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Annisa Fatiha Sarif, Susana Sarkol, Rahayu.

P Suri, Tasya Lawalata


In a worderfull town in Namlea, there lived a young man

named Samir Mukadar, who was 19 years old. He had an

ordinary life, he lived alone and he had no one. The creatures

that are often dubbed the least attractive in this city. His

life is quite colourful like this morning.

"A sunny morning, perfect for a picnic," I mumbled, sipping

on the cooling coffee again. The mood this morning was really

good for my plans. ting... ting... ting!!.

The sound of the doorbell disrupted my routine, I lazily got

up, intending to check who the presumptuous human was who

dared to visit this early in the morning. However, nothing.

There was no one outside the door of my house, even though

I was sure someone had come. I Looked left and right to be

sure, but still there was no one just a white envelope I

almost stepped on.

Is this a prank? I stared at the crumpled white envelope for

a long time, "For me?" I asked myself. After silence, I

decided to take it, and will read it later inside. After

considering it for so long, I decided to open the envelope.

It's not why I didn't open it this morning, it's just the

writing on the front of the envelope that makes me doubt.

OPEN IT, THIS IS A WARNING! Just look at that

threatening sentence, who doesn't hesitate? However, my

curiosity was much greater, so I ventured to open it. Inside

the envelope was a piece of paper that said "Black Door".

"What does it mean?" I asked quietly.

Then, I rushed to my room and soon lay myself on the bed,

smiling brightly as I thought of my wonderful plan if it

worked. I can't wait, I better get to bed soon. Gradually, my

vision began to darken and then it was completely dark, I was

sure to fall asleep. Faintly, I heard the sound of people

calling my name, it's very strange even though I live alone,

who entered my house? I don't have any friends, is that a

thief ?

I thought I have nothing to steal, only a piece of rope that I

will use for my plan to suicade. Slowly I opened my eyes,

blinked briefly then looked around, this is not my house,

where am I? This room is all black and only three black doors

stand out in this monotonous place.

"Are you awake?" asked the little creature that flew around

me, are you fairy? I asked her. The creature chuckled,

"Welcome, let's play," said the little creature without

further ado. I looked at her nonchalantly, "No, I want to


"Come on, if you win... I'll grant you one wish," she coaxed

with pleading eyes, really not cute.

"I'd better ask the genie, at least he will grant my 3

wishes," I replied indifferently. "But my strength is enough,

come play with me, it's easy...."

"No, what's in it for me?" cut me fast. The creature looked


"Your plan will work," she said confidently.

I looked at her for a long time. "Okay!" I answered quickly,

and quickly getting up from my bed, "Tell me, what's the


"It's easy, choose which of the 3 black doors will you enter

for an adventure," she said. "Among the three doors there is

one filled with happiness, and the other two filled with


"Which contains happiness?" I asked, the creature just

shook its head.

"If I tell you, it won't be any more fun," she said and smiled.

I chuckled, not liking her attitude.

"Come on, follow me," she said and flew towards the door, I

lazily followed her. She stopped at the door, then turned to

look at me, "Choose."

"I chose the last door," I said lazily pointing to the far left


"Come in, and I hope you enjoy it . . . Samir," said the little

creature when I entered.

"I should have asked what his name was, how could I forget,"

I regretted. "I think at first glance she smiled broadly,


Behind the door that I entered is very dark, even my hand

can't be seen, what is this place? However, I faintly heard

the voice of the girl crying that sounded soft but clear

enough, of course I wouldn't go in the direction of the voice,

there would definitely be something bad, humans would be

safe if they weren't curious. Surprisingly, when I walked in

the opposite direction of the crying sound, the crying was

getting louder and clearer, did I go the wrong way?

"Please... please, set me free! I want to live, I'm sorry!" she

said when she saw me, dammit ... I knew something was

wrong. Besides, why is there a light above her head? It's not

fair, why is she the only one who is clear on her own.

"Same, I also want to ask for help," I said, the beautiful girl

looked surprised.

"Evil... you are evil, if you can't help me, you better die!" She

started moving towards me, strangely he even chased me

with the body upside down.

Hey, don't you feel tormented by that style? Why not just

run. But really, she’s so fast, I can't run, especially in this

darkness. Wherever I ran, she would find me, of course

thanks to the light in her head.

"I take it back, you're not a pretty girl but a scary girl with

a headlight!" I shouted at her, damn she’s even faster. I

started running while groping the walls, looking for

doorknobs, this game is crazy! That stupid elf didn't tell me

this game put my life on the line.

"Stop! I will kill you, so you can live with me here!" she

shouted and then started crying again, her voice echoing

through the room, I was annoyed.

"You think someone's life isn't worth it? It's that easy for

you to say you want to kill? What an annoying girl," I shouted

at her and raised my middle finger. When she was almost

there, I managed to find the doorknob.

"See you later!" I said and left the room. My eyes almost

closed as soon as I got out, I was back in the white room

again. The little creature reappeared.

"How? It's fun, isn't it?" she asked cheerfully, I looked at

her annoyed.

"There's nothing good in there," I replied wryly.

"Still want to continue playing?"

"No thanks, I just want to go back. My life is too precious

for just one wish that doesn't necessarily come true, now

give me back!" I said curtly, her smile getting even wider ... it

just gave me goose bumps.

"Haven't I already succeeded in making your wish come

true?" I frowned, looking at her questioningly.

"What?" I asked.

"Come back, then you'll find out… wish you happiness always,

Samir," she said without answering my question. she began to

move her fingers, like a magician.

"Before I go, what's your name?" I asked as a bright light

began to cover my body. I don't care, just curious.

"Edamonia, that's my name. Remember!" I faintly heard her

voice whisper softly in my ear.


"Puaah!" I said as I got out of bed ... I think I had a strange

dream. I look around, this really is my room. I hurriedly ran

to the closet, took out the rope that I had kept all this time,

without thinking I threw it away.

"Life is too precious to just throw it away, I guess I should

socialize more... anyways, I'm still young, it's still too early

to die from depression!" I muttered then rushed into the

kitchen to make coffee. It seems the burden inside me has

been lifted, now I can live with a new purpose, thanks


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