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Directorate ofStudents' University

Guru Dwarka,Delhi-110078 Website:ofNCTofDelhi)
vVERST Sector-16 C,
University established by the Govt DatedCs24
to the
University belonging
accessibility of
assistance to the students is to enhance the University has
grant financial scheme education. The
University has the scheme to society. The purpose of the higher
Economicaly Weaker Sections of the Sections of the Society in students for thus
Economically Weaker eligibility of the
students belonging to transparent mechanism to assess the
evoived atn objective and down
THE SCHEME criteria as laid
FEATURES OF cligibility
2. THE KEY University who
fultil the the econonic
allthe students of assesses recommendation
The scheme is open to University
onits like the
herein below. cominittee of the
parents/family and bascdaccount factors
number of
constitutedapplicants'Committee takes into nature and family,
a duly
In this scheme, requirements students.
ofthe The thSamily, the student and the
i) condition/financial such habitation of ofthe nnerit of the
assistance to the locality of financialneeds and academic financial
the schooling
8t4ns pattera ofthe family,strata ofthe family, nature of conditionand the reconmend
Livethood socio-economic fanily, the cconomiccomnttee may
dependents, the dependentsofthe on which the the
ofhealth of the paratneters certain cascs, to aSSCS8 tlhe
thestate relevant assessed. In fauly
such other
appicarnt andfamily/applicant may be iring stadard of the
the and the more than
needs ofinspection of the home appicant will not be
reasons and
physical to an Grcmstances, for the
financial assistance in exceptsonal of fnancial assistance
limit of However, gAnt
The maximunan academic session. zocomend te
Rs.50,000/- in Co:nnuttee may
record, the
justification put on per se
exceeding Rs.50,000/. financial assistance does not
ofthe sequcst the gantof fnancial
The submission the grantof firancial assistance In all cases, sideration of the duly
create any right for elig:bility criteria for gant of
fnancial assistarsce, thedecision of the Competent
Authority. Ihe
subject to fulflment ofand the appruval of he Competent reconendation of the
constituted comnittee rcconsideration of the
shall be inal and n0 request tor entertained.
Authority Authority shall be
of the Competent
and the decision
student of the University.
) The applicant should be a regular
Asistance Scheme will be given to the studeats of USS/Affued Lnsútutes who wi. fulfll
1) EWS Financial
any one of the following conditons:
National Food Security Card(staier:ent of ias: 6 monts transacion)

D. he income ofthe amily from all sources, to which

than Rs. 2,50,000/- per annum.(Income Ceriicatethe appicant belong shoud not be mGte
Dominated by the Centre/State Issucd by SDM/Equivalent OIcer
Only eliginle candidates will be Government)
called by
(alongitt original docurAents) before the Olo DSW fos
he personal inteview
commitee duly cONstinuted with ter pa
by the
Cocnpetent Authoty
sources of the
com ay other cases, the
fnancial assiscnace Oz However, in allsuch from
kind of assistance.
sihall be deducted
ii) An applicant avaling any shbal! eligjble for grnat of finsacial sources
Government or otherwise be from odher scheme.
rancial assistance being arailed br the appicantcomnitee under the EWS
Srnount of recommended b the
the total amount of financial assistance under this scheme:
grant ofinancial assis tance
shall not be eligibie for the last
iv) Folowing students/2ppicants
admitted through the
Management Quota. subjects in any of the semesters on
a) The students of faiiure in anv of
student who has the status attendance.
b) The
subrnission of application form. of the course due to shortage of during he
date of
detained in any semester
instirutes for any act of indiscipbne
applicant the
) The penalizedby the University or
d) The applicant

application for:n.
Dulyfilled online submitted (statement of last O6 months transaction)
National Food Security Card
SDí/Equivalent Officer nominatedper by the
by the Area the
Income Certificate issued on the Income Certificate should be valid as
i) Copy of the family mentioned
Centre/State Government. The date notice of EWS Scheme.
of the more than 18
Govt. norms on the date of issue
attested by public notary by the applicant if he/she is
iv) An Affidavit in prescfibed
guardian of the applicant if he/she is less than 18 years
of age.
years age or by the at the timc
Slip/ seat allotment letter issued
v The University Adrnission from class-X.
academic qualifications
v) Marksheetsof allprevious copy of all semesters' exanination
cf the Univezsity.
case of old students,
issued by the University/Institutes.
viü) In student.
vii) Copy of latest fee receipts
of student and seeding of aadhaar with
the bank account of the
remittance of fnancial
ix) Copy of Aadhaar Card account of appicant for
cancelled chcque of saving bank Account should
x) Copy of passbook and athe University directly to the student's bank account. TheBankmentioned on the
assistance if granted by student, bank account no. & IFSCCode
must be
be in the name of student. Name of
copy of passbook/cheque. assistance issued by the
consideration of the request for grant of financial
x) Letter of recommendation for
Dean/ Principal/ Director as generated online. with the applicaion form should be self attested and duly
x) Al he documents, testimonials subrmitted
verified by the Dean/Director/ Principal.
should be submitted to the Dean in the case
i) Duly flled online application form with all requisite documents closing date for submission
of USS and Directot/Principal in the case of affliated institutes on or betore the
of appication. be forwarded to
i) No application will be accepted directly from the applicants/parents. Al applications should
the Directorate of Students' Welfare through proper channel.
in) It shall be the dutyof the Dean/Director/Principal:
a) To online record the staterment of recommendation which may include the staterment of
no-recommendation. Wherever, the case is not recommended for grant of financial assistance, a
justification shouid be recorded for not recommending the case.
b) To forward all appications, which have been submitted to the Directorate of Students' Welfare, before the
last date. The Directorate of Students' Welfare shall not be responsible for any delay in forwarding of the
appication fom by the Dean/Director/ Principal and in all such cases of late submission, the
consideration for grant of financial assistance may be denied.
) Toeligib1lity
check,isscrutinize and verify the eligibility of the applicant nd the documents based on which the
claimed. It should be ensured that all the documeats submitted with the application are well
tagged to avoid any loss of papers.
d) The applications of incligible applicants may be rejected oniine at the
Dean/Director/ Principal. In ll such cases of rejecton, the statement stating the reason oflevel
should be stated online and return the same to the applicant
Any applicant not _atis fied by the decision of rejection nay within
3days of submission of application.
to the Director. Students' Welfare
within 7 days of the communication of
) Only complete applications of tie elizible studeats will be accepted tacough proper channel in
the Directorate ofi Studentr Welare before Isst date lor submission of applications,
1) All appicaúons received in the Directorate of Srudents' Welfare through Denn/Dizector/ Principal shall
noufied on the University's website, ie, ywvipu.ACia
"ne applicants and their guardians shal be required to appear before the committee as per the schedule
\ clare. The schedule of
notified on the Universitv's website by the Directorate of Students'
venue shall
ntcrview be noified on the university's website, Le., www1pu. ac 10- No personal or separate
COmmunication/information to this cffect shall be givea to the applicarts.
for justification of
a) The applicants and their guardians shouid present before the commuttee documents
grant of financial assistance. The applicant shall be required to produce all reievant
in original bascd on which the justification for grant of fnancial assistance is made.
b) The applicant shall also be required to produce the documents in onginal based on which the
cligibilkty for claim of financial assistance is made.
) The applicant should carry a self attested copy of all the documents based on which the
eligibility and the request for grant of financial assistance is made.
iv) The applcants and their parents, who do not appear beíore the committee on sched1uled date and time,
will forfeit their claim of financial assistance under EWS Scheane. No request for personal appcarance
before committeewill beconsidered after the scheduicd daie.
V) The list of applicants who are approved for fnancial assis tance by the Competent Authority under this
whobearenoificd on the Unaversity'
recommcnded/not s website.forNoinancial
recomnended separajsassistance
intimauon shallthisbescheme
under given by
to the
v) All the applicants, who apply under this scheme, are advised to access the website on regular intervals for
updates. No separate information shall be sent by post or conveyed telephonicaly.
1 The committee should consider the request of applicants for grant of financial assistance keeping in
view the purpose and objective of the scheme.
2 The committee should assess the economic cond:tion of the applicant based on specific criteria and
information thereof provided in Part-Il of the applkcation fozm.
In cases where the applicants who have been gzanted fnancial assistance in previous ycar(s), the
comnittee should consider the extent of inancial assistance on the basis of academic performance
subject to fulfilment of the laid down cigibiary criteria of the scheme. W'herever, the committee
finds the beneficiaries of the scheme doing outstanding academic performance, it should consider
the grant of financial assistance appropriatcly to motivate the applicant.
4 In case of 'single girl child' applicants, the comunittce should consider it appropriately for financial
assistance to promote the overall gender justice and women empowerment in the society subject to
fulfilment of laid down eligibility criteria of the scheme.

(Prof. Manreet Kaur Kang)

Dtector, Fudents' Weifare
Copy to:
1 All Deans, USS, GGSIPU
2 All Directors/Principals of affiliated institutes
3. Asstt. Regis trar to the Vice Chancellor -for information of the
Asst. Registrar to the Registrar -for information of the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor.
5 Registrar.
In-charge, Server Room-with a request to upload the Noice on the
1Welfare link. University's website unden Students'
6 Guard fle

(Surinder Singh)
Section Officer (DSwW)

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