Committee United Nations Women

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Code: 369

Committee: United Nations Women

Topic: Women’s Leadership in Governance and Public Institution
Authors/ sponsers: Rajal Maharjan

Somalia is resolute in believing paramount role women play in government and public institutions, is
committed to promoting fairness and helping women take part fully in making decisions at all levels. Somalia
knows that women face challenges in getting leadership roles and we need smart solutions to fix these
problems well.

Somalia knows that even though things have gotten better lately, there still are not enough women in top jobs
in government and public places. This is because of old traditions, unfair treatment, not enough chances for
education and resources, and few opportunities for women to get involved in politics.

Even though people have tried to make things fairer and help women feel stronger, there are still big gaps
stopping women from fully joining in making decisions. It's really important to deal with these challenges
well so we can see all the good things that happen when women lead in government and public places. To
make sure there are more women in leadership roles, Somalia suggests a plan with a lot of different parts:

1. Gender Quotas and Targets: Somalia thinks we should have rules about making sure there are enough
women in important jobs in government and public places. These rules should be for both big and small areas
of the country, like places where laws are made and places where things are managed. By setting goals for
hiring and picking women, Somalia wants to have lots more women making decisions. By doing so, increasing
women’s participation and leadership in a broad range of institutions, including parliaments, political parties,
public administration, judiciary, and the private sector.

2. Building Skills and Training: Somalia knows it's important to help women learn the things they need to be
good leaders. So, we think we should make special programs and classes for women who want to work in
government jobs. These programs should teach things like how to lead, how government works, how to talk
things out, and other important skills, so women can do their jobs well.
3. Helping Women Connect and Learn: Somalia thinks it's important to help women who want to be leaders
get to know other people who have done it before. So, we want to make groups and programs where new
women leaders can meet experienced ones who can give them advice and support. Also, we want to make
groups for women who work in government jobs to share ideas and work together to make things better.

4. Fair Rules and Policies: Somalia thinks we need to make sure the rules and laws we have are fair to
women. So, we want to make sure the laws and policies we make are good for women too. This means
making rules that help women in government and public places feel safe and treated right. By thinking about
women when we make rules, we can make sure they have a fair chance to be leaders.

5. Telling People About Women Leaders: Somalia knows it is important to show everyone how important
women are in government and public places. So, we want to make plans to tell people about women leaders
and how they are making things better. We want to tell everyone about the great contributions of women and
make sure everyone knows how much women matter in government and public jobs. By promoting to different
people, like government workers, groups that help people, and news outlets, Somalia wants to make sure
everyone knows how paramount women are.

Somalia really wants to see more women leading in government and public places, and we have lots of ideas
to make it happen. By formulating legislative framework that guarantee equal treatment and foster a positive
environment for gender equality. By investing in women's education and encouraging gender equality in
educational institutions. By implementing the initiatives such as gender quotas, pay transparency. By setting
goals, teaching women, helping them connect, making fair rules, and telling everyone about women leaders,
Somalia believes we can make a place where women can be strong and make decisions that help everyone.
We hope all the other countries will help us with these ideas and work together to make things better for
women. Doing so, empower women everywhere in world regardless of place they are born.


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