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5e Homebrew by Fluffy Kitty /


Feywild / Oriental Adventures

Conversion Guide

Alternate Title
The Takeda and Ashlight guide to the
Fey, Yokai and Realms

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Feywild and Fae’run......................................................................................................5
Chapter 1a: Shifters.........................................................................................................................5
The Kitsunes....................................................................................................................................5
Oriental Lineages (Japanese Lineages).......................................................................................7
Faiafokkusu Lineage..............................................................................................................7
Torikkusutā Lineage...............................................................................................................7
Tentai Lineage........................................................................................................................8
Kishu Lineage.........................................................................................................................8
Ite Lineage..............................................................................................................................9
Buredo Lineage......................................................................................................................9
Urizādo Lineage.....................................................................................................................9
Kihei Lineage.......................................................................................................................10
Shimo Lineage......................................................................................................................10
Kengō Lineage.....................................................................................................................10
Umanushi Lineage................................................................................................................11
Zokuchō Lineage..................................................................................................................11
Hōshu Lineage......................................................................................................................12
Torēdā Lineage.....................................................................................................................12
Yarisupia Lineage.................................................................................................................12
Sutāuōkān Lineage...............................................................................................................13
Oriental Lineages (Chinese Lineages)......................................................................................13
Odoriko Lineage...................................................................................................................13
Bujutsu Lineage....................................................................................................................14
Shūrin Lineage.....................................................................................................................14
Tenbungakusha Lineage.......................................................................................................14
Geijutsu-sei Lineage.............................................................................................................14
Hōrō-sha Lineage (Half-Kitsune).........................................................................................15
Oriental Lineages (Indian Lineages).........................................................................................16
Surutan kuni.........................................................................................................................16
Karuji Kan............................................................................................................................16
Half Karuji Kan (Tabaxi Bred).............................................................................................17
European Lineages....................................................................................................................17
The Mujina (Badgerfolk)...............................................................................................................18
Mujina Lineages........................................................................................................................19
The Tanuki (Raccoon dog Folk)....................................................................................................22
The Kawauso (Otter Folk)............................................................................................................23
Winter Wolf....................................................................................................................................24
Hell Hound.....................................................................................................................................24
Bearn Wulf.....................................................................................................................................25
Fern Hound....................................................................................................................................26
Fey Corgi.......................................................................................................................................27
Terror Wolf.....................................................................................................................................28
Arc Wolf.........................................................................................................................................29
Chapter 1b: Faerie Folk.................................................................................................................30
Pixie (Revised)..........................................................................................................................30
Chapter 1c: Hengeyokai.................................................................................................................33
Chapter 2: Eberron and Multiverse................................................................................................35
Warforged (Custom)..................................................................................................................35
Chapter 3: The Astral Sea and Multiverse.....................................................................................49
The Carbuncle...........................................................................................................................49
Common Carbuncle Bloodlines...........................................................................................51
Ruby Carbuncle....................................................................................................................51
Topaz Carbuncle...................................................................................................................51
Emerald Carbuncle...............................................................................................................52
Sapphire Carbuncle..............................................................................................................52
Opal Carbuncle.....................................................................................................................52
Garnet Carbuncle..................................................................................................................52
Moonstone Carbuncle...........................................................................................................53
Cosmic Magic.......................................................................................................................53
Diamond Carbuncle..............................................................................................................53
Pearl Carbuncle...................................................................................................................53
Amethyst Carbuncle.............................................................................................................54
Aquamarine Carbuncle.........................................................................................................54
Jet Carbuncle........................................................................................................................54
Uncommon Carbuncle Bloodlines............................................................................................54
Tanzanite Carbuncle.............................................................................................................55
Mythril Carbuncle................................................................................................................55
Paraiba Carbuncle.................................................................................................................55
Mercury Carbuncle...............................................................................................................55
Alexandrite Carbuncle..........................................................................................................56
Beryl Carbuncle....................................................................................................................56
Silver Carbuncle...................................................................................................................56
Gold Carbuncle.....................................................................................................................57
Rare Carbuncle Bloodlines.......................................................................................................57
Bloodstone Carbuncle..........................................................................................................57
Jacinth Carbuncle.................................................................................................................57
Jade Carbuncle.....................................................................................................................58
Lapis Carbuncle....................................................................................................................58
Onyx Carbuncle....................................................................................................................58
Runic Carbuncle...................................................................................................................59
The Vulpkin...................................................................................................................................59
The Lunate.....................................................................................................................................61
Moon Furred.............................................................................................................................62
White Fanged............................................................................................................................62
Wulfkin Race.................................................................................................................................62
Sun Touched..............................................................................................................................63
Blood Called.............................................................................................................................64
Moon Hunters...........................................................................................................................64
Chapter 4: Runeterra Races...........................................................................................................65
Human (Iceborn).......................................................................................................................66
Chapter 5: The Humblewoods.......................................................................................................66
The Porcine...............................................................................................................................66
The Sheepkin.............................................................................................................................67
The Llamina..............................................................................................................................67
Foreword by Fluffy Kitty
The Orient and the Feywild has always been for me a place of wonder and excitement, so when I
came across Oriental Adventures for the Third Edition of Dungeons and Dragons you can imagine
my joy.

Listed below are modern conversions to beloved older races that haven’t seen the light of day since
the fourth edition, I hope you will enjoy them as much as I liked revising them for today’s audience

Happy Gaming

The FluffyKitty

Chapter 1: Feywild and Fae’run

From the basic world of Dungeons and Dragons, Fae’run is generally considered the fantasy world,
often populated with Humans, Elves, Dwarves and others races, and while there is a lot of history
over the years there are patches of grey areas where you can add other people’s and races

Chapter 1a: Shifters

Below is a list of Races that can be added to most games as there usually Rare or at least in a small
amount in the world.

The Kitsunes

The Kitsune, or fox folk, are vulpine shapeshifters known for their love of both trickery and art,
though not to be confused with Carbuncles. Kitsune possess two forms: that of an attractive human
of slender build with salient eyes, and their true form of an anthropomorphic fox. Despite an
irrepressible penchant for deception, kitsune prize loyalty and make true companions. They delight
in the arts, particularly riddles and storytelling, and settle in ancestral clans, taking their wisdom
from both the living and spirits.

Love of Trickery
Kitsune often play tricks on people that enter there domain, some of these are generally harmless
pranks that cause panic or chaos, rarely do they use them to kill.. though it has been known to
happen on occasion.

Oriental Leaning
A lot of Kitsune Society is based around Asia and the Orient, there preferred style of dress is usually
long flowing garments made from various silks in a variety of colours. The kimono is a staple for
both males and females of there race.

Honourable Folk
The Kitsune don't often make friends easily.. this is often due to there own fault of playing tricks
and pranks on potential friends, however should you gain a Kitsunes Loyalty then it's usually for
Male Names Chankotu, Imhakaru, Kyrsaku, Namkitu, Yanyeeku

Female Names Ayaki, Jiyoki, Kyomi, Miyaro, Shinyai, Yulai

Some Kitsune names stem from the area they live in and who there with, those that live in Human
lands sometimes take Human names, and the same can be said of Elven or Dwarven Cities, given
Kitsune can often share there lives with other races.

Kitsune Traits:

Your Kitsune character has a variety of natural abilities as determined by there ancestry Ability
Score Increase: Your Dexterity and Charisma Score increase by 1

Age: Kitsunes live for centuries it is uncertain how long they actually live for.
Alignment: Most Kitsunes are some form of Chaotic, they revel too much in making mischief to be
Size: Kitsune are Small or Medium creatures.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 40ft.
Balanced and Nimble: Kitsunes have proficiency in Acrobatics.
Minor Psionics: You can read surface thoughts of another creature provided they are within 10ft of
Enhanced Senses: You have Reliable Talent on Hearing and Smelling, expertise on Perception.

Change Shape: A kitsune can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same
sex. The kitsune always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A kitsune in human form
cannot use her bite attack, but gains advantage on Disguise checks made to appear human.
Changing shape is a bonus action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the
kitsune does not adjust her ability scores and can remain in this form indefinitely.. They also have a
smaller fox form and a hybrid form, these too retain the same stat block.

Kitsune Magic: Kitsunes know either the Minor Illusion, the Prestidigitation or Thaumaturgy
Cantrips, Faerie Fire at 3rd and gain Darkness at 5th Level.

Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan, plus one other Language.

Natural Weapons: In there natural form, a kitsune has a bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage
+ either Strength or Dexterity (Once chosen at level 1 it cannot be changed).

Darkvision: 60ft.

Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
you to sleep.

Planar Immortality: A Kitsune being a true fey cannot die on a plane other than that of there birth,
should they fall and die elsewhere it merely banishes them back to there plane of origin.

Feywild Native: They have advantage on Wisdom Saves or Investigation Checks to determine
Illusions from reality.

Big Ears: Most Kitsunes are sensitive to loud noises and they are vulnerable to Thunder Damage

Sensitive Nose: They have Disadvantage on Con Saves against gas based poisons, be it magical or

A Love of Beauty: Be it a beautiful person, object or scene, they are easily distracted by such things
and will often stare at them for hours.

Silvered Edge: Vulnerability to silvered weapons.


Oriental Lineages (Japanese Lineages)

Faiafokkusu Lineage

The Faiafokkusu or Fire Foxes are natives to the many planes of fire that often blur into the feywild,
there smaller than most of there cousins and used to warm and hot places. Appearance wise they are
mostly black and orange with flames that lick there hair and fur

Age: You gain an additional tail per 250 years you have lived.
Size: You are considered Small at 4ft 5 Inches to 4ft 9 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Increases by 1.
Fireproof: You have been infused by elemental fire and are immune to such damage.
Warm Bodied: You are resistant to cold.

Psionic Feedback: Upon seeing something that would be considered traumatic to the character, they
must succeed on a DC12 wisdom save, or they take 2d4 psychic damage. After failing the save, the
DC of subsquent saves, until they have had time to recover, are increased by 2 for every failed save.
(The player and DM must decide on character generation what would be considered traumatic for
the character, additional trauma's can decided by the DM if they make sense later down the line)

Torikkusutā Lineage

The Torikkusutā are found in larger cities or places where lots of people can be found there average
in height for Kitsunes and are mostly black furred, they are usually spies or assassins due to there
myriad abilities to confuse and distract

Age: The Torikkusutā have but one tail and it’s often hard to tell there true age
Size: You are considered Small or Medium at 4ft 5 Inches to 5ft 2 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Increases by 1
Beguile: You know Charm Person as a level 1 spell
Impersonator: You have a knack for copying voices and need only to listen to someone speak for a
minute to be able to impersonate them.

Snooty: They will not wear clothing that isn't considered Fine or better.

Tentai Lineage

The Tentai are a highly religious species of Kitsune, often seen as messengers for various Gods or
Kami, there beauty and radiance is something considered otherworldly and ethereal, height wise
they are the tallest species at 5ft 8 Inches with silvery hair and multiple tails

Age: The Tentai have at most nine tails, they gain a tail after becoming more powerful.
Size: You are considered Medium at 5ft2 Inches to 5ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Increases by 1.
Shinto Devout: You have proficiency in Religion.
Radiant Presence: You have the Sacred Flame Cantrip and wisdom is the spell casting ability for it.

My Body is a Temple: They will not eat food that hasn't been blessed, this can be done via the spell
Purify Food and Drink or by pouring holy water over it.

Kishu Lineage

While most Kitsune stick to the old ways and tradition, the Kishu are often striving for the future,
updating most of there traditions with new ideas and concepts, as a people they are curious about
devices and technology. Appearance wise there often red or orange furred with black or white tips
on there tails, the women often wear there hair up and the men have shorter styles.

Age: The Kishu have at most three tails, and this never changes
Size: You are considered small at 4ft 5 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Increases by 1
Keen Eyed: You have proficiency in Investigation.
Tinker. You have proficiency with artisan's tools (tinker's tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1
hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device
ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device
functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials
used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. When you create a device,
choose one of the following options:

Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird,
dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of
your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.

Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or
campfire. Using the device requires your action.

Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops
playing when it reaches the song's end or when it is closed.
What Does This Button Do?: When met with a mechanical, magical, or magi-tech device that they
have not seen before, they must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, if they fail, they will be
compelled to tinker with the device, either trying to activate it or figure out how it works.

Ite Lineage

The Ite are a secretive lot., some say that they do not exist and are a mere legend or myth, trained in
various monasteries in the ancient art of Ikko they are shadows that appear and disappear just as
quickly, appearance wise the Ite are pure black, some have little bits of colour on the end of there
tails or hair, but most of this is usually covered as to not draw attention

Age: The Ite have between one or three tails, it is uncertain whether age affects this or it’s a birth
Size: You are considered Small at 4ft2 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Increases by 1
Shadow Adept: You have expertise in Stealth
Living Shadows: You can move from shadows to shadows as long as there within 30ft of each other,
this costs 15ft of movement.
Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Buredo Lineage

The Buredo are employed as scouts and messengers, this is due to there innate speed and lightness
of size, a Buredo Kitsune is often seen as a blur as they dance across water and glide through the air
before vanishing in a cloud of dust, appearance wise they have a range of colours from pure white
to dark brown

Age: The Buredo have a single tail

Size: You are considered small at 4ft4 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Increases by 1.
Fleet of Foot: You have 50ft walk speed, 20ft fly speed, each round you must land and can dash as a
bonus action
Wind Avatar: You have the Gust Cantrip and Charisma is the spell casting ability for it or it

Urizādo Lineage

When you think of Kitsune, it’s usually lithe, graceful and elegant, the Urizādo are none of these
things, as one of the tallest species there muscular and strong and are a warrior people, the Urizādo
in appearance are mostly red furred with white tips on there tails

Age: The Urizādo have at most three tails

Size: You are considered Medium at 5ft3 Inches to 5ft 9 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Increases by 1.
Athletic Teachings: You have proficiency in Athletics
Indomitable: You have resistance to being frightened, often preferring to glare down your foes.

Hair-Trigger Temper: When they or their allies are insulted, they must make a DC 15 Wisdom
saving throw to stop themselves from punching the person who insulted them.

Kihei Lineage

The Kihei are mostly isolationists, while there are some that break this mould and travel, most
prefer to stay in there hidden cities deep in forests or jungles, a Kihei in appearance is quite
noticeable as there fur is made up of various shades of brown in stripes or spotted patterns, they
speak softly often preferring sign language to actual words

Age: The Kihei have at most three tails.

Size: You are considered Small at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 9 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Increases by 1.
Forest Folk: You have Proficiency in Survival.
Bowman: When wielding a Short Bow or Longbow due to your people’s training you are not
considered at a disadvantage when shooting at maximum range.

Claustrophobia: Whenever they are in a confined space (Within Reason), they must make a DC12
Wisdom saving throw, or have disadvantage on skill checks and attack rolls until they are back in
the open.

Shimo Lineage

The Shimo are wanderers and explorers, while there homes might be in the Tundra’s and frozen
wastes, it’s often you will find them in many strange places from ruins to ancient cities usually
looking for a piece of long forgotten history

Age: The Shimo have at most five tails.

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 5 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charima Increases by 1
Cold Weather Specialists: Your immune to cold and icy conditions your fur keeping you warm at all
times. (Note, this is not Cold Immunity for damage, it is Cold Resistance for damage.)
Icy Blood: You know the ray of Frost Cantrip and Charisma is the Ability score for this spell.

Oooh, Shiny: They must make a DC 10 wisdom save to stop themselves from attempting to steal
anything shiny. If they know they can't have it, failing this save gives them disadvantage on all
ability checks while the object is still in line of sight.

Kengō Lineage
Consummate swords people the Kengō have been in more wars over land disputes than they would
have liked, from an early age they are trained to use a sword and are often masters of such a blade
by the time they reach adulthood, appearance wise there hair and fur is mostly blonde with white
tips and have often been mistaken for a foreign born

Age: The Kengō have at most three tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 2 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Constition Increases by 1
Martial Expertise: When wielding a sword in the short or long category, you count the crit as one
lower. (I.E. 20 becomes 19, 19 becomes 18)
Combined Strike: They are considered to have the Two Weapon Fighting fighting style, but only for

Stevie Wonder would be proud: They are Very Superstitious, when confronted with Occult Items,
Voodoo, Dark Magic or Cursed Items, they must make a DC18 Wisdom Save, on a fail, they are
considered Frightened of the item, magical effect or caster.

Umanushi Lineage

Wanderers and nomads, the Umanushi are often riders of Horses or other animals there camps being
easily packed up allowing them to move freely when the seasons require, the Umanushi are not as
often seen as there reputation as marauders usually precedes them, appearance wise there skin is
olive and there hair shades of brown with most of there species having there hair shorter or tided up
so it keeps it from there eyes.

Age: The Umanushi have at most seven tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Increases by 1
Mounted Combatants: You have a mount with you and can call it to the battlefield to assist you.
Animal Handlers: You have proficiency in Animal Handling and have reliable talent when dealing
with Horses or Mountable Creatures.

Illiterate: They Cannot Read or Write any language without training or taking the linguist feat.

Zokuchō Lineage

Commanders and natural leaders, the Zokuchō are often considered charming and have an almost
uncanny ability to gather people towards them, in appearance there often dark haired and love to
wear flamboyant clothing and bright colours, there tails are mostly black with white flecks.

Age: The Zokuchō have at most four tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 0 Inches Tall.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Increases by 1.
Naturally affable: You have proficiency in Persuasion.
Here Let me Help you: You can let another player use your action if you choose to.

Clean Freak: The only Kitsune Magic Cantrip they can take is prestidigitation.
Hōshu Lineage

The Hōshu live deep in mountainous regions, often make there homes in mines and caverns and
have knowledge of explosives and firearms having mined a lot of the elements that are required to
make them in there homes. The Hōshu appearance wise are small but stocky they are mostly black
and white in appearance

Age: The Hōshu have at most one tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Increases by 1
Cavern Dweller: Your darkvision is increased to 120ft
Explosive Expert: You are well versed with dealing with black powder and when creating such
items you do so without disadvantage.

Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

But Steel is heavier than Feathers: They are very set in their culture and will not easily accept
information that runs counter to their understanding of the world.

Torēdā Lineage

The Torēdā species are the people you go for if your looking for something, they like to hoard items
and have a terrible addiction to collecting shiny items, this however is a boon for them as often they
have seen something and have a way of potentially appraising treasure. In appearance they are
mostly ginger and blonde with green eyes and slightly bushy tails.

Age: The Torēdā have at most five tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Increases by 1.
Eye for a Bargain: You have Reliable Talent on checks to identify items.
Silver Tongued: You have Reliable Talent on Persuasion checks to buy and sell items.

My Precious: They form an emotional attachment to magic items, if the item is ever stolen or
broken, they must make a DC15 wisdom save or take 1d4 psychic damage.

Peniaphobia: If they are ever brought to having less than 1 gold, they must make a DC15 Wisdom
save or have disadvantage on ability checks until they have recouped their finances.

Yarisupia Lineage

The Yarisupia train in the great plains preferring the use of polearms, spears or other reach based
weaponry, in battle they close ranks and keep there opponents from getting close to them using
there weapons, in appearance they are pure silver in colour and there eyes a shade of pink or purple.

Age: The Yarisupia have at most two tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 7 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Increases by 1.
Pole-arm Practitioners: Your trained in using Spears, Pole-arms and Lances and can use such
weapons in close quarters without penalty.

Throwing Arm: When throwing a Spear or Javelin you can increase it’s range by 20ft.

Colour Blind: Even in Bright Light, they are considered to have the Darkvision vision traits active.

Limited Social Skills: They cannot take proficiencies in Persuasion, Deception, or Performance, and
have disadvantage in those skills.

Sutāuōkān Lineage

The Sutāuōkān are one of the oldest of the Kitsune and there name literally means Star Walkers,
they can have anything between two tails all the way upto fifteen tails marking them as somewhat
unique for there lineage, there fur is often either silver or gold in colour

Age: The Sutāuōkān have at most fifteen tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 7 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Increases by 1.
Star Marked: Your Proficient in Arcana.
Widely Travelled: When trying to recall information about an area or place, roll twice and keep the
highest result

Internal Torment: They often feel terribly lonely and require an ally or friendly character to be
within 30ft of them or they suffer disadvantage to skill checks

Oriental Lineages (Chinese Lineages)

All of the below lineages for Kitsune have a racial weakness of generally feeling lonely and
requiring companionship in one form or another.

Odoriko Lineage

The Odoriko are a small breed of Kitsune, they are natural entertainers and love to dance and
perform, there typically a gingery red colour with dark highlights, they like wearing brighter colours
and often having ornate jewellery

Age: The Odoriko have only a single tail

Size: You are considered small at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 6 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Increases by 1
Love to Entertain: Your proficient in the Perform Skill
Theatrics: You know the Sword Burst Cantrip
Bujutsu Lineage

Small and known for there unarmed prowess the Bujutsu are masters of the fist, often most of them
train in seclusion deep in the mountains and monasteries perfecting there “way of the fist”, with
black, ginger and white colouring they prefer to wear simple

Age: The Bujutsu have only a single tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Increases by 1
Inner Power: You have at character creation two Ki points
Unarmed Masters: You have one dice higher for unarmed strikes starting at a D6

Limited Knowledge: Outside of there homes, they often don’t know much about the outside world
and as such have disadvantage on history checks to anywhere but there home.

Shūrin Lineage

Be it by land, Sea or Air, the Shūrin are builders, engineers and have a love of building things, often
from an early age they like to tinker with mechanical items and equipment trying to get the most out
of a given project or idea

Age: The Shūrin have only a single tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 1 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Increases by 1
Fields of Fur-dun: Your proficient in the use of Siege Weapons and Large Weaponry
Love to Adjust: Your proficient in Tinkers Tools.

Tenbungakusha Lineage

The Tenbungakusha love the night sky and the constellations, often you’ll find one deep in thought
with a spyglass or telescope looking at the heavens and searching for answers, with a deep navy
colour to there fur they often embellish it with silvery tokens or jewels to resemble the night’s sky

Age: The Tenbungakusha have only a single tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 8 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: You can choose from between Intelligence or Wisdom to Increase by 1
The Night Sky is my Map: You have advantage on Survival checks when it’s night and your
Destiny’s Child: Once per long rest you can reroll one test or skill check

Geijutsu-sei Lineage

The Geijutsu-sei are lovers of paint and clay, they spend a lot of there time in workshops or
academies working on works of art or busts of people, they look very similar to most Kitsune with
gingery fur, the only defining feature is there pale grey eyes.

Age: The Geijutsu-sei have a single tail

Size: You are considered small at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 7 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Increases by 1
Another stroke: Your proficient in Painter’s Tools
I know that piece: You can recall information about Art or Sculpture and who painted it

Hōrō-sha Lineage (Half-Kitsune)

The Hōrō-sha often means half blood or dirty blood to many Kitsune as there lineage isn’t pure and
often is mingled by the other races it make it up anything from Human to Half Orc

Age: The Hōrō-sha have only a single tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 6ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: You can raise any attribute by 1 depending on what your other parents score
Parental Knowledge: You can chose one of your parents racial traits from below

Parents Race Trait 1 Trait 2

Aasimar Healing Hands Celestial Resistance
Bugbear Powerful Build Surprise Attack
Centaur (Tauric Kitsune) Charge Hooves
Changeling Shapechanger (Limited) N/A
Dragonborn (Chromatic) Dragon Breath Chromatic Warding
Dragonborn (Metallic) Dragon Breath Draconic Resistance
Dragonborn (Gem) Dragon Breath Gem Flight
Duergar Psionic Fortitude Duergar Magic
Dwarf Dwarven Resistance Dwarven Combat Training
Eladrin Fey Step Trance
High Elf Cantrip Trance
Wood Elf Fleet of Foot (45ft) Trance
Drow Superior Darkvision Trance
Firbolg Powerful Build Hidden Step
Genasi (All) Elemental Resistance N/A
Gnome (Deep) Superior Darkvision Gnome Cunning
Gnome (Forest) Natural Illusionist Gnome Cunning
Gnome (Rock) Artificers Lore Gnome Cunning
Goblin Fury of the Small Nimble Escape
Goliath Little Giant Stone’s Endurance
Half Orc Relentless Endurace Savage Attack
Halfling Lucky Halfling Nimbleness
Human N/A N/A
Kalastar Mental Discipline Mind Link
Leonin Hunter’s Instincts Daunting Roar
Owlin Silent Feathers Flight
Satyr Magic Resistance Reveller
Shadar Kai Necrotic Resistance Trance
Triton Amphibious Guardian of the Depths
Vedalken Vedalken Dispassion Partially Amphibious
Yuan Ti Magic Resistance Poison Resitance

Less Magical: Your Racial Magic is set back by various tiers, your Cantrip is at level 3, your First
Level spell at 5th level and your 2nd Level at level 7

Oriental Lineages (Indian Lineages)

The Indian Lineages are often some of the shortest of the Kitsune, rarely getting above 4ft 5 Inches
in height.

Surutan kuni

Small and often in libraries and places of knowledge the Surutan Kuni are seekers of knowledge
and have usually a quirky selection of trivia they like to show off and tell to others, there fur is a
sandy colour with pale white highlights

Age: The Surutan kuni have at most nine tails

Size: You are considered small at 4ft 1 Inches to 4ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence or Wisdom Increases by 1
Hot Weather Specialists: Your resistant to Fire and hot conditions your fur keeping you cool at all
Learned Folk: You can re-roll any History Check at least once a day

Karuji Kan

The Karuji Kan are often found near rivers, waterways or ports, they make there homes much like
an otter or beaver on the water and sometimes they move them around like boats, there fur is often
quite oily and helps them whilst in the water

Age: The Karuji Kan have at most three tails

Size: You are considered small at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Increases by 1
The River Wardens: Your resistant to being grappled whilst in the water
Water Breathers: You can breath underwater and have a swim speed equal to your movement speed
Half Karuji Kan (Tabaxi Bred)

Karuji Kan and Tabaxi often form long lasting relationships this sometimes results in a Half Karuji
Kan or otherwise known as a Karuji Baxi, this more feline like Kitsune takes traits from both it’s
parents and often has a love of the water.

Age: The Half Karuji Kan have a single tail

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 4ft 9 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution or Dexterity Increases by 1
Cat like Agility: Your reflexes and agility allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move
on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait,
you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.
Climbing Claws: You have a climbing speed equal to half your movement speed
Amphibious: You can breath underwater and have a swim speed equal to half your movement speed


The Zō-nori are a tribal lineage of Kitsune, they often roam the plains with there herds of elephants
riding in self made Mahouts that contain there homes and cities, a group of Zō-nori can use these
mobile cities to allow them to see the world from the comfort of there own civilization.

Age: The Zō-nori have at most two tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 5 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Increases by 1
Elephant Handlers: Your proficient in Animal Handling and have advantage on checks regarding
Stop throwing those spears at me!: You are proficient in spears, tridents, glaives and polearms.


With fur that burns brightly as fire, the Hōka-han are imbued with elemental fire, often seen as the
Kitsune Equivalent of a Fire Genasi, these creatures live often deep in the desert plains or in and
around the City of Brass.

Age: The Hōka-han have at most five to seven tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 1 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Increases by 1
Innately Hot: Your immune to fire and hot conditions your fur ablaze at all times
Burning Fur: You know the ray of Produce Flame Cantrip and Charisma is the Ability score for this

European Lineages

The Uōdoreidā are from various parts of the British Isles, whilst most of them are from Ireland,
there are some that live in Wales and Scotland, the Uōdoreidā are more of a brownish ginger in
colour, there a hardy people that are used to the cold and wet of there home

Age: The Uōdoreidā have at most five tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 4 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Increases by 1
Weather Adapted: Your not slowed down by difficult terrain
Druidic Leanings: You know the Druidcraft Cantrip and Wisdom is the Ability score for this spell


The Reddobāsekā are from Highlands of the British Isles, there a gruff folk that wears there hair
long in braids and often have various tattoos on there arms, colour wise there a deep red ginger that
looks almost as fire

Age: The Reddobāsekā have between three and five tails

Size: You are considered small or medium at 4ft3 Inches to 5ft 4 Inches Tall
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Increases by 1
Highlanders: You can ignore the Heavy property for weapons when wielding them
Inner Rage: You have a Limited form of Rage called Fury.


Once per day a Reddobāsekā can enter a fierce almost blood curdling anger, whilst in this state they
shrug off damage and keep moving towards there foe, while it only lasts two rounds it can be the
difference between life and death.

The Mujina (Badgerfolk)

The Mujina are humanoid Badger shapeshifters known for their ferocity in battle and resilience.
Mujina possess two forms: that of an anthropomorphic Badger, or a Stocky Humanoid, a fair
amount of the time they are confused with dwarves when in this form

Reliable Sellswords
The Mujina are mercenaries, have been since there races birth and will likely be so until they die,
there’s a reason most of them go into this trade and it’s because of there reputation in battle, a
Mujina will often chase down there enemies making sure not to leave it standing

A Varied Folk
Mujina’s can be found in many different areas, not just the Orient, the group adapting fairly well to
where they live and make there homes, often Lineages are quite different to each other, but each is
no less fierce.

Honourable Folk
The Mujina are dependable people if you can afford there services, tales of there prowess often
proceeds them and usually if you find your self with one as an ally and prove yourself in battle, then
you earn a degree of there respect.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +1 Dependant on Lineage Chosen

Age. Around 1000 Years, potentially more if they stay in the Feywild
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 25 - 35 feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision
Badger's Toughness: A mujina is Resistant to Poison damage, and has Advantage on Constitution
saves vs. Disease.
Unyielding Tenacity: Once per long rest, when a mujina is reduced to zero hit points by an attack, it
can instead only be reduced to hitpoints equal to one or its Constitution modifier, whichever is
Tunneller: A mujina has a Burrow speed of 15 feet.
Natural Weapons. Depending on Size

Small Lineage Natural Weapons have 1d3 Bite + Strength Bludgeoning Damage and 1d4 + Strength
or Dexterity Slashing Damage Claws
Medium Lineage Natural Weapons have 1d4 Bite + Strength Bludgeoning Damage and 1d6 +
Strength or Dexterity Slashing Damage Claws

Strength or Dexterity for Claws chosen at character creation.

Mujina Magic. You know the shillelagh cantrip.

When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the alarm spell
once with this trait and regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level,
you can cast the locate animals or plants spell once with
this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
for these spells.

Mujina Lineages

Anaguma (European Badger)

Based off Meles Meles
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 25feet
Vision: 45ft Darkvision, 15ft Tremorsense

TB Decided

When you successfully deal a bite attack the Anaguma also inflicts 1d4 + Constitution Modifier
Poison damage, this can be negated on a constitution save

Poison Save = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + Constitution Bonus

Poison and Disease Immunity negates this ability

Inbetween a Rock and a Hard Badger

When a Anaguma is flanked, they gain a damage bonus on hit equal to ½ Level + Strength or
Dexterity which is chosen at character generation, this damage bonus only applies to the creatures
flanking you.

Rāteru (Honey Badger)

Based off Mellivora Capensis
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Strength
Size: Small
Speed: 35 feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision

Fury of the Small. When you damage a creature with an attack or a spell and the creature's size is
larger than yours, you can cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature. The extra
damage equals your level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or
long rest.

Crushing Bite. When you have performed a successful grapple, you may as a bonus action bite
down on your opponent, this works out to be a

Athletics or Acrobatics save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier

On a failed save you deal an additional ½ Level + Strength Modifier Damage.


Taunted: When you would be affected by the frightened condition, you are instead taunted, you
must use your movement to move towards the creature who taunted you and your action to attack
them, if you cannot reach them with your movement, you must instead use the dash action to reach

Uruvu~arin (Wolverine)
Based off Gulo gulo
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Strength
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision

Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the
weapon's damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the
weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Taunted: When you would be affected by the frightened condition, you are instead taunted, you
must use your movement to move towards the creature who taunted you and your action to attack
them, if you cannot reach them with your movement, you must instead use the dash action to reach

Noruu~ēanaguma (Norwegian Badger)

Based off Meles Milleri
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Wisdom
Size: Small
Speed: 30feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision

Amateur Cook. You have training in Cook’s Utensils and can use them as weapons.

Frying Pan- 1d6 Bludgeoning (1d8 Versatile). When you roll a critical strike against an opponent,
add an extra 1d6 (1d8 Versatile) damage, and the target is stunned for its turn.

Lid- +1 Shield. If an opponent rolls a 1 when attacking you, you may use your reaction to slam the
Lid into the target's face, dealing 1d8 Bludgeoning damage. The target then must succeed in a DC
15 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked prone.

Cleaver- 1d4 Slashing Damage (Finesse, Light). When attacking an enemy that bleeds, this deals an
additional 1d4 Slashing Damage. On a critical strike, this can sever appendages of non-magical

Mixing Spoon- 1d8 Bludgeoning (light) When attacking you can load a helping of your signature
dish and attack like a catapult to deal 1d6 damage (Range 20/60). If launched at an ally they can
make a Dex check with advantage to eat it as a reaction, gaining any benefits it has.

Steak Knife- 1d6 piercing. Due to serrations along the blade, you can pierce the toughest of armor.
Add +2 to your attack roll when you make a melee attack. This is not your average knife, kept razor
sharp through the hardest of Dwarven Stone. Deal an additional 1d4 against any creature on a
critical hit.

Rotund. There increased body mass grants them an increased natural armour of 12 at character

Ni-biki Anaguma (American Badger)

Based off Taxidiinae Taxus
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Dexterity
Size: Medium
Speed: 25feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision

Mechanical Weapon Training. The Ni-Biki are trained in the use of Hand Crossbows, Light
Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow and Firearms.

Cannonade, When using Projectile based siege weaponry Ni-Biki can ignore the long range penalty
Nihon'ana (Japanese Badger)
Based off Meles Anakuma
Ability Score Modifiers: +1 Wisdom or 1+ Strength
Size: Medium
Speed: 25feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision

Ninjutsu Training. While in forest terrain, whenever you make a Dexterity (Stealth) check, you are
considered proficient in the Stealth skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check,
instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

Strong Arm. When using throwing weapons you can increase the distance hurled by 10ft.

Sukanku (Skunk)
Based off

The Tanuki (Raccoon dog Folk)

The Tanuki are small or medium sized Raccoon Dog people, they share a love of trickery much like
the Kitsune, but often use it to swindle people out of there money or possessions, not all of them are
like this, but a fair amount are which often makes people uneasy when one is around

Magic Tricksters
The Tanuki have over the centuries honed there shapeshifting abilities to the extent that they can
change into various tools, weapons or objects making them incredible infiltrators, this is often
backed up with a variety of illusion spells and magic to confuse, confound and distract.

Float like a Butterfly

Tanuki make there homes in forests the branches of great tree’s, there not the most ferocious of folk
and should an enemy come after them, they glide to safety using there tails to propel them, in cities
they prefer the rooftops of buildings allowing them a smooth getaway if the need arises.

An Eye for a Bargain

The Tanuki love to trade and barter for objects and it’s often said that they have a silver tongue
when it comes to being able to negotiate a better deal.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +1 Dependant on Lineage Chosen

Age. Unknown
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 30 - 35 feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision
Tanuki Trickery: A tanuki can cast the Minor Illusion cantrip with this trait. At third level, it can
cast Disguise Self as a 1st level spell once per long rest with this trait. In both cases, Charisma is
used as the casting ability score.
Tanuki Transformations: A tanuki is a shapeshifter who can freely assume the form of an inanimate
object and then revert to its normal form. A tanuki can transform into tools or a weapon by using
this ability; it cannot move in such a form, but can be used by another character. In weapon form,
attacks made with a tanuki count as magical. In tool form, characters may use the tools as if they
had proficiency in the requisite skill.
Flying Leaf: A tanuki has a Fly speed of 15 feet.
Money Bags. You make your money stretch further. Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion)
check to barter, you are considered proficient in the Persuasion skill and add double your
proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.

The Kawauso (Otter Folk)

The Kawauso medium sized Otter Dog people, they make there homes near riverbanks and lakes,
sometimes they travel the rivers of the worlds on homemade vessels or barges, unlike a lot of other
races, they prefer to keep to themselves now, the years of war haven’t been the kindest to them and
as such they shy way from civilization when they can

Water Wardens
The Kawauso at one point were keepers of the Jade Empire’s mighty fleet of ships and vessels,
there natural affinity and speed in water made them a perfect choice, these days however if you see
a wooden shack floating on a lake or river, it’s likely it belongs to a Kawauso

Country Diplomacy
The Kawauso while can be ferocious if the need arises, are often War Weary, the fall of a lot of
Feywild worlds left them tired of fighting, particularly with kin, most people now if they can will
seek one of them out to help calm tensions and ease disputes, and if it cannot be solved, then you
have at least a fierce ally for the coming battle.

Water Survivalists
A Kawauso’s lodge is like a fortress often with only one way in and out, usually the entrance is deep
underwater granting them an advantage should a fight be brought to there doorstep, it’s often easier
to catch or kill one of them if they can be lured away from there natural habitat.

Ability Score Modifiers: +2 Constitution, +1 Dependant on Lineage Chosen

Age. Around 800, but often they a secretive
Size: Small or Medium
Speed: 30 - 35 feet
Vision: 60ft Darkvision
River Runner: A kawauso has a Swim speed of 30 feet and can hold its breath for 5 + Con modifier
minutes (minimum of 5 minutes).
Otter Magic: A kawauso knows the Shape Water cantrip. At third level, it can cast Create or Destroy
Water (Create Water only) as a 1st level spell once per long rest. At fifth level, it can cast Darkness
as a 2nd level spell once per long rest. Spells cast with this trait use Charisma as the casting ability
Mimicry. You can mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds
you make can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your
Charisma (Deception) check

Winter Wolf

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 2, and your Constitution Score by 1
Age: Winter Wolves age much slower than most of the Feywild races, usually reaching Adulthood
by sixteen, they can live upto 200 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Winter Wolves are generally neutral people, they prefer there lives to be ordered
more often than not, however Evil can exist amongst there number, and younger ones tend to be
more carefree.
Size: All Winter Wolves stand between 5ft 6’ tall at a minimum to 6ft 5’,.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft, in wolf form it is 50ft
Darkvision: You have 30ft of Darkvision
Pseudo-Lycan: Winter Wolves are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Pack Tactics: The character has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
player’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Snow Camouflage: The wolf form has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in
snowy terrain.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Giant and Winter Wolf

Bite. When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d6 + Str Mod piercing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC Modified Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.

Claws. (Human or Wolf Form) Your Unarmed Strike is a D6 in Human form and a D8 in Wolf form
that can deal slashing damage.

Cold Breath: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can exhale a blast of freezing wind in a
15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature takes 1d10 damage
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d10 when
you reach 5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

Cold as Ice: When in Humanoid form you are resistant to cold damage, in wolf form you are
immune to cold damage

Hell Hound

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 points and your Strength increases by 1
Age: Hell hounds age much slower than most of the infernal races, usually reaching Adulthood by
sixteen, they can live upto 100 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Hell Hounds are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of Avernus and the
Nine Hells they can and often will turn towards and Evil Alignment
Size: All Hell Hounds stand between 5ft 6’ tall at a minimum to 6ft 5’,.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft, in wolf form it is 50ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Pseudo-Lycan: Winter Wolves are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Pack Tactics: The character has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
player’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Infernal and Undercommon

Bite. When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d8 + Str Mod piercing damage and 1d6 fire

Claws. (Human or Wolf Form) Your Unarmed Strike is a D6 that can deal slashing damage.

Fire Breath: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can exhale a blast of fire in a 15-foot cone.
Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution
modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature takes 1d10 damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach
5th level (2d10), 11th level (3d10), and 17th level (4d10).

Avernus Native: When in Humanoid form you are resistant to fire damage, in wolf form you are
immune to fire damage

Infernal Ancestry: You can take Tiefling feats and feats relating to an infernal origin

Bearn Wulf

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 points and your Strength increases by 1
Age: Bearn Wulf’s age around the same as Human norm, until they hit there early twenties after
which they age slowly until there later one hundreds
Alignment: Most Bearn Wulfs are generally a chaotic people, they have an unusual honour system
where they will honour a life debt to those that save there lives in battle
Size: All Bearn Wulf’s stand between 7ft 5’ tall at a minimum to 11ft 5’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft
Darkvision: You have 30ft of Darkvision
Lycan Born: Bearn Wulf’s are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Rugged People: You have a proficiency with Athletics
Warrior Folk: You are proficient in all Simple and Martial Weapons
Grappling Strike: When you make an Unarmed Strike you can attempt a Grapple as a Bonus Action.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Giant and any one other Language dependant
on where they choose to live.

Bite (Wolf Form) You may Bite a target for 1d8 + Str Mod piercing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC Modified Strength saving throw or be grappled.

Claws. (Human or Wolf Form) Your Unarmed Strike is a D8 that can deal slashing damage.
Leap Attack. (Human or Wolf Form) Whilst moving at least 20ft you can perform a Leap Attack the
creature who you attack must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Strength modifier +
your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 damage + your Strength Modifier
on a failed save and is knocked prone, or takes no damage on a successful one. This damage
increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Fern Hound

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Score increases by 2, and your Wisdom Score by 1
Age: Fern Hounds age much slower than most of the Feywild races, usually reaching Adulthood by
ten years of age, they can live upto 1000 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Fern Hounds are generally neutral people, they prefer there lives to be ordered
more often than not, however Evil can exist amongst there number, and younger ones tend to be
more carefree.
Size: All Fern Hounds stand between 5ft 6’ tall at a minimum to 6ft 5’,.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft, in wolf form it is 40ft
Darkvision: You have 30ft of Darkvision
Pseudo-Lycan: Fern Hounds are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Pack Tactics: The character has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
player’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
False Appearance. While in hound form if the fern hound remains motionless, it is indistinguishable
from a normal growth of ferns.
Bioluminescent. The fern hound knows the Dancing Lights cantrip and these are dim light when
further part.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Sylvan and Primordial

Bite (Wolf Form). When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d6 + Str Mod piercing damage and
1d4 Poison Damage the creature must also make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus) or be poisoned.

Toxic Breath: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can exhale a cloud of poisonous fog in a
15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature takes 1d6 damage on
a failed save and is poisoned, or half as much damage on a successful one. This damage increases
by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Poison Resistance: When in Humanoid form you are resistant to poison damage, in wolf form you
are immune to poison damage


The Sirine are a small aquatic dog like species native to the Feywild, in humanoid form they appear
as a cross between Merfolk and Canines often with pale shimmering scales on there faces and blue
green fur and hair
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by 2, and your Charisma Score by 1
Age: Sirine age much slower than most of the Feywild races, usually reaching Adulthood by 100
years of age, they can live upto 1000 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Sirine are generally a trickster like people, they like to play pranks on people,
often these are quite harmless as they don’t mean to do any real harm.
Size: All Sirine stand between 3ft 5’ tall at a maximum
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft, in wolf form it is 30ft, you have a swim speed of 50ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Amphibious: You can breathe underwater as if you were on land
Underwater Adapted: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and hearing
checks whilst underwater
Charge. If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target and then hit it with a melee attack on
the same turn, you can immediately follow that attack with a bonus action, making one attack
against the target with your bite..
Depth Charge. If you move at least 30 feet straight toward a target whilst in water and then hit it
with a melee attack on the same turn, if you are also underwater you can a bonus damage to this
attack equal to your Str + Con Modifiers as you slam into your target.
Bioluminescent. The Sirine knows the Dancing Lights cantrip and these are dim light when further
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Sylvan and Primordial

Bite. When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d4 + Str Mod piercing damage

Claws. (Human or Dog Form) Your Unarmed Strike is a D4 that can deal slashing damage.

Bubble Beam: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can exhale a blast of watery bubbles in a
30 Foot Line. Each creature in that line must make a Strength saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature takes 1d8 cold
damage on a failed save and there walking speed is reduced by 10ft, or half as much damage on a
successful one. This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and
17th level (4d8).

Cold Resistance: When in Humanoid or Dog form you are resistant to cold damage

Fey Corgi

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Dexterity increases by 1 point

Age: Fey Corgi’s age quite quickly for Feywild norms, they can live upto 120 years or longer
depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Fey Corgi are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Fey Corgi’s stand between 2ft 7’ tall at a minimum to 3ft 1’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft when stood upright, on all fours it is 35ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Pseudo-Lycan: Fey Corgi’s are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy and
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Elven and Sylvan
Subrace: The Fey Corgi has two subraces.

Bite. You may Bite a target for 1d4 + Str Mod piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC Modified Strength saving throw or be left wearing only one shoe.

Claws. Your Unarmed Strike is a D4 that can deal slashing damage.

With Ginger fur and a penchant for mischief these are the guardians of the small Seelie folk

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by an additional 1 point

Seelie Magic: at 1st Level you gain a Cantrip, at 3rd Level you gain a 1st Level Spell and finally at 5th
Level they gain a 2nd Level spell
Cantrip: Minor Illusion
1st Lvl: Chaos Bolt
2nd Lvl: Misty Step


Dark and often more vicious the dark furred Cardigan’s are often rogues or assassins

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength increases by an additional 1 point

Unseelie Magic: at 1st Level you gain a Cantrip, at 3rd Level you gain a 1st Level Spell and finally at
5th Level they gain a 2nd Level spell
Cantrip: Vicious Mockery
1st Lvl: Chaos Bolt
2nd Lvl: Invisibility

Terror Wolf

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength, Dexterity and Constitution increases by 1 point
Age: Terror Wolves age ages around the same as human norm, usually reaching Adulthood by
sixteen, they can live upto 75 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Terror Wolf are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the shadowfell
and can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment
Size: All Terror Wolf stand between 5ft 6’ tall at a minimum to 6ft 5’,.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft, in wolf form it is 50ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Pseudo-Lycan: Winter Wolves are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Night's Black Agent. The wolf has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide in shadows
and darkness.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Abyssal and Primordial

Bite. When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d8 + Str Mod piercing damage. If the target is a
creature, it must succeed on a DC Modified Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Claws. (Human or Wolf Form) Your Unarmed Strike is a D6 in Human form and a D8 in Large
form that can deal slashing damage.

Terrifying Gaze: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can make Terrifying Gaze. The terror
wolf's baleful eyes rip through it's prey's very soul. A creature within 30 feet must make a Wisdom
saving throw (DC = 8 + your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus), taking 1d8 psychic
damage on a failed save and becoming frightened, or half as much damage on a successful one.
This damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level

Shadowfell Native: When in Humanoid and Wolf form you are resistant to Necrotic and Psychic

Arc Wolf

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 and Constitution increases by 1

Alignment: Most Arc Wolves are generally a mixed people, given the lifestyle of the Fae’run and
the fact there often pets of Storm Giants they can often turn towards and Evil Alignment
Size: All Arc Wolves stand between 5ft 6’ tall at a minimum to 6ft 5’,.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft, in wolf form it is 50ft, in addition, when in wolf form, you
have a 60ft fly speed, but you must land at the end of each of your turns.
Darkvision: You have 30ft of Blindsense
Pseudo-Lycan: Arc Wolves are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Keen Hearing and Smell: You are proficient in Perception and have advantage on smelling and
hearing checks
Pack Tactics: The character has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
player’s allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Conductor: Whenever a spell that deals lightning damage includes the Arc Wolf in its area of effect,
the arc wolf can choose to amplify it as a reaction, a number of times per long rest equal to their
proficiency modifier. Amplifying a spell in this was causes the spell to deal an additional 1d8
lighting damage to every target of the spell, this damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level
(2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Giant and Primordial

Bite. When in wolf form you may Bite a target for 1d8 + Str Mod piercing damage + 1d4 Lightning
Damage, in addition the target must make a Constitution Saving throw equal to DC 8 + Proficiency
Modifier + Constitution Modifier, or be Paralysed until start of the their next turn.

Static Surge: While in either humanoid or wolf form you can make 15ft cone breath weapon attack,
all creatures within the area of effect must make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to 8 +
Proficiency Modifier + Constitution Modifier, or take 1d8 Lightning Damage and be Stunned until
the end of their next turn. On a successful save, they take half as much and are not stunned. This
damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Lightning Incarnate: When in Humanoid form you are resistant to Lightning Damage, when in wolf
form, you are immune to lightning damage and resistant to Thunder Damage.
Chapter 1b: Faerie Folk


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Spriggan’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Spriggan’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Spriggan’s stand between 1ft tall at a minimum to 2ft’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Spriggan has three subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma increases by 2 points

Age: Nymph’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Nymph’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Nymph’s stand between 2ft tall at a minimum to 5ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Nymph has four subraces.

Pixie (Revised)

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Pixie’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they can
live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Pixie’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Pixie’s stand between 1ft tall at a minimum to 2ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 15ft and a fly speed of 40ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Pixie has three subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Grippli’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Grippli’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Grippli’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft and a jump speed of 60ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Grippli has Two subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 points, and your Wisdom by 1 point
Age: Leprechaun’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age
they can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Leprechaun’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Leprechaun’s stand between 3ft tall at a minimum to 3ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Brownie’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Brownie’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Brownie’s stand between 3ft tall at a minimum to 4ft.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Brownie has two subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 points

Age: Boggart’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Boggart’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Sylphs’s stand between 2ft tall at a minimum to 3ft.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Boggart has three subraces.

Ability Score Increase: You have three points which can be put into any attributes
Age: Leshy’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Leshy’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Leshy’s stand between 2ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is dependant on Subspecies
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Leshy has Fifteen subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 2 points

Age: Treant’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Treant’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Treant’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 20ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Treant has two subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Faun’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they can
live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Faun’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Faun’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 40ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Faun has three subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Sprite’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Sprite’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Sprite’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft and a fly speed of 60ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Sprite has seven subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: HamaDryad’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age
they can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most HamaDryad’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All HamaDryad’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The HamaDryad has Three subraces.


Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 2 points

Age: Sylph’s age quite slowly for Feywild norms, they reach adulthood at sixty years of age they
can live upto 120 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Sylph’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Sylphs’s stand between 5ft tall at a minimum to 6ft 6’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft and a fly speed of 30ft
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Subrace: The Sylph has twelve subraces.

Chapter 1c: Hengeyokai

The Hengeyokai are a race of shapeshifting were folk, often for various animals there is a
Hengeyokai that represents them in the Fey Realms or greater Universes

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma increases by 1 point
Age: Hengeyokai’s ages vary depending on which sub race and whether they are Feywild native or
Alignment: Most Hengeyokai’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Hengeyokai’s size depends on which form they are currently using
Speed: Your base walking speed is dependant on sub race, some have a flying speed as well
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Primordial and Sylvan
Nature’s Mask: All Hengeyokai can swap easily between Animal, Human and Hybrid forms
Subrace: The Hengeyokai has ten subraces with potential sub races within subraces









Chapter 2: Eberron and Multiverse

Warforged (Custom)

Ability Scores: Con +1; Choose any other +2, or any other two +1
Size: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large (Certain Chassis Only), Huge (Giant Chassis)
Speed: 25 - 35 ft. (Based on Chassis Type)

Age. * A typical warforged is between two and thirty years old. The maximum warforged lifespan
remains a mystery; so far, warforged have shown no signs of deterioration due to age. You are
immune to magical aging effects.

Alignment. Most warforged take comfort in order and discipline, tending toward law and neutrality.
But some have absorbed the morality, or lack thereof, of the beings with which they served.

Constructed Resilience. You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the
following benefits dependant on your chassis material:

Points costs for building a Warforged

Era Starting Points Points per Level

Fae Construct 8 1 x 1 Per Level
Pre Eberron 5 1 x 1 Per Level
Eberron 8 1 x 1.5 Per Level
Post Eberron 10 1 x 1.5 Per Level
Spelljammer 12 1 x 1.5 Per Level

Immunity to Poison
Additional Resistance (Dependant on Material)
Weakness to Acid
Weakness to Cold
You don't need to drink, or breathe.
You are immune to disease.

Material Type Material AC Material Bonus Material Point Cost

Quartz 13 None None 1
Crystal 12 Magic Resistant Weakness to 2
Jade 13 Flat damage from Weakness to 2
Acid and Cold Bludgeoning
Easier to Enchant
Granite 14 Resistant to Fire Weakness to Force 2
Onyx 14 Resistance to Cold Weak to Lightning 2
Ceramic 16 Resistant to Fire, Heavy, -5ft 2
Resistant to Acid Movement,
Weakness to


Immunity to Poison
Additional Resistance (Dependant on Material)
Weakness to Acid
Weakness to Fire
Stealth Condition
You don't need to eat or breathe / drink or breathe.
You are immune to disease.

Material Type Material AC Material Bonus Material Stealth Point Cost

Weaknesses Condition
Steel 16 None None Disadvantage 1
Iron 15 Cheaper Weak to Disadvantage 0
Repairs Lightning
Copper 14 Resistant to Vulnerable to Neutral 1
Lightning / Fire
Neutral Stealth
Blue Vitriol 14 Immunity to Weak to Advantage 2
Cold Lightning
Gold 13 Spell None Neutral 1


Resistant to Poison
Additional Resistance (Dependant on Material)
Additional Weakness (Dependant on Material)
You need to eat, drink, or breathe. (Dependant on Material)
You are resistant to disease.

Material Type Material AC Material Bonus Material Point Cost

Yew 10 Light Weight Weak to Fire 0
Darkwood 11 Light Weight Weak to Fire 1
Oak 12 None Weak to Fire 1
Ironbark 13 None Weak to Lightning 1
Cork 10 Fire and Thunder None 2
Resistant, Floats
in Water
Coral 9 Increases Crit Weakness to Fire 2
Range by 1, Water

You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. (Depends on Power Core)

Power Core Pre-Requisite Magic Sleep Affected Benefits Point Cost

Darkwood None No No None 2

Fae Dynamo Fae Construct Yes No Spell Absorption / 3

(Elemental) / Can add Element
to Next Attack
Empowers it
Arcane Engine Fae Construct Yes (Not No Spell Absorption / 4
Poison or Can add Element
to Next Attack,
Force) / Can absorb to
Empowers it Heal
Soul Jar Rebirth / Yes* Yes Additional Social 2
Sorcerer Proficiency
dependant on Soul
Arcane Arcane Caster Yes Resistant More Spell Slots 2
equal to
(Warlock Only) /
Modifier Spells
slots on a Short
Rest equal to no
more than quarter
spellcaster level
Divine Divine Caster Resistant Yes Expertise Region 2
Skill, Gods
Nature Natural Caster Yes Resistant Every Odd 2
Numbered Level,
they can cast a
Levelled spell of
that level i.e. 1st
equals 1st level, 3rd
equals 2nd level
spell for free once
per long rest,
spells must be
chosen at
Undead Prepared Caster Resistant No Proficiency 2
Except Modifier Bonus to
Death Saves, Can
Divine / Harvest Undead
Radiant Bodies for Parts
(Limit on Amount
Chemical Alchemy No, Except No High Octane. Can 4
Supplies / Lightning use Action Surge
equal to your
Brewer Damage proficiency
Supplies number times a
Proficiency day in one
Mechanical Tinker’s Tools / Fire, Cold, No Shift Gears. Once 2* (Subject to
Smith’s Tools Acid, Thunder per long rest can chance as of
swap a number of testing)
and Force tagged skills equal
to your
proficiency score*
Hamster Wheel Animal Resistant (See Resistant (See 20 Hamsters in a 1
Handling / Text) Text) Mech Suit. (See
Explanation Text)
Brain None Resistant Yes I have no mouth 1
and I must
scream. Retains
all skills and
Bonuses as this
was once a living
Entropic Feywild or Yes / Causes a No / Causes a Luck of Chaos. * 1
Shadowfell or Roll on the Roll on the
Far Plane, or Wild Magic Wild Magic
Wild Magic Table Table
Atomic (GM Tinker’s Tools No Below 6th No Radiating 3
Approval) and Party Level Spells Success. You gain
reliable talent
Consent Decaying
Meltdown., On
every failed death
save, you begin to
leak a radiation
(radiant damage)
and on character
death, explode
Zero Point Spelljammer No No Internal Battery* 3
(Spelljammer Core

Soul Jar Options

Type of Soul Benefit Additional

Mortal Previous Languages None
Celestial Celestial Resistances (Radiant / Has the Light Cantrip / Aasimar
Necrotic) Healing Hands Trait
Aetherborn Resist Necrotic Minor Drain Life Spell
Fae Advantage of Charm Saving Has the Dancing Lights Cantrip
Goblinoid Darkvision 1 Trait from original Goblinoid
Corrupted Soul Darkvision Spider Climb
Draconic Soul Draconic Resistance (Depends Chromatic: Chromatic Warding
on Dragon Type) Metallic: Repulsion Breath
Gem: Psionic Mind
Elemental Soul Elemental Resistance (Depends Air: Shacking Grasp Cantrip
on Elemental Heritage) Fire: Produce Flame
Earth: Blade Ward Cantrip
Water: Acid Splash
Psionic Soul Resistance to Psionic Damage Mage Hand Cantrip
Ooze Soul Resistance to Poison and Acid Shape Limbs
Aberrant Resistance to Force Message Cantrip
Infernal Soul Hellish Resistance Gain a Cantrip
Abyssal Soul Cold Resistance Chill Touch Cantrip
*Decaying Meltdown, This damage is equal to Max Health D8s in a radius equal to level d100 ft,
half damage to amount rolled per each 200ft bracket.

*Internal Battery, Powered Weapons used by this character do not need an external power source

Sentry's Rest. (Non Organic Components Only) When you take a long rest, you must spend at least
six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it
doesn't render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.

Integrated Protection. Depends on Material and Material Bonuses

Organic. Classes as Light Armour

Mineral. Classes as Medium Armour
Metal. Classes as Heavy Armour, unless specific metal allows

You can don only armor with which you have proficiency. To don armor other than a shield, you
must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you remain in contact
with the armor. To doff armor, you must spend 1 hour removing it. You can rest while donning or
doffing armor in this way.

While you live, the armor incorporated into your body can't be removed against your will.

Specialized Design. You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Upper Chassis

Contains the power core, sensors and armaments each are altered dependant on material

Chassis Type Modifications Sensor Array Time Period Miscellaneous Point Cost
Bonuses /
Spriggan 1 Tool + 1 Default Fae Construct None 1
Brownie 1 Tool + 1 Fae Sight Fae Construct Light Step* 2
Simple Array
Pixie 1 Tool + 1 Magic Locator Fae Construct Swift* 3
Simple Array
Sylph 1 Tool + 1 Magic Locator Fae Construct Swift* 4
Simple Array
Envoy 1 Tool + 1 Default Pre Eberron Integrated 2
Simple Tool*
Weapon Specialized
Juggernaut 2 Weapons Default Pre Eberron Iron Fists / 2
(None Simple / Powerful Build
Organic) Martial
Skirmisher 1 Melee Default Pre Eberron Swift* 2
(None Metal*) Weapon / 1 Light Step*
Artisan 2 Tools Default Eberron Integrated 3
Pioneer 1 Tool + 1 Scoped Array Eberron Healing 3
Simple / Machine*
Siege (None 1 Weapon Scoped Array Eberron Powerful Build 4
Organic) Exotic / Siege Mode
Enforcer 1 Two Handed Default Eberron Breaching 3
(None Firearm or 2 Tool*
Organic) One Handed Internal
Firearms Magazine*
Operative 1 Melee Thermal Array Eberron Light Step* 3
(None Metal*) Weapon / 1 Integrated
Handed Suppressor
Emissary 1 Melee Default Eberron Swift* 3
(None Metal*) Weapon Integrated
Poison Kit
Diplomat 2 Tools Diplomatic Post Eberron Integrated 4
Suite Tool*
Arbiter 1 Tool + 1 Thermal Array Post Eberron Healing 5
Simple / Machine*
Martial Integrated
Weapon or Scope
Assault (None 1 Weapon Scoped Array Post Eberron Powerful Build 6
Organic) Exotic / 1 Two / Siege Mode
Maruader 1 Two Handed Night Array Post Eberron Breaching and 5
(None Firearm or 2 Clear*
Organic) One Handed Internal
Firearms Magazine*
Infiltrator 1 Melee Thermal Array Post Eberron Light Step* 5
(None Metal*) Weapon / 1 Integrated
Handed Advanced
Firearm Suppressor
Eclipse (None 1 Melee Cloaking Array Post Eberron Swift* 6
Metal*) Weapon Integrated
Poison Kit

*Breaching Tool. When you hit with an unarmed strike, you can deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier
bludgeoning damage, instead of the normal damage for an unarmed strike, when dealing with doors
or inanimate objects you have advantage on damage rolls

Lower Chassis

Acts as your way of movement and as such affects your movement speed and movement types.

Movement Speed Movement Time Period Miscellaneous Point Cost

Type Bonuses Bonuses /
Insectile 30ft 15ft Climb Fae Construct None 0
Winged 20ft 30ft Fly Fae Construct Can’t use 2
Medium or
Heavy Armour
Bi-Pedal 30ft None Pre Eberron None 0
Quadrupedal 30ft 25ft Climb Pre Eberron Resistant to 1
Single Wheel 35ft None Pre Eberron Weakness to 1
Tracked 25ft Ignore Eberron Double Carry 2
Difficult Weight or
Terrain Strong Back
Perk / Esoteric
Mag-Lev 35ft 20ft Fly Eberron Can’t Float 1
over none
Wheeled Base 40ft None Eberron Double 2
Speed on Flat
Surfaces, Quad
Speed on
Thrusters 35ft 40ft Fly Post Eberron Automatically 2
Fails Hearing
Based Stealth
Ion Engines 25ft 25ft Fly Post Eberron Has Stability in 2
the Air
Six by Six 35ft Ignore Post Eberron Tight Turning, 3
Difficult as a Bonus
Terrain Action can
spin upto a full
360 degrees or
disengage from
Blink Engine N/A 30 – 60ft Spelljammer None 4
Combined N/A Depends on Spelljammer As an Action Combined Cost
Chassis (Only which two are can swap of Both
two lower combined between both Chassis
chassis movement
allowed) modes

Sensor Arrays

Each Upper chassis type can come with it’s own unique sensor array, only if you wish to change
this, does it incur a build cost

Sensor Type Benefits Point Cost

Default Standard Vision 0
Fae Sight Array Grants 15ft Blind Sight 1
Scoped Array Proficiency in Perception, Removes the Long Range 1
Night Array Grants 60ft Darkvision 1
Diplomatic Suite Grants Expertise and Reliable Talent on Insight 2
Thermal Array Grants 60ft Darkvision and 30ft True Sight 2
Magnetic Array Can see Electro Magnetic Fields, This also applies to any 2
Electro Magnetic Fields generated by spells
Cloaking Array Grants the ability to go Invisible for 6 Hours before 3
requiring recharge, every two hours it goes unused, you
recharge 1d2 number of hours, If you take an offensive
action whilst in use, it changes the condition to as if the
Blur spell had been cast, until the start of your next turn
Magic Locator Grants Detect Magic as a constant ability 4
Combined Array Choose upto three arrays and combine them and there X
point costs

Siege Equipment

Siege equipment can only be taken by a chassis type that allows it’s use, this is counted as an exotic
type weapon and only certain classes can gain access to this proficiency without a feat.

Time Period,

Time Period Fae Construct Pre Eberron Eberron Post Eberron

Point Cost N/A 0 1 2

Weapon Size

Weapon Size Small Medium Large Huge Gargantuan Colossal

Point Cost 1 2 3 4 5 6

Firing Arc

Firing Arc Direct In-Direct

Point Cost 1 2

To work out the cost of the siege weapon you wish to equip, combine the tables above to work out
the total cost of using said weapon.

Construction Flaws:

To allow for more impressive builds, sometimes you do not have the Points to build what you want,
in this case you can add Construction Flaws to your Warforged Character, you are restricted to the
Points from only two flaws as bonus points, any more you take beyond these two will not grant you
any more build points

Name Malfunction Points Regained

Unusual Density When you were being constructed they used more 1
materials than perhaps they should have
-5ft Movement Speed
Loss of Confidence On a Failed Wisdom save from any source, your 1
character is also considered Frightened and must on
there turn, retreat from combat

They then need to pass a DC 10 Wisdom Save to

shake themselves out of it
Unmuffled Hydraulics You cannot take Stealth as a Proficiency 1
Is it supposed to work like On a Critical Failure of an attack roll, spellcast or 2
that? skill check, the character rolls a Constitution Save
DC 12
On a Failure the DM rolls a D100 and depending
on the result will affect certain body parts as they

1 – 10 Head: Affects Intelligence Rolls

11 – 20 Left Arm: Disadvantage on Strength and
Attack Rolls
21 – 30 Right Arm: Disadvantage on Strength and
Attack Rolls
31 – 80 Torso: Cannot use the Dash Action until
you pass the test
81 – 90 Left Leg: Reduced Movement Speed and
Disadvantage on Dexterity Saves
91 – 100 Right Leg: Reduced Movement Speed and
Disadvantage on Dexterity Saves

If one of your arms is affected you cannot two hand

a weapon until the check is passed
Corroded Memory Circuits Sometimes you just can’t remember what might be 2
a vital piece of information, at times the GM may
ask you when you want to make a knowledge
check to do so at disadvantage
Faulty Sump Pump Your lubrication systems does not work properly 2
and as such your joints creak and whine, this results
in a disadvantage on Stealth Checks

This can be temporally offset by lubrication of said

joints using a 50GP Lubrication which lasts only
one hour
Missed Galvanisation When you were constructed they forgot to 3
(Acid Weak Metals Only) galvanise your metallic exterior, this has had the
unfortunate issue of making you more vulnerable to
acid than your peers

Changes Acid Weakness to Acid Vulnerability

Thinned Material Any Physical Damage Attack against you has an 3-4
increased critical to hit range by 1

If taken with any other flaw it increases the points

regained by 1
Systemic Failure If you drop to below 50% of your total hit points 4
during a combat, after combat is resolved, you roll
a Constitution Save DC14 on a failure you cannot
heal about 50% of your total until you take a long
Some Assembly Required When being healed, you only benefit from have the 4
amount rolled on the dice
Faulty Array When you receive a critical hit, you must roll a 5
Constitution save equal to 8 + a Quarter of the total
damage taken.

On a Failure the GM then rolls a D4, on an Odd

Roll your character is Blinded, on an Even Roll
your character is Deafened, until they are repaired

Experimental Modules

Only one Experimental Module can be attached to a Warforged of any design, these all cost 4 Build
Points and can only be activated for a limited time before it causes damage.

Each Module attaches to a specific area of the Warforged and counts as a magical item for that slot.

Name Type Abilities Activation Damage on over

Duration use (Per Round)
Activation Round)
Autoloader Augmentation Ignores Loading 2 1d4 Fire / Doubles
Property with every extra
round of use
above the allotted
Combat Strength Augmentation Increases weapon 7 1d8 Physical /
by 1 damage dice / causes 1 rank of
Doubles Throwing exhaustion for
Distance every 2 rounds
above use
Microfibril Augmentation Allows for 10 1d8 Physical /
Muscle Density carrying and use causes 1 rank of
one weight exhaustion for
category above every 2 rounds
norms above use
Speed Augmentation Tier 1: 5ft Tier 1: 10 Rounds 1d4 Fire / Doubles
Enhancement Tier 2: 10ft Tier 2: 5 Rounds with every extra
Tier 3: 20ft Tier 3: 2 Rounds round of use
Tier 4: 40ft Tier 4: 1 Round above the allotted
Silent Movement Augmentation Reduces all sound 5 1d4 Cold /
Module when moving to Doubles with
zero every extra round
of use above the
EMP Shield Augmentation Renders the User 5 1d4 Lightning /
Immune to EMP Doubles with
Spells and every extra round
Damage of use above the
Regeneration Augmentation Heals the user for 5 1d4 Acid / Poison
Class Hit Die Damage Doubles
Amount per round with every extra
round of use
above the allotted
Elemental Shield Augmentation Changes Damage 3 1d4 Lightning
from Elemental Damage Doubles
sources to with every extra
Resistance for a round of use
Time above the allotted
Aqualung Augmentation Triples 10 1d4 Force
(Organic Only) Constitution Damage Doubles
Modifier Rounds with every extra
to Stay Under round of use
Water above the allotted
Aggressive Systems Destroys 5 reactions as it N/A
Defense System Grenades and uses specialised
(Eberron Time Rockets before ammo
Period and Above) they can hit you
Spy Drone Systems Grants you the 10 Rounds costs N/A
ability to summon 200 Gold if
a small drone to destroyed or it
help you see cannot be
beyond your usual retrieved
sight range
Targetting Module Systems Gives advantage 5 1d4 Lightning
on Ranged Damage Doubles
attacks, can roll with every extra
Investigation round of use
DC15 to acquire above the allotted
target knowledge
Hacking Module Systems Grants the use of 2 1d4 Lightning
Dominate Damage Doubles
Construct with every extra
round of use
above the allotted
Social Enhancer Systems Gives advantage 1d4 Fire / Doubles
on Social Checks, with every extra
can roll round of use
Investigation above the allotted
DC15 to acquire
target knowledge
Wayfinder Radar Systems Grants advantage 3 1d4 Lightning
System to perception Damage Doubles
checks against with every extra
stealthed enemies round of use
above the allotted
Nanoblade Weaponry +3 Crit 1d8 5 1d4 Lightning
Weapon Damage Doubles
with every extra
round of use
above the allotted
Tesla Weapon Weaponry 2 Blast Type 10 1d4 Lightning
Ranged Weapon, Damage Doubles
2d4 Lightning with every extra
Damage round of use
above the allotted
Icarus Landing Systems Protection from 1 Use before N/A
System Fall Damage requires one day
Typhoon Systems / On reaction can 100 Gold per Use N/A
Explosive Defense Weaponry deal 1d12 Force /
1d6 Fire Damage
against an attack
of opportunity
Titan Shields Systems Immunity to 1 1 Round Only
Janus Tech Shield Systems You designate at 5 1d4 Force
target if that target Damage Doubles
hits you with a with every extra
damage roll, you round of use
can use your above the allotted
reaction to roll a
d6. On a 4 or
higher, the attack
instead deals no
Poison Systems Takes the poison 2 Uses before N/A
Concentrator kit, poisons and requires one day
increases the recharge
potency DC by
Crystal Shard Gun Weaponry Deals 1d6 Force 10gp per Shot N/A
Crystal Shard Weaponry Deals 2d6 Force 30gp per Shot N/A
Launcher Damage
Crystal Fletchette Weaponry Deals 4d6 Force 50gp per Shot N/A
Gun Damage
Plasma Bombard Weaponry 20ft Radius 1 Tank allows for Unstable Shot, on
(Siege / Assault Explosion, DC14 6 shots, 500 Gold a natural 1 on an
Only) Dex Save to Half per tank attack role, the
6d6 Fire, DC14 damage is instead
Con Save to Half taken by user
4d8 Radiant
Acid Stream Weaponry 10d6 Acid damage 1 Tank allows for Unstable Shot, on
Thrower in a 30ft line, 3 shots, 800 Gold a natural 1 on an
DC16 Dex Save to per tank attack role, the
Half damage is instead
taken by user
Mag Rail Weaponry 4d20 Force 500gp per shot Advanced
Launcher Damage in a 120ft Unstable Shot, on
line, DC16 Dex a natural 1 to 3 on
Save to Half an attack role, the
damage is instead
taken by user
Atomic Radiant Weaponry 6d20 Force 2000gp per shot Advanced
Bomb Launcher / Damage, 6d20 Unstable Shot, on
Ghost Fire Nuke Fire, 6d20 a natural 1 to 5 on
Radiant, Blast 12, an attack role, the
DC18 Dex Save to damage is instead
Half, The area taken by user
contaminated for
10 Rounds,
dealing 120
Radiant Damage
per round

Chapter 3: The Astral Sea and Multiverse

The Carbuncle

Carbuncles are fox-like denizens of various upper planes, usually the fey-wild, they are notable for
their gleaming coats and their insatiable curiosity. They can occasionally be found exploring the
material plane, either of their own initiative or as the familiars or companions of mages.

Of Two Worlds

Carbuncles have two forms, a humanoid form that retains some of there characteristics such as fur
colour becoming hair colour, there ears being longer and pointed, and protruding from there behind
a triplicate of tails and finally a small gemstone embedded in both of there forms heads

In animal form they resemble a fox with a blunted muzzle, large ears and the same three bushy tails.

Curious Creatures
While not that common in many places, Carbuncles can be found in or near places of great magical
power or ancient ruins

Often when someone first meets them in animal form, other than the strange markings and
brilliance of there fur, there seems to be nothing truly sentient about them, that is until they open
there mouth.
What greets them is a voice usually telepathically that has a soft yet whimsical quality about it, that
proves whom there talking to is no mere beast.

Colourful Companions
The Carbuncle as a people are split into various subspecies and types depending on there fur, this
ranges from the Reddish coloured Ruby Carbuncle to the Dark almost shadowy furred Jet

Nature's Children
The place where you will find them the most is within the Feywilds, usually among the great tree
cities such as Mithrendain, Astrazalian or roaming the plains of Echoing Thunder, such places are
there homes and nesting grounds for the various subspecies.

Magically Gifted
All Carbuncles are attuned to the magical energies of the veil, this power is channelled usually
through the crystals on there foreheads, while most take up Magical Careers such as Wizard or
Sorcerer not all of them do., yet they still all retain the spark to do magical spells naturally

When choosing what Attribute to use for Spellcasting as a Carbuncle, traditionally it would be
Charisma, but you can choose Intelligence or Wisdom if you wish.

Many Lives, One Soul

While the average Carbuncle usually lives to around 200 years old at most, this isn't the end of there
existence, because as a species they undergo at the time of death a rebirth or regeneration.

When this happens they often change subspecies, a **Ruby Carbuncle** could become a **Topaz
Carbuncle**, or other subspecies.

Often after such an event they become a little confused and it takes a while for there memories to
resurface, honoured friends and family might be seen as foes or such for a while as they try to
process this.

Male Names: Auther, Arther, Arian, Belo, Corvu, Carin, Devar

Female Names: Aria, Bria, Coana, Dee, Eve, Fabia, Garnet, Helia

Many Carbuncle names stem from the area they live in and who there with, those that live in
Human lands sometimes take Human names, and the same can be said of Elven or Dwarven Cities,
given Carbuncles often share there lives with other races.

Obsidian Carbuncles
Sometimes during a rebirth, or at the time of a great trauma, a Carbuncle will undergo a strange and
terrifying transformation, where there eyes will take on a shade of Red, and there fur will go ashen.
During such a moment, there hearts become filled with rage and they snap mentally becoming Feral
and Aggressive.

The Details are listed further on.

Carbuncle Traits
Your Carbuncle character has a variety of natural abilities as determined by there ancestry

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity & Charisma Score increases by 1

Age: Carbuncles mature very quickly often reaching adulthood by age of Five, it is unknown how
long they live often some are between 1000 to 2000, before going through Rebirth
Alignment: Most Carbuncles are either Good or Neutral, they prefer living day to day and are often
Chaotic, its very rare to find Evil ones.
Size: All Carbuncles in either form are classed as small, there around 3 to 3 and a half foot in there
humanoid form and about as big as an adult fox in there animal form.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 25ft in humanoid form, in animal form it's 35ft
Born from Magic: Carbuncles are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy and
Vampirism, but not all others

Ensorcelled Blood: You know at 1st level one cantrip.

When you reach 3rd level, you gain a 1st level spell
once with this trait and regain the ability to do so
when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level,
you gain a 2nd level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you
finish a long rest. Charisma is your spell-casting ability
for these spells..

Ruby Shot: All Carbuncles have a basic offensive power which they shoot from the Gems on there
heads. See **Ruby Shot** for Details
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Primordial, Sylvan
Subrace: The Carbuncles are made up of twelve common bloodlines, eight uncommon bloodlines
and six rare bloodlines pick from one of them below.

Common Carbuncle Bloodlines

These represent the types of Carbuncle that will most likely been seen either in the wild or in cities.

Ruby Carbuncle
Bold and fierce the Ruby Carbuncle is often seen in places few people would dare., with there speed
and agility helping them avoid most traps.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 1

Natural Acrobatics: you gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill
Unflinching: You have advantage on checks regarding fear.
Cantrip: Control Flames
1st Lvl: Mage Armour
2nd Lvl: Aganazzar's Scorcher

Topaz Carbuncle
Stoic and Tough, Topaz Carbuncles are often employed as Bodyguards of Wizards and other less
physical types, given there natural toughness and willingness to put themselves in harms way for

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by 1

Topaz Shell: At 3rd Level you know the spell Topaz Shell a defensive magic that adds your
proficiency to your AC
Defiant: Once per day you can roll a d4 in battle, this is how many rounds you can stay standing
before your injuries get the better of you, should your hit points drop below 0.
Cantrip: Blade Ward
1st Lvl: Topaz Shell
2nd Lvl: Barkskin

Emerald Carbuncle
Compassionate and Caring are the traits usually seen by the Emerald Carbuncle, with an affinity for
healing and curative magics, there the most commonly seen as familiars and pets.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Score increases by 1

Natural Medic: you gain proficiency in the Medicine skill
Renew: You know the Healing Word Spell.
Cantrip: Spare the Dying
1st Lvl: Healing Word
2nd Lvl: Prayer of Healing

Sapphire Carbuncle
Keepers of great spiritual knowledge Sapphire Carbuncles are usually seen with Clerics, Monks and
other devout folk.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Score increases by 1

Religious: you gain proficiency in the Religion skill
Holy Force: You can change your Ruby Shot's Damage type to Radiant.
Cantrip: Guidance
1st Lvl: Thunderous Smite
2nd Lvl: Branding Smite

Opal Carbuncle
Loving and carefree the Opal Carbuncles are artists, musicians and crafters, out of all the species
they tend to flow to places of great social or cultural importance.

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma Score increases by 1

Natural Diplomat: you gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill
Artisan: You can take an extra tool proficiency at level 1.
Cantrip: Dancing Lights
1st Lvl: Goodberry
2nd Lvl: Suggestion

Garnet Carbuncle
Passionate and Emotional, Garnet Carbuncles are quick to love and trust, but also quick to anger
and bear a grudge, they make great Friends and Terrible Enemies.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 1

Natural Empath: you gain proficiency in the Insight skill
Fires of Passion: You can change your Ruby Shot's Damage type to Fire.
Cantrip: Vicious Mockery
1st Lvl: Bane
2nd Lvl: Skywrite

Moonstone Carbuncle
Intelligent, Studious and often aloof, Moonstone Carbuncles are Scholars of the universe, studying
the celestial bodies above and harnessing the truth of the stars

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Score increases by 1

Natural Historian: you gain proficiency in the History skill
Cosmic Magic: At 3rd level You gain benefits based on the moon and certain celstial bodies that
you interact with, these phases change during a typical encounter or session.
Phase of the Sun: At the start of your turn, each enemy adjacent to you takes fire and radiant
damage equal to your Strength modifier. You also gain resistance Fire / Radiant.
Phase of the Moon: You gain a bonus to AC equal to the number of conscious enemies adjacent to
you. You also gain resistance psychic.
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses you, you can teleport a number of squares
equal to your Strength modifier as a free action. You also gain resistance to cold.
Cantrip: Encode Thoughts
1st Lvl: Cosmic Magic
2nd Lvl: Moonbeam

Cosmic Magic
At the end of the short rest or extended rest, the Carbuncle can choose a cosmic phase and gain its
benefits. Additioanlly, the first time the Carbuncle becomes bloodied during an encounter, the phase
changes to the next higher numbered one (or back to phase of the sun if in phase of the stars).

Diamond Carbuncle
Elegant and almost regal Diamond Carbuncles are at times some of the most elusive, what sets them
apart are the feathery wings that sprout from there back and the fact there jewels have an almost
Diamond-like colour and quality.

Ability Score Increase: You may raise any ability score other than Charisma by 1
Flyer: you have wings capable of sustaining flight in either form
Arcanis Nobilis: As well as your Ruby Shot power.., you also can breath a form of damage much
like a Dragonborn from your mouth, this is 1d10 Force Damage or Radiant Damage
Cantrip: Create Bonfire
1st Lvl: Divine Favour
2nd Lvl: Dragon’s Breath

Pearl Carbuncle
Often seen as lucky or bringers of great fortune, Pearl Carbuncles are often sought out for there
Wisdom, Protection and Luck.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Score increases by 1

Naturally Lucky: Once per session you can reroll a skill, but you must take the 2nd roll.
Naturally Inquisitive:** you gain proficiency in the Investigation skill.
Oooh Shiny!: When confronted with a precious object or item, you must roll a DC12 Wisdom Roll
or be entranced by the object.
Cantrip: Guidance
1st Lvl: Hex
2nd Lvl: Augury

Amethyst Carbuncle
Calm and serene, Amethyst Carbuncles are paragons of peace and tranquillity.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Score increases by 1

Natural Balance: you gain proficiency in the Acrobatics skill
Inner Peace: You have advantage on checks regarding fear or paralysis.
Cantrip: Druidcraft
1st Lvl: Sleep
2nd Lvl: Calm Emotions

Aquamarine Carbuncle
Lovers of water, mountains and seas, Aquamarine Carbuncles go anywhere they can find water,
some serve as Navigators on ships, others as lifeguards near beaches.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 1

Natural Athlete: you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill
Amphibious: You can breath underwater and have a 30ft Swim speed
Ice Affinity: You can change your Ruby Shot's Damage type to Ice.
Cantrip: Shape Water
1st Lvl: Zephyr Strike
2nd Lvl: Vortex Warp

Jet Carbuncle
Mysterious and often Elusive, the rarely seen Jet Carbuncle is sometimes considered a myth,
generally nocturnal and seen only in places of great power.

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Score increases by 1

Natural Stealth: you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill
Shadowy: You know the spell darkness.
Cantrip: Message
1st Lvl: Hunter Mark
2nd Lvl: Darkness

Uncommon Carbuncle Bloodlines

Very few people if ever see one of these, given there rarity only a few should ever be present in any
campaign setting
NOTE: These Lineages are balanced to be slightly more powerful than normal, allow at your own

Tanzanite Carbuncle
Only found in areas where it's exceptionally cold. the Tanzanite Carbuncle is known for it's thick
pale purple fluffy fur, piercing pale blue eyes and shorter tails.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by 2

Cold Resistant: You resist cold damage
Arctic Hunter: You can hide easily in areas of snow and ice forcing disadvantage checks on
Perception to spot you in such areas.
Cantrip: Ray of Frost
1st Lvl: Ice Knife
2nd Lvl: Rime’s Binding Ice

Mythril Carbuncle
With fur a shade of silver and almost limitless energy the Mythril Carbuncle makes there homes
underground often in mines or caverns where ore or crystals can be mined, sometimes a miner
thinking the are Ore and hitting them with a pickaxe.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by 2

Naturally Tough: your AC is 2 higher after all bonuses
Burrower: you have sharper shovel like claws on each paw that make digging easier granting you a
20ft burrow speed.
Cantrip: Mold Earth
1st Lvl: Earth Tremor
2nd Lvl: Maximillian’s Earthen Grasp

Paraiba Carbuncle
Lovers of sun and heat, Paraiba Carbuncles are generally found in deserts and warmer climates,
there fur has a slight chameleon quality but only for shades of yellow, blue or green.

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom and Dexterity Score increases by 1

Chameleonic: As long as your in Deserts or Jungles you have advantage on Stealth checks
Heat Resistant: Your resistant to fire and heat.
Cantrip: Produce Flame
1st Lvl: Create & Destroy Water
2nd Lvl: Heat Metal

Mercury Carbuncle
Unlike other Carbuncles that seems to have medium to longish fur, the Mercury Carbuncle has very
short grey fur, giving it a leaner and sleeker appearance more like a cat than a dog.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity and Wisdom Score increases by 1

Natural Athlete: you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill
Greased Lightning: Your movement speed is 40 in humanoid form and 50 in fox form.
Cantrip: Gust
1st Lvl: Longstrider
2nd Lvl: Blur

Alexandrite Carbuncle
Known for there beauty and colour changing fur, the Alexandrite Carbuncle loves to be the centre of
attention with all eyes on it, usually found in large cities as Courtesans or Entertainers.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma and Intelligence Score increases by 1
Natural Performer: you gain proficiency in the Performance skill
Majesty: You know the spell Awe.
Cantrip: Friends
1st Lvl: Distort Value
2nd Lvl: Awe

Beryl Carbuncle
The Beryl bloodline is made up of three distinct further sub species, The Golden Beryl, The Rouge
Beryl and the Lime Beryl. Beryl Carbuncles are slightly bigger than most and could almost be
classed as medium creatures, in humanoid form there between 3ft 10 and 4ft 3 tall

Golden Beryl

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma and Constitution Score increases by 1

Rouge Beryl

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma and Strength Score increases by 1

Lime Beryl

Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma and Dexterity Score increases by 1

Natural Defender: you gain proficiency in medium armour

Bulky: You have resistance to being knocked down or prone due to your increased bulk and size
Cantrip: Acid Splash
1st Lvl: Disguise Self
2nd Lvl: Enhance Ability

Silver Carbuncle
Silver Carbuncles are Psychics, there eyes are often black with no coloured pupils or whites, they
only appear when they wish to be seen or to prevent some form of disaster, after which they fade
away back to there homes.

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Score increases by 2

Telekinesis: you know the spell Mage Hand
Divination: You can see a little into the future through visions or dreams, these are often in the
forms pictures or places.
Cantrip: Mage Hand
1st Lvl: Dissonant Whispers
2nd Lvl: Mind Spike

Gold Carbuncle
Keepers of Knowledge, Wisdom and history, The Gold Carbuncle is often a scholar or seeker of
knowledge in some form.

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence Score increases by 2

Natural Lore: you gain proficiency in the History and Religion skill
Artisan: At creation you may choose two tools for your character.
Cantrip: Mage Hand
1st Lvl: Comprehend Languages
2nd Lvl: Borrowed Knowledge

Rare Carbuncle Bloodlines

Only one of these would likely appear in any campaign, and it should be upto the GM's discretion
as to whether or not you are allowed to play as one

Further Note: The Balancing on these is likely a little bit skewed

Bloodstone Carbuncle
Only once was this species seen, created due to the mixture of necrotic energies and arcane blood,
the Bloodstone Carbuncle has a reddish black fur and blood red eyes.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution Score increases by 1

Life Stealer: You gain the ability Drain Mana
Predator: You are proficient in the Stealth and Survival skills.
Cantrip: Mind Sliver
1st Lvl: Ensnaring Strike
2nd Lvl: Pass without Trace

Jacinth Carbuncle
With burning almost fire red fur the Jacinth Carbuncle makes it's home deep within Volcanos or
other hot places, known for there fiery temper and being territorial the Jacinth Carbuncle often
attacks first and asks questions later.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength Score increases by 2

Naturally Intimidating: you gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill and is the only species that
doesn't gain disadvantage on Intimidation checks
Fireproof: You are immune to fire damage.
Cantrip: Create Bonfire
1st Lvl: Hellish Rebuke
2nd Lvl: Pyrotechnics

Jade Carbuncle
Only seen in the Mysterious Orient, Jade Carbuncles have thick furred whiskers, shorter green
coloured fur and toned agile legs, there slightly smaller than average ranging from 3ft 5 to 3ft 7 in
there humanoid form with almond eyes and yellowish skin.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity and Wisdom Score increases by 1

Spiritual Power: you gain two Ki points, even if you don't take the Monk class
Flows like water: You are much harder to hit and can dodge as a bonus action.
Cantrip: Shocking Grasp
1st Lvl: Burning Hands
2nd Lvl: Dragon’s Breath

Lapis Carbuncle
Considered to be related to the first Carbuncle, the Lapis species is the only member of the
Carbuncle Family to be a Medium Creature standing at 4ft 6" tall in Humanoid form, they have
long flowing blue fur and firm toned bodies.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution Score increases by 1

Heritage: At creation you may choose a weapon type, your character is considered proficient in this
Beowulf: Your Bark is considered a weapon when you shout at people you can inflict 1d8 damage.
Cantrip: Eldritch Blast (With Repelling Blast Invocation already known)
1st Lvl: Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
2nd Lvl: Gust of Wind

Onyx Carbuncle
Only found in the Jungles of Astoria, the Onyx Carbuncle rarely leaves it's home, often seen as a
protector of the jungles animals and trees, adventurers have often seen them forcing monsters and
other would be predators from there territory.

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Wisdom Score increases by 1

Natural Survivor: you gain proficiency in the Survival skill
Druidic: You know the spell goodberry and cantrip thornwhip.
Cantrip: Thornwhip
1st Lvl: Goodberry
2nd Lvl: Wither & Bloom
Runic Carbuncle
Found in the far plane the Runic Carbuncle often has Green or Blue fur with strange almost letter
like swirls in there fur, which glow under the moonlight.

In humanoid form Runic Carbuncles often have different coloured eyes, usually one blue and one
green.., some sometimes other colour combinations

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence and Wisdom Score increases by 1

Natural Insightful: you gain proficiency in the Insight skill
Gifted: You know the two cantrips and the spell enhance ability at 5th level.
Cantrips: Mending & Magic Stone
2nd Lvl: Enhance Ability

The Vulpkin

The Vulpkin's have a love of all things fashionable, be them the latest fashion trends, new music
and stories, the centre of there world is the city of Montveil a hub in the northern hemisphere
surrounded by lush grasslands and farms.

The city itself resembles a fair amount of western human cities with tall spired buildings, stonework
and fountains.

Garde d'épée
Vulpkins as a people favour weapons used for duelling, be them daggers, short swords or rapiers,
this is due to there small slight stature and agile movement

There city guard can often be seen in the colours of Red, Blue and White, brandishing ornate
swords in scabbards, there heads a large foppish hat often plumed with a feather or two.

While this form of fighting isn't for everyone, it has it's benefits for people of small size.

Creature Comforts
Vulpkin's are unlike the animals they resemble at times unaccustomed to roughing it, when they go
on adventures it's usually well armed with a full tent of provisions, games and drink for down times
and often with expensive food and drink, after all peasant food is terrible for the palate

Expensive Tastes
You can usually tell what class of Vulpkin you are dealing with usually by how there dressed and
what they are wearing, they often wear there wealth with pride and adorn themselves with glittering
jewels, fine fabrics and rare metals for there equipment.

And while this can attract the wrong sort of attention, usually from Bandits, Thieves and such, there
often ready to brandish there steel in the defence of there own property.

Fickle Folk
While often people find Vulpkins to be Arrogant and it's fair to say standoffish, there are many of
there number that are welcoming and make gracious hosts
A Vulpkin dinner can usually last for hours, often with many fine courses, each accompanied wine
that helps accentuate the flavours of the food.

However they can take a slight in regards to there homes and fashion sense, many a potential friend
has been turned away due to what could have been seen as nothing more than friendly banter.

Male Names: Adam, Arthur, Arian, Bastiste, Claude, Charles, Dumah,

Female Names: Aimee, Bria, Celeste, Corentin, Delphine, Fleur, Giselle, Juliette

Most Vulpkin names have a sense of the romantic to them, there easy to pronouce and often have a
few vowels where normally they shouldn't

Vulpkin Traits
Your Vulpkin character has a variety of natural abilities as determined by there ancestry

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Score increases by 2, and your Charisma Score by 1
Age: Vulpkin age much slower than most of the Feywild races, usually reaching Adulthood by
twelve, they can live upto 200 years or longer depending on there lifestyle
Alignment: Most Vulpkin are generally good people, they prefer there lives to be ordered more
often than not, however Evil can exist amongst there number, and younger ones tend to be more
-Size: All Vulpkin stand around 4ft tall at most, some wear there hair in elaborate fashions as to
make themselves appear taller, or boots with small platforms on them.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 35ft
Psuedo-Lycan: Vulpkin are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Eye for Fashion: All Vulpkin can usually tell the price or worth of an item, giving them proficiency
in Jeweller’s Tools
Natural Fencers: Vulpkin have training in Daggers, Short Swords, Rapiers and Duelling Weapons
i.e. Main Gauche, Foil and Epee
Discerning Hosts: you gain proficiency in the Insight skill
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Elven and Sylvan

Vulpkin Culture Traditions and Romance

And now for people more sensible, there cute, there cuddly and have a love of everything Stylish


As you have read before, the Vulpkins love there food, fashion and style, and this will likely come
as no shock here.. but the way they fall in love is often fast, frantic and needlessly decadent.

Food is Love
Be it lavish feasts, amazingly cooked meals or even simple elegant suppers, food in particular good
food is the way to a Vulpkin's heart.. and possibly there stomach too, when romancing a Vulpkin
expect to play a lot for a meal, as a take-away or light lunch isn't going to cut it..

A lot of Vulpkins favour the culinary arts, some even learn to use this trade in combat becoming
great combat chefs or culinarians.
The Lunate

Lunates are in many ways similar to Werewolves and more often than not people have confused the
two races forcing the Lunate people to often hide there heritage or be hunted like there cursed

One People, Many Forms

The Lunate people have over the years managed to learn how to shift there body between that of a
human or at least something that resembles a Human closely to that of a Wolf, and various forms in
between, each having a specific use or function

These Forms are Humanoid, Partial Wolf-Like Human, Man Wolf, Great Wolf and Wolf.

In Human form they average around 6ft in height, but this can vary, in Man Wolf Form they tower
over most people at around 8ft tall, and in Great Wolf or Wolf they appear as Large Dogs

Spiritual People
The Lunate People are often drawn to Classes that favour nature over cities, so often you'll find
Barbarians, Druids or Rangers among there number.

This isn't to say that these are the only ones.., it's mostly that these are the most common

Natures Wrath
Lunates are often territorial, usually in regard for other species encroaching into there territory to
setup new cities or towns, such behaviour is considered rude and is often met with extreme fury and

Male Names: Auther, Arther, Arian, Belo, Corvu, Carin, Devar

Female Names: Aria, Bria, Coana, Dee, Eve, Fabia, Garnet, Helia

Lunate names stem from the areas they live in and who there with, those that live in Human lands
sometimes take Human names, and the same can be said of Elven or Dwarven Cities, given Lunates
can share there lives with other races.

Lunate Traits
Your Carbuncle character has a variety of natural abilities as determined by there ancestry

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution increases by 1

Age: Lunates live about as long as most Half Elves, and reach old age very slowly, it's common to
find a Lunate at the age of 150 still with the stamina of a much younger Human.
Alignment: Most Lunates are True Neutral having respected the balance of Nature in all it's forms.
Size: Your Size is Medium in Human, Partial-Wolf Form and Great Wolf, Large in Man Wolf, and
Small in Wolf
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft in humanoid form, in Great Wolf and Wolf form it's 40ft
Psuedo-Lycan: Vulpkin are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Change Shape A Lunate can assume the appearance of a specific single human form of the same
sex. The Lunate always takes this specific form when she uses this ability. A Lunate in human form
cannot use there bite attack, but gains advantage on Deception checks made to appear human.
Changing shape is a bonus action. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except that the
Lunate does not adjust there ability scores and can remain in this form indefinitely..
Claws: You have Claws which count as a 1d4 Weapon
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan
Sub-race: The Lunate People are made up of Two Distinct Peoples Listed Below

Moon Furred
Moon Furred often have Light or Silvery Coloured Hair or Fur., there often Bigger and Larger than
White Fanged and make there homes in forests near the base of mountains.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by a further 1

Natural Survivalists: you gain proficiency in the Survival skill
Large Claws: Your Claws are a 1d6 weapon instead

White Fanged
More likely to be seen near cities where the forest edges on the borders the White Fanged are slight
of build compared to the Moon Furred and are seemingly more agile at times.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Score increases by a further 1

Natural Acrobat: You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics Skill
Furry Blur: Your base speed for all forms increases by 5ft.

Wulfkin Race

Wulfkin are small half humanoid, half wolf like creatures, often mistaken for werewolves or those
afflicted with Lycanthropy, while not a race many people have often come into contact with there
strength often belias there power and few who have tangled with them often don't live to tell the

Animalistic Temper
The Wulfkin people are often an act first question later sort, with there keen eyes and ears that they
use for hunting much larger prey, often in small packs of around three to four members each,
usually specializing in a different weapon and style.

Totemic Religion
In the Feywild Jungles where they make there homes, the Wulfikn often worship many different
gods, each having a temple to which they often sacrifice worthy prey upon to pleased there lords.

These sacrifices are collected from other cities and through battle, the honoured captives usually
alive when they split them open using a volcanic stone blade called a Machutti

The blood of these people are then collected, and used in various rituals to strengthen the packs

Shamanistic Power
Most Wulfkin are taught from an early age that blood is power, and can be used to perform there
most basic rite, Blood Healing

Where they temper a foes blood into a drinkable form and use it to heal wounds and cure diseases
Moon's Chosen
The place where you will find them the most is within the Feywilds, the junglelands and mountains
are there hunting grounds and those wise enough will often leave them be.

Warrior People
All Wulfkin are trained to fight, either with the powerful Great Machutti, the smaller Numachi, or
Stone bladed spears and axes they wield into battle.

When choosing a class, they favour the Barbarian, Fighter or Druid.

Small and Yet Tough

As a people the Wulkin age at the same rate as Carbuncles, unlike them however it's unheard of to
see one reach 200 years old.

Such elders often go out into the jungles alone to find death in a glorious hunt, through the battle of
a larger beast

There remains, or what's left of them are usually found and placed amongst the honoured dead and
worshipped as lesser deities.

Male Names: Ahun, Achun, Akar, Bolom, Cuchu, Celar, Drumn

Female Names: Akna, Bahn, Coatla, Dhuna, Eluia, Fhun, Graha, Hukna

Wulfkin Traits
Your Wulfkin character has a variety of natural abilities as determined by there ancestry

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength and Constitution Scores increases by 1

Age: Wulfkin reach adulthood by the age of five, and live between 100 to 200 years at most
Alignment: Most Wulfkin are Neutral, they try and balance there good acts and evil acts
Size: All Wulfkin are at most 4ft tall, there ears are on top of there heads, and behind them is a long
wolflike tail.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 40ft
Psuedo-Lycan: Vulpkin are immune to race changing diseases such as Lycanthropy
Blood Magic: All Wulkin know one the ritual *Blood Healing*.
Warrior Born: All Wulfkin are proficient with the Machutti, Numachi and Simple Weapons.
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common and Sylvan
Subrace: The Wulfkin people have only three bloodlines pick from one of them below.

Sun Touched
With Lighter coloured fur, the Sun Touched are often the War Priests, Holy Warriors or Divine

Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom Score increases by 1

Natural Survivalists: you gain proficiency in the Survival skill
Religious: you gain proficiency in the Religion skill
Sun’s Wrath: You know the Word of Radiance Cantrip
Blood Called
Using totemic magic, and strange rituals, the Blood Called are furious soldiers wielding unholy like
magic's and terrible weaponry.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution Score increases by 1

Cannibal: You can eat the flesh of your foes to regain 1d6 health while in combat
Final Sacrifice: Should your injuries take you below 0 health, you can as a last ditch attempt
perform a melee attack to take your opponent with you.
RRAAAWWRR: You know the Primal Savagery Cantrip

Moon Hunters
Dark and secretive, the Moon Hunters follow the dark god Ixena and dye there furs into colours best
suited for following the night.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity Score increases by 1

Shadow: you gain proficiency in the Stealth skill
Grappler: you gain proficiency in the Athletics Skill
Ghost Sounds: You know the Minor Illusion Cantrip.

Wulfkin Culture Traditions and Romance

While you may have been reading the Carbuncles and going 'Awww Cute' in regards to there sense
of honour, family and romantic intent, lets talk about there more feral cousins, THE WULFKIN

Wulfkin might look slightly adorable, at least from a distance, there quite small wolf like
humanoids and most people having met a Carbuncle will take the horrible mistake of believing
them to be similar.


Wulfkin are Tribal, Territorial and Ferocious, and a lot of there culture helps reinforce this very fact,
as we shall discover..

War Games
For a Wulfkin, there's nothing better than a fight, even better if your the victor and you make your
opponent bleed.

While they have traditional games such as Boxing, Wresting and even Swordsmanship.., they prize
on game above all others and this is called **"Ulla-maliz-tlian"**

Ulla-maliz-tlian or **Death Bowl** is a game played usually by two teams of Wulfkin, in which
they fight in a colliseum using blunted weapons, and throwing Stone Balls through hoops along the
arena that's around sixty metres long and around fifteen metres wide.

The Teams compete to see who can score the most points and inflict the most injuries on the

Often the game will degenerate into all out war, bloodshed and carnage, leaving only one member
standing, covered in blood and likely near death themselves.
Still it's better than them resorting to there other favourite passtime of kidnapping and murder.

Brutal Love
Violence is a great part of the Wulfkin life, and this also extends to there romance as well.
It has happened that pairs of them that had romantic intent often ended up dead, due to one member
of the union not being keen on the other, for any number of reasons.

Males tend to be fairly dense and straight forward here, they will take a club, find the Female they
find attractive and beat them into unconsciousness and often rape them, which is indeed Charming..

Females however are often, smarter, more cunning and devious, they will lure there potential mate
into there lair and using snares, traps and sometimes even poisons, before breaking the Males legs
and strapping them down.

And some Males even find this pleasurable..

A Bloody Affair
Should the pair survive either of the others courtship and actually relent into a union, then it's fair to
say that there isn't a loving embrace, a share of ideals or even a stable relationship.

Instead what happens is one up manship, each of them proving to the other that they are the stronger
of the two and by rights should be in charge of the relationship, so it's a wonder they haven't died
out as a people really.

Only the Strongest

When it comes to having children, they go through three months of labour before delivering a small
brood of children, usually between four and seven isn't uncommon, and when the children arrive the
parents inspect them

Any Child that looks weak, feeble or disabled is killed immediately, Wulfkin only ever want the
strongest for there families and weak children reflect on the parents badly.

The rest are then left out in the wilderness for a few days, those that survive are welcomed into
there family and are raised to be the next generation of psychopaths.

Use the Rod, Use the Whip

Wulfkin parents are often as strict to there newborn as there own parents were to them, a lifetime of
resentment is passed down through the generations, failure is often met with severe punishment and
should the child die as a result of it's injuries, then it had been a waste to raise it in the first place.

As such most children grow up to be fiercely competitive and strive to be the best at whatever they
do, often with the mindset of someday they will take revenge on there parents, as there's no love
lost between parent and child here.

Chapter 4: Runeterra Races

Human (Iceborn)










Chapter 5: The Humblewoods

On the World of Everden there exists a world filled with Anthropomorphic people’s from the Raven
like Corvum to the Fox like Vulpin, listed below though are Homebrewed races that could be added
to that setting each with there own flavour and style.

The Porcine

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength, Constitution and Intelligence increases by 1 point
Age: The Porcine age quickly reaching only around seventy years of life
Alignment: Most Sylph’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Porcine’s stand between 4ft tall at a minimum to 7ft 2’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is dependant on subspecies
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Humblefolk
Subrace: The Porcine has three subraces

The Sheepkin

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom increases by 1 point
Age: The Sheepkin age quickly reaching only around seventy years of life
Alignment: Most Sylph’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Sheepkin’s stand between 4ft tall at a minimum to 5ft 2’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is dependant on subspecies
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Humblefolk
Subrace: The Sheepkin has two subraces

The Llamina

Ability Score Increase: Your Strength, Constitution and Charisma increases by 1 point
Age: The Llamina age quickly reaching only around fifty years of life
Alignment: Most Llamina’s are generally a chaotic people, given the lifestyle of the Feywild or
shadow fell they can often will turn towards and Evil Alignment if Unseelie
Size: All Llamina’s stand between 4ft tall at a minimum to 7ft 2’.
Speed: Your base walking speed is dependant on subspecies
Darkvision: You have 60ft of Darkvision
Languages: You can speak, read and write Common, Humblefolk
Subrace: The Llamina has seven subraces


Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth

Tool Proficiencies: Depends on what Hideout Choice

Equipment: A Shinobi Kit, A Set of Infiltration Clothes, Disguise Kit and 5 Shurikens.

Feature: Shinobi Hideout

You have a base of operations that you can use when not out on missions, the nature and description
of this is down to you. This has basic equipment depending on your clans focus
There are many kinds of criminals, and within a thieves' guild or similar criminal organization,
individual members have particular specialties. Even criminals who operate outside of such
organizations have strong preferences for certain kinds of crimes over others. Choose the role you
played in your criminal life, or roll on the table below.

d8 Speciality
1 Kin-jitsu: Shadow Magic and Stealth
3 Enforcer
4 Fence
5 Highway robber
6 Hired killer
7 Pickpocket
8 Smuggler


More species
Shinto Spells
Kitsune Feats

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