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Ready-To-Run Adventures

Fennas Drunin Encounter Tables

Phillip Gladney ©1999

Fennas Drunin Encounter Table

No encounter 01-70
Peddler/Merchant 71-75
River Guard unit 76-83
Beggar 84-87
Refugee Group 88-91
Thugs 92-96
Major NPC 97-00

The above encounters represent significant interactions outside of the normal daily
routine. In a town, player characters will actually encounter numerous individuals,
however, only a few will result in any dialogue or action since most people will just
walk on by. Below are a few notes on each specific encounter:

 Peddler/Merchant - this individual will seek out the characters and attempt to
sell various items to them. He will be aggressive and use every means at his
disposal to sway the characters, including pity. His wares are of standard
fare, but may be of some interest to characters. He might even possibly have
something valuable.
 River Guard unit - this group of five guardsmen will accost the party and
attempt to ascertain their reason for being in the city. They are not overly
abusive and have no ill will towards the party. They are just doing their job.
Dropping a few names should suffice for groups not well known throughout
the town. Famous characters will not only be left alone, but the guardsmen
may even come over and invite the PC's for drinks later, pleading to hear
about some of their adventures.
 Beggar - one or more beggars will solicit the group for charity. They will
have a sad story about losing a flock of sheep or bandits burning their farm
as justification for their current predicament. The party has no inclination to
give, however: frequently the beggars of a town also know the most gossip
since they stay on the streets all day.
 Refugee group - this encounter could be varied. It consists of a family of
recent refugees gaining the attention of the party. They may ask for an odd
job or recent rumors about the current political situation. They may try and
sell some produce they brought with them or obtain some needed items such
as tools or utensils. Some may even ask for a little advice about the use of a
particular weapon they see one of the characters carrying. They will be an
excellent source of information about the countryside should the party ask
them any questions.
 Thugs - every town has its bullies and men who can't handle their alcohol.
This encounter should happen at night if the party has decided to haunt the
local taverns. It may be a perceived slight or a spilled drink, but one or more
locals will become angry with one or more of the party members. A brawl
may ensue, but remember, if any of the party uses weapons they will be
considered outlaws and may spend the campaign locked up in the provincial
jail located near the town hall. As long as fists are the only weapons used
then the PC's will be fine.
 Major NPC - one or more of the major NPC's of the town will be out on the
town. It will probably be one of the NPC's who live in town, however, with
all of the recent commotion in the region lately, that isn't necessarily the
case. It may be Feagwin accompanied by two or three of his men drinking at
tavern or it could be Amrill trying to find out some information or cozy up to
the party. If Amrill is encountered, he will attempt to become friends with
the party and use this to cleverly obtain details about their current loyalties
and interests in town. He will buy the party some drinks and pretend to be
interested in hiring them for some caravan work. If pressed, he will offer no
real details and will promise to keep them informed if "anything shows up".
This would be an ideal encounter since the party will have to later figure out
that Amrill is indeed the Angmarean agent working out of Fennas Drunin.
Amrill having detailed information about the party's strengths and
weaknesses could give him a decided advantage. If the GM chooses to have
the PC's encounter another of the NPC's then they may use that to their
advantage by becoming friends with them. The GM will have a good bit of
freedom with this particular encounter and should use it to further his
interests/direction in the campaign.

Encounters in the southern Angle

No encounter 01-75
Bear 76-79
Moose/Deer 80-82
Crebain 83-85
Refugees 86-89
Shepherds 90-92
Farmers 93-95
Cowboys 96-98
Hillmen (5-10) 99
Forest Troll (1-3) 00

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