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China is largely dependent on oil imports from middle east via sea routes. Various choke points seriously effects the
trade particularly Strait of Malaka. Provision of security to the sea lines of communication (SLOCs) has emerged as a
major challenge for China in the Indo-Pacific region. Presence of US presence in the region alongside strait of Malaka
being a comparatively longer route posses a serious challenge for China in particular.

The core objective of this thesis is to evaluate the emerging Indo-US Naval existence in the Indo-Pacific region. The
presence of Indo-US naval power in the Indo-pacific is a potent threat to Chinese shipping and it would also effect
China’s strategic interest in Gwadar port. A qualitative research technique is applied in order to better comprehend this
social phenomena. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the connection that has grown between the United States
and India in the Indo-Pacific area and the strategic importance of Gwadar Port since the turn of the century, as well as
the reasons for their construction of a quad-alliance in this region. The conclusion of this thesis, that china needs the
best alternate route in regards to Strait of Malacca and that is Gwadar port situated in Pakistan. China’s trading through
Gwadar port is not only a riskless route but more shorter than Strait of Malacca.

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