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Abyan Zahrein Alfarrell / 235120400111051

1. Survey
The Expansion of BRICS: Challenges and Uncertainties, the new members of BRICS,
international agenda, finance & economy, controversially, politics.
2. Question
What is BRICS? Who are the new members of BRICS?, What are the challenges?,
What uncertainties?
3. Read
BRICS is a group that based on its own operating logic that depends on their
perceptions on international situation. Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab
Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran are the new permanent member of BRICS. There are a lot
of pressure from the Chinese as who advocated broader opening and encourage for
other countries and in the other hand brazil and india resisted this movement, along
with south Africa. The low institutionalization of the group allows its member to
move freely on common agendas. BRICS relies on the will of its member to maintain
regular discussion without depending on formal structures, the low
institutionalization also challenges and slow down BRICS on its expansion as there
are no standardization of qualification for who can join BRICS.
4. Recite
 BRICS is a group that based on its own operating logic that depends on their
perceptions on international situation.
 Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia and Iran are
the new permanent member of BRICS
 The New Development Bank (NDB) is the prime example of the BRICS group
reach and vitality, in reflecting their dissatisfaction with global financial
governance without rivalling it.
 BRICS is a group that has low institutionalization though gives freedom each
member to only reach consensus on common agendas.
 The low of institutionalization is also a challenges to BRICS
 The entry of Saudi Arabia and Iran poses a set of challenges to BRICS
 The entry of the new member of BRICS raises the argument about BRICS as a
counterpoint to the G-7 and the liberal international order.
5. Review
Basicly BRICS is a group of country that has similar interest, with that BRICS relies on
its member will to maintain their regular discussion. BRICS gives their member a
freedom to only reach consensus on common agendas. There are new six members
of BRICS. There are a lot of take on the new six member, as one BRICS don’t have any
standardization on qualification on who can join. Two, the entry of Saudi Arabia and
Iran poses a set of challenges for BRICS, both politically and economically. As Saudi
Arabia being a monacrchy and Iran a theocratic republic with a religious leader and
Iran diplomatic relation with the US that have been severed for decades. Both of
them also the member of OPEC with Saudi being the largest member and largest
economy in the middle east. This add new dimension of infuelnce to BRICS that
fiercely increase the competition for access to energy resources. And last a
controversial take that BRICS could be a counterpoint to the G-7, G-20 or the US.
However, Brazilian President Lula da Silva and his Minister of Economy, Fernando
Haddad, already state that it is not the intention of BRICS to oppose the G-7, G-20, or
the United States. According to them, BRICS and its expansion reflect a shared
interest among its members in organizing the Global South and advocating for
important agendas for developing countries.

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