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ney Ean MSH Vesa (tn eL0] 1B RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG, CORFN. z Gubvoduction ‘We take the pleasure to introduce ourselves as-one of the oldest company in transmission ‘ine material started in 1999having experiance of more than 42 years. We are the first company in India , who started manufacturing of Silicon Polymer compasite insulators alongwith Porcelain insulator , LIGHTING ARRESTOR, HG Fuse, HT ‘Swritchgears, GOAB Switch, Isolator, Disc Fitting, AB Cable fittings, Shackle Insulator, Barthing Accessories, Stay Sets, FEP Cross Arms 11 kV to 66 kU, DO Fuse, HARDWARE FITTING FOR INSULATOR etc. run by highly rich experienced technocrats, upgrade quality system, assured after sales service and on time delivery track record, Rashtriya has 80 % ‘business share contributed by repeated orders. Most of theleatling Fower Corporations entrusted us to distribute the electrical power. Wenaveachioved a remaskable business growth over the preceding years. We are one of the most reputed and zellable manufacturers to provide high quality products from our “State of Art” manufacturing nits, ABOUT US Weave started with asmalisnitat 21/5, BabayPur Road Shotdara Heth = 119032 in 1960, = dn year 2000 We started one mora writ in Trahied city Loni Chariabad having 50,000 59. feet of covered a4 We Neve backup of riliant onginoer havine goed experience and are capable of Peveloning, Manufacturing ‘nd testing any tiem with different and specifi tions, We are haveing more than 200 workers team to fulfil arly demand end having a turnover of more than 12 ont USD. PRODUCTS RANGE AKU, 22K¥ & 33X01 COMPOSITE-FIN INSULATOR IM POLYMER & PORCELAIN 20KV) 22K & 2310 COMPOSITE POST INSULATOR IN POLYMER & PORCELAIN 10KY COMPOSITE DISC INSULATOR T&0 / BAS TYPE 7OKN, 40KN & 120K 39KY, 22K & 2300 COMPOSITE DISC INSULATOR 45XN, 7OKN, 90KN, 120KN, 160 KN UPTO a0aEY. 17KY, 22KY & 33KV LIGHTING ARRESTDR IH POLYMER & PORCELAIN ‘1AKW TO 400K TENSION SESFENSION INSULATOR IN POLYMER UP SHACKLE, ET PIN, GUY / STAY IN PORCELAIN 11 KV & 33 KV SOLID CORE INSULATOR IN POLYMER & PORCELAIN COMPOSITE) 14KV, 23K, ook ISOLATORS (DECR/HOB TYPE) 427, 27K & 33KV GOAB SWITCHES/ LINE SECTIONALISERS 11KY, 22K, 39KV HG FUSE SETS, DROP QUT FUSE SETS /CUT OUT FUSE UNIT TRANSMISSION LINES HARDWARE FITTINGS & 42 CABLE ACCESSORIES EARTHING MATERIALS & STAY SETS , EARTHING ELECTRODE CHEMICAL EARTHING PG CLAMPS, PIERCING, SUSPERTION, DEAD END, HOOK CLAMP, BUSWAR FITTINGS, ALOMTITIIM PIPE FITTINGS. FOR SUBSTATION, DANGER PLATES NUMBER PLATE, PHASE PLATE CIRCUTT PLATE CLAMPS & CONWECTURS FOR SUBSTATION, (Time THF) FRE-CROSS ARMS 75X40, 75475, 100X100, 210470, 40X78, 120K50 8 TOP HAMPER FRP CARLE TRAY FRP PIPE & FRP ROD, FRP OPERATING /DISCHARGING ROD HARDWARE FI?TING FOR INSULATOR{ SUSPENTION, DEADEND. TENSTOW) 11 KV TO 33 KV HEAT SHRINK/COLD SHRINK CABLE JOINTING EIT FIBRE GLASS OPTICAL CABLE ACCESSORIES GL STRIP GI PLATE, C1 COVER ‘ACSR.AAAC CONDUCTORS, STAY WIRES, 61 WIRES ‘rea, In2005 wehave started one rare unit atxXala Amb Himachat Pradesh having 24,000 Sq, feet covered wea & HOR Oe ee ee * wee een ee 1.Polymer Insulator Division 2, Poivellon Insulator Division 3.Lighting Artestors / Catt Division & DeopOut Fuse Unit / Ieolator Division. S.FRP Rod / Pipes / Cross Arm Cable tray Division ‘6.Haxdware Sittings, eubriation fittings, Earthing material, ACSR conductor RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG, CORPN. ri Best Technology & Best Product 402p hee Manufacturing Facilities and Processes Rashirira Techodlodty Continues to make every effort tb achieve zero defects by tharouah Guality management in both manuteeturing prowess and harcware, and the malrtanance of ean manufacturing environmen Manufacturing Facilities and Processes {1}. Injection molding meshine:(400 tan DESMA) 2} Injection molding machine:(400tn DESMA) 3) Swagingcontrol machine (Fitung Machine}:400ton HITECH 4) Swagingcontrol machine (Fitting Machine}:200 ton 51 Divingmechine 8). Chillert2 Nos) 7) RubberRolling Machine-2 Manufacturing Processes 7 A >, — ane seu rer ae Scans aoe So Dead-end/Suspension Insulators for Distribution Line VAINLHSVY “nati00 “BONE 9 TYOILOT " eke th. ia : i a _ + + w ie { i) S 5 nape? ! ) Wy Ll ; Uf rhe Asides) coon meme meets _ CHARACTERISTICS a Ft fines | Materia | ‘Chass SSE - ent | esgranona | a eee Le fe ‘Gshanized teal 16(0.63 | 12,510.70) qeicue| 7 ALLNAINUM 1o(nes) | 1640.71) | esssialhsaca al ‘akaneieta | | aver | deo | sas) | doors | aeons cues e 7 r ‘ALunaNuM | | aBierey | sete) | anasr) | 2adsay | 28i6 32 | J iscuss | = 3 | SockeT| S| ahanaedstel seuss | 2 is Benes | pale 5 | Sonaneacml seus | | | itty AE PNpog {seg 9 ABojouusd9) 1s9g 4 03> RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG. CORPN. g REE-PLOL-24F-11 REE-PLO1-42F-33 REE-PLO1-24/42F- STANDARD PARTICULARS: + PRODUCT ha- tft apt pul = HIGHEST § ¥STEM VOLTAGE: a DQ [cnesractosrivce: sd & CANTILEVER STREWSTICN me | s [ew] e |e |o = m=) |e] so, [| « 2 | 22] |] =| ©] © ao od DIMENSIDNS- vm) ve | woe] oa] ee] wo] 70 oe ia we [oe | > a & wen,| 252 | 262 | 300 | #15 | 378 | S28 oo Low joey wm [os [es [oo [oo | mo e FLashoven FREQUENCY er wo [| le [so [ew |e “5 VOLTAGE, eae rosimve oe 3 Se fran — ee Lora oe [oe Lo a ibe w pe) [ae a8 vuriesrana PREGUeNcY yer [9 [a [me [= [ss |e outa pose nls [ta [im [i [wo | 1m ruse praca wee |r| vom | wo [uso | 190 Noor SHER = ee ETT WEIGHT (APPROX « wl [pe [20 [os [aa 4 04h [contenrs OF EACH PACKAGE wel [a (2 [a | |e "ABPLIGABLE SPEGIPIGATION IEG 6110, REE-PLOL-20F-1183 REE-PLOI~42F- PRODUCT NO ofA | AGP] oS ae | oth HIGHEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE: mw | a [is | os SE CREEPAGE DISTANCE. rm| 390) ES son | r020 [CANTILEVER STRENGTH wl s | 8 [ali [wo [a0 & tm a5 | 48 [ 45 | ao | ae | ae mm| 30 | ao | a [| | oo [ oo Dikienwsvonss. tem] 106 105 | 15a] 170 | 970 or 10a | 40 | 0) D> ‘in | Gaxa0 [1000150 touresn| oo1t80 toars60| 65 & rin | 252 [ 22 | a99 | sat | as [ 510 coe bry ee FLASHOVER, FREQUENCY ET w [ao [ao [so [oo [0 [50 fvoutace ue ITE oe ee eee aTMe km | wo | ao | 20 | 20 | 2m0 | 2m POWER Jory’ he foe [os [as fos [as | os instar PREQUENGY ler a ee Ee ee VOLTAGE fposrive wee | 78 [78 | ae [avo | amo | amo oMeUL Se active mo 78 [rs [seo | ao | so | seo | [ne OF SHED. ae tele [st NETT WEIGHT (APPROK) tg [ae [a2 [or [ae [te Peo CONTENTS OF BAGH PACKAGE nes] aa [a2 fo [ae [ae [a2 ‘ABPLIGABLE SPEOIFIATIONIES 161102 RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL 8 ENG. CORPN. me Best Technology & Best Product 406% Composite Disc Insulator REE-PLOI-24F-41 REE-PLOT24F- STANDARD PARTICULARS PRODUCT NO! en en ne HIGHEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE: witness | 3 CGREEFAGE DISTANCE rami [ 0 | a7a | goo | a0 CANTILEVER STRENGTH = War | Towa | 7owa | Feo | 7080 a nm] | =| | & MENSIONS- = mal | so | # | mo a & om 30 [360 | oo | HO 5 = ~ l= fs [= |e FLASHOVER, FIREGUENEY! WET a oe oe iP ea erica posiTve top. | oo | eo | 200 [ano a wacane tm | 68 [an | eaa | Pine ORY ule |= [= [= WITHSTAND PaiRaiAae WET ko | 38 38 fa oo VOLTAGE poste wm] 7 [7s | wo | NPULSE [sane se [78 [78 | r00_[ 100 Wo OF SED sts fe ]2 ETT WEIGHT APPROXI = wm || ta | ta | ta CONTENTS OF EACH ROGGE nel @ pe pe |e REE-PLOI-18F- (ee AGHERT SYSTEN VOLTAGEL REGPAGE OSTANCE GANTLEVER STRENGTIEC pnvesions- ® we oe 0 rasnoveR FREQUENCY a vor Peso rosine _wnfe [ow | ai | a0 eniineees NAGATIVE feo, | 80 80 86 a0 | 20 = DRY w ls [s fs fe |e WITHSTAND eee WET on, | 35 35 36 Ea 8 votrnee — pose ws || ms | ww | a0 acarre p78 [78 wen | aan OF SHE = afalelsfe NETT WEIGHT (APPROX) :- tg. | 950 | 850 | 10 | 12 Wz ONTENTS OF EACH CAGE: ce ee e pe APPLICABLE SPEGIFICATION IEC: 61108 07> RASHTRIYA ELECTRIOAL & ENGG. CORPN. Oe Best Technology & Best Product 408% war Ae Composite Disc Insulator REE-PLOT-24F-33 STANDARD PARTICULARS PRODUCT NO- 0S elie] nale | HIGHEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE- be 38 33 33 [GREEPAGE DISTANCE woo | ee | 7320 [CaNTILEVER STRENGTH. 790 | as | 7ae0 | 0 | a w]e | DIMENSIONS: ‘tee, | “tot. | vas [aoe | ws | oe | eso a «|e | oo PLASHOVER [rrequency [wer = |e |@ | VOLTAGE: CAA posTive _wp.| 200 | 00 | 200 | (UPAR: NAGATIVE fp. | 220 | 220) 220 ice DRY fas [es | es WITHSTAND ae WET bee | 78 7 1 VOLTAGE Poomive me] tro | 170 | 170 upuLsE NAGATWE __op| 180 | tao | 730 NOLOF SHED? s | | 1 ETT WEIGHT (APPROX) = ig | 18 | | 25 ‘CONTENTS OF EACH PACKAGE: vos] @ | 2 | 2 ‘APPLIGABLE SPECIFICATION C6108 feed —? PRODUCT NG REE-PLOT-24F-66 GHEST Systm VOLTAGE (GREEPAGE DISTANCE CANTILEVER STREWSTH: e DIMENSIONS e 0 o oe i t a0 a. Bay EJ FLASHOVER FREQUENCY et Ey vortase ae Positive = pulse aoe = eerey bore ee [re [om [ae [on [oo | con foo | em, wmesTAND frmscemncy WET vee |e [veo es ere [oe | om | oo | oo outage posmve top. | a00 | a0 [esa | aso | 1050 | tego | vaso | vem Pee fscrnve wo. «oo [ce | ex [ooo | tooo | vom | veo | ve Wo. OF SHED wills |e] mo] «| am) a MET WEIGHT (APPROX) | | 2] a2 | oo | wel ne | | er (CONTENTS OF EACHPACKAGES tel [fe fe fe [a | ae fe -APALICBLE SPECHICATICNIES B10 409m MeHOD “DONA B TOILITT VAILHSVa] Jonpord 1899 "9 ABojoUY>=| 159g 410> REE -D0-01- 0 om INSULATOR CAP MS.Gu} 2 OF [DOPFUSE BARREL HOLHER Baad 1 06 [DOFUSE BARREL FIBRE] 1 05 [OGFUSE HOOK BRASS 1 04 [nOFEMALE CONTACT BRASS] 1 08 [DOFEMALE CONTACT ARLTER| BRASS) 1 02 [FLEXIBLE COPPER WIRE OPPER) 1 IFOSr, mew aTo BER -DOOIS eR ai fey Pos veeraa) porc| 2 i en [Sa] DESCRIPTION — VOLTAGE WATL. [TT Trea al = DESCIIPTION oa ] FRR S 7 REE TET = Coa Te TOT Te a ie L 7 FE ERG EE RR 5 TSE ER 3 3 SRSULADE insta Wace 7 TEE TOE TRRVETER ay FIRE CR RESTO 7 = is - TIVE CONTACT WR STA: 1g | relntanas Papi Contac” eresmore Vint corer sme cuime vu ruse ESSE aii> RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENG, CORPN. AOKV-LSKV sa] tes | ean noue | oer | Diiane ves. | el See eet |S ele acer | | tar |e | ay [eet | yeerasas | any alae Pee | | a] | a | oa | 38 weer] ap | amo [sae | ain [a | aw | os | 24KV-27KV Jinnice pe ier an ea ee > weeae | nu 2 3 nee ino | eno | a0 | oo | so | oe] 2 | vaca ae | wo | ao | wo | & | mo fan] a 3 oO Co} § 3 e i 3 fe a 41> 2 = Rem Lightining Arrestor REELA01-42-11 REE-LA-01-42-33 PRODUCT Ni iS RELA TIGHEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE: we [ot Eg [CREEPAGE DISTANCE vam| 200 | 90 Re mm) 90 % ameNsions- oe SE we oe mm. | 180 aie NO OF SHED = 5 7 NET WEIGHT (APPROX) = | 6 i8 Now| 12 6 CONTENTS OF EAGH PAGKAGE:- APPLIGABLE SPECIFICATION IEC = 61109 RASHTRIYA ry Best Technology & Best Product aide Lightining Arrestor ELECTRICAL & ENOG. CORPN. STANDARD PARTICULARS paouet ne cee ee [ome Lees | ee aE SSTEANOLTABES alate te t= CREEPASE OETANE Se [am] ae | a | mo | oe | oes aa em com BY ow | | [wo |= | WITHSTAND FREQUENCY [yey ee a 0 70 70 To aire ame ee es ee PULSE er nA OTA HSCHARGE OVARENT™ eae a es NET WEIGHT (APPROX) kg. uw 25 ao 6 zB | CONTENTS OF SRGH ORGIES eT ‘APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS 270 PARTS Disc Insulators wee A808 Aetso- B18 STANDARD PARTICULARS Drawing NB. [Resco D-1102T4§[Reeco O-1 104 T70 | Reece O-1 108730 Porcelain Dis ma 258 25 25 Spasing rm im 135 128, Toial Fizanae, rom. Ea 320 2. ‘Combined Eleche Meonsrioal Srangih wa 3 7 0 Pore [Dry W ca S Ss Fashever — | Fregueney [Wat Kv a 5 45, Voltage i Fourie cr a0. HO 116. mess [rogaine cr 28 i) 0 PRR Paner Dry wv 3 ® 0 ivinetand | Frequency v 35, 3 3s. Voltages ve 35 3 35. mouse [Rogation 7 To 100. 100 Fanci Vora, ev 105. 105; 105 Ni Weight approx Ra oo Le 55. Specihoaton = 737, BOTS ES aT ORT SS et aco. vtea te eco. 0. 10870 mee oe STANDARD PARTICULARS: Brawing We Haeco 0-11 07 Bal eaco D102 H70| Rooro D'7103 B90 Vile Disahega Valine. Te 2 Poets Daraier a ie a [sence oa 45 135 ‘Coenen Caines a 0 = Esse snchaeea Seg ra Ea 7D Power Fema yet ca FuthowerVelag Wat——F 3 Treas Fate $6 70 Votags se hv 120 Power FGA? yee 30 lwnstans vote Wek = igs Witten Tag i 105 Fewor Frequanay Purdue WRT ev Toe Tiel Weight apex) ge 45 Bal Socket ew rar ia Spaifcadon 7H, BOLT & ECD ——— (eae 2 ia erase isp ‘Ma¥O3 “SONS WIIM1I373 VAIN.LHSVY PApoig 188g yg ABGjoUY>e] 1seg 41sp oe. is REESOOTIT REEPNOI-E 6 REE-SO.O1-88 = a [STANGARO PARTICULARS: = & FEET seal onea scion a TISGEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE = [= [os]. a [ OREERAGE DISTANCE» 0 | su | eo 3 EavTEEVER STRENGTH: w fe | ul oS = zeae |e | ae 8 DIMEN SICH & me [a | @ Ge va o Te it ate ts ee a BD |vomse crea pose ee es | oe [me |e | oe ie IP va | no | wo | ts | tee = on ar ele aoe [nee a lumesrino reecvecy Iver we [s |= |= |= |e |=] yocrase Se osme wn] 7s [| im | | wm] =] fear es| [oe pm poe |e | me | oe ETT WORT PARROT = «| m=) [7 [as [as [a | a 16h [eoiments or EACH Pacvace: ce 3 a 3 a 1 ‘APPLICABLE BPECIPGATIONI, THER ie “Nawoo “09H ® TWwoIRLLOaTa VAI.LHSVY REE-HPO-01-22 f ¢ <8 REE-PO-01-22 REE-PO-01-33 STANDARD PARTICULARS PRODUCTID. ea [eae | seer | mee | ee AGHEST STEN VOCTAGE: =]a [in fe [2 |[s CREEPAGEDSTANCE. mn] a [aa | ao | «eo | oso = lee [wee | DIMENSIONS ~ B> inn] 197 190. 210 5] 808 ae => [ew pe |e >a RASIOWER meouney ber mw | | 0 | @ |» | a VouTAgE crmea, Pose op [ 70 | ro | 0 | 120 10 IMPULSE INAGATIVE up | 75 75 1m | 10 0 om pw pope pe pep WITHSTAND FREQUENCY wer kw a8 we cs EJ 8 veunie ae pame_ml e [ p fw | | hwcarve hp | 7 | te | was | tes | es ETT WEIGHT (APPROX): ho 48. 20 a az a | CONTENTS OF EAR MCRAE 3 ‘APPUDABLE SPECIFICATIONS | 2544 npodg [sag yp AGojouyDe| seg 417 RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG. CORPH, Low Tension Insulators { Pin Type} Porcelain Low Tension Insulators Pin Type nT So mm Reeco LV-PN 105x680 o 3 2 oa ol > Reece LV-PN 65100 2 STANDARD PARTICULARS 2 ‘Drawing No. levee LYPN7OK100] Resco LVPNESx100 | Reaco LUNN 05x00 ae Tie 15 Type 18 Typo 1sTyeet g (aman te Cantiever Siena KpKN) | 360 (36) Teuae) | S80 BH B Power Frequency wat iv. 28 = a A | tsur votage oye 0 ie @ Power Frequensy « Taxaawl | VaxAdual | 1OxAdual Puncture Vote Dry ROW, Dy FOV. Ow FOV. iat Weigh BAPE te as 05 055 ogy SEES = Pe 420P RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG. CORPH. REE-ISO-01- STANDARD PARTICULARS one TREES | Reneoos Tecan HIGHEST SYSTEMVOLTAGE: ‘Ne, fssamecoenerd taposentnon aaRDRACNERE s COVERING SPECIFICATION ISS 9921 (PART I-V) POWER FREQUENCY WITHSTAND 4 | VOLTAGE TO EARTH & BETWEEN 28 7” 0 Pres. ACROSS ISOLATING DISTANCE KV 32. cil 50 TRPULSE WITHSTAND VOLTAGE TO £ CARTH 4 BETWEEN POLES ky | "8 i 0 ‘ACROSS [SGLATING DISTANCE RY 8S 195 195 @ RATED CURRENT ‘ANP Faso 300 rana s0/300,400| 250/3007400 asonreuoy | 7eon/eae/ | °7600/e00/ t RATED VOLTAGE ke e 33 66 ===) [aez Shackle Insulator REE-SAO1- REE-LV-01-65x76 REE-SA-01-80x90 ig “NdHO “99N2 2 1VIULIFT VAIMLHSVY [STANDARD PARTICULARS. PRODUCT NO- HIGHEST SYSTEM VOLTAGE: 1 Jonpoig iseq » ABojouyoe) seg EREEPRBE DTENGE i ee ee CONTLEVER STREET ma |e [me [oe |e Sd atensions. = [m[ = |» [a | | @ WITHSTAND Tron par | = [a |= WOLTAGE (ee er: hy 6 a2 0 1b a ETT Went ARPA = a 421> ‘APPLICABLE SPECIFICATION B= 1450077 Best Technology & Best Product 422 [RERASHTRIYA Mee Porcelain Guy Strain Insulators ELECTRICAL & ENGE. CORPN, Reeco G-140x90 ‘STANDARD PARTICULARS. Drawing No. Designaton Greepage Distance Power Frequency, winstend Votes “Tenala Stengh iat Weight (approx) Speciicnlion |S = 5508 S18 ELECTRICAL & ENGG. CORPH. [RERASHTRIYA Best Technology & Best Product 424> Metal Fitting's Bead End Clamp. > ‘Suspension Clamp | Danger Plate ‘Disc Fifing TSC Racoon AAC Dog ‘iso Fifing Racoon AAG Ui = Oise Fiting For BAS Type 1/2/34 Bal LUi-Line PVG Spacer PG.Clamp Rabbit For 280k insulation Piercing Connector Eye Hook [T-Connector For AGSR Rabbit PAD Clamp Suitable For Bog ACSA | Dead End Clamp [Description Sy Rashtriya Operating Rod it RV /22 KV SB KY Operating Fiod 20 ft. long in three section made fram best Quality fine wood with SRBP Tube and alluminium head, PVC coated ‘NaHO9 “BONa ® WORST VAIN LHSVY 11 KV /22 KW) 33 KV 68 KV 122 KV / 400 KY Fibre Glass D:0. Operating Road DISCHARGE ROD WITH CLAMP HAVING SCREW TYPE ARRANGEMENT A UNIQUE DEVICE FOR DISCHARGING (EARTHING) RESIDUAL CURRENT ‘OF EHT TRANSMISSION LINES AND SUB-STATION EQUIPMENTS: Wooden Discharge Rod PVC coated 14 KV / 22 KV 33 KV Fibre Glass Discharge Rod 11 KV / 22 KW Fibre Glass Discharge Rod 33 KV / 66 KV/ 132 KV/ 400 KV 11 KV /22 KV /83 KV Telescopic fibre Rod SPECIFICATION Discharge red complete with Glamphaying screw (yaa erran erent fr fking ight on Conductor (ACSI size from RACCOON to MOOSE with bolt nu & saddle for earthwire the opealing iad fixed wh Clamp: shal be mace of Epoxy xeain based Highly insulated fibre glass. tube 52mm ©.B, motor lorg in pico with preper coupling arrangement, jonpolg (seg *g ABojouLpay sag 425% Tolerncet Upto 36 mmo. 7mm & sbewe 35enm 2% ULTIMATE TENSILE STRENGTH (UTS) 5 KN STANDARDS a0 Pan tot) | [ scaizenrs. TIKVGLPIN [naar ea ee -C wnt va —_—[RE noWmCcmmPR| m_| 1 KVGIPIN Stay Set Assembly STAY GROUNDING ‘Tolerance + Upto 35 mum=o Tm & above 35 rar 2% =I ULTOMATE TENSILE STRENGTH (UTS) 6220 KG] STANCARDD Ig 12408 (Part to SCALE-NTS | STAY SETASSEMBLY | oeawn Jan BATE: 07-06-08) UNIT Mle DRG. NOREEWEIST | 16 ANCHOR PLATE. NUT, GI THIMBLE Gee a aaaesaa ‘Disc Fittings ‘ae gy= A er 6 ‘Teoronce £ Upto 35 maneO. Tr A above 58 pam UCTIVATE TENSILE STRENGTH (UTS)30 KNV| STANDARD IS 2486 Pantie SCALENTS, | DISC FITTING T & C TYPE| DRAWN juan DATE : 07-08-06, DRG. NO. RECCIPTTNC] 11 16 MMM COTTER PIM WITH PLAIN WASHER & SPLIT PIN LOCKING 6 COUPLING FOsmoN OF W.CLIP Tolerance a Ups 88 mri0 an & wbove 36 mena LULTIARTE TENSILE STRENGTH (UTS) 0KN] STANDARD IS - 2466 Parr HN ScaLeeuts. | DIGCFITTING B 8 8 TYPE] DRAWN sex DATE: Ore uNT AMM RG. NO. REGCAF BN) DP EF ae ot f Ree RASHTRIYA ELECTRICAL & ENGG, CORPH. La | fas 33 08 mF i] 105 4.00 — lan i Best Technology & Best Product \\r ez creas Gr FRP Cross Arm “NdH09 “DONS FT TWORLLITTA VAIMLHSVY Demers mer REE-CA-01- (STANDARD PARTICULARS Sr re) PRODUCT NOx ‘Tera | tans tose | omamctal or ncexe| scree "nei | Pacts = [em] ie | moo | agp | rm | me wos [ne veneers = [om % | wo | m% | wo [me [ome | mm [oe] e fom » | = | = | | eo | we | = |= 5 mm) 0) a0 | om | am | a0 | om | om | an = mm] wo | mm) me] me | me) ee | mf ae RET EGR PRRROR eles |e |s |e |e |e [w= [a [Sones OF EAGHRAGIASE ve] 7! 7 7 7 7 T ‘AERLCABLE SPECICATION: anpoag [89g ABo;oULD>E] jsegq age (eee aera Ger una os Best Technology & Best Product 432b FRP Cable Tray ‘THE MATERIAL OF THE FUTURE Fro fiberglass reinforced plastic) is produced from a combination of fiberglass reinforcements and thermosetting resins Since its introduction, this special millennium product has gained wide acceptance for its ‘Superior benefits and is presentiyused all over the world Pultrusion is a process whereby glass fiber ( Roving ) is continously pulled through a liquid resin bath until it reaches ¢ heated die at the exit ofthe line, Here, theresin solidifies into thediffrentprefiles accordingtathe various mautis, This continous process gives added resistance to the Tension, compression and flexibillyyaf Its products, italso provides higher strength resulting is a reinforced structure system that is capable of talkinghigh loads. RASHTRIYA PERFORATED TYPE FRP CABLETRAYS Manufactured by automatic Pultrusion machine, we offer the most extensive range of Perforated Type Cable Trays Globally With Sizes ranging, from 50mm Width to 600 mm Width, in various thickness and Flange eights, Some of our standard Perforated Cable Trays are as listed in the table below; Cee Material Chol RePT-50 50mm [40 kg/mir. | Polyster/ Vinyl RPT -75 #5 mm [akg Femi, Polyster/ Vinyl _| RPT-100 | 100mm 15ka/mir, | Polysier/ Vinyl RPT 150 | 10mm TBkgimir__| Polysier/ Vinyl RPT-200 | 200mm 25kgimtr. | Polyster/ Vinyl DRPT= 300 300mm BOkgimin | Polyster/ Vint DRPT-450 | 450mm d0kg/mtr | Polyster/ Vinyl [RPT=soo__ | sooTmam Fekgimin | Polyster/ vinyl CRPT-600 | 600 mm SOkgimir. | Polyster/ Vinyt * Load Design is for 8 support span of 1.8 mirs far Perforated Type of Trays ©" Standard Langth of Trays is 3000 mm , howevel, longer engths unto 12000 mm ean be supplled upon request, RASHTRIVA FRP LADDER TYPE CABLETRAYS: Ladder Type Gable Trays ere manufectured by assembling various cress sections of pultruded FRP sections os side runners and rungs, A detailed chart below lists the various combination avsilableas ourstandards product range: Aree Cr Ere Winns Qo sql Co ‘Mawo9 “DONa ® WOIMLIIIa VAINLHSVY Rit - 100 100 mn | 75/400/450: | 50/35 BO he ft Poysiee / Vinyl RAT - 150 150mm |75/100/150 | 50/35 | S0kg / mtr Pohyster / Vinyl Rit= 200. | 200mm | 75/400/ 450 | 50/95 30 kgf rite Polyster:/ Vinyl RUT - 250 250mm | 75/100/ 150 | 50/35 30 kg. / mtr Polyster/ Vinyl Rit = 300 300mm | 75/106 / 150 | 50/35 48 kg. / mtr Polyster,/ Vinyl RAT 400 aoomm | 75/400 180 | so; 95 AB ke font Polyerer / Vinyt Rut —a50 a50mm | 75/ 100/150 | 50/35 AB kg. rts Polyster,/ Vinyl RAT 500 500mm | 75/ 100/150 | 50/35 45 ke. / mtr Polyater / Vinyl RU - 600 Bodmin: | 75/100 /480 | 50/35 60 ke. / rai Polster / Vinyt Fur ~ 750 750mm | 75/400/150 | 50/35 75 kg. / mtr Polyster/ Vinyl Rit-9c0 | 900mm [Tey ade/3B0 | S638 80 kg. / mtr Polyster / Vinyl PONpoly Iseg *Y ABojouYda] jseg 33> ened enh ELECTRICAL & ENGG. CORPN. Pere ment ene Prune ee eer ia anes Prema Aue 3873, 23863503, 29865527 Meecauce Seestita Rean)

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