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Agile project management challenge in handling

scope and change: A systematic literature review

Aditya Chauhan(0901CD211005)

Abstract-Agile project management has particular difficulties managing scope II. LITERATURE REVIEW
and change, which calls for a sophisticated strategy to successfully handle these
complications. This comprehensive analysis of the literature dives into the main
issues and recommended strategies related to managing scope and change in A specification document that contains the specifics of
agile projects. It becomes clear that there are four main areas of concern: the work and the steps necessary to develop or
communication and coordination, over-scope requirements, user need accomplish the project's goal is known as the scope in
prioritization, and people and organization. In order to successfully navigate
these hurdles, the evaluation emphasizes how crucial it is to promote
project management [7]. Therefore, identifying and
collaboration, prioritize user demands, manage scope properly, and improve regulating what should or shouldn't be included in a
coordination and communication. Organizations can improve their agility and project is the process of scope management. It also
achieve effective project outputs in dynamic environments by using user-centric establishes the performance standard.
prioritizing, scope management tactics, and strong communication practices.
This evaluation offers a path for practitioners and insightful information about
the nuances of agile project management. Measures, managing the undertaking, and outlining
precise roles. to have a deeper comprehension of how
I. INTRODUCTION the project management defines scope. The Project
Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and
Agile project management, especially in complex and uncertain Projects in Controlled Environment (PRINCE2), the
situations, is an adaptable and iterative approach to project two project management frameworks and guidelines
management. It entails working across teams and functions, that are most frequently used, were reviewed in the
responding to feedback and shifting requirements, and literature. The definitions were then compared to agile
providing value to customers and stakeholders in tiny project management.
increments. Improved quality and innovation, a quicker time to
market, and more customer happiness are just a few advantages III.CHALLENGES
that agile project management may provide. It does, however,
also provide certain difficulties for practitioners and According to the literature review, managing scope
organizations, such as managing scope and change in a fluid and and change in agile project management can be difficult
dynamic setting. in four areas: people and organization, communication
and coordination, over-scope requirements, and user
Agile project management has gained popularity in a variety of requirement prioritization.
industries due to its speed and adaptability. Its ability to accept People & Organization: In traditional organizational
change, nevertheless, can make controlling project scope structures and cultures, a high level of collaboration and
difficult. Agile methodologies enable continuous modifications self-organization among team members is required for
in response to client input and changing requirements, in agile projects, which can be difficult. Due to their
contrast to traditional approaches that prioritize upfront scope flexible and iterative character, agile projects also call
defining. Although this flexibility might hasten time-to-market for a clear knowledge of roles and responsibilities,
[2], it can also result in scope creep, the uncontrollably growing which can be problematic. According to the literature,
set of project needs. agile initiatives call for a change from conventional
bureaucratic and hierarchical organizations to more
cooperative and self-organizing teams. It can be
This is a serious risk that could result in delays and cost difficult for businesses and practitioners to make the
overruns. The effect is more noticeable in initiatives with strict mentality, culture, and leadership style changes
guidelines or set spending limits. According to research, final necessary for this transition.
scope revisions in Agile projects can occur as often as 30% of
thetime[3]. User Requirement Prioritization: Iterative and regular
user feedback is a feature of agile projects, and it can
Scrum and Kanban are examples of agile approaches that result in needs and priorities shifting. Agile initiatives
include methods for defining scope, such as story mapping and also call for a thorough comprehension of user
product vision, but their iterative nature means that priorities preferences and demands, which can be difficult given
may be constantly reviewed and adjusted in response to the complexity and unpredictability of user behavior.
feedback from customers [6]. Though it might also result in According to the literature, requirement prioritization
uncontrollably changing the scope of the project, this flexibility for agile projects must use a user-centered approach
guarantees that the most valuable features are delivered first. that takes into account the wants, preferences, and
values of the user and ranks the requirements

work closely together and communicate the project's aims and activities, and collaborating with the stakeholders and
objectives clearly. users. This approach requires a clear communication
plan, a clear coordination mechanism, and a clear
Excessive Scope: Agile initiatives necessitate a great deal of collaboration strategy.
flexibility and adaptation, which may result in scope bloat and
creep. Agile projects also call for a precise knowledge of the • Continuously improving the project and the process,
project's goals and objectives, which can be difficult because using tools such as agile maturity models, agile
user requirements and feedback are always changing. assessments, or agile coaching. This involves
According to existing research, agile projects necessitate measuring the project performance, identifying the
precise scope definition and management. This entails areas for improvement, and implementing the
establishing the project's scope, overseeing scope improvement actions. This approach requires a clear
modifications, and preventing scope creep. This strategy calls understanding of the agile maturity level, a clear
for clear scope management, clear communication of the identification of the improvement areas, and a clear
project's goals and objectives, and clear comprehension of those implementation of the improvement actions.
goals and objectives.

Agile initiatives necessitate regular and iterative collaboration use methods like MoSCoW (Must Have, Should Have,
and communication between users, stakeholders, and team Could Have, Won't Have) or Kano (Must-be,
members. Because agile projects are dynamic and complicated, Performance, Delight) to prioritize user requirements
it might be difficult to have a clear grasp of the status and based on their importance and viability. In order to
progress of the project. According to the literature, effective prioritize requirements according to their value and
communication and coordination are essential for agile projects. viability, it is necessary to understand the needs,
This includes working with stakeholders and users to preferences, and values of the user. With this method,
collaborate, sharing project status and progress, and the users and the development team must work closely
coordinating project operations. This technique calls for a well- together and communicate the project's aims and
defined collaboration strategy, a well-defined coordination objectives clearly.
system, and a well-defined communication plan. employing techniques like scope statements, change
requests, and backlogs to control scope creep and scope
Best Practices in Handling Scope and Change bloat. This include establishing the project's scope,
overseeing scope modifications, and preventing scope
The literature review identifies several best practices in creep. This strategy necessitates clear scope
handling scope and change in agile project management: management, clear communication of the project
scope, and clear comprehension of the goals and
• Establishing clear goals and objectives for the project, objectives of the project.
based on user needs and preferences. This involves
defining the project scope, the project goals and objectives, V.CONCLUSION
and the project requirements. This approach requires a clear
understanding of the project context, a clear Agile project management has numerous advantages in
communication of the project vision, and a clear alignment terms of flexibility, adaptability, and teamwork, but it
of the project objectives with the business goals. also presents considerable obstacles in managing scope
and change. Organizations and practitioners can
• Prioritizing user requirements based on their value and successfully navigate these challenges and achieve
feasibility, using tools such as MoSCoW (Must Have, agile project management by setting clear goals and
Should Have, Could Have, Won't Have) or Kano (Must-be, objectives, prioritizing user requirements, controlling
Performance, Delight). This involves understanding user scope creep and scope bloat, communicating and
needs, preferences, and values, and prioritizing coordinating effectively, and continuously improving
requirements based on their value and feasibility. This the project and the process. The literature study
approach requires a close collaboration between the emphasizes the significance of a user-centered
development team and the users, and a clear approach, a clear scope definition and management, and
communication of the project goals and objectives. clear communication and coordination. It also offers a
methodical overview of the key issues and best
• Managing scope creep and scope bloat by using tools such practices in handling scope and change in agile project
as scope statements, change requests, or backlogs. This management.
involves defining the project scope, managing the scope
changes, and controlling the scope creep. This approach
requires a clear communication of the project scope, a clear VI.FUTURE WORK
understanding of the project goals and objectives, and a
clear management of the scope changes. Future research in the fields of Agile project
management and managing scope and change may
• Communicating and coordinating effectively among concentrate on a number of new issues and trends.
team members, stakeholders, and users, using tools Agile is becoming widely adopted in non-IT industries,
such as daily stand-ups, sprint reviews, or where its techniques may be tailored to fit
retrospectives. This involves communicating the
project status and progress, coordinating the project
the specific requirements of different industry. The
incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into Agile methods
is another trend. AI may help automate repetitive processes,
offer wise recommendations, and optimize workflows.
Organizations must, however, handle moral dilemmas and
strike a balance between automation and human involvement .


1. Handling scope and change in Agile project


2. Agile project management: review, challenges and

open issues-Reserchgate

3. Agile project management challenge in handling

scope and changes-sciencedirect

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