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1. What is your future job ?

->I’m studying Finance and Banking so in the future, ( First of all, I will try to graduate
on time. After that, I will apply for the position of banker at ) I want to work as a banker
at BIDV Bank which is one of four the biggest bank in Vietnam. Moreover, it is leading
modern and efficient əˈfiSHənt financial and I have hearded this bank is a place with a
very good working environment. If I become a banker in this bank, I will get a lot of
company benefits such as high salary and promotion opportunities. Besides, I can earn
enough money to travel the world with my family.
Bạn nghĩ trai hay gái sẽ phù hợp với nghè này ?
I think it doesn't matter whether it's a man or a woman. If you meet the employer's
requirements, you will become a banker.
2. What is your major? / Why do you like this major? / why did you choose this
major to study ?
-> Because I want to find a good job as a banker. Moreover, I am good at Maths and I am
interested in numbers. I also have a little knowledge of Finance. Futhermore, I want a job
that has a high salary in the future. So, I have chosen to study Finance and banking
( My major is Financial and Banking at Hanoi University of Industry )
3. What skills and qualifications are required for this job?/ Trách nhiệm tr cv ?
-> As I know the responsibilities of a banker are managing customers' accounts including
opening and closing their accounts or giving some financial advice to customers, and
matters related to savings, investments, and loans. /ləʊn/. So I think they need to have
skills such as officer informatics skills, and teamwork skills. Besides, good
communication skills are necessary because they will help you communicate and build
relationships with your customers and make them loyal customers. Because A majority of
the profits come from retained customers.

If I become a banker, I will manage clients accounts including opening and closing their
accounts or give some financial advice to customers especially on matters related to
saving, investments and loans.
4. What is your strengths?
-> My biggest strength is quite confident .I can present in class or in front of a
group.Besides, I’m quite confident in my sales abilities. I had a part-time job last year. I
worked as a sales for bixxy company, specializing in selling clothes. After 1 month of
working, I was able secure an average of 200 million VND revenue per month for the
5. What is your weakness?
-> However, My biggest weakness is my communication English skills. I speak English
very badly. When I work, I meet a customer is a foreigner, I can't communicate E with
them. in the future, I think I need to try to learn more skills in speaking English and learn
more vocabulary .
13. Do you have a part-time job?
Yes, I have a part-time job, I work as a sale admin at Bixy’s company. This work helps
me to improve may skills such as time managemnat skill and office informatics skill,
team work skill. It provide may eexperience and knowledge for student. Besides, This job
not only brings experience and relationships but also offers a good salary for living
expenses for me.
14. Quê quán
I was born and grew up in Han noi ,which is located in the North of Vietnam. It’s a little
bit far from my university, about 40 km away My hometown is famous for its annual
traditional cake called "Banh te Phu Nhi" and the ancient village of Duong Lam.
Furthermore, recently my hometown has become famous for Son Tay walking street, this
is a place for people to have fun and visit ancient times.
What responsibilities do you have at work ?
I’m responsible for handling the document and numbers .
What job do you think you will be doing in 5 years?
In 5 years, I think I become a bank clerk for a famous banking .
10. What is your future plan?
-> After graduation, I will find a stable job as an accountant. I travel to many areas in
Viet Nam such as PQ Island, DL and NT. I learn Japanese
11. Where do you want to work in HN or in your hometown?
-> I want to work in HN because I like an exciting life in big city. There are many
entertainment centers, shops, restaurants and clubs. I have chances to find job and earn
much money.
-> I want to work in my hometown because I like a peaceful life in the provinces. I can
live near my family and take care my parents.
15. What skills do you have?
-> I have teamwork skill. I work well with other partners in group’s activities. I also have
the ability to handle stress. When I get stressed, I usually sleep, hang out with friends and
take a shower and sing loudly (or play football)

3. How many subjects are you learning this semester?

-> This semester I am studying 5 subjects such as English, Maths, PE, IT and Marketing
4. Which one do you like the most?
-> I love E because it is help me communicate with other . I can read news, documents
and newspapers in English. I find that I can have a good job with my English ability. I
can talk to other people in different countries.
5. What does your father do? Do you want to do the same job as your father?
-> My father is a worker/farmer. I don’t want to do the same job as my father because I
want to work in an office with computers. I can make more money if I am an accountant.
6. I like reading books such as novels, comic books such as Doraemon, 7 dragons,
detective or fairy tales.
7. I like listening to music. I love pop music such as …
8. How often do you go shopping?
-> I rarely go shopping because I have little money and my mother goes shopping for my
-> What is your favorite product?
My favorite product is hat. I have many types of hat.
9. What are your personalities? What kind of person are you?
-> I am social, kind, generous, humorous, easy-going, out-going, hard-working and
12. What does your mother look like?
-> She is tall, slim and young. She is kind, hardworking and gentle
13. Do you have a part-time job?
-> Yes, I am a marketing assistant at Thanh Do shops in Cau Dien Street.
-> No, I don’t have a part-time job because I have little free time and I want to focus on
my study.
14. What qualifications do you have?
-> I have a school-laving certificate from TDT high school in Thanh Hoa province

18. What time do you start lesson/class?

-> I start lesson at 7 a.m
I find reading very interesting and moreover gives me more knowledge
19. part-time job help to improve may skills such as time managemant and team work
skill. Beside it provide may experience and knowledge for student.
I think it suitable with everyone because If you meet the employer’s requirement, you will
become a banker clerk.

23. Do you choose this major by yourself or by other’s suggestions?

I choose this major by myself
24. what subjects in this major do you like ? Why ?
I like macroeconomics because it show me how economics is operated and which factors
will affect to our life.
24. can you tell me about some advantages and disadvantages of studying this major?
About advantages, it gives me many in-sight about economics and elements about
corporate and personal finance. In opposite way, information mostly is theory so it lack
of pracical.
25. If you could choose again, would you still studying this major?
Yes, I still chose this major.
26. Do you think studying this major can bring you a good job in the future? Why?
Yes, finance is still on the toplist of wages, it offers many sectors for me to work. Every
sectors will offer a good salary and wages for us, if we competent on it.
27. Is this major hot in offering job opportunities ?
Yes, the economics tend to develop with finance and technology, so I think it’s still offer
many hot job opportunities.
Have you ever got a part-time job?
I don’t have a part-time job because I have a litte free time and I want to focus on my
What do you do part-time ?
Does the part-time job affect your study ?
Do you think having a part-time job is good for students? Why ?
Yes, have a part-time job not only brings experiences and relationship but also offers
salary for living expenses or shopping demand.
What are benefits of having a part-time job?
I think if we have a part-time job, we can learn more soft skills and knowledges about a

At which year should students have a part-time jobs?

I think it doesn’t matter which year you are learning, it depends on your time-
management and problem-solving skills.
What part-time jobs are suitable for students of your major?
My major is Finance and Banking so the suitable part-time job can be cashier, broker,
Which skills can students develop thanks to part-time jobs ?
The skills you can develop such as interpersonal skill, problem-solving skills,
organizational skill, especially time-management skill.
What job are you going to do after graduation?
After graduation, I work as a bank clerk in BIDV which one a famous banking
Why do you want to do that job?
Because I really like my major and this the job I always desire to have.
Do you think that job is more suitable for men or for women?why?
I think it suitable for both because in this job, customers is the central so it depends on
your job performance not gender.
What do you do now to meet the need of that job?
In order to meet the need of that job, I need to equip myself with knowledges and skills
of a bank clerk.
What skills do you need for your future job ? How much money do you expect to earn in
your future job?
Some skills I need to prepare for this job are interpersonal skill, problem-solving skill,
time-management skill and can work under pressure.
What should you do from now to get a good job in the future ?
To get a good job in the future, I think experiences and work performance are important,
I can start early and equip myself some certificates.

Where do you want to work after graduation? Why do you want to work there?
After graduation, I want to work for BIDV because Banking tend to become more and
more important in our life.
Do you want to work in big city or a cuontry ? why ?
I want to work in HN because I have chances to find a job and earn much money.
Besides, I like an exciting life in big city.
Which company would you like to work for ? why ?

Do you want to work for a foreign company ?why?

Are you willing to work in shifts? Why ?

What are your views on working overtime ?

What do you think is the most important company etiquette?

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