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Community Land Trusts, or CLTs, offer a beacon of hope in addressing the pressing issue of

housing affordability in India. Originating in the 1960s from the civil rights movement in the
United States, CLTs were created to provide secure land tenure to those without land. This
innovative model has evolved over the decades, witnessing significant growth, especially
from the 1990s onwards, as local governments began recognizing their value in promoting
affordable housing.

A CLT operates on a nonprofit basis, focusing on community development and affordable

housing. It holds land in trust, ensuring that the cost of land is removed from the housing
equation, making homes more affordable for low-income families. The unique structure of
CLTs involves dual ownership, where the trust owns the land and leases it long-term to
individuals or entities that own the buildings on the land. This model not only makes housing
affordable initially but also ensures its affordability for future generations through a
mechanism that allows the CLT to repurchase properties at an agreed-upon capped value.

One of the core strengths of the CLT model is its community-centered approach. CLTs are
guided by a tripartite board that represents leaseholders, community residents, and public or
nonprofit stakeholders, ensuring decisions are made in the best interest of the community and
not external investors. This structure empowers residents, providing them control over their
living environments and fostering a strong sense of community.

Furthermore, CLTs act as "land banks," preserving land for community use and development.
They are involved in various roles, from developing housing to supporting non-residential
uses like businesses and community spaces, making them a versatile tool in urban and rural

In the context of India, where high construction costs, scarcity of urban land, and limited
access to formal lending options exacerbate the housing crisis, CLTs present a promising
solution. By offering a model that secures perpetual affordability and engages community
participation, CLTs can play a crucial role in alleviating the housing challenges faced by
lower-income brackets.

Legal considerations for implementing CLTs in India involve navigating existing laws and
potentially adapting them to support this model. This includes clarifying the applicability of
the Transfer of Property Act and other relevant statutes to ensure that CLTs can operate
effectively within the legal framework, emphasizing the need for careful governance and
community engagement.

Thus , the Community Land Trust model offers a sustainable and inclusive approach to
housing, capable of addressing the affordability crisis in India. By prioritizing community
control, removing the cost of land from housing, and ensuring long-term affordability, CLTs
can significantly contribute to alleviating the housing challenges faced by marginalized
communities, marking a step forward in our pursuit of equitable urban development.

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