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Ass|gnment 2

1 DC |nstruments have a|um|n|um frame and ac |nstruments have p|ast|c frame Iust|fy the
Ans ln meLalllc frame eddy currenL losses are Lhere whlch occurs ln ac lnsLrumenLs 1o sLop eddy
currenL losses we use plasLlc frame ln ac lnsLrumenL due Lo plasLlc frame Lorque Lo welghL raLlo
lncreases because frame welghL decreases Lrrors due Lo LemperaLure change also decreases
because plasLlc frames have no effecL ln LemperaLure change
2 Mov|ng |ron |nstrument are not very sens|t|ve compared to mov|ng co|| |nstrument
Ans 1he permanenL magneL movlng coll lnsLrumenLs are mosL accuraLe Lype dc measuremenLs
1he acLlon of Lhls lnsLrumenLs ls based on Lhe moLorlng prlnclple When a currenL carrylng coll ls
placed ln Lhe magneLlc fleld produced by Lhe permanenL magneL Lhe coll experlences a force and
moves As Lhe coll ls movlng and Lhe magneL ls permanenL Lhe lnsLrumenL ls called permanenL
magneL movlng coll lnsLrumenL 1hls baslc prlnclple ls called D'Arsonva| pr|nc|p|e 1he amounL of
force experlenced by Lhe coll ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe currenL passlng Lhrough Lhe coll Movlng lron
Lype lnsLrumenL have a reverslble effecL of MCC Lype whlch hlnders or reduces Lhe senslLlvlLy of
Lhe lnsLrumenL
3 Suggest the poss|b|e way of |ncreas|ng the meter sens|t|v|ty or now can we |ncrease the
sens|t|v|ty of a Ga|vanometer ?
Ans CalvanomeLer whlch produces ln large deflecLlon from small currenL ls called senslLlve
galvanomeLer And for LhaL C should be very large and k should be small
now dlsplacemenL consLanL C n8A
1herefore SenslLlvlLy can be lncreased by lncreaslng Lhe number of Lurns by uslng hlgh flux denslLy
and by lncreaslng Lhe dlmenslon of Lhe coll
lor a glven coll Wlndlng area ls flxed Lhen Lhe only opLlon ls LhaL Lo wound large number of
Lurns So we use Lurn wlre
ls very large (le reslsLance ls very large )
We can also lncrease Lhe senslLlvlLy of a galvanomeLer by maklng conLrol consLanL k small 1hus
suspenslon of small sLlffness needs Lo lncrease senslLlvlLy
4 It |s necessary to use protect|on dev|ce of some sort to protect the sens|t|ve ga|vanometer
Support th|s statement by present|ng w|th poss|b|e so|ut|on
Ans CalvanomeLer ls a very senslLlve lnsLrumenL lf proLecLlon ls noL used hlgh currenL wlll
damage Lhe galvanomeLer coll and as galvanomeLer ls a very cosLller lnsLrumenL lL ls very
necessary Lo use proLecLlon devlce Lo proLecL senslLlve galvanomeLer

Def|ne current sens|t|v|ty vo|tage sens|t|v|ty mega ohm sens|t|v|ty
Current sens|t|v|ty lL ls deflned as Lhe deflecLlon obLalned per unlL currenL

G]k ( rad]A)
racLlcally Lhe values of currenL and deflecLlon are very small PenceLhe currenL senslLlvlLy ls
expressed ln mm/A
d]| but d20
r 2G|r]k
2Gr]k m]A
As usually r1m1000mm
G]00k (mm]A)

Vo|tage sens|t|v|ty
lL ls deflned as Lhe deflecLlon obLalned ln scale dlvlslon per unlL volLage lmpressed on Lhe
8uL d 2G|r]k 2000 G|]k ln mm for r 1m
1herefore S
G](00 k k
) mm]V

Mega ohm sens|t|v|ty
lL ls Lhe reslsLence of Lhe clrculL ln megohm so LhaL Lhe deflecLlon ls one scale dlvlslon when one
volL ls lmpressed on Lhe galvanomeLer
G](00 k) M]mm

6 Wr|te short note on 8a||ast|c Ga|vanometer and D'Arsonva| Ga|vanometer
1he balllsLlc galvanomeLer and Lhe fluxmeLer are Lhe necessary lnsLrumenLs for varlous
Lypes of magneLlc measuremenLs 1he balllsLlc galvanomeLer ls used Lo measure a quallLy of
elecLrlclLy passed Lhrough lL 1he balllsLlc galvanomeLer has a search coll connecLed Lo lLs
Lermlnals When Lher ls change ln flux llnked wlLh Lhe search coll an emf ls lnduced ln Lhe search
coll 1he elecLrlclLy proporLlonal Lo Lhls emf ls measured by Lhe balllsLlc galvanomeLer
1he balllsLlc galvanomeLer ls usually of u'Arsonval Lype 1he elecLrlclLy passlng LhroughL Lhe
balllsLlc galvanomeLer ls ln Lhe form of LranslLory currenLhlch ls lnsLanLaneous ln naLure lL exlsLs
ony Llll Lhe change of flux ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe search coll 1hus Lhe balllsLlc galvanomeLer glves a
Lhrow proporLlonal Lo Lhe quanLlLy of currenL lnsLanLaneously passlng Lhrough lL lL does noL glv e
sLeady deflecLlon 1he scale of balllsLlc galvanomeLer ls callbraLed ln such a way LhaL from lLs Lhrow
Lhe quanLlLy of elecLrlclLy and Lhe change ln Lhe flux produclng lL can be measured
1he Lhrow of Lhe balllsLlc galvanomeLer ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe elecLrlclLy only lf hLe
dlscharge of elecLrlclLy Lhrough lL geLs compleLed before any appreclable change ln poslLlon of Lhe
movlng sysLem Pence Lhe movlng sysLem of galvanomeLer ls made Lo have large momenL of
lnerLla and due Lo Lhls lL keeps on vlbraLlng for long Llme for abouL 1013 sec 1he osclllaLlons of
galvanomeLer movlng sysLem are damped wlLh large Llme perlod and small damplng raLlo 1he
small damplng ensures LhaL Lhe flrsL deflecLlon ls hlgh and large ln ampllLude 1he Lhrow or
deflecLlon ls measured aL Lhe exLreme polnL of Lhe flrsL Lhrow uslng a lamp and scale
1he dead beaL galvanomeLerls Lhe besL lL has Lo have elecLromagneLlc damplng such LhaL
lL can be deLermlned from Lhe consLanLs of Lhe lnsLrumenL Alr damplng should noL be presenL as lL
ls lndeLermlnaLe 1o brlng Lhe movlng sysLem back rapldly a key ls provlded wlLh whlch
galvanomeLer Lermlnals are shorL clrculLed
1he speclal consLrucLlon of Lhe balllsLlc galvanomeLer also lncludes
1 1he movlng coll ls free from magneLlc maLerlal
2 1he Lermlnals coll and all Lhe connecLlons are madde up of copper Lo avold
LhermoelecLrlc emfs aL Lhe [uncLlons
3 1he suspenslon sLrlp ls selecLed carefully and mounLed preclsely
4 ln preclslon lnsLrumenL Lhe suspenslon ls nonconducLlng and currenL ls led ln and ouL of Lhe
coll wlLh Lhe help of dellcaLe splrals of very Lhln sLrlp of copper
D'Arsonva| ga|vanometer

lL conslsLs of Lhe followlng parLs
O Mov|ng co|| 1he movlng coll ls recLangular or clrcular ln crosssecLlon carrylng number of
Lurns of flne wlre lL carrles Lhe currenL proporLlonal Lo Lhe quanLlLy Lo be measured lL ls
suspended ln Lhe alr gap beLween Lhe poles of Lhe permanenL magneL and lron core lL ls
free Lo Lur abouL lLs verLlcal axls
O Iron core lL ls spherlcal lf Lhe coll ls clrcular and cyllndrlcal lf Lhe coll ls recLangularlL ls
baslcally used Lo provlde low relucLance paLh Lo Lhe followlng magneLlc flux and Lo
procduce sLrong magneLlc fleld 1hls ensure hlgher deflecLlng Lorque and beLLer senslLlvlLy
of Lhe galvanomeLer
O Suspens|on Lhe suspenslon ls a slngle flne sLrlp of phosphorbronze and serves as one lead
of Lhe coll 1he oLher lead Lakes Lhe form of a loosely colled splral of flne wlre leadlng
downwards from Lhe boLLom of Lhe coll 1hls ls lower suspenslon 1hls Lype of
galvanomeLer requlres a perfecL levelllng so LhaL Lhe suspenslon coll remalns sLralghL and
ln cenLre poslLlon wlLhouL rubblng Lhe poles of lron core ln galvanomeLer whlch do noL
requlre Lhe perfecL levelllng LauL suspenslon wlLh sLralghL flaL sLrlps are used whlch are
kepL under Lenslon from boLh sldes
O Damp|ng 1he damplng ls eddy currenL damplng 1he eddy currenL developed ln Lhe meLal
former on whlch coll ls mounLed are responslble Lo produce damplng Lorque lor effecLlve
damplng a low reslsLance ls connecLed across Lhe galvanomeLer Lermlnals 8y ad[usLlng Lhe
value of Lhls reslsLance damplng can be changed and crlLlcal damplng can be achleved
O Ind|cat|on Lhe suspenslon carrles a small mlrror upon whlch a beam of llghL ls casL Lhrough
a glass wlndow ln ouLer brass case surroundlng Lhe lnsLrumenL 1he beam of llghL ls
reflecLed on Lhe scale 1he scale ls usually 1m away from Lhe mlrror
O ero ad[ustment A Lorslon head ls provlded for Lhe ad[usLmenL of Lhe coll poslLlon and
zero seLLlng

N8|A G | Nm
Where C n8A CalvanomeLer consLanL
lor flnal sLeady sLaLe poslLlon of Lhe coll

7 Lxp|a|n torque equat|on and dynam|c behav|our of Ga|vanometer
When we pass Lhrough galvanomeLerlL does noL reach lLs sLeady sLaLe deflecLlon lmmedlaLelly buL Lakes
some Llme 1hls behavlor ls examlned by equaLlon of moLlon 8y Lhls equaLlon we sLudy Lhe behavlour of
varlous elecLromechanlcal lnsLrumenLs Also Lhls equaLlon helps us Lo sLudy Lhe problems relaLed Lo
1 Speed of response
2 2 CvershooL
3 uamplng
1here are four consLanLs of galvanomeLer
1 ulsplacemenL consLanL
2 lnerLla consLanL
3 uamplng consLanL
4 ConLrol consLanL
1hese are known as lnLrlnslc consLanL of galvanomeLer
ulsplacemenL consLanL dlsplacemenL Lorque ls glven by
C dlsplacemenL consLanL of Lhe galvanomeLer (nm/A)
lnerLla consLanL lL ls one Lype of reLardlng Lorquedue Lo lnerLla of movlng sysLem lL ls dependenL upon Lhe
momenL of lnerLla and angular acceleraLlon
[ d

! ls also called lnerLla consLanL
uamplng consLanL damplng ls provlde by frlcLlon due Lo moLlon of Lhe coll 1hls Lorque ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe
veloclLy of movlng sysLem and lL ls glven by
D d0]dt
Where u ls damplng consLanL and lLs unlL ls nm/rad s

8 Lxp|a|n work|ng pr|nc|p|e and construct|on w|th neat sketch
(|) MMC
llgure shows Lhe baslc consLrucLlon of a MMC lnsLrumenL

A movlng coll lnsLrumenL conslsLs baslcally of a permanenL magneL Lo provlde a magneLlc fleld and a
small llghLwelghL coll ls wound on a recLangular sofL lron core LhaL ls free Lo roLaLe around lLs verLlcal axls When a
currenL ls passed Lhrough Lhe coll wlndlngs a Lorque ls developed on Lhe coll by Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe magneLlc fleld
and Lhe fleld seL up by Lhe currenL ln Lhe coll 1he alumlnum polnLer aLLached Lo roLaLlng coll and Lhe polnLer moves
around Lhe callbraLed scale lndlcaLes Lhe deflecLlon of Lhe coll 1o reduce parallax error a mlrror ls usually placed
along wlLh Lhe scale A balance welghL ls also aLLached Lo Lhe polnLer Lo counLeracL lLs welghL 1o use MMC devlce
as a meLer Lwo problems musL be solved llrsL a way musL be found Lo reLurn Lhe coll Lo lLs orlglnal poslLlon when
Lhere ls no currenL Lhrough Lhe coll Second a meLhod ls needed Lo lndlcaLe Lhe amounL of coll movemenL 1he flrsL
problem ls solved by Lhe use of halrsprlngs aLLached Lo each end of Lhe coll as 1hese halrsprlngs are noL only
supplylng a resLorlng Lorque buL also provlde an elecLrlc connecLlon Lo Lhe roLaLlng coll WlLh Lhe use of halrsprlngs
Lhe coll wlll reLurn Lo lLs lnlLlal poslLlon when no currenL ls flowlng Lhough Lhe coll 1he sprlngs wlll also reslsL Lhe
movemenL of coll when Lhere ls currenL Lhrough coll When Lhe developlng force beLween Lhe magneLlc flelds (from
permanenL magneL and elecLro magneL) ls exacL equal Lo Lhe force of Lhe sprlngs Lhe coll roLaLlon wlll sLop 1he coll
seL up ls supporLed on [ewelled bearlngs ln order Lo achleve free movemenL 1wo oLher feaLures are consldered Lo
lncrease Lhe accuracy and efflclency of Lhls meLer movemenL llrsL an lron core ls placed lnslde Lhe coll Lo
concenLraLe Lhe magneLlc flelds Second Lhe curved pole faces ensure Lhe Lurnlng force on Lhe coll lncreases as Lhe
currenL lncreases lL ls assumed LhaL Lhe coll sldes are slLuaLed ln a unlform radlal magneLlc fleld of flux denslLy 8 wb
m / leL Lhe lengLh of a coll slde (wlLhln Lhe magneLlc fleld) be l (meLer) and Lhe dlsLance from each coll slde Lo Lhe
axls be r (meLer)
r|nc|p|e of operat|on
lL has been menLloned LhaL Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween Lhe lnduced fleld and Lhe fleld produced by Lhe
permanenL magneL causes a deflecLlng Lorque whlch resulLs ln roLaLlon of Lhe coll 1he deflecLlng Lorque produced
ls descrlbed below ln maLhemaLlcal form

Def|ect|ng 1orque
lf Lhe coll ls carrylng a currenL of l amp Lhe force on a coll slde 8 l l n (newLon n)
1orque due Lo boLh coll sldes (2 r 8 l l n ) (nm) C l (nm)
where C ls Lhe CalvanomeLer consLanL and lL ls expressed as
G r8|N 2 ( Nm am ] p )
( N8A Nm am ] p ) (noLe A 2rl area of Lhe coll)
n no of Lurns of Lhe coll
8 flux denslLy ln Wb/m
l lengLh of Lhe verLlcal slde of Lhe coll m
2 r breadLh of Lhe coll m
l currenL ln ampere
A 2r l area m
1ruly speaklng Lhe equaLlon (422) ls valld whlle Lhe lron core ls cyllndrlcal and Lhe alr gap beLween Lhe coll and pole
faces of Lhe permanenL magneL ls unlform 1hls resulL Lhe flux denslLy 8 ls consLanL and Lhe Lorque ls proporLlonal Lo
Lhe coll currenL and lnsLrumenL scale ls llnear
Contro|||ng 1orque
1he value of conLrol Lorque depends on Lhe mechanlcal deslgn of Lhe conLrol devlce lor splral sprlngs and
sLrlp suspenslons Lhe conLrolllng Lorque ls dlrecLly proporLlonal Lo Lhe angle of deflecLlon of Lhe coll
l e
ConLrol Lorque C0
where 0 deflecLlon angle ln radlans and C sprlng consLanL nm rad /
Damp|ng 1orque
lL ls provlded by Lhe lnduced currenLs ln a meLal former or core on whlch Lhe coll ls wound or ln Lhe clrculL of
Lhe coll lLself As Lhe coll moves ln Lhe fleld of Lhe permanenL magneL eddy currenLs are seL up ln Lhe meLal former
or core 1he magneLlc fleld produced by Lhe eddy currenLs opposes Lhe moLlon of Lhe coll 1he polnLer wlll Lherefore
swlng more slowly Lo lLs proper poslLlon and come Lo resL qulckly wlLh very llLLle osclllaLlon LlecLromagneLlc
damplng ls caused by Lhe lnduced effecLs ln Lhe movlng coll as lL roLaLes ln magneLlc fleld provlded Lhe coll forms
parL of closed elecLrlc clrculL
LquaLlon of moLlon 1he resulLlng Lorque ln a coll or moLlon of a coll ln a magneLlc fleld ls due Lo Lhe comblned
effecL of deflecLlng Lorque (1d) conLrolllng Lorque (C0 ) damplng Lorque u (d0/dL) and lL ls maLhemaLlcally
expressed as
I d
+D d0]dt +C0 G|

(ll) Mov|ng Iron Instruments
ConsLrucLlon of Movlnglron lnsLrumenLs
1he deflecLlng Lorque ln any movlnglron lnsLrumenL ls due Lo forces on a small plece of magneLlcally 'sofL'
lron LhaL ls magneLlzed by a coll carrylng Lhe operaLlng currenL ln repulslon (llg427) Lype movlnglron lnsLrumenL
conslsLs of Lwo cyllndrlcal sofL lron vanes mounLed wlLhln a flxed currenLcarrylng coll Cne lron vane ls held flxed Lo
Lhe coll frame and oLher ls free Lo roLaLe carrylng wlLh lL Lhe polnLer shafL 1wo lrons lle ln Lhe magneLlc fleld
produced by Lhe coll LhaL conslsLs of only few Lurns lf Lhe lnsLrumenL ls an ammeLer or of many Lurns lf Lhe
lnsLrumenL ls a volLmeLer CurrenL ln Lhe coll lnduces boLh vanes Lo become magneLlzed and repulslon beLween Lhe
slmllarly magneLlzed vanes produces a proporLlonal roLaLlon 1he deflecLlng Lorque ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe square of
Lhe currenL ln Lhe coll maklng Lhe lnsLrumenL readlng ls a Lrue '8MS' quanLlLy 8oLaLlon ls opposed by a halrsprlng
LhaL produces Lhe resLorlng Lorque Cnly Lhe flxed coll carrles load currenL and lL ls consLrucLed so as Lo wlLhsLand
hlgh LranslenL currenL Movlng lron lnsLrumenLs havlng scales LhaL are nonllnear and somewhaL crowded ln Lhe
lower range of callbraLlon AnoLher Lype of lnsLrumenL LhaL ls usually classed wlLh Lhe aLLracLlve Lypes of lnsLrumenL

1hls lnsLrumenL conslsLs of a few sofL lron dlscs ( 8 ) LhaL are flxed Lo Lhe splndle (u ) plvoLed ln [eweled
bearlngs 1he splndle (u ) also carrles a polnLer ( ) a balance welghL (W1) a conLrolllng welghL (W2) and a damplng
plsLon (L ) whlch moves ln a curved flxed cyllnder (l) 1he speclal shape of Lhe movlnglron dlscs ls for obLalnlng a
scale of sulLable form
1orque Lxpress|ons
1orque expresslon may be obLalned ln Lerms of Lhe lnducLance of Lhe lnsLrumenL Suppose Lhe lnlLlal currenL
ls l Lhe lnsLrumenL lnducLance L and Lhe deflecLlon 0
dL+ IL dI IL DI +0 I
dL+ 1 d 0

1 (torque) 1]2 I
dL]d0 (Nm)

(|||) L|ectrodynam|c type |nstruments
LlecLro dynamlc (or uynamomeLer) Lype lnsLrumenLs
I|xed co|| 1he magneLlc fleld ls produced by Lhe flxed coll whlch ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo secLlons Lo glve more unlform
fleld near Lhe cenLre and Lo allow passage of Lhe lnsLrumenL shafL
Mov|ng co|| 1he movlng coll ls wound elLher as a selfsusLalnlng coll or else on a nonmagneLlc former A meLalllc
former cannoL be used as eddy currenLs would be lnduced ln lL by alLernaLlng fleld LlghL buL rlgld consLrucLlon ls
used for Lhe movlng coll lL should be noLed LhaL boLh flxed and movlng colls are alr cored
Spr|ngs 1he conLrolllng Lorque ls provlded by Lwo conLrol sprlngs 1hese halrsprlngs also acL as leads of currenL Lo
Lhe movlng coll
Dampers Alr frlcLlon damplng ls employed for Lhese lnsLrumenLs and ls provlded by a palr of Alumlnumvanes
aLLached Lo Lhe splndle aL Lhe boLLom 1hese vanes move ln a secLor shaped chamber
Sh|e|d|ng Slnce Lhe magneLlc fleld produced by flxed colls ls weaker Lhan LhaL ln oLher Lypes of lnsLrumenLs Lhese
meLers need a speclal magneLlc shleldlng LlecLrodynamlc lnsLrumenLs are effecLlvely shlelded from Lhe effecLs of
exLernal magneLlc flelds by encloslng Lhe mechanlsm ln a lamlnaLed lron hollow cyllnder wlLh closed ends

Cperat|ng r|nc|p|e
LeL us conslder Lhe currenLs ln Lhe flxed and movlng colls are l
and l
respecLlvely 1he acLlon of
elecLrodynamlc lnsLrumenL depends upon Lhe force exerLed beLween flxed and movlng colls carrylng currenL 1he
flux denslLy produced by Lhe flxed coll ls proporLlonal Lo l
(flxed coll currenL) 1he force on Lhe conducLors of Lhe
movlng coll for a glven sLrengLh fleld wlll proporLlonal Lo l
(movlng coll currenL) and Lhe number of Lurns 'n ' of
Lhe movlng coll ln case of ammeLer and volLmeLer flxed and movlng colls are connecLed ln serles and Lhe
developed Lorque ls due Lo Lhe lnLeracLlon of Lhe magneLlc flelds produced by currenLs ln Lhe flxed and movlng colls
and Lhus lL wlll be proporLlonal Lo l
l) 1hus dynamlc lnsLrumenLs can be used for dc and ac measuremenLs
(|v) Low power factor wattmeter
Crdlnary elecLrodynamomeLer waLLmeLer ls noL sulLable for measuremenL of power ln low power facLor
clrculLs owlng Lo (l) small deflecLlng Lorque on Lhe movlng sysLem even when Lhe currenL and pressure colls are fully
exclLed and (ll) lnLroducLlon of large error due Lo lnducLance of pressure coll aL low power facLor
1he speclal feaLures lncorporaLed ln an elecLrodynamomeLer Lype waLLmeLer Lo make lL sulLable for
measuremenL of power ln low power facLor clrculLs are glven below
(l) ressure coll ClrculL 1he pressure coll clrculL ls made of low reslsLance ln order
Lo make Lhe pressure coll currenL large resulLlng ln lncreased operaLlng
Lorque 1he pressure coll currenL ln a low pf waLLmeLer may be as much as 10
Llmes Lhe value used for ordlnary waLLmeLers
(ll) CompensaLlon lor ressure Coll currenL
(lll) CompensaLlon lor lnducLance of ressure Coll 1he error caused by pressure
coll lnducLance ls (slnC)/cos C + slnC Llmes Lhe acLual readlng of
waLLmeLer now wlLh low pf Lhe value of C ls large and Lherefore Lhe error ls
large 1he error caused by lnducLance of pressure coll ls compensaLed by
connecLlng a capaclLor across a parL of serles reslsLance ln Lhe pressure coll
clrculL as shown ln flg

Low ower Iactor Wattmeter (L|ectrodynamometer 1ype)

9 Lxp|a|n var|ous method for measurement of power |n 3 phase c|rcu|t
Ans Power Measurement Techniques:
n the three-phase power systems, one, two, or three wattmeters can be used to measure the total
power. A wattmeter may be considered to be a voltmeter and an ammeter combined in the same box, which
has a deflection proportional to 'rmsrms cos , where is the angle between the voltage and current. Hence, a
wattmeter has two voltage and two current terminals, which have + or ~ polarity signs. Three power
measurement methods utilizing the wattmeters are described next, and are applied to the balanced three-phase
ac load.
Two-Wattmeter Method
This method can be used in a three-phase three-wire balanced or unbalanced load system that may be
connected A or Y. To perform the measurement, two wattmeters are connected as shown
. Two-wattmeter method in star- or deIta-connected Ioad.
n the balanced loads, the sum of the two wattmeter readings gives the total power. This can be proven in a
star-connected load mathematically using the power reading of each meter as

f the difference of the readings is computed,
which is times the total three-phase reactive power. This means that the two-wattmeter method can
also indicate the total reactive power in the three-phase loads and also the power factor .
Three-Wattmeter Method
This method is used in a three-phase four-wire balanced or unbalanced load. The connections are
made with one meter in each line as shown. n this configuration, the total active power supplied to the load is
equal to the sum of the three wattmeter readings.

One-Wattmeter Method
This method is suitable only in three-phase four-wire balanced loads. The connection of the wattmeter
is similar to the drawing given. The total power is equal to three times the reading of only one wattmeter that is
connected between one phase and the neutral terminal.

10 Lxp|a|n measurement of react|ve power
Ans SLar connecLed leadlng pf
8eadlng of W
and W
are lnLerchanged compared Lo lagglng power facLor load
+ W
+ W
1oLal 3 phase power
cos (30) cos(30+)
cos30 cos + s|n30 s|n cos30 cos + s|n30 s|n
2s|n30 s|n


now mulLlplylng boLh sldes by 3
we geL


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