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LEO Organizational Leadership Analysis Guide

Use this guideline in the planning, conducting and writing the report for the LEO analysis
project. Please note that you must adapt it to fit with the situation of the organization,
especially for the Diagnosis and Prescription.
1. Organization Description
- Organization type (e.g., private, public, NGO)
- Size
- Industry
- Products/Services
- Goals/Mission/Vision (optional, when relevant)
- Other characteristics that are relevant (e.g., low cost leadership vs. differentiation
strategy, industrial trends and cycles, market leader vs. follower, leadership and
management, organizational structure, issues and problems)
2. Data Collection Methods (How do you collect the data?)
- Interview? How many interviewees? Who they are? Why you chose to interview these
people? What kind of questions did you ask?
- Observation? Frequency of observation? What did you focus on while observing?
- Archived data (e.g., turnover rate, performance ratings)
3. Symptom Description
Remember – SYMPTOMS, not cause of or reasons for the problems
- Low employee’s morale (rather than lacking timely feedback and fair performance
- Low motivation (rather than absence of clear role/job descriptions/expectations)
- High turnover (rather than lacking training opportunity)
- Decreased profit/sales/revenue
- Increases customers’ complaints/product defects and return
4. Diagnosis and Prescription:
- What you want to do in the next section is to analyze the symptoms in relation to the
leadership functions within the organization using at least TWO leadership theories
(e.g., trait, skill, behavioral, contingency, team, LMX, transformation, ethics) and
idealy from TWO different levels (individual, team, organizational).
- Choose appropriate theories to identify and address leadership issues.
- After the diagnosis, again based on the theories, provide recommendations for the
organization. Be consistent in terms of problems and solutions. Since leadership
issues vary greatly in term of its nature, no specific recommendations will be
provided. However, do let me know if you need further instructions on this.
- Admittedly, not all the solutions in leadership can solve the problems and symptoms
completely. Be realistic!
5. Action
- Prioritize the current recommendations
- What is more important and what can wait
- The issue of utility (gainned values can justify the cost of the solutions)
- The issue of change resistance
- How organization can implement these recommendations?

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