverbones furrowed his brow and small, chisel-like teeth, and its pink
"It is an ill omen!" he called. "We must bones, "the clan's Jost five of its best gave his totems a shake before nodding. tongue protruded in a silent death-bray.
turn back!" hunters. That endangers everyone:· "We go on;' he said. Its tiny eyes were wide and staring.
' ; ,•
Vrynna thought Ice-Runner was going "Well, four of the best plus the unscarred;' "What killed it?" Yrynna asked, an
to argue, but to her surprise she simply said Halgar, with a grin. Vrynna scowled at icicle of fear stabbing into her gut.
began walking back the way they had come. him, wanting to punch the smirk off his face. "Whatever did is likely still close;·
The others made no protest either, turning She was not the only one irritated by hissed Ice-Runner, an arrow nocked to
without a word. Vrynna was the only one Halgar's snide remark. Ice-Runner walked her bowstring.
who didn't. She looked at Ice-Runner, con- up and slapped him in the back of his head, ·. ··.:.' ·~ nd probably not best pleased with
.· '
fused and disappointed. making him stumble to one knee in the They finally came upon the beast within someone else claiming its kill;' added
"But we're so close!" Vrynna said. snow with a curse. He was on his feet in an a snow-covered stand of black rocks, and it Halgar sourly. He, too, had his bow at
Ice-Runner merely shrugged and kept instant, hand clenched around the haft of truly was the biggest thunderhorn Vrynna the ready and was turning on the spot.
walking. his war axe. had ever seen. Shiverbones approached the thun-
Vrynna turned, shouting at the backs of "I've killed others for less, scout!" he spat, Almost as long as a wolfship from the derhorn's carcass warily to inspect its
the other four hunters. "We've come all this his face red-and not just from the ice and jagged forehorn to the tip of its stubby wounds. Ice- Runner stared intently at
way! The clan is relying on us!" wind. tail, it would have put up a terrible fight ... the markings on the ground, eyes darting
"There's always tomorrow;· shouted "Then try it, little man;· said Ice-Runner, had it been alive. back and forth, reading them as a Frost
Rylor. "We'll hunt again once the gods' staring at him unblinking. The colossal beast lay sprawled on its Priest might read the totems. Yrynna,
anger has subsided'.' Halgar licked his lips. His gaze flicked side, and the snow around it was reddened Halgar, and Rylor fanned out, facing out-
"But the clan is starving today!' shouted down to the pair of long hunting blades with blood. More was splattered in wide ward, watchful for danger. Vrynna could
Vrynna, walking along in the wake of the strapped at Ice-Runner's sides. She'd not arcs around the area, and the ground was smell the dead thunderhorn, a heady
others now. "It's been weeks since we've made any move to grab them. Not yet, churned and gouged deeply, as if this had animal musk.
seen any sign of prey!" at least. been the site of some titanic battle. "Wounds across its flank;' Shiverbones
"Go hunt it alone then, unscarred;' Shiverbones and the others stood The hunters approached carefully, called out. "And its throat's been ripped
snapped Halgar, over his shoulder. 'Tll unmoving, waiting to see how things weapons at the ready. They spread out out. This was not done by axe or spear."
raise a cup to your noble sacrifice back at played out. instinctively, without a word. The wind "Yeti?" said Rylor.
the fire'.' At last, Halgar relinquished his grip on howled mournfully, scattering snow in The word sent a shudder through
"People will die if we don't make this his axe, thinking better of taking on the blustering eddies. Vrynna. Her main fear when coming
kill;' shouted Vrynna. Shiverbones renowned hunter. He turned away, mutter- Vrynna clutched her spear in both on this hunt had been tundra wolves,
stopped walking and turned to look ing to himself. hands, moving in a low crouch. She or running into a Storm Crow hunting


party. She hadn't considered the possibility Ice-Runner was the first to react, loosing away from Ice-Runner. The power of the She heard screaming and felt a flicker
of encountering a yeti. They didn't range an arrow that took the wildclaw in its movement ripped Vrynna's spear from of annoyance. The sound was intruding
this far south .... Did they? neck, eliciting a snarl of pain. Swiftly, she her hands and dragged her off-balance. on her peace. A roar, closer again. What
"Wait;' said Ice-Runner, kneeling and drew and loosed another shaft, and again She fell to her knees in the snow as the is that?
touching her gloved hand to the snow. her arrow found its mark, thudding deep wildclaw alpha turned. She suddenly felt confused. She wasn't
"This is .. :' into the beast's flesh. Death stared down at her, and its eyes lying on furs ... she was on t he snow, yet
"Wbat do you see?" said Yrynna. Then the wildclaw was charging, its nar- were yellow. she couldn't remember falling. She real-
A yeti would have been bad, but what rowed yellow eyes locked on Ice-Runner. One massive paw, easily as big as Vrynna's ized she couldn't see out of her right eye.
Ice-Runner shouted was worse. It moved with staggering speed, cover- head, swatted her across the face. Everything was darkness on that side. She
"Wildclaw!" she bellowed. ing the ground between them in two swift Blood filled her vision, and she fell. reached up, thinking perhaps her hood or

bounds. Another arrow-Halgar's- took a blanket had slipped over her face. But

---i~J~ ~·~ 1.1 ~ the giant cat in its chest, but it didn't slow. no-when she moved her hand away, it

~ ~-----~::-
Vrynna shouted wordlessly and lurched was covered in blood.
~~. forward, spear lowered, knowing she was Then the pain hit her, and the reality of

T~? going to be too slow.

Ice-Runner dropped her bow and hurled
her situation snapped into stark clarity
with it. The last vestiges of her confusion
It came at them amid an explosion of herself into a roll, desperately trying to shed away, like an ice-drake sloughing
snow, bursting from a drift with shocking avoid the flashing claws. She was fast, but its skin. The shouts were from her fellow
speed. the years had robbed her of some of her hunters, still locked in a desperate fight
Vrynna saw little more than a blur of speed. She avoided the worst of the slash- with t he wildclaw that had smashed her
pale fur and a flash of yellow eyes. She had ing talons, but the wildclaw still managed \'.ryrma didn't want to wake up. She aside and left her for dead.
barely begun to bring her spear around to strike a glancing blow. Claws gouged was warm and content, wrapped under a But she wasn't dead. Not yet.
before the wildclaw slammed into Rylor, across the small of her back, slicing swathe of thick furs. She scrambled to her knees, groaning. It
swordlike claws digging deep into his through her leather jerkin and deep into She frowned. She heard distant shouts felt like someone had rammed a hot poker
body. The beast drove him twenty feet the flesh beneath, sending her reeling. and the snarls of some big creature, but into her right eye. Her whole face was
back before landing, the warrior broken The cat snarled and went after Ice- they were faint, coming to her from a throbbing angrily. She fought not to spill
beneath its weight, his flesh riven by its Runner again, moving with a speed no great distance. Just a dream, she thought, the contents of her stomach and steadied
talons. It bit down on him and ended his one could hope to match. numbly, and tried to go back to sleep, bur- herself with one hand on the ice as her
life with a savage twist of its powerful Nevertheless, it was distracted for rowing deeper under the furs. The sound head spun. Thankfully the wave of nausea
neck, sending a fresh spray of red across a fraction of a second as Shiverbones was insistent, however, and with a sigh, passed swiftly. Gingerly, she touched her
the snow. The wildclaw rounded on the launched himself at it, a war axe clasped in she opened her eyes. face again. Blood dripped onto the snow.
other hunters, its tails lashing the snow, each hand, a war cry on his lips. She found herself staring up at a dark She winced as her fingers felt the deep
and let loose a terrible roar that made It was just enough of a pause to allow sky. Snow was whipping back and forth lacerations crossing her skin from brow
Vrynna's insides shudder. Vrynna to close the distance. She shouted above her, as if in some wild, weightless to cheek. She still couldn't see out of her
It was big, likely an alpha, larger even in terror and defiance as she thrust her dance no mortal could truly understand. It right eye, but she didn't dare prod at the
than the driivask ice boars ridden by the spear into the wildclaw's side, driving it was beautiful the way each flake spun and socket, too afraid she'd find it empty.
fiercest of the Winter's Claw. It moved deep with all her strength and weight. She whirled. She felt the snow settling upon Vrynna staggered to her feet, vision
with feline grace, lithe and powerful on felt the spear tip scrape between ribs. her, but it didn't feel cold. wavering. She wobbled, staring toward the
its six legs. The giant cat screeched and spun If this was a new dream, it was a good one. ferocious battle still underway.


The wildclaw, too, was bleeding, and An arrow, loosed at close range, sank the blade down hard. It sank to the hilt, Yrynna nodded. "Shiverbones landed
arrows jutted from its body. Its tail swished deep into the wildclaw's thick neck. It and bright blood gushed. the killing blow:'
angrily, and its ears were pinned back as it hissed and turned on Halgar, sprawled on The beast screeched and bucked, trying Ice-Runner coughed blood and smiled.
turned, snarling, its eyes wild. Blood caked the ground. The tribesman swore loudly desperately to dislodge her. Vrynna clung Her teeth were stained red. "Good;' she
the pale fur around its gaping maw. and fumbled for another arrow. Ice- on, keeping a hold on her knife with one wheezed. "Would have been disappointing
Ice-Runner and Shiverbones circled it, Runner leapt forward, stabbing with a hand while the other gripped the cat's to die for nothing:'
while Halgar was down. He wasn't dead, spear-Vrynna's spear. As the immense cat thick fur. She tore the blade free and Shiverbones appeared at Yrynna's
but one of his legs was a ruin and twisted turned toward Ice-Runner, Shiverbones managed another two stabs before she was side, supporting Halgar under one arm.
at a sickening angle beneath him. He fum- darted in, hammering one of his axe-heads thrown aside, falling heavily to the slushy, Yrynna looked up at them. Shiverbones'
bled with his bow, cursing and grimacing into its flank. gore-soaked snow. expression was grim as he looked down at
in pain. The body of Rylor lay in a broken The cat swatted at Shiverbones, but The wildclaw roared down at her. Its Ice-Runner's wounds. He shook his head.
heap nearby. the leader of the hunt rolled beneath the hot breath reeked of fetid meat. From the Ice-Runner reached out, and Yrynna
Both Ice-Runner and Shiverbones were blow. As he did, Ice-Runner struck again, ground, Yrynna roared back, matching the took the dying woman's hand in both of
injured, but the beast was limping too, its ramming Yrynna's spear deep into its side. beast's fury. her own.
strength fading. The outcome of the battle This time, the wildclaw was faster to react. Then an axe took the wildclaw alpha in 'Tm sorry;' Yrynna said. "It's my fault. I
remained uncertain. It caught Ice-Runner heavily in the chest the back of the skull, and it finally slumped shouldn't have made us push on:'
They were not so different, the alpha with one massive, crushing paw. Yrynna to the ground. "Hush yourself;' Ice-Runner chided.
and the Winter's Claw, Yrynna realized cried out as the old scout was hurled It twitched a few times, then was still. "Today is a good day! Our clan will feast,
in a strange moment of clarity. Both were through the air before slamming into one Shiverbones looked down at Yrynna. and I... I will see my sons in the beyond.
simply struggling to survive in this harsh of the nearby rocks with a bone-snapping "Your face ..." he said. Yes, today is a good day:'
frozen landscape that was their home. The impact. Yrynna shrugged. "But-" started Yrynna, but Ice-Runner
alpha might have had a family of its own An arrow skidded off the cat's skull, 'Tm alive:' interrupted her.
to feed, fighting desperately to keep the tearing through one of its ears, and the Her gaze slid over to Ice-Runner, "It was the right thing to do;' she said,
hunters from stealing its kill. wildclaw turned to face Halgar. It stalked collapsed at the foot of the rocks. Shiver- clutching Yrynna's hands tightly. "The
This was the way of things, as it always rapidly toward him, body low, ready to bones hauled Yrynna to her feet, and they Winter's Claw thing to do. It is not our
had been and always would be. All life was po~~ce. staggered over to Ice-Runner's side. The way to shy from hardship and danger. The
a battle. The weak perished, the strong With a scream of fury, Yrynna leapt · scout was breathing, but her chest was tribe needs bold leaders like you:'
Rage built within her. Rage at all the "
from a snow-\OV.! ed rock, holdin,g her
.. down
knife high in b.ot ha" ds. She came
caved in, and blood foamed at her lips.
Yrynna sank helplessly to her knees.
"I am no leader;' said Yrynna.
"You will be;' said Ice-Runner. "And you
hard days her clan had suffered. Rage on the wildclaw's s oulders and rimmed. · "Is it dead?" Ice-Runner growled. are no longer unscarred:'
I •
at her own fear, her own weakness. It
warmed her, banishing the numbing cold.
Her eye narrowed, fixed on the wildclaW:- . -·' \.:"'
Snarling, she tore her hunting knife from
its sheath at her hip and broke into a ru~ . -----~•

If today was to be the day death came-
for her, then she would meet it head-on,
with spear and blade, fighting till the last. .
.• •.·

Vrynna's face was throbbing, but the dead upon their return and the kill gone, "We may die tomorrow, but today we Ice-Runner and her sons in their eternal
blood had ceased dripping. Frozen, most but all was well when they finally made it survived;' said Shiverbones. "Today, the hunt tomorrow or twenty winters hence.
likely, she thought. back, along with the rest of their people. clan eats. That is good enough for me:' All that mattered was right now, in t his
The worst of the storm had blown itself Vrynna's face had been bound by the Vrynna nodded slowly, finally realizing moment, her clan lived. And tomorrow,
out, and a patch of clear night sky opened clan's healer. Though the healer did not the simple truth in those words. the fight for survival would begin again.
up overhead. In the darkness up there, say, she knew she would never again see This was what it was to be Winter's A deep sense of peace descended upon
luminescent bands of color were revealed. with her right eye. Claw. her. Finally, she understood.
It was beautiful and peaceful; perhaps She sat staring into the fire, her stomach Every day was a fight for survival. And "A good day;' said Vrynna, raising her
the gods themselves were paying their full of charred thunderhorn meat, when while every new dawn was one to be drinking horn high.
respects to the passing of a hero. Shiverbones found her. He had two horns thankful for, it didn't matter if she joined
Shiverbones rattled his charms, mur- of honey wine-the gods alone knew
muring under his breath. where he'd found it-and held one out to
Ice-Runner squeezed Vrynna's hands her. Vrynna nodded her thanks.
one last time. "I always wanted a daugh- "You fought well today, scarmaiden,"
ter;' she said. Shiverbones said, as he settled down
Her grip weakened, and she let out a beside her. "Would you join us on the hunt
final, ragged breath. tomorrow?"
Then she was still. It took Vrynna a moment for the impact
of what he'd said to register.
Scarmaiden. It had a good sound to it.
It should have been a moment to savor,
but she felt no stirring of pride within her.
She felt nothing. The two hunters sat star-
ing into the fire, sipping occasionally from
their drinking horns.
f . .· . : :

.. "She was a mighty warrior and the best

The clan ate well i:hat night.· tracker I've ever known;' said Shiver-
.. ,., _

Vrynna and Shiverbones had dug Halgar bones, correctly guessing where Vrynna's
a shelter, for he was unable to walk, and
left him to guard the kill while the two of
thoughts were. "It was an honor to have
known her and to have fought alongside
. •. •-·
them had set out to make the long journey her:'
back to the tribe. "It was;' agreed Vrynna. ,,
The Winter's Claw tribe built no perma- "To Sigrun Ice-Runner;' Shiverbones
nent structures-they were a migratory said, and the two of them drank.
people, constantly moving and raiding, Ice-Runner would be with her sons now,
hunting prey across the ice. And so, hunting and raiding across the eternal
Vrynna's clan broke camp as soon as they ice plains of the beyond. It gave Vrynna
received word of the successful hunt. comfort to k;;ow that one day she would
Vrynna half expected to find Halgar join them.


J'r'rhe construction ofthese huge accessways-originally
\!} named to honor the region's Shuriman heritage-
brought unimaginable wealth to the merchants of Piltover.
A shortened route between east and west has also enabled
since ancient times. Even after the fall of the rapid expansion of the Noxian empire along the coast,
Azir, it continued to serve as a prosperous although Piltover charges truly staggering hazard rates for
port and trade route, and became known THE JUBILEE
the transport of all military assets.
simply as Zaun. But the steady growth ~ local festival dating
of the area came at great cost to the .t!{.back several thousand
community, when ambitious construction years, the Jubilee has been
work resulted in the flooding and collapse celebrated every quarter
of some of the oldest parts of the city. century to give thanks for
Undeterred, the powerful merchant clans the sea and the bounty it
moved their interests to the outlying brings. For modern
districts of Piltover instead. Piltovans, this is a quaint
but happy excuse for tradi-
tionally themed feasting.
For Zaunites, it has become
a more somber observance.


\.jf\iltovans are
~ self-reliant,
industrious, and
always aspire to do
better. They see an
open and free market as
essential to their city's
continued prosperity.

JAGO 'iJ't'he merchant clans
ME DARDA \!¥of Piltovereach
/Jt'he current have their own unique
\!¥head of sigil to identify their
Clan Medarda, homes, workshops,
Jago commands shipments, warehouses,
immense respect inventions, and places
throughout ofbusiness.
Piltover. His
family was
instrumental in
the construction
of the Sun Gates. basis of Piltovan government. While
a greater flow of traffic and profit
may not be their sole motivation,
more recently Clan Medarda has
convinced them to invest a fortune
into harnessing the power ofhextech,
to speed the opening and closing of
the Sun Gates. Since the citizens tend
to be keen and idealistic, to date there
has been little opposition voiced.


JTrhe interior ofPiltover's buildings are no less
\.!.J;omate than the outside, and are often mar-
vels of technological ingenuity in their own right.

OF CANTEXTA JTrhe lifetime's work of
~e port of Piltoveris always busy with ships \.!.J;valentinaZindelo, the
\!¥from every major region. This funicular Incognium Runeterra is a device
brings goods from the docks to the Commercia. she claimed was able to locate
any individual in the world.
Jrt'he streets of the city are rumored
Since Zindelo's mysterious
disappearance, many believe M CJ N l J M E: N I S
~to be paved with gold, but to the
disappointment of many a hopeful traveler,
that is merely a metaphor.
her alchemical formulae were
stolen. The apparatus remains I C) •PRC) Ci R E: SS
eerily dormant.


1t:f\ extech is the
JI newly emergent
fusion of magic and
technology, used
to create exquisite
artifacts that can be
wielded by anyone-
not just those few with
a natural aptitude for
the arcane.
C'f1:'ach item of
.l:!J hextechis
a uniqu.e work of
exquisite beauty, a
/Jt'his discovery harnesses the power contained within extremely rare
bespoke creation
\!}- crystals, and its potential is limited only by the imagination of its
creators. Hextech is capable of amazing feats-from driving engines that likely took years
to craft.
without generating heat or internal pressure to creating beams of light
that can cut the strongest steel. The process of crafting hextech
is a closely guarded secret, and no two artificers
work to the same methodology. THE DISC-

(f.1 combination of
.t;!thextech, preci-
sion engineering, and
visionary technology,
this single disc-runner
is capable of reaching
dangerously high speeds,
and takes great skill to


,I L

J'Tt'he levels
\.!.¥between Zaun
and Piltover are
home to thriving
markets and
commercia halls.
These areas are the
most cosmopolitan
of the cities, where
people from all
walks oflife and

J'Tt'ravel between Zaun
\.!.¥and the surface
usually entails a long and
tiring climb, but towering
elevators do exist that
allow for much swifter
transit. The largest among
the public descenders
has been nicknamed "the
Rising Howl" by both
Zaunites and Piltovans.


70enied the funds and means to craft hextech, Zaun's
J.t1 researchers instead use potent chemicals to power
their creations. Chemtech performs like hextech, but is far
more dangerous, toxic, and explosive.


.l"'i):)' ost ofZaun's larger structures are
~ J..-1.crafted from lattice ironwork, forged
in seething foundries or wrought from
scavenged material discarded from above.
Even though the undercity lies far below the
surface, it is far from gloomy-chem-lights,
polished steel, and carved sunwells bring
light to the depths.


"\'A'Ahile many Zaunites choose to live in Piltover's polished but
1.J;:tJ1 uptight shadow, Zaun is seen as the home of true genius. Some
prefer to regard their bodies as tools, to be optimized and experimented
on, to achieve their ambitions. They willingly opt in to powerful-and
only occasionally monstrous-upgrades and prosthetics.


~ aun has few restrictions on its industries. To outsiders,

:t:.J the atmosphere of the undercity is thick and heavy, with a

burning, chemical aftertaste. However, Zaun may not be
completely to blame, since the production of synthetic Piltovan
hexcrystals is rumored to be a heavy contributor to the Zaun Gray.


)\,T othing is wasted in
L l\t Zaun, and even the toxic
hinterlands of the Sump can
be churned for salvage. This
environment is too hostile for
unprotected humans, so the
sump-scrappers make a modest
living by wading throu.g h the
waste looking for anything
of value.

/l't'he short life expectancy of zaun's
\LJ.'workers results in a great many
orphans. Though the majority of
troublemaking youth gangs form in the
lower reaches of Zaun, their members
~I' H Pr
come from every level of the city, and
Piltover too. These chem-punks and
sumpsnipes can be found begging,
S l JM P
stealing, or earning a coin in places
where their small size is an advantage.
Despite the grime and hardship, the people
ofzaun tend to be relentlessly hardy-
proud oftheir home and their freedom to
explore every avenue ofinvention.
t was on the eve of Jubilee, when could sleep with both eyes closed without A dull scraping noise finally roused

THE I all the undercity was awash in

preparation, that Nikola's luck
finally ran out.
His plan had been a good one, in
truth. He had taken his time, casing and
fear of collecting a knife in his ribs.
Most importantly, the building was
clear of the icons and markings of the
syndicates. Nikola had pulled enough
jobs to know that you steered clear of
Nikola to wakefulness, the sound of his
boots dragging and catching against
floorboards. His head throbbed, each
blink sending a jagged wave across his
skull as he struggled to get his bearings.

JUBILEE observing the spot he had chosen for the

past two days. In that time he had tracked
the inhabitants' rotations, sketched out
anything owned by the chem-barons,
unless your desired end involved slowly
dissolving in a caustic pool in the Sump.
He was somewhere else-the sounds of
the warehousing district gone, replaced
by the dull roar of industry.

JOB his path, and worked out what the score

inside was likely to be.
From all that, his guess was that it was
By all appearances, Nikola's score was a
small, unaffiliated warehouse, the kind
that played middleman to the many
The hands holding him up weren't
hands at all, but clawed pincers of ver-
tigreed brass and clicking clockwork.
quite substantial. Enough on hand for goods brought in by the sea as they Footsteps thudded along on either
Nikola to put distance between himself moved to their new owners above and side of him, ironshod boots sheathing
and some particularly unfriendly debts, beyond the undercity. what flesh remained, all glittering brass
with a little left over to set down his lock- He waited until the celebration was chemtech. One of Nikola's captors still
picks for a while in the Entresol, where he at the center of everyone's minds, when had a man's face, blunt and scarred with a
distraction was at its peak, and with one nose mashed flat. The other wore a helm
last encouragement from an increasingly styled into some likeness of a minotaur,
empty stomach, Nikola made entry. with acrid emerald wisps of Gray wheez-
It was within a minute of doing so that ing from a twisted crown of exhaust pipes
Nikola realized his mistake- the only one like horns behind his head.
he had made, but the only one needed Without ceremony, they dropped
to cast his plans to the fire and his wrists Nikola to the ground, sending fresh pain
into irons. From the outside, there had hammering through jangled nerves. He
been no sign of who the owner of the took a quick sidelong glance and saw a
establishment was. Once within, though, broad chamber of lethal opulence-half
it became abundantly clear. penthouse and half gangland master's
Just a minute through the door, a lair. A spread of bottle-green glass
strong hand on his shoulder was fol- domed the chamber, offering a view of
lowed by an involuntary nap, and Nikola Zaun spilling out across the canyon walls
was off to see where his rotten luck had and floor, garish and deadly and alive.
taken him. A gout of flame from a nearby foundry
tower flooded the room with light, cast-
ing the scene in front of him into stark


Finally, Nikola's head cleared, and his ratuses he produced rivaling those of Karvyq grinned, his teeth the same now began pacing the floor of the cham-
eyes focused enough to see who held his Piltovan hextech-supplying gifts that brilliant silver as his hands. "And as low ber. "According to their traditions, the
life in their hands. Shining, silver hands. were sorely needed in the undercity. For as your own luck might seem, I don't body is to be burned before the ashes
Nikola's heart sank. this he was tolerated, even as he irritated share your plight, because I just so hap- are interred in the Clan Tariost vault. I
"Oh, just kill me now:' the great merchant clans. pen to be in need of some skill at this need you to steal them for me:'
"Come, come now;' said a voice, Karvyq the Silverhanded was a man moment. So much down here falls short Fighting through the throb within his
refined like an artful design etched free from consequence, and in Zaun that and disappoints, but I see something in skull, Nikola struggled to make sense of
along the edge of a blade. "Where made him one of the deadliest men alive. you. That's why you're here and why I'm the request. What could a chem-baron
would be the fun in that?" "Cheer up, my son;' said Karvyq in his going to offer you a choice. It is Jubilee, want with a dead noble's ashes? Some
disarming drawl. "You didn't know who after all:' last humiliation? Something even more
you were stealing from, and that's damn For a moment, Nikola's chest tight- ghoulish?
Of all the chem-barons to steal from, it poor luck at the least. In fairness, you ened. The pulse pounding in his ears "You're probably curious why:' Karvyq's
had to be him. actually made it further along than most intensified. pace quickened, growing increasingly
Nikola was dead. His heart just hap- who try-the furthest in some time, in "Let's get to the crux of this, then;' erratic along with his speech.
pened to still be beating for as long as his fact. You almost made it inside one of said the chem-baron, swiftly rising "They have taken;' he paused a
captor held interest. This captor was a my shadow houses before Bakkens here to his feet. "The choice: a quick job moment, "a great many things from
man of reputation in the undercity, and nabbed you. How exhilarating, wouldn't outside these walls, in and out, get you me-Gray be cursed, from you, from
not a benevolent one. Even the other syn- you agree?" a little sunshine-or you take a not-so- all of us in Zaun. Have you seen how
dicates kept their distance from him. Nikola knew better than to answer the quick trip downstairs. That option's they celebrate the Jubilee in Piltover?
His captor was Karvyq the Silver- chem-baron. Better to let him speak, he only one-way, son:' Such a joyous occasion to them, but then
handed. thought, and maybe when he decides to The minotaur-headed thug chuckled again, why wouldn't it be? The sea means
For all their bluster, most chem- get down to business he'll make it quick. behind Nikola, the sound like grinding beauty and endless wealth up there-they
barons in Zaun made no secret of their The chem-baron was exquisitely asphalt. never see the dark side of it. After all, they
dependence on Piltover, just as the dressed, his clothes spotless and tai- "Bakkens is hoping for downstairs;' aren't the ones that were drowned by their
merchant clans and trade guilds above lored precisely to his tall, lean frame. said Karvyq. neighbors' hand:'
needed them. They went along to get Above his silver hands, which softly Nikola swallowed, his voice barely In a blink, Karvyq rounded on
along, a symbiotic relationship dating purred with every motion, his flesh was above a whisper. "What's the job?" Nikola, and the silver hands clenched
back to before the separation and before covered in tattoos. Elaborate patterns "A trip upstairs to inquire about a his shoulders. The thief fought back the
the Flood. Karvyq was a maverick among were barely visible through the thin member of the prestigious Clan Tariost:' urge to cry out, hearing the soft purr as
them, openly hostile to the metropolis white linen of his shirt, whorling up his The name fairly slithered off the the fingers dug into his flesh. "So never
of gold and light perched over Zaun and neck and face-gangland marks and Silverhanded's tongue, as though saying mind what I need the ashes for-I need
as fierce as he was unassailable. Had any iconography whose significance was it was enough to elicit pain. Anyone them!" The green eyes bored into Nikola.
other single syndicate or gang posed as lost on Nikola. The thief wondered for a paying attention knew the locus of the "Promises were made, and so promises
much a threat to the stability between moment if the tattooing extended over chem-baron's hatred was reserved for will be kept. As for you ... what's it going
the cities, they would have been settled his entire body. Tariost, a powerhouse in the shipping to be?"
down in the Sump long ago. The Silver- The chem-baron bent down, cocking trade. No one knew why he hated them, Nikola's heart pounded in his ears like
handed, though, held control over the his head to the side as he studied Nikola only that he did. a hexdraulic hammer. Words failed him,
finest chemtech labs in Zaun, the with a natural pair of jade-green eyes. "One of their family has recently so he gave a hurried nod, though the
mechanical limbs and breathing appa- "I respect a man of skill in this world;' passed, I'm afraid;' said Karvyq, who pain of it nearly made him pass out.


"Splendid!" Karvyq released Nikola full of art, music, and expression ... safe.
immediately, standing as he flashed And then there was the Promenade, up Bright, cold light stung his eyes. glow throbbed beneath his skin.
another grin of polished silver teeth. so high it mingled with Piltover, but Nikola recoiled, almost shrinking back A note dangled from the last of the
"Glad to have you on board, son. Now, without ever losing its own identity. To into the relative safety of the stifling sutures. With a grimace, Nikola pulled
time is of the essence, so we must move Nikola those places were the real Zaun, cocoon. He squinted, taking shallow, it loose, bringing it up close to his face
quickly. Though you need one more not the Sump. He was desperate to pained breaths as he waited for his to read:
thing for this job. Volsk?" escape the shadows. vision to clear.
The sound of a bone saw whirring Desperation led to thieving. With Everything
into high-pitched life behind Nikola never enough to go around and plenty around Nikola
sent a wave of gooseflesh rippling over looking to take it, it was the strong, was different,
his body. Karvyq cupped Nikola's chin the quick, and the smart who got by. clean and gleam-
in a glittering silver hand, raising the Nikola had never been brawny, but as ing. He couldn't
thief's face to look up into his own. far as the other two were concerned, sense the familiar
"Courage now, boy, this is going to he was in luck. tang of chemtech,
hurt. I'm afraid you are going to have to Luck that had brought him here. the earthy smell of
die for a little while:' Nikola had to wonder, as the bone saw steam, or the sour
lowered and an injection blurred his taste of corroded
awareness to sleep, whether he should metal on his tongue.
This wasn't how he expected things have stayed in the shadows after all. In fact, he couldn't
to end. sense anything
Being born and raised in the Sump beyond a cold,
taught a boy to manage his expecta- The first thing he felt was a rattle in his bleached sterility that
tions, to scrape out every bit of joy he chest, like too many birds in too small was unlike anything
could wherever he could find it and a cage, panicked and fighting to escape. he had ever experi-
treat it like it was the last he'd ever see. The rattle gained momentum, building enced.
More often than not, the chance was into a single, agonizing throb.... Then it Nikola wasn't in Zaun
good that it would be. grew again, and again, into some crude anymore. What little was in Nikola's stomach
Even so, Nikola had believed he metronomic mimicry of a pulse. The The realization sent a thrill through was emptied onto the spotless floor of
would be different. He'd envisioned pain spread like acid through his veins, his body, bringing a sharp flare of pain the room. The retching and the panic
for himself a future beyond the caustic filling every inch of him. that radiated out from his core. He only made the thrumming of his new
haze of the Sump, somewhere he could Nikola bolted upright but found took a shaky breath, his ribs feeling heart worse, so he forced himself to
breathe and think and grow into a man himself restrained. The world around like they were humming. Something breathe and calm down. He had to clear
he never would have the chance to be him was muffled, dark, and oppressively was very wrong. his head. He had to think.
down among the snipes and the jacks close. His hands pressed against the With shaking fingers, Nikola felt Twelve bells? What time is it now?
and the barons. material surrounding him-a thin rub- along his chest, finding puckered flesh I don't even know where I am!
There was so much more to Zaun bery shroud. He felt around, searching and thick sutures of fine wire. He Focus! He said something about hints.
than what Nikola had been able to see. for a seam, and, finding one, began to looked down, blinking through tears, Nikola read the note again, his vision
The Entresol was the heart-vibrant, tear himself free. and saw a scar the length of his hand now clear enough to realize that the
bisecting his sternum. A faint green heart was not the only change the


chem-baron had made. Scrawled across a corpse. The thought sent another shiver his sleeve and ran awkwardly toward Nikola walked quickly, though not so
the flesh of his arms and hands were up Nikola's spine. the orderly, flailing his arms. "Oh fast as to draw attention to himself. His
tattoos, his skin still pink and irritated A careful glance around the room please, don't let them take Papa!" Nikola eyes flitted left and right, taking in the
from their recent application. There located a large hamper. Nikola rifled squeaked, forcing tears to well up as he spotless environment around him, and
were notes, blueprints, and maps all through clothes and personal effects, buried his face in the woman's smock. the equally spotless people who passed
meticulously inked onto him. finding himself what he hoped could "He's just sleeping, I know he is!" him by. The chemtech heart throbbed
The urge to scratch rose like a wave of pass for the garb of a regular Piltovan The orderly's anger at Nikola's intru- in his chest, and he heard a mechanical
dancing pins over Nikola's body. He took youth. Though Nikola was just shy of sion melted away to nothing. "There, tone in the hall, echoing the distant
a second to breathe, trying to swallow twenty, early years of privation in the there now;• she doted, placing a hand tolling of a great bell.
the shock of what had been done to him. Sump had kept him short and rail thin. lightly on Nikola's head. "Hush, child, Seven bells. Nikola had only five more
Together with the itching, he drove it He had used that, along with a baby face all is wen:· to finish the job and make it back to the
from his mind, leaving only the job. The he had kept since childhood, to his Gingerly she guided Nikola from the Silverhanded. His hand involuntarily
job. advantage in more than one job. It mortuary chamber out into a corri- clutched at the front of his shirt, praying
All that matters is the job, he told him- looked like he would do the same today. dor lined with somehow even brighter that the light from the device didn't
self. Finish the job, save your hide. Moving quickly through the rows of lights. Their sting aided in the thief's show through the fabric.
He glanced over the maps, seeing shrouds, Nikola searched for the body of false tears. Together they sat down on Unwilling to risk exposing his tattoos,
shapes and roads that were completely the noble from Clan Tariost. His hopes a bench, Nikola pretending to cover his Nikola relied on his memory for the
new to him. The clean smell, the unfamil- of an easy mark eroded quickly, as he face with his hands as he scanned each path he needed to take, ducking into
iar room-suddenly it all came together. found nothing but ordinary citizens person that passed them by. a shadowed alcove to check them only
They had really sent him to Piltover. of Piltover lying in their final repose. "Where are your people now, lad?" when absolutely necessary. The build-
It was only then that he began to take He should have known a high-ranking the orderly asked. ing's floor plan was organized into an
in the full extent of his surroundings. member of the clans would be kept "I-I dunno;' Nikola sniffed, quickening elaborate geometric pattern, beautiful
The shock and horror of the past few somewhere more secure. Sliding shirt- his breathing as much as he could with- to behold but dizzying to navigate.
moments dulled, replaced by focus as sleeves down over the tattoos covering out going light-headed in the dean air. There was a distinct absence of col-
the thief in him took over. his arms, Nikola turned his attention to "It was j-just me and Papa. But I can't lapsed passages as well, a hallmark of
Nikola wiped a hand across his face finding an exit. f-f-find him!" the Sump and more often than not an
and slipped out of the shroud and onto Along his right forearm was a blue- "Oh, dear;' the orderly sighed, gently excellent place to hide. He was out in
the floor. The pale stone was cold on his print of the mortuary chamber Nikola stroking his hair. "Now you wait right the open here.
bare feet, sending a shiver over his body found himself in, as well as the adjoining here, and I'll fetch you some water. The crematorium was nearly in sight,
as he gingerly stepped around his own rooms and corridors. A life of cat bur- Then we'll see if you and I can find him just ahead, if Nikola remembered right.
vomit. The air was clear, cold, and almost gling had taught him to read a map, tak- together, eh?" He shrank back into a doorway to con-
sweet. It made him light-headed. ing every detail into his mind no matter Nikola nodded, making a show of firm it, but as he rounded the corner he
The chamber was full of shrouds like how minute. He ran his finger over his threatening to burst into another fit of realized he hadn't needed to.
his, arrayed all around him in neat rows flesh, tracing the path that would lead tears. A pair of armed guards stood sentinel
on slabs of enameled tilework. Nikola him to the crematorium. "You stay right on that spot;' she said, on either side of the door, clad in blue-
guessed by the vague impressions "Hey!" called out a woman's voice from rising to her feet and turning right to walk and-gold armor and bearing the shining
through the thin material that each of behind Nikola. "What are you doing? No down the corridor. Nikola watched her, blade symbol of Clan Tariost proudly on
them contained a corpse. That must have one is allowed in here!" waiting until she took a bend and broke their shoulders. Each cradled a rifle in a
been how they had gotten him here-as Without pause, Nikola shoved down line of sight, and started moving left. practiced grip, intricate things of coils


and crystals and filigreed casings that get cornered or need a distraction to leading to the furnace, flanking the still Nikola did not have to wait long
were as much pieces of art as they were get clear with the score in hand. form of a lady in a dazzling robe of gold before the body of Aurelie Tariost was
weapons. It would be loud, though, as good as and blue. reduced to ash. The members of her clan
All this Nikola took in at a glance as an alarm to any Clan Tariost within Even from a distance, Nikola found looked on in silence as the flames fin-
he walked past the crematorium. He earshot. Nikola held on to the hope that her striking. On the cusp of her mid- ished their work, one of them working
watched the guards out of the corner he wouldn't have to use it, but stuffed it dling years, she bore an elegance the controls to extinguish them and cast
of his eye, finding that neither of their in his pocket anyway. brought with time without losing the the crematorium into a sullen gloom.
visored helms moved to track him as A glance over the tattoo on his left exuberance she must have held in youth. The cremated remains were collected
he passed. With that entrance out of elbow showed him that the storeroom It provoked a twist of Nikola's stomach with more reverence than Nikola had
the question, though, he would have to was connected to the crematorium by to think of what could have possibly seen anything shown in his whole life
improvise. a series of overhead ventilation ducts. transpired for her to fall prey to the and placed in a golden box that shim-
The beautifully inscribed plaque Nikola looked up, finding the grate in machinations of the Silverhanded and mered with a soft blue energy.
hanging on the next door marked it as a the ceiling. It was small-too small for a what the chem-baron planned to do Seeing the box widened Nikola's eyes.
storeroom. Using a hairpin he had lifted grown man to fit, but he would be able with her remains. Hextech. That was an urn. He looked
from the orderly, he quickly picked the to make it. What made him hate her so? down at the simple ceramic container
lock to slip inside. He did, just barely. With his arms "Thus we aggrieved;' spoke one of the he held, his plan to switch the two now
The storeroom was cramped and extended straight out in front of him, cloaked Tariost mourners, "remember useless. The mourners poured in the last
utilitarian in comparison with the rest Nikola wriggled through the duct, our dearest Aurelie, fourth to bear the of the ashes and locked the urn with a
of the building. It was filled from wall trying to make as little noise as possible name, jewel of noble Tariost . May she sharp electric chime.
to wall with iron racks and shelves as he hauled himself through the tunnel stay with each of us, welcome within That left only plan B, and plan B was a
holding tools, supplies, and containers of thin sheet iron. Sweat began to stand our hearts, that we might embrace in very, very stupid thing to do.
of various shapes and sizes. Nikola navi- out across his brow as the temperature majestic reunion, when her memory Just beyond the door came the faint
gated the narrow aisles between the tall rose- a sure sign that he was moving in calls to us:' tolling of eight bells.
shelves, his eyes darting intently from the right direction. Aurelie, Nikola thought. What a Nikola's new heart throbbed against
label to label. Soon the faint whoosh and crackling beautiful name. his ribs with the sound. He had to act
He came to a halt at a row filled with sounds of flame reached up into the He waited until each of the mourners fast. The furnace was still hot, its metal
simple clay jars about double the size of vent, along with a soft orange glow had said their final words and the body cowling ticking from the flames just
Nikola's fist. Urns for the crematorium just around a junction in the duct. was soberly carried into the flames recently doused. Quietly, he unscrewed
next door. He snatched one up, formu- Nikola wedged himself around, taking before he forced open the vent cover. the ceramic urn, pouring in the fuel
lating the play in his head to make a the right branch to bring him directly The furnace was quiet-alarmingly quiet gel and then barely threading the two
switch for the one containing the noble's above the crematorium. He stopped at to Nikola, when compared to the thun- halves back together. He watched one
ashes. the edge of a gridded vent cover, peer- derous machinery he knew from Zaun. of the mourners break into tears, the
On the other side were vials of vis- ing down to watch the scene unfolding One of the Tariosts cast a handful of attention of the others diverted to com-
cous gel plastered with warning sigils. below. strange powder into the flames, causing forting her, before he threw the urn into
Nikola scanned the label, surmising Half a dozen people stood below, them to change to a brilliant blue that the furnace.
that it was some sort of fuel for the wearing finery in the bright colors bathed the entire chamber in a sapphire The residual heat was enough to ignite
cremation furnaces. He picked up one of Clan Tariost beneath cloaks and glow. The thief dropped silently to the the fuel, sending a massive fireball rolling
of the vials, too, turning it over in his shrouds of translucent black. They floor, careful not to throw his shadow up into the ceiling of the crematorium.
hands. This could be useful should he stood on either side of the short ramp against any of the walls. The mourners recoiled in shock, the


closest of them thrown to the ground, Artificial light was one thing. That, in beard. "I was worried you would sleep cast the cabin into cool shade. "You
and Nikola watched the hextech um all its glittering, flickering forms, Nikola the entire ride and we wouldn't have a attempted to take something tremen-
tumble from the hands of the nobleman was used to. But this was sunlight, pure, chance to talk:' dously dear to my employer, though
holding it. unfiltered, direct sunlight. Nikola had Nikola recognized the man from the something of sentimental rather than
Nikola was on it in a moment, scoop- never seen it before. crematorium, still shrouded in his black monetary value. That tells me you were
ing the box up just as the doors were In his youth, Nikola had heard folk- cloak of mourning, with the hextech urn sent here by someone with their own
thrown open by the Clan Tariost guards. tales that spoke of majestic, angelic sitting in his lap. The thief took a breath, agenda for you to follow. Tell me who it
Retreating back up the ventilation duct beings, ones so magnificent and beau- wincing at the agitated birds straining is, and we can spare my staff the mon-
was out of the question. Everything was tiful that they left ordinary men blind within his chest. "Ride?" strous effort of cleaning up the mess we
in chaos, and Nikola chose to ride it as at even the briefest glimpse. He felt the "Yes;' the man offered a condescend- will make of you:'
far as it would take him. truth of such stories now, blinking at the ing smile, lifting a curtain to bring Nikola glared back at the merchant
Before the guards could make sense blazing orb perched overhead, its light daylight and the moving landscape of lord. The man was pompous, rigid, and
of the scene before them, Nikola flung shining and glittering on every gilded Piltover into view. "I am Beredai, Grand urbane. He doubted the man's hands
himself between them, skidding along rooftop and tower across the metropolis Consignor of Clan Tariost, and you are ever left the velvet gloves he wore, too
the slick floor of the corridor and com- of Piltover. proud to ever get them dirty. He looked
ing up in a sprint. The soldiers recov- That was when they caught up to him. more than anything to Nikola like a
ered quickly, turning toward the cries prisoner, content behind a gilded cage
of their masters as Nikola flew down the of his own making-he was everything a
corridor. Zaunite despised. Nikola said nothing.
Frantically, he checked his tattoos, When he awoke, Nikola's arms were "Very well;' Beredai sighed, "I can
throwing himself around corners as he manacled in his lap, and his head pulsed deduce a certain amount for myself. I
followed the path sketched out across with the fresh pain of a blow to the see your marks:' He gestured to the tat-
the inside of his left forearm. There was skull-something that was growing wor- toos on Nikola's arms. "And my agents
an exit coming up, leading out to the ryingly familiar oflate. The world shook scrutinized the unnatural heart beating
street. From there he just had to get gently around him, a rhythmic rocking in your chest while you slept. Quite
clear of Piltover, back down into Zaun, reinforced by the clank and whir of sophisticated for chemtech, nigh impos-
and get this job over with. precision machinery. He sat on a bench sible to construct for all but a select few
Angry words echoed up the corridor of padded and embroidered hide, and a in my personal conveyance, on the way artisans in Zaun down below:'
behind Nikola as the guards charged in quick series of darting glances showed to my home where I have waiting agents Beredai leaned forward, his eyes twin-
pursuit. Despite the near-constant ache him an opulent cabin with silken drap- skilled in the art of... aggressive... kling in the light of the fireplace, face
of his chemtech heart, the thief felt ery and even a small crackling fireplace. intelligence gathering. And they are creased in a smug grin. "So it was the
energized as he glimpsed the door lead- Apart from the single Tariost guard quite skilled, I assure you:' Silverhanded, then?"
ing out of the mortuary. Down in the sitting before a rear doorway, the only Threats of torture in Zaun. Threats Nikola's eyes widened, and he cursed
Sump, he could only run so far before other occupant was an aging man sitting of torture in Piltover. Nikola began to himself for the blatant tell. Beredai chuck-
his lungs burned and his tongue tasted across from Nikola, patiently waiting for question whether he had ever had any led and sat back in his seat, victorious.
of copper- up here, the air was so clean, him to convalesce. luck at all. "He has ever been a thorn, true
so pure. It made him giddy. He felt "Ah, good;' said the man as he saw "Of course, it need not come to that;' enough, albeit an insignificant one. You
like he could run forever. He threw the Nikola had gathered his senses, stroking said Beredai, dropping his hand and would think people would learn to know
doors open and went blind. a hand absently down his trimmed silver allowing the curtain to fall back and their place. That has always been the


problem with you undercity folk, always fast closing in on the carriage, Nikola Losing the Tariost guards was simple
trying to go where you aren't wanted. would have been rooted to the spot. enough. Nikola took a winding, cir-
Never staying where you belong:' He He ran. So hypnotized by the skyline, cuitous path through the busy streets
waved a dismissive hand. "Look where it Nikola only just realized the wondrous, and thoroughfares, doubling back at Nikola hadn't survived to reach early
got you:' vibrant city all around him. Immacu- random to ensure he broke line of sight adulthood by being caught. A thief
Nikola's shoulders shook as he lately dressed people flocked in every and any trace of his direction. It took could be prime at a heist, but didn't last
laughed. A backhanded strike from the direction, strolling or being shuttled time, though, and time was something unless he could get clear with the loot,
guard reduced it to a wheezing gasp, but about by elaborate machine-powered he didn't have. and at that Nikola was very good.
failed to silence him. conveyances like Beredai's. Salons and Nikola stopped at a large, ornate Two things, however, were making
Beredai raised an eyebrow. "This is parlors beckoned to customers with fountain to catch his breath and gain his that particularly difficult. Th.e first was
amusing to you?" a cornucopia of sophisticated wares, bearings. The maps inked into his arms the gleaming box of crackling hextech
"We don't know our place, that's our items so fanciful that Nikola could only could no longer help him now that he was cradled in his arms, as conspicuous a
failing maybe. But arrogance is yours:' guess at their purposes. outside the mortuary. He needed to reach package as he could have ever possi-
Nikola grinned with blood-pinked Everything was awash in color to cel- the Rising Howl, the quickest and most bly imagined. Second was the heavily
teeth. "Your boy here is sloppy, he didn't ebrate the Jubilee. Flowers burst from direct artery between Piltover and Zaun. armed killer mere paces away from
find it. Look where that's got you:' windows and streetlamps. Revelers sang If he could make it to the massive lift alive sinking one of her many immaculately
The merchant shot an angry glance at and played instruments on every street and with his score intact, he might have a crafted blades in his spine.
his guard, then back to Nikola. "Find w-" corner, and the air virtually dripped shot at surviving to see another Jubilee. The agent of Clan Tariost was as nim-
The Grand Consignor didn't finish the with joy from the heart of each Piltovan. The slowly waning light of late after- ble as she was relentless. Nikola used
question before Nikola gave the answer, They sang of the dance between the land noon was eclipsed as a long shadow fell every trick he knew to escape from her,
flicking the last small reserve of cremation and sea, like lovers unable to survive over Nikola. He looked up, seeing a fig- but to no avail. He failed to vanish in a
fuel he had stashed into the fireplace. one without the other. ure perched atop the statue at the center crowd when she could simply vault up
A muffled crump was all that was Nikola supposed that was true. They of the fountain. She was tall, lean, and atop streetlamps or anchor herself to
heard out on the streets of Piltover, eas- survived off the sea, Zaun and Piltover bald, her athlete's frame encased in flex- the walls of buildings with her blades.
ily lost in the merriment of the crowds both, and that was worth celebrating. ible, lightweight armor of gold and blue. Her eyes never lost sight of him, pierc-
celebrating Jubilee. The rear door of But in Zaun, Jubilee was a somber affair A fan of golden blades stamped with the ing through the masses of celebrants no
Beredai's carriage was flung open as of reflection and remembrance, to give icon of Clan Tariost ringed her back like matter where he fled.
the mechanical beast staggered on its thanks for the bounty of the waves but, a murderous flower bloom, a match for As the clock struck nine bells, the sun
shining back-jointed legs, and Nikola more than anything, to pay respect to two lightning-wreathed ones extending had fully sunk into the horizon, stain-
tumbled out onto the street, pawing the sea. Piltover had never felt that lover's out from beneath her forearms. ing the sky in whorls of deep crimson,
soot from his face with one hand while embrace turn angry. She looked like an angel. An angel mauve, and orange. It would have been
clutching the hextech urn tightly against Focus took over quickly, shrinking made of knives. a wondrous sight if Nikola had been at
his chest with the other. the thief's mind to short, actionable "I believe you have something that liberty to stay and enjoy it.
The sky opened up over Nikola, blue thoughts. He was being pursued by two belongs to us;' the angel said, her pierc- New strength flooded into his
and infinite and terrifying. It nearly armed men in a bustling city thronged ing eyes sparking with anger as they exhausted limbs as he glimpsed the
stopped him in his tracks, paralyzed by in celebration. Crowded places were glared down at Nikola. "Steal from the first buildings of the Promenade. They
the sheer endlessness of it. Were it not the best ones to shake unwanted clan and forfeit your life:' represented the highest peaks of Zaun
for the bellowing of old Beredai as he followers, so Nikola dived into the After a heartbeat of stunned silence, in- mingling with lower Piltover in a clash of
staggered out, roaring for the clan guards revelers' midst. stinct took over, and the thiefbegan to run. architectural styles. Nikola flew toward


those towers of wrought iron and bottle- their desired destinations. The elevator Nikola looked back up at the lip of the "Now I asked you a question;' growled
green glass. traveled a broad chute, its walls riddled shaft, seeing the Clan Tariost agent. He the lead ganger, making no effort to
He reached the Entresol with his with broken pipework and patches of watched her exhale, straightening and conceal the tarnished dagger he held
pursuer still but a few paces behind. shattered stone worn away by time and glaring coldly down at him. She pointed in his grubby hand. Two more circled
The Rising Howl had to be close. Now other, more nefarious means. toward her face, a slender gloved finger behind Nikola, one rattling a length
he was down in full, proper Zaun, That was what Nikola was after. He beneath each eye, and then back at of chain, the other slapping a sawn-off
where the ordered grid of Piltover was didn't want to ride the Rising Howl-he Nikola before the descending car stole pipe against his palm as the thief looked
replaced by a maddening, descending wanted to find one of the few dozen him from her sight. down at himself.
labyrinth of twisting streets that resem- reliable tunnels leading from the shaft No longer a blade's length from losing He realized he was still dressed as a
bled a fingerprint if viewed from above. and disappear. his life, Nikola felt an anvil's weight drop Piltovan in the slums of the Sump and
Entire districts had been washed away The immense doors of the Rising from his shoulders. He collected himself, holding a very expensive-looking box.
and destroyed in the Flood- it was the Howl, all glass and patinated iron, slid scanning the walls until he spotted a tun- That was incredibly stupid, and down
perfect place to shake loose the angel shut as Nikola was but a handful of nel he had used before, and leapt across here, stupid got you dead.
before his time ran out. paces away. Nikola banged on the doors, to make his way back to the Sump. "What do you say, lads?" Their leader
The air became slick and oily, with an but the attendants within scowled and looked to each of his cohorts in turn.
acrid tang that coated the tongue and pointed to their timepieces, shaking "We just take what he's got and give him
burned the lungs. Nikola had taken his their heads in refusal to reopen them. Eleven bells rang, clanging from the the shiv, or see if we can't cut a ran-
first breath in this air-it was all he had Slowly, with a protesting groan of its canyon walls like hammer blows. Nikola's som outta him from his goose-looking
ever known for his life, but he doubted grand machinery, the car began to time was almost up. friends up top?"
the angel had. A blade sailed a hand's descend. The air just behind Nikola Navigating the Sump was a perilous Nikola saw a gap between two of the
span shy of his head, sinking into the col- hissed as the angel's blades nearly found task, rife with collapsed remnants of gangers and made a break for it. Their
lapsed wall of a tenement house ahead. him, and with a curse muffled by the factories and tenements, lakes of caustic leader saw it coming, though, catching
She was slowing, her attempts to wind of the tunnel below, Nikola reached sludge, and a myriad of other dangers his collar and hauling him back into a
bring him down getting sloppy. Nikola the edge of the shaft and leapt. poised to snatch the life from the care- loose chokehold.
grinned despite his terror. Right now he For what felt like eternity but was less and the weak. Nikola had done it "Now that's a very good way to piss
would take any edge he could get. likely seconds, Nikola was in freefall. his entire life, but even he was far from me off, little snipe:' Nikola felt the
Finally, just after the tolling of ten His new heart jumped in his chest as the immune to it, especially as he rushed nicked edge of the dagger press against
bells finished sounding across Zaun, urn slipped from his grasp, tumbling for toward the lair of the Silverhanded, his neck. "Maybe we can get a ransom
Nikola heard the sweetest noise he could a moment before he snatched hold of it counting the last minutes of his life as for just his pretty little head:'
imagine. A cacophony of ancient cog- again. Tucking it close to his chest, the they ticked away toward oblivion. "Do you even realize who you are
work, gasping hexdraulics, and squealing thief realized he had been distracted He was so caught up in getting to the stealing from?" Nikola said frantically.
pullies hauling endless lengths of dense from his fall as it came to an abrupt, chem-baron that he didn't even hear the "You think this won't end in blood for
chain. It was the Rising Howl, close painful end. gangers until it was too late. you?"
enough for the thief to lay eyes on. Nikola's legs buckled under him as "Whatcha doing down 'ere, Piltie? Their leader made a show of looking
An immense mechanical elevator, he struck the metal-and-glass roof of What's that flash kit you've got?" from side to side. "I don't see anyone
the Rising Howl ferried citizens of both the Rising Howl. Dozens of pairs of There were nine of them, no older here to stop us;' he said with an exag-
cities throughout their many levels-a eyes gawked up at him from the riders than Nikola. A swaggering pack of gerated shrug.
place where Zaunite and Piltovan min- below, but those weren't the ones he patchwork menaces, all threadbare mis- "I would consider looking again!"
gled as they were borne up and down to felt most. matched clothes and predatory grins. How not a single one of the idiots had


heard the footsteps made by rumbling, In spite of their threats, Nikola could A booming peal of thunder struck the it for what it was: the kill switch for his
brass-sheathed chemtech, the chugging not help a pang of sympathy from air. A second followed, then a third and new heart.
cough of expelled fumes, or the rattling welling up in his chest for his would-be more after, like the hurried thrum of a "I fully expected to use this tonight;'
of gears as claws rose to strike, Nikola attackers. He had made a life of steal- dying engine. After the twelfth, the bells chuckled Karvyq. "Lucky for you, my
would never know. All he knew was that ing, but the urge for bloodletting was ceased, Nikola's death knell echoing clocks run a little slow. Here you are;' he
he was grateful to the horrid brute for just not in him. The lone thought within through Zaun. tossed it to Nikola. "You can rest easy
his inexplicable gift for stealth. his numbed mind, as he looked upon He sank to his knees, forced down by now. That's the only one:'
Bakkens flung two of the gangers the carnage surrounding Bakkens, was the sound, angry tears streaming down Nikola looked at the device for a second
clear before the rest even realized what how glad he was that he had chosen this his face as he waited for the clockwork before hurling it to the ground. It shat-
was happening. Their bodies struck the job over the alternative that had been heart in his chest to give its final beat. tered, and he smashed what remained to
corrugated-iron wall of an abandoned offered to him. "Well, now;' came that familiar drawl bits under his stomping foot.
workshop at awkward angles, making The titanic thug tapped his wrist. as the doors swung open. "Don't we Karvyq laughed. "Enjoy the new ticker,
short warbles of false thunder as they "Almost out of time:' Bakkens gave look handsome all dressed up?" kid. On the house:'
crumpled to the ground and stayed another tectonic chuckle, a plume of Nikola's head was swirling with emo-
there. The others rushed the minotaur jade smoke coughing from his helm. tions, but gratitude wasn't one of them.
with their clubs and short knives, pro- "You best run along now, little thief:' "You certainly did leave it to the last Anger, shock, fear-they all crashed
voking a stream of rockslide laughter moment, didn't you?" said Karvyq the around behind his eyes. He saw the scar
from him as they clinked and broke Silverhanded as he led Nikola back up along his chest again, beneath the funeral
against his brass shell. His glee made to his sanctum. "A dash of the dramatic, shroud. The angel's glaring eyes. The
the punishment he meted out next all Nikola pounded his fist against the I won't begrudge it:' faces of the Sump gangers as they died.
the more terrifying. doors of Karvyq the Silverhanded's tower, The chem-baron's voice was low and But of all the feelings assailing him, the
In case there had been any question, shouting to be let in until his voice was distracted, his attention focused on strongest of them was guilt, a knot of
Bakkens was a killer, and Nikola got the hoarse. The birds were close to clawing the hextech urn he held in his shining remorse at his very core for doing what
distinct impression that he enjoyed his free of his ribs now, their wings beating mechanical hands. They arrived in the he had done.
work. His claws tore through patchwork thunder against his bones. He felt all of main chamber, where Nikola had first "She was beautiful;' said Nikola
clothing to rend flesh and snap bone the clocks in Zaun and Piltover perched met the Silverhanded. It was less than quietly.
like kindling. One jumped on Bakkens' an inch from his head-none of them a day ago but felt like a lifetime. The Karvyq looked down at the urn. "She
shoulders, scrambling to find a joint more acutely than the Silverhanded's thief glimpsed Volsk, the chem-baron's still is;' he said softly in reply, reaching
for his dagger. The minotaur released own clocktower, grinning with cogwork surgeon, lurking in a makeshift medical into his pocket. He produced a small
a scalding cloud of exhaust from teeth as it loomed over him, making suite. Nikola's eyes fixed on the stained gold cylinder, as long as his finger and
his horns, sending the ganger to the ready to strike twelve. leather chair at its center, almost able to tipped with a sapphire. He brought it to
ground, shrieking as his face sloughed Nothing happened. Nikola jumped up see himself strapped to it when they had the urn, and Nikola's eyes widened as
away. The leader of the gang had no and down, holding the hextech urn up to cut into his chest. a soft chime sounded and the hextech
chance to scream after a clubbing over- see as he kicked the door with his foot. "Here;' said Karvyq, "a reward for a locks opened.
head strike compressed him into some- "Come on!" Nikola choked. "I did it ... :' job well done:' He pulled a small device "How did a filthy gutter baron like
thing like a horrific human accordion. He had done his part. Against every- from his coat, holding it up for Nikola me get this?" Karvyq held up the key,
Nikola fought the vomit surging up his thing, Nikola had done it and made it to see. It was a piece of compact chem- smiling at Nikola's confused expression.
tongue at the sight as the shock of the back in time. Now he just needed to get tech, something resembling a trigger "Easy, I stole it, just like I stole your
scene rendered him mute. inside and- assembly. Immediately he recognized heart and she stole mine. Unlike me, she


never returned what she took:' Nikola beheld the tattoos that covered Nikola would never have taken the as though he had earned a good rest, to
Nikola felt his confusion surge up, his arms and torso and discovered gangland quack as an artist, but as Yolsk lay low for a few days in peace, and that
overtaking everything else in his mind. there was yet one spot untouched. The worked his needles, the thief watched a seemed as good a place as any.
"Doc?" said the chem-baron, handing center of his chest was bare, an island careful, steady hand create something "Long day?"
the unlocked urn to Yolsk before turn- of pale flesh amid a sea of ink. The beautiful on that last patch of canvas Nikola froze. The voice that spoke to
ing back to Nikola. "Stay awhile, pull chem-baron settled into the chair as remaining to the Silverhanded. The him was beautiful, the voice of an angel.
up a seat, and I'll tell you a story from a Yolsk slotted the vial into a needle gun surgeon took his time, the attention to An angel made of knives.
Jubilee long past:' and set to work. detail excruciating, but when he was He felt the cold flat of a golden blade
The thief and the chem-baron set- "Together we managed to shake our finished, he showed that every second rest against his collarbone. Nikola
tled down on the worn leather couches respective entourages and then began had been worthwhile. looked back over his shoulder, craning
beneath the glass dome of the tower. a stretch of days that lasted a lifetime Inked and raw, over the chem-baron's his head up to meet the sapphire eyes
Nikola couldn't help but feel disoriented and an instant all at once. It was like chest was a perfect re-creation of a of the agent of Clan Tariost. With a
at how different this meeting with the being in love with the sun, able to see human heart, laid just above his own. resigned sigh, the thief offered her a
Silverhanded was compared to their the world around you clearly for the The ashes of Aurelie Tariost had been tired grin.
previous encounter. He watched the first time because of the light she shone mixed into the ink, the two now together "And here I was, thinking it was over:'
crime lord roll the hextech key between on everything. And I could make her in her death in a way they had never been
his metal fingers. laugh;' he paused, looking out through allowed to be in life.
"I've had this key since Jubilee twenty- the window with a low chuckle. Nikola looked up at a duster of crashes
five years ago;' said Karvyq. "Back The needles thrummed as Yolsk ran in the distance. The first fireworks of
when I was just the muscle for another them over Karvyq's flesh. Jubilee burst across the canyon, illumi-
chem-baron, just enough experience "We knew it wouldn't last;' Karvyq nating Zaun in a riot of glittering color.
to think I knew everything and just continued. "She was highborn, a lady "Heart to heart, that was the promise.
enough a fool to act on it. We were up of Bluewind Court, her whole future Now she's back with me, right where
on the Promenade, business with the mapped out for her before she was even she belongs:' Karvyq the Silverhanded
Pilties for some fine, creatively acquired born. Nobody had accounted for my smiled. "Happy Jubilee, my friend:'
goods, when I saw her:' place in the story, the ganger boy who
Nikola's eyes flicked over to Yolsk as snuck in and stole her heart. Perfection
the surgeon poured the ashes into a vial. is the ideal pursued, but without love it's
Light seemed to pulse from Karvyq's cold and lonely. Together we had both. Nikola stepped back out into the
jade-green eyes. "Aurelie. You can't Soon enough, they tracked her down. Sump, leaving the Silverhanded behind.
forget a name like that. Just as sure as I Of course, I couldn't let her go, so they The job was done. There was the reas-
couldn't see any face but hers after that took her... and they took my hands:' He suring weight of some coin in his pocket
moment. How a guttersnipe like me held up his silver replacements. and, most of all-at least as far as the
could have gotten her attention, I'll never "The last thing she said, the last words past day's events- his conscience was
know. Sometimes, I guess, the stars line I'd ever hear from her, were a promise. dear.
up just right for a man, right when he She made me promise that our hearts Dawn was quickly coming. Nikola
needs it most:' would always touch, no matter what. looked up the canyon walls at the
Karvyq rose, crossing the chamber to And now, my friend, it's a promise, industrial sprawl of Zaun, his home, and
Yolsk as he removed his coat and shirt. because of you, that I can keep:' cast his gaze up at the Entresol. He felt



~/UV/UJU. theJ.e
tmmelUe Mrlt4 onc,e

~ i4 aplace whvedif- Jerved, they are now UJed, by the

B fel'e.nt wfturu mel'Jeandmeld.
'The rrtd cned& and frUt:M u(Vaumm
peqpk, ufBilfµiate;' to ril'We. aAAlf'
.lea nunuten that wa,;u;/,e/ ttro dcle

. are ofte,n, rein:terpnted i,n relatWn to ~the ~ taxu.

/,QC,a/. e&tom&, .liltce a life on the Ocealt
wave,o /Jetvs UttJe ruem/JiaJtu to the
daiir lwl'd4hi{JJ ufa Demaciati f'allfP',
01' a SluvVruur. Jltepherd.
'Thi& aiJJtfrpriea, decJ<ed out in hiJ
crude u.a mmutv re{;Q/ia, waJttie,rs
the quarJideJ to offer charm& and
~to rieplv'tiJ1f;J)Up&' Cl'ewJ,
in~(urafwcaiM-01' a


ne ofthe nunt impo"f't- he nunt J/diM momtel' luui.tuJ
0 ant rtne.4 rm a ~
Cl'eW M the hal'pqrmu, who
T hww the otd Wllf'J are oftut the
IJW;. 'F~ the tnutiti;mf ofthe

lwuk4 aMUayJ the tre.aao, Serpent IU.U, tM4e ~ t:rapJ a.M

vicWu4 lwuk4 are crafted for UV'il'lfs
a.M Jl,ayil'lfs JPeCific creaturu, a.M
can teacJt utitel'J a t:hil1fr qr wen. imp1emelU:4 are paMed ~
tMTo almlfr the Wtlf'. .Malt1' - "{rom~ution txJ ~atimt: ¥~
hal'pqrmerJ are nuu'k&mut,
qrp.articuWty fuvleM free-

dWen, tJUt few uvvive ~

eJWUfli for tlieV l'eput:atiqn
>to becQme widdy klwwn.

• down into meat, oils, hides, armored scales-even bones and

teeth- for sale at the thriving dockside markets.
From MacGregan's Killhouse to the renowned outfits
at Bloodharbor, slaughter docks operate day and
he WJu4t t:IUllfs yuu ca1t Jet to a tnute city, Bil{µtater i4 une uf

t,ai,J e1tfumment ilt Bil{µtater
the bvwtty lrurvd. Written un i,t
the fMlt amut.aMe to the U4e f7f
fr;reiyi cmn11q, t/wUfJli it al4.o mill-t4 i.t4
an the Mme& ufthe fMlt wrvtted uwn cWt.i ilt ~ f7ffsi7{deJi
criminaU, rruiked by haw nwcA, JiWt/ Sel'pen.1:4, cuu:t brunz.e
wrndd fJe paid fr;1' their head4. Spat4. Wh.elt a 1U:41.1'
It said. tlulJ: ~ re{rUJal'ty killfr or queen. ri&e4, they
adde,d a JiWt/ Sel'peitt to hi4 uwn tefritimize their iwtd 01/&'
&uunty, ad ax upui ~ t:o the the city by p.ut:til1efI their
entire city. 11WJ'k un each C<Yin.-
~ Wtl4 the!IWlt
recent to M UJ•

HIGH AND DRY hose with money
hen i4 a. wmm<ml,y in their pocket
T accepted truth in,
Bi4µratu': 'The h4lz.v yuu
will frequent the
uptown taverns,
climlJ, the teM tikly yuu are enjoying fine drinks and
to c/J'own. .M the city taclu merry conversation-
many'cd l'eMTW'CU for even though, in a day or
C<JMtl'uctWn, muc)i <Jfi,t lta.4 two, they will be back
&un, &uUt up with wna.tever down at the wharf, wran-
peqpk um brixf,, filtd, w gling a crew for their next
;teal,-/re i,t l'epw'pqud dismal voyage.
trUJ.4Dnl'Y, w wen the &ruken
ludts <Jfthe J.iU{J4 they
trOAl"e/,ed, ix.
i4;ewalv'J /owUea Wzab-
B dweJ,/, ix a. ta/Jyrilith
<Jf~Uli canaJ4 and IUddelt
i.n.teJ:4, wi1Ji IW Je/Ul.l'aWm beJ:wuli
the hmne4 they buiM. and the ua
where theypJr theiJ' trade. Indeed,
tl'a.v&'Unfr pe,r(lQu& WlUUJ i4 nut
jua an <TCCu,patimuU hazard, &ut
part <JfdaUy life.

174 BILGEWATER 1;11 C. I \\ \111~ 175

176 BILGE\'\·
idden from outsiders for many centuries, the Blessed THE WHITE
Isles enjoyed a golden age dedicated to knowledge, MIS T
philosophy, and the safeguarding of magical artifacts from he lands
across Runeterra. The capital city of Helia was filled with surrounding
renowned arcanologists, astronomers, and scholars of every the capital were
conceivable discipline, while the common people lived peaceful incredibly fertile, and
lives of pastoral simplicity in the surrounding countryside. the towns and cities
were designed to be
ARCHITECTURAL PUZZLES secure without giving
he greatest repositories of Helia were architectural the appearance of
wonders, containing innumerable secret-and being fortified. Thanks
sometimes dangerous-treasures. Certain vaults, their to the confounding
decoration laden with hidden meaning and symbolism, would magical mist that
open only at specific phases of the moon, angles of the sun, or shrouded the Isles,
alignment of the stars. turning unguided
travelers away, there
was little need for a ny
standing army.


THRESH, THE When the Ruination struck,
CHAIN WARDEN the inhabitants of the Blessed
he man who would one Is les had their spirits torn
day be known as Thresh from their bodies. Thousands
was once a lowly member screamed in terror and
of an order devoted to the anguish, but Thresh reveled in
gathering and protecting the undoing of all around him.
of arcane knowledge. He rose from this cataclysm
The masters of this order as a spectral abomination-
acknowledged his long years unlike many who have passed
of service, and tasked him into the world of shadow,
wit h the custodianship of he did not lose his sense of
certain hidden vaults. He purpose. Now, unbound by
was methodical and resolute, mortal concerns, Thresh
which made him well suited to is free to pursue his cruel
such work, but he hungered ambitions for all eternity.
for greater recognition.
hough the empire's first capital However, when the noble emperor
was Nerimazeth, far to the Azir was denied Ascension, all Shurima's
west, a second, much larger city hopes died with him. The royal line was
was raised above the legendary broken. Rivers ran dry, leaving the land
Oasis of the Dawn, where the great rivers barren and desolate, and the Sun Disc
of Shurima converged. sank beneath the sands.
For countless generations, the Shuriman The remaining Ascended could not
emperors ruled from this seat of power. agree on how to preserve the empire's
With each new conquest or alliance, the legacy, eventually fighting among
empire grew, and older nations such as themselves in a war that ravaged most
Ixtal, Kalduga, Targon, and Faraj were of the known world.
welcomed into the fold.

~--=-.-. ---., -., -., -. --: ._. ._~_ _~:_-_-_-_-_.=-·_-=_:::!.11:~::.m

~=: ., .... ~:~
. ..._._11:4::.. ililllllll

·-·~ ..... ----------~
........ ·-·~~·------------


he Ascencted were 'f\Nhile the secrets of
lT mighty heroes, peer- VV thcSunDiscwe1·e
fierce! y guarctect by the
less tacticians, anct cunning
so1-cerers chosen to lead the Asccnctect Host, it was not
armies ofShmima in battle. an exact science. Those
It was said that entfre cam- mortals who uncten\/cnt an
paigns could be won the mo- Ascension ritual but emergect
ment agod-warl"ior took to flawect 01· incomplete were
the fielct, because their foes known 11s "Bacc11i," 11nct it was
chose to turn m1ct flee rathe1· consictered a kinctncss to end
than face them ctfrectly. their inhuman suffcl"ing as
quickly as possible.


--11111m• he people of Shurim a have been emperors
:~ .... -.-------~:~:--~•:..JI
and warriors, slaves and scholars, enduring
beneath the glare of the desert sun. Through
their knowledge of the sands, their strong
family bonds, and sheer determination that history
will not forget them, they have survived wars that
spanned many centuries.

~--=-=------- -~-=-~
'\\Nhen Azir fell, his
. .-.-.. __._
.. .
' \ \ Nhere outsiders see
VV empirewasshattered. VV only desolation, the
From every fragment emerged merchants ofshurima see
claims-divine, inherited, opportunity. From ancient
or otherwise-to rule, and artifacts pried from lost
it was a power struggle that tombs to singing crystals of
almost destroyed Shurima's inestimable magical power,
people. Today, every claimant, these shrewd traders know-to
successful or not, has their own the smallest coin- how much
legend for why they alone should to charge the stream of foreign
govern, in luxury and wealth. explorer s who hunger for the
desert's riches.

rL' very Shuriman knows their empire , - rhere are countless ways to die under the
LC. was once the greatest in the world, but U burning Shuriman sun, yet these hardy
that distant glory is bittersweet to those nomad scouts call the Great sai home,guiding
being paid a pittance to haul sand for out- Piltovan expeditions or Noxian agents between
siders. Even so, when porting water, digging the lonely settlements and oases of this desert.
irrigation, or performing other menial
labor, they remember their golden past.

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ttM ~·~M JJJfl ~u'1'.


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have traveled here, to the Zoantha cascade,

offerings to the Ascended.

t'\Nhile many fierce predators

VV drawn to the oases and wasteland
settlements where prey is more plentiful, the
deep deserts are home to some truly deadly
creatures-venomous arachnids, blind sand-
snakes, and even the unearthlyxer'sai.
huriman raiders survive
§ not thrnugh trade, but
violence. These bands of
marnudei-s often attempt to
blend into the environment in
orde1· to lure unsuspecting
travelers into traps before
killing them, taking their
belongings-and in vei-y rare
cases, eating them.
This band call themselves
the Shakkal; they are known
for their incredible agility
and unparalleled cruelty.
Employing hardened bone-
braccs and long polearms,
they vault toward their
victims at tenifying speeds,
howling their battle cries as
they go.


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- ' ..

an enameled sun disc at its base, and midday, and she was the oldest
when it was filled with gritty water person Khari knew, so there wasn't

from the cavern wells, the ripples on anything she didn't know.
the surface made it look like the sun The urge to sneeze passed, and
was dancing. Khari opened her eyes in time to
But now the river was back, and the see Maza Isza limp from her home
Cut was no longer a dry, sunbaked of sunbaked brick with a handful of

& gouge in the rock that curled around

their town. Water flowed along it, and
it wasn't the hard, gritty water from
greenleaf rushes to spread before its
entrance. It was too late to get away
without her seeing Khari. The old

the wells. It was clear as blown glass woman was the town gossip, and
and didn't make you want to spit as when Maza Isza decided to talk to
soon as you took a mouthful. you, it would be sundown before you
At night, when the old men gathered got away, but at least you'd know
around their pipes, they whispered everyone in the town's comings and
that it was the Hawk Father who had goings.
brought the waters back when he lifted "Water and shade to you, Khari;'
his city up from beneath the sands. called Maza Isza. "Is Anhay's child
They spoke of pilgrims flocking to that born to the sun yet?"
golden city, but from their furrowed "Not yet, Maza Isza;· said Khari,
brows and the tone of their voices as holding up the bowl. "Bibi sent me to
they shooed her away, Khari wasn't fetch clean water!"
by GRAHAM sure if they thought that was a good Isza nodded and pointed to the Cut.
McNEILL thing or not. "Be sure to get it cold and fresh from
Khari paused to smell one of the the river, child! New life oughtn't greet
or the first time To a girl of eight summers flowers, a conical bloom with long, the sun bathed in dirty well water!"

F Khari could
remember, flowers
grew on the street leading
from the town square to the Cut.
To the people of Saikhal, this street
like Khari, that might as well
have been in the time when
the Great Weaver spun the
world into life.
The bowl she carried was
oval petals the color of milk and
honey. Bibi called it a starbloom
and, like the water, said it hadn't
been seen in these parts since she
was a girl of Khari's age. She loved
"Yes, Maza Isza;' said Khari, grateful
for this chance to get away.
She continued on, skipping down
the road and taking t he winding path
from the edge of the town. In truth,
was known as the Path of Dust, fashioned from clay, with an its rich, musky smell, but the spicy she'd been pleased to be given a way
though Khari's bibi said it used to ugly crack that snaked its way around pollen suddenly made her want to to escape Anhay's birthing screams,
be called the Water Road in the its edges and which had been sneeze. She closed her eyes and tried and she had gladly taken Bibi's cracked
olden past. Not in her time, not crudely repaired with hardened to hold it in, first turning her head bowl to the river.
even in her own bibi's time, but blobs of resin glue. Its sides to sunrise, and then to sunset. Bibi It still felt odd saying that. River.
a time long before even that. were painted cornflower blue with said it was bad luck to sneeze before There hadn't been a river flowing
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remains were sealed away in lost of Saikhal took shade in it when they
least nothing beyond the few weeks in gathered over the titanic mountains tombs guarded by spells and monsters. had time to play, but now there was
Cloud Season when it rained over the rising on Shurima's western coast, Treasure hunters, scavengers, and no shade to be had, for the Cut was
summits of the soaring mountains to and an ocean of sand stretched to the grave robbers traveled the length and filled with fast-flowing water that ran
the south. Rainwater poured down north and east as far as the eye could breadth of Shurima's burning sands like molten silver from its source high
the Cut in powerfully brief torrents, see. Dust devils capered over the in search of these riches. The old men in the mountains. The river spumed
but it never lasted, and then Saikhal's crests of the dunes and blew curiously said it brought ill luck to hunt the at its banks and swirled with endless
people were back to relying on water regular patterns in the sand, like a resting places of the dead, but when spiraling patterns where it eased past
from the cave wells that tasted like grazing sandswimmer in search of she had been younger, Khari had outcroppings of red rock. Dartflies
biting on metal. insects just below the surface. always imagined herself as a fearless skimmed the water's surface, and
Back when the rivers had dried up, She lifted a hand to shield her eyes adventurer. Khari felt droplets misting on the
Saikhal's inhabitants had stubbornly from the sun as it glinted on something At least until her father told her mahogany skin of her arms.
refused to leave and follow the golden by the river's edge. It was too there were rich hunters and old She knelt on the bank and placed
remaining waters. Those ancient bright to see clearly, and whatever was hunters, but no old and rich ones. the bowl beside her before plunging
settlers had chosen to remain in down there was hidden by the swaying her arms into the river. After the heat
the mountains, but no one now branches of a new-blooming palm tree. of the day, the icy cold was welcome.
remembered why they'd decided What was it? Khari scooped the water into her
to stay. A wandering skallashi stopping for a She carried on toward the cupped hand and took a long drink ...
Khari left the edge of the town and drink? Nomads, Shakkal bandits? river, passing t hrough a patch of so different to the taste of the cave
the rock upon which it was built, Or maybe it was some ancient wildflowers with petals of vivid blue wells.
winding down the switchback path to treasure washed down from a tomb and crimson. Clouds of pollen rose This must be what kings and gods
the river. Once it had been paved with somewhere high in the mountains? up, and she hummed along with the drink!
smooth glass mosaic tiles, like a river When Khari was in her third summer, lazy droning of insects as they flitted Once she had slaked her thirst, she
itself, but now only a handful of faded her father had found a golden-bladed to and fro. The splashing of the river dipped the bowl into the water. She
blue chips remained. Beyond the shade dagger half buried in the river mud, its drew her on, and she took a deep grinned and tipped the water over
of town, the sun was a searing golden grip so large it was almost a sword. No breath, tasting its crisp sharpness and her head, gasping at the biting chill
disc, now almost at its zenith, and one knew where it had come from, but the warm scents of the flowers. of it. Again, she filled it and poured
Khari looked forward to reaching the in the years since then, it had never Emerging onto a wide patch of it over herself, laughing at the sheer
cooler riverbank. lost its edge and never tarnished. earth beaten flat by the feet of extravagance of what would have been
From here, the river was a The weapon ofa god-warrior, her Saikhal's water-bearers, Khari took unthinkable only a few years ago.
wonderful silver ribbon that tumbled father always claimed. a moment to savor t he view, all "Refreshing, isn't it?" said a deep
down the mountainside, clear and The old men talked about the thoughts of washed-down treasure voice from farther along the riverbank.
cold and tasting of nothing at all. Its mighty god-warriors of ancient forgotten at the wondrous sight of Khari jumped and almost lost her
banks were green with new growths: times, towering hybrids of beast and the river. grip on the bowl. She caught it just
berry bushes, acacia saplings, man, who once led the armies of lost The Cut was a gorge around fifty before it hit the ground and let out
and riotously colorful swathes of Shurima. Ancient wars were said feet wide and-when it was dry- a long breath of relief. Bibi had been
wildflowers. to have destroyed them, and their around ten feet deep. The children so angry when she'd dropped it last
summer and tried to hide her mistake ''A lost tomb?" he asked, almost
instead of just admitting to it. beneath his armor. But his manner second it had looked like figures amused. "No, girl, I do not come here
She looked up in annoyance, again wasn't threatening, and he hadn't done moving through the dunes, but when seeking treasure:'
seeing the golden glint between the tall anything to make her afraid. she shielded her eyes, they were gone, "My name isn't 'girl,"' she said. "It's
grasses crowding the riverbank. Only then did Khari notice that his almost as if they'd sunk into the sand. Khari, and I'm nearly nine summers
"Who's there?" she demanded. "You thickly muscled legs were not those "In truth, I no longer feel anything old:'
almost made me drop Bibi's bowl of a man, but had the reverse-jointed as I used to;' he said, squatting by the "Water and shade to you:'
again. If it broke for good this time, form of a hunting hawk. One hand river's edge and letting the water run "Water and shade to you, too;'
I'd tell her it was your fault. And then was wet with river water, and the other playfully over his fingers again. said Khari. "So if you're not looking
you'd be in real trouble!" held a giant staff with a heavy spear tip "Why are you here?" for some old tomb, what are you
"Apologies, child;' said the voice. "I atop a haft of brightest gold. asked Khari. "Are you doing here?"
did not mean to startle you:' ''Aren't you hot in all that armor?" looking for a lost The armored figure stared into
Khari carefully set the bowl down she asked. tomb?" the river, where shards of his broken
and peered into the undergrowth. Those sunlit eyes narrowed, and his reflection danced in the water.
"Who are you?" she asked. head cocked to the side as he regarded "Thinking;' he said
The rushes parted as a tall figure her quizzically. at last.
rose from its crouching position, and "I suppose I should be;' he said, his "I sometimes come
Khari felt as if the breath was being voice rich and its accent unfamiliar. here to do that, too;'
squeezed from her chest. "But no, I do not feel the heat as I once said Khari. "It's like
Clad from head to foot in golden did:' having the water back
warplate with a polished gemstone the "Why not?" makes it easier to
color of spring sky set at the center of "The Sun Priests remade my body;' think of pleasant
his breastplate, the armored warrior he said. "Their fire wrought my flesh things. What were
was taller than anyone she'd ever seen. to be stronger and all but invulnerable. you thinking
Much taller than even Kadidu the It enhanced my being into something about?"
metal-smiter, who everyone agreed even I do not fully understand:'
was part Ascended. The warrior's ''Are you one of the ... Ascended?"
shoulder guards were carved in the asked Khari. "I've heard about you.
form of spread wings, from which a Bibi used to tell stories about them.
tan dust cloak and streamers of gold- She said you were men once, but you
edged crimson cloth were hung. were turned into monsters and killed
She couldn't see his face behind each other:'
the beaked and winged helmet he "We called ourselves god-warriors;'
wore, but his eyes burned with the he said sadly, "but perhaps monsters is
pale glow of a rising sun. She knew more accurate:'
she ought to be scared of this warrior, Khari glanced across the river as
for he was clearly dangerous, and she she saw something moving beyond
"Many things;' said the armored Despite that, she still felt no threat
figure with a heavy sigh. "And from underneath the sands?" from him, only a strange sense of
none of them pleasant, Khari of "I did, yes, and it cost me greatly:'
Saikhal:' "What does it look like?" "I am your emperor;' he said. A flock of hookbills took flight across
"Wait, you know Saikhal?" "It is a golden city of wonders and "Very well, I'll stay then;' said Khari. the river, and Khari scooped up more
He nodded and said, "I do indeed, magic;' said Azir, holding up his hand "But you have to tell Bibi it's because water from the river to splash in her
Khari. I knew it when it was no more and letting the water run between his you told me to'.' face. It was getting hotter, and the sun
than a few crude huts beside the clawed fingers. "Its rise brought the "That will not be necessary;' he said. was directly overhead now.
riverbank. I knew it when it grew to rivers back to Shurima. This tributary "You don't know my bibi;' said Khari, Azir looked at her expectantly.
a town, and I knew it when I traveled flows only because I have made it so:' looking back up the hillside to the town. "That name means nothing to you?"
here as a guest:' Khari's mother had raised her with Smoke curled from cookfires he said.
"You must be very old then;' said manners enough to say, "Thank you. We readying meat for the evening meals, She shook her head. "Was he a
Khari. used to have to rely on cave-well water, and the sound of livestock vied with friend of yours?"
He laughed. "Yes, I am very old. How and it's nasty. All red and cloudy and full the clang of metal from Kadidu's forge. Azir turned to look out over the
is it you do not know me? Great gulfs of sand. This is much better. I have to get Someone was singing an old water- sands, and she felt the tension rise in
of time have passed since I last walked some clean water, you see. My cousin finding song, and Khari smiled as she him, like the sinew of a bowstring on
my domain, but I am told my name Anhay's having a baby, so Bibi sent me to thought of the newest addition to her the verge of snapping. The shapes in
has not been forgotten:' the river to get clean water'.' the sand shifted again, and Khari saw
"So who are you?" She turned from Azir and scooped "Tell me, what do you know of just how many of them there were.
"I am Azir, Blessed of the Sun, up fresh water in the bowl. Saikhal's history?" asked Azir. "Do you Dozens at least, probably more. She
Emperor of Shurima:' "Wait, stay awhile;' said Azir as she know how special it is?" took an involuntary step back in the
"You're the Hawk Father..." turned to go. "Special? Really?" said Khari. "I don't shallow water, at last feeling the onset
"I am;' agreed Azir, and again "I... really have to get back;' she said. think so. Not much has ever happened of fear. The claws on Azir's slender
Khari saw more shapes moving "The baby could come at any moment:' here. Bibi says it's been here centuries, fingers arrested her in place once
across the river. "I could command you to stay;' said but all the best stories are about things more, biting through her thin tunic.
She sensed movement beneath her Azir. that happen far away'.' "You're hurting me;' she said, and he
and looked down as the sand rippled "Would I have to stay then?" "You are wrong about that;' said immediately released her.
between her sandaled feet. Looking "If your emperor commands it, yes'.' Azir. "The best stories are the ones "Truly, the name means nothing to
back up, she saw what might have "Are you my emperor?" that unfold right in front of us, even you?"
been the outline of another man Azir crouched and briefly placed a if we do not know it at the time. And "No, sorry:'
through the tall grass, but it faded heavy, clawed hand on her shoulder. something of great import took place Azir knelt before her, and a great
with a hiss of falling sand as soon as His skin had a ripe, animal reek to it, in this very town, not long after it first weight seemed to settle upon him. He
she looked at it. like a skinned hide just before it was grew from the river folk's dwellings:' swept his staff out across the endless
"Is there someone else with you?" cured. She felt the power of his grip as Now Khari was intrigued. "Really? expanse of desolation, to the invisible
asked Khari. talons dug into her skin, an awesome What was it?" horizon where killing heat rippled t he
"I am an emperor;' said Azir. "And strength that could crush stone and "Saikhal is where Xerath was born:' air and strange creatures of obsidian
emperors seldom travel alone:' "Who?" she said. lived beneath the sands.
~ .
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~~~~~~~~-:~ ..

- '-~.

cruelty. Slaves were denied any names friendship could never be on an equal do whatever you said all the time or
weariness, "was his doing. His but those we chose to give them. We footing:' else he'd be killed:'
ambition and his hate drove him exploited their skills and rewarded "What happened to him?" She felt his anger but couldn't tell
to betray me at what was to be my them with suffering. We used their Azir laughed, but it sounded bitter if it was for her or Xerath or even
greatest triumph. Or at least that was bodies until their flesh gave out, and and hollow to Khari. himself.
what I told myself. The truth is, it was when we were done with them, we cast "As my arrogant dream of becoming "You speak with a child's
at the moment of my greatest hubris, them aside:' emperor came closer to reality, understanding;' he snapped, "and I
my greatest blindness, that he struck:' "Was Xerath a slave?" Xerath's ambition swelled, and so too have tarried too long with you. It is
"I don't understand what that Azir nodded. "Yes. He was did his ruthlessness. I saw it, I knew, time to set my hands to purpose here:'
means;· said Khari. taken by the host of Renekton at but his plots were paving my way to Khari backed away from the risen
"No, I suppose you wouldn't;' said Nerimazeth to the northwest, but the throne ... so I chose to ignore it:' emperor, suddenly fearful as he turned
Azir. "Time has changed Shurima this was where he was born. I met Azir stood and planted his staff in his gaze on Saikhal.
beyond all recognition and wiped him in the great library of my father's the earth beside him. The sunlight "What purpose is that?" she cried.
away the memory of our triumphs capital, and we soon discovered gleamed on his armor, and though "What purpose is that?"
and our defeats. Only legends remain. our shared love of history and he towered over Khari, he suddenly "I feel you in the winds, in the water,
The people of this new Shurima speak mathematics. We met in secret, for a seemed somehow diminished. and upon the earth;' said Azir, but
of our lost greatness as stories to tell member of the royal bloodline could "On the day of my Ascension, just Khari knew he wasn't talking to her,
children, believing it gone forever. Did not consort with a slave, poring over as I planned to free Shurima's slaves, only to a ghost. "I stood in the ruins of
you know my empire once stretched the library's many scrolls and books. he betrayed me. He cast me into the Vekaura, the city of my mother, now a
from ocean to ocean, across this entire We grew up together, and after I killing fire as he took my place on blasted, corpse-choked ruin, and felt
continent? That golden outposts were became emperor he brought me the sun disc to steal my godhood. I your spiteful magic. The age I spent in
built amid the jungles of the east? here, and we lay by this very river to was supposed to ascend that day, but formless oblivion and the years since
Three score satrapies sent tithes and look up at the stars, just as we had instead Shurima fell and devastation my rise have not been spent in vain,
warriors to the capital, and wealth when we were children:' swept over the land. An empire my brother. My power grows with
flowed to its coffers in a river of gold. "It doesn't sound like you were that had ruled the known world for every rise of the sun, and as the land
The Shuriman Empire spoke in a cruel;' said Khari. "It sounds like you centuries was wiped out in the blink of awakens, so too am I reborn. But there
hundred languages, with art and music were friends:' an eye by a terrible cataclysm that laid can be no future while you still live, so
from cultures beyond number:' "I believed we were, and perhaps waste to the earth and burned away I will draw you from your hiding place
Azir paused, looking up at Saikhal. even he did for a time;' said Azir. "But the waters:' in the shadows with the fire of the sun:'
Khari couldn't read the face behind his I was royalty with other slaves, and "Is that why Shurima's a desert?" Golden light burst from the blades
helmet, but his pale eyes burned with I was not kind to them until much Azir nodded. of his staff, so bright Khari couldn't
cold fire as he spoke again. later. Xerath knew that every moment "I kind of feel bad for him;· said look at it. Its wrathful heat forced her
"But it was an empire built on the we were together, I held his life in Khari. to take a step backward. She looked
bloodied backs of slaves; those our my hands. On a whim I could have "For Xerath?" across the river as the sand there
armies took in conquest or who broke had him killed, and he knew it. That "Yes. I mean, it's bad he betrayed shifted again, and the shapes she had
the law or were born to that fate. And I would have never thought to do so you, but how could he not feel the way glimpsed in the depths were finally
ours was an empire that reveled in he did? He was a slave, and he had to revealed.
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- '-~.


Warriors rose from the dunes; tall "What are you doing?" Khari brought me back as a phantom of ash
and broad, armored in the manner of demanded. "Where are they going?" Azir spun to face her, and a host of the and dust:'
their master, yet rendered entirely of Azir looked down on her as if sand warriors did the same, their awful "But you're more than that now,
sand. They came in the hundreds, sand debating whether to even answer her. spears lowered to aim at her heart. aren't you? Ash and dust, I mean?"
spilling from their warplates as they "I cannot build Shurima anew with "Entire tribes were wiped out for "I am Ascended:'
marched in perfect synchrony that the chains of the past still binding me;' less, girl;' he said. "How? How did you go from dust
no mortal soldiers could ever hope to said Azir. "Xerath must die so I can Khari stared, aghast, at what she'd to ... this?"
match. They carried long lances with move forward. I mean to purge him done. The broken pieces of the bowl "I... She .. :'
blades that glittered with flecks of from this land, root and branch, and reminded her of how it had been the lie "You saved her, didn't you? You came
crystal mixed with the sands of their where better to start than where his that caused the most hurt to her bibi, back, and you saved her somehow:'
undulant bodies. poison seed first emerged?" not the fact it had cracked. Looking up Azir took a step toward her, a golden
Khari felt a terrible, knotted fist of "You're going to destroy my home from the smashed pottery to Azir, she killer looming over her. "How can you
anguish in her gut at the sight of them. just because this is where Xerath was was struck by a sudden thought. know this?"
She jumped as the earth around born?" "How did you come back?" she said. Khari took a breath, tasting the
her cracked and more of the horrid The emperor nodded. "That is He paused, her question surprising heat and fury within him, but also
warriors of sand poured up out of exactly what I am going to do:' him as much as it did her. She didn't the soul that had made him befriend
the ground. They carried the stench He moved past her, heading with know where it had come from, but she a slave boy in a library, the part that
of the deep earth with them, dry and slow, deliberate strides toward the knew it was important. The army of still burned with the pain of that
dusty, like the rotted robes clinging path uphill. sand paused in its advance on Saikhal, friend's betrayal.
to skeletons sometimes uncovered by The knot of fear in Khari's gut and her mind raced as she tried "Because it's what I would have
winds over the dunes. uncoiled like a snake, and she gagged to think of how she could stall the done;' said Khari. "You saw she needed
They came on in serried ranks at the acrid taste of bile in the back of emperor a little longer. help, so you helped her, didn't you?"
of windblown sand, moving up the her throat. She felt it slither through "You said Xerath killed you;' said Azir nodded slowly. "She was
slope toward Saikhal with murderous her body, as if paralyzing her with its Khari. "Pushed you into a fire, yes? So dying, and so I bore her to the Oasis
purpose in every stride. venom. how did you come back? How are you of the Dawn;' he said. "Its waters
These were not warriors who fought But what did Bibi always say about alive now?" were long since dried, but with every
to protect their loved ones or defend snakes? At first, she thought he wasn't step I took toward it, clear water
the weak, but terrible killing things Stamp on them, hard. Right behind going to answer, that his moment of bubbled up from below. I laid her
of magic whose only purpose was to the head so its.fangs can't bite you! introspection by the water's edge was down in the clear waters, and as
destroy. Khari had heard the old men Bibi's words stole away Khari's fear over. Then the cold fire in his eyes they washed over her, they restored
tell stories of terrible wars in far-off in a heartbeat and replaced it with an flickered, and she felt the presence of her to life. And as her eyes opened,
lands, and even as horrible as some of anger that burned the snake in her belly the man he once had been. the power of the sun lifted me up in
them were, she knew they were fought away. She turned to Azir and threw the "Blood of my blood brought me its fiery embrace and renewed me.
by people who might know mercy and only thing she had at him. back;' he said at last. "A daughter of It burned my old form away and
forgiveness. The bowl flew through the air and the sands, many centuries distant. She remade me into something new,
These blank, soulless warriors knew smashed against the back of his head. too was betrayed and left for dead. Her something greater than I could ever
nothing of such things. The broken pieces landed at his feet blood soaked the sand of my death and have been before:'
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It swirled around the remains of "Thank you!" she called after him.
"See what?" understanding;' he said. the bowl like a miniature sandstorm But Azir had already passed
"You were brought back because "You told me that already:· as Azir's eyes pulsed with sunlight beyond sight in the tall grasses.
you saw someone who was hurt and "But this time I do not mean it as and curling traces of golden And high above her, Khari heard
needed help;' said Khari. "I bet if an insult;' said Azir. "I only mean that illumination traveled down his arms. the cry of a newborn.
you'd left her to die, you'd still be a your words are uncluttered with greed, The light was swept into the swirling
ghost haunting the ruins, if you'd be ambition, or thoughts of some grand sand enveloping Azir's hands, and
anything at aU:' destiny. You speak with an innocent when at last it cleared, Khari saw the
Azir looked to his sand warriors, heart:' bowl had been made whole
who still stood poised to run Khari Azir knelt, and she met the sunlight again.
through with their spears. behind the metal of his helm without Not as it had
"I have sacrificed so much ... :· he flinching. been, but better, the
said, as Khari bent to lift one of the "You are wise beyond your years, fragments bound
broken pieces of the bowl. Khari of Saikhal;' he said. together with
"You see this?" she said, holding "Does that mean you're going to snaking veins of
up a bladed shard of pottery. "I leave my town alone?" gold that
broke my bibi's bowl last summer. I "Yes, Khari, it does:·
dropped it and cracked a piece off And with a hiss like sand through an like the
the side. It was her favorite bowl, so I hourglass, the army of sand sank back sun
tried to hide what I'd done by gluing into the dunes. itself
it back and hoping no one would Khari let out a sigh and bit her and
notice, but I only ended up making bottom lip as tears of relief threatened glittered
things worse:' to spill down her cheeks. beneath water so achingly
Khari stood and held the fragment But she didn't want to cry in front of clear it was like crystal.
of the bowl out to Azir. an emperor, so pressed her chin down "My gift to you, Khari of
"We can't take back the mistakes into her chest. Saikhal;' said Azir, handing
of the past, but we can learn from Azir lifted her head and said, "You her the restored bowl. "In
them;· she said. "Killing my town have her eyes, you know. Blue, like return for the gift you have
isn't learning from the past, it's sapphires:' given me:'
making the same mistake Xerath "Whose eyes?" asked Khari. "What gift?" she asked, but
did:' Azir ignored her question and Azir didn't answer.
For long moments, Azir was silent, reached down to lift the broken He rose to his full height
and she saw the turbulent emotions pieces of Bibi's bowl. He turned the and set off along the riverbank,
warring within him echoed in the shards of broken clay over in his heading eastward into the desert
tremoring sand warriors around him. hands, and Khari's eyes widened as once again. She watched him go,
His helm rose, and he fixed her with clouds of sand lifted from the ground taking a series of deep breaths to
slow her racing heartbeat.
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